QuBe “It Shines For All.” *Yol IX—No 13 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH“CO., THURSDAY, APRIL 19, {900 MALCOLM Editor and The Milverton Sun Local Newspaper in the County Best strictly in advance if "*M. MacBurn, Prrasiten. NG RATES, 3 mo, ‘ADVERTIS space. | Year. |6 mo. 00/830 1 00) 00) $16 00| $6 00 6 00} 900) 45 900) 6 6 00) Figat! 3 00 3 00) wone ae 2 00) “Transient Advertisements are chai he rate of 8c. per line, nonpariel, for the tl wR. RANNEY & co., ,Bankers|M. Esrasri 1865. ‘i as transacted. ‘United States. Notes eres accounts collected. jits received and scurrent rates of inter ae R. RANNE' , Milverton, ‘Medical W. EGBE . D.C. M., grad- eaate of Colle of Ontario leo. pos ‘London hespita a “Telephone couneetion with Prot Bruner; Eatheran Chareh and Rosto . M. PANTON, ear Solisitor Ete. ‘Office open rue ‘Thursday, Wm. Burtor Block, Main St- 5 Dentixtry R. LEDERNAN, Dentin, Lieenbate vot Dental Surgery aud Men 2 tal Surgeon! peek te sroute’ University, eth, Crown and Bridge Tours 9 to 12 50 ta 2 Basenptlag’s, “iailes ae P Milverto eRe L. Graduate of R. is smember of ie Haskell varowiits ‘aie of Prosth iat Seana ne Servier No. ane OES a if Stratford, raduats of aa " oe Spit i) Hotel. Nitrous GEL, Mi uaa Dea Vata iso eslcke: ‘tor. disease of do mestic animals 1 calls Trompe attended y or night. VETERINARY cio, Miilverton, vformerty of N New! onleia ly | how. -|ofthe United States whom, he says, iret eluss horses ani rigs at Baggage Commercial driving a epecialty. nocieties Milverton, meets every f ever . “Silver Star ng Gane G.; W. K. G. T. R. Time Table Trains due to leave Milverton. pm ane, “10:19 p.m LOCAL NEWS. Ladies buy your Millinery “&t Dier lamm’s. Mr. W. K-Loth spent Gocd Friday | at ee ed at Phoffer, 4 and 3c. per line for each suc- | °tY Secon ‘ *| Rothaarne Atel, Ps Business Cards WEIR, Aactioneer forthe Coun- “Gest "Berth and Watorlos, Couseyancet, 5 ills and Horan a and Afitavite vont: Bait fi 5a Cuties Village Grosch's Shoe Shore Maid es Milverton. NE, M All citizens. and # calls promptly attended to, Wan Dorlanid, Maple St., Peoprie is oe HOTEL, Brunner. rietor. Best liquors and rr. First-class accommoda- Re wit tach HDlane: 80 GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. |j accommodation r commercial Aiqnors aud cigars. corner of Main and Mill streets. C. Seng, Proptietor. QUEEN'S BOTS Milverton. Ont. The ‘best accominodatinn pate eae ial Let <elers and others. To Ouly. the choicest of Wines cy lbs ACigars at the bar. | Good warm stables and plenty of shed room, Henry Rose, prop. Mixcellzneous ee ere J0aN ts doses ta. Cedar oes eae ae fy Sone, He ete, follawing is the report of the examination held in various grades 50 | previous to the Easter holiday 0} Grad v8. le I—Part I of Junior Leaving. larke 82 ‘per ce rosch 68 per Maximum number $25, ©. Herr, 805: A. Herr, 871: M. Pfeffer, 308 : Maria Griese, 862 ‘Miller, Miller, 349 345 Guenther 837 ; 1, ‘Griftin, 880; 5 Ducklow, “A MacBrtu, ers INTERMEDIATE GRAD! Six best upils in aachia volass. Sunior LV". Groseh, 581; B. Anderson, Ru Be ‘at: W. Guet ;V. pees 504; BR ‘Anderson, equal, . Hasenpflug, 409 ; “_W. Smith 418; G. Kerr, 870 ; J. bya, 1. Hartmier, equal, 353 ; G. Smith, 330 ; B. Der and, 316. A. BELL, Teacher. DEPARTMENT NO. 3. Best six pupils i in order of m ePioretice Berger, C. man, Part Roberts, L. Griese, G. Egbert, Eee ty G. Chee E. Guenther, Foo First —E. Schmidt, a aneniog E Schmidt, H. Hoff LL, Appel, E. nore . SHARMAN, Teacher. that moves the free and independent citizens of the psi tepublic re ides in’ Siéhigan, extraction, and ment general vast aay ofthe people, sympathize strongly with the Busrs, are simply of the opinion that the Boers have diamonds and that the b want them, hence the war. Ireland is softening their sentiments. of, Almond, the eye speviil wever, is disgusted with the peaple ave without gratitude. 