| Subreribers who do not receive their papers regularly will plesau notify us at once. Apply at this office for advertising rates. THE MILVERTON SUN. Make ve. ‘There is something essentially prim- itive in the manners and customs of bitants of the old pes shows this a ing asked the permission of ve father to court a certain damsel it the neighborhood—by Thad is siyeaie anything within about fifty miles— the youn; purchase “the most strikingly decorated and londly colored saddle cloth for his steed that he possibly obtain. Me will very likely spend a large sum of money on this, for it is a spe- eial occasion, and e knowing the country and the habits of the peo- ple will have the feast doubt aie the horse that h Hay his preparations, he mounts his most spirited horse and P, journeys to the lady’s home, but, in- i ‘stead of seeking ont the object of his ‘No farther notice is taken the suitor for the rest of the Segue in it eof him, c rest of the Toueneld retire ees the on 1 long as the candlo. lasts the people sit up in the kitchen the household. coming next. Sworn Testimony Sees, AG manty of Went ‘Pow! PATRICK JAMES whack can 10 at lecting Kidney eas ail sufferers of Kidney sna bade dienes prevails among. mi re 2s OA fe Deciared before moat the Town of Dundas, the County of Wentworth, this oth ators tin ‘A.M. WARDELI Beans for sale at all drag Pia frost ot has not gus dolar. in stock, taice no other. The : Electing Medic ine Company ‘Adelaide Street West, ‘Toronto. mente for pecs bone, muscle i Kidney Pills, ¢} William Fegs Are Cheap Food. Like milk, an egg is complete ey goes to make a perfect animal at that than beef, pork or mutton. a Death Pleased Them. was the ‘‘Uncle ”? show at the town hall Tendiord Pettyville Tavern—First rate! The andience was with little Eva’s death fst re ea en- cored her till she done it An Rye to Business. “‘Jones called up his first wife at the seance last night, and what di think he said to her?’ said mith. ‘Goodnesa knows,”” replied Brown. “He asked her if she wonld give his second wife her recipe for mincemeat. : Here's a Mystery. Crimsonbeak—My husband is aman of ae tastes. Mrs. mapangise ever come os marry yo MOULDER AGAIN. This Time William Bowen, of Brockville, is Cured of Back- ache by Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Ebest ihe Seems to be a Fortunate ‘Trade—Second Moulder Dodd's Kidney Pills Reported Re- Brockville, Dec. 25. begat’ week the papers reported the of Geo. Barkley, a Hamilton i who was fortunate enough to find a cure for foe Sugrastien: ‘This, it turned out, was D ost also has a word to say regarding Dod Bowen ee mobi Back- ein a severe wal e is not a mere affection of the A eneie oranache in the back bone. Many people thinking this was the case have spent money and time rubbing liniments into the back. This is quite useless, as no amount of rubbing can reach the kidneys where the ache is of Kidney Diseae in its fatal form. ‘Mr. Bowen eays of his cure: ockyille. Dodds Medicine Co., we been troubled and in Riduay, Pulls fo anyous troubled with Backache. The men in the shop will all vouch for my case. I remain, yours, etc., Wn. Bowen. Useful At All Times —In_ winte ives Darmeless VacocaN Pills will cope with and overcome any frregulari- ties of the digestive ormiins which chan of diet, change of residence, nperature may bring be s kept at bani action becomes known, a9 ill be without them. no- Het padsantg. in their Gera an the most delicate can/use them confident y. Safest Place Under Fire. {Every soldier believes at the only = re coe fire is the recent of escapade. When defending 8 os or ch te ‘wounded are gené breaches, it in some ing gap still hot and smoking feat the effect of a splintering cannon ball than be- hind the stoutest bulwark. Health for the children, Miller's Worm Powders. 