Milverton Sun, 3 May 1900, p. 1

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“It Shines For All.” roti Jol IX—No 14 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH £0., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1900 ALCOLM MachETH. MAiiitor and Pubsishe® The Milverton Sun is the est Local Newspaper in the County aes Tt is the Best Advertismg . T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton, IG NORTH, Media Rates reasonable, Subscription an OR $1 per ty Stricily in advance. $1.OD1E | eed ae eee 00 pm not so paid.—M. other, PUnCISHER xpress... 8:17 p.m. Mixed . 10:19 p.m LOCAL NEWS. May day‘was ushered in with frost. The latest in Millinery at W. K. ADVERTISING RATES. SPACE. | Year 6 mo. | 8 mo. | 1 mo, eolumn..|$50 00/$30 00} $16 00) $6.00 Halt prs 30 00} 16 00} 9 00) 450 uarter col 16 900} 600) 850 Rigath col 10 00] 6 00} 3-00) 2.00 ‘Une inch 200) 100 ‘Transient Advertisements ‘are cha the rate of Be. per, Tine, nonpariel, for the per line for each eu “first saevonit insertion, Ganking, @R. RANNEY & si aman 5 d 3 5 rik 2 f interest allowed. veurrent Fats? PANNE & CO., Milverton. 4 “MILVERTON -PUBLIC SCHOOL ‘The following is.the result of the En- trance class exaniination held last Fri- day in three’ subjects, viz ;—Rea ‘din ing, Spelling and Geography. Maximum number of marks, 225. M. Griese 199; C. Guenther 195; Piles 180 ; L. Griffin, 1 . jow 162 ; A. Herr 160 ; F. fim 145. Presentat Address On Friday orenite last.a number of he young people of the ¥. P. A. of ae Evangelical ciorhy congrega\ ay the residence of Mr, Bi Ebuwohtel’s; where the: Steit ‘Miss. Minnie Finkheiner, who has for the:past three Bsa been the organist of the society, n address and a beautiful fruit W. EGBERT, M. B., M.D. nate of College of Physicians and ‘of Ontario; also. post. graduate aindantnt London Thosptal Hronten, England. Office in rear o Milverton, Ont, “Telephone co le Brunner, eres naroh and Bostock, Poole, ‘A. M, PANTON, tor, Solicitor, Ete. Office open ewes Saas Wm. Burton’ Block, ee meee Woo: Pe oe S., Dentist. “Gri Poronto 3 also uate of oe cae member of the sis C on Prosthetic aa Cc raduate te School Office, ‘Honor a y ‘Gane ‘Toronto, of allege of nttie, ‘Toronto, will visit Milver third, Treday of every ental Hotel Nitrous sess extraction of teeth, work aspecialty All work guaranteed. ~ Veterinary Bia ee eee 5, B. ENGEL, V. 8. Milverton, Ont. r te Ontario Veterinary. Vollege, os peut domestic avimals iy. promptly attended ‘by telephone or oe rwise, day or night, ‘Piatletey and Chronic Discases a speuialty: ea gone ee SRINARY SUR- wton(Grad- GBby aitcero for i) Veterinary College, Toronto.) ate ; ote Cat aS el wnat | Te makes Sica ae Calls by telephone or otherwise promptly : Be Pe Eivey in sounection Me. Fred.*Biddick, of Mitchell, was Firat clase horses and rigs at all times. ja guest at the Monkton hotel, Monday Baggage. transfer. Commercial driving a} yi) iinet Salter W. Hord, (traveler for the socteties G; n, 99, Milverton, meets every second pest tae ‘Tuesday of every month, ball over Seanaaked & Visiting brethren al- aways nmermati, Barth, "hecontag Secretar L. 0. 