Milverton Sun, 19 Apr 1900, p. 2

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Subscribe s who do not receive thetr papers ‘negulariy w ll please notify us st on ‘Call at this office for advertising rate», THE MILVERTON SUN. THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1900. TOLD BY THE EYES. sie eyes eaidin te the weak- “Ctaea eyes are typical of devo- ae open eyes are indicative of eidewinscing eyes are always to be Seok cota by oculists to be the si 1 | tex tronges' Small eyes are supposed to indicate pos dowoast eye has in all ages ‘been typical of modesty. | The proper distance betweea the eyes is the width of ‘one eye. 3 indi- cree “pete ore | disease AFTER DOTORS How Perley Misner, of Welland- port, Recovered Health. He Suffered From Hip Joint Disease and Abscesses—His Friends Feared He Would Be a Permanent Invalid. Pete The Journal, St. Catharines, ago, hi cures that aly eda Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills famous as life savers the world over. bated sre py Misner, son of Mr. ner, who had suffered trom hip hip feat and abscesses, and who had been under the care of f without beneficial results. Mr. Mis- ae gave the particulars of the case rt) Perley, who was then in his thirteenth year, began to complain of aching in his hips, ma later my attention was directed to = peculiar shamble in his gait. As the Palle ray eyes turning green a eg raster tattneciea ot cinlesio iperament. ‘When the upper lid covers half or! grose from ication Unsteady eyes, rapidly jerking from Bide to side, are frequently indicative of an unsettled mind. It is said that the prevailing colors of eyes among the patients of lunatic Iater Ti brown and black. asylums are They Advertise Themselves.—Immed- lately they were offered to the pubic, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills became po because of oe themselves grown, and the: Hirst medicines for use in ks of dys- psia and biliousness, complaints of the ys, Theumatism, fever and ague and the innumerable complications to which these ailmerts give rise. Punished Enough Already. A very subdued looking boy of about 11 years, with a long scratch on ‘Under the circumstances thought James had been punished enough. That weak, tired condition will soon change by the use of Miller’s Compound SR eros Ween ae Periemy Wanted, a Full Rest. BG Fae it is generally supposed, makes perfect, but then the girl next door, who practices on the - tune and out of tune, should not lose sight of the old adage that ‘‘pati- | ence’’ sometimes ‘‘ceases to be a vir- tue.”? | New aa for a quarter. Miller's Com- pound fron Pills. English Rage for Khaki. Several firms are very busy enamel- ling bicycles the popular khaki color, ays the London Chronicle. It is an excellent shade to hice splashes of mud. Mother Graves’ Worm Extermluator has no equal for destroying worms in children and adults. See that youget the genuine when purchasing. Five Men to Take One. ‘The military rule is that five times the number of an intrenched enemy are required to dislodge the latter. ou need not cough all night and dis turb your friends; there isno oceasion for fanning the Fisk of contracting. io, tion of the lungs or consumption: | jickle’s Auti-Con I up. medicine cures coughs, colds, inflammation of the lungs ‘and all throat and chest troubles. It pro- Smiedtacely es the throat mad le Tones from viscid phlegm. ADelightful Effect. *bout eight dollars’ worh 0’ firewood every winter. FIVE TO 10 POUNDS per month is the increase of Sees wae Boe | MILLER’S IRON PILLS. bligi erutches. As he continued to decline, I resolved to other doctor, who , Gingnosed the onse aa hip Jo joint disease. ‘He treated Perley for six months. The lad a AGS | es Te at first, but He was weak, faint and confused. Dur- ing this time the abscess had broken operation, which and Comple: vane onized “ the Bazar. She recommends, among other things, the drinking of a goodly sup- ply of water daily. and the eating of ‘ated carrot before breakfast. The effect of the carrots may not be visible ae once, but in a few weeks one will tice a seg captivating gloss