in ae The Ailverton Sun Ing nee ee at Nee ont wood ill vii ‘ol THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1900. aa. John Witt intends returning to in whi The Municipal committee of the | Messrs. John and Georze Riley Ontario Legislature west-where thi horror of hydrophobia. bare a apa ae! Misses Addie Large of Sten eas Hiapties “pars op s blud Normal, and Emily of Stratford ©. Ls it generally works. The other day he Ss home for their holiday: led a volunteer force of seven colonials | and captured the town of Upington about 150 miles from Kimberley. The | ™ Boers thought that- a big force was upon them and evacuated. Bravo migites, Mrs. Sam ! afew months with her sister, M: Hamkeeville, kin, Milver- Site ian and Mr. P. H. Dewar, of the Business College, Strat- are spending t sir hold} their mother, Mrs. pe Mets MONKTON Labor unions are being organized in Mr. John Murray, of Downie, s ent Easter Sunday with Afr and ndy Campbell in ¢) sound, but absolutely |» Messrs. Jaines Golightly at and Will. necessary under existing conditions | Robertson, of Str aH oR Tf capital unites to form teusts, com. | Est Pulses tues Bement bines and rings, then labor must also form a union to protect itself from the | ¥ enoroachments. of the money barons, |, Sam is happy again, another son who would without a doubt erush | MS.S7Gyna,at wis Home. Yabor beneath their iron heel, if i oe er ir iron heel, if it |in the Methodist ohurelfor'the fonts were in their: power. Afiss, Mavei fachan,.of Mitchell, PROGRESS OF THE waR,. le Mr. The cables lying between Britain Hee and South Afri ance to cool. Weing flashed over is comparatively pase ane save wherein it ase! the eppler and children, | of Milverton, were soa a the lat: er's parents, and Mrs. Henr ims| Sherwin on Sunday las 2 e Wasinan Peele the e lay er visiting Fens in & Mitel for a short time. i turned Rieceiike a Vienow tting their dinemithing sti op in working order, Al those that Heed | m anything in that line can have it on and before the march to Pretoria |short,notice. First door west of bea Efe Gere Th : the jan campaign General eorge ‘Thompson, ot lox Kitehener tot the battle of Atbars epent Bano withis" parents at the vom April. 9th, where he remained until} Qui nite a Se of visitors spent Easter Sunday in the village, and some spent itont @f the vi village. visit- the ft casmalties were 11,000 | MBpTends 8 . diiles iA pO sectiet an soo eee ac Sgtth aol nk ne os bear Prisoners. ee at The long intervakbetween the battle of Atbara and the battle of Omdorman was partially due to, the climate. and the state of the Nile. Time and the | bee sue wit Tt seems t» be good policy butter, and with a1 if poten to stay pe hand and Kajor ied fed give the climate thia the ied Gf his unsheltered enemies. Ti 2 ids makin Bee Bee rs the greatest friend to the British ai the worst enemy to the Boers. we Boers seem to be at the end of }°4 their string of victories. They. a oatabel fH imeapable of anything beyond a suo,| was short and evest wid ie there dele in ambush, Pjified by fexce,under Lord Rol 5 vite-ti : the line. of. warfare oo which a ae Clara ae fol shine. Theychave ae their m yn by Miss M. bles Of victory, Phe British have lost avant by Miss Nelli M aud tmore gans to the. Boers;, any see wear siuce 1783.. ‘The, record of; gans Nicholson’s Nek, 4 /2 Colenso 10, near: Ann ai wT: ‘Flas total of . 23: guns. lost; is. onlv partially offset by the seven- pare cap: tared from the Buzrs. All u 2gsses have been made good a aa Roberts is now stronger and the Boers Rie than ew and lon, *. pol 17:—~At last’ Lord | gel Helens, seems “tn ms on urease mak ing his uain wavds Pretoria. AGinlese'alvshe: Saati “elnie sources of information, are at fat the violin gud organ in by Mr. J. Mathews and. Msp C. Near, then came a short he evening; amoun’ <i” | about $16, Titel will. be applied for be carpet for the church. . The House of Representatives at Washington voted 248 to 15 in favor of the election of Senators by a direct vote of meade with abuat 75,000 men, UNIONVILLE (Too late for last week.) Lost On the toth of Hareb