Milverton Sun, 5 Apr 1900, p. 1

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PRS 5 The “tt Shines For a.” ‘¥ol IX—No 18 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, APRIL 5, {900 The Milverton Sun ‘Is the beat Local Newspaper in the County | Trains due to leave Milverton. of Perth. It Best Advertising GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH. Medium. ebeon 10:38..m. Express $1 per year, strictly in advance. $1. 1'19:40 p.m. Mixed 00 p.m not so paid.—M. MacBern, Purras: . 8:17 pom. Mixed, 10:19 p.m ADVERTISING RATES, We bavi: igoodagmne anioa| the SPACE. Year. |6 mo. | 3 mo. | 3 mo, prices at Dierfamny ‘8. |__| W. B. WEIR’S SALE REGISTER! — Men’s new shirts, a large variety vo - x : j a ee aol ceed, ¢ oxi On Sesurday April Thin Males pec an ae De 16.00] 900] 6-00] 3 50] ton, the farm stock implements of Pp oe, D ot Hh f siaed 10 09) 6 0) 3.00] 2 00/5. 1, Sale to commence at 2 ae rae Aeoot ea ‘ne inch....] 5 3 00 ’clock p. m. r. ucker ding a ats chee tow der with thende iu Betedort “Transient Advertisements are She rate of 8c. per line, nonpatiel, for first insertion, an a Be . per line for each ae ~ Banking, R. RANNEY & Co.,Bankers a A general bank ted. Drafts istued at alt points fr Sasdecndtis United States, Money to loan on notes an ty Lies jiscount tes and ee ES aed Demealie eeesicol and rent raves of ince allowed. R. RANNEY & CO., Milverton, %. T. R. Time Table LOCAL NEWS, Remember Mr, J. L. Rae's sate on m| Saturday. The new aad for the library are out. G The Judgement in the Drainage © Case of Elma v. Ellice. 4 The appellant eer of Elma adopted the dra ed by the by ine SE aio grad ani argeons graduate student of ‘1 ial Fondo, England. Office Gonilon hit anon, England. Telephon sean with Poole, Lutheran Church and Rostodl Ont. piaiinees id passed several by- laws to give ce to the same nae ie assess lands and ro: within ie joraiton affected ars The drai was ‘commenced by the feeedcin wunicipality in 1885 aud was constretted b: through the several _ wmunicipalities, Daring sucl follow itor, Ete. A. M. PANTON, "har » Solicit " sOfice Lae By aeatta Vin. Burton's 5 ing actions: for claims aud damages consuguent thereon were brought Dentistry LEDERMAN, Dentist, ra 2 yu DR. sof Devil Surgery und’ Member of teeth, BEUcE, LD Dextii R.C.'D. &, Teesotes also WwW. M. “Graduate ja Elma; judgment cee Heloaa? for 8373.8. ee lor oO isdgmens agro defendant.for $590. 35. Hitesw. Ellice, action for dam ages to plaintiffs lands in Ellice Scere Haat ‘of Prosthetic Dentistry, oe Kell Post a Gllive, ‘No. 5 Main ier Listowel, Ont. Bae ae pt pas from 12 ee Mo 8pm Sect a Elna Jnplade defendant for S767,, 96. Crooks v. Ellice, action for dam ages caused to plaintiff's lands in 3 jedgment against defendant for 3667. At. All the above judgments manicipal law dealing with the | nabitities and expenses ineuired by in is at the Grand Central Hotel. — is and local At saanecaet ek used for ion of teeth. “Crown and tidge cwork aspecialty All work guaranteed. Veterinary J. H. ENG “Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, Tor- all diseases ofelomestic animals vifeally. ta by r telephone Seeretes ght Dintetry end Uhrouie Disceses « speci Gil, promptly attended | 5 follows : “Except where otherwise provided ‘by this ms the cost of any reference W. BARR. VETERINARY SUR- treats all Giseases. Borde naan iar at ; transfer. Commercial driving a specialty. Aeotetien iG. 0. B., No. § 7m, pitied oath ae Temniny of every mi 99, Tnesd sett Bro’clock, ts their ‘hall over Schneuker ee Gikisenetn tae. Vielen brevhren at eave wolosiae We Zinmeraie: CRS, Barth, Recording Secretary. L 0. 0. F.. “Silver Star Lodge,” No. 302, Mitverton, 3 meets every Friday might at p.m. in their hall, post office building. Fndig bretiren always wel Spence, NG; WK. Loth, R Business Cards W. D. WEIR, eae for the Coun- ties uf ae and Wi ige ides ee Milverton. DORLANDS BUS LINE Milverton Buns meets all train: All citize Pot travellers calls promo eiieisiedieng Wee Dorland, Muple Si prietor. Motels EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brimwer. Sohn Gevpe, Proprietor. Best liquors and har. First-class sccomimoda- Yiquors and cigars. corner anil Mill etreets. C. Hasenpflug, Proprietor. QUEEN'S HOTEL. Milverton, ¢ Ont. ' tes Hest accommodation for edit eae Ce ee ee Good ce stables and ‘Cigars at the bar, plenty of shed roo *Jemply. with any such jadginent, order eree-under this Act, all a sates or any suin of money that m quired *0 enable the carpark Ae ward made in respect thereof, shall be charged pro rata the | §, lands and russ liable