on clearn ter how large the audience. A Bew back for Pe cents. Miller's Kidney Pills and Plas! Noises That Attract Snakes, It isa curious fact t noises 3. For instance, the mowing machine, instead of scar- ing these reptiles, as might be sup- , seems both to allure and enrage them, and they almost invariably dart towards it, rearing themselves in front of course. Nothing looks more ugly than to see p Person whose handgare eovered over wits warts. Why have these disfigurement; on your person when a sure remover of al! warts, corns, etc., can be found in Hollo- way's Corn Cur: h Left, Not only is the stock of khaki all eomanry toe har fae Norfolk jackets of khaki and breeches obtai demand for cor if 10,000 pairs a ‘gical tee objected to, and a fourth medical breech en took the cas 80 as to constantly draw downwards on the limb. This treatment was continued six weeks, ape : in my arms from the house to the vehicle when taking boca In October of 1898, I decided, treatments having failed, to try ef provement. After this Perely contin- ued the use of the pills for se months with constant improvement and new vigor, and after taking about eighteen boxes the abscess was nicely ied health which my son endeys to: to- day to the use of Dr. Williams’ ae This medicine achieved ak marvelloi Pink Pills justice, as I believe yson ore would still be a hopeless invalid bu for this medicine,”* Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cure by °%4 going to the root of the disease. They cir be sent postpaid at 50 cents a six boxes for ile 50, by iitcemins ‘the i * Medicine Oo., Brock- Minard’s Liniment Lumberman’s Friend. Gold in Cireulation. The amount of gold coin in actual eientiaridn ta aha annie ae by we ae of England to be al Raters for the children—Miller's Worm It Gtearca the House. pees oe about the ol AGG on out sing.” Hinard’s Linimeat is used by Physicians, Her Uniueky Day. Mr. Ririee Did you call on Mrs. | Boream, Fri Mrs. biyiee Yee; unlucky day, “Why, was she out?”” | “No; she was in.” ee of corduroy has had to purchased in place of the cloth ney Philosophy of Sprin; Et so use Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills f Weak People, ‘the greatest nerve ‘and stood juedicine on Garth, thoy ourosoe ete fectly, permanent bold by race _datee bor, 5, mal jostpaid, on receipi by The Arnold Chemical Co, Limited, C nade chen id Time to thi Journ male by the ‘ritih aS and in- on Italian spaleae can che item is the voyage from Suez mbay, gee is Sod at the rate i 17 knots Deafness Cannot be Cured Hi local applications, as they cannot reach the deren s fe st ear. There is wer toc and that Toual remedies. ‘Deal fnes ea ‘of imperfect hea en itis sentra el closed Denfness inthe Sceule aod unless tuo’ adaenmgetion ca Pisces oocand this ele toetored bode soe mal condition, Rearing will be pce orea toe: for- 8 cases Which is nothing but a on of the mucous surface ces Pall give 01 red Dollars for any iness (eo ol Oy sauaeray hoe Soe, forte ca cared by Hall's Catairh Cure, Send for “B,J. CHENEY & CO,, Toledo, 0. gists, 75e. im indmed” con Shabby Bet waen ‘bout this season of ns ‘year pre begin to look ragged; it is too for spring clothes and spiates soba are worn ont. Miller’s Compound Iron Pills restore the color to pale cheek and bloodless lips. The oe 2 es eye showing be- neath indicative of saeiivey of eae One Woman's Wisdom. Mrs. Diggs—How is it successful in managing your haeait Mrs. Briggs—Oh, I simply feed him and trust to Inck. Ale=Porter ee by Physiclans, For sale every- AMAZING DISCOVERY. Startling Decrease in the Number of Deaths From Kidney iseases. Case of Owen Byrne. Perth, April 9.