AREA Tee ee Applyat this office for advertising rates. THE MILVERTON SUN. THURSDAY, MAY 17 r900 A WORD TO THE WISE. By and by is the path that leads to mever. One man’s Tiered may be another baat '8 virtue: 1y an i ‘ale rumor has been work- ae aaa the limit. One way to fudge a man’s character is by what he doesn’t say. An egotist is a person who thinks it @ waste of time to listen to what oth- ers have to say of themselves. Even a fool gets credit for wisdom ke doesn’t possess whén he appreei- ates the bright things you say. y a man while awaiting an op- portunity to pose as a hero makes his wife get up every morning and light the fire. There is one good thing about the man with trouble on his min er breaks into your office humming ialacdoue from a ragtime opera. ssrs. Northrop & Lyman Co, are the proprietors of Dr. ‘Thomas’ Helectric On, Which is now being sold in immense uantities thiroaghoue the Dominion, ‘welcomed by the suffering aiid everywhere with emotions of delig because it banishes pain and gives instant relief. This valuable specific for almost every ill that flesh is heir to,” Is valued by the suffere recious than Guld. “Tt is. the elixir. of life to many a Wusted frame, ‘To the farmer its Indls- eee and it should be in ev The Passion Play. The devout peasants of Oberammer- has been changed since the pr The Christ of ‘this year's the June lies’ Home Journal. person suffering from general aati should take Miller’s Compound When yy Has Convulsions. There is iittle to be done when a child has convulsions except to put it, of add of bromide of soda dissolved in water may be given Ask for Minard’s and take no Other. Miller’s, Worm Powders are the best jaxative medicine for children; as nice as sugar. A Story of Dean Dickinson. An English weekly tells the follow- for 50 cents. Kiioey ‘pills rh Plaster. Miller's Advantage of Route. 2 “Why is it,” Miss Birdie, “*that the nearest way to a man’s QUEBEC UNITED. No Division of Opinion in Regard to Dodd’s Kidney Pills Whatever. iss Anna Mongr Grand Meti Grand nua Que., May 7.—Miss Anna en, of the village of Grand ucts Quebec, has been ae e her kidney trouble ath years stan by Dodd’s Kidney Pills. race ba this country it is becoming more of ‘rom a knowledge based on their own experience. Dodd’s Kidney Pills are now proved to be infallible in the cure of Kidney Diseass of absolutely every nature. Bright’ 's Disease, that terror of phys- sogterg isa pal wektoi ta nevertheless; Dropsy, Urinary and fos Complaints Woman’s Weak- ness and disorders of all _kinds yield trey oe promptly to Dodd’s Kidney Mii cpg ‘Monaren, well known in Grand Metis, writes as follows con- cerning her cure: “I was suffering from a great pain in my side, whioh caused me much pain measiness, I had taken duces Monel af Coedaia ciciuney Ella and I felt a wonderful relief. I con- tinued to take them and now I am perfectly cured. Considering it onl: friends of the virtues of Dodd’ ney Pills and to thank that medicine for the great benefit I have receiyed.’’ The Missionary’s Broncos. “I knew a missionary party in th West who hai a bi d saw away until you could almost smell the burning Sage of Sawhaw Says. A man is not fs aa to abbreviate his shortcomin; Some people yl givay doing their best peel do their worst an who chal wants favors is a inst fe get them of. sane front may be due to r lau ocoty it takes a fortune ep 1 It is walle to fare windfall out of our anticipations. The fruit is usu- ally bruised. A man should have no secrets from his wife unless he has a blind pocket in every coat. We can always see considerable poe- try about the hard work other people have to do. arried men seldom try to dissuade others from wedding. Be Canir ness and misery love compan; Miller's Compound Iron ree poe such virtue that t every one should t: The Savage Bachelor. “I notice,’’ said the Sweet Young Thing, ‘‘that the girls are now wear- ing their sweethearts’ photographs on ir fans.’” me,’’ said