The Milverton Sun THORSDAY, MAY 24, 1900. ‘Always on time—Lord Roberts. ie Queen Victoria and the Maple Lest _ Forever. When Reh taken Pretoria she will have done capital work. ** Never had subjects such a sovereign, never had sovereign sueh subjects. Rotwitbateaihc ‘the desperate ground in British Columbia. if A ae The difference between the Me tropolis of the United States and the capital of the Transvaal is that one is Pro-Boer and the other is Pretoria. f ote . Tn view of the recent Fenian scares the Ontario Government has taken the precaution to place two outside watch- men in Queen’s Park to protect the bnildings. Now a conservative jour- nal has been uncharitable enough to say that they were put there to pre vent anyone from waht the govern- ment’s majority. * ee The Ontario government should have a care when passing orders-in- council prohibiting the exportation of the various raw materials to be found jin the New Ontario lest it does grave injury to settlers and small capitalists. Surely the end of good government. is not to foster large manufacturing in- sdustries at the expense of mine owners and small prospectors. It is not any rate in keeping with the doctrine of Canadian Liberalism. i. * Pad As the census of Canada will. be ‘taken next year the department in veharge should see that there is a place in the classification for native born . Canadians. ‘The last census returns show that we are still classified under ~ the heads ot the nationalities to which our forefathers belonged as, English, trish, Scotch, Americans or Germans. ‘We as Canadians are surely important enough to have a place on the census dist of our own country; if not lev’s _ get out and let the “bloomin canoe _ tun the country, ate ; "The Boer envoys on their arrival at New York last week, were tendered a 4reat reception, but it was cold com- fort they .received at Washiogton. when Secretary Hay informed them "that the President had instructed him -tosay that the United States must continue the policy of strict neutrality. has been pursued up to the pre- Seut. President McKinley -has evi- « dentally profited by Admiral Dewey’s|° int. Sa te Mafeking is relieved_how that word atirred the British heart as it flashed through the Empire. The United Kiogdom and Colonies rejoiced that |, the brave little garrison under their indomitable leader, | Baden-Powell, had been liberated. For 216 days they had withstood the siege with no thought of surrendering. Daily and nightly they had been bombarded for | over seven months. “Assault after aseault had been made on them with the hope of reducing them but each _, timp the enemy drew off beaten and ‘bruised, claiming that the place was _ found out to their sorrow a week be- fore the raising of the siege. A Inst ne |, the world is cal sicher by having koown he Ivisa poor Fevenge that the » Wash ington Politicians the name of Admiral Geo. Dewey from the official plans of the new naval arch to be erected in the Charleston naval yards. since the American people gave him a reception upon his return that rivalled in splendor the triumph given the vic- tor on his return to ancient Rome but populariy in the southern republic is an unstable and fleeting thing. To be sure, Dewey’s feat in putting the Span- ish fleet out of business was magnitied beyond all proportion but nevertheless it showed that when Dewey had work eause he may be a possible factor in the American political arena no indig- nity is too vile to heap upon him. But withal, Dewey is a man who when he thkes a stand is not afraid to assert his opinions regardless of whom he of- fends and American politics could well afford to have more men like him, ate The Queen’s Birthday will be cele- before. The old sovereign who is en- tering upon the eighty second year of her age, has for sixty-three years been our Queen and the time cannot long be delayed when in the wisdom of Provi- dence she will be called to the greater kingdom beyond. It is the duty of every patriot to honor her in her de- clining yearsas thé Empire over which rules has prospered under her reign. as under no other. Commerce has grown to huge dimensions, territory has been extended almost without limit, her navy has remained mistress of the seas and her arms have been Successful in almost every campaign, The internal affairs of the Ewpire have been administered wisely and well, and the yeneral prosperity of the people is not exceeded by that of any other nation on earth. The social conditions| p. of the people have been vastly improv- “led, as it was in her reign that the hated and oppressive corn laws wer abolished and free trade established, The moral tone of society has been elavated at home and Christianity has been taught by ber missionaries abroad, pure and noble life’ has been the leavening of the lump. holding as she does the motto “righteousness exhalteth a nation.” — : jorrible Blow. which has fallen on n° Hughes suggests that he may have beet! hit in his ink bottle, andy bn Belleville Intelligencer. If