1 Embroidery. new Sak of embroidery used by fashionable dressmakers is said to be the sciventlon of the Queen of Mada- var. It i with great approval -from searchers after novelty. - Hgts Compound Iron Pills restore | shows the way out, and i ‘Lhe Arnold Chemical Co, ihe box I could sleep well ting me on the rig] pocond place cas please find tw: boxes of your pills to the low. (Rev. ED O. Gi ousand Dr. Arnold's Gael Mrs. Crimson ‘wore m0 glov “Well, bride to show her hand the game!’’ fou when heart’s Miller’s Worm ments of children like 3 live stock annually in Ri es and The Flemish pallet troduced a new term a roolrijtuig. pound 1 offer of $100,000. It is rain’s ‘‘Book of A SHORT. SERMON. A Prominent American Divine on an Important Subject. Glass, ae pe lish. reads this letter, can have’ no for farther suffering. an sinner all who choose to take sees Thousand Island Park, July 22, 1899. names. 10th inst., and while in Toronto saw Dr. Arnold’s English Pills adver- rea al is the international language Ni id bi tht a bo: ners ‘When Gnnencee teniae | eS Sh te eatian demas ry poor, but before I had finish: new man. In the first place I feel indebted to the Toronto News for put- ‘k, and in the ug Pills the best medicine I ever which you will please send me thre Yours most respectfully, the only medicine on earth that cures beak—Yes; the bride it is is rather unusual fora Young Love's Grievance. dearest put his feet On her best parlor chair. Powders cure all ail- magic. Damage Done by Wolves. Wolves destroy $6,000,000 worth of Peoullar Method of Suicide. Ny man tires of life he wades into the lake and patiently waits unt gator kills ‘To Be Pronounced in Se guage. In Flemish an Seaiaiontis, {6 paadrelooszoodeerspoorwegpet- New tie for a quarter. mn Pills, rhs scaler Book Worth a Fortune. of Devonshire possesses & ‘book for which his father refused an Truth,” the rarest book in Europe and an heirloom in ~ SOMETH my, ING FOR NOTHIN Being a dead language, it isnot sub- ject to constant change like the Eng- ‘The Latin name is usually descrip- tive of some prominent feature in the oes and so is more easily remem- pice these three reasons, scientific names are usually in Greek or cope of oe the drugs have the 6 50 | in the pharmacopelia as in the falens ces, that describe them. ; Cite of the drugs have no Engilsh not to know the names of gs simi- lar in so many respects and deadly in others. Land enjoy ee Heth ort, Bilis Barer wall bes feel like a ail Arnold’s turn would aggravate th r. have, however, in Quinine Wine, w obtainable in’ a sound enone o dollars ae address. See frailest systems are led into convalescence ass, D. D., Island Park. Toxin Pills, stance, 01 handfuls of oats in each pen to the inmates at work. When = becomes too fat she will lay soft-shell- ed eggs. When plenty of meat is to be had as one of the cheapest articles efits kind. Aken may lay 240 egg®| poronto, Ont., Dec.—It is ERS ge 2 arionad sleek 00. 46-00 West Larned ste Detroit: Mich. THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1900. | per year, but onght certainly to pro-| oa. ctv Relbee el inca, duce 120. Bieht eggs will weigh a! .. vino and kindly desire to benefit Latin and Preseription Meat and Grain for Hens. pound, and 120 will wee sient a: is Palltieascn! ad dest aeal ortho | atin (a Saoks peecien' than “Tinglish. When mnske in siyeatiig nots ances How the Boers pounds, - at the ‘rites the letter that follows. The sary to allow much grain. For in- mly be necessary to scatter a few ing coughs, faniaciaee teat icon Wenge ed chan Ought.to Be Happy. sort of a Second Missis—Oh, brute First Missis—Well, then, . got something to be thankful for, for mine isn’t even regular. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain EY ‘y will surely destroy the ia smeliand: ‘mole ly -derange ihalmhole kxetens w: en entering it rane the OES surfaces rticles shoul me isk ptona from iy es A collection i orchids made Maj. Mason, the Firs, Warwick, jane ake sold for $15,650. Sev- ‘al cypripe: Lacie ums brought from $300 lass i rothing approsching “these prices haye ever been known in this coun- ry. Orchids in England have for a seore of years almost equaled the prices of tulips in the tnilp mania of Holland. HEV NON POUNDS tee month Js the usual increase of weight when taking ossia. MILLERS IRON PILLS. Told of a Little Poetess. Dorothy, aged five, is ach Len to rhyming, Her mother, coming in to the room not long since, found ae seated on the floor with a book of child verse on her lap and her three- year-old brother at her side. Upon being asked what she was doing, she “I am reading to little