pane following ease was dis] of ‘before Mr, Justi arg was dispose of the pate , Toronto, on » Clarke v. "Rutherford. Tudgment a > action for de it mine ty that Fay sum aoe bededucted ae ne ventfor plaintiff “S30 ith udgmentfor plaintiff for wit full co; f ES action. Costs of plaintiff's solicitor incurred in this action as between solicitor and clie: 0 be and mn payment by de- jud; the defendant's Alaina thus{made up is ¢, Plaintif ‘anaes and costs, an¢ eerie tothe eeu En cald a balance the de- 6 pena the, euaeak OF i Jndgmen t will be further reduced to. amount and he ytkis court cannot pl a Sopp ioein in a action in -eourt, Costs of order for sur; Sxamination of of plata ft ant. A. M. Dace (Straltord) fer aot plaintiff. J. P. Mabee, Q. C., ndant. EXTENT OF F rear BEDS, lo possesses at Ad se paerse peat, "ahs hither eglect vary Apparent, ‘Tt will soon be a preciated on this continent as it has For domestic use itis soon to ant Hod the poariaeat Stratford a dae: where. A company is now being le’ alt OL Sphagnum is the epermaking, and a eloth for ria _aintiseptie bandages is being “from raisin, an Wael fac Alling the’ drebor with e, while it is without the dis- advantage of the sulphur which co: odes the firebox and tubes of the oiler. cna almost smokeless i Would be most welcou ee domestic Peat more easily purified than Ss om coal, al leas 1o ‘vile smelling lime oa to gor rid of as is coal. Kiiont 100,000 eabie {oct o os ae gas . ea be obtained from ong toniof! peat, ee ndredth part of the cost of the ‘latter. ‘ eee BRITISH CASUALTIES Tomion, April 11.—The war office is- sued this afternoon ‘a refurn of the total Gritish casualties up to April 7, It wasas follows : % Officers. a 211 tes | 168 *B,722, 47 Dies jsease 1,485 Receutall deat! 3 34 Me agen invalids. ns 4,934 12,600 greguting abont 10,000 inaking,a grand aupwards of 23,000 officers and i en. TRE ARCHEMHorPS PRAYER Wield-Marshal Lord Roberts has lately ordered copies of « new th x oe South Africa, expres: e ea ¢ hone “that it may ce Henpt toall fer majesty’s oldi The 7 is as follows, as given by the fou se Fa aon with thy ate Spirit” that ON he a ate ae Spar danger, ae well’as Be true to our Queen, dus, and down his life for ee Sate Be four, Reon no tai of the Army. of aor. for, yer to establish ‘covnter-claim,”’ {OF aheeh sunamonbs of fii ‘tricity, used for that purpose, and at | Th con | Head Ofc, ‘DIFFER IN NAME ONLY. * * (Toronto Telegram.) Ontario is governed by the same set of ini yhich Sais te a power if the Titers were out of o} Tt would Baas: a Philadelphia law. n. J. R. Stratton and Conser- There is no visible difference between the Liberalism of these Cabinet ae th in name o1 WIDE TIRES The bill passed by the Provincial Legislature, providing for the regula- Ba 8 4 = 8 gk 3 ae Es 5 Ee 3 2 5 g = s fH S other animals shall carry a burden of 2,000 pounds if fitted with tires less than three inches wide. It cannot be smoothly op over the surface, ‘CURE THOSE UGLY PIMPLES By Using Dr. Agnew's Ointment_—Any Form of Eczema Helped at Once, and Cured Eventually by its Use Nota skin blemish cansed by eczema, i RERUCTION IN PRICE Dr. Agnew’s Galarrhal Towder, ‘The price of ae ae 's Catarrhal Powder has been duced by the ni men, can now be of any at 50 cents a panes 2 Té relieves in ten all pain caused farrh. It ist delightfal pin Sona completely. Sold by MILLINERY: Our Millinery Opening last Thursday and Saturday, were a.grand success, and are more than pleasee, considering the dit ges we were under for want of room. Crowds of House and Lot For Sale The undersigned offers for sale the aoe of the Mrs, pelier fei Main St. ‘Tor euctien portico Spee ee M. SCHAEFER, ‘ilverton, or ti WiLt1aM H. Repsewin, Executor, Owen Sound. Hiewor LICCNSE ACT. Lieeuse District of North Perth NOTICE is hereby given, that the 'y| License Commissio Perth will meet to emer ‘apptca tions for Licenses at10 o'clock in the ie forenoon Menday, April 23, 1900, in the law office of Bes G. G. McPher- son, chairman, Stratfo Number of licenses fete in 1899- 900, Tavers 45, Sho) Number of ai oe lications for licenses ‘averns 45, Shops he applicant for 1900-1901 who was not Seed in 1899-1900 is as follows: H. Weave St jeorae and Hama ebreste” Strattied! es doe mee of ratepayers paoacuei long standing. 