Milverton Sun, 10 May 1900, p. 4

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Suoseribers «hy uo hue TeeeVe Welt paper reguiarly will please notify us at once. Apply at this office for advertising rates. “THE MILVERTON SUN. THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1900. WiTTY AND WISE. Oultivate a love for that which your reaso! Cowardice Gea Pogo: when- ever it gains the A man with plenty oa “the dough”” ” ean afford to ‘ If you basset others happy you can- not escape bei Knowledge eed wisdom is force with nothing to govern it. Don’t hurry, but always try to be moving in the right direction. ee brave are always gentle. The ard is the one who would kill. ee distress of being sick is recom- ue by. hay joy of getting well, d to everyone as though you caren it were your last meeting. The heart should be filled with beautiful dreams, the hands with Peete deeds. d in the system of the pationt—what would vrelleve one ill in turn would aggravate the other. have, however, in Quinine Wine, when obtainable! in 3 “cound: “unadulterssed eee spirits of those sai shronic pete oi ot Pegi = ‘ jack of inte tease, rand, Bye ae aullizing eased sae an then taiee aes ae ithe witch Pepe stiouiated, courses throu; ‘a Proved appetite. Ni re ns ot ‘oronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and, gatiged by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaches nearest perfection of any inthemarket. All druggists sell it. Her Papa's Stock in Trade. Rev. Joseph Whyte, « prominent Methodist divine now stationed in Northern California, has an ionally bright little daughter. sells paper, an little girl, “what sell?’” For a moment the child hesi- tated, but, not to be outdone by boys, she replied, with the air of a duchess: “My papa sells talk. Oh, my! how your complexion has im- Miller's Compound Iron Pills dia it. Starting the Onion Cro making ie onion plat use seed and set set them in the ae as soon as the frost leaves the ground. They may be about i ypart in the rows, 0 peas & new location selected for the onions. A Tonic for the Deb agile tonic. stimulating the lagging orxas te healthful action and restoring The Very Latest Fad. Left-handed parties are a fad in make eat, using only the left Minard’s Liniment Lumberman’s Friend. Skepticism his is unhappily an age of ske| , but there is one point upon v1 pee tupon to cure a eee Siero tain heal sores of various kinds, aud) beuefit any iuflamed portion of the body to which it is applied. A Lenten Thougnt. The Reetor—Religion is a nee we must monnt round by round Miss Cynie—i tuongat ire ssepe ‘was the accepteu simile! Ask for Minara’s «0 jake uo Ochor. TRE ETERNAL FEMININE- Mrs. Alan Gardner, on\one of big-game shooting with the spoke glass remained many Weeks the most port son in Somaliland. He Mude Hammers, yward of 30 years ago, when Maydole was a Tondaida black- h at Norwich, N. ters came to the willage, hoe the Next county to Wo a biurey One of ten Pease iete bis hammer behind ee the black- smith’s to get one made, there being none which reve “satisfaction in the village store. ‘'Make me a good one,” ae ae Ges good as ‘ou ki FRENCH CANADA Stirred Up Over the Cures Dodd’s Kidney Pills Are Making. Hilaine Derosters, of St. Edwidge, the Latest Reported—Formerly a Dee in Quebeo tion suerte all classes of Leptin asthe cures performed by the lous z world rare remedy, Dodd’s Kidney atism down in Dodd’s Kidney Pills; then a man in ea Sherbrooke is cured of peice 's Dis- hen another formerly incurable disease in eae a ‘Then away down the river, a in the County of Rim A cured vot psy In Montreal the cases of car- vari Troubles, ‘Women’ ‘8 Weakness, Blood Disorders—all_ the Diseases including Bright’s Disease, have per permanently eradicated in scores It is claimed that wherever Dodd’s Kidney Pills are honestly they r never fail to drive ane disease out of the human system. Thi , found absolutely true by thousands of And beh David Tagtas eas hammé ied aie carpenter. The next day the man’s five com- each of them eae eee except- | wanted ‘what- ever you undertake, do e Se tans with your might and you will suc- ceed. Punishment That Keally Hurts Mamma. es prect teat child have seen lat slotien (ella he poe girl that be cause she has eee nb yO not kiss her pe aw e tw eon oe child's ut, mam: little girl, “woul your ‘once jegece I'm ai y Hurry. al had pane