the Boer delegates don’t hurry up and get home they won't have any ome 1 ; A Great Painter, Peterboro Review. e next sweép of “Bobs” brush of a ‘wil come very near Pretoria, Bad as Setting a Prize List, alt Reformer. f continues to use up Boer capitals like this, Steyn will have to gend to fe. type-founders for anew Open seas Toronto Star. . Thursday seems to have been a day set apart for capturing Boer generals. eat it shone. to Telegram. he ball team turned it- saints arineicied show a hit onthe stage, which is 1 wore tha it usually did on the diamo: His Spring House tun (Hamilton Spectator ) It is about time Oom Paul was pick- ing out his future peel oer in St. From Providence to pM Lee Pickering It seems seatiae etched ihe ba men go from one extreme to rted, but now he asks pen sistance Past the United States. ‘The Little Ditrerence, _ Hamilton Herald. it a few te it ays dawn npon the ‘that of us » taking in erasing| It is only a few months - todo that he did it in a business-like way and did it effectively. Now, be:| Qu Fe brated this year in Canada as never Han “| tor our reputal The example of the Queen’s own|did Alone in His &! (Toronto Stan oh Gen ert Kitchener appeals to the imaginat COMMERCIAL Pape he May 24, 1900 all wheat per bush. 3 63 pring wheat, per bush ley per ea es ice ples por bag | Appts, per ba, Potato, per a eth Ba Dieeok she Beef, per owt FIRST PRIZE BREAD Competant judges at the Stratford Conary Fair awarded us lst Prize for }o not have to depend upon the idballigencs of _fgountry show judge The vast number of people who eat our bread in preference to any other are the best judges, and give ‘the. ver- dict as the judges at Stratford Fair Correct. V. WEITZEL, The Baker. FIRST PRIZE BREAD. I have been in business four years and neve r tccksecond prize for bread. WHY ? Because | make the best: The public knows this now my competitors realize it, Ask the First Prize Baker Call at your house. G. GUENTHER Come and_ get first Choice of the Largest and Newest. Spring Stock of Domestic and Foreign Tweeds and Worsteds In the Town, We have the La Latest in Gents’ Fur- ~ nishings. “BURTON, THE TAILOR ; ‘oliticians for the "Boek iticians are using the envoy! for be Democrat cause, CS he Next: door to Postoffice, THE MOST . e CRITICAL iUoguavr Even that of the man who pays the bi ing but praise for our elegant millinery. thoroughly adapted to the wants of this gear. They are very mt trimmed foliage, flowers and chiffon :|SHIRT WAISTS pe Not a manufacturer's entire output—i low, from 75¢ to. $1.50. WASH FABRICS >> our staple department. Yards of Fren show. Every woman ought to have after looking through ou: wash fabrics. of dress goods. Look in on us when dress and you'll not regret it You are ask ten cents or ten dollars for an_articl it is worth that much, and can’t be boug dress, which is always usefu Bright, beautiful, fresh, dainty. The and the summer stuffs invite you here. ing of what's to be worn. ‘The store is All kinds of Produce taken as Cash. Weare pleased with our achievements. proud of this beautiful collection of summer head Hs finds noth- Not a hat ora bonnet in the entire collection but what is community. We are with fruits, including al? the mistakes he made, but the choice from the stocks. of the best manufacturers, and at prices that are bed That fairly whisper thoughts of warm days. A. bustling, busy department, chuck full of goodies. is: ch, German, nglish, Scotch, Swiss, American, and good old imine! makes are blended into one bewildering a sewing fit TICKLERS OF EVERY WOMAN’S FANCY Are the handsome patterns in our.spring showing you want a always sure of the lowest one price that can be made, and if we e you know ht for less. A woman’s wardrobe is not complete Wiese a black 12 75 18 A STORE FULL OF SPRING PRETTINESS. spring stuffs. It’s a show- Sa fashion sheet, and we’ve made more than ordinary efforts to make the showing of spring goods wonder- fully Interesting. Come look around and enjoy it. H. H. Dierlamm Jd. G. Grosech & Sole Agents for “MILVERTON, O All kinds of Farm Produce taken, Son: ee 50 Men Wanted To purchase Suits, made in the ver who carries The Finest Stock of He also has a beautiful line of in and see his goods for yourself. nothing to look at them. Ei. Knechtel Mitygrton. a Megcuant ke to-date and most finished style by E. y latest up- Knechtel,. Tweeds and Worsteds in Milverton. Whip Cords for Spring Overcoating, which make a perfect dress when made up. Calf It costs you — The Milverton Sun wel ors, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1900. act GENERAL NEWS ed “Upwards of 95,000. bushels of corn re taken in at the Goderich elevat- last week. It took only 134 hours, tual time to load the 94 cara The prospects of a peach crop in Essex was last week literally Lents by a hailstorm which passed ove the ise bass of ae county, riddliog CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. |) 3 's paper mills at Serete ee population of Wingham is| eatiegs ne