(berg who do not recive ther feenaiy © el pleasu uotity tus at once, > Apply abthis office for ddvertisiog tates. 4 THE MILVERTON SUN. THURSJAY, MARCH 1, 1900 ARTIFICIAL BROODING. Do not heap up exes sin the incnba- Zonk ot fo the rats in the brood- ‘ing bh ood. th the chicks « little atia time, _ but often ‘The warm sunshine puts life into the chicks. Never run the brooder heat over 90 legrees. i Always feed before watering ehicks. ‘Too much glass in the brooder is a mit - ey evenly trimmed wick’ gives the faa Daeg all feed after the chicks ym. satisfied. wes crowd a prooder to its adver- tised capacity. ~ No machine can make a good hatch from poor eggs. f Even temperature in incubator room is imperative. The moisture question is being successfully handled. tamper with the machin “\ Never allow more ‘hen one person sone! ie are the ict ay gents i we om. SCS Re Lp RCM from a happy home yan" foreed ter be- | New insurances issued during 1899. . “tere never was, ana never will be, ‘Ex e remedy, Wi when whieey nee yacmulared, ‘courses through- Gut the veins, streugtheing the healthy animal fonctions of the given muperiot Quinine Wine ate sed, ea search for’ it with what you The highest peaks catch the iat ine - and the last sunsiii 4 God’ cahnot help the ies cae does not feel the néed of His he Tearing up = eva ia fing, e dan; only increases #1 ‘The secret of Sey is the ance that the Ruler of desires our happiness. A DIABETES CURE Michael Hallern, of of St. Thomas, Cured by Dedd’s Kid- ney Pills, assess Wagner. I don’t Suffered With Dinbetes und Backache profess Sas eae much about him, but ar—Was cantviny “to Use | Iam assured on sone authority that he neyer wrote any of time tunes for the sae pianos to St. Thomas, Feb. 19.—Nowhere in | play.”” Ontario are Dodd s Kidney Pills more Si a peeigeei Ly ie staaee yell ae the children healthy. ous for having. first 8 Farther Eviden ; at's Disease: and Dial | ‘There is something, patie all, in a road to safety, for previous to the the idea of opals being unlucky.” Dodd’s Kidney Pills| ‘What new light have you had on iter “Youny Hankinson has a fine opal . ring,. He was wearing it the even- fully sepeean the worth of Dodd’s|ing he proposed to Miss Garling- Kidney Pills. He has good reason to. | horn.’’ He was cured of Diabetes by their use. He admits that but for Dodd’s Kidney Pills he would be in his grave 's Worm Powders occa- “And she refused him?’” “No. She pecepted Bama him.”’ ‘Diabetes is a local disease of the Kidney Pills are iy ae oes assur- the universe Pills are the only medicine that can Bet utand din Feat the kidney’: with any beneficial There are moreover a number of] ory sits a ‘une ears toe oy diseases which are caused by hot be bs all's Caty phCure, Send for ices EY¥ & CO., Toledo, 0. nly Alteruative. The Lady-W hat caused you to be- anent cure for Dropsy, Heart Dyess. Rhortintisnt: Lumubage, Ae atica, er om- drove away come a wauderer. 6 Lad, work er git ont, an’ I) der, — Dutton, will prove that the ms made for Dodd’s Kidney Pill Miller's Worm Powders cure fever in elai: idrens x are re taaitaly (hess The statment reads: j SSIES “T have been troubled for one yeat| Fond Mother — Has Mr. Brown, My back was in the) with whom you have been dancing pain all the time. My| aii ¢ he evening, at last declared his sey “Thank ices What did he say?” “He declared he would never get ied. Tastee) in force at end of 1 HON. G, W. ALLAN. DIR} HON. aa GOWAN, Q,C., 1 D., ie Ge A Plain Declaration. e Moo) ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Head Office: 112-118 King Steet West, TORONTO. For the year ended December 30th, 1899. Dec. 31, 1898 To net Ledger Assets. aes EIPTS. Dee. 30, 1899, To Cash for Premium: To Cash