at Milverton shaggy collie and. indignation rei ut the section. The fies Mr. and Mrs. P. FP. Doersam spent spending his rf neal also sp ps ae ere he will follow |F a must have {thinking of taking atrip to the North. | Outs A Toronto ge, of Haysville, are | Bu ‘iss Alice Burgman, after apengins 4 is n, spent Sundi : pel sd with the latter's | Tallo spent their pee ~|years and never tccksecond prize for bread. iy son, Because I make the best: vas & _|Ask the First Prize Baker mG. GUENTHER “| Domestic and :| Foreign Tweeds: ‘ and Worsteds Towns of 1s 000" Popalation in Porto ico are said to be without @- physi- cian owing to ah heed of the people. COMMERCIAL. Minvertox April 19, 1900 3 63 aaa to neo Stratford, April 19, 1900. Fall Wheat... $ 65 ae Wheai jar = rena per bog Potatoes, \per bag Ege Beek perrewt Wheat, white. "red... FIRST PRIZE BREAD intelligence of a country show judge tor our reputation. ‘The vast number of people who eat our bread in preference to any other are the best judges, and give the. v 5) tit as the judges at Stratford Fair Correct, V. WEITZEL, The Baker. FIRST PRIZE BREAD. I have been in business four WHY? The public knows this now my egmpetitors realize it. To Call at your house. Competant judges at the Stratford p, We donot have to depend upon the | of the best to be had in’ = MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, MUSLINS, ETC. can be had elsewhere. The People’ Store Is the best and safest place to provide for it what our competitors say, we are in the lead and. intend te 6| stay; by giving the public better value and more for their - 5) money than no matter= || Lhis week. we are opening 0. New Dress Goods, New Muslins, New Lace Curtains, New Staples. Eook to us for always the newest -and®! most up-to-date DRY GOQODS.- New Goods at old prices. E: H. Dierlamm We have no shop: worn. goods, but ‘all: wear. fitted. Half the Pains Of life are caused by ill-fitting Foot- Foot torture is entirely nn- known, if your‘shoes are properly We are SHOE FITTERS as well as SHOR SELLERS And Guarantee Comfort. Our Spring Steck of Fine the finest we ever carsied in stock. Call and: examines these 4 + * fine lines... |; A complete stock of Trunks and Valises. J. G. Grosch & Son re) PS Oy rARS* All kinds of Farm Produce taken, Come and_ get first Choice of the Largest and Newest Spring Stock of In the Town. We have the -Latest in Gents’ fuy- nishings. BURTON, Minzarroy.. oe 50 Men Wanted To purchase Suits, made in the very latést up;- to-date and most finished style by E. Knechtel; who carries Thé Finest Stock of T weeds and Worsteds'in Milverton. He also has a beautiful line of. Whip Cords for:Spring Overcoating, » which make a perfect dress when made-up. >Calt 2 in and seeshis goods for yourself, nothing. to-look at them. ccc og or A, Knechtel Tt costs you: + Mercuant Taizor,, Milverton... The apitverton Sun THURSDAY, GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. APRIL 19 1900. are now 22 patients in the sector hospital. Rodya.d-Kipling is again en route Poe Canans to Soutl aa Se Paris Exposition was noon on Monday by Presiaent toabe L. Wales is ill at frous throat The Prince of Copenhagen sulfering Jobn Fleming, of Beamsyille, recently found eleven $20 gold | pisces in a stick of wood while chopping. General White, the gallant defender of Ladysmith, has arrived in Eng- Jand and is everywhere being given « royal welcome. ‘After the coming session of the Manitoba Legislature it is expected that Hon. Thos. Greenway will trom the local leadership of the liberals, ‘A cable despatch from South Africa states that young Wallace, son of Hon. Clarke Wallace, is on the mend and is expected to recover. Jobn Spatien of New Hamburg, is wing a pension of $12 per Caer ne the United States govern- ment for active service on’ the Union side in the great civil r, The Ontario Government the other day disposed of their 200 bogs in the Humber piggery on account of cholera breaking out on a farm not far distant. The farm where the chalera_ broke out has been thoroughly ee and the piggery will be resto Mrs. Olive Sternaman, who was