Milverton Sun, 22 Feb 1900, p. 3

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The Milverton Sun - -THORSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1900. . _I is with deep regret that thousands the Irish party. is only a few years since Mr, Blake severed his con- nection with the Liberal parry of Canada because he thought their policy tended to. British connection. . __hardly consistent. _ Mr. Blake * Alchough the better class oft people |°"* in the United States are in sympathy with Britain in, this war, such ex- pressions as the fellowing-fall frequent. ly from the lips of scavenger politicians and Democratic: lickspittles : “‘ I hope hae this war will raise- the price of crape in London,” “If Buller enters Pretoria: Ii hope- that it-will be be ‘tween Boer guards,” ‘“When., Buller eats his Christmas dinner in Pretoria ‘may it be in jail.” NOTES ON.THE WAR, ,, » General French,, who... relieved Kimberley, has not yet met , with a defeat or.reverse Ls Samet ptncen campaig The Toronto Telegram refers to ‘Hord Roberts’ chief of ¢ staff, Tejon = perhaps the greatest living exponent the hard mathematies of, modern warfare. Colonel Baden-Powell) hie perepe Mafeking clear of all traitors Suspects. He has 40 ee auatup ‘in strong quarters thus. leaviag: no possible chance for hee enemy, tw... get important information. . Gen, Riocioti Garibaldi. son, of tha! famous Itali: has. offered to patriot, p command for the British Government, acorps of Italian volunteers in, South Africa, as an acknowledgment of, ser- vices rendered by the British , when -Thaly was struggling for independence. |, ‘As further evidence of pro-British sen- of the Nuova Antologia, « paper. pub- lished in Rome, suggests ‘that Thaly regulacs ‘stationed at those ‘The genius of Roberts.and Kitchengr would.count for. little if they had ; tal “operate over a country sasfavorable to! ¢. Buprs as. the terrain... which rises tetween Buller and Ladysmith. ane Sees “of the great enginee! ble costly feature of the paper’ es u ¥ a <q {its competitors onanany important oc- € é stain Prowat.and Future... SPEECH BY roan, imei The other day Lord:, Bosel de- - livered ao able speech .at Aine England, on Great. Britain's and future, Hilo thurough fyi lepen ~ bas than any other person, Saiih NEORE Bene is more popular with. el) classes; Somehow. he Cee says thor right "thing, at the hs in, interests, the. : Bri. oie is: setting, and. setting forever, J yet ee country, -esent | cel a more disastroys.. The venture to predict, will te recovel without much difficulty. What we have to do is to set ourselves, with as. little loss as may recover all that prestige. ed, if we set ourselves earnestly to do the work of recovering the reputation which undoubtedly we have lost bys! our military beeconiaogt South Africa, shall be infinitely more powerful, infinively stronger, finfini itely more formidable than at any previous time of our history. “This country has two supreme ssets toa degree which no other country in the world possessex; there- fore I venture to use the word They are our Navy and drift away from| Por thers, and therefore I will not say it; T will only say it is-solid, visible and tangible—I mean;the character of our people, I think that many of us of late years, in watching the march of fas fexr that the-nation might be wiring oo fatty degeneration of the hear that the nation-might prove itself un. werthy of its high destiny; thatit had hadstoo easy a time, and that it. re- juired to be braced up and tested by adversity, We have been braced au ted by adversity, I ventur thiukethat if that week which e with the battle of the Tugela had bee passed in some countries and some peoples it would have euded— perhaps nwt in revolution, though not impossibly in that quie et, such actin jon, might have been visible. I, for my art, was never so proud of my conntry asat cho-end of that week. was a passionate resolve to pour assist the country i our, think, they have not got- to the bot- of Old England; ee ‘@eslooked sheer) The strides whic The Toronto Daily Star ww making are .the f ce if sempeperdon fo in Cunnga. eeks it Shas, been. pub in oe Front ba of city:.da nilies... Tt has away fram the. Toronto tradition seul afternoon papers, and has enlarged its ize and, the OG oh its news so. thas it is now, onan