I make the pieces up mysel and they are just as pomey as they can be.”” til an alli- ists have in- their lan- w back for 50 cents, Miller's Kiiney Pills and Plaster. ix Libraries in China. ee vias of Pekin con- Miller’s Com- areas er made with accuracy, ease, with works on astronom; whicl i show a fair knowledge of that tin d to regret it. the soa, “J sympathize with you, my boy, “a aims re of 10 value,” ou say. ” Neck unless they are ed up by 1 mameriea hee mother: ith, and we have the proof in our ——— slemonstrates, beyond | all Apologetic. re cancer and that Bridget—I can’t stand missus, Femains cured. ow seo elt ‘Von Blumer (creamer pier a person pity, Bridget, een t furnish at selected a wite to suit you. 3 ae “Sure, sur, we all @ mistakes.’’| nent curative yalu ae leasant home to pale cheek and. bloodless lips. 8 Li Thy ecg beet man Le rs him morose compiaine ‘tis not 50, Ree Yet no one need Genuine Sympathy. Son-in-law—I married your daugh- ter, sir, and I must ay thar never CANCER STAYS CURED Aiter Treatment With the A Hecate Remedy. re been 50 yOaoy, yee an the Te hecured, this dleadly'm ‘0 be discour- aged There i . nothing gan e just as well give up. ee empress new constitutional remedy, our vegetable radi eae ny trac Killing the germs that} out the veins, strengthening the healthy Tall dois ten fold to aie, tx Eiing he gery | Sunt uclge afte" tht ae pouizou es ey ¥ Yi nakin necessary rest! ts ‘T5c. a box; sample size 25c., or sent pecan tie ecu and giving hfe oun eee ‘fe ae postpaid on receipt of price, by ‘The| to the digestive organs, which naturally : wig boyd al . _| demand in im nO eeu get the: Amnold Chemical Co. Limited, an-| Serra aoneriv. Norenrop & Toman of | Gta ngtvanysanismatsinledo, Ohl ada Life Buil 2 King Streot| Toronto have given to the public their | “ap Gheney & Co. ‘Testimonial fen, et West, Toronto. superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, ‘EarSold by Droggists, price fe. Der r bottle, : - and, gauged by the opinion of scientists, a eae. Rather Unusual, Wine approaches nearest perfection of ‘ow It Impre: im. Mr. Crimsonbe: novel feat-| 209 inthe market. All draggists sellit ‘*You were very reckless in talking : t TEESE -o that man,’ said the friend, appre- Said ap, gia d po eer mcateth * Sale of Orehida In England. hensivsly. “Was 1?” replied Willie Wishing- seas “Yes. You want to be careful. ‘You don’t know him. He's regular considering the present price of coal, I should consider his diet rather expensive. ’? Miller's Worm Powders are a wonder ful medicine for the ailments of fohidren: Next Thing to It. “"T should like a room with an iron pedstead,’’ said the tourist in Ire- id. lan “'Sorr, Oi haven’t an iron bedstead in the place. They're all soft wood. But yon’ll find the mattress noice and hard, sor,’ replied the hotel proprie- tor. ECONOMY GASOLIN The Greatest Light of If LAMP 2s the Age. eh rae em a ‘ANTED THROUGHOUT CANAD. ae Toronto Auer Light: Go. whe "TOR 1 YONGE S®. cht for ENT! The Best atalogne.. COORSHUTE PLOW COs BRANTFORD, [lks, STEELE & mesic PEE Ete, SMPORTERS OF GROCENIES. aE Wrtoan WAMILTON. ES: @ Spleee BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE ONTAMO BINDE 1 TWINE CO. 118 PLOWS, ROLLERS & HARROWS Mado, Send for Cat ‘CH en ae FREE, war A Tanted perfect time-keeper, yp and Gin1sfor distributing. spas tising Matter. # yon scent. Sen address Bt particulars. Summa ot NU 252 STOPPED FREE. Permanent ITS: iy Cured. DR. KLIRE'S oy ARV RESTORER, for all Naeee ae A eae eel "rst da 3 eda eine Vie naval brig: » the THE BOER'S POSITION At Coienso Strongly Entrenched and Nearly Impregnable. THE NEWS FROM LADYSMITH! pec Nine Boers Kiiled in a Skirmish With Some of Buller’s Meu—Gen, Methuen Opens a Market at Modder River glad ro see our me were maesine aoe vant ak toot I have estab! a dnar! where eens inills Vania yee tables, selling to the farmers d other articles ee ch Gees on not Spsarise purchase. Hea) fell Jest rat French ehees: hn the situation. Baden-Powell reports all well on - 12. report’ no “Britain to Sue for Peace.” Durban, Natal, Dec. 23.—Mr. ton Churchill, on arriving here, after escape from the Doers, ree eae ovation. He si hi € at Cape Town Inadequate— Krnger’s Opinion, London, Dec. 29.