subs; ao Fevelye their 7s LSPS Weaee wclity cs stones Apply at this office for advertising rates. THE MILVERTON SU} THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1900. i | PITH AND POINT: | te occasional hearty laugh isa wise a is always better to be right than to be consi! to cover ener 8 as a poor found-° ation when he stands. on his dignity. | Sometimes a Mee starts out to be * sociul lion and ends by making a goose of himself. | cin A hack writer who is obliged to ben when he travels says i no! a name. |@ g order to you must first learn to be one. | wl ayera; ing in There wens objections to a, ou! hobby. i man riding if he would only give Saas an opportunity to get out of his wa | ‘Phere never was, and never will be, & and julterated state, a remedy for many and grevious lis | By its gradual od judicious use, the! le oa Sireusthy 'y the influence which (Qui- nine exer re’s own restoratives. | Te relieves the drooping spirits of those m a chronic state of morbid des-| Bondeney vand lack of interest in life is isease, and, by tra fables disposes to sound an imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, ok piouie ted courses thro! ugh: out the vei strengthening the Healthy animal functions ri os 8] age hereby waking . activity ult, strengthening the frame, and giving ts fo the digestive organs, which naturally Substance result, im Few sppetie. ave given to ‘approaches nearest perfection of any inthe market. All druggists sell it. Nest Made of Steel. Pres ited ean ras recently ad- sive watch and Mince making indus: try, and thin metal filings are con- tinually being swept into the roads ‘with the waste from workshops. One worth of good, and friends who k day a workman noticed a pair of wag-! her condition before she began ere is, Webster, a sl the nerves, « refreshing sleep— | - she thinks there is no A WOMANS BURDEN. Ab ae! ofa Siwanige Addressed to Women. It Tells How Those Weak and Despon- dent Can Obtain New Health and Strength at a Small Expense—The Facts- Fully Verified by Investiga- tion. From tie Mail, Granby, Que. e reading public have ‘evidence pnt before them Y alinoat every day of ealing powers of Dr. Pills. It is cailetibuce asked ent, and in reply to this we would say that s cast which recently came to the atten- tion of the Mail indicates ae the re- oe ae the use of tl mé ‘ing as er are bene- feial. voted bay ago Mrs. Robert who is well known in Her blood appeared ti tan her appetite fickle, and she ph from severe headaches. Mrs, Webster the use of Dr. Williams’ and purchased a few boxes. ‘Webster had -o8 beet taking the mile long before she found herself growin; ppear tronger. Her headaches disaj a) her appetite improved, to be coursing through her veins, her nei After using the months she felt without feeling the fatigue that had ‘formerly made her life so miserable. This, as already indicated, years ago, and in the period that enjoyed feels at any a ; she takes a ra Hes of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills is soon all right, and medicine to equal them. Mr. Webster, speaking of his wife’s cure, says Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills did her a thousand oe tails eathering steel filings shining in’ pills and saw the effect upon her, say e sunlig! id carrying them to the ig. TI are a number their nests. He made an investiga-| of others in this vicinity wl 6 nest was taken away and sent to useum. ‘egetable Pills, which are the Berean tiates epetanenon Sat ace scientifically prepared as a laxative and iterative in one. Indian Bulls. ‘The hewspapers published in the thristm: feaas of ths pine illasvepen Keep Minard’s Liniment in the House. Setting a Good Example. t mi ig Girona ofa Boe railroad, | boys. the Cam i notified aac | at after one month all the posts, pictures and bills ann pills and em- out being remintied at every few yards of the tomb. ir action on the Stomach, Liv- er and es sare ‘01 owders all such troubles as lack of Ap- » Bilis Sallow Ri on September 7, 1812. Nearly 80,000 men hors du combat. ‘New life for s