“It Shines For AlL” \ Vol VIII—No 1 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH 00., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, (900 Mitte a _ Ste mierton Su Np, FARMERS’ INSTITUTE ests $I per year, strictly in advance, $1.50 i = 5 anes reopened in Milverton on| ¥ere paar theit holidays. not so paid.—M. MacBera, PoRiisuEen, x = e ‘Wednesday Never before have. sebeoeinans to Fee The Milverton Meeting excells that of all Previous! 4... Gaenther spent New - Sow been renewed so promptly as Yr — ¥ Brantford. this year, We thank our subseribers page Gd a : © gape tied wetpmianc nt icagh ae - cotwans, i, Noon Hor spent ey for their kindness and hope that the of Lockport, N. Y.,and Nelson Monteith, M. P. P.,|-yearsin New Hambur year 1900 will see The Sen a better ‘. . :. “ aper coe ever. Stratford.—Mr. Fax assisted by Miss White contri-| Mr. John Schmidt eee presengi| PAPe ‘ re visiting friends in Wartbur, Lost.— Mon Jan. Ist, a 0 bute much to the Programme. Rr end Ma eG rae apa ye valle sane eh tae stripe on eee ‘ew Year's in Sebringville. nce and four white feet, broad aatast Atvirtinchbts afe charged at a f Torontd pee on his neck. Any information . per line, nonpariel, for the] The” initial meeting of the North until when eating #2 pounds, it_ only Frank deraballs of Toronto.) a. to his wheresbouts will be thank: first Hnsertion, and 3c. perline for each suc-| perth Farmers’ Tnstitate, was held in {took Lie pounds of dry matter to pro- | Spent his holidays at hom received by Gzorax Postar, Milver- sive insertion, Milverton on Tuesday, and neyer bee dace a pang, of mil Mr. and Mrs, Jake Keterbor pent ten. DO: = roe: interest. shown here before. |. Another fact should not be over-| New Years iu Wellesley re Mr. Julius Gane of Litowgh hs he vale RANNEY & CO.,Bankers y attended as this year. 1 th ends been in a warm stal eZ ESTABLISHED 1895. LOCAL NEWS, The Misses Trim were at home to Coal ia going up those days—in mn... |$50 00/$30 00} $1 4 00) 00} 6 9 6 3 2 One inch... ~ Bauking, Money Pane — Whe: y evening meeting of course is always a | with ey same BrORgeaunate se | spent New Year’s at his father’ pe et ae as this year was | of milk for the vould) “Mr, Henry Birnstibl, of Deen, |” ‘Mhe president, Mr. Toki Beedone. |aineconthe of a pound of ary: matter | Was in the village on election 3 in a brief address, related the see | used to yield each pound of milk. It Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Ain spent) ts collecve <i Satie jor the Institute during the past year | follows, then, that ‘the best sowie not New: Yoarreswith’ Me Bava K eachtea Beslan Gs ate membership exe ceded all previous | the one that will give. the amet sail apa aah . Milverton: | ¥' ore wlestings Had "Bean: held [from the ‘east 6 oe but the one that| Miss Harper, of Toronto, spent her, thin ever before, and some - | can eat the most foot and give milk in holidays with Miss Dobson, of Morn’ Il had Been deliv The | proportion to the food eaten. A cow | ington, be = future of ‘the Institute, ju aeine “from | requires 120 lbs. of water a day big mill there. On ners beaon, Me ed mortgag @ the crowd assembled, had|and asshe cannot ‘drink nearly that ee Eliza Strong, of | Wingham, quantity at one time she Aarne havelipeal New: Yeuracay Hi heuer int Pfeffer found the ree . alled upon was it constabtly at her as it is requised in| Milverton, aha After ae sever: XN rt, D [ruimin oe L, % ss changes, he bough ae flour up to 3 Ont. , y Nelson Monteith, at PP. Mr. Samuel Whaley, of Ayton, Sauheel an oale ‘Telephon: nection with Poot, “Brupner, feedii constant ing.” The|spent New Year's at his home um ¥ Latheran Chueh and Rost cor to nechg fo said ae r said he was pleas Milverton. Miss ae as on | 2 —— SSS, Yo matter how good a cow we ntand have the ee of ad- Ms E. H. Dierlamm spent New| *oeasion cay at Hi Stratford Col- uO i Pe in| legiate Institute, presented with first prize for standing highest in German during the term. She also received a general prize given to all those tak- ing over 70 percent. in mathematics, als must not expect her one et peat | aeaceines the farmers of Noi ad. i PANTON eesuick Solicitor,Ete. | unless the placein whicl t her is | It was the first time he the | Yea with his -brother- John ppen e ursday, Wm, Burton’s | perfect, It will not ao, ‘to ‘think ou | opportunity 0 of doing 80, eaitigugh he Watetloo. Block, Main St. leow can sronghist, ” sheltered only by | lived