morning. contem Sie ts splendid! special rable service isa es peat with te ment, Pthe chief cities of tke, Dominion war news Tha Syar has for as ONS. Ts correspondanes from: ther Cana diancontingent in, oa Aiica in cludessseme tb inveresting Ietters-that come to wll the peuple of this Dominion of the trials and the gallantry of our so‘diers. noun papers are printed, sy has ne 2 of the unaccountable upon ae peaehaa wid auatitie pages: The Toronto Star takes full advantage of the time of its pubHecae: at four centres,.as well as the local exchanges. Thee. reports are published Biten | hours ahead of.the morning pape Tushas lstely-engaged one of Sieh d ig cards inthe newspaper busi- ness in the, person of Sam Hunter, the Cartoonist, who went over this week Star, shore froot page eee | ‘When the war is finish-| Magne, ¥ ef among. tions of betrayal and treachery against | Ht their ebiefs, that the end of the natien | ¢; ssio Pr out the last shilling Be ae last man | Dr Be atever foi nations es L Ordered Glothing 1 "| Boston, and Washington ithas its own ic | Pesidentscorrespondents, ax weil us iv deed at ee Kal wet ilkeae BA. Tne: aes - id o’cloe! Bk Bor Bones Cn Game A Davi B.A., ‘and 7 el Wharsd e evenings at 7 (Zien church, Wellesley Tp. at 3 p. Divi we ere at ‘Bima “ ‘id Anderson, ayer meeting 01 cae at lay evenings eee Lorneran Cuvrca—Rev. Sats B. A., pastor. Sabbath Beet at COMMERCIAL. Mitvextos Febraary 22, Fall wheat per bush. 8 1) Spring wheat,. per bush. wh fm 1900, 64 Torkeys per pound pound Side Shoulder per pound ard Si % Fall Whe: Spriég Whoa Barley e vue we ee ie oe ie i ie ie oe oie le is le oe ie oe ole “le ie le is oe ie oie ie oie oe ie vl i i ie i ie ie oe ie le le le HEHE HEHE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HEHE MERE HE HE IE EEE FE RE HE ETE TEE TE TE ETE FETE REE MERE IE ENS . ie ie i ie ole oe ie ie ERE RENE RE HE TERE New Prints New Dress Goods eee “ee eee ee TERE RE RE HERE FE IE RE RE IE IE New Shirtings New Cottonades New Linings New Flanets Ribbons Sateens WE RE FE EEE HE EEE ES New HEHEHE ie ate ole le le ie oe HET NEE EE EE IE, New ee ee ee ie Central Store le ee ee le TERETE IE TEE ba BURTON, THE TAILOR Has decided to have an- FREE GIFTS IN SILVERWARE Given Away to. Four Customers : Free Gratis. other annua’ Clearing Sale of all winter stock of and Gents’ Furnishings At Wholesale Cost to clear for spring goods. + CALL #® Next door to Postoffice. MitverTon. THIS SPECIALLY INTERESTS YOU ! Beeause we will present you with Elegant and Costly Silverware, absolutely Free Gratis, and without a cent of expense to you, if you purchase your Boots, Shaes, Rubbers and Trunks From us.fer CASH Come in and we will explain to you how we do it. Yours truly, J..G. GROSCH & SON WAR NEWS: Great: Slaughter ; Xmas Goods FOR 30 DAYS: Pa mre E. KNECHTEL, oe ‘Merchant Tailor Will s Goods at a reduced i all winter os ‘order to make’ room for the oe wee ee: cen * eleared only $68 in 1899, The ‘Milverton Sun THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22 1900. GENERAL NEWS.’ CULLED- FROM ALL SOURCES. Leamington is to haye -a $10,000 hotel. Dr, McLay is now medical health officer of Woodsto The Ontario Geanne ie year shdws a surplus of $386,074.14, The Southern Fair of Brantford The Barrio fund now amonnts to over $122,000: The American glue trust hax de- cided to wake Berlin its headquarters. ‘The-estimated cost of the proposed new Preshytenian Church in ‘THe ville is $7,000. ‘The Federal Government will pay the highest union rate for composition in all government printing. Several Stratford boys were befor the beak last week for tarrunnting au Ttalian citizen of that town. Five applications ss divorce will come before parliament during the present session, ‘At a recent stamp sale ins Bondon a Cunada 12 penny black, unused, sold for £101. oeneens deelers are said to have 00'eggs on hand—over half THE c’s THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN RHEU-|: MATIC CURE ushers it in —the days of suffering from this re-|; lentless disease m all its phases need | not be prolonged. THIS POWERFUL SPECIFIC wins daily en- It gives|t perfect relief in 6 hours. Be drive out the causes— We 8) oe ES the w: na oie to perfect health. way | oj a whether 2 ins its milder forms) or in i forms, can really have shy correc ception of the excruciating