Milverton Sun, 11 Jan 1900, p. 3

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of coins obtained by one individual being forty. It is estimated that bag contained £1 The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, JANUARY U1, 1900, Col, Baden-Powell is having lots 0} fun at Mafeking physicing the Boers with their own medicine. ‘ e Every citizen-in this cevatiy must B . regret the accident that befel Sir Ee: Charles Tupper on Sunday when he 4 was thrown from a. rig while crossing the river at Edmonton and badly ‘end of his useful and vigorous life may not be impaired in any way and that. Re will be enabled:to-serve the State for years to com |, BOERS Lisostrdid ACK. London, Jan. 88: 45 p.m.—Gen ‘White reports, under date h eaiade. 2p.m., that the Boers were oan with hee losses. lon, Jan, ing dispatch from Frere Camp, Natal, Jan. » following is from Gen, White, dated 2 a yesterday: — ‘n attack was commenced on my position, but was chiefly against Gaesar’s camp and Wagon Hill. The i strength, an greaves: . ‘shaken up. It is hoped that the | 83: war vite has just puted tie fat i Annual pre or THE Nortu Perr ; Liberal Conservative Association, ‘The annnua! meeting of the above As- sociation will be hell at Milverton, Thurs. Jan., 18th, 1900, at the hour of 11 o'clock, a.m., for the election of officers for the ensuing ear and for Lge d transaction of suc! er ness that inay come the meeeing. ‘A fall attendacce ie Dated et Listowel,January 8th,A.D.,1900. J, B. ALLEN, H. B. MORPHY, coretary: President. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. FARM FOR SALE. That parcel of land known as East half of Lot 11, Con. 8 Mornington, 90 acres Taldioga ‘are commodiovs and in a state of repair. For, forther par Routars _apply to Thos. Scott om! or to Robert Smith, gents :—Our book on South Africa i ioe the a ier a agente, ba on 8if THY! TINscore Fl PUBLITRING ses Agants; —Femous vents of the Nineteenth reste ae AML}. jes are described ; the Pon One point: sin. our: pesition was occupied: by, the enemy: the whole But at dusk, in a very heavy rainstorm, they «were turned ‘out of this position at the point of the and Kings sat the Neviessin the re aes iu all the aunalg- of; the wo sxeeptional in- dlucomente£ for agen tidte, and behaved excellently. They, are elated at.the service they. have, rendered the,Queen ~The enemy were repujsedsevery, ‘where with very heavy loss, greatly exceeding, that on my side, which will be, ed, 8 sogn as the lists are Jan. 8—In spite of spat of the, ie of Gen. W! forces in-repulsing the Boer ae fe Eatin nian ae apparently Baw of the cans hension into the abioasape of, the, last, words of te Cae ee message. froma Gen ite: ard: pressed,” until oily Pagsh that the. bel red -on the point of a hi whem the last signal was flash grim symbolism: “The Gen. Buller’s ann has failed,” Alp deseribes the |. ‘situation. nothing to relieve the gloom. : THY RISE TY, pempew : Aspeculiar fenvure of the lumber sit- rae recently, and one whieh bat re- ip te couutry, is tha remarkable scar- city of jath In the great, demand for them prices have advanced, 300 per to $3| Pe \ousand ; and that price aa sslabs, the like of which fo A feature of the,situationrecently has | P the remarkable, dauand from h lags have been. pr ee ROE as su ed up ek one maaithus- we -hadisade ee ae. oe ste Very. tr ing) BR garrison has not collapser,.na imseemed | ., stv ts the enormous builsling operations | S '€ | Potatoes, pembhg ! The. ppmcouaee cies ¥ Limited, Brantrorp, Ona. (Agents:—Prople-axo-clamoring for am| anthetic haa of te , Boer-British wav: We have bit cheap book, by two off e it ieereal war writers of the world, sh; phot The on ri perience or capital unnecessary. THE LINSCOTT PUBLISHING Bae 5 work, Seailits ee oraueds nies (bre nto. nts 2A tend golden , harvest for you. The wapdu.South Africa is the bloodiest of th ceutary. We have.the nly Canadian boole. by tell Hopkins d ie recogpized PI New is the time to. commence BRADLEY-GARRETSON CO, "Limite, A for Men and Gregf : ‘GOMMERCIAL. Muvertos,. Jauuary 4, ne $ Ont “Apples, pervbog, - 63 30 5. 