Milverton Sun, 29 Mar 1900, p. 3

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Siantorcot the House of Refuge. ee fold Dresler" has been a sad hi many. weary years trod life’s rahe and uneven journey. Tho Latest War Dispatches, es grcetth, March 2 27.—It is report. the Boers are massing in positions at the berg and it is. added es their arautporta trains are Neweastle in readiness to facilitate their retreat in case necessity should require such a step. The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, . MARCH 29, 1900. The time is near at Hand when|*d tht cued Transvaal will be bat a name, and| Biova Bree State. but. a geographical ex- Pression. Mr. Whitney, leader. of the op-| P tion, read in the legislature the ether afternoon, a series of affidavits made: by, Mr, JohinG. Pritchett, now in Detroit, detailing his connection in the West Elgin election. scandal, The affidavits show that he assumeda false ‘The Biitish had three name and secured false. identification |men wounded and the Boers had eig before the Sheriff, to ubvtin appoint- men wound ment as a deputy-returning officer, and is understood that that he faleely counted and slipped eel to hee the inh ae the ballots. He is, according to his own|goncyan ) on sBbOns Pushes on to confession a: scoundrel. of the first water, andi should be punished as land, dee March 26, says The rigorously asthe law wilhallow. His Basutola nd - Government is busy col- confession, he. ‘<a oa is the out-|lecting natives w x come of'& breach of conteact: on the | Bloons! part of those who were to pay him $100 per month to keep out of thel. country while all investigating pro- eeedings were going on. His em- ployers are equally guilty ith himself] mite oan upand fight. and the commission ix a farce if. the ‘A\ despatoh.. gays : pice scope of inquiry is not wide enough to decane be pects touade giving. the adwit circumstances like those for | Boer. los: at over 2,- thorough investigation, 0, bat thi thin can ee be credited. : day fro itch from Maseru, Basuto- The London Fie Pressis now di. ~recting it’s.atiention towards arousing araslor years ate.being flooded, Many the interest of Canadians toa sense of f°A™PS are transformed into. swamps. he a Wahie sad die dittres thauets This will stillimore militate against an Se % 3 | immediate British advance, Seas and is son ot the increase in log Gbéhe Boud! Wan held at Todia, through famine. It points out al that there is enough food in the world | several members of the Cape Assem-| Ot to supply the wants of all, if it were| bly. ee i i i ud Jovernment was Dob, SUR pcteag pene piers ows epithe ted Foie ISN cs aie lebeg ty ac eed a RE any settlement. which did ne re Public opinion... It’ pointe ‘out. the | spect: he independence of the republic fmterest that is being takea in the) would be detrimental to the highest in: hited States in behalf ofthesuderers. | terests of the British’ Empire. Me, Thousands of dollars have been contri. ea a the chief ee RO buted, aud thunsasds more will be con. |*eeanother war within six years un- trihuveds: The farmers of Kansas ure| secures we Soatribating one million bushels of|the war as a continuation. of- the eorn—a magnificent’ offering. The | Jam De Free Press calls upen our governments to amike.a move in offering: seme man- nerof reliéf. It argues that if the Dominion government were. to.ofer ae free transportation across the sea, that Misa Ethyle Soed spent railways Ines would carry contr |and Sunday. with Miss. Maule Large. Wutions from, the various, provinces ar| Having resigned” her Eso & moiety of. the usaal cost. Some om| Miss Seed Pe eave ee Be ore ganized movement shouldbe inade and there would be no diffenlty in raising an amount in Canada, that “would afford material re. lek 3 Poon: Mr_D: Moxtiian Harrington, was guestof M tak accom- unsmore, eet wee owe ald wee ge. Shearer ‘returned las nee ege tne ae AUGUST OREXLES BELE.., Miso Tinie and Mr. ane Dewar turned Saturday. four ‘August Drexler, known around this oie mane visitto their see 's in Michi- vicinity ns “Old Drexler,” the wander- layer, is dead, His trouble, ing violin player, is dead. His trou | in ary Bune ot tr xt x eres Bes | Geeacad as Goon situaticna tlio | John Burton. ir: fre to Tas is yicinil 7 <i the. lit the peuple of this yicinity fer: many: Se iecar ele aces Sunday of inflammation of the ear, in Hesson cemetery fe} on panes ae aon Steetin’ 's little child died on tes line, but his auwbition was, an he-| day. f Tt ie whooping cough, By playing the Shes ties siiet a fer near. asst Drexler ‘was born: vias ab ifferent» enter- tainuieier be sas pul ave enough money to secure the needed education from: Mr. fap at