quarter. Miller’s Gom- pound Iron Pills, — | and dizziness, it) quently, fecling that life is a ea | “| Po all su al e Mail can learn the results have are thousands of women the’ throughout the country who suffer as 8. a did, who are pale, ject to Heetacti id say give Dr. Pills a fair tri These pills make rich, red blood, strengthen the nerves, bring the glow . of health to pale and sallow cheeks, ' and make the feeble and despondent Girls Remember Best. In ae for testing the mem- ber of pow boys and aisle ‘at different ages in school and university classes, all read they what they could remember. ‘The con- clusions were that the growth is more rapid in girls than in 4p restless at night, (of Miller’s Worm. ‘will, quired; very plensant and perfectly They Doubled the Guards. ‘h s a the morning two dozen les" were missi < 1!’ said the ant ed it. Next day four dozen were sing.” mist = people Sua ie a cena ma; but I'd get more. au8 let the help myself. ’” aie = paige | guard eu you were going? a e=Porter ‘Music Wards Off Fatigue. A Philadelphia contractor who aw Saene returned from the Sudan tells an interesting fact connected with the Roa bane: oy th ee plas of the region. tinuously, and so long as the music- ians play the workmen; negroes, do not seem to feel the fa- =, and their movemens are con- is peculiarly plaintive. 1 however, find the music a great in- spiration and work with cheerfuln dispatch. ‘The Philedelphian de- clares that the i one well worth - eee ne ae if permidid to sing. ‘As a matter of fact, singing among them ig encouraged. ‘The great lang healer is found in that excellent medicine sol as Biekle's Anti Consumptive Syrup. Tt soothes and di minishes tis Sue lity 0} athe sion: and ee pemerie An ingenions Expedient. When Sir Christopher Wren w: building the town hall of Windsor, a fidgety member of the corporation—so the story goes—insisted that th required further support, and desired Gio feahitect to Regmusry pillars. In yain did Sir Christopher assure .him and the great architect was worried into adding the desired co! elton! eno: were 'g operations in the roof bvecled the 3 tack that. the supposed additional supports did not touch the roof by two inches. though this was not perceptible to the gazer below. By this ingenious expedient aa fest his own architectural skill to ref ture generations. Deafness Cannot be Cured ha local applications, as they cannot reach the aeeee d portion of tlie ear. ‘r eases, ine eas: ca oe wich is nothing but an influned con- che mucous face. eitt ive One Hundred Dollars, for any canoer (caused. by catarrh) that can- not be 7 fall’s Gatuirh Cure, Send for J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. sxrsold by Drupelats, 150 hocolate in Confectionery. cusehee is used for ee more extensively than an} terial except sugar. It is difficult to make paper stick to alls that have been made smooth by Let cool. this paste over the walls and allow it to dry. When you are ready to paper, wet the walls, spread paste on the paper, and hang it in the manner.—Ladies’ Home Ji Never Lonesome. Mrs, Hixon—What do, ‘you keep that horrid pet monkey ue ee wee you see my hus- aa is away more than half the time, and the animal keeps me from getting - lonesome. ; About Time to Go. lowboy —I = going to kiss you to- Willing—Don's you think it ~ MONTREAL FREE. No Longer Any Fear of Bright's; Disease Since Dodd’s Kidney Pills Came Into Use. All Kidney Diseases Have Been Ren- for Dodd's Kidney Montreal, April 16.