— as to the cause. The investigation has revealed the fact that the falling off has been entirely in Kidney Dis- eases. This disclosure led to further inves- tigation, te discover why the number of ths shoul Buller Moved to Tears. ; with th Natal Field Force in ae letter oy oe eaaw ld you in my last When it was all over the Boers took the Boots ‘and clothing of the dead, | and’out the rings off the fingers of own see such a alot of killed and CG is surround ea ay big mountains and hills. The Boers are behind them, get them ont of it. caused by Kidney Disease in some form, This discovery startled the investi- gators somewhat. For Be decrease was traced, in every case, Dodd’s Kidney Pills. It was: found th it a tok ears RI Paralysis, Gravel, Stone in the Blad- der, Urinary and Bladder Diseases, Blood Impurities, Diseases of Wanies, and Heart Disease, were Bué since Dodd’s Kidney Pills ish come into general use these diseases Bayet prove fatal, when the pills are roof of this claim, Owen B; he period, and no other remedy did him any good. His sufferings were very distressing, and he was in a totally hopeless state, when he began to use Dodd’s Kidney Pills. They cured him in afew weeks. This is only one of hundreds of cures in this county. Fruit For Brain Power. J According to a Sa ee port besten almonds rb aitatd oH alts ae ©. RICHARDS & CO. Dear Sirs,—For some years I have had only partial use of my arm, caused by a ; train. I had used every without effect until I gota samy of MINARD’S NS I received from me to continue | its use, and Bes ea Pe nee to say my arm is completely restored. Giamis, Ont. RB, W. HARRISON, | “The Bullet Ward.” 2 fw have been shot with bullets she mentioned a case of or“poor fellow who was shot re the arm, and{ whilst waiting 0 be carried off the field was shot through both legs. | The shell wounds, she says, are very poor fellows. Th men worried the doctors eyery t they came round to let them go to the front again almost before they wer fit to be about. Some of the men der her charge were and burning for action. No worm medicine acts so ae as Ma ler’s Worm Powders; no. ph: ‘ ue Was Landed. Bess_So Resse married a farmer. marry I thonght she said she would ture? fruits do not have the same effect on everybody. Some people have never been able to eat apples without suffer- ing the agony of indigestion ; to others strawberries are like poison. ildren are pale, peevish. and testes F ee they require a dose Miller's Worm _ Powders. Boer Pe) Sessa to take; no physic re- red, Wonderful German Enterprise. plains that Constantinople is ee rman as Berlin. Asia Minor is slowly being converted into a Ger- the ola English scheme of a Eaploates railway is at last in German hi Persons HEIRS TO wa. heirs or their de- seendants in this countzy. Book of names sent on receipt of 10 cents, DUGALD MoV ARLANE, Brantford ‘STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS Keep Minard's Liniment in the House, No Danger Whatever. “Don’t on any account sleep on an empty stomach |”? ea the advice of a eke ian to a patien’ langer of fae ” was the re- on “T always sleep on my back |”? ‘The bilions Bilionsness Burdens isn anionable ni: ‘McGregor, Benwell &. ., Windsor, Ont. PLOWS, R ROLLERS & HARROWS The Best Made. Send for Catalozae. COCKSHUTT PLOW CO., BRANTFORD, onks, Rosari ra CATHOLIC PRAYER m Biste, Seguin Pictures, Statuary and Church 61 ey ; Educational y , vats promptattentio aze TY) ase ail orders receive r & Co. Monte’, TN. 0. 267 eae pees Sanenene: TS Se are 8, Fits, Epileps; pes and: St Vitus" ‘Danee. No % acd ol ig the effects of bile in. the Sownchs th ey restore men to-eheerfuluess full vigor of action It Did Not Educate Him. ee claim that the stage is an educ: Mrs. Geahani— oo t agree with ou. You took me @ temperance Atay the other miei ay went out three times between the acts. oe the children require physic none acts uice as Miller's Worm Powders; very Pp Blatant to ike Wide open, staring eyes ae weak ‘tenacity, without firmness. ‘Ask for Minard’s and take no Other, iret 2. rion Oa aie 2 <= ‘cial il bot Tortie: nt they paying express charees uly when ecetred? ng ex ily when Fee Esmee $61 Arch st., iadelphia,Pa. err resembles 6in-~4i ae fapan* 8 1 x 145, Truro, N.S, Canada. Macdonald’s Brigade What the Highlanders Endured on the March to Koodoosberg. MADDENED BY THE HEAT, THIRST AND SAND The war ee in letters dust receiv ‘ibe suffering Wench Gere Mawlobaldis har ay Highland Brigade underwent in its march to Koodoosherg, February thin ‘They point ont the trying and dsuze erous climatic conditions of the South African yeldt, and the danger of mov- ing heavily equipped infantry in sack way. ee was once a nu 0 The correspondent of the Standard ie im writes: _ ‘Men seized with sunstroke, writh- {on the stillest days, without Pact he |in thin, were lost altogether; one of them was two days after by a patrol of He was ina raving condi- ulbung ta his back was a heavy, overcoat, which»since the march from Orange River begaii, has so far as I have observed, never ‘been used once. Then there is the water bottle, tore the bare legs of the Highlanders in the most-cruel manner.’