the State exuminations he fail- Ghee Viedanholuier has moved rae s farm, iF ange r having gone to tisiowel jadive: It is is reported th that, George, Arm then between 30-and 40 years of age. Mae to reside in Une! The shock feft a trace on hit mind. Seng dom Hai Mtr medy. one of the old da, direct to Preston, | been Martin Kenn ears of Wellesley, died on Friday, 6th, at-the residence of iis lace he could call is pee ‘eli eart hi ee livlihood and hi vieinity-for over forty years. Zoelluershas often had him play at an entertainments, irst time being on som (the, occasion of the in 1086, Ee Saengerfest held ia Berlin in 1) fe then phd = violju and.» te future necate the viola or Les the Boers are| si ch 26, and was ‘attended by | ¢ t passed resolutions regretting eae: was granted, and ex DB, Chalmers, this | ®. Saturday | 7harsday Peas te Apples per bag Mr. | Potatoes" two-year old si ‘a is e Falk Wheat. Sores utter as shook: the Canadian dust of their feet i t m moved ‘into ore is lon empty ; ae as var for oct Sait The lat ii ——_— RUSALAS TReOrs ore MORtIEING London, 28, 5 am.—tThe Btaadard tee ie headed mn ence to the ae mail despatches from Odessa “There can be no longer any doubt. as to the object of the warlike pre, h tween St. Petersburg and> the Sublime Borte becomes every day more acaty. The position is pepe upon with the aravent appr whens “Tf iunary. 2d Minor, aphe AE aes oF must evit ensue, Tha Russian gar. risons in the Caucasus and along the Armenian feentier haye beep increased fourfold, audi equipped for active service, TMMIGHANTS IN) ONTARIO, The immigration ria ord the pro- vince of Ontari repared. cm nts who came from the Gaies Lemar or those who Pape to Cant in passengers, ‘mami; Seems have been falling, off. for the last ten intil ees when mpared with $2.11 the previous Mark Twain is soon to retucn from pe and reside permanently in Con : New Spring Goods After the dull tediousness of winter it is always: a pleasure to turn ones thoughts to the benefits. of Spring. We wish to draw your attention: to the NEW SPRING GOOL’S that we- are showing. The variety of goods, the delicacy of the fabrics, the goodness of the qualities, the reasonableness. of the prices, all. combine to make selling a pleasure to us, and buying a delight to our customers, Goods Here we lead. Hyou wish to be tight ins Dress: Goods this year, then buy your dress rick: profusion are the following lines that we have only space here just to mention Silks of’ allkinds, Black Crepons, Colored Silk and Wool Crepons, all wool Kome Spun Poplins, a goo@assortment in Dress Trimmings. = Millinery Department fashionable centres with the newest ideas for handsome Spring Millinery; Goods are arriving ; ol nie last year was gies, | tock complete all over our house. H. H. Dierlamm. MILVERTON, ay 0 pan. League, Friday oe at 8 oelocke vice at Millbank at 2:4 arg Serpe iae B.A2, Tncumbent. Divine wor- Kk p-m. Service -at Elna. at Rev. David Anderson, bath on 4 ‘tesla: Oauees oa Wm, ae ee BLA, pastor. Sabb h Service at 2. COMMERCIAL, Munventox March 29, 1900. Fall wheat per bush $ 6b Spring wheat, per bu Burley per basis Oats ee |SHOE FITTERS as well Half the Pains Of life are causediby ill-fitting Foot- wear. Foot torture is entirely nn- known, if your shoes are properly fitted. Weare as SHOE SELLERS And Guarantee Comfort. Our Spring Stock of Eine Shoes is the finest we ever carried in stock. DEAL , Call and examine these ee fine lines. A complete stock of Trunks and Valises. J. G. Grosch. & Son Spring Wheat. Apps per bag, e| Dotatoes, per bug. Beef, per ewt. 4:00 Toronto, March 29; Wheat, white. $ 71 “ped BSSua8esy Dressed hogs. Beet hindquarters Mami. ceicoecs The Dress Cranks That we spoke of last week have since left their ordérs here for Suits, and are more pleased than ever with the style and fit.:. One reason why our custem is so large is, that our customers are free to buy where they please. We compel no one to buy from us, neither do we threaten them with the loss of a job they go somewhere else. Peopi¢ appreciate that spit and com- mendeby patronizing us. Since last. week we have had another arrival cof Spring Goods, and are enabled to defy all competition. Look at a few of our prices : Trousers from $1.75 up to $6.00: aa from $7.50 up to $253 :, Overcoats fram $10 up to $20 " All Winter Goods will be sold at a big reduction. . Call and see for yourself. ‘ SSENS noesEussaeer Prererd waan ES Veli... at the PEOPLES’ STORE. Heaped_in-- LI asf SES plain and figured Lustres, Ladies’ Cloth, also .» Our Miss Broderick has returned from the: - ;. E. KNECHTE,.Merchant Tailor g5 The aitverton Sun THURSDAY, MARCH 28's 1900. GENERAL NEWS GULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. Measles are prevalent in Stratford. Thivshing machine men of Towa have organized and will proceed to pluck the festive farmer, Nine carloads of _ wobae wet chipped from Kingsville to Siuediaa manufacturers in the east, chiefly in Quebeo, last wee Some of the. Trish would not wear bes und to be agin the government. introduced an Conmee has Gentes and not the people shall bear the co Aeladey Grant, of St. Mar ‘|Drives out the , | This Great Remedy is In- : | vincible—Gives Relief ina sent it in the English championships this season, Jolin Bene: the unfortunate young man who was killed at Woodstoo! being run over by « train on eetarde enthusiastic base ball player and vieved with the Listowel team last e880! ate er an absence of three years Miss Pauline Johnson, the ‘Indian postess, has returned to make. a brief tour of Ontario and Eas Canada before leaving for eitencted season in Australia and England. The Ameer’s attitude greatly: dis- turbs the Russia: ii an favors permitting Britain to. con- Bete te 90, men at Kandahar, The estimated revenue for Nova amounting to $432,306. Ontario eect has de- cided to send Hon. F.E.A. Evantural, Speaker of the a gislnture, to the Paris Exposition as representative of the province Mr. Evanturel will leave for es immediately aftec the House prorogues. ‘The County of Kent has. petitioned the Legislature to make a reform.of the mega system. Kt recites. uae few of the justices of the peace Sted for the position, and aaah: that fewer magistrates be appointed and that those who are appointed should Le paid. hi is at present’ considerable discussion as to the nationality of the generals ae the front in S. Afmea. Roberts,“ White, French and Kelly- Kenny are Trish though Roberts was born in India ; Baden Powell, Gatacre and Methuen are English,while Ktch- ener is of English: parentage but was born in Ireland. In the Review of Reviews for April, - Jenks; who has the United States Indastrial Comun- mission as ex adviser in the trust investigation, sets forth the merits of blicity as a remedy for le evils of trusts, with special reference to the conclusions of the Tadwcel. Com- mission, and to the cette Lae tion in New nO “Business Companies’ Act. atest evend in a agtronomi served | miuted Few Hours and #Cure:in from One to Three Days. Of all the tortures that disease can inflict upon man perhaps there ure agonizing than Rheumatism, and its kin- red ailments, suchas Gout, bea Neuralgia and Sciatica—and these are no RHEUMATIC | none more | mi Breaks tfie Shakles of Rheuma- rap + |tism’s Prisoner-and Guarantees é: him Perpetual Liberty. especters of persons—they attack the old and the young alike. active; irritating cause of Rheu- matism in all its phases is Uric Acid. a posion that collects in the blood. It is the es, are not carried: through channels; the joints aller that rete SOLD BY JAS. many death. wo respecter o} specitic—w iu tere eekly into he r effete matters of the system, which !:2tiv it tart in wt its work of Purifcatio ough the ordeal 0 of| an al And on the evidenoe of expert. teat many.cases oP sad caser the sufiéting is borne ual whens the patient may be within a step of South American “Rheumatic Care iat Itis a never- “aiing acts for cheamatio ea the foreign and aber se acta for YOUR GURE IS ABSOLUTE When the Wall between Suffering and: Health Seems Impregnable, South|™ American Rheumatic Cure Comes to)<« “ithe Sufferer’s Relief— “Shells” the" Stronghold of Disease. Hostile Forces--,732 resin al pan sucha ne pee ores that paavod after the great stro; uth halt cabo torte erstwhile sufferer ahora thatthe days of ost‘ obstinate, obdurate, acute and ce forms of rheumatism have bee: fessional_narae, 92 ‘n (Hilifax, N tein yea reat Rheametiom, od hile Aa, met and Cure is a search--~ pert beueiays ea Tthadee tad kidney ailments. nikees' in six hours. raiisiich neerine ina directts Vv to ¢ day: TORRAN CE. ais ty feet Catena ped sy 8 01 torture, is the okey of Liners to the blood. © Queen Victoria weighs 168 Ibs. al- though she is only four feet ten inches in height. The Dethi canning apse is putting up. 60,000 cans of jam fur South Afiica, el and raw staffais re sponsible for nearly 1.000, men being out of employment in Ger- pee J. McKenzie, son of Mr. eae isckensie of Mackenzie & telegram ou Mon H. White, chief engineer of the Rainy River ailway, stating that the Donkhebors received $1.50 per day, instead of $1 per day, asstated in the news item. The report published'iw. the’ United States that Lord Sulisbury: has upolo- gized for the openiag-of American Con- sular mail in South: Africa is antrue. Gen. White was presented. Council of Cape Town, assuring,him. of vias semeetiys inhis enforced” home- The Australian Premiers fave join ed in a cablegram to-Mr: Ghacobortnies dessins that it is-undesitable’ to con- clude pexee in South’ Africa exept on- premacy of British rule, Martin Getting Good Men Victoria, B. C, Mare Mar 24. 