—Another cure by Dodd’s Kidney Pills is reported in this city. This time it is Rheuma- tism which that eNest remedy has conquered. “There e been scores of similar cases which Lave reached the press. Rheu- matism is so common in this city— as it is indeed throughout the prov- ince—that every day Dodd's Pills are coming more and gene! Montreal alone there have been ‘do eo of cures of Rheu- matism by Dodd’s Kidney Pills re- ported since lust fall. Rheumatism is seldom curable as treated by the majority of physicians 0 is no longer the dreaded was ten years ago, when to he seized by Baie s Disease. meant certain Noy *s Kidney Pills are val aie anithy their use Bright's ills are just as efficacious in the treatment of maladies resulting from disordered kidneys as are for local kidney disease themselves. is an i : the first doctors of Montreal for Rhe- amatism from which I have been suffer ee six years, but I got no relief fr have taken seven boxes of Dé Dodd’s Kidney Pills, this ees: ate I thank it a thousand times Yours truly, MARIA GUIMOND, t. Flavie. Worry. Worry is the twin sister of neryous- ness. Neither should ever pale into the daily life of anyone. in e, put ee Head hat all be- aErote is something ey at the cane “Know thyself,’? the Yer Pera one becomes sense of excitabiity. i ; control thyself is better. Worry and excitement never aided any one. 1 mn get along when eee is all right, but it fakes “ all wrong.—Ladies’ Home Journal. To Prevent is Better Tl to Rep pent.— A little medicine in the shape of the erful pellts which are known as Parme- Teele Vegecs all: Pills, adininistered at the @ atrestions ad ies an inv digestive orgaus they are Avold Contact With Sick Peta. of human beings. the canaries that die in captivity fall victims to the same disease. Parrots peculiar to emselves. The bacillus that éauses in ber the iers of diphtheria, and - sibly of ‘let fever and other infeo- tion bus diseases. Gress sare should be animal that seems ailing should be at once isolat- ed.—Ladies’ Home Jour: bad case of Grip by MINABD'S SUISIMENT. HEY CB. C.L LAGUE. of loss of voice by MIN akps LiNTiOe ae CHARLES PLUMME: cured of Sciatic theumatism = ANA) 'S LINIMENT Nfld, LEWIS S. BUTLER, rou> of Girls, A Sad Girl—Elia G. A Nice Girl—Hlla Gant. x Geometrical Girl—Hettie Rodox. ear Case of Girl—E.Lucy Date. i Diesen a= aac aoetie Excellent Reasous exist. why Dr. ‘Tuomas’ Eclectric Oil should be used by persons troubles Nae eee ‘of ahs 1r08 uugs, Sures Upoi sous are, that 16 unovjectiouable, " e Specuy, pure aun wlieber taken intern wardly. rit A lad: Mae galled today to solicit broken and discarded toys for the poor little orplians; ~~ Wouldn’t me of your Bobby Brown — Why, certainly, mamma! I'll get right to work and break up a big batca of "em! Minard’s Liniment Lamberman’s Friend, Quality and Quantit ality ch to oe. with a value of some things, but the mai with plenty of common senes nee reason to complain. Health for the children—Miller’s Worm Powders. ee 10 TUNES @2 theis run Uns cou Sok of names Bout on receipt of 10 cen! DUGALD McFARLANE, Box 145, Truro, ‘entitled, Persons , Canada, ta ana Clay Church. Ghicago is built cota Wer yictiaainy= evens same ma- com- saunion rail, pulpit and front of or- gan loft are all terra cotta. The en- tre ceiling is of brick and’ tile vault- groins of molded brick. Hoe is not an inch of timber or a nail in the ei tire structure.. Its accoustic ae ties are Khe to be remarkable. Ican eat fall and my digestion Miller’s Compound Iron Pills did it. for Alas s othe day 8 _isksbre wife enguries among the neighbors. z THE —_____ ¢, JOHN LABATT, London, a, EST. 10 medals, 18 ‘My nervousness has left eae Se ee ee a ogee diplomas. The a he, of beverages. xclaimed one woman, “Why, I should think ‘you'd be un about her!’” split the wood to get with!” ne back for, 50 cents. iler's wines “pills and Plas Comets Are Plentiful. Astronomers tell us that in our item there are at least 17,000,- Recommended b; sicians, For sale every- Tron where. Fence Machine rs 8 ms sal tity. Write McGregor, Benwell & , Windsor, 0 Ont. PLOWS, aes ‘&HARROWS The Bett Made, Send fo are COCKSHUTT PLO TEORD. COCR SED SLOW Os, Peewee CATHOLIC PRAYER Pooks: Boranies, Oruol- fixes, Scapt gious Pictures, Siatunry aid Church Orne maou fs, Educational Works, Mail orders rooelye prompt attention. D.& J.~adlier & Co. Montr’l, 268 T. Nev, STOPPED FREE. Permanent- i ly Cured. DR. KLINE'S GREAT NERVE, RESTORER. Boaltive eure eae ‘Diseases, Fits, s' Dance, Ne ‘use. em aan Agency. ome tae argesonly when Poontved: ie asin ey ex 1@. 