2 el nations of Burope du uring oe war with The Prof. recent pent two ori New York Ae tiga and is. of the Hae that at least eight ople of the Beprblicas are vails. that 22,000 school cheered for the ing addressed -hy some of the repre- sentative men of the United | States. At the close of the meeting one of their personally into the hands of President Kruger. There is no despoting the fact that the antiBritish feeling verv strong in the United Sunes. BANK. The Ladies’ Aid held ‘a successful ep intoa vacant stove-pipe hole the other day thereby fracturing “a small bone in her foot whieh will lay her aside for some days. Seiecant Mra va, Mandel l have re- a winter wil iter in elt: aug! @ 24-car mow-pare moralists tratiord, Pata ‘of the “Holy Willie” order, the leasing of the new city “hall for vente as dancin; such boise amusewe! aad sparrio, | EB. &. D cond Class. — Walter Me-|in'y; "at the fair which is to be hel "| end of September turned to their home alter spending | Fue % Mr, J.L, Tucker has purchased a Hanae piano. See those new he just to hand at E. H. Dierlanym’ Gents, the latest “pies i in Shirts at ierlamm’s, hes was in London on T | Mr. T.P. | | business on Tuesday. Parone Ties thd very latest, at E. H. Dier' 8. i ae Henrich spent her holidays at her home in St. Jacubs. & Mrs. Huber M Sophia | # ‘Kertcher left for Ottawa on Saturday G Dierlamm’s for the latest in stiff = -- hats. Horses for sale. Thos. P. Roe, Deering Agent, Rica. Mr. Hoffer Wallace, is spain his Easter Holidays at home, ff you want the jatest styles in Sine Waists goto E. H. Dierlamm's. The merchants of Milverton report- ed business as very brisk on Saturday last. Miss Hannah Langford spent Easter i sister Verner of Roe returned on aay alter “spending her Buster holidays ‘ys. a Charles. Knight, of Wiarton, spe Easter at Mr, Guenther’s. jiculars regarding the standard ped stallion, Wilkie *Gollins see route bil Hose ! Ae Special Corton, fast colors, sizes 8$, 9 und 9}, 2 pair for 25e, at cates p's. Bev Mrs. Dierlamm, of Pont Elgin, = Tuesday with their son Mr, BE. H. Dierlamin. The Rev. Mr. Armstrong of Mill bank will exchange pulpits with the Rev. W.V. MeMillen next Sabbath evening. The library books, Won by. the Sword, Andres Hofer, and Handy d. out overtime and should be returned at once, sumber of special prizes are be- ing awarded by Milverton merchants at the The Miedo flouring mills are receiving their annual overhauling — new machinery being substituted “in eh of the old, x Mr, James Torrance and son, Edgie, left on Maney for Bertin to attend a director's meeting ef the Berlin Mutual Fire Insurance Go. Ratz and daughter, Enid Mrs. D. Fi °/of Elmira, and Miss Adda Boomer, of Berlin, spent Easter with Mrs. Moses rim, Football bids fair to played in Mil “Tosser” eta move on in organizing the ol be the game 8°) fuwarite game. a Wilkie ee stallion, own ys. & Ranney, took first prize at the Soaa spring fair on Tuesday in a well filled class of horses. The Rev. Geo Finkbei ‘iner left on Wednesday for Wallace to “attend the General Conference of the the Evangelical ee te meets at Gowanstown this 1000 more agents cats ab once to sell combination. dipper, line. to pay es ; Askren Hosetnld ae Box , Wi Collins, the standard bred by Grosch x iis ‘A. MacBeth left on Monday to attend the Ontario Educational As- sociation which meets at the Eduea- 1 Departinent, Toronto, on Toesdiy, Wedneay and Tharsday of this de Mt Adres Chalmers, formerly. princip: Milverton Public school, is ie in Detroit hospital sui Hering froma severe uinonia. His $many frends’ wish him & speedy recovery. — When your testing against | cc rE 1g ee us =i i Letcethy private. Jamas: | interesting to. Mr. Gouftied we to| Resurrection of Clizist, Mr.'George Crammer, of Millbank, on the 27th of March, lost between | tl wood witl dollar note by Tevet Ee) same with ae eae of mee ee rector ee ie ake iaterton left Wed- lay for lon ere he will on Thursday (to-day) Biome na en address av Memorial church on “The |®' Relation of the Parent to the Sunday School.” X Mr. Walter Ross, of Alma, formerly |’ of the visit on Monday. Walt. is now en- gaged in the mercantile business, and is (pleased with his calling. ‘He says that business in Alma is ina pro sperous condition. Milverton Glee Club id in The in the social hel the Town _ hall, Sun staff, paid us a friendly | a took part] th, tion who passed peacefully away about at was ti customed to making lengthened re- amare of personal nature regarding ose who had passed ares. believing te the life Soe for ‘itself and any- thing that might be said could neitht add to ner take from the‘life which had been lived among us. “With re- gard to Mrs. Chalmers, however, w: G o} happy and cheerful disposition. had