STORIES OF THE SEA___ By EDWARD JENKINS, M.P. Author of “' Little Hodge,” “ Cord Bantam,” “ Ginx’s Baby,"&c. ; i PARR % oi CHAPTER V. (Continued) and very ordinary attention. 1 happy to render to tl two sailor she eee and look a Nantes skipper eight inches? Is my nie ayedt De Do serysiiaal Chiles nat Att other person- al seflestionst? anythi Modern Marriage Market. A book written by a quartet of well lish Marriage Market," and it certainly is 46 | causing agreater amount of talk and '@|encountering a ticism than any market volume ever TOLD BY THE EDITOR, DURING A HOLIDAY RAMBLE HB VISITS THE OLD HOMEST< AD. He Found Changes Th: That sarge Him: of Which Ves Witext eur aden. Prove To From the ender and Recorder, To- ronto Jun The cadibor ae the Leader and Sees Ae me eee ae My The Milverton Sur THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1900. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Election day in Milverton passed over without much excitement save at that most insidious and universal of diseases-=|: five o'clock while the ballots were ing counted, when anxivus f the candidates know tbe result. candida during the day expressed themselv confident of vietory, but it is suid: What more appropriatename could be applied to «|Catarrh-which affects nine hundred in every thou- “THE WHITE MAN'S. os i heals the parts, quickly and permanently. = The treatment is Can the applications ure easily made, perfectly painless, au: sixty minutes oe eae relief follows. It’s so wonderfully searc Yet so soothing, comfort comes like mi 3, 204 Adlelide street weet, ‘Toronto, says, in substantixtion news Catarrhal “I am 180 well pleased with Dr. r amount of cri- the prisoner. It 1 he t to . be.a.rare brand of promise that holds sand of our people. 0 Pi obliged to y sand | printed. ye good from nomination to election day, ‘The writers are women prominent in of ia, on Mr:. Wiederhold, however, takes his England, and their oameg are suffi-| *! defeat goqd mataradly and at the close cient guarantee that tha book is by no of the reading of the ballot. shook eans an ordinary volume. The hands with and congratulated — Fis quartet of writers are Lady Jeune, successful opponent. ‘Aman who ean Mrs. Flora Annie Steel, Miss Marie tabe a defeat with good grace “always himself for the future. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder and the goods results derived from it, that I hardly know, py to express myself. For years I was a reat sufferer from Uatarrh in the Head and Throat, tried many remedies without getting relief until I began using Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder. A few appli I See! murderer is o detect n ‘he's manage w th, him bélter Uhanvvon aia by the thonsands of nosolicited testimonials that have been received by those who have suffered fromthe Catarrh Malady in all its torms, and for periods of suffering, whether the limit of a few days of Influenza or Cold iend, “Tord Pendlebury ?* asped the ane es, Mr, Peter Corcoran, am Trish Mayen Chancery, taken # whim to travel incognito ag Min. Fee tun [¥ eried the I believe— Dr Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder has proved itself a wonderful power it lifting the burden—a|:’ CHAPTER VI, joes that strike | 0 | Like tyo bights of the tra) are in a Gan 1 be of any service, a think 2” said the peer, dril: | sibly, Sir Benja: min, ae may aa ble orie: Dresses Handsomely in oe owners ‘will fees for his blu: lass at Be I shall m “prisoner's” berth a suit “Sey Trish tweed. ; ‘True to a knot, sir! Captain Large idiamena’ einen | eft little finge is hand 208 enough on: th nee Fess pileters we large: area Aiea Peet it is, range North Star above! anid poor Fex. “It's me!" pele keep aaa till | F mi 5 feet. 8 or 10 | me ‘word true, sir!’ Looks (5 ye say?” cries | om tive feet “in doubted swell, ptain, “Probably has a ae or “bruise on_his it Aer Bs si epaiks| \ ennan weeael: sh. a bit of German ever dirtied shouted Mr. ex, emphatl- No French jamLacnnci iMonnjan’ ic Gigtiaian Then that will do. peaks French skipper. roWls Mr. Fex in greater | bu “Me, that the Em- know from a ¥ man. Captain. Outside, there, fetch in the “irons! At these words the unhappy _ Fex, giving a roar that shook the cabin made aneffort to jumo ov: of his birth. But on ¢ ‘o her anxiety in e Killing him" tuconeh The tie partition. "Noh don't be wlarm- witht the pride of a man who had dom aty. Bad ascaall Grot Lee ship among {* he © Tet ‘he Boor f fellow 0 gentleman ie a friend of mins, a ter in Chincery Sir, | Quen ‘Wreneb- | Is loud Lord world ae ey looked a little Pahocked: at got in Dublin, and oni is thonsai e| this n setting this ‘matter right: |agsure 30 an estimable | fai. iil fie any tend of eau Hindteburg's been maltreated in not regar dle that ff to demand tain's best: amen unre With that tars is frisnd Tae his pate iB mute listening to mal which could te! be “distinctly heard from the pases s areas 1 he cried. “ xorable law feat at eight paalee which I haven't been ince I was sixteen. as blue as Plue-| Xo “No, Corcoran ! yet. You must last out at least. Wouldn't. go into peleiad ie over this! the old x it you hit so xy—shortened my Tength, haps m; crestor with a eaah ree Piaattian that, 3, Lea and ci let rd_me a the inatiee at all i P ecptied Lord Pen- Pendelbury wi unate’ eee and sighs kk I cannot spare you this voyage, the age ee eae and per- Mr. Crog, the » steerage steward, hnd gone through ood Siena exettion ‘en eaious ‘thing, and that |70°*—all of which he woul (0 pay handsome- ly der, unless he can patch |20t, for these Te |e UP bakes Corcoran.” the will seo Sess cin of ome HM) Pega it usin! Peer but dated e ed rolling haat in he! pipless. terror ped misery, is not an occupation which 0: would suppose to s—fre What bells pense ‘Gozaices to a vomit- ammal tween sixty d a hard in the, A FS, n-you wou! “melancholy oc ing f you threaten them | in mo you know ard.” e air below pear many a sturdy ‘constitution, Her Ls in} Mr. ive bury was nettle me, and I was always more ly than discreet, lebury. ried. FANN See She mast is she be ve tzavelling with somel body tet r hus! band.” , sawiere aca don’t know. “Ill, on his back, one of te lo Sir] Peerjsinil Peakman and the caj tain entered. knight nner 1 ke | gies for his errors of 1 i Pray, Sir “Benjamin,” not take the ae le caress the aight captain more awkwardly ‘endeavored to with the Master in. make Chance! “captain,” said jhe Master, with a forgive you on pene hes, Do. talk pete “Tout then?” Guduteed the WEE cabins.—Ah! ‘ohat's |? The in his bland x made the ete apolo- one, like ed by labor, which stewardess, Mrs, sae me wit, and by the doctor, a littie man w fie cota of dirty piece of ES rohme Unhappy doc! fee He is t oe one man he shi i throng athe again wha an anodyne for pasa by the fero ant “Vel it!” "She =| motions with her fieges in @ certain an Tong since!” ‘tried fhe effervescent citrate nat bismuth?” “Maria! here, quick! | Dotto, 9 you “kill me. The mention i (to. te Continued.) ees ae Dramatic Note Wright believe a deal of human interest could be oe into a play with the scenes laid op: Reed—My dear bos, the alevent in a pa Sa is sometl Bbesta tely inhuman. Sunday Schoo! Teacher—Why, oe e : are al an’ T've only got one. y three hundred people who tl to hold Ad attractions i re Fini gers bs es “getting, together” of the distinguish- hi authors for the purpose of compar- notes before writing the book, for the opinions differ widely, and — the writers do not hesitate to speak their minds freely regarding the writing of i the rest of the’ four. e fact conderning the book that ay aes is also the only unmarried e four. This strikes the Lon- ics as being a peculiarly rich eae ri a |bit of irony, and they are making the Miss Corelli refers with lofty scorn to the ideals of some of her make you: bodies and souls the traffickable ma- I want condition whatsoever, to the uly love, and abide by the results. if love is love