35 cents—Sald by James Torrant —_— CANADA AT Panis Ganadians will make a formidable xposition, and if’ be xz | Showa-by her fruits, minerals, timber ean other products. ‘The mineral .dis- ‘play of “British Colurwbin and che on is especiully fine, while the divibereahibie comprines ‘all “kindy of Pe | Canadian woods from a shoe peg to a saw itog. Some 2,500. varieties of apples grown in by electricity, iNustrating the hard varieties grown in the west. secy line of manufactures will be represent: ed, This seplnnlid sh be ge ‘ing for the Dominion. RWEUMATISWS ORGIES. 960 great benefit from one bottle and was pleased w: tdi it, and. sults I eeot ued the teat ore heumatic cures—Sol ames Torrant z f Josr.—In Mornington, on April 17¢h, the aa of John Jost, SruMiER.—In Poole, toe 00h, the mig of Peter ie ler, ofa daughter. n Rostock, April 9th, Whe wile otc. Wendland, ofa son. ees [it Assurance {Jo., Waterloo, Oni. Estaprisnen 1889. ‘The year 1899 was the hest the eee ever had. It Gained i nthe Yeai inennt Assured ., 23 io Gash Pee’m Income io vreau ms Receipt: -inuil Separate Wrouches for Abstainere ad Women. Amwcant. jin fee Saiuary Jet,: 1600, 33,646,836. Jas.uywus,ex-M.P., Cun. Kemer, Eso. Bgssident. Vii a ee a) “4 Mar r, ringworm, salt rheum, scal head and other skin diseases that will not vanish as magic on th; panyin; tion of Dr. w’s Ointment. ‘ne int! is to MT foetuetisfledl tee a he Tapectors office ine examina- tion voy the pu arson Lage Ob jestorise the abe ‘ing of a license to any of MIE, ieee Listowel, Ont. Notice to Creditors ! IN THE MATTER OF THE Se oF pie - PERTH, GENTLEMAN, orice % hereby given pursuant ¢ Revised Statutes of On- tario, “ROT, Cap. 129, that all creditors and others sees claims against the estate of the Georg: e, Langford, who died on, oF 4 rabout the 5th day o e required on oe boron tae ist ney: of May, 1e08 to send By post prepaid or deliver Panton of te City otistratford, or cece of the we of the said ae! eir christian an "| addresses aoe ‘des lescr ip Tticulans 01 ima Dated the 1st_April, 1 Ja ‘ances pean Isaac LANG¥orD, Executors. A. M. Panton, Solicitor for Executors P. H. BASTENDORFF The Clny Jewelior in Town Has Just received a large stock of Jewelery, the latest Styles also large stock of Silverware which he will seif very low for vie Next Thirty Days. Tf you want a five watch, either Gold or Silver call an Bastensdon® he will suve you money. Next Qoor to Poerazricy. ups. Hinursae, Pansging Di + Sup’t. Magpies people looking at Millinery, others buying Dress Goods, Silks, ete. For Easter, while others were wondering what we intend doing with all the Butter and Eggs, and others expressing themselves (which we overheard) you would imagine that GROSCH & PFEFFER were the only people in busiriess, but don’t let these ideas keep you from any sleep. We are well capable of handling your Butter.and Eggs and pay you a good price for it and sell you goods cheaper than any other concern in town. This is saying a good deal, but call and be convinced, as we pay Cash for all our goods, and are satisfied with a small profit . a month or so have completed our new building, which when Though we are crowded for ‘Space, but will inside of finished, will ‘be one of the largest stores in this part of the _, country. Buying School Clothes TU = & <. Ni they % ee 3 oe auily .) Ts almost as important as buying School Books If all parents bought where the qualities are best and_ styles handsomest and the prices lowest, we would have a monoply on the trade, However, the vast majority seem to ¥| be coming here—they are appreciating the excellence of our CLOTHING» and the low prices at ice we sell it. Friends are telling friends, and neighbors are telling neighbors, and we are sure to do the bulk of the Clothing business this year. There is not a question about our prices, we can please you at any and rll prices. All we ask is that you favor us witha call. Our Clothing will do the rest. ‘Balance of our Pickles going at ide bottle? Die We carry at present an excellent range of CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, BLINDS, CURTAINS, WALL PAPERS. If your have commenced your house cleaning, we extend a hearty welcome to call and see our large stock, as we certainly can interest you. GROSCH & PFEFFER MILVERTON.