Vol IX—No.16 eit pa aes For’ All.” MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, MAY 17, {900 Editor and Publi ‘Is the best Local corer ia heen Mego The Milverton Sun It Advertising ate ena tles acai of Perth. Medium. the first insertion, aa: 3c. per line for each suc- G. T. R. Time Table Trains due to leave Milverton. Gorse NonTH, 10 GOING SOUTH, 25, 81 per year, strictly in advance 50 if not so pai M. MacBern, PURLISHER. ADVERTISING RATES, space. | Year, |6 mo. 3mo. | 1 mo. “LOCAL NEWS, Ig eR TH TEE OO ee ee a Mijas Linzie Schrenk is C 6 oa) 9 00| 6 00| 3.50) friends in Clin Higath col. .| 10 001/600} 3°00) 2 00 |. Messrs. ae? cena and Ralph ; oe 3 } alpl ip Inahs <P ees eel nee lMPaoker’ spent -Subihy: with frendéin “Transient Advertisements are charged at Trowbridge. rate of line, noupariel, for the sessive inserti sean roast hin Sanking, R. RANNEY & CO.,Bankers nursing animosity orl an neti eN wrong. era king busta Mr, ne Mrs. A. Schrenk’s parents, ‘Telephone e Lutheran Chureh and Ro ty Block, Main St. dical mind sitting in the M. B., M. D. “W. EGBERT, *| Milverton ant anMaceibnr with Beale, Brauer, eee Seen S - wheelman in coming bome from} following :—How can’ you tell it is = “__________.| Ellice on Sunday, it is said, turned aj winter in South Africa? Beeanse the DR. R. LEDER: list, Licentiate | corner so fast that he flew over the}Canadians are slaying with Lord of Hela alain fu Montes of toss fai Roberts. College of Dent ons} % i nee ign vt ‘Toronto oa wing to the paper famine man; Mr. areca Smith, Roperintend of t ie ein: 130 | Offices are short of white paper, but School, 3 ut Bae £ Fan ried ; trouble is inability to get the beau Rar aneee: x Tr pane Oticeabove Hasenpilug’s ‘le one Manager ‘Hill to become judge of dairy % ilverts long green. = Be Cet pe Ce oa se gh r produce ut the Tadust ial Exhibition S., Dentist.| The Listowel juniors will pley at Toronto. this fal " ofdnte also | against the Milverton juniors at foo pe ee PF vee Fa aptestaas well § ball, on Friday evening of this weekon/qijten. ‘of Mijlbauk has’ been’ doing 4 r exhibition pir : a land office business in-well drilling BIN The district meeting of the Strat-|in this district of late, having sunk Graduate of Sty University, ford district of the Methodist church) wells for ts. Aiken, Peter Me will be held in Listowel vext Toesday | Lellan and Henry Gaernhelder. Dental ai Sarg "Doron 4 “iets i Fey and Wednesday, Rev. W. V. McMillen and Mr. B. ton the aos : ote i z month fro tesa The following contributions have Pi Dierlamm were on a fishing excur- Office at he ‘Gra Ce entral Rani ins heen ae to pe fo fund nae +|sion up the Maitland, one day this Pie sad lone} Annesthetics ased” 197, BE, | Iaat repor er Coo Wee eing thorsugh. students of cee ‘All work guaranteed, | Friend $1 ; faalstlen eee Izaak Walton, the father of angling, ite: Monon walked of ne a seemed a8: y instivet, to know lefvon Monday for Collingwood where] 4 Se ha er tuae ahh ase Ont. lhe will in the ene ous] VP Pee RE ce rie tlh Graduate Ont Nae Pes aide Lie ethee beautiful black bass, weighing from a conto, treats al dine nestic animals s 2 feciontiBoally. At calls promptly atvended 3 4 HAE Oy Hee quires Poy yl telephone or otherwise, day or night, |. A number of special prizes are be-|what they landed were nothing in Dintotes and Chronic Dyscuses « specialty, |ing awarded by Milverton merchants | comp in size to what dropped off Fes Ee NER at the Mornington agricultural show | the hook. Now when they tell a fish ki J. BARR, Vie FART (coat. | to be held here on Sept. 27th and 28th | story by the enmpstire old. fishers roll t GEON,\ Hla formerly of Newton(Grad- veh in their bla # | rita af eiatia Veterinary COMA rge orto) Molanunarcor Dute over in their blanket and go to sleep, i treats all Teste saeies sticated inin has been appointed to the position of uctors and committee of oa ES een ory in coknecton, Classical master in the Tilsouburg high Dairyuen’s Association, Per ethes horses, and rige at all times, |School, made vacant by the resignation ton on’ Friday Tis nad Bragoge tn fet,“ Commercial driving a [uf Mey A.D. McIntyre, discussed questions relative to dairying ; i ee eae oath 8; they approved of the work ; pesereis Sanitary Inspeetor Be Te beiuy carried on and congratu- Societies Te cerniale ston ways welcome. -V