Milverton Sun, 29 Mar 1900, p. 4

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east that painter off, I'll put a bullet THE FOUNDERED CALLEON nem & wearnercy corsyay axp ALICK MUNBO. Wopyright, iste, by the Authors.) ‘The Eureka was in the Bristol chan- mel once more, fying for a pilot off Car- oe Raa ae and Guthrie were on deck, le by side and watching the bet of Spek ree in the channel. 3 many things ‘to say to one another fast. now, these two, for the great ad- a i) versha, had routed them, and ra the miere force ot ae enormous muscles*had saved the situation when it seemed to be most a short aide. Cain Laversha had been belo scho ‘twansnal was afoot, hae. ia ano ‘strike be s giving any cause why he shoul on with the piece of work on Soi ie was engage Now, it so ha; | that there hee one cylinder more than would go the chest into which Dr, Tring had told him to put them, so’ Cain took this one in his arms made his.way up on deck with it, to ask for further instrac- tions regardin, lisposal le emer; from the hatch ea as a mulatto had finished t the seek with which the last avier ow, gas mulat sto, Sadie bee for hae and for his companions’ d the nigh stat be teks had spent on er, with his neck assess in the sie by the immovable mass of 0 ‘stone of flesh, With a hot, rasring enh ~he diverted the aim of the pistol was pane dead at Dolly’s nes instéad at his old adversary, point “The ballet whipped. off Cain's cap. ‘The farmer felt the wind of .it, looked Mid bevels a auc white heaaad fron cylinder he was carrying. linder struck one of the thw: of whaleboat, exploded witha a aol shock. and blew tre bottom ent of her. In three ean fe a sisht ee were struggling in “Lower away the jolly |"? far paler Oabuciies It was done, und Tom Jelly and Hen- aici aes just going. to tumble down hashes roared the Sela “Stay on md a rope to the painter and Fash her out to them with a 5 oak hook. ey can all swim, ts seems, and the ear any of.’em, aiaes say.‘ Let ‘em scramble into her themselves. Hold on 8 ith the little nickel e I it ‘gramble at that Al hands sailon the Sree T'll eee to tes ot chet Sea mysel “Sgt the captain gave exter $o.chet the bez ee and bg yay throw: o the | $4 By nightfall the lees re | $3 oes melange mast of th ped bel crew fore nd oeearton during thio trip | Lavensha was knovn to + THIS SUMMER'S PASSION PLAY BY ALFRED R. ROWLEY. 1-4 ‘World Fam- ed Ceremony to Be Given Again This Year, z mper, ted tn the konstre Jog as one f the phenomena of the voy ver now tl the Bristol “pee, was charge, and tho Eureka was standing | rd of western “Dolly, "* remarked ae ht cig a | presently after a use, ‘have | some weeks ago’ he gil ete ast glance at nim In spite of rumors to the contrary the real Passion play will be given next sum- by the villagers of Oberammergau, the “vilia pee Baie kept ‘thelr uC the errors that the production is'to on account of the Paris ex- ” ae "epee — te postion or that ge Bavarian regent had erate: wotiat ieee tone of “Well. are you sae to toratity itr as ae Dolly Teoghed gayly. “Your m fails you, 1 think, Mr. Guthrie," said she. “That wasn't the bargain at ain eaet What was it, then, I’d like know ated in of ae ae I think,” _ murmni mse- qnentl: But ne young man understood. He imprisoned the girl's hand for a brief joment and gave it a squeeze: Then turned away snd marched boldly down into the cabi sy ice aati be Tring on the last | morning but one at bh '8 cay. THE Fi Odd Ofer. ‘There is more method, perhaps,| performance. It the recent modesty in proposal willow-like waist, and in day and the moon at there is a Bena who is clever, | learned, handso: of ood taste | E of being Durted | 4g thE, eae. gtavs One of. the most unconventional | cov em Wi plated revolver whic! Ai atha. ts fan expt aut ie Loabags ass 'y to > the bot botun at toe gee ror ths ne 80 ‘were powerless. “Now, you black vermin,” said the @ptain savagely, “if a single man jack | ef you so much as makes a move to Pach car wee without | [sie the giv' have go who have gone t a overbid each other hb: been the cause, take piace on Ine perform- ances will run from May 24 to Bent, 80, there being 27 ances in all, or more if the crowd of tourists shall justify the repetit commences at o'clock and lasts til! halt past 