81 Arch st. Philadelnhia P: D LH PACKARD & CO MONIES solar syst 000 comets of all sizes. es tei = | arg = = om TR — = = = = =) Conflict With the Savage Mishmis Lost Sight of 4 In the Greater Contest With the Boers. - oe gaia ante India has been overlooked in ee n Daily Mail. and teneerond as any ue on the frontiers of “the Asia Pepate last year the Indian a conclusion that east the Mishinla bal stolen ee raided and murdered ti Wo- men and children eats rapes ed from neighboring villages, kidnaped 201 in his face. MISHMI WARRIOR insolent messages. The Indian govern- ment never fights outlying tribes ex- cept as a last resort, fs ee ponent came when fighting The Mishmis began fortifying thelr erences and preparing their poisoned ‘Spear: The | raves authorities fitted out a little arm, about warfare. It was intended to make Bonjore the English base of operations ‘and to establish a further military cen- ter in the Mishmi hills. ‘The latest details from the front are hat ess in ee ee present The ie day be Mish sieve the Saute ot ipa ne of the most troublesor d pug: eS of all the fighting “at tribes in the ‘ery few Euro} have penetrat land, and sev- who have ventured there have sacrificed The Mishmis are a short, sturd, active and un- by , and ly race, settled, of pane brown eee ae ‘re evidently a cross between Mongolians. bones are distinc a houses are pe w big villages. oene to live’ ape houses on oe are long and nar: on the ilglde and ‘There is usually one ent of the Thelr high cheek os re here se families pre- t in pele Jungle of horns and skulls of wild ani proofs of ng skill of the enn a the ch tought the Worst possipie preacn’ « etiquette for a man to hang on his walls any heads of animals save those natn by bis own bands. ‘Ti Mishmi houses have to be; ae to accommodate the many wiv of che h man counts his fortune a valley, kidnaps a and drags @ their waists and long, heavy ee When on warlike expeditions, have great spears, but their most cftective weapons are poisoned arrows. It does not cats much provocation to first congratulated aire on m Bat She ile soon had reason ao fas his tone. of measures to prevent b! Few white people ae rristed the ishmis. Captain Wilcox penetrated into their country in 1827, but was urn after very Dr. Griffiths followed his t. e native chiefs murdered The reception given them has differed, the people beyond the Du river nae generally hostile. AS it be ee ne moun- sete are superstitions. "Thele’ religton’ conels devils, adoration of the Mon and ees ocstie faired of Pe ood.” 9 thelr ie al with fowls’ tongaes ‘Their priests play all they can eas tale superstition. Wher oue of their people dies, they make great lamentation. If it should be a leading man, all bis dependents gather round and spend hours working themselves up into a great passion The weapons ahd ee of the are laid on grave or bim le quite knows the nature of ian Pacraneat. ‘They have forms f rule, but chiefly the head of the house or clan rei 0) juar- rels of either are the common concern of both. Electricity in Switzerland. The busy little republic of Switer- oat Mice Pally vie wanker Faee Spt h tare ed. Switzerland has already a standard gauge sie Line the only one in Europe, wi x in Italy. The Swiss now considering ® plan, for the utili- zation of einau, Spies Anise Clestrfoy plate wine be entablinbad\ The | Whole, canton of Lurich is to receive power for light- EGE leet cgt ape ied wer station, will cost in the neighborhood ce ‘$5,000, 000. Full House. Order, we ‘The very first Yao wiles (ipoke baste tone tol er. in our copy-book, 1 Wass whally' of dicaracttenvens FIGHTING ISAT LONG RANE Wepener Is Still Invested But Boers Are Melting Away. Boer Activity in Other Places, Hewever, Elandslaagte but Promptly Withdrew, London, April 23—(5. a.m:)—It is that by this ne Gen. ct brig arrjved Saturday evening, and news may therefore Le expected at momeni Tt is, still impossible to ascertain e position of affair tein or to: learn he pected advance ae A will be- gin. ‘The despatet piliet regarding fie state’oh the premieaets Pre- aout imieiion > Ldeeeen point te ching undue import- ‘om Lorenzo eee cae "the ‘strength of the Boer forces, ‘it would a {ie forfaen aitulate of 0. 