The Milverton Sun THORSDAY, MARCH 1, 1900. Majuba avenged ! ‘The Lion of Africa caught at last! Says Kruger to Kronje-—‘where|I In are you at.” , The capture of Cronje fills a long’ yeldt want. valiant, as any: that-adorn the globe ‘may bespared to spend their years in usefulness and pence.° ae ele every Wednesday at 7 League, Friday svenings at PB o'clock. CRONJE'S SURRENDER. vice at Millbank a iuowent or Es spew. W. "Phe news today from South Africa en, B.A. Incumbent. Divine is of the greatest and most satisfactory chipat? at J eelock. p.m. Service/at Elms st hing Tess than the ie Pap ecedas ob: thaee fae Cnncu.—Rev. David Anderson, tuk EVANGELICAL. ASSOCTA: Finkbei a ong Tat a fajubs. ‘significant | om Tuesday erties a eo henseet Cuvecn—Re earedeberg, Feb. 27-15 a.m. |B Ax pastor Mae en, Cronje anil all his force ea lated unconditionally, at daylight, and COMMERCIAL. is no Oh, for a Tennyson to immortalize} the story of Grobler’s Kloof and» the Go Trish Fusiliers. What a terrible revenge the British could wreak upon the Boer prisoners | ™ by compelling them to use-soap. Roberts’ no of 4000. Boers Mirvertox | March all wheat per bush. pring wheat, per bush anniversary wurley per bush It is impossible to_ overestimate the Oats a importance of this splendid piece of Poss ronje’s surrender “means sur-| Apples perbag - eR Regt bl learner eamrer here = a ence in the Boer ranks. ; a WESSSRHRT It will carry consternation amiong his former asso Tt.will lead to the sgpeedy relief of | 1 seks mT bes pound m per pou “was.a brand new scheme initiated by Canadians in South: Africa. The London Advertiser says that ‘Americans who sympathize with the: Boers are simply casting pearls swine. ‘There is just one thing that keeps Kruger from wiping out the British army, and that thing is the British army. Since Kronje, Wiaut teresold Boery| 6 as been, captured by Roberts, he|? don’t need to squeal if his route. is con- ae to the direction of Capetown. ‘Though Cronje’s surrender is a great | British victory, we must not assume that it heralds the termination-of/ the) 23. war. The. Batish- army willtmeet ‘with stern. opposition.tor manths. to come in their advance. wpon , Péetoria and Blonifonteia. Tt is with a glow of ane that Gita dians read Lord Roberts’ dispatch’ at- testing to the bravery of the Canadian: regiments, who, he said, made adashing advance, gained: and) maintained -a point near the enemy—a. gallant deed worthy of our Colonial comendes. : sir in this war. Many/of the prominent generals, | among. them Roberts, Kitchener, French,. White and Kelley-Kenny, are sons of Erin and reflect anaes on their ‘origin, “fho Trish Fusiliers in their charge on @robler’s Telwot where they took Toubert’s strongest position at Lady smith, ranks among the niost daring deeds of history: Althongh grim old Buller may not be making any-grand stand. plays, he » evidently knows the game of war, and - willplay is to a fuish, Long range erities denounced himfor his engage: aent on Spion Kop-but tecent events prove it to have heen/a,iruse to get supplies into, Ladysmith: thus enabling the besieged ‘inhabitants to. hold. out, So great is the confidence “in ieevine despite all his reverses bis soldiers-are willing to follow hiny anywhere. Tt. was’ General Sherman who: laconieally, exclaimed. “War is helt,’ aud a world of truth is crowded: inte, ‘that teio.of words. They, embody, privation, désalation and sorrow, and all the concatenation of horrible. cir- cumstances that follow in the wail. of the sword. Tg. force of their, inean- uni b stuce ‘the dark, cloud of grief is be- ginning to Ganadian homes who have given the settle down.on , many. Oe of the flucky-as..a seal i ee : pire, to be slaia upon ation and Mafeking. es conrageany latent disloyal: ly eee hose of the Dutch who hi as yet held jwill niake’ Britain's shoe modify hoalder per pound. enemies | rs ify their attitude