ties of Perth and Waterloo, Ci ancer, | dent} Deeds, Wills and Mortgages d tas of bis nephew, Bali m Affidavits ue Bi Village Cle al- rads Business W. D. WHIR. tioveer for ae Coun- nn, over Siig) Shoe erton Sai Mates RLAN LINE, Milverton, eh meets all All citizens and aeinciad and jers cails promntit attended to. Wate | Tewitn 37 Mr. Dark, Muple St., Proprietor, Tijuors aud Donovan, ci x gan ud Mill streets. © Hutcoplive Princeton tt eps pape Dest accom velers and co) Ci 4570 UBEN'S HOTEL, Milveiton. Out. The * aation, for, commercial. trav: ther, who was un he ‘o large sumple rooms, | Wayne, M ily the yaa ok Wines Liquors and {she was jgars at the bar. Good warm stables and lenty of shed room. Henry Rose, is fourte Stratford, n may remain cool toasted, but he will get hot if you Life appears too short to be spen' making his anaual tour Thursday ui Peter Duc (© "The Sunday School of Trinity Church (pe a, was reopened on Sunday. Mr. . Hurst is Superinte ident p Assiatt on the bee ate reli of Mies G tw Mr, Geo. Guenther, f ssiociall Mr. a et cer reven yents sj ith the Blill Byildis when he’s or registering Schrenk, of Clin- ton, spent pie, at the home of Mr. The young man who considers his best girl the hght uf his life, doesn’s ark , Seeding has been completed’ around farmers are beginning “ arid’; also. date iy to work up their root groun ‘London hospital, lon, Te ‘ies .. P ; @ in rear of Post Office, Milverton, Ont, Doering, of aitonts Dental few Lederman, dentist, this _w days with Dr. exul, | ‘The Sacrament-of the Lord’s Supper M. PANTON, Burristor, Solicitor Hts. / will be dispensed in Burns church, oftse open ay, Woe Savon | Milverton, the first Sunday in June. Hi thei ie diesilie bea Ta URE TA Mc tai F., Ne Milverton, ee fdas iat Wresdaght eve oes ot) hoped that uo ene ill bale the hah eo iy thsi way when he goes down cellar, on Saturd: M.C.R. Bima. Seer So 3 Lib- rarians, Messrs. T. McFarlane Ste R. aM olin and George Riley, left on Moulay for Manitoba, where they They will 6 of weeks at Nepe ux te i © HOTE! nner. Ont. John Gropp: Rzoprietar. “Best: liquors fi eigars at the bar. First-class accommoda-| will likely spend at least a year and a tion and large stabl half before returning. AL HOTEL, Milve: eud # First-class Penaration Vor" comnierdial | in thet y out to Stone! senvcles Torid’ others". Totes, large. esmple Me FE AW. Gueither as Gor ee ra brands of S. Wetcreperief Main| © ae Pasi on made! by with ad to i killed ab ae savs that Guenther was baker, ork | new | exeellent manner i which the pe- | train chi mediately. Florence Nurse, New Haabere spent Sunday at ae by Mr. Cou at Clinton, spent Sun-| t0 ay with , ilverton, Mr. A.J. ihe of Stratford, spent aaah with Mr. Jno. o¢Mr. John Turnbull has the Ronis on the ground for the erection of a use, Mr. Wm. Zimmerman will have his delivery of Frost & Wood harvesting machines on Friday. The weather broke decidedly warm on Sunday and made peuple think of Eden underwear, The London Conference of the Meth- odi ry during the nae at lac Mr. F. W. Seat left on Wed nesday for the Soo where he will spend some time eorica about him, piospect- i before entering busines: man found guilty of having rake into a loaded freight car at Stratford, was sentenced to three ovonths in the Central Prison The school board met on Friday ev- ening and passed a resolution, probib- iting all but scholars from playing foot ball on the school grounds * The five-year old son of Mr, George ‘Yundt, who had his leg broken by be- ing trampled by some cattle a week or two ago is progressing favorably. lated Mr. Smith, the instructor, on the factory here has been fitted up. remains to be dine but to put in. the system, which will bee ccomplet- veek, ‘The ju 4 ah can speak as The Hamilion Herald gets off the | peng now ke Mr. Charles Koehler, of Wellesley, spent Sonday with friends ia Milver- one young couple The meen Public School sub- scribed $12 towards the Ottawa-Hull relief fund, Mr, D. Smith will have his delivery at Massey-Harris tated meabineyy n Friday, May ouple of ieteth musicians o} Towaday ea _ d the citizens by a skirl o’ the udge is hy the only man long a sentence in wo or three words as he can in pricy reak, “As a result of the Hull fire, it is not unlikely that Eddy’s matches will sulphur more than formerly. Anson Moore, of