0. F., “Silver Lodge,” No. Milverton, ets every Veiday, night at in thei hall; post office building. cng brethren. always cuenaie 2 Gs We th. B.S. Business Cards z W, D, WEIR. Adctioneer for the Cono- 0, Conveyancer, and rs calls Seb aitended to. Wan. Porlana, Maple St., Proprietor, Rotels EXCHANGE HOTEL, Bronwer. Ont, ‘John’ Gropp, Segre et ho ine Bisse tion and large stabling $ accommoda- CEN HOTEL, Firs teidee tauioladloy igre sees nae gtliees Tikes lace ecraple Good stabling. st brands of Aiqnors aod cigars. SW. corner of Mi _ anil Mill etreets. C. Basenplloy, Propriet "S HOTEL, Milverton. Out. The t sctmpretatin “for commercial ‘trav. selers aud others. Two large sample rooms. ie Shiolet neice) Kaniosed ae Mizarsiat the bat, Good eaten stables aad plenty of shed room. Henry Rose, prep. Star | da; iquors and | - | aud fr “Miscetinneoms JOGN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Posts, Gaimber, Liths,’ Shingles, Pimps, ete. Bruner, Hut 3|¥, P.A. of the ‘Evangelical Association, Milverton, pees tender you a hearty vote iks, as orgainst. of our eon ay for the kind and able manner in whicel mu heve shown yourself as organist. The melodious tone of the organ ‘under your touch | has often been admired by us, as well fas your presence in our midst for the last four het present you with a silver fruit dish, not as Bey tok sf. ey, bat wish ae ‘God's, beens 0| may be with youn your new home. in behalf of the jociety.. Miss Finkbeiner was much Vv and almost found herself unable to re- spond. Mr, Louie Pfeffer spoke, testifying to the esteem in which the young lady was held. MONKTON What the people are saying :-— That, the bel! on Knox chureh is crying for oil clay inixing Bist iar ie dorpe mcise te tial ne: Tha, ee public school is getting Tor- | too s That, ce first cheese for Monkton factory was turned our ou Tuesda} Tins, che 14h. co. Logan, is great place for evening parties, "That, Tom ee keep offa wheel on Ssuidey, = n be has no pant cli if ean & Westlake Comtocsionsry Co. visited i bros, On- tario hea on Wednesday las A Featherstone, of Listowel, visited friends in Monkton, Sunday. 4+-Mr. George Adair left the village | 9 Seaday for Kintore, where he has secured a situation as journey man with a blacksinith. . Merryfield sels the foaeral of the lute Geo. | Fallarton, on Monday Mr. Roy Golightly spent: Sunday in Monkton with his parents. -|2°Mr. Wm. Voss, of Listowel, spent gael night and Sunday in Nesake: tou with friends Quite w namber of the villagers at- tended the funeral of the late Miss Robbie on satordey last sa Annie, at the months and some days, was a great shock family riends, as well as. to the whale sone The faneral ook plice undiy ab 130 psi, from, her iret: Vi Elins Contcaocenieibegetl lowed by very. large concourse of sorrowing friends. a #ad as she was the only one at home avwonfort biw ia bis declining years. and others il. “That, the brick makers got down to| despair: sy the Tatest in canvass hats at W. K Loth’s. New Silk for Shirt Waists at W- K. 3. Ieis house-cleaning time, but jokes on it are stale. The see for trout fishing opened on Wednesa: Lace Caras worth $1.25 for $1 at w. K. Lot Four Sane shirtsat W. K. Lotn’s a $1.00. Miss arama ies a few days in ‘seced last Seedin; is seer way but shower ee ba ‘ry the Tes aad W. K. Loth sells ab ae Ib. i. 6 Ibs for $1. F€-you wish to save money, buy your Cottons and Shirtings at Dierlamm’s. Its the old, old. story ; te sue: sf mee like the failure of the peach c me people respect the ee wey that they never demean it by Pituie planted must have their eyes abuut them if they areto come a * Wild oats are all right to sow once, but the wise man believes in rotation of cro] silks Milvertonnh Mee tiaueny opeced on Monday, and four cheese made for the start. 4 a Perey Bastendorff spent a day |* or two this week visiting bis parents in Drumbo. Mr. Jobn Barton suffered ai Apopleetic stroke on Sunday night, and is in a rather precarious condition. . and Mrs. Richard Woods, of Wal ilece, spent # day or two last. wee with Mr. and . dames Torrance. 