of hos-| Hi Tn its direct and indirect recat it | Gees n- | T eR DDE he | Soviny Wh ‘War. Office has received ihe “tallow Baskey despatah froin Lord Roberts Peas Peering IL Sehok, Tieaay morning: Fron fatoruusoks faeuaahen me by. the Intelligence, De- Baan te beeume apparent that : ent of the troups- and a secoke the ee were rapidly in-| Wecats white 1 feelfog. was dpoltiag oe. 3. I fiestas ts deme |ichrekeas ace to bear’on the enemy. Buch | Butter, 1b r night-the trenches were © pushed fu ward towards the enemy's. hv to gradually contract luis on, Se ihe. wend caine A. Ueubarded ae Dresteltbe heavily wih artillery, which was. yes: Salt hig ‘ amb. : terda erially by - oe of at and} eee PERERA RARER RAR AEB HAD: Now We Are Realy: RRRRERER WEEE RE ETE IE IE EE REE EE New Prints We lee te he le ee He Ee HE HE HEHEHE New Dress Goods ¥. New Shirtings New Cottonades New Linings: fof FEE EEE TE I ee ee le ee ie New Flanets New Ribbons New Sateens SEE CE EEE EEO EE EE EEE ee eee ie le ie ele ee tes ee WERE HE HE HE RE RE HEHE IE FETE HE HEHEHE ERE EEE Central Store bw. K. Loth: eine ehcadodl iesgtsodeiah tele Meee KREGER be te Me hee he le ote had. ordered) vo from De! t. carrying out these me res ‘ne balloon guve great assistance by keep- ing us informed of the Aicgeatayes and movemeuts of the enemy. THE Bios t dashing ad-} Has decided to have an- FREE GIFTS E Given Away to IN t our Customers SILVERWARE | Free Gratis. other annual Clearing Sale of all winter stock.of Second ESiopabttey setae in ou gaining a point some six ibe yards nearer the- enemy, and within abous eighty. yards of his trenches, where our wie! entrenehed them- selves int their posi tions ull morning—a dont it seine 3 oles “= Ordered Glothing which, Iam glad to say. way: attended Jus THIS SPECIALLY INTERESTS YOU ! Because we will present you with Elegant and Costly , absolutely Free Gratis, and without a cent of =! Cents’ Furnishings At Wholesale Coat to clear for spring goods. y by General Cxonje, ia-which he stated that he. surrendered) yncondi brought to- our out posts “under a flag of trucar To my reply T told General Cronja be must present biuselé at my-cunpaud that his, force must come, out of their lager ay laying down. their arms | m, L received Gen. Crouje| Next door to. Postoffice. isd dlespntcied a telegram, to. you an- nouncing the fact. In the ¢onrse 01 sation he asked for:kind ureat- * CALL. * MILVERTON. expense to you, if you purchase your Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Trunks From us fer GASH. Comesin and we will explain to you how we do it. Yours:truly, J. G. GROSCH & SON ate atoar hands, and also that his wife, grandson, private seccetary, ad jutaut and s night accompany him wherever tie might be sent, assured him oud told hint this neque Nate be Beco with. ’ T-iaform him. that General officer ara ve | kent with him to Capetown to ensure his being treated with proper respect. en coute. e will start _ this adios neon under charge of General | Prettyman who will band bin ‘over to! the General commanding av Capetown, { t Wateh For Advt. ’ Next Week. also. leave bere Rois ealiny the! odder River tomorrow, when- they will be railed 10 Capetown in. detach- ments.” .< _|P.H, BASTENDORFF is veld True patriotism not ~gunsist in-braggaducio,Joud talk and holiday demonstrations ; it culls for greater guoritices, and often those who kkindie theslames of war are the least cgondy. wofier up the. sacrifice. - “True pptriows 1 hope for us speedy ter Coosite for last meek The Jeweler. homeof ite FeD iome'of Mr. Fs erin N. Door to -Postorric! hig and spent the evehing in tr coats on ‘ping the lig] it fantastic, to the strain of, musi¢< delivered by a famous Tiana DORDH. A jolly time vee pi et lich es bei Rseeep pes being floor manager. in. Cockwell, saination of the, present war #8 possible | dis.o os wot Wwouraces the -Klondyke in ay E.. KNECHTEL, Merchant. Tailor’ Will Goods at a reduced sell all winter price,in order to make room for the Spring: Stock. Sealine ape iol to -enjpy- Sant Sadh ace Teer oe The “Milverton Sun THURSDAY, MARCH 1 1900. GENERAL NEWS CGULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. News of batile ! News of battle ! far] i Ww! 9 should bring Tidin: ings from our ae Greetings from our gallant eng: 2 The Boers continue to shell the r Women’s Laager at Mafeking. more Canadians have beon SCE since the Modder River Free Staters are wearied of the war avd General Botha aud President Steyn have been advising Kruger to} make overtures for i Northw Slavare will as suoible about eal foil fur the’ des patel of busin is now reported that Hon. Fred | It Peters may be asked to forma. Gov- | ernment in Brive Columbia. ied es The Carbolite Companys Liiva, | which has been incorporated, wi capital stock of $1,000,000, will manu- facture calciu carbide in Hamltoo, using slag from the blast furnace the ena, Jolin Lazarus, of Mount Carmel, Pa., jumped off A che Goat Island bridge 16 | Niagara Falls last. Friday, and’a few ininutes later disappexred over the ‘here was an fumpressive seene in Rome, when the pope gave i pilgrims, who filled the -vast bast sto onic ae of Tandan, was eM ely. rained b in: Briday ane wilt ce apie aeee ‘young:Stratford hopeful Ube other evening end his maternal rel- of evening 1e Risen “Please God kill gi y iat and all the, Bo -H. Aikeos, of Brampton,| ee the Farmers’ Lon . on divg that. if any com ns ete he would be re- rebate a ise eabarecd. 33 through fee Dadian eure ‘The Semlin-Cotton Government of Britich Columbia was defeated. on Pri: seeking a was 19 to 18 ‘An election held at Stratford, Fei ny; to tll the vacancy in the City Gouncil caused by the resignation oe Wim, Gillespie, resulted in favor of ox-Ald, Jolin Hoel, at had ama- jority. of 32 Hamilton, pede thie oat ee The plague in India continues virulent. There were-583. victinis in fight. | somiums for ics splendid work perfect relief in 6 hours. drives out the canses— s the system—paves the Way ae helps to perfect health. THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN . RHEU- MATIC CURE ushers it in —the days of suffering from this re- lentless disease in all its: phases need not be prolonged, THIS POWERFUL SPECIFIC wins daily en- in’ dispelling pain. fol and. neverfailing remedy, South Am- rican Ruenmatic Cure, can really appre- ciate the blessing it. hus! proved to mau- kind in relieving pain, de) vinn and eradicating from the e foreign matters, the irritatin coe Only those who have been ie victims —{ tural substances which the cold and whether for a sborter or a longer ay dt of comes to the snffever cal Tieamatism, Ouiy those whe its vietims la have been cured by that most power- exposure collect in the and muscles. | cuuse swellings, stifeningyy inflammation and incapacitate e been so. upfortun rican Rheumatic Care is a jor be goation |Mimaeeuraitia ti It gives Be all its forms. te is compounded on) the most scientific soiples known in modern medical sei- ence. It in the conzentrpted Fore eae calculated to give the quickest relief and are most promising of a’permanent cure. ‘That the highest results have been :at- tained by South American Rheumatic Cure that have’ beens attained by any Me medy of modermtimes i ‘attested by 1 splendid testimony, the thankfol aa the encouragement and® faith shown in it Loy the hundreds ate a8 over their. own sania told how it has ee away the erutehes”—those whose SOLD BY JAS. TORRANCE. {t is mot an experiment’ | er stiffened joints >that were affected by” every whim of the weather—those whe” have suffered the” deathly paing and pangs * that’ are ivzident tothe inflammatory and~ neuralgie-forms of Rheumatism. Words’ emnot too strongly express its great merit, and sufferers need only *to* e claims | ot the great South Am: ~ yanish, and in the place of pain and suffering there'll be a joyous aud last- ing freedom. 