agony comes to the sufferer from Rheumatism. Gniy those who have been its vietinite comiums forts splendid work in dispelling pain. tul and poet that} those who have to be an@ have been cured by that most power- j specific rican Rhel dissolving and’ xposure collect in the joints and muscles. inflammation oft-times been so unfortunate as caugut in its meshes. South American Rheumatic Cure ix for Rheumatism and Neuralgia in SOLD BY JAS. its forms, It is not an om nti e best und most potent ingr om as bein, —— The: fopalle the’ onteome of ears of study on tacoma it eae its iors :fta Sauhon aod pedis medy of modern times apiendid testimory,- the thankful word: the encouragement’ efd faith shown in it cases will yanish, and in Fe “eel “neuralgic forms of Rheumatism. Words canoot too strongly express i ie t South At ron of fet ny " haps pain — ring there'll bes joyous aud last- nes that are) te Ind tie PARSE EN Teo OPS S Krein Bieamate cess hens Mic Legions siate the ldselag it ThE feeved to mane}, kind. in relieving pain, eradicating from the system all ‘the foreiga’) n Sound, vise that time I Ss I tool ss, Teter ican oe pain had all Teontinued until Thad wsed threg tratior debility. by the hundreds and’hundreds who have | und hanes up ane! over their ewh signusures told how it has Sy “thrown away*the cratches”—t TORRANCE. 52;000, the visible supply of the United States Ra Canadian Government. is being acked to erect a Canadian building at the Pan-American Exhibition next year. Ww F. Green, of Troy, N. J ebeieetaitfi healing: ie in ia oh le had under “treatment” for heart trouble. Sir William Meredith will in oll Peslirood be eles tee chancellor of onto University, in the stead te Mr Eedwand Blake, resigned. mont! hat the Philippines eleven Mr, Toekhard®, was: a 5 BE "Packet preseident of the pack Tobacco Co, died nv lis home of pneumonia: Boys met at the Palmer ‘on Monday evenin ations for tanking w decent on the 31 Town of Walkerton next summer in a re unton, Treland still seems to retain source from which the British Empire mast draw her supply of big policeusen and able geuerals. Mr. ©. W. Cryderman, councillor, of Walkerton, was unseated on Satur. day, mininly through the efforts 0 Patrick Hefferman, who opposed him at the last election. A fatal becraent &. T. R. between C: town on Sunday night. was standing on'a high car while occurred on lying dead on the top of the Mr. Otto Jung, ne of a Ar: peed hotel, Tavistoek, and former!: f the Albion, Stratford, has sold’ out samuel Ratzy who| the Tse fis business to Mr. is Mareh. fiis family to Rosthern, miles south of Prince Albert, wilere ie wns a large farm. Mr. Alfred Day, General Secretary of the Essa CS S. Association, i oy to the Execu- to take effect charge of the work off reutirely cured. — edd Michigan Sista Rania} Sebohl neintion. Tater than Ma: Se received word was being supplied in sa «result, wnorning Mr, ‘Tinsley ressiveds!word at nd, “hak been that Holland &: Bier, Jumberman Sou: venison-iartheii CURE THOME TeLy PIMPLES: By Using Dr. “Agnew’s SOiotmene- Au! Form of Eczema Helped: at Once Cured Bventnally by ne in blemish caused by alt nets and in dis®uses eollEat oe sani as by | mate oe the oaks of Di ppl see Ora died |® | tion to take place only when an im | aiaaal spraying in April with Oaven’s soci He expects to asswme the duties of his Beimeere office nob ay e chief game warden at. “Torante A un evenison | P he*eltinber |# camps in the tenth and ei idatendiocd and eae to anh timevorn: the be: certain wise wan of West Koute-yated. in giving his expert manoeaers he explained, and, least-of ral a short jall, w in! time i I beli ers he spoke fact, iy was svete by hid diplorane, the ple that the: ed wet ny Valley, B.C, SHneaes things in gener very eae “uhat martest men that ever Gindane Th i vhat hi Ne ni ue d atthe present time was pe of nei z Tt was nothing but annaal In asa mennce. @° Bri tials had novother' alternative ee s, aie the repurts" Uncle Sam and Bismarck. ” were praotieally untrue, especially 1» ussia, in conjunetion with every few Lord ing o outstandisy. claims, - or in- tottering imany 9 seven 5. impor $107,823,088, % gain of sistas Exports amounted to $119,830,754, an an advance of $13,300,519. re) the month of January alone the imports have increased $3,630,432, he exports by Se 500 