Milverton Sun, 26 Apr 1900, p. 5

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{ollowed, bound for the, same place, CHURCH DIRECTORY, ers bound for Mani and EERE: weeenete'e-'s| Noted For Its Newness every. Weiner lay at 7;30 p.m. Epwortl League, Friday evenings at 8 eiélock. Set: ak vice at Millbank at 2:49 pum. Our Millinery has always been characterized by a highly Cr Rev. W. V. " f MeSillen, BA., Tucumbent, Divine wor. pleasing freshness, and, indeed, has earned a reputation for it chip at 7 o'clock p.m, Service at Elma al : f : o'clock p.m. “| The Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats and Bonnets we're dis- mt by “The seo, bro mows of face, zt sei in ee tread tor. Sab m. | playing now merit more than your passing notice. They're pm. Weel oo reday evenings wt 7:30 p.m. Service at elegantly attractive, and perfect embodiments of style and Zion charch, Wellesley Tp. at 3 P. zg : 3 mae or THE EVANGELICAL wassocta-| beauty. Our Miss Ballard will be pleased’to wait upon you, —Rev. r. tath Services 9:30 a.m, asd 7 p.m. |Whether you Shah School, 11 am. ¥. B. si A. meets ay evenings at 80’ W. N Lommenas Cuorca—Rev. Bhanck ant to Buy or ot B. A., pastor. Sabbath hb at 250 ¢ And the wild son, tt the range Ree re wipe municinal council of, Elina met | Ty or ride! basics Soe pretty girls, like gal-|in the Agricultural Hall, Atwood, on April 9th, Teatbe rs alt present ; the oral fe tales into ay of last mee’ ting read and sign- + And por ee Pay od by, ts core and Clerk: “Moved ‘Within the “ gn ein ofthe ranch Sinith, that ‘By ia Se 413 erent the jolly gathe: ng ing pathmasters, pound-keepers and e heal ‘swarm of human bees and Caer as now read a thi e tl i House and Lot For Sale | aewireace'm opring Sale of Carpets 's chi of ~The ler pe the strings awith pick belies ‘et in Carried. Moved Kertcher on ‘tain s ‘For further and scrape of bow, rr, Henk seconded a Hi ‘le eects mote oppose Winitam H. ki gy Set Your House in Order dbbistender of $925, Eo iave the patho ee ; completed on oF bel fore the neh Inky 5 2 1 The early spring is here, when the wise housewife looks over next, wor! ye done acco! plans and se dan Notice to Creditors ' her rooms and plans for re-arrangements. The parlor Carpet is_ furnished. can be relegated to os bedroom and a new Velvet or Brussels seconded ae Mr Wherry ie Jol ws ohn IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF toed The Dh Li of| GxorgE LANGFORD, LATE OF THE i wants new Linoleums and ee aie high! pridge opposite lot 12, con. 4, for the VILLAGE OF MILVERTON, IN THE (ane The “Spare ” Room,” needs new Curtains, Roller Bunch the gals an*cirele round’ * m of $180, work to be done accord-| CouNTY OF PERTH, GENTLEMAN, = er feat, engl they. ba Lehi to Plans and spectications and] Droxasen. : Blinds, etc. Sheeting and Towelling is wanted everywhere. ‘ mplet or before the 15 lay : e 4 4 OnIGe is hereby given pursuant i : 5 : na a July next, satisfactory eet to ge | N’ Se ee On Oil Cloth is sadly in demand in the kitchen. Our stook in all of rr : ‘te7, Cap, 120, that all ereditors ‘ : rry, seconded by Mr. Rothwell, | =~ Late Lie ia ‘rains bare these is well filled, and our store naturally. comes to mind as tl eel 7 § i I) estate of the said George Langford, icht bridge over the Maitland River at lots |©state of the sa tee sth day. of the only place to buy these replenishings. c a 0 B.C, Lewis, of the King Bridge Co., tor |! Hane 1900, are required on or ae to. ‘All: ee Inna ere you got Gents sab sehen ababieds a beg Ponse ibe ate : Bt comic tobe com tet on. oF before the ao end by. pot prepaid or dling 20 doz. Ladies’ all wool Cashmore Hose, job, " one : ee otet