Milverton Sun, 8 Feb 1900, p. 4

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THE FOUNDERED — CALLEON ao WEATHY) PREY Cn CURSNEY AND = ALICIS MUNRO. Z PEL ia. WR ‘The furniture of the cham seaman’s chest, made of oak and baa with rope beckets at the ends. The li ef this chest was locked, but = ore ‘Kick from Guthrie sent it flying o} Dolly and he at once began to aver elise’ id the fit thing they as tinking oo ‘which the ay prinoned to be silv bie sat = with aknite ‘scratch. it palpi te pew Then Dolly found two gray platter: rely these ang be ie ig them on the box she quickly settled the question. ic neat ii hav (ta corner and turned to the rifling of iene chest again. Further research discovered a truly a hoo! ss shoe buckles of difiseent gators? ear Shee Pints ee nee- die; a ralne! a other item was af Se Tila ammered up into the for: pane! and ted toa yellow paper ee bore “hoi inscription ‘Mem: too iaye yat Iubberlie prieste wit ahs jnexte time and soe settel hys Mewucee did Be mean by that?” ied a voly 4 in wond ‘As I read it,” Prpilet the ee matt bit of hammered a ertainly fapesitions too. This bit of gold wasmeant to bo used a bi the nee de- scendant “What a bloodthirsty old ruf- Gan!" “Tm afraid he was,” agreed her €ompanion. ‘I congratulate you upon your see Miss Colepepper. He geom ve been a Shoroughly pl pleas: ant and eae minded sort of pi Colepepper accepted fa een gratulation with a laugh, and, 1 he did not say as much, it ‘that the thought of having owned such ain en, there penis ue ses him as a decided mnie: The t explorers spent an hour in romunaging throngh Seaeavectot daa g its rude furniture ‘asing the most Inrid pigments in their “tet a better gi gested eter way. whi Bie way oF “Don < replied ‘the under . “And by fi the graduat ar ae hia is “We' bit au got to find Be but if at ae id his shore quai ere d some ah of getting me Gree there’s a secret door in one dere gia the girl “Yen bral ably there masiasm into ee though, Seth the ave gale sake, he tri it anoth 1B, sh ie sige Prakasa hig- ing, den doormat but in vi Mer “he only spot wi the was utterly ieee oiies “Dolly,” ee the undergraduate are beginnin i Se at had an idea. care 4 had ween at the ma | ural misgi “I'm with you hi fo climb up throngh that and see where ai ily the table was dra; the floor and one of se Bae legged stools placed on the top of it. climbed up and beat on ‘the hatch with his hia mpurned pa Im. ‘above. Dolly Maa him another ori ane ba eae oaken stools, and with this ered at the hatch savagel; AM A sepia ieee cite oor of wood rose and wrenched it aig aa hth fingers round the ‘imself u) built at the bottom of a regular Far away above the young man could wooden lad- er adage anes top. they ment w! inging frend oe ied Day 's Voice from be- x eae hesitated. Conld they reach that ladder? No; the ene He rocky wall above him were guite smooth; there Pras nota single ay or fissure for a footho! re atm coming down again, Dolly!” “ ce to the anxiously waiting girl CHAPTER Xv. eine 6 JAIL. Dolly took the bad news quietly enough. ate heard what Guthrie had remarked. philosophically that fe goat not be helped. They must just discover ae other way out. “There's no earthly use in our staying here any poh eee ott id “We've disc @ you had your last jarned the under- “About eight care i 't it?” Wel, that’s longer cies a m ores ‘Therefore I’m develop- ing a Sie unladylike appetite, Then fore I mean to return to the Ei J satisfy rievatara appetite. Tae to put the situation tersely, I mean to leave Na ck’s snuggery immediately. pie Mi the others will contrive to te, We're, missing, and they'll root up helt the island sooner than not ly sat on the edge of aha bible and 7 A she said quietly, “you Seis ak WeULeAIAn eine ies woe mi ies elie Ge doing £0 if Bee nae up about a month to That was the fate, remember, which we agreed would probably overtake