747. The government. of Deva: Hye reached what it believes to be solution of the San Tae tale probe In future the TERETE to pails will be nitty rather than destructive. system of spraying is tu be adopted and déstrae- perative nece The owner ay at case be~ compensated only ot Ped more seit ‘an i in the pasts’ E. vrris, Fonthill recomesends whale oil soup or raw fruit. petroleum: Such a course would save any. tree,-al: eat ivs vitality might he impaired by the scale, The government has EES Seal ONE OF THOYSANDS, sale Lilptios, 2 Gladatone Ave., Tor ted acute” catarth throagh Sacccpiee taseant rete le when ahe Pad used four, bottles a8 ald hy arn Eerie, ‘The Bear’s shadow. gehen Feb. 19.—-What is known in ore Britain as the Central Asian ce more ubscures the pacific in P uy th ine: news shows that in apie ot. denials Russia has advanced a. strong: fore riking distance of Hernt, Py ; ishinests whether she inter tsthixas a distine merelyeas w bline wo draw ol attenti from, or ultimately axsixt® ans obje rsian Gol rely a matter e neal and press Ae tp with a sharp » | weather,-and Mr: | roads in Salih es sey spent $27,060 in Canada with alae Ww defin- From demonsvration against Afghanistan, er |) ‘Yr 3 from, sue éndeal Asia, pete? in- week there came Be information sho’ ambassaelor had, . misled Lord Saini, and Be fre office on’ Wednesday lass had be ation that the Central He te immediate | at- tention®. OFF FO) ADA Detroit News: “The present winter has been the worst for lumbering op- e lumbermen in. the snow enongh to ae roads and put. in the logs. eeks ago we bad a good “fall ce snow and soni rebar were just eevee ne feu the rain cam? on, ae owe k that we had done was ae Jed. Ht' is a safe estimate to’say that ab'lenst 25 per cet of all therlogs of we sea- son's cut will be left ia the wi g dealers to take place ee oce aly will not materialize, especially there is no prospect the tariff situation. looking for any change sicesn a a long ane to come, and Lean na n big concerns’ es HEAD OFFIC! In the way of Irish bulls, I. never heard anything better’'than the stor} ce in South aie »| of the Irish soldier itr the: es ission, eae y ‘vaste time with in- complete books? Prospectus free. ‘THE LINSCOTT PUBLISHING £0. Si—Christian Endeavor, Ep- YP, U, membe who Asie to todo good rs te this wonderful book. BRADLEY.GARRE TSON CO., Limited, RANSFORD, ONT, rentss=Mr. Moody, ditinguiee Wreacler of the century, ead. Ever Christian woute precord ofthis ree ar THE LINSCOTT PUBLISHING CO., _ ‘Toront “| agents ae have the: arc, #3 of the avgelist, Larg hook, liberally ilustrated- ectus free, BRADLEY -GARRETSN™CO., Lived antford. Great Seller THE. DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ronto. he: te | battle, to whom a'woun: Se and'started off with him to the field hospital with ‘the sheil creaming rownd him. One of ca laocaway the wounded | man’ - | Presently an officer stopped — the Ii ety} have been in busifiess clergy. | Yeare: and never took gach ss prize for bread. WHY? The public ce this “now | my. caer realize it it. Ask the First ‘prize Ba To Call at your hou: e, Esrasuisnep 1889. 1899 was the best the had. It gained in The year Dominiom ever the year! Tn amovtt assured 23.13 per cent, Codpeuiae adcee at tl Tn Cash Pre'm Le 27.64 per cent. Ts Tnterest Recei x 45 per cent. n Assets 9 per eent. that ae pine aay made. their todo their ing in lag Sd that are actively negotiating to do Company's mill at See and is get on the _nortl 601 ae ‘Cuter mill, on a site t the Cutlers, Northrop Ewen, of | ey I tox’ mill on. John's Islar Bevo in setts are at least ten other? Me east: sted of Mik menacing First of al, a will be well to oy, taken eczema, eS head wee no action has yes) lecid the ish if w their | Gen for kore tp: Wier ie ghar saietet displ Pinly” ‘For instance,: ae a Hall: of Detroit, has bought the Miner Luinber: Cc City, have Aig the ict, bai wit we Its interest receipts ed more than paid eH death losses from the be TE alae : Sepa seth branches for es and Wome Ana in. n forge January Ist, 190 Nel $3, Behe J. F. Marrs, Sup’t. of Agencies, County Fair aie s ee 8 'e do not have dicahenenel T intelligence of a country “re nd tor ol a our reputat cane ‘THos. Hiaiied ate ego stor. |” @ bougut another big plants at Col-|

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