golieiorf for the executors op toJames| 1M size 9% only, always were 4oc pair, aw. 2 ill, Poe atte Bridge Co., at| or Isaac Langford of the Le place, going at 25c pair. Carried. ved sec. | nent of their accounts, and thenature ade des ate Hothivell, int hg fol-| of the securities, if any, held by them. Ae Goyata |. And farther take notice that after t las i r satisfac actony oa ie Pa oe parkieniara of their ‘lnims, the atate- Strictly in it” Our Collars fol eaters ee at Jack: general pH and § the assets of the de dam ‘at night at Jackson’s e assets leceaset ong See are Own bette cam for ae a parties entitled thereto, having re- ship of Elma met iu the Agi ricaltural Tehae Lave Hall, Atwood, on April leh, 1900, at S pxect Members “all present. Minu.| 2 Panton, Solicitor for Executors tes of last meeting read and signed. “ed aindrads of windows in the town. |The meeting was called for the purpose a 4 a tt Ho is ees 1 EPOEL [ak mening the preoty acne the ominion | ife % Elli i i i i he cope TER are strictly right We have just the correct ideas—just the styles swell dressers want. If there is a late Neatly every. pene es the | ness) to discuss the decision of the style in Collars and Cuffs on the =towi shattered and the eitizens Refereé in the law costs claimed. by : were terrified. Two sticks of a Bile, all the ratepayers being pre market you can feel reasonably sure he rere round atthe £0 Toot E fab viously notified the ee number of work was shattered and a pe 2 | them appeared, and after ing twisted, The damage cannot be stat-| question of appealing the Seiniog RE, but it is probably _several| the Referee sud considering the mat Head Offices, - Waterloo, Ont. he men intended toblow out the gate ey A hea ate: ii EsranLisHep 1889. h ends is Ww os ait . of finding it here. We would like to get you in the habit of coming here for your Collars and Cuffs. We just pride ourselves on this department. Our large, output enables us to constantly be on the alert for Bargains, & add té-day can show you the largest and finest selection in this Cur. Komrr, Eso. Vice-President 1m <a bet Towne mnase of water half a|fiands of the Council. Mr. Wherry — —— aero ovth, a0 feet wide and 20 feet| Mr. Coates—That by-law No. 414 de-| ‘The year 1899 was the beet (ve Dorminion ep, whieh would have carried out) taching lot No. 14, con. 10, from SS. verhad. It Gained i nthe Yea No. 7 and annexing it to S.S. No. 10, i ees sane . : a fas now read a third time be finally ra af ac ress 00 S ae epilation, and SKeP tO Wanic| passed. Carried. Mr. Smith—Mr. |, Tn Tater ee ped = Coates—That the Reeve and Mr. | ttsinterest receipts have mors than paid : re Cavin ene boone sede andit | Rothwell be appointed to wait on the| ali death losses from the | Deginoin, BPhaphceted a8 fases and. dyn ey Are] Ellice Council as svon as possible re] Separate branches. for Abstainera and y Ellice law costs. : Mr. | Women, % e vicinity for a week| Wherry—Mr. Smith—That the Coun- Anais in force January Ist, 1900, previous and been shadowed by'| cil do now adjourn to meet on the 7th |" az Customs oflloers who regarded then 98] May next, on the adjourned Court of | Jas Ixs2s, ex M1-P ee Revision on the fe cee by-law and : ‘and another attack upon the he gang general busines og iD ee Caper aries In Colored Dress Goods we show an excellent range WESTMINSTER CONFESSION. and a large stock. to pick from. Our stock of Ginghams, Organdies, etc., is now complete. We are also showing an excellent range of Silks. No -esidden o Lh igs. <come,from Buffalo to their rescue. Dr. Parkhurst, of the Madiso fit ielatined in some quarters that| Avenue Presbyterian Church, ‘New > the.v: is is