4.— (Special) —George Ww. Algassiz, was ister. Liberal, fend has: aoe iden tified: with upper: country interesta a good many y wre The choiee is nd |e i by all parties to be a jeebe is-said eebensiewdle® business tan, ang /hmas been very sue- his aes and it is e a suurce of alesse that. Martin is new looking fora man. to relieve Stuart one. Mr, Martin wants to face ee souniey with fighters from-away-back only. The other Minister. for the remaining port- the universities of already making este olerve the dazalidg ent. ie .governments of Great Britain, Germany, France and Austria have nontied the United States that they will send to ‘that countzy~ol servation parties to- note the --plwn- omena of the’ total eclipse. The railway promotors area ing-an easy time ut Ottawa: sion. They ure asked sane very \ per- tinent qnestions as to the Nearly’all of these men are Liberals,. but, they do not: hesitate to, “speak: out in-meeting,” if the Govern ments policy does not: suit. them. Ti | 01 control a aoturte God fe rs of shelter during the: tim: folio “of Chief Commissionership is seth to be appointed on Monday or Tuesa FAMINE §N INDIA, The Indian famine from re; plague is inereasing in Y, week's death returns bebe 1,350; i ted thig dreadfal foe of nankind, ma ee muke its way to Poona, e, No certainity-: an Pier 4 a and scarcity of water: aie address by the Mayor and: Municipal | terms guaranteeing the ybsolute st} hd Yates: feom the pontli he| hi; the | now« balds, us: he is too wenk, nn se [joninion [ie : Head: Offices, - Die ie ever pees our | Women. meals for the hun: the ils are re goin without. th 8 given ee “this Sant ere ede: it of the famine- dees but this is small help many hundreds.o: ople. PEFFER's. “Mr. Qliyer Jones has bought the farnnef Mr. Wo, Merrick for the sum of $471007 My: Métrick leaves here to tuke possession ‘ef a farm on the 2nd. con. of Elia, Mr, Robert ey intends moving to Dorking this: wi Times are ae dull here just now quite the reverse of uhé past couple of weeks, >» My. Joba:McGregzor bas left here for rei: re J. Fz Carson has secured a_-milk as to ‘Milverton ‘cheese factory ‘for the coming season. PEAT IN ONTARYO. The erin’ “Advertiser, column article, argues that it is scien- tically immy what it thbad each ashi The article, howeves, concludes a¢ follows: ‘But we expect that the ernde ar. ticle which ca: some an every- ae aed very t- th is to the Irish heart.” At a recent dinner given by.a pro inent. cla n who is anescally young for the prom incaee be has ws in his chosen field, rose to respond for the first time ina certain city to a toast. is beardless face was flushed and his tanner embarrassed; ms going to say. Now God alone knows.” “And he sat wn, Asura (., Wate pac i 63 THE LINSCOTD. PUBLISHING CO, Com; Toronto. AS) Fair awarded us 1 A iene heen a co., Hs ey ai pra nts:— Rite i South Africa.” i hod: D1 mie if ze years. FIRST PRIZE BREAD. have beem in business four~* and: never took second! + rize for bread: WHY ? '| Because I make the best~” The public knows this now | my competitors realize it, »|Ask the First Prize Baker’ * To Gall at your house. 1G. GUENTHER sweeping Send- your its 5 Te last year of the centur: ry “Nineteenth. Century ibes all tes, res Fall Dreyfus trial, nor of South Afries to date, war with aul eer grab. event of the sony Big book, well illus at tford. | FIRST PRIZE BREAD tant judges at ris Stratford ~ t Prize for ~ We do not have to depend upon the~* intelligence of a ste oe ke show judge»* tor our reputatios The vast number of le whe éav: * 'V. WEITZEL, * The Baker. = a A Radical ial and the easy terms factory or ee a 7 id Write for our elegant H-T catalogue and aStailed jaticnlars. How §- p, we can save you money in the purchase of a high-grade sewing machine Q aes dire Change in Marketixg Methods $ ties cto Song Machities, Esrasrisnep 1889, 1899 was the best the cee x Gained: in thetY Ia Amount vinterest: Sore pene bigs paid ib death hese 10 the beginni Separate took for ins and ae in. force January ist; 1900, wat ba ex-M.P., Roy Rompr; Eso. President Vice-President r|Tuoa: H-uurarp,, ye F. Maan, Managing Director, Sup't neyo Nearly. Our Order Your Winter Suit Fall Goods have-justrarrived-and they are of the LAl EST DESIGN. Three Huntiréd’ Pieces to: cheese fromz ‘ere Suit will fe done in the ‘ MSST. “WOREMAN: LIKE MANNS hide BU TAILOR... URTON, |

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