in t uthern part of thesame| M1. Juhn Hoff Stratford, a wirefence, and give the most or ‘best ; Pea Og SAUER, 70S erreeate Ge. Westie nO Mtge Riel ofr ain Raat mee oie ee spent New Years with friends in the! if si all the Fouts eaten nd digest-| al counties in the Provi nd only | village. ones DR. R. LEDERMAN, » Litentisve Ae i 8 aad! ‘Mone ‘of Royxl ed goes t ee excelled ae vy. | Mrs, Kaecher, of Chesley, spent New operat anal, Si of Ontario. ie ning life or production. ‘That ) Therefore, he be Visio! wither herent Mac eal Mrsj ela oi Sore of a Unive ersity, will| used in sustaining life—keeping have a great sie in devel age ii NOt DOrE 23 ou ae Dental p clove ‘on Sept. th aud ing the resources of this David Merklinge actice dentistry iv all its de ks e a 2 ene ger par ey should ie The Bout Miss Jury of. on eton: spent a fe oe 5, ve Hus g's Tai mn iy S of Per he a ox Above Husenpfug’s a noite “PLe phOBe Goruen GH a ne |days at the residence of Mr. Hugh}? W Mt BRUGH 8 s comes at all, from food eaten in a : more than 5 rs ago thi t Dobwia, last week 2 Ges a te of D. S., Tor 3 also the maintenan ion, and which | was eat derness, but a great i i ‘harl Prost, of. 4 to children of oth pee othe suit eent Gries te Sohool leaky Bo Galle pro ar Ad bash: aooteapumned in ehee Peas aN Stes a Goma oxtende ah a of other Sabbath Dentistry, Chicago: ce, [It behooves nis thersfore, to. see. if, by | tame: t Pecos ad found better sp epen DONCAY: he A RELY 5 a4 street, | Listowel, Ont. mod: s th we conditions, re ne aia miRPuods for tilling the soil, an ina asa|of Mr. John Schmidt. fe ae a Monday eenink: Ae ee amount of food requires quence had etter results, Lee he Stratford quartette one ol Stratford, Honor | for macitenanee tains eng aed eee future before 0 Mr. ©. J. ileon, of Thorndale, | musical féa,ures of ie, evening: i educate onneelves| occupied the pulpit of the Methodist pean ot and pe t this | church on Sunday evening. On Thersday last, Mr. and tA S aeeediity acti ie Mrs. Lambert, of Reid City, Mich,j| Wm. White were called’ is spending a few days with her|mournm the loss of fue a the Grand ea Hotel “sian i ns may be. ne der. st | N. brother Mr, 3. Sehinide dang ghter, aa 2) yea oh Menor fuel to keep her warm. ‘The more) that s spening jays with her ete Pho Fetining were on Sutucdhy old she endu re the fore | draining is not! necessary, but here | Mr, © Bippens of Milverton. aay iipba Peau yan taccane coe e required to be burn- ve cl f i ve i + ed to keep her vam i on ece ae ree cartes be a eee Diedrich, of Milyerton, and the faneral was largely that to makesnilk che snot | AYton, spent New Year's’ with theirs ended by friends und neighbors, Cauimel ol fatal ramp | grandfather, Mn Bea Diedrich. ie s | Warmer the r, oa summer | wil t drained and he} Mrs. M. Grimm of Milverton is ight. | t ub land | here spending Chiristinas with lier sen Ps The anniversary. services of Buens A meeting will be held in @rosch’s hall on Saturday evening for the pnr- she requires pure air as wel rae of reorganizing the Literary So- | warmth, xo we must have our stables |ing should be close together, and not | ® the Commercials Mildinay Gazette, Bly, ‘The: debacs! MH. La cbEld ee VETHRINARY SUR sell ventilated. We amnst alk over Ene dem, Wh 8 farmer) Mr, John Westman returned from] on the evening Ree ia! 13th, Gin Niven orn erly Gain toa Gr ma rae fs bade Boy cen Stratford cli Friday and comnmenced a ate ai Powenie'e id ae uate of 10] i ‘ol iy i jes at. Yyarctbur; iC gl treats all diseases of domestic | ventilated stable, and he Pama yaar awe eee it an Weduedy the varhurg schol on] ghar of Milverton, ‘wl debate he Calla by telepbione ot teri promptly | le turning then oat into the open air ee ee ee spent justifieation of to, Liv ery comnect aaa be: fe anlight. f Be 3 The weather on New Year's was; contingent to Be ane Fae a AY ernie y, re will full the require: is ined is easier | Pretty keen but it broke into a regular} Messrs. Jas. vor“ Conerc el bs hurricane at night continuing wild| Smith, of Rostock, The debate will over Tuesd bek inaueli a pricon heir ane N 1 Bee oce it LEG er slowered,. aid lsenseinvited | nit eo many” incusodern Mr. a ie Gennes a Listowel] Quite a large number “of the resi- 0. F., No. 99, Sie pes ever ho cow can prolitably assimilate | farming. But experience has taught | 4re here spending Christmas with their] dents of Milverton and id lust Tuese ery month, it food, Chee, ce fuilic in such cee Ts. | us, the more we improve our methods| daughter, Mrs. Oscar Grimm,—Mild-| s their bal over ae spoke : As has be ted, a large sare of|the better the results. Why >| may Gazette. : ci crhels store siting beethven ale a maintenance | un in? th Ro is i i Ra etineris magn R.; 4. food, slo, “witht all the] aiuto of the coll bo thot those Mike’ Glnasie-Husenpflug .retyrne iy Se ean ee BButsh; Recording Secretary itions jusi ri ighteen | germinate. 