—A despatch to Th O° Dauiy Mail pes Pict ormmasltabeee ed dated} Britain will soon re a eae. penis acute mertect ecgralue the strangth| yl the highest Transvaal circles, Of the Boer position at Coleaso. Thasks | Mr. Churchill asserts, there is serious % the services of Contine tal officers, the promise by which Great the campaign has changed. ‘apon guerilli we have io dea with what is rapidly ning a disciplined army enjoying the advanta jc the country and of ng ecntesta without the bumdea of 6" cam bersome commissariat. “The Boers have converted the hills vear x or” tmneuse] Goon Hae a vas have splendid Tr Colenso into _ fortresses 2 E aE tem bon proof, any way lines permit. the shifting of guns, with astonishing rapidity. post" muegted with, the outising. posttlo by underground passages; and’ th proper bristle with machine. guns in the service of the cee a nd the approacies. Probably mines| Boers and had instevcted tres f Sous errs leas novadars about Soer| trenching. Ue say were 23,- nell not Daesing Obs e Co] 000 Boers at Magersfontein, 21,000 so Aight say t f whom were engaged the day of the effective.“ This Is: due larcely to the fact | Cuore i that. the distances ‘are waarked: off with a cd Grigg hieiientuarne Sadia oie : v ‘hich the fire when our troops were adva anclng 18 3 ‘ether proof of improved soldiering.” BOERS ARE NERVOUS, feecey, Afraid of the British Advance ntense H. Dee, 21 Lon —(4.40 a.m.)—During thi ie ae pee ‘m-)—Daring the} Curzon, the Vicero: anquet in con sinued, dia iF c dite per i A i! Sourn ithe oapese eee lied ith Calcutta. on Wednesday evening, said teat she proudest title he possessed was han ond "susdestiag the auseve faithful mpai Femedics | improvements, Plans, e Uke, iterations in the ‘the Ti mplains of “needless censor- shi ealment.”| It eltes the fact Chat nothing ‘has yet’ trauspited. toa how Generat Gatacte came to lose 600 men The, gespatches. from the front all repre- wen nervous, condition he Boe: in Bud constant dread ot te British at'van Dur thtais ‘Probably eaeeRie aie eee siepusek 2a) let he noe tage pudden rifle ened from tache a See pea igants th (gees x sivetetied ys: “ ‘he Many = i in Athens re offer- Han, Ue ate tie | ng Dee, Services co, the ian Com ae be fouched 8 lamp fs ex: front o oe amps. ti h ig warning, igh wind extinguished a lamp, wich res Sits In a false Warting. he aes an, Natal, Deo. ns oo Boers discovergd that the alarm| man farmer name as false.” Han- A corrcepondent of ‘The Dally News at Be, Mr aa rtea air totee Stns ee Frere "Gs map) apnoonces'that A feamvay is} ovetian missions th 1, have been that ted. from Bh comm snding the Boer Deaton and that ran this British heavy Intense Heat at Ladysmi Accord despat ne Situation at Ladys Bee age Ahe Situation at Ladysmith. ine lene Peo aes deg nd ec. 29.—The inde- a endent Pe from Taya says: nterie fever ‘in the town at th e OE EATER coronene own bak Cine Bat ‘The fortification would now end, reports from. Boer “sources on tne | Withstand any organized at Continent assert that typhoid fever ts eple| en is likely i Genie in Ladysmith. 5 f rown “despatches complain of sufficient food stufls for two m: the, Taadeauacy ep Hosplial | ar question of forag Seok te who ee Seounlescits but since the rains there ¥00,000,000, and it Is suzgested tha enn puis Hersam witht sinking rane at ae oan ae Aen about te British ee ‘There is no enene De s. The casual ue fire are ey ing, and the The 1 Government, ac oers are reporte ecoming information supptted by Bocr’eptpathicers | nervous, They fear night sortics: an threat ns to reduce the rations of Hritlall| constant dees heavy fusilade on rison reat, Britain nance of food to Delagoa The. tmperial, Veomsury, Comittee ‘has Yerued a ‘statement to fe effect that the Gove nsiders nd moh of yeomuney. Ae" Ne most needs of the situation, and has i mated that if ig now prepared to accept 0.900, yeomanry, Instead ot 000 orletaaliy askea tor, expected fi ny 000 wills lias announced that It Tt NINE BOERS WERE KILLED, Ina Skirmish on th: pstecesepeelon se Gen. Buller'a Ox Chieveley Camp, Maia ee Dec. 27. — The ry, hav n again ted attempting to” improve their trenches facing Ger Buller, | tho British avy guns opened upon von end the Boers scampered back into British patrols sighted the enemy in force on our extreme left. e ‘8 were ae in @ setrinioh that iallowen, aa wig Doar Wagons were capt ¢ A BULLETIN FROM METHUEN, Heavy Firing ae Pee Naval Brigade ned the Fir 29.