the members of the Pry family, who poked their noses in “Oh, Dolly,”’ broke out the under- graduate with a sudden ural of self re- proach, ‘what an idiot I was to let you < into this scrape at all! The girl laughed esi a. gayety which was quite genuine, ‘‘As if,”’ she exclaimed with a fine scorn, ‘as if you He anything to do with it! I like that. in to imply, M: anted t bee t you know that Pol hale sale are always Sbtesaar ‘i “Your hair’ auburn, Dolly!” said the young sate “That's a mere quibble. Besides, au- any’ a ancestral cabin with the smallest ble delay. Guthrie looked at the girl admiring. _ ‘his own perfect aly a in that, Dolly,’ he r “Tell me what todo, and On TO the floor fe. the dusty den, set about th ag ae which the low which guarded it sloped outward. Olas the First's tigate haa of thesea chest, and, eps ily drumming his foot perinst its side, wail ited for eee Bute wereet pleasant. Tom sels ‘mt ep ay a what starva- tion was like, one armed*man had tried it, pis: years ago, in ai bo: 't was the solitary subject cruise his generally tor- Did iuteliizence waliateien, aan ats iis that he then told was not ay Guthrie remembered something of whale the man had said and shuddered a got glued tight somehow and refused to move either i or d lepepper let herself down ent the mentee end stood beside , Alan,” she said cheerfully, “if you are quite ready, we may as in preparing to go Without tur cried Guthrie, unable to believe that he had heard her rightly. ‘‘Lsnid that we might start getting ready to move ketchwar peat Dolly. ‘But, of course, if finished admiring old Nick’s sanc- tum “Do you actually mean to sy gas found a way out” he interrupted “Of course I havel’’ the girl answer- a gagly, “Didn't Teay wae stay Brace lor 2? Didn’t I tell you I was getting abominably hungry? ae look rope made of Shoes ancient a weight at that eee Madera our contract! There, you've rum re up all my hair!” “You're the cleverest girl in all crea- ae cried the young man en siastical ‘a I relly asked Dally with a “Well, we'll take fist foresttled. And now, in the lan gauge of the doctor. ‘Dry up. and get to worl Age tad rendered Nicholas the First’s bedelothes ogee brittle, and the manufacture of a rope was a work of ime. The sheets were found to serve the purpose best, for they were of linen. laited nine strand cor done the rope was still too short they had to make out the rest with Binet aa these were by no mea: 80 satistac atl nae sencent length wa and 1 itch did eak. Gutlnie thought eaat it wont it. © were by no means ont of the wood yet, for to shy th ai with its dangling burden of a ey heat cae the dust he was somewhat ee au Pistol vatt ee on one o! and ae the = rosetg i p laailer rungs. deal of “tuaneoverog sh pone 9 it cor be p to to slip down on the. wee aide But by cautiously “snaking” the bight pet: stevaen both ends of the rope to- ited soe minute to recover his ae and progress to ly, ys ae feat below. Art ou climb,” said thrie helped her through cw 1 if e asked, looking dal at sa adel on which so pope me fa" up Gut tar | iyuayw sie SEE Ie lessly and then ladder moved. Its in- ing tilted up. Guthrie let go of the rope and leaned back axainst the rocky side of the well ‘a good idea, Dolly,” said he nee ister a little, ‘‘but my beastly raised her knees and Ldn herself a foot farther up the pn apsledovery thing Feehan thon; with a thin, un- sot finacs Bi “atter a couple of | days without grub, I may be just about light enough.’ “Hm!” commented Dally admire the prospect of t starvation. I’ve had “T don’t jays’ more ae saough et 1 is plumper since then, ats the doctor ut it only yesterday. | However, we will soon see. She grasped the rope and atime | raised Tereelt "up by it. The ladder bore out a mo cee “But, Doll Boer Spies Gunner Alfred Bendnall of the eld artillery, in a letter from Orange River, yy pile says: ost painful thing I have seen tenced to He eat sat ie i Door fellow is Heth march and when La er hal Be fhsnkral wienwe se Bet into barracks | o—as we shall have a/ i be quite 4 and only ont pene to aos you from the wind a1 Id Geronimo, ves settled down and, poles the watchful eyes of the United States authorities, have be- come at least partially civilized. Old Geronimo Is a great gambler and never misses a chance to bet on a h race.” Only Dend Footpads Wanted. Chief of Police Broder of St. Joseph, fo ki the anand hide that I will pay $100 for Ba Ive robber’s.. We have too them now.”—Kansas City Joulnal Wanted It From the Start. Little Willle—Say, pa, was the earth Spa before man —Yes, my son. bitte Willie—Why was it? —It was probably known that it ane would be the ‘first thing | bea wee when he arrived.—Chicago News. Danger of Too Much Grai: formity With Habits Constitution — Bulky Food Necessary. Sheep are not robust animals. On cs ‘Ol habits AY, constitution, says The Sheep Breeder, This is most applicable to their feeding. They are r ally adapted, as to their teeth and digestive 1s the best possible dry, coarse feeding for the winter. Ewes may be kept in the best condition on this feed without grain. The addition of some grain lat- er, when the lambs are to be thought of, will be necessary, ue only a moder- ate ration need be give heep are naturally herbvonoa ae mischief is frequently crowding them v mals do not need a large sto a series ee Rpett for the gt derstanding of this natural condition and requirement. tial to a herbivoro animal Sometimes, for instance, co~s | have been fed a whole winter on finely | ground one without any coarse | food whatever, even hay. The result bas we that rumination not being re- quired for the due maceration of the foo} a this function was whol moe wi -e pmaecred doubtless, and this might have been useful in er of shortage of coarse fodder, kut nev- er Hiete of any person but the discoyv- new method of feeding in the winter who tried the experiment. This is a typical instance of ae Te 8. ral font Ge ie of any race of ant which bas been in existence for in: Hence the winter feeding should be spare of grain except for the fai ene os and fattening any ant 1 is | mal balance ot “at ness is a tru t the est kind of ee will fhe pe which overeroveing them with upnatui tions of grain. Of course it is under- stood thee this applies to the flock in its ordinary condition, as ewes kept for the increase of the flock and not for fattening for the market. Ideal hee a It is something o! estion 10" e ideal ene nae ‘ed het! d run them mrccat inter on just suffi sh ec unGhd liphiet_penstble ration o8 = re Baby Mui * Stafiordsh: ‘tie Boers have no great cities BOERS HVERETRED SUI fmt Work From Army to Army in Cape Colony, and Gen. French Ys Now at Cape Town With Lord Roberts—British Infantry te Be In- eased—Freuch Said to Have Cap- eers—The Colonials En- raged. London, Feb. 8, — (2.1 Ix Methuen’s jie the Base? Lord Kitchener has been travelling from army to army in Northern Cape ase from which . Numerous ms ‘warehou built and the railway bridge is well advan Will Kimberiey a Relievea? German seats assert that the topography rst ar incident of the invas- ntry to He Increased. It is eth that the War Office in- tends to increase the regular army by fifteen peer icee of infantry, v4 these existing regiments. war, The cost war to = end -of the fiscal year, March 81, is estima: ed_at £30,000,000. e See ‘f Comm granted £10,01 says the asked for. ‘ons has already 10,000, and The Times ile £20,000,000 will be ‘This True? Despatches from Sout! at. ire 00 Boers, Where and when not being® ence MAFEKING ON JAN. 17. Siege Rations of ur nd Meat Have (aly New Beow ituforced, oe rationa ed te troopers, if needed. yee dy Sarah Wilson Pinsky: 4 attending the hospital ae and constantly passing to and under shell fire. A Garibaldi Offers Ricciotti