5. D. McLeod, of Leith,Ont., says: L ’ have been a vietim of Rhenmatiam for wife induced American Rheumatic Cure from Mr. Taylor, time I reatoril vous prostration, stomach tro 1 lcbility.. Te, clenuton, the system i801 heals permane: Ss Taele Dan Rice? the mony famods of clowns died at Long Branch, on Monday. ‘The surrender of Cronje was cele brated in Listowel in the wildest, possible manners Lieut. Col. Sam. Hughes has been made adjuuant-geueral too quick for him, s0 the pursuer elianged bie tactics. ich son,” he said, with w soft, ni ours he ere for a minute tell in, “Nov ittles boys: 1 me don’t need to know evenything.” A travelling:salesman from Cincin- ti nee eed torsit down ab a hotel At Chesley, Halliday & Co’s general hee in company with balf a dozen naged to the extent. of ee will of the late Mr. Geo. E. Tuckett of Hamilton disposes of an estate she $600,000. : W.E, Walker, QC. killed at the Charles s a iw that city by a C. P Lee ying ee now, sada We ceepiny rly wel Rev. Sie h Edge, President: ofthe London Conference, is on’ “trial before a church court at Strauford ona poin®: of church law. The Princess Louise cables. to Lord! Minto her cole t Cronje’ ender, effected § gallant Cana- dian aid, wn her eee sympathy for ig ees loss ee who fell in the side. “River: fight’ was a rule county boy, beem born near Se Mee twenty-six years ago. President Kreager a ta es of be ing advantage 0} natare vt the Britis! shesuldier | b) filing state legislators, ah talked: with ex cessive farmalitys was “Will the gentleman nea rdie do this 7? and “Does the naenae from Franklin baad a Y thetordinary form of di- ss being:curefully eschewed. ei ee minutes the commercial u oe suffered in silenee. Then he turned tothe waiter, nud said in deep “Will the gentle- iy a Bthiopi please pass the butter? ‘The renedy was effectual. Sade ti aL ; le evening part “young women. admirer approached, Andnayelizw. the aruetal sujwiomens, fel in his_pect dante Tod accepted the in’ a look fall. of meaning at Ae friende, she did her best to keep. clear of Linealn’s great. boots. Mary,” said one of the dices, sith. yon theewurse way 0 .| “Yes,” sbe answered, “the very, Are A. London clerk, belonging to a co trenches with ‘armed Boer women, Bombay city during as week ending Feb. With over 61,000,000 ak sone affected by the faniaes nd only about. 4,000,000 i receipt of relief, Tndia scems in a bad plig! ‘A tobaceo. company gmized in Essex county ano places have been ments they will offe tory Leamington offers al gas and oxsnpae from taxativn. a npany favors W sor, crind the Cit; Sonne il rece chance to in for the new concern. The Ontario Governnent has been asked to. ey a couple of changes — in ee Te rst | dbiven from every k “| Afriea, iswson of Mr. he DaB ai paper manofacturers fe decided to furan a ee and make another advance of 25 on all grarles of paper. Premier ° Miedfisld promised temperance delegation that he would oes a ‘i at ner ite viding for prohi- i; Rovleric Kenic, uf Kincardine. He solisted in Winnipeg Out of 850 of the Lei Fusiliers who valunteered to slike vbler's Kloot afer the. Britis been ipje, only | tween i | 150 and 200 eieaed to tell the tale. vo find on the facts as well Dae Tanner, of Blythe; who was some fine ago imprisoned fir cons} © which was ab wound = v mit a nr © ald Nace province sibert right ha of nas die act nde of Canada eovered ae So aee 35 cane 6) 2 we Stomach— This reagent! what. it means to the sufferer'ffvm Dyspepsia, Tn: 1 ocher stomach ‘complaints, ple Tablets are ae font ynacea for ae Sema Ul ere veyedel ee ne) of thom ina boxe-amt” prmalar price! Haaerat, are Boy; bebe thier xt GASP ROW DEATH. ‘And Yet Not Beyoud the Power of Dr. Agnew’s ey lo the Heart to Sive and re Yo is Not Fiction, But Foet. avd-istreas of “those jisease, only ~ the hat a a on his 4 ping his