—Th e War Office lespatch Qalamay poe the south pe of Magersfonteln pee for some This mae of We are no longer fighting a foe who relied ie night Germans 6 5 irradi svaal Executive at Pret ibe leaned that the Boers began the war with trepidation, Bee that ee t Kr nfident 100,00 plete sadepeni ence of the ‘Tr story ofa Deserter. Be je Modder 3 interesting eee adding that his purse, his army and his own sword were ever at her ees ‘The Maharajah of Givalied nee mek: ba pectiiasion + nore on Tees Hak staf, and bas offered to. send a transport to The Government ‘of Franco has ap- sul for the war in South Africa. rested ut They both claim the protection of Germany. imaginary atta DELAGOA BAY. A Belief That Portugal Will Hand bets Port to Britain About Next Mai —Meanwhile Boers May fea _ Berlin oon York, Dec. United States an indemnity of Psi 900, ee terling. and obtained in 1891 from Barta the right of pre-emption in Delagoa Bay. The cession of Delagi Bay to England may therefore be ex- ected in March next. It is possible tl ‘uger may now de clare war on Portugal - and. attack Delagoa at o1 f soillecs ta, prnaire any interfer ence by France and Itussia, England concluded a second. treaty with Ger- arti- Poctustises colonial. pos: sessions—that is to say, Timor, abana, ith ate ‘ican railway. For this the Ger- HEN aa ati will Portugal 25,000, at eee ae ir t Believe It. eiak 29.—The publication by e Lokal Anzeixer of Berlin, of te Rae tah between Germany, and Great. Britain, prevtline e Portuguese eredence fn BIRDS CARRY MAIL. NEW ZEALAND HAS THE MOST UNI- QUE OF ALL POSTAL SYSTEMS Carrier Pi; tween Auckland and Island,About Sixty Miles in Post in Daily Service Be- Great. Barrier Distant — e pe Will Service If On a Letter From Any Part of the World. nique among the postal systems theoligh whic ‘hae boon, developed WHAT A-SIEGE SIEGE TRAIN is Wondertal Bagiues.of War, Xet io be/ Str trodu ene Tho “recently that a siege train was being aed for service in South Africa no doubt aber a siege train and an re ae fact, a siege is the name applied to the esas Since s letter carriers they might be delaved reck nh das waiting for ae er from Auclkdan eumn= n occasion d to carry dispatches to Auckland, ther PIGEON WITH DISPATCH. being no cable yO Seo steamer only once week, The Po; ulation at that time was Limi to about ‘Then.came the opening up of ter mea’ municating with th: the Great Barrier pigeon 1 ost {naugurated. The training of birds from Auck- which is low- in haze seemed to present insurmountable dif- ficulties, the birds Bee reluctant. ti leave the mainland on tho long jour ney o 60! tatlis ot aural Gulf, but with patience and persever- is was overco: The ser- vice now has a largo number of these iminutive mossengers travelling both ways daily. On account extra risk a ficulty — ex- “picking the ho "" the island on account of mists in the after: is are trat arrival at cither terminus: they place eir macs between two wires, raise these shoulders and walk facwien ti should the bird meet with Triaugular, stamps issued by have just bee eat Barrier pizeon will come winging its way bac Auckland swithaut further “eros to him. From there, of course, _ message would reach him a vy the dinary post. juspleion. Tt ta said that you have been tryinj Hoo get enn Don't you believe tt" dela, Semntoe Borghum.’ “It’s a pith to boll th vote market.”