Income on Tuvestments: DISBURSEMENTS. Profits,ete Dee. 80, 1899. By payments for Death Claims By all other payments. Balance net Ledger Assets. mejstipepeeavienctin'e sles. $8,336,710.21 ASSE’! Dec. 30, 1899. By Mortgages, a Debentures travis a 985, “ Stocks a mds fae ve Ine $587,39) « Real Eante, inelnding Company's building, « Loans on Policies, ete. * Loans on Stocks (nearly all “ Cash in Banks and on hand.. nding, ete. pa and Rents, due and accrued... * Market value of Debentures and Stocks over cost $8,565,477,36 LIABILITIES. uni niived Dollars for any | Dec, 80, 1899. To Guarantee Fund. Reserve tain 2, eo'8 51, 507: 35 « Assurance and Annuity * Death Losses awaiting proofs, ete. . 8,041,059.85 Net Surplus. . 24,418.01 The financial usteton ie the Company is unexcelled—its per- ese of net surplus to liabilities exceeds that of any other $ 4,929,140,00 ing the. best previous 5 year by nearly one million, 98 {a +++ -$28,045,408,00 : JOHN L, BLAIKIE. VICE-PRESIDENTS: BOR: SIR FRANK SMITH, K.C.M.@ ROTORS oot GURNEY, ESQ. JOHN N. LAKE, ESQ. Ww. stint Cera, , D.C.L, J, KERR OSBORNE, ESQ. ESQ., Guelp! SHON. SIR WM. 7. MEREDITH, as Justice of Ontario, MANAGING DIRECTOR t ENS McCABE, LL.B., FLA, F:S.S MEDICAL DIRECTOR: . THORBURN, M. D., Edin. Meeting, held or oT BBAN Rina report, show! tion to the Pt MESSRS. ©, C, RICHARDS © 4 tree ae . ly ba “ the latter part of the siphate fate ‘on him freely to dean the pain cen ames use ok th DT yotties he was com id help up a juock with a big. ‘*T’ Gat ae ps aries iuig to etary ruimaiewe Rigin Road, L'Tslet Co., Xiay sain ae. & Hazel. You er Hs is. What does v Not a Showm father drink every night for su) gapior?” Bobby—Are co in the show busi- “Beer!’? shouted Hazel, and she | ness, ee edder 3 a ide) fae teacher 5 smiled. ier. ee eight chil nbaeeeayadice: —Why, no, Bobby; wlat made ‘Phousands Lik a ke a McLeod, | think 60 heard papa ‘tell Kate ‘A new back for sah oe Miller's Kidney Pills and Pla A Phiosopher. Hopewell—I expect to make $20,- out of that deal within six months. Glambird—I eggs before ea ike hatcht “That's sim get any fon nt of Aner gee it's want so much gain. What you to do is to lissouut them.” . Ask for Hinard’s and take no Other, Discriminating, ‘0 1a. “Yes, only two."” *«And which are they?” “Blondes and brunettes. ’” —_— 3 alt. rheam. and all eezematous con- ‘ons of the skin are cured by the of ‘Miller's Compound Iron Pills. esas -rstood. Her Mother—Don’t you ae Jack ‘iscilla? eeler ines rough, Pri Sab mamma, And yet ra. —There ees 10" ada inde he wouldn't gonnt my ae take i k aee she we “oi teigice a8 Fe okacrrener HE She) vo winard’s Liniment In the . qm 15 France is about to raise » loan of — mere WwW ies ean are the best $20,000,000 for public sae Algeria. x children; as nice as Rare Chance. His Own Fault Mrs. Binks—The Pee ‘ays a west-) Foulihan—Clancy is forever, tack- t has never | jing a bigger mon than himself and getting licked ! Cahill—Yis! worst inimy! 1 wonder Clancy is his own ‘New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- Shane. eee ro _—__— “Mz, Smith, do you want me to ee His aes genes Hea dvess?” Mrs. 2g erst they. ae ee ae in the con- tribution box, to-day. I hope you didn't put it there, John? ‘Mr. Crimsonbeak—Me? You ought to know I haven't had a shirt but- ton on a shirt for six weeks! waist, Itell you it’s a dr Sera aa it Merritt—A eee: Why, my dear, “s¢ |'winard’s Linimeut is used by Physicians. it’s a nightmar Co. armouth N.S s. wary last) Francis oyed by, me Sark a ie on 28, found, icon home! where gra d for is es eee through Canad thes mae, crores for. “MeGregor, Banwell e005 Wins MeGregor, Banwell & Co.,Windsor,OPk: my dear, but 14 va ie oe to | in onal ational Strong Flyers