55 100 00 6 8 . ; 3 i It’s No Use =| The weather was too mild the last month, so we propose to make January 1900 a Record Breaker with a Great Clearing Sale at THE PEOPLE'S STORE Mil. verton, beginning Saturday Jan. 6th,. and lasting till all Readymade Suits, Overcoats Ladies’ Jackets, Furs, ete. are sold in,order to nuake room for our Spring Goods. We will give you 2Q.per cent. or more on these goods. For instance: MEN'S OVERCOATS. BOYS’ OVERCOATS Frieze, high collar, side pockets, good | Boys’ dark brown Frieze Ulsters, deep tweed lining, all sizes, prices $7 50, pockets, storm. collar, good a) 5 sale‘price a ete on t sizes,worth $4.5ajsale prices $3.2: Men’s Dark Frieze, high storm coltary; ‘Boys’ Dark Frieze Ulsters, side pockets checKed lining, side pockets, regular, high storm collars, er. lining, worth $1020, sale price -....... SSELTUN fc) Seep NG ie Heals RUE, ‘ Men's Dark Frieze, high collar, checked} Boys’ Lig htBrowmFrieze Ulster, high lining, side pockets, worth $5.00, sale storm collar, side ‘pockets, regular plc] (eave. ate ones 3.95| $4.00 for.... .. SBS Men's Frieze, high storm collar, browa;. worth side pockets, sale PRICE eee ey $8.50, BOYS’ SUITS. 6:25 | will cut the-price 1-3 less, which means suit, worth $5.00 for . . f MEN’S: SUITS + we Will give you a reduction of 25 per) Ladies Jackets at half price up cent. discount’on all sizes from 32 ae to clear. You will find this store the place to buy you goods and’ save money. No:trouble:to show goods. We send every customer away pleased, and well satisfied. Come and get warm anyway, we will al- ways be glad ta welcame.. E. H. DIERLAMM We:-will pay you 17c. for Butter, 17¢. for Eggs, 8c. for Turkeys, 6c. for Ducks, 5c. for Geese, 5c. for Ghicks, 6c. for Dried Apples. aE TTR: | | | + | S i PARCHMENT PAPER. Having bought a quantity of ‘pa- - _peper before the advance im price. ‘We can supply for the the next . few weeks, customers — Rigen! Milverton, Qnt., Perth Co., Thursday, January I 11th, 1900. years and never took second prize for bread. WHY ? Because! make the best Competi jae judges at the Stratford eeanty Fair awarded us Ist Prize for read. ‘We do not have to depend upon the intelligence of a country show judge itor our reputatio1 stock before buying elsewhere, whether you want to buy or not. BURTON, THE TAILOR |¢ Provinos: Geil provide accor lor anernlased We shall draw ore from the district extend: Ste. Sudbury. He gives two add illus: | My sy she canon 1 DIRECTORY. PAIRYMEN WILL MEET AT STRATFORD. Aas Telit iow, De = leading | 5 in di we SW}. Mernopisr Cu ‘The Dairymen’s Convention will th Ne Upto dan. 4, a narber of valuable essays we ep cone B. pastor, Se in TBeratfon's new City Hall, lay; | twenty ou Cheese-Making, and eleven on Sire ets Wedreedas $ Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 160, 1h Butter-Making, ty practical men actively | Be ipror Veteeey sale “and 18tb. 11 is expected tha farmers, | employed in the business dur past | ay aby | League ones ee ‘butter and cheese makers, etc., will be} year, have been received for competition for vice at Mil O ery of te ding dap “present. ‘Those interested in butter and.) the $200 premiums offered by the Directors. | SW Mw oe nips aa t into 4: askaeee ASS RIRT Ay) ;Gheese yang showld not fail to attend, as | ‘The prizes will be awarded, and the essays | \y of, | MeMillon, 8.4, toca se or will be of great pablis! she dand disonssed during the Con- < + ap 7 one Service at Tima. a sito venti usual, are masters both ‘Bits Osawa thadeteon, of theory and ia practice, The list includes Sarees % is a pastor, as Pde iam, the following names: Hop. Sydney Fisher,! Clinton has voted in favor of a free| SH Mw and Weekly Prayer Hon, John Dryden, Mr. A. W. Campbell, |). -.) - K i | Thoreahy erenings st 7:30 pum,’ Service at Dr. Connell, Prof, Dean, Mr D. Derbyshire, | library. a 9 Zion church, Wellesley Tp. at p.m. Prof. Farrington, Dr. sete Me C. o The tonnage of the merchant marine | SY loo e THE EVANGELICAL ASSOCEA- Sane Be Se Bes a oa of the four leading ata oo He w why wy sabe a re aak bans: pel 2, Mr. B. D. ‘Tilson, Mn