with her pen in the the matter?’” the eeWhat’s ked “can’t you nist your other girl; But a gon t feel quite sures to say ‘you sours. respectively’ Se rely. She thought awhile longer and do. I'll sign it “yours tin Nes 3 Miller's Worm Powders for sallow skin; old or young. This Is Worth Trying. gom and saltpeter; apply dry in Liberal under the edges of the car- it or use in strong solution to the floor. ‘There are so many congh medi. the market, ae it i pees es diteat to tell which t cough, a cold me ‘any Taniiction ota the throat or lungs, We would try Bickle’s Anti- Consymptive Syrup. Those who have used it think it i be ou ahead of ail other prefiarations re ended for such com- plaints. The iiele folks like it as it is as Diamant i ect Curious Clock in B: ‘There is @ clook in ni wound up by hands. It is mie going by the wind. | Good listeners areas rare as good talkers. aa aa talent; Pepe fo listen is a fine My wife is having the best of health now. Miller’s Compound Iron Pills did it. High angle fire is that from guns ‘at all elevations beyond 15 degrees. Miller's Worm Powders make the ohildren healthy. id word if you should wed me just gists when people throughout Quebec. er thag perfectly satis} aR with Kidney Disease. ally delicate,-never Beene ee strong. He was treated by m and various is Soetone ot sone availed nothing. was west, but ae home ae in yey ery ed. Here he heard of Dodd’s Kidney i One box sufficed to show him that he could be cured if he kept on. ¢ is returning with his are coming to light from all over the Provine: Father—Jimmy, Si Re to give cousin capes} one oF the iW, Da. We've t lee, ee them pups away. ony got six.—Chi- eazo Record. e A How’s This! ate. offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by ee 's Catarrh Cure. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. ones the undersigned, have known F. J. y for the last years, and harika oS perfectly honorable Be all busines: transactions and financially able to ¢: out any obligations made a their firm, WEST & AUX, mare Prasgiate, My AL N & MAR- io, 0. bloo @ Te per bottle. *So1d L oy an drug She oe Tell. ” said the ieee! annoyed By ‘Tell me only what you know. name, please. “Mary Jones ” replied the witness. “Your age?” “‘Well—er—I only have hearsay evi- dence = that point, so I won’t an- swer. Lee Worm Powders the medicine on my Sunday School card Peaying wisbout, consing; sed want to stop.” If one were to try to ecll snnff with- ‘out a license the police would pinch it. A Sensible Young Woma: A young: couple in "Philadelphia were preparing for the day was fixed and inyitations sent ae Just a week before the time, the lady isky on her lover’s breath. sui it breach of promise. The ingen es ed the jury that “It is privilege to annul her aecinin ise mar- riage if she believes, in good faith, | that good reasons for so doing have arisen since she entered into the con- tract.’’ the contract and coats vaste ee ‘Wisely the brave you: said: “T'd rather have to eo all ae “tite and aie an old maid than marry a eae rt Mulgrave, June 5, 1897. (oon RICHARDS © co. Dear Sirs,—MINABD'S LINIMENT is my remedy for colds, etc. Ibis the best liniment Ihave over used. MRS. JOSIAH HARY. A Strange Fasting Oase- ‘A fasting case is puzzling the doc- tors at Ghent. A young girl fell il ae ee not periea a Alt! eae ae retains ae re fanatics Health for the children—Miller’s Worm Powders. The Energy of Shes ie ieprt posecien lees dauies of ig, great extremes of heat and cold with less inconvenience an ssesses a more vigorous digestion than those animals. ‘The Best Faa. The best fad a woman can take is ee which ought to be, at e is a fortunate prepnaee el need in life. his ees sl bring the ee of the faddist. and the staying reforms of the true reformer, then she will be indeed that perfect woman of whom poets have dreamed and sung. Though the words fad and reformer of both must hav: of that ancient who described a perfect housekeeper, and then declared “‘her price is far above rubies.’” You think I look so chee pee yes, and I feel better—Mill und Iron Pills did it. How to Regild Frames. Picture frames that hot, but not allowed to boil while in course of preparation. Next apply the gold size, and this should be carefully put on, and be allowed at least 12 hours to dry. Something, More er pill. pounds depress. Novhing of an injurious Hature, used