indeed, no regret can @ possible ean three, Lady Jeune, Mrs. Steel and the Countess of Malmes-ury, b- | undertake to ach other nature and is seldom di: eubet, in her “Lad aan a Rosai jUsal ury, “writes from the itty ave Genapaat wi tastrimonial fate our eastern than of our west- antagonist that Miss’ Corelli finds most worthy of her steel is ¢ le most Mrs. looks at the world of women through lorgnette na qeconeilsa 4a tie pleasures of |™uch mis he naiviatel | exper Se every mi wo- le world teaches rake is It is only right to say that the com- monsense critics side with Mr: lo you faney, my lady?” cries [to u: the distracted medito, himself half nau- | y this unprincipled eae the four ladies h ie woman's, vice to wo! ' REVERES HIS MEMORY. Queen Victoria’s eee ie jueen’s: bridal ie side of the withered re- mains es e firs quet prese! were to Her Majesty oye the eu Consoi Objection. qailabbenty, = = ora tlk to take a trip = Mery Sure berty—Yi, cal foi ine! MeLubl tink av dthe. cost av gittin’ home species, e a shattered constitution made containes ae that we consider it a pleasure as ‘ive them as wide Pabliany as possible through the. oy ing up the: system; but for Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills 1 do lady of that n: . Mrs. Steel takes | tha el | sl to [the genuine Pink Pills pe rsuaded totake an imita-~ Dr. villians’ Pink *pills rie when other medicines fail. MATES OF GREAT MEN, Once when Gladstone was making an outdoor speech it began to.rain. Quiet- ly Mrs. Gladstone, who has the sweet- est, most motherly face in the world, and who always contend her hus- tie-looking umbrella held it over him. one - respon‘ il. Bezconsfield showed similar gerchion to Gladstone’ it he was she had sustained any bur es ES He had been thinking deeply for sev- entee ask for the power to i oth- we see ours ‘The evil that men do lives after them. the good they publish while they live. — _ssteroniy wi of strengthens Wiederhold MORNID In the township of Mornington the old Council was the vote standing as follow | "8 =e 48 230 ICE in Ellice resulted in the return of the sald Council. The vote stoud as follows : James Vaughan and Allen Tomlin relatives in Maryboro, tt bas returned from an ex, visit. with ber danghters io < MeGee, of Biddulph, is at ee O'Grady’: Wm. Wright, of Pittab burg, Penn., ig, his ; brother, H. Wright. at J Wilts. Win. Moore is holidaying in Tor- onto and Buffalo. Few Querin is very low with conjestion of the lungs, but we hope to soon seem him able to be round again. A number of children 7 have the whooping cough: nurse has been e: Jolin Davideon, who’ is. still very low, WELLESLEY. xOMr. J. A. moar of Torento, is spending a few days in town yMr. John Walton spent New Yeur’s with frievds in London. er Hi of Beussels, is av Of Detail, is fying neqaaintuhcee i aud around a plage W, Snare ob, Phiacelphia | = a Studay, with Fink: ir. W. C. Shier, rindpal of our sehvol, has furnished a soite of rooms iv the Norton block, mad a ston rable Rens r Jobn Daub, while returning from the post wllice on Friday night the misfortune ty lose a Bills. ~§ We trust“ iat. ‘treasure has fallen iuto the hands of sone honest “person who will speedily Feturn itto the owner in New Yeur’s night Me & G. eine gave his employees x «cial hop and supper at the Queen’s bétel. “Al vole bea an enjoyable time and wre ein ne of Mr, Reis we arry, Kre dove of peace in the battle for| health. it makes life worth liv- ing—it helps in a hurry and it cures permanent- ly—relief in 10 to 60 min- utes. So-ealled cures come and go and hardly K& passes but some new clainant as a cure for catarrh presents itself, only to fail! im ite mission, add snother. diseppointment | to the long list oftdisappointeds in the line. of permanent cures for this most universal Catatrhal Powder as ‘been for many years before the public as the surest, sifest; most harmless, quickest and 1 perinanent treatment for Ca’ Se Hay Feyer, Coldvin the Head, Sore T! In