Milverton Sun, 22 Mar 1900, p. 2

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Subscribers who do not recetye their paper regulaciy will please notify us ato Apply at this office for advertising rates. THE MILVERTON SUN. THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1990. int I the old lady would die *’ T! tee the POINTED ) PARAGRAPHS. A oronionian of last summer preigiaus forming nasaK wh last circ cident which, eile Sie us peacapot a zance. A maiden lady of ‘ise town | ned a parrot, which somehow, ac- of Ss a bird’s owner, who spoke Ae ike ate about it. ‘ I think we can reo- It is best te go a lew aes betting tty the aa replied the en fast horses. _ Action and . ase are not equal | [i in the stock mar! A man may mean oat but you are never quite certain of it. Some people pass their Laas Teso- Intions on the first,reading. ‘The lay of the hen is more valuable ze en song of the lark. ia the bride the sun shines Bei ghe isn’t afraid of freckles. is sf wife if he wasn’t such a poor hus- band. ‘The man it is no more than his done < dessert. inflammatory Rheumatism.—Mr. Wm, | As Sggeetreg irs Mille, writes: "Some years ago T used Dr. Thomas’ Kelectric Oil for Inflammation | caused excruciating pi m now out on the rond and e: pesedityy allkinds of weather, but have roubled with | Fheumatism pines. ywever, k of Dr. ‘Thomas’ Eclectri¢ Oil be hand, and I always recommend it to others, as it. did $0 mich for me.” Keel-Hauled Fiom Stem to Ste: When the change in the ownership place i er control of a business takes is custom: t inventory" at rhe amount and character of the the management, and not only that, but the life com- panies are face to face with a f and permanent in its character that it has caused the quennial year, ees Company, pile ey now to! nearly $2,000,000, is to be dealt with, it was of the utmost importance’ that i t thorough in all its history it as gone throngh the crucible, and C address of President Cox in ‘another column of this pape. Your friend, Mrs. ing much Soooroved in oe "xs, ee isa lifferent wot rsuaded her to try Miller's Chbivound gee Pills, with tk result you observe. : Ancient Slur on the Force. 4 ‘@s, we are going to have a slip- per bee in the church parlors. A dozen of the ladies are quietly work- ing on # Christmas pair for the pas- rove “A dozen ladies! Why, he must have very large feet.”” “He has, He was a reformed police- man, you know.”” Holloway’s Corn Cure destroys ail kinds: and braneh. Economie Difficulties. “Economy,’’ said the over- ae man, ‘‘is the source of wealth. the over-careless friend; ‘‘by denying. oneself all the luxuries of life it is possible to get enough money to vrovide them in liberal quantities for some one Sines? If the vss is restless at night, ha: coated quired; very pleasant and perfectly harm- less. Compulsory Exercise. “What do you think of the automo- bile craze?’” “Great thing! «I never took much exercise before in all my life.’’ ‘Why, how can you exercise in an automobile?’ “I don’t, but sh RP to cross the street once ig aw! Keep Minard’s Liniment in the House. Many persons suffering. from rheuma- | ‘is fism have been permanently cured by Miller's Compound Iron Pills. =” Ghe Seared. _ He—Didn’t I see you ina getting man’s lap in the parlor, last the who takes the cake thinks | the the peel pens z the Grace | PAINS IV THE BACK Frequently Due to Sluggish Liver | From the Advocate, Exeter. Walters sai liame’ Pink Pilla I think it my duty, in view of what they have done for i by aE oud a righteo With the wicked one, and as soon two had become accustomed si to omit the litany at | or Kidney Troubles. r. Frank Walter's, of Exeter, Tells of Suffering and How Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Cured Him After Other | Medicines Failed kidney ‘trouble, cause they sain 6 left me in ter- rible agony. The pains were not al- ways confined to the back, but would shift to other parts of the body. As a result I got little rest, my appetite ecame impaired, and I fell off greatly in weight, I triea different remedies suggested by friends, whi no effet alm oe Williams’ Pink Pills cure by} ne to the root of the disease. They ‘new and build r Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., ville, Ont. come whe these healthy, organ. hhese pills are in the first rai by the government, and are never exceed present prices. Mild in Their Action.