Garibal- ian mae teers in South Afric: PLUMER’S SCOUTS BLUNDERED. breve Dale Kopje, ich Wasa eae we. sane zo Marquez, Feb. The oren: following, Bale: Saneroncs, The 20, received here The Boers replied pesiny fad Mechiatey, aed no inde@ Arriving at eS Dur! ‘eb. 3. The me who Were wounded in tife peblercn on Spion er Gibraltar, Feb. 3 _ ae tran: alonia was at peace! last mene bark bait pany of the. 3rd “Toya “Basiliers for for England, whence i proceed to Cabs. noxe ARMY MUST BE CRUSHED. Wouid Net settle War. nm, Feb. 8. — Mr. ie who devotes his artide in penta the | pat whieh war sou be sas applicable ity of the Boers in this 3 cates: Ba may si aan come ii tact Frith them and participate in the ac- 08 : Sago, pied Thornhill aereeay Biorning. Thereupon, the moun’ » Feb. xia has been tia by thet Bele ant cers leave forthe wae Gt it believed, is on ac- ant of the nomarrival of the Mil! ter, iaratkes at Halifax, spencer, ofc bane Ee, can leave day's Feb, ‘ational | ogee a how aotnts = $94,- ho 9 fore, would have Aun jie fee un- less after @ defeat er army. Morr Army Wuse Ve ¢ rack army, _asely, ‘that in the vicinity of Ladysn ugh bold and “Until the strategieal idea emerges and sels: Ee whole cena there | be no decided t tide,” e Times yes-| Praia Sterk- reiterating the missaries are di and working ughut Basutoland to incite the tribe to tise against the British. A SENSATIUNAL STORY, amered That Lord Koberts Has cod F 90,000 Additional Troop: oats Feb. 3. — Sensati onal ru- 01 chia “orietae the Cabinet hes ebecially dealt’ with | ¥ these matters, ‘The Millia. Ballot yaa makes every unmarried man betw: and 30 years of age liable to serve for five ears. Hay Starts for Pretoria, crenzo Marquet, Feb. 8, — Mr. Adginent S. Hay, the new United States consul at Pretoria, left here Yesterday morning on his way to his Pos’ MAFEKING YET BESIEGED, Roporres Beiter by Ovi. Bie Seems to ve Been Unfounde. Boer outpost Gaberonos. ©: before’ returning to ee For the V. 3 The’ Gazette a ad Cor N Shia tase the guns at the battle of Cole Yeomanry a ee pyhondon, Feb. 8—Yesterday morn sag cae Guards’ Barracks, Regent Park, the Prince of Wales in- spected another London Fri CANADIANS AT WORK. ness ma to be the Chasing Oubor Kakeld Belmont, South Africa, Feb Qlontreal Star Caalo. eb. 8. — ual fight after ee cou the sortie, but was not needed. Shania my — The Minister = Sir Al fantry fred Milner overnor eS. ee éotony,| Co., ‘Thi such shape at the ee vot ree it halt a ‘The Patriotic see Ottawa, mmittee has arranged 12 and Bloemfontein are sa anol Ox fe, like Paris | i occupy them, ae, 2 by and P: is the plan of gover cai "unauaediy the functions ied a county in once, and a beginning on ee foarte frage ior ines, | BRITISH PARLIAM ENT. Mr. Johnston of Belfast bel Lo! 3. to chee Fhe coNines tion, oF Ar. dos. Secret Lively Irish Episode. During the « ceedii pagel ehlivaned asking questions regarding mle Among o1 be : o Johns baat for South, ae promptly inter; ; “Because they els, aie used Mr. John Dillon, wat Nuttopatie: to exclaim; “Irish rebel: Aberdeen, fiad severely eens Government for “pro wen” Mer Goong: First Lord of the Admiralty, feeaures ssage From Mafeking. as about adjourn- q oe Ballou read a tel re to aaa ea , Majesty’ Ss BU- riaay 1a this t French Shore Problem. le Secretary of State for the Col- onies, Mr. mberlain, answer- ing an as in the House of Com- mons yesterday, regarding the New- foundland shore problem, said ne; tiations, with France were proceeding at present Sir Edward Grey’s utterances have ge it ere of tis _peppaiions to secure the withdraw endment. hould, Tiare this, neki be attains ed, it is expected that Be soe will im any event, ‘end early next ‘The Queen Much Touched. m last ae in House of Commons by Mr. Balfour. fa| PHILIPPINES HOME RULE. The U.S. Commissioners Report in Favor of Natives Having Control in Their ington, Feb. 