LOST MAN'S LANE. ie & Becond Bede te the Romantic Life pany me, and as iz Butterworth. BY AYNA KATHARINE GREEN. ‘in for myself pense of security for the night, ‘without which it would be ae re ible to cid even a modic of x ‘The bed ws light and could be polled in front of the door. This was alain Aows—but th idea. clk significant that I haa tee ie it 8 burn long after gause to 7 but that their ruse ‘The foresight vin tauses mo to aid a wint stock of clothing even w! ep the Pea: er is at the hottest leads oes half or so of candle and so I had only to open alittle. ha box in my upper Pe to have the means at my disposal of keeping a light all fo good. had a light, but nalianviuine else in cass that ee, here Mise nollyy" Es cds. 1X yeh not visit meat once under Sada ly made up would uot attempt to t- bared shawl and ect myself to listen for hat I feared would ia one @reary hour of this Bot to be envied nil ight. .. And here just let me stop to mention that, carefully considered as all my pre- autions were, I had forgotten one thing upon leaving home that at this minute ‘Hisense A aniegana as ad among my ent aM ‘5 eS have regarded Mr. Gryce an: errand inte which his serie ad driv eae casera of thi fearing that the sight af it ase the eyes of fay young tI had not calcu! tka families, and if ever1 travel “Bat f Si @ mentter perma fo Kone ned and of no in terest ot Onerén o’elock came and went I had | ward no sound. Twelve, and I began | to think that all was aity quite so still as before; that I zertainly could ready to tter by any conjecture ‘Sint ot tat whieh involved tem da ited in the eyes of these peopl themselves for mean A my door and area down the corridor. So ‘witnont sarmner ado Idrew my bed aside And glanced out as perfectly dark and silent i only light yisil cou aaa to burning in pa for sound it al sull—it was the still- ness of intent rather than Ee of natural ¢ | Then my nose went uppand I inna | guistiy to myst. 1 ovold see nothing and ‘I could hear nothing, but » Hike mm Iceoereae ences than tw. wh held it was far away. raat, i song that now I heard a ese bre: “Hmph, ”” Te ried out sae but as if in um as Soran myself, ee isnot often f have sure that I heard Bead the hall, coupe afraid I’m growing nervous,’ Nothing moved. No one answered mes Miss Knollys!” I ealled Sry. Serene dear!’” I thought this appeal would go unan- swered also, but when I raised my voice for the a rane a beeen rush- | i soun e down the corridor, , fally dress- ay in the faint circle a light oo ies my now rapidly can- and esin sexcited figure, “Miss Butterworth, Bacar is the mat- ter?’” ae roney Progaiad ines Oe draw which T took. ona ‘she Ra repr itch, ur very iste ie lear’ omblataly Os may coming none of ies can si ler eyes, wide: ud fallen before mines pape looked up. 2? she began, flushing wee ing to neh ‘apeep into my room, Re een te a paren We did not mean turb you, bat—but— Oh, Miss peelnna pray excuse our makeshifts and our peviey Os We Rune ey fix up bao room 2 amed to you see ane little we ae to do it ‘vith, Here her voice broke, and she burst into an “almost uncontrollable flood of urmured, ‘“don’t,”? began ani oe es ane should ong from { an the ball a ae oo that he di did hear, sign of Bye recogni- tion of this fact, tta added poeapacte “He would not forgive us for carelessness in waking i Rat sometimes, but so good at hear the vey small matter I | aa | this, with when I looked at her pach ad fetng iMesh appiaoe bess doing | inj to them all and that all Thad ot Lee which, was odd and difficult to ex- | P to | fortable amid their poverty, I put Se Sanat and ga | best | the poor, pitiful, face a fies | tomy ES and sent own room with the ad- biva Lehi she would trouble herself no fixing up any other toe ee se I had emptied my trunk out here pose 1y cup of tea, my dear. What people awake makes me sleep.’” “Oh, you shall sym she cried, with @gainst the door, lay down upon it and out of sheer chagrin, I think, felt fast -OHAPTER VIL. oN I did not wake u) re?’’ I called, for I could not say “Come i in” till I had mor unig aie Waa fot ee craves adh erent aceies be ys are much’ as usual,’’ said Loreen is in the kitchen and ities Tcatéa 2 oon be here to in- quire how you are. Thope yon passed good night poarantt Thad slept more ‘hint 1 ete to'per- haps and made haste to re | to my own condition. a little talk would not be arty. me exonse for keeping her a few es, seving a8 I did so Seay an rune veling this is for four persons to live in, or ha’ another inmate which Uisraict son i ght her buxom sh pe sign of failing, but {¢ ot and s d abide another near me. Even bury, who tends:the cow and horse and who only fonds in for-his i aliseec, wer: rita me. by spe ike to have my. own way in the tae gana Agee the young ladies choo ls ine seviine wiorayns ea Bee, and will you have tea ar coffee for breakfast: _ Itold oe that I