con poisoning he wie wa x vile ag Obtaining a divorce in Buffalo ges inn Geeta oener tise has another wife living. The-commitvee on Municipal mat or ay other da taxed at the rate of $5 each. a a plau which it is hoped to carry into effect at the international agricul- 9 to a ictiot lig Jess than The British Columbia Legislature has been dissolved and elections are to. take place on June 9th. There is quite a feeling of relief as the business of the ey was in a quite unsettled} tate owing to the various changes of doernauaee and policies. Out ofdeference to the Mayor citizens of Toronto, Williams, the murderer, who was w have been hang- ed on Good Friday, of 24 hours whom were medical student “ONE OF THOTSANDS.” Miss Lily Cox, 2 Gladstone Ave., Toronto, contracted acute catarrah through taking e severe cold some two was entirely cured.—Sold by Tates ‘Torrance. DONEGAL. #Miss Lizzie McLennan, teacher of ‘Tralee, is spending her’ holidays at ome ++ C. H. MeFarl in Mitchell’ dr ‘ool, are spending the holidays at +T..J. Knox left on Thursday last for Chicago to visit his daughter Eva, 0, We understand, is seriously in dispose: fhe tiany wocd bees of the season have at ee come to an end, and n body is 4-James es Hanilton moved last week into off house, 0 aie 25, wie ella Mr. Andrew Gray pole: bis outs team oy hears draft h t week aa obListowe! for $340. f suesting | of eld in the. It makes life worth liv- and it cures permanent- ly—relief in 10 to 60: min- utes. So-called cures come and go hardly a week passes but some new claimant as a cure for catarrh presents itself, oniy to fail in its mission, add another diswppointment to the ing—it helps in a hurry|?. MAN'S BURDEN 1” What more appropriate namie could be applied to that most insidious and universal of diseases-- Catarrh--which affects: nine hundred in every|™ thousand of our people. Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder proved itself a wonderful power in lifting the burden--a dove of peace in the battle for health. long list of disappointments in the line of rmaneut cures for this most universal and distressing disease. Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhel Powder has been many years betore the publieas the surest, safest, most harmless, quickest and most harmless, ‘quickest aud most permanent treatment for Catarrh, Hay Fever, Cold in the Head, Sore Throat, Influenza, tarrhal Deafness, Headache and Tonsilitis. ‘That it has proved its work thousands of whole continent, is allowed by the thou- } 7" sands of unsolicited testimonials that~ have suffered from the Catarrh Malady in-all- ite forms, and for periods of suifering, whether | the limit of a few days of Influenza: or Cold in the Head and Nose, covering the almost ineredible period of tifty years ‘Apart from the splendid evidence of the curative powers of Dr. Agnew’s Vatarrhal wder received from people of all ranks and conditions ot men, from the laborer in the street to the judge on the benehy Phe most a nose and throat specialists the greatest cure, give it their] peat aan in it by. using. it in their daily practice. Dr. Agoew’s es hal Powder oves-right Th attacks the disease, a eause, cleu reals ee ea quickly and permanently, ‘he treatment is simple;the applications times, east,-west, north and south, over the are easily made, perfectly: palnless;-and in SOLD BY JAS. TORRANCE. ten to sixty minutes after applying,” elie “t follows. It’s so wonderfully searching, an yet so soothing, comfort comes like magic. Mrs. M. Greenwood, of 204 Adelaide” street, Toronto, says in substantiution of of the claims of Di Agoew’s Catarrhal Powder. ations gave me great comfort and relief, I continued using it, and now’every vestige of the trouble has gone; and words fail me express the gratitude I feel at being freed from this loathsome disease.” Dr, ‘Agnew’s Cure for the Heart stops pripitation, smothering, shortness of breath, \pains<about the heart, gives relief in 30° * minates: Dr. Agnew’s Ointment,—When the ski? ” peems fairly on. fice from-itching skin dis- ‘enses, one application’ will give quick and* permanent relief: Dr. ws eng! Pills cure liver ifls * “ 20 cents for 40 dose: other stores. done than the average. saler’s profit out entire ly. do not have We cal! your special attention: this week to the following lines : Our spi g OUR FIRST AMBITION Is:to please and satisfy those who buy their goods from us. We buy the best ‘we car®* get in our line, and there are several reasons why we to charge as. high as ist.Our sunning expenses are much lower in proportion to the volume: oftlobetriecs © and.