8. — The Presi- Con- rst volume of the Feport ot th a ee Commissi: if 264 pages, inelualiagy “ine suber eat eee igned by Brot. Schurmai ment! vaaniiesa Dewey, Col. D ‘The pete eek dealt with e constitutions proposed them, sete with the’ conclus- suggested by the The Plan Proposed. oe: announces it~ ve s to enjoy substan- fatty the rights and nes a territory. aa cba vested with ‘eohtantaliy ory; this system might be apalied t vies Talands’” at might be made ———_—___ JUDGE SENKLER Is DEAD. innipeg to fe etait Will be Buried in St, Catharin e weeks, and was removed to pe eepital on See last. ‘The s will to Ont. ‘for interment course of, the day's pro~ the sesion by AN UNKNOWN K KINDNESS, For Which He pectes to! ‘Be pikes ally Reward said the eo cousin sl his “that I “I know,” haughty millionaire relative, have no élai in upon you except i titute condition e asked you to ad- ears. Of course you are within your right to refuse. Yet I cannot bu’ with what glad- quest with such sym; pathy) even aed I could not aay that in the same circum- stances I we “What jphinx take seat. Favor! “It ae de know to this day that i aia t tt fe tt I now except that I cannot but recall your instantaneous, stony refusal ‘ot the first request I ever made of you and despite myself think of the unbes- ‘itating way “a Dose ie complied with the only “Don’t aus rae hay with this In- cay! oe check here and now for you rr fol "Chari It Is not the hope of reward that leads me to speak of my consid- artion to your petition. I have never bi send one.”—New York World. Foxy “Yes, George. 22 iat very alathaettyr said in your sleep, ‘Is Now, what did you m my auntie? pe dear old lady brought me up, you “Oh, you satin bi hearted boy?”— Cleveland Plain Dealer. night Philosophy. Mrs. gquills-Qn ick! Quick! Wake fae “a bard sak “ane would make the | iS THE SERVICES CANADA HAt DERED FULLY APPABCIATED. rominent Brockville Business Mam “var a se to the Good dain of ry tution in Engla: (From os Brockville Recorder. ) be mentioned ay ne Sore said that if, ne D pills e1 as ie ‘ast had ze under his notin, he was not mentioned it to you before, opr would that the bi mend limb, an it the head ed to one sid ed in that posi oh x mother that I thought its earthly death would be a relief not Fea, = the child, to was the condition’ pos the ome oat iy 't for Canada. up! I believe there are burglars down and see. (sleepily) — We but the cat —Hark! There! I know there oe Dorglars down stairs. s& uate ell—er—it you a they are there it’s no use going down to find out.—New York Week! Nonsense! of Exper! “Pact George Macdoexta ae what money can do to console a man with a headache” buy a sel fit Gives Plain Dealer. And George Said “Yes.” Mand Seon) want to ask youa Ansan) Geol ge (also eameaily}—What is it, diesel o never met Bee would yor me just Impurities in the Blood.—When the ac- tion of the kidneys becomes impaii impurities in the biood res re is derangement. of chy organs. As a restorative these pills are in tHe first rank, sq 4,700 feet in height. MILLER’: COMPOUND TRON PILLg increase the power of assimilation, thus g Weight and strength. Partiality of Santa Claus. Reco! only city that ante ae new river as a Christmas pre: Winard’s Liniment for sale everywhere, left f the sum- mer tee made ated trip te. d and to my amazement whem Tented my friend Ledger I found Lilly as bright and active a child HB se) one would find anywhere, with Intely no trace of the oa a ad made her a helpless before. th can't tr some of Gofilleate ene the first. te» the child that night. Ine few days ee saw they were helping her, and ths time there Mand (still earnestly)—If. i oe ibe a child in the Ge keran Sapir ae aan Nl oy brighter healthier or more activa. hav | teal to baat no rood” An Admirer of Garrick. vid Qs collection, of Genin, eae in the world.

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