sire drank o: in the morning and would have ike na have added another question or tw but shi ve me no chance. went ont I saw her gli stick. in it. She is apeigulating, too, how long Teat ap, Lacetta oad A ak head of the stairs asi went down. “Will you excuse me for a few mo- hall I had not a the Bight Before, Ah 0 keep me in,” T ella! sco the grounds that dog.” Not- "A LIBERAL BANQUET Will Be Given Sir Richard Cart- wright on Wednesday. SECRETARY ENDICOTT IS DEAD. Death of Dr. St. Jean, Who Kepresented Ottawa in the Liberal Interest, From A874 to 1878-Deuth of Two Cen- teparians in Canad: Himself With # Clothes- u ja— Hanged At Napinka, Man., @ young on Sunday night man ni med Dona! d_ while Sue Pa., friends of Bish- the River egemas| his at morning off the is breakin & fp saving The 28 cate mn ‘tha, which ies arrived at’ Seattle, Wash, from Juneau, brings new: loss of the schooner five ‘men, who v nel Jean was a Li itera in polities, Eee Ae one Me De Baolgn House front 1674. to Port Said and Djeddah es declared The drivers at the G Association’s m went on strike Saturday waees which the company refused to ; andi in consequence, the pits idle. The dt premiers ot ti Senate and Hones of Gommons S Soepelinua gy | portauel tee a sos million franes es France a strengthen civic muri Philippines, and f peuple one cers by. the people. s canny vation rots lieutenant of Pen N.Y.,. continues to baffle cians. y say frankly that ee do not understand ~the case. She ues 48 days with her temperature 113. cetta ata | that is m) believe | ed uw ae and down the Pay Sileetariay | to get some oS of plan | the loca est. ee I for y own room in ers yand that the main hall ran at lee Thomas M. Thomas has Jan right angles to the long oa down ad just j | which Ih: come, and noting that | the doors opening into it were eat gates | and finish vastly superior to hove Lal vant 3 I eee tea the stairs, ran a I was startled to feel how old her fore- | ie that the long serics of rooms | mine was the last had its counterpart on the other side of thi Gvelling, giving to the house th ‘of a long, square I was looking i sme wonderment at I don’t Lane 7 live, % , Giionles: was notified by cable of the| fray ioe Mallory Line pier in New York, 5O feet wide and its was destroyed Captain Boylan exhibited great heroism. Lincoln Park Institutione1 fist Church, ‘im i, last week, meade contracting for Bap- ‘The annual banquet of the Royal ‘at Burlington . Saturday "evening. Edward J. Pointe ter his in pins ‘3 eae of | death was-revurned, THE MARKETS. Wheat Futures er—Chicago Closed verpool, May —Yesterda; heat tere Mee Wa to Sd per cental, _ fisato, May vanced yesterday, closin a Bee higher than on Theta 5 WHea Fol inpine were: the closive ri Bt taportant wheat pres yester- y: eat es 0 Ho Caan, May. _fuly. $0 6330 1 composed of 680 aie, sheep and’ 20 calves, fay cata pas fairly to light deliveries, trade was brisk ere firm at Thursday's W895 hogs, 86 ‘The suality of Owing quotations: $4 60 to $4 90 mn we asa es ge = Feeders, heavy - Feeders, light - kers 3h He moaa mocha meceueme D, bucl Lambs, pleked ewes ween saa sssease sa a 0200 1 Hom “thick fat: ight, under 160 Ibs n-fed ESRaASAR SSSB SSE Oo extra, $6 to 0, eioloe, $5. t0 $6. Sigepy ond lalate “Ofer aa perenahaeuive: ana prices! were Lambs, choice to ed to choite, 4B $6.25; good higher all round. x 65 26; yenrtinas: CESE MARKETS. Iroquois, Ont. Bissell posal 800 at 10%; balance Mer. Faleo Moroney, os @ busy day fo: fronton wie Pai a ai Deleds is. reception was given in his honor at the me institutio: t the conclusion of the concert the: Aposfolic Delegate held an informal Feteption, when the sisters end stud. ents We © him. young ladies did honor to the distinguished visite 8 until 9 o’clock in the even- nd paid spects to him. John Murray im Baffle. os May SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS A New Lesson Drawn From a Familiar Subject. SYMPATHY FOR THE FALLEN. Pr. Talmage Preaches on the Farable of the Prodigal Sou—He Pleads Fer = Hearty Reception Fer All Whe Save Done Wronz aud Want to Get Back. Vesna May 6.—In this die Dr. Talmage pleads over the larboard mee ae the other arboard side, f the old was full of faults. He was an in- grate, for Se aid oe appreciate the Hows blessings which he had all He was disobedient, instruments of music, had jewels, had a i a of being a the you fect naanie® that T have ever kno obnoxior neues prowling among, prayer meetings and ing how tion as a man gets good he gets hum- Tle. ‘This self righteous man of the stood at the corner of the house hug- hear fhe best seats with iterfieldian i with the flames that have leaped ¢, scorching, blast- morta epirit—no’ ri din ape criticism of the “allen tent thou thyself be man was who Sabbath eto ae the 0 “*Phrum!”’ go ie harps, click!” jown go the feet ele. of the house, a 2 frigid phlegmatic. hom WE in the senior brother of my text | stands for all 2 a senior son stands at the corner “that returned prodi- only absurd,. ns not the chant speaking well of a merchant in 8 been Taxa in the the same line of business. How scl- A He more pi aot cone their father's hous infidelity in the church of aie never a calf; mee pies thousand, names—t james of pro- wouldn't leas © came ee forever re- fori 0 shake ut you are outside, the corners of rus, © perdition = ge ite from facie iane wuere are y that i aie ibe kes ah Sane and the gen— ae ae the hitarities —away with a Tikad eek alas ne ote itaiaes Ger” any some one asked the q vaWho is that elder son?” and Ki First, this te. lor uestion, hom It is es ie mvy and jealousy! it out from sng our hea: nvious, antagonist ight and wrestled one night he threw ) and iui killing to the soul. w seldom it is you find one mer- drawn down, looking as he felt—mis- lugubrious risuians who do ats ii cet the music of the ling, pow ee ae, pouting at ti igestion is pcubes ere are singh a in their be. well sup- 1 oh, Ex cone recently serv as as foreman of the ay vy | in Atlanta. y is to be the hero of So aie a romantic pat written by a rising iso oe who that ae PERSONALITIES. Governor Rufus Bullock of Su "Tos young Jewish novelist of London ase retary of State Olney is to ake a “four of the orient and will over and study the situation in the Phhippines. ressman Charles “B. Landis, himself an editor, declares that the ed- itorial writer is by far the most influ- ential man in the country. f Towa never Sf Bee ar it until daybreak. Senator W. has bought eifotgh @ Lontian agent a rare copy of 's ““Ifiad,”. with enriched by Bead sae ‘ook ot tales, the gift of a bay Faas a TM. Crackenthrope, who bas been appointed third secretary of the British embassy at Washington. has the reputation of being the best whip in Lot “Tod” Stoaue is going to build a maz- The oldest recipient of the British Royal Humane society's medal is the Rey. William Cripps Ledger of Lisna. . Ireland, to whom has just bee awarded that honor at the age of Ba Bs rescuing a drowning woman ip March. Philip: Langley of Deer Creek town- ship. Mercer county, N. J., recently celebrated his one hundred and second birthday anniversary. He is a native Bav ert ie survives until next year, he will have lived 5 three centuries. Chin Pom. Ye, the former. Korean Tinie to this country, who bas been recalled to represent his country at Paris, St. Petersburg and Vienna, Ke withdrawn bis two sons Washington puoi schools and will r * says that Lord charged a private as ws obligation. Probably any poet swould have signed that order in f: Mr. Kipling, but “Bobs” In part tiediac pauat have’ felt a personal erarineation in signing it for bis own laurea’ THE TURF REVIEW. ‘A mateb between Praytell, 2.09%, and Ruby, 2.11%, is on the card. Nearly $400,000 in purses will be ay up for the trotters in France this always considered a small 15.8 hands high under the Five of the get of Axtell have been sold for nearly $21,000 during the last esate clubs and speedways are do- a t deal to create a demand for the light harness horse. ‘tar Pointer will be trained again to bit Harry Stinson says that he now has the best 2-year-old In his stable that he ever drew a rein over. is by Ashland Wilkes, 2.174, out ef the dam of Sunland Belle, 2.0! Ninety acres of in’ three miles of Lakewood, — ue of ibaa sire prod! 000, OF, @ccording to the — comptaton of nthe American Sports- ‘n, $29,154, His nearest competitor e "Wilton, whose get won $21,891. ITEMS OF INTEREST. — In the Liebig factory at Fray Bent-- tos, Uruguay, 59 employees have been — a the arvic of the om pany for 25 iret g the objects found during re- oan oy ates in Egypt was a whole of wooden soldiers 15 inches tn ie viet ‘There is an epidemic anone the Ital- worms. Tl canis recently ta on one ticket. The children were all within the aes age limit, there being two sets of t Asiesiesippl expects is aoe capitol, so long desired, to be yr eccu- pancy Een the state legislature meets could see quite clearly a: y attributed it to fumes I made my fortune. Then—do you follow me, pe cereal ~e She ‘ith a vivid. blush)}—To the pone a Mr. Rocksworthy.—Chicago ‘ribuns With Rich Not asingle day passes reminded of the value of keeping the lie abundance a. Pueumonia and consumption he cate It aes derey Govracabthechnial | Settee oe disease and cures by making and rich. Mrs. E. MeLaughiin, 95 Parliament Bt. Toronto, states:—"My da Red Blood Throbbing Through the Arteries Weak- ness and Disease are impossible--Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food Makes the Blood» Pure, Rich and Healthy, e, weak, languid and very mer petite. was poor and eee scarcely drag not sleep for more than at atime Rages starting up and cry-_ he healthy | weal such a blessi dar ‘To allow. the. blood to get watery and vitiated i