Fullarton, well w having stolen $2 vhil was attending his crane 8 ae x ab Stratford, was given two years in Kingston NR Money Loanep. — When interest charged. “Your business with us will Le strictly private. James It has been decided by the Milver- ton School Board to make Ewpire They seaent wlien & prbveauinie wil tet da:t the remainder of the the winners to receive prizes. It isto be a great fete day non slot 4/As time rolls on the old settlers and pioneers ut this now. prosp»rous and scene of their early toils, One of the latest to depart this life’ was Mrs. Coulter, wife of the late John Cuulter, itley, niearly 79.yeurs ago, aud vas warvied bout 54 years last Christmas. Pore daa came to the Gnas of Movniagton with her husband and settled on the place where she died, on ‘Tuesday after a very. short iN and which is now owned by on, John BE. Sl Fad cTainily Ob tee ie Ob einiatiee vive her, | namely £= Robert, aud Rich- ard, Port rie; John E. av home ; Mh " Me Neil, Cavalier, N. Da- ‘ota; Eliza at home and ames: word, of Ellice. Her tes nin: tae eolceab ant he Machadlaceea ete yy Milverton, on ‘Thursday A iidiiber “at the aaiine people of sity Church, Elma, met together in te vertry lant, Thunelay eeu 1, People’s Society, tet of wh i is, the pirisual life of the young per es AW aunt inorease their mutual a e y might go to work The nomiaation- and, elec- tion’ Of officers and Ee took pe the sune evening. ‘The following the uflicers aud opaiaitieate at Miss 8. Roe ae ice pea ag Miss &. rutheis ; See’y., Misw L. McFarlane; Mr, . Te ; + Eee Co mites, Mr. y “MeMane, B seb N McHa E Jourt, Messes J. MeKenite ‘aud Bitton; Relizigus Service Committee, Mr. G. MeMane . Roe and. TL. Sy 5 Bi er,) Misses Niguel ee ie Ba ret, Aber Chas Roe and ine; Organist, Miss B. Roe. young people as well as oxbers are nega to pene wo bet a sovie: ee eget and Gea deepening | ¥ were read and Nes so ¢ 4+ A very happy event was celebrated at the alban vf Mr. Isaac Kneehicel, Ei Puesiday, when his da Lydie was Hea in tmuriage to M one of Bil ; Thare, st w Both bride ae aa orange blos re groom, supported by Mr. Dunk kgeslienl i he ceremony . Gren: cost IY presetits nt vod to the popularity of the bri A exe ded ty the uewly wedded pair 70 invited snests sit down to tea after which the evening was spent in: social Among the visitors from a dis: Mrs, Wenzel, and Mi 1, Wallioe s Kn ura ford 5 Schmitt, Sebri vy sn ae Kone G , Miss Noll, E. Nol’, 4 an ‘natrtavatal ta become a very knotty problem. ih to | that Messrs. Day, the 23rd of May, an eventful day | among children of tho Milver-| afternoon, |! en} and ube funeral was largely attended. | @ in- G. F. Maitland, photographer, vile ES be in his studio in Milverton, on day, June. Ist, mies will give esti bargains in half cabinet, cabinet et, and The latest style ides ah ee Sond in Oddfellows a ‘putfered in the re- cent Ottawa-Hul ge of the public — relief fund, and a iter soliciting help hn been sent by Grand Master Me- Lurg, of Wodstic, on bebalf of the der, to id, in Canada and _ nae Ne Core uc The Dundas Starwakes this awful a faith and was buried in the Milverton. cemetery on Monday last. 4-Anyone passing down Main street! SA yesterday morning would have thought. W. J. Smith and John i mess. ually weil ‘ivan the next Su be: A out. of Be, Pauls congregation fertile country keep dropping off the|t tl monumens attesting to the piety of the: people. But running deep iuto debs ” pis not one of the propensities of the: Lutheran and although belltower were ection of; the chureh the purchase of the bells was delayed the con- ikets felt that es could ere, the oud bat ti ohis. spring ial bai late Belle ee pare at od put up in the tower. ‘ation. of ee t Sonny aa il held nin; ev ich acd Holi, ot North aa and Rev. Wiegand, of Logan, officiated, — the Logan choir furnishing the music. The christening of the bells took placer tthe morning service and the larger: ie was given the name Ebenezer si, iittyide God has been’ with us till now. ly weighed 170 wn 50, I vices were very impressi e as “coin from: Sebring viile, eto, Howth Wellesley : aud other va i collection was whichs, amounted Wo about $10 CANADIAN WOMAN KILLED. Await Beat Detroit, Mich. about | Be lived'ihiCanatia ith her paretite, Die appointed in love, she cane a Detroit and.at the Detroit Sa itariun learned tobe