6 a vitv in Borrdom, See We at tovt days there has been a renewal of Boer activity in all parts ot ape ae ger war. Th any. dg forces are still ther has ordered Lord Lo Mebbuen to pchire from Boshof, probably for th to endeavor to cut off Methuen, who ‘ay next be heard of as retiring upon Kimberley. ‘The Boers are said to have Bet encircled bantoutcid to the cast- ward, in @ crescent formation. There have een Several outpost aflairs in ity. sion, under General Ne eats i and the 4th cavalry brigade are operating toward Sanna’s Post. In Natal there is Boer eee y- It is Hestyution | of sported that Gov a aa ae Sir Red- but is little doubt Percding his , oe an rumor has it that Lord Kitchener will get an important independent command. "The Boer peace commissioners e following ‘riday, Sage” D. ‘The Daily N from Lorenzo ak ae outed i “Tt be p . tens aa’ pes er _Buropean se ee ae ps Irish-American are taking alf of the Boers. he ee aac to obtain smokeless rd ihreriches ere being constructed for ae mileg around: Pretpris. The 60 guns in position at! soon nat and seven ach Pretoria. Twent; at go hannesburg have een Soareeay sills dynamite, and the Johannesburg fort has been sisenisnelan . OF 10,000. ooh ey shag Fert Le 0.—A com ) Boers came through morning. They and advanc ridge, but fel morrow. The e gu aval te igade, on the right, epee few shells in the direction ee the ° guns, ee were posted ards to the “Hehe iy Boers showed activity in the ee es on He pee “ee front of Elan shells forced to pees “thse works, This position was only 4 yards dis- tant from ahs BRABANT AT BUSHMAN’S KOP. Four Boer Guns Fired 300 Shells at Wepe- ron Saturday. Maseru, Basutoland, Sunday; April 22 scaly Bema t's advanced guard ronched Bushman’s Kop. last ane Boers held & strong pé- sition there, with s. The cn- it opened ye liane with Heavy tille re, 30 a. m, can- nonading began and_contin for several hours, Gen. Brabant’s forces are on the plai have _ fairly open country ail the ‘way to Wepen- ‘our Boer heard at Gone all eetoedag on CAE Delgety's position. The British guns replied ai intervals. Col. Bue aeioeathe “All well. ed 300 shells io) yesterday without doing much dam) oers in Three Divisions. ‘The s are divid to divisions, two being in pens to repel = ee relief c umn, it The | border for Y are behay fashion, but are showing the most intense in- rest in the outcome in the : develop: peels, ‘te ne in Ses aA ner, De Wet’s Dorp, ‘turday, Sait continued ts artillery. ed Apel: a1. —tanting: “was CANADIANS DANGEROUSLY ILL. They Are Five in er~ Their Enifat- ent and Corps, London, Apri A list of sol- diers perenig ‘i in South Africa, which was issued by the War on Saturday, Canadians: 18. Agassiz, ‘oore, _ C. Fineh, A. Matheson and L. Givern. Pte. L. McGivern is a member of © Company, Toronto, and was in the Queen's Own Iifles when he for South Africa. te. C. B. Finch is a member of B Company, London, where he was in the 7th Fusiliers. Pte. T. Moore is a member of Company, Montreal, where he belong- 0 the D.Y.R. Canadian Hussars. @ official list of first contin- ent there are three Mathesons, but there is no A, Matheson. They are Pte. K, Matheson, 90th Wi | Rifles; Pte. 0. Matheson, 12th Field tery, Kingston, and Pte. James [ae ees 4th Regiment, @.A., New | Brunswielc. beg: | e, R. H, bel nas 6 A | Squadron sey Een the 2nd Dragoon: LORD sTRATHCONA’S REPLY, ‘our spades Fo cup Suits pasta ola Fo ‘London, April 23. — Responding to the toast of “Our Toner Forees,” at the annual Press Club ‘dinner Lord Strathcona out a colonies, there b ire. ‘The colonies, he said, re- coeuicd this, but they did not desire The men from Can- special pr SOR he said, would be the Inst t assume that don than their simple duty. The Lat Ds Annipeg, at the b: elle pate lan, had beet enlisted er ton sere reported 1 the. depart MeMillan volunteered in fae Imperial a authorities Toe ‘ot in s mn rie Ont, and has a brother, (George Me Milling ‘who. resides at it 0| ginning to feel ans. One