1 t have a| from Teeswater on Monday in compan¥ se fala i 3 nae sen, Toy, and ; P ix with her brother Gus, whom she bad] is bride, from FOR. Attn oon 0. Lave Silver “Bar ify pot wiil = 0 ah yy alcent., and be | been visiting. i gratulations em ie een extended to eee ath ii ini: gl iT - _ Motavish, eb: Morden, be je and groom from all sides, iene of xetmbled guests’ were invited to parvin the bospitalities of the ees in the way of a magnificent supper, after which they evening was spent a Le a: ty te tiie Se ise, day on Dent and Chronic Discus nocteties spen couple ah . if ne cow's condition. | hav out 50 Ibi water ie | weecs visiting af brother, M plat ape vorupported~an |e en bs. of wat weecs visiting his brother, Mr. ea che vl teus apie gt Gace me fi ot titaee ae rae ee cae Business Cardy only expect production when we give ion 6 th Tverd, essrs. Chas, Spencer and David] thy usual wiy, danel A ksi WEIR, Auctioneer for the Coun- ne in exeess of the maintenance his att ‘vention Tho" the pedlding | Melt sheren avtcnded. whe qaecalingan paper eae aie gprs is 0 veer, |Fation. Dr. Lehmann made souie Very | of ‘drains. ‘The main atain should bel meet ee Oufetlows'|ataened wo theit buine in Olives “= instructive as. recorde} ig, t sil jnton art, | by Prof, Henry in his, very excellent) braneh drain, and thé : ie ne Mar floss rian eeds a id Feeding,” in whieh |g ; i Mr, and Mr Hugh “Dobson were a ee a of light is thrown on thisques- i ‘i ‘i Die as Main street, Milvert Hoo atteedinrien He chown ee hee the side, asta pois tomar ak nds ee Shia at “Po| Farm,” JORLAND'S BUS LINE, Milverton. | the same aba tae was ate in the eventing last aud’ ® Mostenjoyaule Lime | bexacifal home ot ep Se meets all trains, All citizens aud pinks of condition on 18 p of dry | theit way he drain, was spent by those present, a anes of Hessians travellers calls promptly attend Uo Win. | Inatter in hay, ita perfect ‘table, ate i i i number of the boys were ont Dorland, Maple St., Propri all the way up to 28 poundsas she name > buy Gein Ws ines faetrablon oon ariitae FT nae pond tar, £0] shuwting in New Year's and among Hotels Phat when turned out for a couple of | blocked. M ith i jon | the suecessful ones Mr. | Heory| united EXGHANGE MOTEL, emer Bic eee na ae atbed 6 aie a Mohr who catried home a fine rabbit Aor fietor. Bes N. E. Hinch, B. A, 4 Taenn, has t liquors and n a copy of the | been appoi er of moderns nad Visiting brethren ulways Boones N. Gs W. K. Lot rethy Li weddin, plar 1 gat Webbe First-class accommoda- ae ian sGvand atge stating, ___| produetion, in food hey: nee point, agricultural bulletins ae repo ort, RAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milvertor Bebe ack i atest Ss the prone EVENING 8 ice Miss Many, who govs gopomimiptation’ fr it leereased, ean sale ae Goodhand aby filled the 1 bs wir during the evening session, 4 vy. W. ¥. MeMillen was on ; me ggrunine was consider: Nea Masa tt : remony wae Tiger awa corner of Main | im no mi Lets aaticeted Uy Thursday evenius, Dee. 28th, p ‘ ; NHLStistreste C: Hasenpfng, Propiton soaps Gp iePa Sapa net by Ter youre aie hae ee Jed with an xdilress and reeeptiond tee ne baci es aetaRS HOTEL, eran. Ox public | ebaie we the young peovle of ‘Trinixy J eeprinn was held. ‘The teception aver, movtation for commercial sage j iso, fa ae rs eon e ee ssembled entate a Paes —— fating the 2 pounds of|meartily asin days of yore. Infact,|_ Rey. D. Curry, Bhs eae Shave} ape ah A ene Bie which under ordinary conditions Tanke, will deliver a at the} evening was 11 ieee of milk was made at an| Mr. Fax, annual ry mee ae in ‘Dini expense of 2. 2 gound of pega iar church, Elma, an Friday, Jan 22uh.10 z Mixceliancons oh a ep Paes chdinced\wan the: Beak & speaker | 3 P-M:s nd on the ca date we By i IN GROPP, dealer in Griar Pons eine of milk’ was/ call preached a lay ser-| verton az 7.30 p.m. A editvertys ber, 5.8 verbs | te ae up in aid of the feet Whe | day afternoa ction inan 4 on of Be ruem. Ais Rose, prop.