—Parmeleé's Veg- otable is Beni ja cualy ube: cause griping in the stomach cause ist ban: there as so many fl herefore, she most. delicate Thi hildi ties sictSiee the use of repared. One of M: x ‘Miller's Worm Powders are # wonder- | fal medicine for the ailments of childrem. | haps, will tell us how he keeps them up the blood, and | *° one Tommy — Yes’m; ma makes me wash the breakfast things every ning. or | | advanced that Bickle’s will not cure, men. spe L lawyers and 200 large volume _ot 25 | dooum: address for partic! sco “SENSATION” ont Very large Grain, Best Quality, THAT WILL MAKE Tue FARM PAY, NEW IMPROVED “LIGOWO”’ THE HEAVIEST CROPPER KNOWN / Yielded nee bush. 20 Ibs. per acre at Brandon perimental Farm in 189: OAT igowo Oats grown, 7% bush, $1.25; bush, 62.00; rans of goods, Ne ean rene ea cana ie tee eigen pero to the size of the oat we have yet seen, and ox and rapidity, stands well, and adapts itself to almost ps poms Grain very blac iapeendt jp. _ Our seed is grown from im stock. er bush, 70c.; & bush, lots, 660. per bush.; 20 bash, lots and over, 60c. per bush; begs, 20c. each extra. ais cal ca STOCKS Tora Youcan get Famous Garden Flower Seeds from your Resideat purposes, Sensation stool te very cone. ad dons not odes, oa whos bes Vi 8 Tess ‘Selaht ot of| ret, end the straw is head go down. varietes. It is eps pry aryae gna variety. Fees ox Be Secs The Be ee a Dash.» $1; bush lols, oe. per bask} 10 beth. hots PROVED “AMERICAN ” OAT lass, Price per buth., 76<.i 5 :| The Steele, Bricgs Seed Co., TORONTO, Ont. ma | An Explanation Teacher—Now I want all the oe per- There are cases of 0 “Anti onsumptive Community of Bandits. In —. Sardinia, 400 people are tried as bandits. These inckaide nidlonias Eealache; ate anicipal officials, and many wo- itn cH ADAOLUTELY FREE fantel perfect. timekeeper, to and Gon for distributing gAdves: tising Sater. Won't cost you 4 cent. Send steal, of th “The Consp! he Sequel, Ida—What ee es when aman has a roguish 51 means ae he is going to ¥— a kiss. forgiva’ Un Jaggles—Why did Old Soak get ont e company? Waggles—He heard the stock was watered. on recelpt of i poor man had five doctors and still he died.” ‘And now there is no way of know- ing which one of them did it irators. a expecting to in: herit money or estates old count should ‘Kxow tat HEIRS 10 eit rae FORTUM seendants inthis country” Book: GAL poeee oF tha “their “ae THE GEM oe ee MoGioger: Benwell & fy EER indsor, Ont. SLoxpox. Tee FREE. Permanent- uted, DR. KLINE'S GREAT Ensitive ‘is, 8 di " wh when received: Sooper As *hiiadelphia,Pa. 7. N. UL 268 USE ULRICH’S. ENSI LAG Bera man wae panes mar IMPROVED LEAMING E.R. ULRICH Sons, STEELE tania our dealer for samples and ee, i A TIMELY N NOTICE. ARNOLD’ KIN) dipelrone cure, erate and ‘worst case rd Cc N fi Cleansing and EW Washing Powder.‘ 7. COST ONLY NOMINAL... No strong Lye, Chloride of aye Benzine or Goal Oi! needed For Domestic Be for the finest Ince to the] aires aren Yb. A liberal discount to the trade. Goal Saving and Smoke Consuming compound: For House Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces, and f innactoring conccrpa. chis powder, sores re nt ot coal gets up satensier nad | Stronger heat and steamy ese very zt oto use (no changing of fre-places! pt Saitoas the cost itself, Use dissolved in Water and sprinkled sts per Ib, or $100 per tor cor or aruseise ise not furnish {t on application wit tions for use. lds Celebrated Promium Muctlage, Tithograme and Lithogram Composition to. be had at all stationers, et Pat ap ig tbe 1b, ands 1p, packages, at 150. = 1 above we ‘full direc- . Montreal. a mee LACE CO. Le iialans WATC He Solar illed ABSOLUTELY FREE, A Genuine You selt pert 0m ot ue to pega x for. aie toate liz ot Grade Duber-Hampden Watches supplied to member $1.00 per ‘Sfembers wear watch while paying for it. Send address for price list. p DOMINION WATCH CLUB, |, ONT. PLOWS, ROLLERS & HARROWS The nd for Catalogue. cosnsnurr Faky CO., BRANT! RD. Rep, | fuoas TEE STEELER BRISTOL, P3502 2° . Extract rss 1B, Spices Writeun, MAMILTON: BINDER TWINE Pye pine mer ONTARIO 3 Nom Station A: caTWOLIG a mempt atontion, D,& dc sndlier & Ge. Monte L ~ FREE STATERS QUIT. Hundreds Have Already Laid Down Their