rite Menti iS pe vibe i. W 2. Woodbine Club Ouse," boas i Spasms Ea afer 6 a Pinto sari battens, ssa ze ny cit L ‘Eline Sol Arch st, Phliadelphia, USE ULRICH’S ENSILAGE cu aL ELLOW DEN IMPROVED LEAMING BI I ULRICH & SOMS, *P*7\ErTee?: and 1k your dealet for samples and testi testirahata onfals, FRE ‘To the Odorless Creinatory Closet Co ought from esate Gioeeta and well the names of = prominent citizens who are using is Feloset, and am etion we have very flatterng testim: Dr. D. L. sa dhaee "torani, Ont. Dr. McGlang! ._ Bows ville, Ont Dr. M. L. Dizon, #ranieille, ‘erguson, Kemptville, One. * e Pt ote B Rey. John Sonne *Watfor: Bie ier, Mgr. Bank of tie Sie To ‘ope, Se ene Perth. Ont. CHAMPION Samer Exopatatt ata as Gone Behan 8 Sams For MAPLE HE ODORLESS ste AORY CLOSET GO, ‘ugated rea over F fecbo Bah ORIN 260 Cleansing and Cc M Ew ashing Powder. ee .. COST ONLY Now strong Lyc, Sistas ea Lime Bensine or Coal Ol! needed SORGHUM,CIDER & FRUIT JELLIES THE ¢. H. GRIMM. N MFG. 60., TR sr <a Also a Church Dignitary. It is but little known that in addi- being “defender taal the faith’ miata aout AmAROWS CooksHUTT PLOW C0. BEAST! poss, STEELE & BRISTOL, P59 A Chateon MPORTERS OF oer nitary of the church by Txtrsot are | etal, coat a coats SND WIE AN MAMA, OE ‘ARIO B Uuion Sta: 5 | GATHOLIC PRAYER imac prey Einintoeh gate Bee oar re ircvaecammecabes tas ere ES ATS! ae ABSOLUTELY, EREL. wer Wat ‘ siitetiets . od Gime 2 ‘Does the fall of ight have any- MeN sing Mate bea CO ier break of day??? ith the $ WATCH tare, For W ‘Washing Paint, Floors and Auisasis, dad Saiee and ‘Warranted. Golnritea or age an ais ABSOLUTEL ae Pu aes ot SGtten ehiae asec bet Sneed Grade eh ed Shee tr) pustehecone oer ieee paying for 4 DOMINION Pade slit CLUB, For House Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces, and for Macuing conecras. This ponder ares Bi iipercen icon, gets up aatendler nod Tess scree tate use (xo changing of fre-pineos) adie nate, coal Mi, sas safe tp as Tb. oF $100 per ton. if your serene Ss ‘druggist has wot.got above we knowledge of a Canadian officer. Col. SR et 2 ¥ STR CALIFORNIAN ON ROGKS| 2282" Tres sore "ome MMETY CANADIANS MOUNDED 2s i \. Interesting nal i AGiine manic py | River, speaks in the most Sages as Harris, ples Weoster aot Hos) Early on Sunday Morning. Sailed Prom Portlund, Me., at Miduigh saturday Ocean Tug sent to the Re: Many Attempts Were Made Lefoi the Passengers and Crew Were suved With Much Dificulty. Portland, Me. 2 Han Line steanisaip. vessel last | State several miles and came toa farm cal’ seafaring me are of the apinion that, the resks i foe se up his: stock, and ee Places and they| this work three of ubt very much if she can be saved. ae to ee fee et laetiag to bt the imaster of the Californian is Capt. one of the o ere an ant cananie employes of the lin The Cubin Passengers. interme- age passengers, b men. S tawa, and Mr. Browell, B. it is impossible to say the names of the others as aa two lists, one and the real. are ~ only n as the Californian struck As soon bombs were fired, rockets sent up, s and Colored lights pared. the Fock: by. patrol Ss their oe render Be cleats any az Could Not Reach Hei relay, ca lan Line, chartered the| atéy of seventy arm Raaaree sees PVs Maret by ne shooting, ihe Se Si elem eh of # i mer Bae render any as- sible. uch encoun’ te ror that ti was epeivetied to com nae ne to fe vay,| heels, and the stock and other stores ¢] were quickly rounded up and brought ner in which the litetont pitched sae aoe the; desided to te the So, an sate. 5 that the nold jg] om the whole since its ae € 10 pieces ‘ol fresh nes, 4,200. pails of lard, 1,600 boxes f stand from the natives is bates in o this Rese Ae es ie - Denison, who