the Savi band isthe are that raises the qed. rt Mnlgrave, June 6, 1897. Cc, RICHARDS & CO. Dear Sirs, 7MINARD’S LINIMENT ts my remedy, for colds, eto, It is the liniment I have ats sed. RS. JOSIAH HART, iis Experience. i poiancet said the social ees pher,. (bitterly; “is uncertain, vari- able. “Oh, I don’t Sa replied the practical man, I express my views on a question I can tell to a cer- tainty which side of it my wife will take.’” | ar “You can?! “Of coursp t can. It will be the other side Why will you allow a cough to lacerate your throat and lanzs and ran the risk of filing a consumpti when the time sap. oe can be alien ‘and the ‘This syrup is pleasant to healing and curing a th: chitis, ete. in Blast Furnaces. Rec peat and Here been obtain- 4d with the oil fast furn: re blast into oe furnace, mperature and also facilitates the Satilod chain’oce: How’s This! fetes Pourieer Dollars reward for ene ecantot be cured BY co., ee 0. “undersigned, are known F. for anything. the same process yo gone over with again. Moral su: those broncos, yet you could not liking them; they were so mean they were actually charming.” eens Peer pele Bi ness, which is sue S le in Rest, omach, Mas a marked effect. upon , | the nerves, and oh manifests itself by the most dis- melee Veuetable Pilis will cure it italmost immediately. | Tt will disappe: the Pills operate. ‘There. is moshiag surer in the treatment of bilious Never Called Slaves. argh is through his stomach?” Because,’’ said Miss Elypne, ee that cold illusion-destroying know edge of mankind that ‘eats donee later roves all, ‘“‘that is the inside track.” Mr, Nicafello (eutiously)—Why are you 50 cold and dis Sweet Girl ‘guietiy) the fire has _gone out, an sofa is too heav: Pua to uicve Hes your chair. ‘Phe pimples have di seppeared. Miller's Compound Iron Pills did it. “Contracts Made by 'Phoni A contract made over the telephone ite and binding according lec Use be Sen rendered aug on and wanted the field to myself So yorm ralfer, veda lawsuit, iste 2 slaves icy were called ne- vi Gen. Washington oe a number of Huropean aspects d laborers, who came over under a beoe Keep Minard’s Liniment in the House, ‘Taking a Mean Advantage. “Why did you permit Razzleton to do all the talking when you and he happened to Miss Billions er the same time?’ “Because I rina liked the gir! ee eI | trunedctione auelally able to ca | out ‘any obligations made by. their firm, PRA ale Druggists, oledo, 0. WA & MAR: ‘yhotesaie Druggists, ‘Toledo, taisen luternatiy, I eis iy Real acting 2 “aureetiy. jood and mucous of the System, Tecthnctaie cont was absolutely an entirey Tost on; tee “price 75e per bottle. Sold by all drug- help | | Difference. Grimes The chances are in favor of a widow marrying again against a single woman gotting a husband. arns—That is because a widow is content to regard men as pretty much alike, while a single woman nets her time trying to on ho is different from all others. Kinard’s Linimeat is used by Physicians. A Coming Politician. again. It is wonderful how he takes after you ‘What is he talking about?"’ ««T think it must have been politics. He started very calmly, but in a few “minutes he was as angry and red in the face as he could be.’” New a8 for a quarter. diller’s Com- pound Iron Pills, Consolation. Mr. Stockjobber — Darling, I am vompletely Bee ie eee only $200 left out of my for' Mrs. Stockj te es wert: dear heart! That will be eae for me to get a divorce with. SSE ACES fe, pleasant and effectual Meier Graves’ Worm Ex- {nothing equals i& Procure tefattle and take it roat and lungs, colds, coughs, bron- ete. | di HOUSEHOLD WORRIES Make So Many Women Look Prematurely Old. They Are the Fruitful Source of Head- aches, Nervous Disorders, Pains in the Back and Loins, and the Feeling of Constant Weariness That Afflicts So Women. Almost every woman meets daily with tesnaenie little worries in her hima affairs. Perhaps notice an hour tat these constant little worries have their effect upon the nervous system. Indeed, it is these little worries that make many women look prematurel; old. Their effect may also be notice- able in other ways, such as sick or nervous headache, fickle appetite, pains in the back or loins, vaio tettan of the heart, ee a oe of constant A aaliiaea! Little Girl. When walking in a hayficld one afternoon vith her husband Lady Warwick noticed a bright boy of ten or so helping his father load the hay Talia not your boy attend school?’’ was Lady Warwick’s pertinent ques- tion. “No, ma’am, he don’t 5 oftener than I can ne You see, John’s a real smart bi and I don’t want to have him spied with book learning. mean to of him. Now. his eldest cies ae regular to school, and he got above loading a hay cart, ae of course, he’s made nothing out “What has become of bim?”” asked hn art lad—he’ ne of some use on the rine he will! Worm Powders for restlessness ad peavishness weariness. If y any of these eiolis Gein e sign ae) the blood and nerves aed atten- and for this purpoe Dr. Wil lame Pink Pills for Pale People are swoman’s best friend. They are par- ticularly adapted as a regulator of the ailments that afflict women, and through the blood and nerves act upon the whole system, bringing fos i women have testified to the benefit derived from the use of Dr. Williams’ ose who freely acknowl- ses the respect and esteem of all who know her. Mrs. Hughes speaks of her illness and cure as follows: did not betas to perform its custom- ary fun I was treated by a skilful cee but although under his care for several months. I grew grad- ually weaker and weaker, until final- ly I was not able to leave my bed. Then I called in another doctor, whose Sian the world it the sr edita as I did—give 3 Williams’ Pink Pills a fair trial box. If you dealer does not keep cee they will is sent post paid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by aie the Dr. | Williams’ Medicine Co., Brookville, nt. Pretty Japanese Custom. In many countries the custom of ' planting trees to mark special events is well known, and in sana the birth of a child is thus commem | The sapling is Te tended until it is fully gro it Be for the home of the young le. "The never failing medicine, Holloway’s Corn Cnre, removes all kinds of corns, warts, ete.; even the most difficult to re- Move cannot withstand this wonderful remedy. Right Eye Is the Stronger. People are right or left éyed just as they are right or left handed, and just as the right hand is usually the es powerful, sois the right eye. one person in ten is left sighted. FA is very probable that foes a of weap- luring count Cockle in Wheat Screenings. It wili perhaps not be ont —Some persoiis, when they Wish py tla ws stomach, resort to Epsom and other purg- & “these are speedy in their ac- + but no permanent good, ‘Their tage produces, incipient chills, and if r sisted in they injure the stomach. do they act upon the intestines in a” be Ne ficial way. Parmelee’s. Vegetable Pills answer rail purposes ia this respect, and ve no superior, Miller's Worm Powders cure feyer in children. Unamiable. “I see those friends of yours, the Rustlers, have their names in the pa- per again,”’ said the lady who is in- terested ix social ‘opis “Have ater, ndeed?”” responded RisaOaranne lekeea dly. “I didn’t fee ee tax list had been published Minard’s Liniment Lumberman’s Friend, Post Office Health Inspectors, required to report officers any case smallpox, typhus fever, cholera, diph- theria, measles or typhoid fever oc- curing in their home: eG ieeor, Banwoll Co. Windsar Ont RELIEF Terai cence iM venta. are directs 0 much “flesh STOUTNESS | bety ot sriumborin Minhali’s Cbesity Pha th form the 0 only ya an rnd formula 9 isan? 10" the Tosperiat Gourt of Austria and are guaranteed to give immediate selie of testimonials and all information will be pl All corressondence is ny carbo are made been *enetted by the Full course of treatment mailed in plain