Arms. THE ADVANCE ON PRETORIA, ‘d Roberts London, March Lor has sont the “ollowing despatch the War Offi “Bloemfontein, Friday, March —Gen. Clement sed the arrival at Springfon- tein, so that Bloemfontein now is practically: paGean ¥ connection ith Cape Town. My proclamatio: hi render, They had refused to attend a council at Kroonstad, to which President Steyn had summoned them,” HAVE COMPLETELY COLLAPSED. Boers Not to Be Found Anywhere—400 at Bloemfontein. Bloemfontein, March ee Aitogether 400 Bo: op. serene Srociemation tiene dae aan must be pera id by noon on Sunday, March 18. Gen. Macdonald Nearly Well. 0 a.m.) en. no longer takes any prominent part in the cam- paign. THE ADAANCE ON PRETORIA. Lord Roberts March wit Seon Begin His _ London, March 17. rm. ith the railway Mea natty ation to tie Giee Lord Roberts will, within ry few days, jie? in @ position to es the aration Peiwie Bik deep political intuition, nec with his bold s oe z the result desir sec- tions of the Orange aa Bats, whieh are rapidly calming down. Only ie eta poe sl is now the only Point for as it is known that a Auxiety ix Wyccoies it pee fel relief may be announced ny days pass. The efficiency of the ia ealleving column is heightened by the fay ae ae it is par ie composed of regi Big deen, In the Tobbies of Parli ee ha rom- who. immediately pent due consideration. AM Refus# to Tutervene. is understood that all the conti- e destruction of Lead Them h- 17.—Lord ee h t to Pretoria. Jead you into Pretoria,” Canadians at Blcemtontein. Ottawa, March 17.—Lieut, Col. Avimer. pede General Officer Gorn mannii: received the agg cable- Roberts Kind to Beers, London, March berts fort fips in the hospital ore and “oat | Beave ands SHS a allowed to to their homes, instead of Teie ade prison- ers, aS soon as they can leave the hospital.’” Dreifontein Lor It was officially anno; ier yester- day that the alge casualties at Driefontein March were 62 men illed and 321 wounded, including one nadian wound MARKET REPORTS. @hiexge Wheat Futures Advanced With the Cold Weather and Some Buy- ing—The Latent Quotations. iverp: March 17. t fue tures yesterday closed abated te ied lower than Chicago, Aone — Wheat tures advanced ie: per bushel yester- day. The cold weather is a bullish factor. lay. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS, eosin {rete the closing prices Wheat centres at yester- day: Chicago .. New York 17.—Yesterday’s | Be bec hatye es ; futures quiet; is Sd. LAWRENCE MARKET. | 5s 94d; July, 5: TORONTO st. Beans, bush. Seeds— Red clover, bush ......+.$5 Alsixe, choice No, 1: Alsike; goo White clover: | bu Timothy seed, bush” Hay. ee Straw— Hay ton . Hane Chickens, Ber pale.» purkeys, a ee Duel ae Apples, per bbl. . Potatoes, per bag . TORONTO LiVE SPECK, ‘Thurs ee avs cules cattle, light . 3 Ss 2 bd | wee combBercemroccocemm comm 333 ees Sasa up to Hogs, thick ik, ‘Mags | EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. East alo, March 17. — Cattle pis rday — Unchai ives were ‘ood supply, moderate e deni a atic iowels sHolce 40\ exten “oer quotable Gs 25 to $6.50; good to choice, $6 to and demand iair for choice offer- ings, but prices ruled lower. bs, joice to extra were quotable $7.25 to $7.50; good to choice, $7 to $7.25 common to Sadr, ae : 6.75. Sheep, yearlings, $6.50; mixed 5.50 to $6; ethers, Se to $6.25; eWes, $5 to Simple ames wie pees alee Love or ba nobody oe aio i micas ye j Simple Simon wrote a rhyme om “Men With Hoes,” and then * \ People marveled, saying he could “Wield a trenchant pen!” _ found him icin bargain co gram yesterday morning: aa Bi fontein to-day, all a $v eignedy tter.”* . Rol reports yesterday fk he found seven men Sagas) ot rejoiced the sere ey feting them they ey, | | Cc at daybre; Bae carried ie chi ide en in their ‘olonel Pilcher and his Colonial Troop: taking with them the inhabitant s (ees a Ste, oe Gat THE SOLDIER'S KINDLIER SIDE. on January 1, pes ing the arduous 1, $900, BOER V. BRITISH CIVILIZATION. THE QUESTION WHICH IS TO BE DE- CIDED BY THE TRANSVAAL WAR. CANADA DIRECTLY INTERESTED. The Character ef British Rule in Canada nd in South Africa—The Two Co} xations Centrasted—The British Pos- by Mr. John sessions Summed Up | Chariton in the Hause, | Protection to Life. protec- |¢ tion to property, and enjoy~ |} ment of liberty. Recently in the House, Mr. John Charlton uttered the above sentence, in and if we |foreing any other kind of govern- [ent on South Africa, the: nove~ ave s) hy | of “Teitisn rule in h Sir, aracter of British rule in South ‘ais precisely the charac- cr of British rule in Canada. Cape Colo as representative institu- tions. It has two branches of the lature, one elected by the peo- ars and the other | for sa Go ", appoint- ed fd the English Government.’ Its Premier o the present moment is an i Ps ws stitu- ASA EAE Dee we Seely ane wre cane ieteren (nae Ce ot heavy yesterday, but sufficient for | oe pl anen anes a ee ey eles pe a ae eee ag a French Englis ate go same degree of: care ‘y i ee a Be pet ed toe elton Pha, Bes of others, of genero- Pile ity towards others, of respect for Bore te ee Sey toe Ree he ight ok Vali; hare vtediees We However, were little firmer than on et Bes ty tish ru ch e British institutions |in South Africa are institutions | that country; she proposes to crush the rebellion into fine dust, and then she proposes to eyery man in South Africa—Englishman or Duteh- |man, white man or black man—equal wv, the right to ey before the all that he lawfully possesses, and “perfect security in life, i d, wander over the veldt, the majority respect no natives, rights, and enslave the “Phe Two Civitiz: oer venus British civilization in the balance to-day, an ue, paveres to the puroh: he last ten years 1) mae Eic8o uth Afri ica | has svendfantly Suited ae 4 t in view te object to os don’t w clr she looks very high aake South Africa Date) ame te vob, bu 5 ees she Shee one ee e that — has m the outset, eee that is the issue aay viz.,. shall South Ss ere Ss and’ as = sent ® prisoner crn ig. We J. A. BARI ave our every important naval bye ic fi \iiklon qa eug-wocla # We coateanac MR ‘Who volunteered to r deb na member of Strathcona’s Horse. nan ote Maple raccan at Git: raltar. e have our coaling and Africa be Dutch, or shall South Af- ere a th Africa so strike the first blow ve them tage, and which for seemed to have to St, nds pe RY OF MONTREAL, al Malta in a comman- half way to the east. ; ie Suez Canal; we control the outlet to the Red Si ith our fortresses at We have a great naval position at pe Town. We hav coaling stations and naval positions’ scatter- ed over the whole face of the mari glo We have Zanzibar, midway Off the east coast of Africa, com- manding Zambesi, the German sphere of influence in Africa and the Portu- ¢ sphere of influence in ice.. every s a@nq_ its armies are col- lected ‘tof racalnieet every part the Blo ccomplishments hava been almost beyon! human belief; and - Speai pence occasios uur chrono.neters, to test armaments, to ascertain where weak points exist, so as to get ready for amy t difficulties that may come in the future, a whew to strike great blows uncrringly and ef through the training required te &% them to meet t A Fable for Parents, A certain mother had a spirit land from wl ne. |” Even as sbe avehe| Reon as he tae ess her, but she in ROrror | oan said, “This me back PG eesti ing soit. arms, eet my neck ges . ping bear his waywardness, and sponsibilities, What if have, se. ed a at i I have | baby?” {And there cane «sound ot mea: | ing laught ae of a Mastodon Unearthed, ago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad $s spending ini the nelagtioor gang of men have bi cavating for th x hee examined: the ry it to be undoubtedly part of the skeleton of an imal of prehistoric times, probably ‘Dae ofa on. & $6 ee B 3 How te Preserve Flowers. ‘The use of a solution of gum bic and water may ‘be exten: he color and for: fess tedl cate weeny ee the St London, Messrs. Kruger, Cronie & Africa: Fennd ten: 26th. Co., South Gentlemen,—Our Mr. Roberts will iy 9 of cone ‘Thankin you for past fav- ors and hoping for a continu of he me, We al lemen, yours. vel , John Bull & Sons. eenies in Upholstering. iS pecans oc Gkanroy cr ae uote fabric is well founded. It. is durable in texture, and elthough lor fs ies beautifully * usuall ee ereby Smproved. Still another goo: he ma- roundings. which may ee eably. worn to market or for a round of visits, cor- duroy is most appropr: ov sitting room, andgnot at all out of place wit - furnish- fae of the je drawing room,

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