4-Mr, Archibald Smith, the superin- tendant, ne the Milverton illustration school, will be an charge of vhe work nexh kk. Mrs, Schramm is lying at the resi- dence of eter Jacobs in a pariinis obtaillin, Hise: sepanery os The family where be has been stationed for coming year. Latter Day Saints ee a meeting at Atwood last week but th that section take no deoe in idols ‘ith feet of elay. is the only paper in Canada that has ~ a special war correspondent in South Africa. naman decides that the ad- monition to love his neighbor, attaches wo him, he invatiubly picks out a fe- mals neighbor to. love. GE S nt of trees sent by Mr. Haas, of Heniton There up Uae $200 worth in the Sonieignnien ty Vm, Livingston on Monday afternoon received by wie the sad in- telligence that her father, Christian Gatche, of Port Huron, Michigan, had died that morning. & Mr. Irwin Goodhand, left on Mon day evening to take Kenilworth creamery for a couple of weeks, His plice in the Milverton factory in ie ineantime will be taken by Mr. John Fly “There seems ty be aygood demand in the west for masons aud genie generally owing to the’ rapid ii of the population, Mr. John Witt, of Poole, left’on Monday to take con- tracts for the eoming season. * X Mr. Joseph McIntyre, for the last ae years foreman of the Son’ staff, week to his fortune Mr. McIntyre is setring employment no matter where e goes. Milverton. people — will tuibs to part with him us be is w good citizen, Sv. Paul’s Lutheran congregation, of which have heen hung in the tower. reluck, noon a6 2.30 clergymen, and. the Low ie preiéiit. -“Aceutlestion will A hearty vite of thank tended to every body, n | perty owners of Geo. Finkbeiner and |)" ne this ‘weal for er 1 Subscribe for the Milverton Son, it a «Pe Me, is this week | bes engaged in disorshoting ship- pikes ob the| | his German course in, 1888. Ellice, has purchased two new bills Tabs iOuriaise 10 per cent of ‘for ten days. E. H. Dierlamm. See those Towels, pore linen, regular going at 25c per pair at pai Dierlam’ the Boyne Listowel on Jaly 12th. Mr. James Torrance was at Strat- ford on Monday attending the funeral of the late Geo. Leversage, 4Mr. Win. Freeborn, of Millbank, is at present drilling a well for Mr. Akin McLennan, of Mornington. Men’s white ‘unlaundried shirts, regular 50¢, sizes broken, balance go- ing at 25c each at Dierlamm’s, «Mr. John Burton, jr., of New York, arrived home on Tuesday to take chaise of his father’s business during his a he ee ov Atwood, was in the a on day en route attend the Pisenic "ot the late Geo. Leversage. Our Millinery department is com- Pile and up-to-date. See us _before buying your spring Hat. E. H. Dierlamm’s +Dr. cama Tarnbuil, of Goderich, is at, home at present slightly i indisposed, his practise in the meantime is being taken by Dr. Hawke, of Stratford. James McKenzie, of ee has pureh ro Colquhoun, of itchell, ae Gidlin Clydesdale stallion, nqueror, and is travelling’ hie ane this district. with a copy o mie No. 79, which provides for a special assessment with regard to the sewer lately constructed. 4 tly we saw a copy of a paper r published 4 in Manilla, Philippine Islands, The. typegraphteal appear- anca did not differ much from thatof an ordioary Ameriean journal, bet al- most the entire advertising patronage of saloon keepers and Loanep. . — When-» your interes ged. You with us mil 6 aly private. James Beas Lost at Mbiente on March he epl The ee is kin ae a the Fame at An exchange cons i this: Peo: ple in the country. who are annoyed by Hien should neni that clusters of wv the air, will drive away more flies than sticky saucers of molasses and other fly