a lows: Great Britein; 8,926, nited| ¢ ; abbath Services=9:30 a.m, an pm. leper acne Shear "| States, 4700,000; Germany, 1,665,000; | : 3% | Sabhath S School Ham, ee R se ong the subjects to be seuss ed, ates Franee, 921, a Will be head- 3 Lona TS Oe he “ ane ; ial Se tee eroMclation “to, the| Letters oe have’ been issued | quarters for Blea . AL, pastor. Sabbath 8 Siete = pm Goring of Cheese” “The Hifects of Lime | Br nate ibeerel) an, to AL oes we % i r Solution in Cheese-Making,” “The Curing| Laren, Stratford, Henry Wright an O glory of the fadi nd Boxing of cur hee coe ¥. MacLaren, Toronto; James B. = XM AS > Splendor of th Phare brecie “Testing Cows re 5 . esting Cowaon the Form (um pecve-|MacLaten, Ingersoll; and A. Mac-) «|| WAR NEWS Making,” "Phe Insect, Enemies of Fodder Be Deas under the name of the Plants,” “The Farm’ utlook,” “The acLaren Imperial Cheeae wy NOVE Tt S Mw Maker and the Patron,” arther Improve; | Com tg TAN: with a eapital] Wy BY airying,” art ts,” . Tg Br koe tee gm Ry ered ¥ epectiniaa! ington is. the test authority on eyo 1 ying ays. Barrington is. the Grisug inthe United now conducted by the above named. z i Great op x a ri aha aay, ay iin splendid pence Like o'er ri Bone We have the largest i : 3 A “~~ range of bed Slau hter Order Your Winter Suit ~ = g r Fall eet have just arrived and they are of the | z IN ALL KIN DS OF LATE EST DESIG bit ed Me - : Mw ; early Three a Pieces to choose from. Your] ¥ OF description Pape \ sui will be done in the %& Ofevery description Y I I 1as adie implln of the growing i able degree, MOST led seercyryo + ieee MANNER |* fo" select am 711 + tom see! Goods WM. BURTON, tought an ently IP f 4 bud FOR 30 DAYS ATAILOR, MILVERTON. new stock, we will bef be able to supply your , Manage! : 3 N Mr. la ri s06 9 sate the pli i FIRST PRIZE| FIRST PRIZE fo SoS] BASTENDORFF | sr siseschans 3 to show goods. Come 4 The Jeweler. BREAD. 3 s¥ |f/Nexr Door zo Postorric. BRE AD x a and examine our J } : I have been in business four ; 3 K y 3 B ¥ s The vast number of people who eat -our bread in preference to any other “are the best judges, and give the ver- ee the judges at Stratford Fair lid Corres UN. WEITZEL, The Baker. The public knows this now, my competitors realize it. Ask the First Prize Baker toc all ae your Howes G. GUENTHER ck kkk hhh HEHE HEHEHE HE HE ENE HE HEE NE HEE EE HEE HEE EEE EE IE IE FE EE IE EVE TEETER IE EEE é THE “NECESSARY” MAGAZINE ee informed men and women in ia ‘world use the AMERICAN well informed, and call sy oh bout gives a comprehensive aera of th i thirty days. ‘aeabiith: tb roughly 3 wail met aes any man or woman in his or © Sito ra the month. rer AMERICAN: Mi cig REVIEW | as entertain: has just penta : life. Seabccibety a ae you send me a number ase e 10 renewal from mi sider CEEBEBEEEELYE EY UE’ ee ee FETE IE IEEE EE IE FETE IIE IE IIE SOLICITED. CHINA In FRUITS and CONFECTIONERY - 15 to 25¢ per doz. We also have a large A CALL selection of Ranging from 5 cts. up to $2.50. Suit- able for Xmas Gifts. Has decided to have an- other annual Clearing Sale of all winter stock of Ordered Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings At Wholesale Cost to ‘clear for spring goods. * CALL & Next door to Postoffice. MiLvERToN. ‘We are ies erectin, ee chersical in connection he , fanning bs sulphurous cunts Alkali ph bral for the produetion.of osustic acid « lene powder. ‘The chemical works will (involve ide = rare oe thee oe aan an sages of $1,500,000. mill & 5,000 nection ws not forget 000. The ofa thetenet tons of steel rails Mate “A railway from the point of navi iSong ntaric z reatest seats of leatiatey on the continei it, We lead. Fresh arrival of Oranges Lemons and Bananas this week. Prices a HEE ERIE IEE IEICE EEE PEED IEEEE Vee e eee eee bee ee eee eee eet ee cee Bal Yours Respectfully for presents edroom Suits of extra finis! Christmas | Goods | We are now preparing for} “! the Christmas trade by getting: in a large lot of Furniture of|' the latest design. - 3 ~ Beautiful ear sui from $3.00. u

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