for merely parative powers, enters into thei AQuebec Lady Released From Great Suffering. £0 | she Had Tried Many Medicines Wit out Avail, But Ultimately Found = ure Through the Use of Dr. Wil- ams’ Pink Pills. Few bodily afflictions are more 2 rible than disease of the heart. To live in constant dread and expectation of death, sudden and Bh last ae wells unspoken, is f peopl more awful to voakendalies than the most serious lingering illness. = aie excitement brings suffer “My general health was bad for several years, my appetite was poor, was easily tired, but it was the Distely Teoorsred my health. Ihave | Painoa lesh; my appetite is good, and Iam able to do all my household Pink Pille ours by going to the root of the disease They renew aad build up the blood. ans strengthen the nerves, ing the Dr. Willams’ Brockville, 01 “Medicine ©o., , ou Met Him Yesera “It amuses me to hear | Hloppesdrie rhe he is @ man of few wo “Well, he is, but he car ne you to death with the few he does kuow.”— Chicago Tribune, A Conventional Hermit. Seles 2 observe any social duties ever Mie: Meee 1 decline all my ‘tvita- ns.”—Chicago Record. jes it Les Friendletgh—Dou't you find it hard te be always idle? ‘Tramp— ne bat I succeed most tal the time.—Ty, t ly Cored. NE'S GREAT use. ‘Treat! | through Can: Ag to Fit pattents, they paying express charges only when received: Send to Dr Kline. $$1 Arch st., Phiiadelphia,Pa. TN, ye CATHOLIC PRAYER Poss ocep tars elizious Pictures, Statuary and Church Orna- Beh Educational Works. Mail orders receive lier & Co. Monte’l. 278 Fighting Moths Made Eas: 3 pieces of furniture too heayy to moved. Keep Hinard’s Liniment in the He House. Preparatory. ykcke wife is at the Minard’s Linimeat is used by Physicians. e«Porter “ JOHN LABATT, London, |: | Are boasy ia BEST. | ‘Testimonials from Physicians, F« where, oe an would like to speak to sar am Te Ballate eo: just see what my | balance at the bank is, will you? ew life ee Miller's Com- fae Iron Pills. Falls FURS. Raw signin x Shei est os SOE 494 St. peal Mires Montreal: ‘Aportexy, that hich denly many ace of fa! Btont to aitacks he sity Tables “a Sate changi fatty substances id "Te disoovery of Hse, marvelivan tablets wl, Se eats he Court of Fenn, 3 suring teres sien the late Boo ing | ing ve an ‘De mS got, Ont. everywhere. Ropes in ees Kani over 20 rope Ee nied in ‘There are military Pepceaa in addition to af Sashing and bracing. for 50 cents. Miller's Kivoey ‘pill ea Plaster, Baio FEL TOWERS. AND WINDMILLS make HEART PALPITATION. ' Cornering of Cronje: A Graphic Account of the Part Taken by the Canadian Contingent. IMPLICIT OBEDIENCE SAVED .THE REGIMENT. (trom sir. R. Richmond Smith, the ! ial War Correspondent of First t Can- With the column under command of Visions of the Field Marshal Lord Roberts, at Paardeberg Drift, March 21.—Events have transpired with such kaliedo- scopic rapidity during the past tw weeks that it ise attempt to follow them. Kimberley has been ee Loam and his force of ove and CED mm prisoners, Sash eh Ptea Ladysmith driven away. “itnere will be hard: Aghtiug yet, oy the beginning of the end of the seems to be in sight. Phe setback the army under Gen- eral Lord Mothuen received at Magers- fontein startled the British Hmpire. Eatiiah pati teleenline in a of the’task it had undertaken. ed thing like eight thousand At aie “splendta led al infantry had gained by cutting off the escape of the enemy. At Gras Pan practically the same Mor The enom: eat twice the mobility of our troops. He could move from place to place with astonishing rapid- ity, and carried little or no transport. To turn his flank meant a long and rapid movement out into the Free State, with a force of sufficient mag- 7 aoe to ee prageieall iy the hole army t enemy. Then "oayeas tis an important question ff transport. Food horses all had to be eal from the starting point. This meant the keep- ing up of a 1a ine of communica- and an enormous amount of transport. There was little ae however, General French at Arandel front of Colesburg. During the threo weeks or more the ined in Cape Camp in pape eae in eyery part of the Pr pe days after the arrival of Lord ad The object of this was to enable each infantry division of the army to do its own scouting without assist- spr from the cavalry division. This left the division intact and @nabled the Field Marshal to increase