Milverton Sun, 1 Mar 1900, p. 5

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RUSSIAN PLAN TO sre MERAT. x London, Feb, 26.—The ‘St. Peters- barg “ge Kt ent of the Daily Mail a. Our ‘Susiness has m great by ne Good Goods and selling them CHEAP. Baca pee che loot the tears down fa? ‘or Jock of Hazeldean. this wilful’ sre be done, ae cheek so gape Kis chief of Errington, *“Now let And di But For uae of Hazeld ie crar, suggesting good ‘time, while tied in’ South Iris to oreo ute the plan, which, he ‘ould be Si aaeteee a hitch. ise, dd. to Nor palfrey fresh and fair, , notwi splay of “And a the foremost « ps them a’, poplar sympathy tow e Boers.” ‘Shall ride our forest @ is tant unt to a victory for “Bat aye cae lao Tears ‘down fa’ , |the Russian foreign office. Count ‘or Jock of Hazel Muraveieff, was strongly opp ¢ position of Gen, Kuropatkin, “The kirk was deck’ at Morning-tide. | whose DanaGA ic seeneded ce “The tapers glimmer’d siderably skaken.”” “The priest and b: re wait the bride, gS eee ‘And dame and knight are ‘Phe sought her baith ae eecied “The ladie wi She’s o'er the poner Fea awa’ Wii Jock of Hazeldean. A GREAT ASSET, Kimberley, 24. Cecil Rhodes, ies at a meeting of the jeers Co. ti jivered was received the year's) on ounted tive, "The latter, | e passe filling tnoney-bags that were by, i on wine, and women, ‘o the latter hegee jeaction: “charter existed. ‘Po the imaginative, ‘ew an sina ent picture af ea mines, one ante ee Fopenn civi Gi in the 4ar south. ““Phe latter,” he said, ‘feel a glo of satletnetion at the thought that the Toronto, say: as tronbled with that} Rents 1,169. 63: 944 pe tsenne riches taken from the seu ipaidintd dineiae peices Siok i BY 33 have not been merely sey ted to It became very deep-seated, and “decoration of the fair sex.” growing worse, with dis; ne peas Speaking of the war, "he considered trom my nostrils, and the- dro) in my es porte why If bad risen. Theol throm almost Jchocking me. ut. times. 1 | Uusber Bend $296,752, which was un- ‘Wransvaal and the Fre State were not trial a dozen so-valled eatarrh cures. with- | u . The number of acres republics, he declared, but oligarchies, | out any relief, bnt via using rates bottles .d and suld during the year and had been long conspiring to seize : hal Powder I was 63, sd. with 48,063 j British South Africa. Bach Govern-| completely restart Tul T believe per. | “AS $63,258, compared, with 48,063 in ment was simply political |tianently’ cured’ from this loathsone | (he yeat previous. _gang, who humbugged the poor Dutch- | diseuse.” Sol by amex Tarmnces The cut ine Isgs was 527,068,- iuen, appealing to their hong thel ce) 863 feet Sniper with 570,097,378 of nder eries. yoadens twenty yer independen’ it frica. He sai hut foraier President Reitz, of the P omned Free years and a vow that his only ambition in life was to drive Engl ut of Africa. ‘After showing how Kimberley “had eT nded by citizens, Se a , an ‘asserting: “We have duty in preserving and protecting the greatest eommi oe asset in the» world—Her Majesty RIG GAYE PRESERVE Sportsmen will be pleased to Cae that the Ontario government in pean of areak Tans, igh more’ wit that inte reserve ‘ae. a i ane of the men’s thou- be ap- from tne tection man} the setting apart of tins re- serve are not yet settled, but an or-! Aer in Couneil ¢overing the matter passed i ent “ting fast! about 45,000 townatlip ne Sibley, pea 40 tes east rt Arthur, on Lake oe fas forest es rve. a ed _ about @ Te-| life —imagi- | cov oe ment desire: reas ry a > - | Méution is nade of yea snd MOODY'S REMARKABLE LIFE are heve ate a book of much po) e present time, from th Poole I Publishing Company, Tor- =e Live D. PMooDy.” i eligious experi cin wolation wi yore be very large, 0) werful influ- Yr. published. ae 25 cents in heavy pape! nts: bound in ‘cloth, i is all books! cent. ostpaid by. the pi cearione wil the: HES of the life wore of ie (pede remarkable man. ————— CATAREM CHOKED (HIM. Insidious, Deap-Seated, Relentless Disease = Bund to Vanish Binder the Dr, Aguews Catarrhal Powder Treatmieut—Relief in Mr, Benjamin ty eile ‘31 MoGee street, IRISH DISAFFECTION. ‘The nomination oie Major McBride, h Mr. Michael ign created no Jittle outery. " Anothe: en taken to prevent Mr. ride contesting the s The indulgence f the government, of which thisis an a ‘ocawy of and, the whole Trish movement at resent is of no great importance. ‘his, it is clai med is as the goyern- heuld be. Tt Report On AIL Schools. The report of te Minister of Elu- eau for 1898 imas been prepared, In pat year there were 5,587 Pablic efi ee in the Provinee, an increase of | je ae urate schools, all the 33 was expend this 159 or ta 90 Oe I buildings © was ® decrease 0 vers, the bet a all 4, ayes being 436,727. ° The at tendanee was 247,730, or Eten ue 768. ‘There wax an increase of 47 in the registration Of all the Separate schools, the wual being 41,667." The kindergartens numbered — 116, 240 wachers, gu oes was al e 390 in the pi ere 8,465 euhet employed Public Broly whoin men women, The male teachers reas by $4. and ute female teachers inerens- d by 124. 