packaga, pectnely sale, da rst of 32.00. TH MINHALL COMPANY, "pox 36, ‘London, Ont. Agents wanted everywhere, STOPPED FREE. ie tt ] Ay ae DR. KI I on Yor ail its, Epilepsy. _ Spasms and Se: Vitus" Dance. No Fits or fier Arse day's ise Sen Ae ets pel G ih Canadian Agency PRE to Bit patient through Can aorena Charges uly wien fecalve goatee 951 Areh st., Philadelphia,Pa. TN. U. ou CATHOLIC PRAYER Books, Rosaries, Ornot- vata Religious Pictures, Sta Betta Educational Works: M prompt attenti LS ae signs ent tiaited se 8 80) paid ab ie ae 404 St. Paul rook onsen} pe . DRESSING) "i eeion to do with ae ‘right eye’s extra LT.-COL. COSBYISDEAD Passing of the Chief Officer of the 48th Highlanders. BURGLARS AT BURLINGTON, $105,000 Stolen from Havana Postoffice Canadian Women Deliberately Stands in Front of swiftly Mov- ing Train to Her Death—Viear General Kiernan of To- chester Dead. The Ottawa relief work goes brave- ly on, and the ounts t 7 Bee Bs aie Vie Generat of Rochester Diocese and rector the St; Mary's Roman Catholic Church, a on Sunday af St. Mary's Hospital, 40 y angvarty was ‘killed at the other tribes, andy hat they are able to raise 50,00 ie ucpCHeea iseratcona, Shawenegan Lake, ich ve been accepted trom 4s8 about $20,- iia for George D. Storey, Hal- ton County briber, asked the court is fine to unintentional w e court reserved judgment on the ap- plication Messrs. Reeves and Reynolds, th Department, morning 1 store at B apse, ‘was entered by burglars, who off M4 iNiam ing they came and went lor, a Prominent citi- hot and Witiam Sher- must $200 and ge. for irate ‘ek feted of bribery at the election held i 1898 or months. Justice Maclennan, as the is ae succeeded Col son as apmnenaioe Gi ons are in service in South At Dalien Gunihee a seamstress, was ee bee 50 t 1 last $3 to $: struck by a Michigan Centra rain five miles west of Wayne, vs 60; he day night and Aemtanitly killed. Lou- yearlings, y at the Detroit Sanitarium learned to be a nurse. Five year to her home near Berlin months ago she Peete te She acted queerly of late an posed to have heen demented. SEVEN MEN WERE KILLED. Disastrous Collision Permitted at B. & O. Tunnel by Sleeping Operator. Philadelphia, and 125. w Chatham House of 8 by the flames, and are now in e loss to the company is esti- ete at $140,000. man who was responsible for the accident, Frank La in the employ of the Baltimore € William Ohio Reilroad Co. He is now under the thou: Wheat Market Broke and Chicage ae ped Over a Centa Lushel—Th Quotations. Liverpool, May 12. — Wheat fu THE MARKETS. | | i i | | y tui esterday declined 3d to 140 per Goutal Chicago, May 12. — Wheat yester- day Seclined 1%e per bushel. “Fine iy seats er was the chief bear ar- sume ING WHEAT MaKKE Folle Rene were the clos losing ele at important Wheat centres yester- lay: Casb. May, July. sept. leago .. ...$. $0 64% $0 65 w York 0 70% Milrantee Loul Poledo Detroit’ whtte! 0 118 Duluth, No. 1 pYerttiern sas 0 66 er one 0 Read 0 66% 0 66% 0 64% 0 61% 0 61% Liverpooi fay 12 erday’s clo: Spot wheat au Walla, ‘5s to 5s 1114 1 standard 08 8d to 66° 8ikd, Wo. 1 Northern spring, 5s 10d to 5s 11d; No. 2 Ninter, no stock; futures quiet; July 5s 8d: Sept. 5s 774 . LAWRENCE MARKET Straw, sheat, ‘per tah Straw, loose, per ton Dairy P: Chickens, per. pair ‘Turkeys, ‘p 015 Frait and Vexctabies— . Apples, per bbl . «+$2 59 to $3 50 Potatoes, per bag 08 «045 ONTO LIVE STOCK. ‘Trade was sluggish: Export abt ar ice exporters, mix: tle, bul Leave or good “putters a Butchers’ ¢: Reeders, heavy. Spat ech Tent wecKA® Kao empoFacmecocmn Seeseesaes Pry Roaa moSkammccccm aes ie) ren pe cmt. Sheep, bucks, per ewt. Lambs, picked ewes and geese segeceusuaens = os €¢ cl sh $6.75 to $6.90; good ogg CHEK: era ae 12 THE PALM OF VICTORY TO THIS VETERAN PHYSICIA edies have Uttermost Marvellous Cures. Whose Famous Recipe Book and Creat Family Rem- made him Loved and Admired to the Parts of the Earth. A Record of DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD THE GREAT BLOOD BUILDER. . D.W. Cronsberry, 168 Richmond Re he Toronto, Ont., bitten? iat daughter, who sews in a white goods factory, got completely run down by the steady confinement and close ork. teat ERVE! debilitated that she had to give up work note for some weeks. he then began to use Dr. Chase’s nerve food and found i it excellent in restoring her to health and strength. She is now greatly improved and at work again. Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food also helped her through a very severe attack of la grippe. I can recommend it as an excellent remedy.” eee ER itis DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS ONE PILL A DOSE, 250. A BOX. r. Alex. Marshall, 59 Essex St., Toronto, Ont., ay Dr Chase’ 's Ki says .— idney-Liver Pills are a splendid medicine and certainly do tt that is claimed KIDNEY DISEASE. fe have » that I was totally unfit for wor! rrcratverialich pillaenupporediia (be Bocd:ibut ey did atthe my case. “*T heard Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills highly braised, feel like man, ie can ie a 1 era roved in health and we both i endorse Dr. Chase’s Kidney Liver Pills most heartil ily.” ——.—_ ORS SSL, DR. CHASE’S OINTMENT HAS NEVER FAILED TO CURE PILES. Mr. P. St. John, the Dominion inspector of steam- boats, acne at 246 Shaw Street, Toronto, in the following voluntary letter tells of his efforts to rid himself of the misery PILES. of Itching Piles and of his fi Dr. Chase’s Ointment :—‘ from itching piles, at times being unable to sleep on account of the annoyance caused by them. I cannot speak too high- ave recommended it e several of my friends, all. of whom have been cured by its u: r. Chase's co cure, wonderfully prompt and effective as a cure Ciasssstasdi Tecpel she hab by sh, 25¢., at all dealers, or "Bdmanson, Bates, for cold in the head and catarrh. Dr. otha ag st sale of any remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and ee Teo iok ‘721-500 ite, balance colored. Prices offer- — At the | colored and | were ‘ered 10 pe ye for t price oa, for sel- | tients. at begin price it re James Jewhurst, an inmate of the | °#! Refuge, met a very judden death on Thursday at noon y choking on a piece of meat. On Wednesday was found a tification was leewareie but thought the body ma; Joi rdon, drown med ence steamer Argyle on’ the civic nottday | The known ae are George Laub, last year. tnan named Haskins, who runs a sawmill at Elbe Mills, near Brock- ht it were’ either bu arned and has pone Ee ‘ang ‘of the go on suspended ‘sentence, called eS sboyne a appear when vetsthiarby comcc Wile fighting the lames. Ni i teats tt z or white and 10c | Washington Physician Chats of 1 “As a rule,” said | members of my | tions men who desi about the ultimate recovery of their pi tie colored | “I say ‘ultimate’ because there are a in their cain calling, but a f the Profession. e and strive to bring to discussing it in public atients. borne in mind that physi- uman beings, who not only sabition| fo (become ieee pe ae will run away up in y because it affords a pore usually a goo one, 41 body | high position in the ‘eaten y may be the | obtained. Charity and commiseration to- me in whicl lependence and in i | “Physi icent acts, more than knows, but in this chat I am a ‘bear’ o1 my ow! | ton appy to say, they are in the large minotity—do not seri arket, you know.”—Washing- ance For Discourt: of deposited in i bank follows as a nec- essary coro! . tual See “Why should be not therefore, make | Lak the can ct m the other hand, the patient is ill. Fioed pea services and call in another icians do many kind and benef- the public fully haa oe As the czar was ean in} g through the streets of St. Peters! to the quick rae wil indignant re- Bough!” said Nicholas finally. “You ion. = the News, amidratts phi mew seavslod (atey ff aid tn ence ee the municated the rhein ee spread ke wildfire.”—Scottish Aim Having Fun With the Vet.