Kent, England, were de- eRe an who snears at women ought 000. This ae incre: for Canadian p mever to be trusted. We often worry most over the trou- ‘ bles that never come. James J. Corbett intends running for Congress on the Democratic ticket. Mr, Percy Smith, of Seatuaensy ad sateaeess the Palmerston Repo The Guelph street eich will shortly S connected with the C, P. R. tre, Slwayaube (prstish strdyed by fire last week, loss $1,000,- ase the demand e the ciel ea cream-produeing cow, e hard bacon hog, the fine wool. and eet mutton sheep, and the prolific ood well- sw liege egg-laying hen, the g s the Sines “Re le to pro: orse, will, si In the House of Commons last week lasi Bos Mr. Fisher said that only twenty-three steamers ‘A wise mother never criticises the | fr: conduct of her children before strang- ers. The Century Fund of the Methodist ‘Church of Canada has reached $800,- 000. ‘The population of Owen Sound is now 8,854, an increase of 459 during the past year. The Tavistock Gazette has been pur- chased by Mr. H. Frank Leslie of Bruce county. Tho population of Hanover village is 1,522 a the place has nov yeu been dncorpor: The distance from Kimberley to Mafeking is 215 miles; and_ fror Bloemfontein to Pretoria 324 miles. vines in Essex this year badly Hae by Frost and the crop is expected to be light, m|dead man. twenty-seven or twenty-eight, Though more than a month has gone y since the opening of the Paris Ex- position, there are still very import-| ant exhibits which have not been open- d to the public, and large sections re- main in the hands of the workmen. It mil take another month to. complete he work, ister’s house at midnight, was disturbed by the awakening of the occupant of the room he was in, Drawing’ his knife, he said: “If you stir you-are a Tm hunting for money.” “Let me get up and strike a light,” a the minister, “and was Morgan sues pulpit that $800 is taken ev Bruce Co, stands second among the counties of Ontario in the manufac- ture of furniture. Waterloo ranks first Renfrew, who died last week, defeated ae Liberal, in 1898. by ity Mie Marin Baud of. Goderich’ wil appear in their new kharki uniforms wien they play av Wingham on the 24th, Eddie Hansuld, of Tavistock, had a thumb aud three fingers cuv off I week while working around a saw peparees s stave factory. arles Carpenter, a millband in Gauneesee mill at Ashfield, was caught by the foot and thrown on the large vircular saw and cut to pieces. Carrick township hs 6 a greater pop: value than any other munici in Bruce county. The out * 4,577 and the assessment $2,064,80: Wiarton Canadian recently 2 placed in court 88. cases against. sub scribers who would not pay being notified. In every case judg ment was granted at the rate of $1.50 per yea The bliss of: Harriston say that either the pork factory or the High schvol will have to be moved on uc- count of the strong smell, which comes} . from the Harriston piggery. Frog farming is getting to be quite an industry in various pares of Canada and the United States. People ar? learning to appreciate the delicacy and a a demand is being created. Trish member of parliament in oa Civitan House of Commons said the other night, “They kept thav affi- davit in their pants puckets, concealed within their breast and they knew it. The by-law, paver the setting| w d}an unconscious condition. found upon examination by a doctor | t the triumph fe Baugh) Gls lace. ‘The Welland vale and the Cena a Cycle and Motor Co's works Galletnie sabre desinivad by) Che ke week. 500 ment. Loss, $500.00 ; $190 000, insurance The Tecumseh House, London, has its license extended because the proprietress failed to comply with the conditions of the Board of Commis sioners after having a three munths’ extention: Mr. Lud K. Cameron, picesemineany i $56, 136 for last year. This inciudes e sessional clerks. — a Andrew White, M. P. P. for North 153 major- ey Junction the situation Annette Street Methodist church property, worth $L0, last | still owes upon it a debt of, $17, "600. in meeting was held on Saturday last at Wan. Struthers Soe con, Elma for the purp reorganizing the Tasegil football “cl, The, attend- ance was large an Aver A burglar, who had entered a min-| de saat Doronte | colonial i'$10, 000 ay heir [2 “The Return of ‘the Robins. There’s = flutter of ob wings in the sun- ma a vision of red on the lawn ; 3 There's a Sriteen ee night ’mid the branche There’s a sg of thanksgiving at Oh! the robins have come back t? ee we’ Panasetiele coming each For we know, ‘when the robins are That the brent days of springtime There rent being skillfully fash- There are straws and dry grasses t© bri there are carolling songs from the -e-to} Such as no birds but robins can sing. "Tis this lesson the Master would ae us eee listen and learn ; ‘When the winter of sorrow is over, The sweet songbirds of joy will re- turn, Flora Kirkland, in the Catholic News. Danger in am Election Year. args W: Seales, tine mew York correspondent of the’ Lond Til go. with | trente Wood who lately | iu .