to assessment for such drainage works.” juch were thestatutory guarantees of the respondent munapdiy dur- ing or at the close of the contests forced upon it by the respective liti gants above named The effect of these statutory guarantees, I think, clearly entitle the respondent muni. cipality to be indenmified against all rape oe expenses. properly incar- “ap fe as rom these statutory gua ntees, it must be remembered a ed. conclusions are confirmed hy ie Reeve of lesa Cipality in answer to my quest The a of the mini is therefore. distnissed . with costs, As must pay site costs, have been ineurred by Ellice in ‘wewint- ing their abe to appear and the «ppeal, ae The following is a digest of the|@ays this week visiting te: in judgment of Drainage Referee Hud-| Listowel a ins in the case of Elma y. Ellice. Di aids, checks, ib sa a few days this week at the EXE the an as (arbitration) had in connection with | “he .. Milverton, @ the the 4 ante church on Sun 'Textent than formerly. *| premises when be did. ben-| the Methotist churah, on missions in and in which their moneys sre invest- et Don't miss our miliaery ‘opening, en ed Tth April. Dierla 20 lbs Granulated for $1; 22 me "Yellow for $1.00 we ee Miss Annie Henrich spent a ene, fancy lied: ete, at Dier- pent a few days with herparents here lest. wee! Oue j priow will unlock your pocket book ; try us for your next bill. EH. Dierlam Mri eneay: of Ningara. Falls, Reet those beautiful ioe Cartains that are tobe suld at gld prices at Dierlamm’s. *Mr. John Woods, of Wallace, is spending a few days with his uncle, Mr. James Torrance. Our Millinery Lae is. going be the event of the seasun 6th and 71 of Agata Dierlawars +-Miss Myrtle MeKay, « ener, is spending a week o ith her cousin Miss Dora Schaefer ere . W. V! McMillen and Rev. ;|Mr. Armstrong, of Millbank, will exchange pulpits next Sunday. ub up expressly for our own trade every jaa guaranteed at Dierlanu’: s, Mr. Chas. H. Trim has severed his ieee with the Stratford Business College and is contemplating “a visit to Wilson Ranney had a valpable cow die on Menday.” Her death’ was |, ated Ny 8 shingle. “anil perforating ach, . Burn, of Sebringville, preached the quarterly services and red be nee in the s.Gebied aay to take b He complains that the by-law has beet infringed upon this year to a greater The teachers would feel themselves under obligation to parents intending. to send anhine pupils to school for the first time this summer, if they would do so age itter tia Maneee halt days, Classes of new pupils will be formed when school opens, and it is not desirable that they should be broken to admit Jate comers, Ee ee Sine home one night Jast week K. Loth entered his store on eee it fall of smoke. On eke investigation he found that hat boxes setting on the stove water, how- rer served in extinguishing the fire, uta different tals might have 1 told had Mr. Loth not entered his Owing to illness, Mrs. Pres ton, who was adverti ‘ised to deliver a lecture in Japan, on evening last, was unable to be present. Her Ines how yer, was taken by Mrs. Hunt, of Listowel, aretarned missionary fram Liberia, Africa. Mrs. ii ii experiences among the people of the black republi u to the close of the lecture a reception was held in the basement after which tea || as served. The remainder of oe evening was spent in exeha i ng 8 ies and mingling with friends. The Is of the evening amounted to over $22, tiie Henna Bayesatietpentan |e hed or two, She will eeoilnapened by her | Stra Ask for Lily White Baking Powder ae Our goods and ‘prices are imitated | entering Pi ouea ee Keen vs. but not equalled. E. H. Dierlamm. Another lot of unlaundried Shirts to write, explaining the Se each or 3 for $1.00 at ag Dierlemas. from Strathroy and is now ied oF rangements for the summer season the Kinkora factor; The Rev. W. V. MeMillan preached the saniees'y saviocs Haysville, while tl Ward filled his pulpit as miooan: sak Elma. ac Miss Maggie Rae, who has for the past six months been in Oil Spcings, | P has returned to Milverton, and kas been cognged as saleslady by Mr. W. K. Loth. xOn Tuesday, Dr. Egbert, assisted |®! w | by Dr. Rankin, of Stratford, perform- ed an operation on Mr. Richard ee by removing a tumor from the Mes Baber of Ottawa, whv came to late Mrs. sister Miss Sophia. Messrs. Willian a eereches, of Owen Sound, and J. G. alsa a ae Ris Manitob: a, who wi wel tending the funeral of cae ei se returned home this week. Money Loanep. — When your mortgage is due, or if you want to a5 of interest charged. Your business | to with us will Le strictly private. Jamzs ‘ORRANCE. *yMach sympathy is felt in the village for Mr. and Mrs H. C. Hasenpflag in tbe loss they have met with in the death of their youngest child, Hleonora est) who died on Sunday evening of his week at the early age of three vat is just an ordinary property aud aut su valuable as one might judge. A Messi hand & Booth have Ghigaded pis of the eaigortts Walkerton, Lawlash, Paris rk hill creameries and will setie! on dairying business this seasun on an ‘extensive scale, me last fall been in the employ of Dierlamm as clerk, left on Meuidey for N. W. T. Sid. is man of excellent parts, and is per- sonal favorite with all who know him, what beanch of busi evening was enjoyed by all present and te = ey of host. aad hostess who ww comers. in one neighborhood ae ae, appreciated * Mr. Isaac Tangtont was on Wednes- prospects of running a bachelor’s hall but _ his aevession to the ranks of the benedicts | . was not looked for so xoun, ee are just a few of us left now, bat’ w wish Mr. and Mrs. Langford every — and happiness. ing to April First falling on send lay there was not mi chance to work off the old crea that have done service for so many years always finding nem Metin the: innocei youth. was Db to the drug store Tew ntceela ereh of pigeon’s milk 5 the raw apprentice escaped being jelegated toa neighboring sbop to borrow the square auger. ven = printer's devil avoided the necessit, ae as contents of the heli box when sent to borrow the type moulder. Taken all in all Sunday ica great sey for the greenie when it falls on lirst of April. The School Board met on Monday evening with J. G. Grosch in the ebair, Several smafl aceoants were passed and an order for eleven. dollars was advanced to the Principal of. the school to purchased a pew unabridged Webster's dictionery, Some acevunts were laid over entit. certified vo. communication — frein. Our Ladies’ Hats. will he- popalar, bus Se cehy Dierlawm. Mr. Hadden Goodhand has returned | © ar * Mr. Sgdney Hunter, who ae fines ce a young | fu We bespeak success toe pues no matter | e1 nters. ie pare Fiie Mone Thue Ukes peas i School retary was atta) with the bein An order pee es ‘Erst goatee ee the teacher’s are finel concert under the auspices of the Literary society was held in yall on Tuesday evening, and ‘ctewd was not big, con- apie) Uke ‘state of the roads, ‘wes ‘excellent. of Sante fered several tions in fil Sorat tas style; Mr. sie erenneon, tratford’s ‘cele- ted baritone, made a grand im audience, accompanied Mr. Jol hnston, gave an instrumental that was much appreciated. Miss Clara Guenther’s instrumental solo was well rendered and Milverton will yet feel oe: of Miss Miewoeie 8 performances. Mr. W. H. Gi time vigor mu neh to the delight = children’s choras elicited applause. ‘he proceeds of the evening were in a neighborhood of $16. ig Sea ro be handed over to the Treasurer of ihe Public Library this year by the Literary Society will be over $65—a. magniticient offering. Dr. Bryce, Secretary of the Pro- viucial Board of Heuth, on FYiday last met at Milverton, tha following ees of the and Butter- ers Association for mae purpose of sein his pane for the di an illustration school and experimental station: R. M, Ballantyne, Archibald. second tan! filled the Aisi is then turned open: and the drains are at once filled, and in time will be emptied Be soakage. This, the Doctor decla: poet most cleanly wode know: te inary kitchen sewerage. x solid ee will settle in the bot- of ills all germs and the matter passes off as a liquid. pg Mr. James Whiteman, of ee fixto are, has invented » for Weouson bu: boxes. pe in- ©] tended to make the corners solid. General Joubert, the celebrated Boer general, who organized the c sony and put it on tts present irate basis, dieddast week in Pretoria’ f1 inflammation vf the bowels, Mr, J. A. Auld, M. P..P., of Essex, states that there are growing rapidly, and last yea ae to 9,000,000. Ibs., or nee one third of the eutire amount of to- ne | Lacco consumed, Sportsmen in the county of Water: loo have been collecting money for the importation of quail to that county. Quail will be sent for ahwost at nee, and it is eyo the birds will arrive within vecks They cust $4 per dozen, ‘ait are broughe mee the from TI is expented hat by [ nid sands of the binds Ses Ane m. Spencer, arsessor, is of the | 4, sewerage of the Milverton vale ice property in Milverton is factory which is being renovated and preciating in value as real estate RARE eobet uirements ” owners inform ee that their propert, ded for making it conyenient as

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