hundred escaped Spanish, guets from the Pruvince of ‘Tayabas, Boar mn Luzon, have arrived a The inargente have. 400 aera, epaulih pris rs in: that district, Recently the Fi ss des 9 st several Tods of the railw: line near -Panique, ip n unsuccessful Aetetne rtp wreck a train, fae 23, i Ferrou Bey, the Turkish Minister, had other conference with Se at the State day, which, in his op’ still further enhance rospect of ee cympihie mall | amalcab le: coterie of the disputed American claims upon Eumekge ska ia, Tatmeiage Constan' tintOr ple, April the pee? pales subjec Cherles Beecher, a brother of fre ats Henry Ward Beecher, died on Saturday at the home of his daught- er, Mrs. G. W eth 4 is He was 8 was the youngest ne toe prays fouls 2 Sepa ees PYTHIAS WAS IN LUCK. An Unusual ene ingens! on a Very, ‘Touchin “Pa,” sted a North ‘sige boy, “who was “Oh, feed was a fellow that lived long, long ago a country where there was~ a cruel ki This a man a Monti asked HD be allowed say y to his me ee the EB) not give bail. Along Soa that time Pythias ates up nd said be would ue Pia! that he won't be back in me it nobody pee take the bet. en the king and the people he had mee got out eatin the-courthouse, we formance was a|3:58, and Ee began to think he a ye the kind. He was a ruler who en- a joke. oat about a minute more the tim would expire. Pythias was te a like a man who lives in the rela abe and is two blocks from the station when the last train is due. The egacutliiler” ran bis thumb along the edge of sits ax, and the king got hold of the rope, so he could register all right hen the thing was done. e back, ron! that he was pardoned right there.” After the nid had thought bard for a oes Be: maids t it lucky fr ae “| Gol .| that ‘His cable alice Wappe Donsid Meniien e conducted 4 ag erincess-| 0? the bridge didn't get ete ee) ing business on cong to Afties. He was|Damon was coming back?? Yell and popularly inown in the: nortt end. Jrestilla was not related to Sergt.-Maj MeMillan. Helpfat Ma: A BLOODY WEEK. The Warin the Philippines Has Not Yet. een Ended—The Filipino Losses Probably 1,000. Manila, April 23.—Last week has been one of the bloodiest of the war since the first 10 and led. rndedl is hardly guessable. _Con- sidering that the Fillplios elitirely lack hos ital Taclilties, a great, majosity of the die.” Probably Aish § al 4000 insurgents. pie & rhe cae total loss was 9 killed and 1 found- ed, [two sergeants and one print were killed in bushes, while escorting pro- vision nin aeen essive All R iaoamgeues have been aj tile sineeiser ery Province of 7 Pio del Pilar’s band, numberi the insw ones included in the foregoing total, as they re- moved thelr dead and wounded, but pre. sumably it was considera! other Sicirmainh ‘Twenty Bilipinos {the Province of Ba: tangas rack itt, ‘Wondo, who, with eight men, scouting nen Jose. ‘The Wenteaant and five wen were feat and one private killed. badly 400. Insurgents in the ‘Noevi . twenty of the insurgents ‘were Mill: captured cers and men, Sith Montenegro; he Of rd. he Raa it ke tc ae picid ‘ol. Smith vai en- of ae and The ete wi wae foses his nena was ip church the other day, and a girl near” him had fainted. The chureh was very he was a helpful man, always going to thie aesiecyea ot bee tai set Se oe posed to carry her himself. But in Hebel Aaya a SrseW to ol tae tae ing them out of cburel and this man was ver; ae girl bad fainted just as a hymn ing sung, and the man had ieee book in bis band, which if it re- mained there would make him less able to render his of mercy, so the first 1 to do, he realized, was to get rid of the hymn book. ‘Won't one take book?” he cried excitedly. take this hymn book:” he called agait with vehemence. jut might have dropped a aee Ena Gt oh no eeleuieae New York Times. tton and Sheep. ers are using a sheep in connection with their work. Old cotton fields make ex- cellent sheep pastures, and the combi-" nation of the two lines of work is a bers of the royal family went to the ‘uselesaness 0 of Someta to the dees visited the tomb of the Denmark. %