5, with ap interval of 114 hours for.retreshment, in 1890 the greater part of the hall was upcovered and open to the sky, but the little village community is now growing ish a background to the most reesively devotional ceremony that Petontece deca osst anew A NOVEL L BUSINESS, a Farts Devartmont tore Which Ja a fe Manat pet Cheapens ess on two Though in dimensions it equals the toet important Parisian stores, it is erable in rival hous: will exists the Bevel for Paris—by ma- chinery, "thus doing away with all ciara On the Premises means in the store bi rhaps. be tageretes. in the “cast for the coi together in tl the performance 0} DL AS ST. JOBN. the actor rs do not play their ad taken the part piel? before, in 4870 and in 1880. It is it it was given to tent of the Teta thus obtain- ed. As the building now standa it cov- ab 7 rT sees Ppa with acrid So ee for nthe erst floor are situated gi- our Work rooms. At ‘first all aj = confusion endl uotke, (but. grad both one adn rooms of the machinery is enters and. ae alae leer ot tables, chests of drawers, chairs, Passing ne Pa ie ees. om 90s of mach in whic P hot lesigned either for the provinces er abroad will be safely packed, Passing once more along a passage, we find spacious workroom, in whi ich wi alone ere employed, bustly. ‘engaged manufac i assing glance to those srasee eariosity as bean aroused all its detail, “Parls-Vol. ot yeh all Paris is talking. ie is said, and c: mag- hed, baat fucoe: thaw 5000 aninlons es and workers of both sexes are en- gaged in this establishment. ‘possibilities of the de} Tlety of ef. Dh THE BISMARCK APPLE. fruit « Handsome ¢ ome bt and Sure pas, Adame: A recent nore that hay basa come to 5 pple, and moatever may be tie dedclencies in Lest and some people can hardly fi a Wee pane for nen feelings: impale attained # position that Pts ua certainly does not rape mend ft dessert int in Sta favor ta tes ple, bat Ae errant lop to be one of considerable impor dening and aie ue following from an English “From the aes realized for it ip the aol resect? ies neh all that We bi can be obtained, freely, for and, prices which prevail ae “pi are ob tainable prove Pplsmacek te lakes es as respect It is a veritable giant fruit In size, and its cropping properties are gigantic. It the heaviest fruiting we have, and as such, al other points considered, {t may sa! be term inest apples {n sue Ene Le ene a ‘ ees and urposes te is well sulted, iy ite cares grown the fruit put abl former — wil) command @ free sale at good prices Sold thus it insures a demand from » well to do class of retail fruiterers.” 0 are interested in grow- ing fruits in pots under glass the Mus- tration presented by American Garden- ing will appeal strongly as showin; Bismarck. fruit weighed full 14 ounces. known private gardener by whom it Was grown said in regard to this va- apne tendency to cotu- pactness an Mane: and therefore‘ cap APP! a kept in shape with but Uttle trou- ble. Shonld the apple respond to orchard cultivation as {t does to culti- vation under glass it is Canty. of at tention, although 1 do not consider it ‘oung Princess from the table, she was wearing th coe eee eee fo.) ° better co: sked than Peter Rendl's John of quainter Bishop like the al that of the late Bishop 426 looks of Ossory, who, aft the But bis acting was ble. Still ing bone’ with e yor it'was thought at that time that he would wks bad mie laid down ‘be the Christ the choice of bis part the ‘anuther ® disappomt- her, “‘will you lay your ment to him. But it is likely that it tened to shoot my Sos 3 gia you? oy. Tm just (io to give you tow for half a your ofiom pirate of back to ship of yours. have to make you Bee eielate acne kas ena nately. but as ‘Sap Soar own, which was a better ong, entirely Hig his mot mem, in worth the rej Which he was wo successful. dress rehearsal of the play is to pasate ‘adiyiuuel rs feomsidered 0 Sshtar- ir ihe protection. , Mevenge. Hei ony ara jo ete She—I knew it t was wl o cepted you. —Piuladelphia Nerth Amar- eon fel ther than the pred Hittite id, and the a ask eee will Meniovele it applied in seed early spring after the frost has left 4} ground. Hew They Did It. “My gowns ware gaits au fait, @ The Boston ‘hala avowed. : Be ep Peas ‘The New ‘York 10" oy At-out’s just about the stuf”? Chicago’s demsel cri “There ain't no kissing bugs om Dee Dendwood trl replied,’ his point may de rae SAVE THE CHILDREN. Rey. Dr. Talmage on the Duties of Parents to Children. NECESSITY OF EARLY TRAINING, per Dis- cipline and Wise Training, With Personal Example,Necessary toSaye the Young From the Dangers and ‘TemptationsWhich Surround Them, Washington, March course of Di h 25.