has | hess. and. a large consi nment oats and Ears ‘al car; rue 33 s: 100. The canaries is built of steel, is class Al in Lloyd's epecay 's special rade 2 0 tons. She is ve Sree he is valued e ship i aaving hinder thie Tee island on ee the wave: rein with seabipay titcsrtha lances aaciee Booe ‘Th ongly from mais sapily Le ‘The passengers w: taken off sts morning Minion danger and if t oth the Work of Faihoying the’ nee yy adv Besoennere had rom the is believ ed the vessel Ww iid be badly ancek eau One Family Killea. Hae spe ys oO injuri another, an bruising t other. All were members of Porte: Smith's familv. ner Ee a toa Ta stalely grenceur bold the relns; Bie shee d footiide rb ade No vulgar side glance ever deigna, Ghe sits there haughty ahd alone, a Esquimalt, on ship other in a4 ons for Mont- Ssist- tary manner of the valuable eco: the Path sc re} Prisoners by a edy expects to go forward in a days to join at Mi cone: River with a army and Kimberley. THE ATTACHED OFFICERS. \d gone over into the Free -fighting at onan 3 t Thongh there is scircely a night | rendered by fr Cartwright. at that Big Allan Steamsl.ip Struck| now that the regiment bes not at place. ie - While there T also met Capt. Ken- nedy, es Royal Military College Graduate in the Imperial service, ht,| of the mounted men of the Munster who tee cbarcepur the system of wire- jliers and Corpl. Molyneux, of less telegraphy which will be used at cue—The sea Was Very Heavy ana| Our transport corps had been t: the front in a short time. Capt. Ker rer Methuen’s column T hear th at Lisut.-Col. Drury, pi been attached to one of the cavalry brigades under P n by a couple of | at De Aar, and is snortly to be assign- a ce a in a few moments a/| ed to important duties in connection | London, recruited in “B’ Dr. Ryerson Gives That as Num-| TONS OF HAY, FLOUR 4ND Jam. ber of Non-Fatal Casualties. | pret, waeroet Gipes Wigares oc tame] i oe Purchases In Canada. 5 Montreal, Feb. ene ‘The amount expended for Canadian products by the Imperial War Oflica tor Uke 1 iss m.| 0 1948 First Reporied—Four Cu-| south African’ campaign, including adians Were Wounded in Fighting on flee, will reach in the neighbor- Tuesday—All Strathcona’s Horse at of three-quarters of a million pe aig informacion “was i if. ‘Oficial List of Canadians Killed on Sun- day, 18th Feb.—There Were 18 Instead Ottawa, Feb. 26.—A cable was re- will be used | etween ica Metuuen’s | ceived by ‘the ia ee euent Ae ter, eennaay, pune that the sone se trioa were wounded. 0 a Pte. oe Boson "Holland. te, HH € Pu - Bowing ‘e2nd St. Jon Bie, A. PeNces eardceieera dome fy of the hay, the, comed: beef end Battalion, : ime It Has Hannened. Adams In Sate. Pte: “Adama. of enol THE Battalion, mpany, A Shell in the Kitchen of the 18th Hussars. . Gatacre’ | rest thy if eet the bullets coming dangerously few shots from our men, He owever, quickly put the party to its Belmont, Cape Colony, Febraat ae Marshal Lord Roberts of eae into oak oy than fifteen TO) ‘P shows that the 6 enemy are not far aves | and may attack us at any moment. ARS Be BO ake REGI- ai ve occurred not m m2. } Africa has heon remarkably good, considering the tremendous climatic . to Lord Roberts. ell. have been of tonsilitis, which Lunder- W. Richmond Smith. night ont in the open on guard and’ picket duty/ I went through the hos- | lion at Quebec an wel yesterday with Surgeon-! Major until the pect time, rl Maen the ison. selection for so distinguished a pos iton is a subject for congratulation among his numerous friends. in Can death rate in a regiment of over thousand, subjected all the time to) teenth centuries were di Biscuits for Dyapeptics, Pat oue pint of coarse graham. flour a|and half a pint of sifted