always ee a regular attendant bh as ieee as her health Millbank, on Friday evening, oe What Aid auspices of the Ladies’ the Methodist church there and were. well reoeived, especially Mr. W. H. Grosch, who sang a couple of solos that greatly pleased the audience. Mr. Thos. Harrison, in writing home frem Neepawa, Man., says, that he has.a good job, but has to work hard, lace between the printer and bis foreman, and he thought that aa eee would be obert Me Cloy, he says, is EL & position as porter in a vemperance hostelry, and is doing well. The Milv verton basket-ball ane tford on Good playing a keenly contested game. Bernd players were much superior referee and the teams lined fullows: Strauford—Cullen, Schweitzer, McDougall, Ireland and Forbe: Milv <on—Barth, Smith, Hinkbelner, Bundscho and Gleis A number oitas men on Sundiiy venings congregate xround the doors of the churchesinfter service be i themselves by calla Sane Onan ea tie ouer ranuing up and down oe ePaper: ng the doors and pee , much vo the ae ote ae and congregation. Churches for ohne le aia ge ae the gates altogether, thereby main- taining respect for themselves an sanctity for the service. Among those who left Milverton to spend their holidays, we notived : Miss Turnbull, is visiting her brother, Dr. Frank Turnbull,-of Tor- 3 Mrs. iss Bell, Mrs. ~ Bell at Hanover; Miss M. Hucepine at Tavi stock; Miss D. Wilhelm at Philpsburg; Miss Mary Schrenk at Stratford ; Miss Ss. Rae -at_ London ; Miss Minme Griffin at Atwoud ; Miss Emma Dierlamm at Waterloo ; iss Mary Hoffert at erlin. Among those Hans their Easter hola in Milverton we soticed Miss Millie Toehaee of Carthage ; Farrow, of Stratford; Miss Bertha Dorland, of Toronto ; Mr. S. Whuley, o . | showing, after all expenses were tet, Ir had passed throngh a long and ‘painfol illness borne with great patience. For her we do not surrow as for those with no hope. The flowers must lie buried in dark- “ness Before they can bud and bloom; And the sweetest and warmest sun- shine Comes after the storm and gloom. on ‘Monday “av respectively. reports and other business the follow- ing officers were elected: Hurst, minister's warden; M Roe, people’s warden; sidesmen, Messrs. C. Barrett, ©. McMane, RB. Donavar and W. Struthers. Immediately after the ‘vestry, a meeting of the -congre- gation was held at which Mr. Robert Roe was appointed to. feperent the people at the Synod in Lond ceived in, there was yet a debt remain- Ming of about $70. A sey ttee was then eres consisting SSCS. ne, J. Barr and g Mocean’ © ory ee have this amount, raised by the end of June in order that the church may be consecrated in Septe: ber. Christ church on accor night very few meeting having opened with prayer, reports were received from the wardens a balance on hand. The election of of- ficers'wasthen proceeded with. The ere of ee year, Messrs. N. milton, were re-elected and a special vote of ‘ed them for es work in 1e aes appoint- P. Roe, ty abnauea, anks tender the dist ope 2 the members at the Synod, of thanks was moved and pa || unanimously to the organist aud choir for their untiring services during the past year, The méeting then closed with the benediction. CARD OF THANKS. :| Ed. Milverton Su: DEAR By ean you ‘kindly Suey, the cdlumns of The f Ayton; Miss Naismith, of Tavi.|the stock ; Mr. A. Naismith, of Stratford; Mr, A. Langford, of Stratford ; Mr. Geo, Roulston, of Stratford, Miss —B. Miller, of Stratford ; Miss [. Siddle, Stratford ; Miss Nellie Gee, df Strat. ye at Mr Stati io New Bis : Miss Siete, at Me Forest, at Mir, Ducklow’s ; Mr. Parsons, of Tieton | 5 aan Ernest ene of Nive Hembarg ; Miss Kate Wied ee Eyers, of Mildmay ; D» fae ibe =Me. Jolie (Strong bistowel.| > The David Anderson, Burns Church on Sutday. last at tho close of the sermoe son < Death an to refer to the déxth uf the lat ae ee David Chalmers @s follows: A apa to ux tbrotgh the death of one of the*nettibers' of foe congiega- nid, of St. Marys 5! p gontese neared the ificent bell on the Jas. Trim’s; Miss’Goodale, | $0 Siratford ; Miss Clara Riddell, of | ™ a Tene Trim, Toledo, | by ;| words fail ine to express my feelings other than these, that “my heart jared within ine.” co) ook decasion Hee you, ae eons iors allow- ing me so mu 2 | ini pees rs most hum remain pAvID CoS, Poole, April 13th, 1000,