its numbers by adding to it all the battalions of mounted infantry orig: inally intended to work with ets in- the thousand ne and m A under 0 pe: This gave him conethiog like five Tractanacsly of the infantr; army. Bach division a infantry was a small army of ten thousand, arith ie Gwh mbunted) troops and conld act indapondently of r di was done away with an transport column organized by the ‘Army Sergeant Corps for each brigade of each division. During the last week in January, troops began to move from the south- ern frontier at Rensburg and Arundel to Modder River. Tk was maintained as plan of campaign. tack o ition at Magersfontein. All once everything stopped. ‘Troops bivouneked where composed of three brigades was near- ly all at Modder River, ‘hither I had como from Rensburg. ‘The first brigade consisted of the Be rind S first and second Life Guards and the Horse Guards, the 10th Hussars and the 12th Lancers; and the third brig- ade of the 9th and 10th Lancers.. The’ first outposts of the enemy were encountered at 3s eclintentcin Drift yery little See sition ‘Was encounter Tt was betweon five and six o’clock on Wednesday evening, the 14th Feb- he was held by a force = something over one hausired Bee acto: crossed the drift and after asharp fight took possession of the west of the river. Abont two one west of the river ‘was a small laa; to which the en- emy quickly mice ans a convoy ikke d by the enemy and made direct for imb erley. IT WAS THE SIGHT OF A CEN- TURY. fa enty-five miles ward and Aeeitea the ‘Boers until the 1d on ahead when the ent force in time to stop the rapid advance. ‘The force of the enemy investing Kimberley was met at Dronfield Farm. consisted some five thousand who first knew of the pres iy ‘ore through Riverton and up the Vaal River in the dircetion of Fourteen Streams, big guns with them, excapt one fourteen- pounder, which was captured at Me- Farlane’s with sonaigeree meee ties of supplies and Then and only then ane enter- Tt was on afternoon that they began to trek. They did so fantry divisions. ante unable to concentrate a suffici-| five to six thousand west of Kimber- ley and on up the Vaal River to Four- teen ke a a a oe under Sem num! Modder River to ipa ote ition quickly taken and eyacuated by the cavalry. The story of how Cronje’s colymn hi or Kimbetler. I have already foe “conNERING OF CRONJE’S. MY Of 6,000. wad an nig a vie of work and its success was to ge extent due to the rapidity sites shah to. such movements on our were completely. surprised, Mobility and that alone enab!~ sabe, lo what has already been don =a fight of pautay, the 18th of ary, in which the Canadians ui yoda allan?’ an Maogrteht a part, compelled the enemy to concen- trate his force in one spot. For six long days and nights one hundred and gen y caught like ae ina a hole and surren- der was only a matter of days. The actiom used 5 thie Boar general to were ‘kiltully devised, succeeed. It was a dosper: which demonstrated one thing com- and trenches made in sand and fott cee derate estimate of the amount ots shell of all Kinds poured into the was done and how few Boers were killed. Slowly but surely are our generals beginning to realize that the day when entrenched positions. could bi ‘The experience of Sunday, when every regiment in the lost so heavily, charging the enemy in the banks and dongas of the river, showed that it would be disastrous a infantry aganst the laager. vy eas was tried, but with- pa forcing re: ‘Then what ste to haye been tried first was attempted to sap up the river 2 cover. For three days three icaeats of Nineteenth brigade of the Baa ee ie Gordons, shires and C: slowl mate tino of fire upon the enemy’s position, all the time under cover. THE ADVANCE OF THE CAN- ADIANS of dar under kness Tuesday ary of trenches within a sufficiently short ree from the outer trenches f tho Boers, so as to make them -un- tenable under heavy fire Though the watchfnl Boers dis- covered the attempt in time to pre- vent its being carried out in its enti | ety, the regiment did succeed in dig- ging a short trench so close to the out- er trenches of the enemy oS the Boers saw another day would oun Boe brought into our hospi other side of the river, pleco we 8) something like ‘the week of hard fighting were, 44 is estimated, about one. bi Bat two hundred and fifty Somat oun The two plates borne