80 High schools nee There were T wachers: at Mie ‘expeuditure was 009 423 the ‘fact ‘that mote pypils awe waking French, Ger- man and de There have bees advances towards higher edac her line report, says. ‘The Lanett ‘The ques High schools is jeft w be ad y each municipality, Manual training mpst pin Public schoul: id: |cipate in this revelling. They started $| knows nothing about borrows trouble mys 2 | development of the. pul | spondence of the department. is shown hers’ | cause of the prese! Bont Kinder aval High | it, to spread over the entire province, furnishing another se of experience at the usna tie Cranes aa dit stopped of itself: They inaugurated Patron stores, with wealth of promises of cheap coal and dre: pes: at mornings nights. What will AA Er Tine ‘ad the bailiff alone can But we know that farmers who hasan stock in pork-packing factories ane pers pees | States under a west may His tbe. pnb to curse his investment; we tov, that the old ae holds fe ie man who embarks: in something he are aly ee da ie of our bers ae etary Tivs CROWN LANDS REVENUE “The revenuederived by the Ontario Goveroment. from Crown Lands daring the year 1899 amounted to $1,315,368 campared to $1,112,582 for 1898.Some of the leading items of eens in 1899 and 1898 are as follows 3216 697 $127,411 Sales and leases . ts the previous yi The cut ones timber for the Quebec market increased from 1,459,- 631 to 1,723,274 cubic one vente ue be| around have advanced fully 20 per cent., and are going still higher,but our prices now are lower than ever. Try us and see. rs . We are marching right up to-the front of the procession, with our policy of Low Prices and Good Values. Goods all We are determined to clear out the balance of our Winter Stock regardless of cost. FURS. 1 tae Pana Cupe, 28 in. long, 100 in hey regular oles Goly CHolatnecse otag baw cade $14 ease, adel ON LADIES MANTLES th Beaver Mantles worth $10.00 reduced to ........ Vere 66am i] Beaver : 5.60 4 eaver “ 5.00 4-00 iq Jub lot Lades Mantles, worth $3 00 to $5. 00, clearing from $1. 5O w $2.60 on stat ER Slaughter,pnices on Winter Dress Goods. Special reductions in Underwear, Blankets, Hosiery, Gloves. Men’s $1 50 pants reduced to $1.00 pair. Special prices on Grey Gottons by the web. Grosch & Pfeffer tinh AAU P. shown by the cut of 29, Bselenedn ri: ared with 16,448.cords the year pre- son ‘The increased corre- y the fact that last year 34,264 letters Were received, contrasted with 30,- 33 : CONTEMPT IS THE CAUSE in has been done. to Britain ‘as the stan es in the pecs Maya sinartness of e Transvaal Dutch. “ail re at Ladysinith and Kimber- must do something the the English which has bee ar,—Telegram. A BUSINESS MANS. FAITE. Tortnred by Roose for Months, He » South Ameriew Bheu- ne is Hewled—It Cures in physic path American Rheswetie teluimed to be in 3 ve therreweddy 16 a perfect apecitig.” Sold James ‘Torrance BIED Paut.—In Ellice, on Mon Feb. SS aoe cee Cyears, WuitNeY.—At Milverton, on Friday, | Feb, zed, ane Whitney, aged 72 years, 6 nos. and 1 STRAYED from the prentises of the undersigned Lot 14, Con. 5, Morning: ton, three weeks ago, a Malte: 6 with ears ee Sint, bob_ tail. Phe party giving infor- mation as to his pLETeaisonts will be suitably rewarded oe PETER OPPER, Poole, = A PROULIAR TASTE s incomparably small prices. i . eyesight. ‘|Dress Goods, ce Prints, aTSETETV Indeed, it must be that cannot be gratified at the PEOPLES’ STORE. We furnish more "| Style, Quality and All Roun Satisfaction than any otker concern in town, and that, toe, at The best evidence Come and test our claims, in is your own Silks, Sateens, Muslins, Lace Curtains, Flannelets, Wall Paper, etc. We carry an immense assortment to choose frem, and if as- sortment is anything to you, try us for your next bill E. A. DIERLAMM Butter 20c, Eggs 15¢. Dried Apples 6c, Lard 8c. jof goods. | | | |

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