—This dis- @nd encouragement to S who ere trying to bring up their children aright: text, Troverts , 1, “A wise gon inaketh a glad fai = ‘son is the heavi ee of his moth Be this graphic way ace sets forth the idea th ut ill, he. will have to bear consequences. He has the same that I had. le take self."” A pope: mete just as ivell thrust a lamb int den of lions and say, “Little Je vip the hoe creation are nts pious to look after their young. 8 going through a woods, and I ian a shrill ren in he ae ed up to the starve: thi ii ery Ti occurrence. Gener a bird will pick your eyes out rather than sur- render her young to your keeping or your touch. A lion will rend you i you comet r whelps; even the barnyard fowl, with its clumsy foot and heavy wing, will come at yor God certainly intended to have fathers and mothers as kind as the brutes. hrist comes naberdas i ous) house- holds to-day, and uu take are of the bodies ve your childres and the minds of your children. What. and holding her little child out towards the petoat cried out, “Save my child!” that impassioned cry is the one that nds an ue in every parental o-da: in this Jand That man out there foug ry 6 have got alone tolerably Well. The world has buffeted me, ‘an have had many a hard struggle. It does- ‘t make much difference what hi pens to me, ve my child.” You Fond @ a subject of stupendous import, I going, as God may help me, to show the cause of parent- al solicitude and then the alleviations of that solicitude. ‘The; first cause of parental _solict- tude, I think, arises from the imp: fection of parents on ayoid our We hope that if wwe have any excellences they will copy them, but, the probability is they will copy our faults and om our excellences. Children are very api be echoes of the parental life, Some one nieets a lad in the back street, finds ne smoking and say “Why, I am a: led at you. What would your fa th say if he knew his? Where did you get that cigar?’’ “Oh, I pick p. on the street.” oe ar ena: of those who Bee! af- re Hlettude arises from our con- scious asaiTGlony and unwisdom of Besplinie: Out of 20 parents ene may one parent who understan: how thor roughly and skillfully to aie Fe dine page 8 not more than out o! t bring up my children Hehe. sons shall know nothing-but religion, shall sea nothing but religion.” y routed ut t ia o'el in the morn- mor my this you told gent pi the back great sinner he It is religion,’ morning, noon ee the parents are waiting for the Patan of tin It is 9 it} tha’ bedroom’ get rid forever of tia With religious pic- say farewell to mmiiaeatog: which once i been down, and he mn the broad road to ruin ae this life, and} to com the fa- pe I got ae with {1 a I father erred on o1 ee feed discipline Te an sata fail- taeher pals one way and the ¢ mother Pulls th I would chastise you, and gO- ing ¢ © keep my Promise.” ‘The moth- says: “Don't. Let him of ane waitiog for the som to come home at] would fr night is half. tunity, I find that tee ry Ubetine and a oe is ative! anxiety of every fotallt Some go ce rok en Cee ment if sary n fretting and the scolding which have pate ns. taken by a straightiorward mee but sippose there be inside ¢ castle an nd try to purity aad honesty al itis ad ae ave} Gambling for drinks. Shuffle away, done my very best for that boy. Just| shi indlord stands eee how he has turned out.” Ah! my| jn » with his hands friend, you ued that boy re-! on his hips, sate for an order to a. fill up the glas: m sense. A man of midlife said to re en I was a a ent Wanted any of it since” ‘That ly household: we! wa} never make an ‘pies of darkness aiagoes never put a curl to ’ in that their pane and all the voices of the Way. That is not my writing; that] pit uttered a loud , ha!” is not my signature; that ‘The statistic has never made feit. Send for the police.” ‘‘Stop,’’} up in these great