? H. F. Prevost Battersby, writing from Orange River to the Morning Post, gives a-still clearer idea of what iers suffer on the veldt. His despatch, os February 6, is in as “The pon Sr like a heated iron makes intolerable the soles of one’s boots, and the dust rises at each foot- step and clings to everything that e moves. * To and fro isa trail of dust that’ never settles, country carts, half tented, camp equipment, alternating — ‘ordnance Jia in’ oll: a string of “rhe oe are choked. i ‘iba loaded with an army. ‘ogress is ideningly slow, for for ts i stat a single line from “At evening, from one of those low hills by the river, it looks like one of the great fairs of southern Russia, for in the twilight the veldt has some- kness, silence and the steppes. as those that twilight oring spans ly to move eA the growing tail of dust behind th int that picture of war. Even graphically the |towever, that make life so part |” di move continually the | fresh ins of transports— |* It is the plagues of dust and flies, unbear- From Modder River Mr. Bat- tersby writes: hoe the first shot was fired across the Modder the land was green in its way. It had at ioe on it a make believe of grass, e. RS RSE oe to battery. troop to troop. anc on their way to wate: and repass to the river alm the agin, ules, twisting spirals of yellow sand, which take their own el bewutiful and abominable, across the vestige of the world; which blinds the eyes and brings blood to the eyelids, fills the mouth with its gritty foul- d but a short after—the flies. One used to think, as a child, besides the lice and the blood and the blains, that the Egyptians were let off rather lightly of water. A sudden pyramid of them forms on every morsel of food, and robe a Baal Ja neve ot) sat sweeping them from one’s face. They follow the ink as one writesin search of some oe ee is clogged with their severed feet. Be- ee ae one did the Meyotias an ae with the dust and the flies the ible ceases. e «are scorpions, no ae ee tarantulas, lice and other little things of the kind, but these are day ‘after day, the clear, cool night, the plentitude of the air.” ile eo After the pigs are weaned and sub- ate on foods other than the milk of ow, or when 4 or 5 months old, those co for brood sows Lape: oe LOOK uke should ows that brought ae “iad aye litters, that sucklers and feeders, that lank. Coarse! pearance should and the dam: retained as the most valuable animals their normal reproductive powers.— Th - Lewis in. Whinnery’s Swine nal. Agent (of philanthropic society}—My dear Soh lille this hte toe ear aetie, Salesgir! ey" re all i the furniture department, ma’am.—Chicago Tribune. Man Who Did the Business, “Did you do a good business on your starring tour?” asked the seedy, thes- in-— well, perhaps not eo good as sheriff aa" ewered the star techies fully.—Chicago D Post jafe Readin; Fudd—What, reading that novel erate You have read it a do: ana Dudd—That’s faite not the camp bugle, gives the real ‘last post’ the night call of this arid sountry into which we have come.”’ should be | kee} WEPENER HOLDS wns Relieving Force Under Brabant Defeats the Enemy. TWO CANADIANS DIE OF FEVER. Beret. Beattie of Toronte und Pte R.Har- rison of Qnebec the Victims—List of Sick and Wounded Canadians Sent Home—toers ut St. Hele! Reception of General White London, April 16.