chest. _ “No, volunteer regiment, offered his ser- vices for the front and was provision ally accepted. The young gentleman, who was of unusually fine physique, presented himself for Seda inspec tion. Te was congratulating himself t sonndness “when the Aes tala Mica Geen ns ss0ouh and thea shattered his hopes by s: ing Dass tin, as “But, a volunteer, “Lam thoroughly aes ot nothing wrong here,” clap ter, “bu vTean’t pass you with® those teeth.” ow har awfal rot,” Yinpnietly exelaimed the youre man, “T wan! go out to fight: the a am eat them.” Mr, Lindsay. scien really wit and gift of rep: “a byw in the bicycle int i ix eariiest: wilti- eism B record is one of the school-boy pen Tt was w warm day, and the ae droned sleepily bene their hooks, while the seailiy a maiden; lady famous. for’ ver 2 Ds gently over her 0 | hy that kind of instinet aa ny ins Seat a boy preting th choice rees with a hateties. aaa wi of hum ASS UALE has] those-who are xceustomed taal wi ing| a roomful of unraly Rie ate Sinai LATEST DESIG out ae trembling culpr id pea ¥ dems raided the irs i ‘othe qnery. came sponse; Dnt Hittle “RAL!” face showed traces‘of subdued mirth, shot that peaf*ngain ques fate) scab —"War in Africa.” First eats pounce history of country and war to date ; tells about oar contingents, aici es ansHe this your BRADLEY-GA ee 00, Limited, Brantford. Agents :—People won't be deceived with American Hthorien a the war ris only commenced. oevolume Chowdins ‘ia THE LINSCOTT PUBLISHING 0. Toronto. Agents :—Christian pense w ‘ B. “Light of L formation. Chris jo good ai Prete tits waidertal Hoobs ci ky BRADLEY. “GARRETSON CO., Limited, NTFORD, ONT, bignte dearer Moody, slavery cher of the eentury, ery book Bement on Srompectae Free: TRE LINSCOLT PUBLISHING COs Toronto. Agents ;—We have the authentic te OF the greet evuugelist. Moody. Lai hoot, liberally illustrated, Great Sellen. rospectis free. BRADLEY GARRBISNN C0,, Linited Brantford, ” replied th ee An Hi aa THE DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPARY HEAD OFFICE, Waterloo, Ont. Esrapuisnep 1889. The year 1899 was the best the Hels pis ever had. Iv gained in the y in anon. assured Prem Theome: 2 23.13 per cent. FIRST PRIZE © BREAD.. I cae been in business four~ years and never tock secon® oe for bread. WHY ? Because! make the cage! The one knows this now my competitors realize it. Ask the First Prize Baker” To Call at your house. GUENTHER te G. ioe and \F FIRST PRIZE BREAD Come at judges at tie Stratford? County Fair awarded us Ist Prize for Bread. We do not have to depend upon the » intelligence of a ou show judge tor our reputation vast: number of people who eat - our beens in preference to any ot are the best, judges, and give the _v tee the judges at Stratford aie” pamas s Ne WEITZEL, The Baker. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE * | gp, Parents ‘Trave Marks < DESIGNS* lio Teen Receipts Tu Asse Its cone receipts have more ee nid all death losses from the be ginning, Separate branches for Abstainers and Women. ‘Atount in foree Jananry Ist, 1900, $3,646,836. Jas. Tynes, ex-M,P., President. Cur. Kumer, Esq, Vice-President. Bits HiLurarD, Managing Direetor. _ F. Maney, Sup’t. of Agencies. qalaymesencing a sketch end ‘description may opinion free ehether, an firention nis = pronaty e ‘Communica ions atriet Sontiaenta on Patents sent free: Uidest ‘securing pa eauents, taken iacMunn & Go. recetve al notice, withote ebarge, In the “Scientific Fimericat. A handst eee trated weekly. ulation of rong journal, ‘iar 1d by all, news imu WNL EC Co, Coen le York Wanted—rr Idea co | Res GaRs WEB ARST ANS Bort pkeent Atton ‘offer rashington, D. C.. fo the Borah Washington, D. Cn for te nee gsm pice Order Your Winter Suit: Our Fall ee have justsarrived and they-are of the” Nearly Three Hundred Piéces to choose from. Your” oe, Be | Suit will be done in thes MOQSzZ:" WORKMANLIKE MANNER: