The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1900, The war in South Africa is now de~ ecribed as a Boer bunt. i ae ee ‘The dynamiters have found. out that Canadian justice is sure, Swife and strong. f ate Since the relief of Mafeking it is now fashionable to part your name in the middle. ty The present waris the firsp in the history. of the world where Irish. rebels fought for the freedom of an Orange State, te fb The Welland dynamiters should: de |}, serve life imprisonment if for no. other reason than. making. such a betch of their job. See Mr. W. T: Stead, London’s celebra- ted editor, daplores the action of the United States government in turning the Boer envoys empty. away: he de- acribes it as “where. they haye met .with coldness in officialdom. Pa Those who talk about Majuba Hill and taunt Mr. Gladstone with having ‘been the author of that settlement, ,#nd: who now declare that in the next _ peace treaty there is to be no hint of “Majuba, little reflect upon the position of South Africa and of Britain in| “February in 1881, Britain had at that time there six or seven regiments,|faults his, contentions were always scarcely a good regiment among them, |right and: to him is due the thanks fer composed, some of them, of raw re Gain from Whitechapel, men who} enjoy and which has been such would not stand fire... ‘The Transvaal] factor in solidifying the Empire. country, was so far as.the British were concerned, frequented: Infact it was not until years later that gold was discovered, ' when it became of consequence, more-| plunder the people systemactically over, it was without railways and means 6f transport, while Mr, Glad stone was oppressed with troubles|systam gave causo- for alarm. among piled up for him ‘in. Bulgaria. and} h “Armenia by the statesmanship of Kjord Beaconsfield. Instead of being taunted as his memory has been, if Mr. Gladstone had. never had to his mame anything except the treaty he tmede with the Boers afver Majuba, * his action and fame would serve to defend British honor, and to enlarge the British name for magnanimity the world over. * The political event of the week was|the Legislative Assembly full control the uttempted “hold up” of Sir Charles | of all the revenues of the province, and al of apper ky Mr: Robert Birmingham, Yate. organizer of the Conservative Charles recently discarded «, Birmingham as.-party, organizer whereupon, be sent ih an. acount for acs, salurg to. the venerable leader, _ slaioying thet if his demands were not|°™ acceded to at once that he wonld put Sie Wilfrid Laurier in possession of evidence with regard to the carrying _ ‘of elections since ’92 that would startle the country. Sir Charles replied that he could go ahead but that he would never get another dollar from. any. fund: that he could control. The Tor- _gnto World has been very vigorous in ‘upholding the action of Sir Charles and will no doubt in future be recog- that will see him righted with the party has i it is doubtful. He is in much the game position as Edward Farrer who attempted to dictate to Sir Oliver wt Wy yer out of the‘councils of the party ; ‘in fact it is,stated by the World in an article that has all the ear marks of inspired Ul hag: the caucus room = at Ottawa will be barred against Gao 1 that in future, Mr. Birming people who ‘| that Chancellor Boyd was recip ih ‘{ment to blow up a commercial high- unimportant and un") Family Compact was in the zeneth of severe in giving Nolin, Dullman a life sentence to penitent- iary for the attempted wreck of the Welland Canal. As stated by the learned judge these men were guilty of acrime novel in Canada—an experi- way which not only beneftted Canada but the country to the south from which .all three claimed to come. No motive was shown for the act but it 'might have been for hire or hatred and [hatred is a crime against civilization ; this seemed really why Dullman had master spirit in the plot and was held responsible for it. Nolin and Walsh were mere tovls working for pay. It was in the power of the judge to deal moderately bu’ as the prisoners had come into a peaceful country to wreak great commercial highway and put in jeopardy hundreds of lives and mil- lions of dollars worth of property he gave them the full limit of the law. Indeed it was urged by some journals is adequate. HONOR LYON MACKENZIE @ montment be erected to the memory and many throughout the province. The fierce animosities of '37 have pass: any connection with it. He was the| some alleged spite by trying to wreck a| pas that the government should’ pass re- | Si troactive legislation making the pen-| La alty hanging but the general public will | Tall consider that the puishment inflicted u re § The Toronto Star's suggestion that of William Lyon Mackenzie is a good | App one and has found favor at one time]? or other with every paper in, Toronto: s No e on Spectator: rae y the nace Bat of Free State. ,But even than the fovernment won't be quite Vrede from disturbance by T. ‘Atkine. ‘One of Kitchener's a, Ottawa Free Pre: The name of the taysterious individ name, and Lak nenegead either. Another pies pba ‘he Hamilton Spectatoi orseflesh enables the Bcccdwaske in one place for seven mont COMMERCIAL. Mu.verron May 31, 1900 Fall wheat per bush., 3 Spring wheat, per bush. Basley per bul s woe Apples per bag: Beet ef, per ewt Stratford, May 31, 1900 |. «8 65 5! nsistake on.. ALWAYS RELIABLE What we do We Make Your Intesests Our Own What we are Dealers in All as Mentloned Below’ STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, GENT'S FURNISHINGS, CARPETS, CROUKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES, BTC. When be buy wrong we do not pass_ the: We ask you to point out any mistake or inattention. Asa store that does. ed away and.the old patriut. may now, be viewed inthe calm light of history. ‘Phough impulsive and not without his the responsible government which we ‘When he came upon the scene the its power and ruled with a high hand. Under it, law was a mere pretext to with impunity. The persistence of Mackenzie jn exposing the evils of ae the favored ;:such pretexts as breach of privilege were made the excuse for|- FIRST PRIZE BREAD Competant judges at the Stratford ‘ounty Fair awarded us lst Prize for Bread. : ‘We do not have to depend upon the intelligence of a country show judge tor our reputation. The vast number of people who eat V. WEITZEL, The Baker. expelling him.frem the House. Five times was he re-elected by overwhelm; ing majorities. He-then, carried the grievances of the country to the Im Yperial government and, when they. were unheeded:he resorted to.arms. ‘Thongh thwartedin his designs.atithe time the principles for which he con: tended were shortly. afterwards es. tablished as law in acts which gave the disposal public lands ; the secularization of ey Clergy Reserves, the establishment of municipal coun- cils, law retorm, the power to impeach public servants, the exclusion of judges and clergymen from parliament d the abolition of the rights of primo-geniture. That he was a fearless public man, who sacrificed everything in trying to overturn tyrranny and secure for his adopted country her political rights is now acknowledged by all. Though not revatied during life for what he FIRST PRIZE BREA . I have been in business four years and never tccksecond prize for bread. WHY ? Because I make the best: The public knows this now my competitors realize it. Ask the First Prize Baer ‘To Gall at your house. G. GUENTHER €ome and get first Choice of the Largest and Newest. Spring: Stock of d it is not an time at the present to celebrate his memory by the erection of a monu- ent. The late Sir Mathew Crooks lameron and Hon. Jobn Sanfield Macdonald offered to contribute I:ber- ally at one time to such an object. ‘The following tribute was paid him by the New York Tribune: “ William Lyon MacKenzie was the leader of the real struggle for responsible oe ment in Canada. He conducted th UrE—At Mornington, on Snadey, May 27th, Janet Ure, aged 77 yer on. Saturday, : Domestic and. Foreign Tweeds and Worsteds In the Town. We. have the Latest in Gents’ Fur- nishings, “=|BURTON, THE TAILOR Nextdoor to Postoffice. Monroe ears May: Meltugh, religt “yh ihe iat inl Me ugh, , aged yeare. - Misyasrox.. ata the dee nt Siratfordi Batak c not please does not profit, it has been our: constant aim to do both at H. H. Dierlamm's. All kinds of Produce taken as Cash. J. G. Grosch & Son MILVERTON, - Alfkinds of Farm Produce taken, 50 Men Wanted To purchase Suits, made in the very latest up-- to-date and most finished style by E. Knechiel, ONT. who carries The Finest Stock of Tweeds and Worsteds in Milverton. He algo has a beautiful line of Whip Cards for Spring Overcoating, which make a perfect dress when made up. Calf’ in and see his goods for yourself. nothing to look at them. H. Knechtel Mercuant Tator, Milverton. It costs yous ae SET will THURSDAY, MAY 31, saemeren 1s nea Hamilton} | 7) ft Carthage are ig mad it the de an) oat in up a ene baer eaying ¢ that the ia a which ‘wil eld on GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. saiiwesiony Oddfellows subscribed $68 wards assisti ing suffering brethern at Hall and Otta: Dick Grant ee clever Jong diatanoo| Ge unnez defeated Caffery in a ten mile ace at cearas on Saturday, Rev. eph Edge, of ane lon, pres ident of 3 soadan Conference ohh the Methodist church, is dead. Lord Roberts has annexed the Orange Free State under nie name of the Orange River State. The burglars, who eeretenkl in Park- dale last week, robbed the Aurora Faicilica aod See aa seouring an a few hundred dollars. Private Harry Ballard of the first w earopsigning as are the rest of the pits e Chuassedte now concede pode ay: uch at is pect an sini that Martin will 501 le farmers in North ci be: with the heaviest loss. They believe that winter pruning was the cause su; plying too much sap to the remaining branches, causing them to crack open. house of ill fame on Downie towards the city’ ‘s baie mates were given a day which to make aaaiseiente foi tent ing the city. me seated bald be taken at once i ton. a: District of the Methodist church held minate this oe or the country will be overrun. a despathcher ‘at | 2d 2 Simon Long, Stratford station, who pas for thirty been in the of the | i hours’ notice, or to start for home on | the road lo: .|hospital. ‘To quote Milton vend ca is dead ca fone 18 1th, dispute is Setecid wa ow mey, Fort William, is hy he did not come: for eats Home ‘siting his’ mother, Tabbed nt leaving ible | cont to oped and ve some ote repairs make post-mortem ‘e intends to return in about re week: ; r. John Gamble has moved his rxetfal Queen Kialiondere Gao iea ents used for a woodshe Robert snc ia ah ed his pi tor, utting a stone rahe prearn Er chill, tw the piiels job at the front ! Shadews Toronto Telegram. he pick wer gpiny ‘rend ee Mrs, re. Jas, Kerr, oF thet is com goers oa ye her reoent iness as rapi upon the bright orb of Robert. Bir-| w, idly asi was. hope minghami’ iti Saha, con TILLBANK. Easily Satisfied Toronto Telegram. sacrement of the Lord's sup} per| | was cinarved in Knox church d, | Sunday moraing.. ‘The umval special eerie "were Red on Priday and manding an idemnity fo! Empire has had in humpiog them, ‘The social held on th Sustains His Good was spent by all. The proceeds, about twenty dollars, goes to the Famine fine tile yard is now running full We have just purchased a fine bunch of —_ fat cattle and will supply the public with the: — best of meat at the lowest prices. i Best roast for 7 to 8 cents . Boils “ Steak ws Sausage ‘“ Farmers should not use salt pork where. fresh beef can be had at such prices, Come: nage and give usa call at the old stand. - Miller & Kelterborn, MILVERTON. hyp! aes of Maleling bub! Joe: Martin = is ikelY to have better Iuck with his| thorne en ip tapect A big won] enemy, Carter-Cotton, of Vancouver. arles Glover has moved his. ‘The Irish are AML Right hair pias where he has ob-] OOH E ee ard Hammond, of Mooi Col, Bryan Mahon, our respects to| pel wes visiting tennde dn the wie you, mabouchal !. other |lage "last week Hammond, of the 5th ae Wellesley, spent Sunday with Miss Hilda Bi Tha teatee ees busy washing their | sheep these warm days. “MONKTON. ready to start for Pretoria What the peopis areveaying~That t good for wheeling and 's notice.’ A Champion, Gone Hamilton. Herald. at the Champion | Boor Drinker of America has: died. ina New York] §, om im For the liquor he drank, being too| shi much for one, in He could mot carrie off, s0 is now carpenters started reads lay e of Mr. Ben Methodist District Meeting. two barn raisings on. the 14th con., Logan, this week, and Hthe boys are looking forward for a! names Fa of, ‘Charles lenderson presid- arles Wolf, has started the’ Tninistarial” ddlogate a ‘Stonework obbin Saw bade house this anual inesting ofthe Stratford istowel opened on Our brick and tile makers are again opening preliminaries, busy” burning ; as ‘DRESS GOODS Millinery —— FASHIONABLE, SEASONABLE, ORIGINAL There is no more attractive spot than our MIL- LINERY DEPARTMENT. — Complete with alf % that is newest and prettiest in head gear, and at prices that will be a surprise to all who respond. to i our invitation to see what we are doing, We expect another shipment in a few days: of those celebrated CREPONS._we were showing at $1 andi _ 1.25. Wait for them.. | READY-MADES = See our Men’s suits at $6,.$8 and$i1o, guaranteed to». fit. W. K. LOTH Rey. ri journal secretary | Dt “Snowdon and Mr. Stein | They had jitors. number of resolutions recommend- by th Grand Trunk, vas, on Ge last, he reported during the ican management, the Grand Trunk keeps ousting its old servants who have grown gray working in its in- terests. amps, Rayno and Glark, left Stratford Wednesday morning for a prolonged visit in the Kingston Peni tentiary. Police Magistrate O’Loane s| discussion took place on the closing up 1 e conference | / ek Fs An increase of 94 in jhe district was ‘The following innate’ s were recom: pa mended for assistance from the Sus- P ; i . Leonard Schade jacke his| Se On anes roy aoa oot higher on. Tuesday the: at Milverton costing 82,000 and. strate heritcs Sea ep ne Nir geteepioered ts ford $4,500 by way of farnishing and|,, Mt. Love, fee TS the parsonages, was re- iss Tis request: of the quarterly oni ofthe Atwoodeireuit jubilee ap- Ene ewedBh nee done aa ane Euceinel tits best. auido pete Air. JC, Wilson is Umsy these days up. haif|t The country will be’well rid of I two ee characters. @ prayer of a ee minister, of re , Pa, w od to strike with ti iebiatoe a new oe brewery was recently answer- e case however, is: to be fought to a finish. The death of Dr, Burns, of Toronto, formerly principal of thy Hamilton | Ladies College,’ will be universally re- always be found in the frout ranks of every movement that tendered towards| in the betterment of society. Tu his day he wielded a powerful influence for good and his memory will. be revere by all with whom he camé in contact. SPECTAL— Sailors worth. a iene oe, Mass standin; $1.0 $1.50 going fue’ 25 and 60] spony the Dierlamm’s. 4 Raising the Hat an Ancient Saluation. | ® When a knight of old entered aco ladies he ence to appoint Rev. H. Irvine an E. Carson of Listowel to present this Eas Poa gh oe . ted the land| ma in drawn to fill up aroun hig fine: residence and sodding his | lawn,, and otherwise ‘ihproying his proueny He will shortly erect anew fence in front of his r ved by Revs. Me-| started to build the stone foundation , the members of for his house on Tues The Cause hi the Famine. eR quite half as rt 600 people must be fed from their own 1 here is, relatively, no manu- means of living, even in times ot plenty, i In anormal year t or some _other| co e moral and Christ- igations to this unfortunate "et oo WY ANTED A Travan to town and appoint agents. No canvassing. Saar and expenses paid. Position permanent and promotion accoi ing to merit. The Bradley-Garretson Boatinia Mention this paper. its maufacturers. — a Te coasteuciion is unne we can offer most liberal Aa Write to-day. WIKTE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, (Dop't a.) Cleveland, im ; and we recommend the Co rerrible at lo about twice in years, an tes to the an-| present about twice conference. view. of Reviews for Fune. phy, of Irishtown, took w ‘| London, presided, assisted by fifteen close on Friday of last. week att Wel. jury were out | ers ee Kinggton penitensiany. for'l Vifer The funeral of the late Denn Mur- place on Sat- rday morning. Bishop MeEvay, of riests. cat gia of alee Walsh oy Dull- atvempting to blow pithe: mi a the Welland Canal eat wi ‘aoe even found and guilty, where peo the judge, | He cla yd, sentenced the p1