—We buy so much of our goods from the manufacturer, thereby leavex the: whole- <l| MILLINERY i Such a crowd of Ladies as thronged our Millinery rooms on Saturday would do credit to the’ Milliney rooms in Toronto. ‘Betcer and Cheap- afer then Stratford,” were the expressions we heard. some of them say. Yes, we say so too. In order to be up-to-date we would advise-you to get your Millinery from us. Call and see for yourself. Remember. we employ no convassers around town,.we intend to sell the goods on‘their merit. er Dress Goods Just opened up another lot Fancy Black Crepon, in 4 yd ends, at g5e to $1.25.: Also Dress lengths in same line at [$1.00 to $1.25. Wash Goods Such a profusion of Muslins, handsome Ginghams, Prints and Organdies, and the host of other washable fabrics. The patterns and colors shown are the newest. Lace Curtains 150 pairs Lace Curtains we bought before the advance in to $4.00. tention to our $1.00 line worth } $1.25. Flanets We carry a very large range both in plain: and stripes. As the goods are advancing very, rapidly in price we would ad« vise buying early ; prices range price, ranging from 35¢ a pair|: We call special at-\# Some people have a dislike to Readymades. Why? They do not buy their Glothing at the right store. We do not are dear at any price. Cailih and see our $6, $8 and $10 Suits and compare the» make of ourReadymades with others. Carpets and House: Furnishings We have in stock, Tapestry t 5ocand 65¢ ; Unions at 4oc; Oil €loths, 4-4, at 25¢, 6-4at ‘oc, 8-4:at 5oc,and a very nicé Linleoum 8-4 at 95c ; Curtain poles with wood trimming at 25c ; Dvapery Pins at 4c doz. Wall: Papers Wercarry a large assortment from 5c a roll up to 25c, with ceiling and border to. match. Our Sample book is at your disposal any time you ask for it. Rendymade Clothing! carry the'‘Cheap” makes which, Hats. and Caps Thelatest in hats can be had « at©our store. We imported. ‘ these from England, and that - means “fast colors,” prices. ~ ranging from 50c.up to be. 50. In Caps we carry a nice assort- ment for boys, girls, youths and= men at prices to please every- body. Crockery &Glassware>: In Chamber Sets, Dinner ~ Setts, Tea Setts, we bought be- fore the advance in price, and } consequently will be sold at the: old prices. In Glassware we: have a nice assortment and in- vite your inspection. Groceries We always pridé ourselves: - on keeping a ffesh -stock al-« ways on hand, such’as* Kolona Tea 4oc Ib ; BluesRibbon Tea 3oc Ib ; Glendon Tea 25c Ib. Victor at 25¢ Ib. Champion at 45¢ 5 Ibs for $2* Dandy at 2oc, 6 lbs for $1, Jane commenced work } ALWAYS WELCOME AT . at 5¢ to 1234. -IS. LOTTE SS. Mr. B Hugh J. Leitch, father of the Bev. M L. Leitch of Stratford, died atthe home of his-grandson, Rey 0- |} Hugh Leitch, in Glengarry on Saturday last. Mr: Leitch was. in bis wainosietth year. pee Little, a G. T. BR. brakeman Sun a d a. writ served on ex-Mayor of Surat- ford, for alee ah canta of his wife’s affections. The ex-Mayor claims dat it is an attempt at blackmail. | GATEST DESIGN. Nearly Three :Hundréd Suit will ie done in the a MOST. WORKMANLIKE MANNER WM. BURTON, - TAILOR, Order ae Winter’ Suit : Our Fall-Goods have: just-arrived and they argeof the Piecessto choose trom Your ¢ MILVERTON’ ' SEEIBESOAI = ANEW DEPABTUBE factory or through " A Radical Change in Marketing Methods oan Applied to Sewing: Machines. = the oa Emibes eS saa Machine’ than: ever before: offered. Write for our pce Ber. cattlogte-and detaiied ou a “tunity-you cannot afford to o pass You know the tie “” aa plan ee ich ‘you-can obtain in the purchase of is an oppor- ¢ ‘on know