fluenza, Uaitrehal Deafness, pean and ; That it has proved its work Hiounaige: ‘of times, east, west, north and south; over tie whole continent ig allowed SOLD: BY JAS. covering the almost. incredible period: of fifty years, Apart from’ the splendidevideneo ofthe curative powers uf Dr. Agnew’s Powder receiv and-coniitions of men, from the laborer in ne! he unqualified’ endorsation and show practical fith daily practice, Dr. Agne'v’s Cutarthal Powder goes right to the seat of the disease, removes the- cause, cleanses and TORRANCE, Catarrhal! ved from pevple of all‘ranks tw the judge on: the bench, The t nose and throat specialists greatest cure, give it their their in it by using it in their trouble, It attacks the d now every vestige of a, trouble has gone, and words fail me. the gratitade I feel at being pile hae this loathsome diease.” Dé. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart stops palpitation, smothering, shorness of breath, pains about the heart, gives relief in 30 minutes, Dr. Agnew’ Ointment.—When the skin seems fairly on fire from itching skin dis- eases, ame application will give quick aud“ permanent relict, Dr. Agnew’s Liver Pills cure liver ills = 20 cents for 40 doses. t Moved by. Mr. Donald: v1 - Me tilap andl ante, ar Woicon, the section sal st d to attend ELMA COUNCH. The munietpal ¢ council ofthe town- ‘eMane, seconded by Er. Smith, that as hte as Crow- on the Boyle drain,ob- |talhied a corbidaatetron| We engineer, that the Reeve and Clerk issue an order for the atuount of athe, Carried. om, seeonded ; Now 40, nied tnd Moved by Mr. Donaldson, that the time for be exes oy ith, seconded by Mr. J. Henna be paid $200 on account tried Moved bb led by M. & Davidso ried. Moved by Mr. Donald: son, Be by ‘MeMane, that e aeons be pai lays council pieetingt: iatietien: “etacenutere gael count iacatibe and ; A. MeMan $125, Treasurer and $10 tunietpal 2 Couneil then adjourne BEART KTANTS, Dr. ;fenens Cove forth Hrart--Ane, Dose ed a joules Cared. M. B Ave, Toronto, was icp seit Cnet fou cane ae soing up Sits or being suddenly RE Heong ou snffaoation “uit interne pain phaldes Vejen” Sin r poe LE Dr. with af ft betareatie her ie: sy ptm of ie aN ae jad Jéfe her, two hetties every Soli SHORT STORIES RETOLD. ' ‘ Laat-year’s consumption of whiskey was the highest ever ited. Kingdom, Bualish temperance - journals, inom than a gallon-a dead for every The colored regulars im’ the - Philip- pines are as quick at repartee as sty are prompt to obey oe “Well, nig, what are you going to do here?” The negro replied: “We're go- ing to ao up the white man’s burden, suppos young minister who: did not scruple to fish for compliments, was once invited to take ae with douce old elder, us reticeent ak Mey make them. Manipulate the conversa- a eelesyiula: We yoong man could get his host: t mn and ab Hae he boldly woe the impo:- Wx. Coynett, jr., THE ANNUAL MEETING Of the MORNINGTON AGRI- CULTURAL SOCIETY will be held in Groseh’s Hall, Milverton, on Wednesday, January 10th,:1900 at One o'clock p.m. for the election of a Board of Directors and for hearing proceedings of the past year. ® report of the M. MacBern. Pres. Secy, 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Trai s Desicns ES peat eid &c. ase sending. nk mag opinion ives whether fnvention ts prot - jeutdal Handbook ‘communion peeenae Senet Beg a handsomely illustrated week! dulation of any selentibe fonradle re Horne, 3 Sear: four: monthe, $l. Sold yall newadeslers: UNN &G0,3812%0r, = 100; O25 F St... We tant subj y arking directly, | SPhie wns Ham wea UME a | But the elder knew hi there's nacthing wrang wi 1-slipped on of “her dislike to the es doctor, so her father suggested several others, sea finally it was’ decided to eae ruse yung: maniwighin + homeopathic case who passed the house every day. They kept a sharp ick ead leh he came along, called hin ins \ The young lady munlestly raised hen ski certainly is q pe said, what shall L do? you,” he