cormmeal in fa bowl; add a er emate of salt; SIR RICHARDS’ SON. Whil le down in Oran: rations it is impossible to get any- thing to eat at Belmont, I met Major. port. 3 Bott Boe with the “inpera | officers. When he arrived at Orange} in nee oven. The more crusty nn iver a few days before the regiment | | biscuits the better, so only pour passed through that place there was cuongh batter to make a thin biscuit but a single railway siding, and the! oF a large, fiat cake. Water may be used instead of milk for mixing. Apple Meringue, core and slice the 1 ates: foi pour this over the apples anc & moderate oven from 30 to 85 utes. sup- : plies can now be bronght in and takon | Whites of the eggs out 0 nge River withoat the slightest’ delay And all this is due eats Boers came in, with railway constenction, either un-| ein the grea hee who was. reported missing etter he engagement at Peardeberg | ott the 18th instant, has since turned up for aug Ninety Canadians Wounded. Dr. €. A, Hodgetts, honorary secretary of the ie nadian, ae oft a foe A eit vas tinted Or range silver néteen Canadians kill- et; unded.”” ‘This no doubt ee the ola Caladiag casual: | jada, where space means. so my Cari elangs to Woodstick. Golthal cporeee The Gericen J. Smith Jongs to the 22nd Oxford Rifles, and | lived at Woodstock. The former re- | ports aa R. Smith of naar FROZEN TO DEATH. a pa Gardeuer Meets a Sad Fate ar Buffalo, N.¥.—Fatal Explosion ue Platteville, Wis, On Wernesday next (Ash- Wednes- day) Lent begins Pose ecie a eee suffocated by smoke and burn death at Centre Rutland, » Vt., . ‘ at admiration which {alt here for the noble-share bore la or car a j by Canadians in late, engegement.| Comiug: annual dlauer of the Ontario | Land Surveyors’ Association in To- ron sir ‘rank Sinith’s condition was sonsidered ost serious on Sunday. Lord Strathcona Cables Sai a ie Mr. Q.C., spent lige ae SHE GEOL: at tho Sane iota be ight, THERE WERE 18 KILLED, A. R, Jemison, a farmer of Bggerts: ville, N.Y., wag found nm stift dag iB Cangian inandty, ‘tilled at Paarde-} Mr. NE ata ster Gti She ele & Drift, Fel brated Lomo on Sareea oe T. Scott (Sth 7,636, Corpora Se cease Gt tt. ptreal, ae son. morning. fst Maundrel (5th| is covered by $200,000 i Paves of Todd (5th R.C.A. es Brivate J. H. Somers (Sth (22nd mira Pestuact whicl rifting helplessly eae pte ed miles off The McPherson had broken he ne br iene 06, Private z Lewis (N.W.M.P., let iden Borin Rite was “Dh C0.) Otta: ayatele Cae Burns (48ed Bate s ‘ep? Co.), Ottaw 100, Private Jackson, (87th Batt. 088; Private ©. A. Bary (Civile ian, “EY” Co.), Montrea’ 7, 654, Private a ae (Civilian, ‘pt Co,), Montre: a A afeQueon Sth) fever on board, two deaths having oc- “008, Private B.D. Taylor (Char ae lotietown, ND. x News has been received from’ Pull- ils of wounded’ not yet avail-| Mat, Ark., of the explosion of a saw mill boiler at that place in’ which seven were killed The Plattewille, Wis., powder mills Pcl wrecked by an aeeloat yn Satur: day afternoon, billing pe ee another. ves, the wif BP. Haves, a dentists in Nes Letters for Soldiers Postage Free. bee ene to eons © Pare giane: It he and from | her apa i aE Se aiid English, | Caldwell, an assistant of Dr. Hayes. now in South Africa, will be postage | Caldwell then shov and killed himself. ee William ‘Tudho; STRATHCONA’s HORSE, They eee wt Ottawa ee. ee Mus- 8 on Satu Ottawa, ee 2s he stratncona Horse third and came into the peel at 5.30. A hundred jen horses composed orseg_ are small pee many them quite untamed. ‘The full panes ne Biratusnn'e; prisoners to 17th Century “Oucanders” Most people have no doubt imagin- e troop is ex-| ed that ‘Outlander rie ot out ae Gale roe or to the tireless energy and practical