cities of how many says the bank officer, “your have been destroyed and many beau- father and mother are 12 o'clock, multitudes of parents ns become a ther mean? I gave you every oppor- oe . I gave you all the money pie and here in my old ju have ae says: “Now, father, souats ip ake ial aur nkioe You me to go it, and I just took correct is ae at tter old fashioned style of chastise- at be neces: great soli- in the mee he shoves ao helt and swings open young folks have foes Fi he his ae - Well, lei have ‘tremendot his life he will want t everything, and he will man will come to the young them that of weakness. Some ge tak ea seni attitude, chara » and try in the right direction. friend, to mi ity on the one ces. I t. ‘There's Father won't 4) jn gut ll stay. My ph, devotedly, ee pave ay re ‘cousin; The clock aan ee: one of overthrown. temptations, and to v: those tempta- matter of great soli- for ate alleviations. First urself al and Eramping to Be oe of Bh ee distinct line, between innocent han do not laugh at your child's sin be- If yo mething If fatie & stays ‘Wanted to Know. | and further down, until he has about struck the bottom of the depths Hw Je i Jaga low estan SO greasy you can hardly toll who has the best hand. of ing But 2 some ‘commer Pa regi and secretions, brrily the blood and be and wake style ot Atsciplins you ought to bring upon he divides | Were caloulated to diminish his use- inter ink aont 't you?” “No. Agricultural Experiment Statio: Under the direction of the agr' part are-ni gually carried on fn pase parts we) the country. The; ‘ipally in the gfowing of Giese Saas of crops, such as. wi sin grasses, sugar beets, vegetables fruits or In the testing of different ane of ie eeaie &s applied to the el ae crops in dif- ferent localities.—! Miller's Worm Powders the medicine for children. The Voice of Experience. Young Maid—What is the best time marry? Old Maid—Whenever the man ig willing. Tickets to Paradise. The Liberal Idiot—‘’It seeems to me. that an aching tooth would be. more likely to be there. w back for 50 cents. Miller's Kidney Pille fia Plaster. Bari eeeh ‘The best carver will let the knife slip sometimes, unless it is iene very sharp. ‘The great point in cool to, by whatever method, when it is done. To give a fine flavor to. corned beef good soup stock for moisten- ing, with a pinch of salt, sugar and gh cooking pagar: an appetizing flavor to ee ootsteak cut an onion in half and pes it nie ape the melted butter. lass jars that re- fase we pen can. Se ‘overcome by set- ting the downward in an inch or ‘two of hot water. Known to Thousauds.—Parmelee’ 's Veg- table ulate the te of the stomach and bowels free trom del matter. Taken according to direction they’ will. overcome psia, eradicat Sen eh ‘show by experience bow beneficial they are in giving tone to The Wit Mr. Beecher Kept In. rch asked him if he didn’t such frequent outbursts of humor ‘ings I keep complain bon the ‘ow 11 Tot yeasts March Ladies’ Home Journal. New ae fora quarter. Miller’s Com- pound Iron Pills. A Man’s View. **But surely you believe that na- nded the sexes to be equal, That’s absurd. A woman can’t make a good cigar. — ‘THE. JOHN LABATT, London, Are undoubtedly T Zeist chi a 2 most wholesome icians. For sale every- n and Garde: ‘Use fresh Pale for potting plants. Never plant a tr at you are i ih take care of of i ly and es cutting off of the lacs’ ‘imbs will be unnecces- which the leaves remain thy. not more a awe years old, rather than older o1 ‘There is aa ‘use ‘in planting orchard unless the aes out an is well When setting out canes of Yaspberries, cut oo te Within six inches of the groun sd He Knew. Pastor—I nha you know where the ~ pa little boys (ees eta rc told to stay im teks house)—Yes, I di y go skatin and sleddin pa hare 8 jolly good time—~ Philadelphia Pres “They want to enlarge t ie 2 cere at beetle He ton because it tting barter pooh! Why, they haven't Le gan to fill fed the dome yet,”—Clevelant Plain Deal 4 WOMAN'S ADVICE To Sufferers From Nervousness and Jeep ies Mrs. Robins, ee Colborne, Tells low She Found a Cure and Assorta_ Her Belief That the Same Remedy Will Cure Other Sufferers. Mrs. Daniel Robins, of Port Ool- AlePorter ra

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