traps and fy papers cau ever collect, Tt is said ae a Milverton farmer recently had ick beast, which he he to Yoeal bucehere who refu the proper authorities, and receive due investigation, as Aes marketing of sic! animals. we-would suppose, is not cau- ducive to the best interests of hygenic living, ‘The Rev. H. Grenzebach, who as been pr of the Envangelieal church, was rnin East Zorra, in the Count By of tear and brought up ona was educated e Napersville College, TH., Fa ae In 1885, he was marned to Miss Lizze Gaiser,df Welland, and has a family of | thee childrer He was first’ stationed at A ne | Platsville ee ens then at feldt for , Pelham Centre, languages, Ger While at Pelham Centre he found :lexelusively in English, and -a riston, German in. the ap ee an the evesing. [tno eat | Tere as to) e greached or uot, ‘The 210th annivesaty-of ae pet a a") ground of the read: pel On Monday, fifty five of the pro- verton were served | car sed] Wenthworth county, where he Cae at Milverton as} k: Boneeatiog Fe cibeddortia willbe eselasicely 0 who has for the nths been in the employ of J. & L. Pteffer, left last Monday to take the positi i the Tavistock Milling Co.’s mill Mr. John Hamilton complains ‘thad. garbage notice that the ual be not’ iopeated as trouble may ensu + Joho Knight, of Titohfetd, i ae sota, bought up 100 head of ‘stoc! Sec.-Treas., A. to| Barth ; Committer M, Loth, Ed. Bundscho ant Ww. ee ” The boys are now pre} to challenges from any of tis dunuending teams desirous of having a, friendly ame, aos are many signs of spring, such he appearance of the robins.and che blue birds, ‘the upspringing of ‘the 'y| flowers, andthe returaof the small boy with astring of suckers, which has enticed from their nxtive element. and that is the cound of. the beating of Whenever 5] winter cannot finger Pie a must not longer linger. z he Rev.’ George Finkbeiner, late pastor of the Church of the Evangeli- cal Association, preached his farewell ‘sermon to a large congregation om Sanday evening. The Rev. Gentle man at times found it difficult to pro- dso overcome was hi any in the congregation were moved to tears tO }as he tenderly referred to the incidents of his pastorate here during tke last four yenrs. Never before did he find it so difficult to. part with a congre- gation as now. e always re ived the glad hand and the warm hi enjoing all to live near to and the promises o His word es be fal filled in blessing. } Another of the old settlers of Morn- ington, has passed away inthe person of the the nie) Dido Mendes wt died at his home on Thursday last after suffering an. illness from pneutonia,of about ten days ducation, r. MeKenzie ee s born i 1896. He sets to Oxnada in ison settling near the City of Hamilton, ia mies and married Margaret Fraser in 1855, 4) whom he survived ty about 21. years. In 1860; he cane to’ the township of Mornington, where he bas lived ever nce. Mr. M his time. few, it having been his constant panion when a buy herding sheep on the bill tops of his -ontive He Jeaves to mourn’ the loss of a righteous w tunily of five daughters and bree sons, vig: Mr. Maleohn, Hamilton; Mrs. Alex. + Davidson, Millbank ; | Mrs, Thos. Pieffers, Mrs. Levi Watson, Mrs, i Benjamin: Honsion, aa John, North > Mornington. wand Donald on took place on Saturday to ae Millbank s| cemetery was iargely atte Never before have Canadiens. sub- ola so liberally to charity, as of Loe ving isan art that has to be Patroitic and famine fands ave ios largely subscribed to, and now over $4,000,000 ‘has been con- ihuted > v0. the xe el fire

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