the brunt of thi: are the Sixth and Nint Slow Recrees He—It there slo} amusement than playing Sheet by mail, 1 should like to know what it coul its—They | might use a cmeeine boy inste: the mails,—Indianapolis Press. i Ninth division | GEN. HUTION'S TROOPS Canadians Participate in Secur- ing Passage Over Vet River. A TRIO OF BRITISH viernes. Lord Roberts Describes Three Successful Engagements—Gen, Burton’s Brigade of Gen, eux at Keoidam Gen, Hamilton Hanter’s Division Vietorl- Also Successful — Cavalry London, Ma ‘The War Office ee published "the following despatch op ae ted Vet River, sat urday,_M 7.15 p.m r nasthed here sh say, S th Cares . Headquarters Wavell’s i ae Of, Bia eer enth divi- ciel re tw ol miles e rear. Max- well’s brigade. of the sale Gass is the same distance to ow "The enemy are in con open strength on the opposite bank _ of the river, Our gufs engaged theirs are now Bivyouacing e hie tires eles jot) ie: Vee alties, I hope, are milton was in action a3 aoa cupeeened in Us reventing * Sunetion of two Boer forces by a ¥ nited Rove of some of Ae “Tiovseheld h heir, dead field Ba sie Smeae “to bé attended to yur doctors. “Macdonald's Fiehlape dislodged the enemy on flank under cover 0 ation themselves Brigade the i and were neing this miles. 5 and strongt ‘ our men marched cen! ied ridge in grand vie “Casualties in thie Soren, 18) Hain Hunter's, will be report- ible. ere wound in “Brabant, reports that one soon and thre n May 2 anise 68 one of them, who had i eee eae lett & dead by the d lollowing day. Mounted was found ed by the Netherlands ambula: TERRIBLY HOT ENCOUNTER. Gen. Button’s Great Nerve Forced the | Boers to Leave River Bed. Vet River; Seyieds May 6. terday the fat uetare maa luring the night. his ered “to be Strongly, held and protecten. by | two British speedily engaged the enfiladed the dismounted Maxi ers to ledve pe river encounter was terribly bi British force iE ss- the Boer The ope the whole the river, threateaieg Tighe, BOERS ARE LOSING BEART, Vain Effort te Silence the British New Gun at Warrenton. British new gun with their but some: of the shells ateoet whe Die by admitting that the Situation is bore Joss and_apparan rekki ipdam and Swigdsorto north: an been successfully crossed ae Wind- sorton by ton’s brigade, with whom is General Hunter, ee cee em vigorously. ing the. Slots 0! retreating Boges aaah be in very large Narton Drives Out 3,000 Boers, pa gy ek ioe eal May 6. General umber field. ‘The British rhe were ali Gen, Barton is still pursuing. eee and Klipdam have been act evi Gens Pas ets eleace: +8 is epee only uar' ae Gage Siva their retreat was nearly The B and 25 wow ritish losses were 5 inded, mostly Welsh Pusile iers. ‘The British took a batch of pri- soners, including the Swedish am- hoe which they allowed, to re- tu The ‘Boers. dn shele hurried retreat, left 18 dead. ‘To-day Gen. Paget made a stnoni demonstration against the e bri ‘ z Sr ae in checking “Gen. Barton's van Rundle Pursuing the Boers. Saturday, 5. has been: pane reed the} The Yeo: result is not yet known here. HAMILTON OCCUPIES WINBURG. ‘A Detachment of 26 Australians Charged and Boers Fired: ~ Vet River, Sunday, Biscovered that ‘the Bonnoketed Hovsa iat Sia ‘The “Britist io ee ee al whole mplaialy: destroyed. a Maxim ani took 12 prisoners. Bake areas Bik London, May’ 7. — patch to a ney from poe dated B: ir., one of the’ pro- one was refused. was piurier ana dae! elgased m £500 bail. Richards, the earo, who. . was co tn, cape 8 eprneoeton bane explosion, has been special court for tial: Christening Florida. it Grower quotes from an old see Mie in 1763: “Gave ve the name of Florida because it was rst seen in Easter, called Lae de a iw the language of season in weal of towers eee still, com- memorate and adorn its return can well believe that both these yeanonk in- flueticed the giving of its name.’ Patting It aoa meee qi ere, of Be was arrested for Seals raking cold. is that correct? - ee It is, your honor. stealing ice when I nabbed bi gazo News. He was 'm.—Chi- Agreed. ‘e in calling a spade a spade!” ae the Pee oe coul swered the whist “If oi an a spade anything fiend. else, u know, and that” dreadfully.”— in two varties, one estimated at from ‘The Vanl River Crossed. Evening — The Vaal River it's a re} pulls your Sones ‘Washington Star.

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