whispered, i tapbysician; Tam would piano- peas werent Mr. John.» Watson was elected Mayor of Listowel. The Londoas*Normal school is now ready for ocewpation by studénts. The Blancdard township council was returned for 1900 by acclamation, Maj. Weir, of Kincardine,. has been named colonel of the 32ud Battalion Col. Scuct's time having expired. Lord Ava, gon of the Marquis. of | Svc Dufferin, accompanied the Spanair in taking the ridge a Blands Laagate and came out of “the battle unsinged. Ardespatch to the Times trom Cape wn states that recruiting by the in Damaraland, German South- West Africa, lis been promptly ved by, German officers, who will allow neither men nor-horses There isa fresh oathreak. of the school trouble av Bele River, of the trustees favorable tu ee tablishment of separate xehe changed the locks on the door ae he ublic selionl “aud on the frouty fence and forbid the otler trasteeste-come on the premises, » Mr, Winston Chatchill, "eho Intely |) oseaped from Po<toria, says that Presi- dent Keugeris confident. of winning in the-present war and expects that Britain ae sue: for a in which shew y2n,e Woman and chi with 1878, there has sheen an incteneey less than tlie rsocessinn of ‘the iuvaded territory, in’ denths from chrowie Ww] 824" per cent. wg en ae sd caterers; jer coubanony wi antl ‘iu. indewnity of ‘Ralueust, . $2i00,000,000 Handel Dolla Wei will ps rheunsetism. physdolosiral properties of whie known as those of air, and as defix aultvak as dissecting | kaif in’ opening ab. Scessee ur removing thi RHEUMATISM. the most. common disease, is treated with unfailing success Rheumatism presents itself in the and joints, almost invariably oui tw. crs the'| Heredite " t pone ue Ue Dy Hot Ait tee aire basis STRATFORD; THE WINDERMERE DRY HOT: AIR HOSPITAL. . > ONTARIO. "| Opened October ist, Posseses the Finest Treatment Rooms. in. America.— Trained Nurses and Grad- in uate F OUR 2ND oe TO DECEMBER PATIENTS UR OFFER TO DOUBTING. THOMASES, Wewill pay One Hundred Dollars to any case of articular or muscular heumatism brought. to the Institution iy gtarantee to OE ora Rat 6 cure you we re- nothing. under ete Proposition = ae eth vf ES oe Be Uulike formulas a Siu lieets waver Hog you @ natural rem: the inite in re. ofall ¢ Windermere Dr: fot. Air ‘sand have the rheumatism t es we cannot cure. TE you e this offer up need One cerebral and spinal paralvsie are recognized obs ills, which: ofseus: reyuie ae ersten and patience to eure or benefit. Tt ma, i almost iably canes resort to the treatiivets, - Tes oe iG EB B TROUBLES find coer ef Dice nn ies lose their melaneh he Winters Dey Hot Air iowa anc system is encourag- io Pea tmentsy-1 mn rastic and stringent etlects ranucheriatig SE Roneavee NERVOUS DISORDERS, Catarchal sale General Debit Convaleactues ¥ Jremate obra fee are t Discus aN all within the | healing influence of Phe Dry Ae, RPFECTS OF GRIP, so ab- reat- | stinate and distressi at tering an form: of neNupeseay Sciati: SEN DISHASE, including _Bxzema, er bok Hee In ime, ‘testimony to the value es the ‘ot iv Treatment in skin dise: NING, me ere man race, Sypl Screaiolg a sobs pation} soon Becetints that he has « liver, SEBS is ; hs tamilin mankin And oe mise #ffber to | ace most unfailing sucess. extn ie roe ces for any organic trouble o rt ot eee sat may be taken at. aay time. The ant should aa excess, either eating ot ee ular life, ae pat vere pay Patients should venitin 976 owt ¢ ass of advice tendered at Beate: ait rosmati vin Hospi The Winde lospi Physicians know the treaties thorwaghly agen “ello 4 their remarked ala. that luce tem trom winch re fate ss tenibctary ee) of suffering. This Aa anost indivationymotably so im * Eitreatutenty Uf ebbsilege: Cte ost disconrage noone, r S persistence in the use an the treat- ina of treatment fie oe mawh of teins A Oke Bale e per hones A eet) eae Howe ie Thal ud eatin eases Uwe Patients take cage? terri oni tive 6 mh: le ‘the le Srcafen ink take i Gredtment ulube,