—The Cape Town correspondent of ‘The ae ‘Tele- graph, telegraphing Sunday, mconfirmed repor t Jasion here that flict Doses al Wepene taking prisoners. capturing guns and WEPENER HOLDS OUT. Col. Dalgety’s Posit w Chosen but eae tesa subse Gaoutolang Saturday,A) Sir ae oe! othing is known here of the casualties on ‘sither side. DISLOYALTY av ROUXVILLE. aera eae red in 1,000 ene by eir Invasion of the Dis! Aliwal North, Saturday, He ril 14. Col. Grenfell wires that the casualties at Wepener include Williams, Lieut. Duncan and 15 Post asserts that se Rouxville district furnished 1,000 rejoined the Boers. een was repressed i ted t there are 7,' 000 Boers at Wepen- pathizers have d. The Boers eM, Guiney, the aan eeper, oe selling forage to itish. “Fourteen fase pri on the farm as long as they retain| pat mand on the railway for so large an army leaves the populace bare of erything save the absolute necessi- ties of life ‘The despatches announce proach of winter. Tho frost has been it at settee where considerable rain has Sehiel In Treachere: heey thy Tamm eneaee Thay bia teed ton ‘Transcript. St. Helene, April. 16-—col. Sms and two other Boer prisoners Warre: rit 1 the arell ee mine owner, Rie the hands of the Boers whil from Barkley West towards the) Frank Smith Diamond Mine. LADYSMITH’S HERO. hou White on His Arrival at Southampton on Saturday —Tremendous Enthuxiuam Shown. London, sae ue — As the steer, le the municipal fees aborately i- Ww elcome, tal, Which have won the isetibe ad- miration of {he civilized y i an aa enth n broke out in at meth: denienatrtts ion. White isibly moved at: the vacsieh of KRUGER Is AT KRoONSTADT. British Patrol Capinres Four Boer Scouts rth af oemfoatels. fontein, April bane Kruger, who was reported ge. Pe pril 1. rom the extreme left of the Brit- ish position pl isible, hortheast. ‘There are, penne 1,800 Boers there. Richter, the Donker's Hoek farmer, who was suppo: in ug omen ass t the time of the : Lord Robe: id palace ees London, April 16. — A a news says that o1 sent a si Kr @ treatment of the Colonial prisoners and th Waterval. Gen. Roberts demanded that nel rules aot the Geneva Conven- men killed. Hare 182 Lord Roxslyn a Prisouer. London, April 16. loemfontein, correspondent of fit Dimes, telegraphing ed. exertion of his personal influence ap- now have become a neces- MRS. KRUGER’s IDEA OF THE WAR She H God Will seon eet ciee to the Bloodshe Lorenzo Marquez, April 14. correspondent had an interview to- day with the wife of President Kru- ae es regard to the war, Kruger said that’ she hopes cee trusted that God would soon put a ge to the present merciless blood- ically we opera the Be oe ‘oat the e Drie lost and al ieee ate ‘bance & ure a foothold in Swastiana tilly, or, to seize Hold. of the eae if necessar; CONFIDENBE RESTORED. Grimes pean tee Roberts ows What He Is Abou! ue TOP 16. Spite only coe ts pathy rently, being ‘Ss, appal the British sadivate oer’ impression that ‘on Saturday from Cape Town for Be- ira. setae AcoTnnE | t eae Pier aie visit te ‘owl ‘The pee tlhe AAR from Bloem- fontein ve lone. confidence in London. Sonne its seem as erts knows what he is about TONS OF PRESENTS Received «t Pretoria for British Prisons ers by U. S, Consul Hay. Pretoria, April 14. seas zutates Consul’ Hay has received six and half tons of presents for British mili land. of his doings since he arrived in England a week ago. @ the Boers Are Strong. carat Position at Bloemfontein. for the Hague, Milén, April 16, = The Boer Pence Commissioners started for ‘The 1 Hague on Saturd the diploma’ Sasser them aa far as Brust Is. Tenants Were Hit Hard. Belleville, Ont., April 16. At oon on Saturday fire beaks, out i in a ent, on a ree Tost ou tapes eee pNet ay “SL 600, ‘and eran in- sured for $600. Montreal, April 16.— the Woods Millin; e weather was fin TORONTO ST. LAWRENCE MARKET. fone eipts of farm produce - were It ed as though all the Saturday, together with a large supply of vere bles, eggs, butter and poultry. neat, white, bush, “vn fed, bush» 8. 3 s 8 ies 0 69% Secocog0 Bascgsse : 2: & en ] s Red clover, bush id Ss OO ee | 8 Heeea moed pace’ SR BS 8888 ssene of s Chickens, per Turkeys” per 1b. Fruit and Vegetables— bl. of Ey of aS BS gs have been Kia to $6. Close fairly

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