|enter upon a inost dangerous course , | in his dealings with Great Britain. AN IMPERIAL MISTAKE. (Toronto Telegram.) An Imperial tribunal, in which aunberlain. proposes to rei A. judicial of whieh carries Boils Steak Sausage “ MILVERTON. secre We have just purchased a fine bunch of fat cattle and will supply the public with the best of meat at the lowest prices. Best roast for 7 to 8 cents 66 66 5 a Farmers should not use salt pork when fresh beef can be had at such prices, and give usa call at the old stand. Miller & Kellerborn, . Come fit. per annum for seven years, and seat in the Hou: cor) Lande for life, will be = great prize. outh Afrion probably a hot practice game te ete Me iho ee following officers : Struthers vid Harrow; Captain, John Mac ter | De Farlane ; match committee, Charles Struthers, John Seelhoff, Henry Seel- hoff. this season as are now ready from the surrounding teams friendly match. —Bee. Mr. Henry Mohr, of North East- hope, while working in tbe Geld the other day, was stunned by lightning ent is that after being stunned by the flash Mr. Mohr drove his team to the barn, a consideanble distance, unbitch- ed, aud put then in the stable, and then walked into the house and lay down beside the fire, presaably to ary his wet clothing. There was no erson al eee house at the time, but his found their tither beside the stove in that one side of the untortunate man was quite discolored, but that the ther was in its nort inal cunidition. Lue! meeting of the Official Board of the R .| Lucknow Methodist Church, the Rev. sole Learoyd, who has been tne re- pected paster of the ion for ughters. came bome they 7 sal know Sentinel: At the ay Ss no ae an oasis an Phanel is Sioa that either Toby 4 nominate for the high placethe Msp: distinguished judge in the country. A Conservative Government would es | never nominate Edward Blake. contempt in Canada by this cout belief that the other Iaw-lords are abler than the Canadian member of the tribunal. Short Stories Retold It is eaid that Disraeli, in his vote- ad @ difficulty in re- cognizin, stitne therefore ain ed the plan’ of boldly | approaching every. intelligent oter “Well, how ni It was | o! auphow's yore Ob, ‘he’s dead,” OF past tw informed the mein bers of the board shat owing to his continoed ill eal he would be com- lled to retire from the active service of the ministry at. a end of the pre- the ministry for over 45 years, aud luring that time bas filled many of ion with the Methodist Church in onela, ees Windsor, Sari ie ecekige: ever occupied the pulpit in tbat di that have bad a Colonel Bheeatott ee than Mr. royd, and- a fri nds, not only in aie oe lec] 4, itioushont the Province ‘0 hear of his declin ing health. more prosperous and succesefal wood | caused re-election. farmer on the d again Again he met the same | ‘e: oe . Millinery —— ly | rntry| FASHIONABLE, SEASONABLE, ORIGINAL . There is no more attractive spot than our MIL_ LINERY DEPARTMENT. that is newest and prettiest in head gear, and at prices that will be a surprise to all who respond to: > - our invitation to see what we are doing. DRESS GOODS. We expect another shipment in a es days of a . celebrated CREPONS we were pone at $1 andi _ 1.25. Wait for them. «| READY-MADES = See our Men’s suits at $6, $8 and $10, guaranteed to: » ‘ Complete with all: w. kK. LOTH WANTED A Traveling GENERAL AGENT 8: x to town and appcint agents. Sf 0 ing to merit. rd Mention this paper. An experienced canvasser, Z att y or aman with good , characte. - land address, with the necessary ability to travel from towm No canvassing. Salary and expenses paid. Position eee and oe cal accord- - The Bradley-Carretson ‘Dosti BRANTFORD, ONT. Bt a -ANEW DEPARTURE fos parece ieee een its coustruc.ion 1s unnecessary, A Beles Change in Marketin ‘Methods te ae for our elegant H-T eatalogue and detailed ices “How can save you mons in the Livigeaey oh a high-grade Le Eisele ct “tunity you cannot afford t to pass. ae know the its manufacturers, ‘Therefore, ‘a detail If we can offe offer most liberal feeaias Write to-day. Address in full, Hed tS ing Machines. Ce ma have an old Elie to ceetee fens always your father?” “Still jena! 2 _auietly ans an with a C. Barnabee, ee popular com- eatin of the Bostonian: about a the evening at a certain performance of Patience, in which he took part. “There was a young: sa they le up in the “ant WHITE SEWING HACHINE COWPANY, Cnr A) Cleveland, Le ; nthe oenttal’ hall Of ‘the heaea of See Henry Canspbell-Banner- _fvy Liberal leader in the House, ui ciled a statute of Mr. Gladstone, whom A he entitled eee st Parliamentary | of, i figure of our tii yihing inore filthy than | a cigarette it il no think of jcago nlone i "| Ibs. Of cigar ie ate picked up daily e| by scavengers: from spitoons, gntters | the {Some very sanguine. caloulaters’ pi dict that when the next census is taken.» that the Boareletjon of the United: States will hav hed the indicate thas, We total will Fall ti or fourteen mil short,