r ist of Boer| York, in a recent sermon geferte : _sympatdizers and Fenians who threat- rai y the action of e = Sened to be active when Gora ovencls Chicago Presbytery, and the resigi where in town can you find such an assoitment. Others are of the opinion that the: Dr. Hilles owing to his attitude * are a gan dynamiters | We inster Con! ion operating ‘ag hirelings of | Faith. He pointed out that Christian: capitalists er labor to cripple the | ity is an affair of the of OUR Welland canal to divert the traffic of| the bead. It was a mist the upper Jaxes:from Montreal to] ed, to slide into the habit of as shristianity witl aes walls, Ont, April 28. he vAmendi g the Vestminster er Contes: : reselice o doing guar: 4 urst says, will not mee 5 3 duey on the juil containing ua si necessities of th a = : Is the most most-up-to-date in town. We carry nothing ynainiters, prevented an’ attempt at | give it a dignified place in, a, masetne ; Fosoule by a Boe can nied lest nlghts for what it 15, than hack, if, to pleoge P H B ASTE ND ORFF but pure goods. ang of sixty hard-looling thugs | and revalop lor at it is not. 3 4 vmatoes for ......-. 25) seeding tha: etkernoon igt| Ait isa every conmunion|§ + * |W" | 3 cans Corn, Peas and Tomatoes for he ths trolley linegor the Falls, and were | and the whole Chureh of Christ that acta a iiss eto closely red by the American | Pht s occur in the third pasate 2: aa police at Niageca ‘Tails, .X. | chapter of our Confession. are allowe i poxes Corn Starch : veral crossed to this side of theriver, to stand as even the nowinal expres-| Has Just received a large stock of 6 lbs Sulpher for a pene soldiers, returned £9] sion of what we ag Presbyterians be: | Bur» Seleperie always selling at 20¢ Al ae ea jermanent insult )f fuwelery, the Iatest Styles also a Git S ts fo ig “The emiltary guard was kept on rand 88 of Christ which. st ps Sal ® til 8 o’élock this morning, Ww ‘declaration of God's ilimitable love |Piarge swck of Silverware Chocolave: Twas withdrawn, andasi gr oT his. children, an invitation Sticks al Horeheun | _pf special duty police were installed, aro, in the Lord’s own ood: | which he will sell very low. for the Full stock of Fancy Sweet Besbaite puchwads hos = water of life freely,” not willing |@Next Thirty Days. —— fs Tue merresis NG TIDE _ #) that any should per. but that all {| should cone to gee a wet Tf you want « fine watch, either (Detroit. voit News.) || pray that the time cimy nastened Goid or Sil i ze dorff ‘Aweek ago last Moaday 119 emsi- hem this libel on the Peamite peace of | BOs Silver call <a este gronts, men, women and eae of | God shili be er: raged from our records, | fhe will save you money. ail nationalities, left Detroit and its | when.ywe ere 1 becoine so enamorea Nexr Door to: Postoreice. _.. MILVERTON. ” ., gavirons to seek homesteads in eilbar of Kire.qpiril it of Jesus as to pee willing ga, Cana.ta. ‘Last Monday 1u8.others toJorso.ritb boan traditiot uipp oe $1.50, repairing piteh holes on eee Spt a Ale i hi AMERICAN VANDALS ATTACK WeiaZAND |Toad ; W. J. lexandler $4, plowing erect iw Fists te fe ANAL. sDow, aed road, and putting in tiles said assets or any part thereof to any an Geo. ks $1, ‘tune pitch holes, 2 ersons ‘of ose claim. About seven “Qrelock on Saturday | grevelroad. Moved by Mr. ‘Wherry, not have been received by might an attempt was made to blow |seconded by Mr. Coates, that the Phein at the time of distribution. wp. with dynamite lock 24 of the | Council do now adjourn, Dated the 1st April, 1900, ‘elland Canal at Thorold. ~All = The municipal Council of the town- TAM xs TORRANCE,

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