—Washington Star, The Only race—Did you see any man on the excursion steamer who interested you particularly? Dorothy (who was a sufferer from 10 ollicial 1 circles here, +7 for compumtenting intelligence | of ee and store wag- Aas aiding in the vf sivilizan| on joyed to conduct a tant iarthe: pleceaipent: whic 2 «it “ is daily service carrying mail netween siege, s Acordng fo ha Blege ae: uckland, N.4., and Great Parrier Is- AY, d, wn as the rext Barrier | ist of a number of divisions, heavy, Pigeon Post. It affords an ee SH medium, or or light, bonita) of the wor b: the si ered gers more prowptiy and | Sa dees sion, as 8 ae ecient of| are safely than it could. be. don U-| gixteen pieces of ordnance, exclusive means. Under its ppaaiiee let- of machine guns; each division re- quires « personnel consisting of four f garrison artillery, with the Filer ce staff: One lientenant- ‘s, and two staff clerks, in addition rip a total of 596 officers, non-commis- sioned officers and men. In the present instance the arma- ment consists of the new 65-inch breceh-loading howitzers throwing lyddite shell. All siege guns and howitzers are “French’s sights,’? which enables invisible to the gunner. advantage it is possible to place the battery behind a hill totally obscured from the enemy’s view. and to pound away until either all his guns are dismounted or the fort breached so as to enable the infantry to carry the place by assault, ery hi » at fe pctocsion: fat bavi is absolutely nothing that can with- and the attack of ized well equipped si ‘he losive: lestrao- es a aueron of ah in pei any defence that ci possibly be erected. means of observi instru. a ae by apeaies oiainees can be accurately observed as Syiasie so many ds short or atts enabling the ¢ made for the next round to strike the exact spot desired and ensuring extreme accur- acy of fire. Good Seiise in Marriage. The ideal marriage iy not the re- ts of any arts or artifices on either side. It is the result of co) emotion on both sides sanctioned by 10 marries a woman who marries a any sane person shi Observe what I say, “‘no other way to be happy.’? For of that one should be sure first. The mere fact thet au persons love each id always to trast and obey. How many times haye you and I 6 most un- propitious tr gagements epted with the hesitant shapes: ace he) well! if they love one another.” some of the unhappy and ae tragic marriages I have ever known have been those in which the young lovers were atthe first pro- foundly in love with each other. This leads me to the sincere belief that love is only one of the necessary in- gredients of happiness in marriage. though it is, to be sure, the one which we cannot reckon without. I would counsel young women to take account of vipie! other things than bee in considering an offer of mar- da serion ad tinct for ‘hi chari ter which could be remedied by a hak Should be. “Such fax fealta es theso mper, ‘girl's ippinss safe With a man whom any one of these is a vesscou oe no matter how much they may love each other.—Helen f the Futw: ‘The cutest hat does not t look the enough, uo doubt, but oan th think nature will) reach ving | | mal de mer)—No one but the steward. lyn Life, = © fitted with special sights known asj bi NOVEL «RAFTS. A New Method of Conveying, Soldiers Across Streams. it been made in mn Dail ‘as sincerity, ‘‘What is the difference be-| thing armoured to the} easil are so tightly lnced that water cannot “i : In order to cross a river the current of which is not swift itis is only neces- saya, this raft In the ed not main like statues the whole time they are on the water. One of these rafts is said to be leas two f coupled ee fey, much more satisfactorily than one, and Captain Habert is now engaged in pre) double rafts for the French army. Prince Christian Victor, ‘This prince who 1s fighting for Png land in South Africa is a grandson of Queen Victoria. He is a veteran of the Nile campaign. Imagination Docs anew, Mr. John Stuart, the srezial pocalke of the Morning Post, ina etter which he has addressed to 4 paper, writes that after the battle of Blandslaagte “fa Dutchman was found ‘bu: ‘It’s that dreadfal lyddite,” told that no lyddite had beon used in the battle. ‘I know it was,’ he said, “because I read it in the Standard and Diggers’ News says that lyddite kills yon without hurting you.' History repeats itself with astonish- ing accuracy. During one of the Napoleonic campaigns a Frenchman was tripped’ up by ball, but without being “He tee both bis legs had bee ied off, and lay on the ground all night, vale excruciating bodily agony, and never moving for carried off both my legs,’ ** ped, x “Who was that girl Hopimerbas. mar “I don’t know her name, but I know — , that accounts for it” wh: tt some day If she keeps impro: dndianapolis Journal,