- ' . % : HERE'S SOMETHING MAGNIFICENT Avoid Disease bare rapes e nrc % \ : BY EATING * ’ * : ALL SUBSCRIBERS GOOD MEAT \* *% { Az : Pipa urgel Nothing tends to injure the apes a "4 5 othing ten jure 49 t +) JE: /The Milverton Sun] _r2eessere* | Milverton’s Largest - Store eee * «| ‘y eS é can seoure a handsome Colored Pape see toby tn pecan Pi : : x : ‘ do : Piccure, 18 x 24, of feareara the fact through my. extended > Sie are busy this week moving into our : ‘ ‘ | See Meviadisee call sc Yenc: orteg! % — new quarters and will offer specialin- € 4 be 4 Orders filled any time at the house. | 7 % i RED, fe isik pipes > ucements rather than to move * | {= : . Hoffman 4 ; i a : In Fifteen Colors MILVERTON. 2 beni But ee a i is i Neher co 4 ] F by sending or bringing House and Lot For Sale # ya ae ate € : Q : <|/This Coupon and TEN CENTS) ) me undersigned citer for cate the| 3 Pie: ot . | ; 4 Z cy ; 4 183s To The Sun Office. enact weet fart | 3 papa * : ; Meiieatsont cet * ; * 8 G fan) e E@ Only a limited number of these beautiful Pictures] | Winn1am H. jee aes beige # % | be |e abe es irea® aad eel una are wor Oh adgreah deal sates Owen Sound. | 3 * abs than any picture ever presented by any newspaper, there will a es Mi cs fille by domiendd: Orde’ A ONOR if gouJeaeto be ante x $9.50 Dinner Setts, 97 pieces, € | pies eo. x — beautiful gilting, and nice ‘ , 2 Elf yon are not already a subscriber you can get ene 1 1 ‘ BT aia ataeay ealeonile eh cscs Village of Milverton > patterns. moving sale « | Court of Revision. * price $7 WB. «| i) LITERARY NOTES. orn taae op bepnanas bert ect “as = y i j At Milverton on or about May 14th, | SFatiivertom forthe your 1000, will be| 3 * i : An illustrated survey of the season's/a gray Mackintosh coat, velvet collar Reid in eouncil chamber, of $6 Dinner Setts, 100 el "Reviews for June,” Te costans come] dolaniseward for recovery of coat or| SATURDAY, THE 20H DAY OF 2 Dieees in beautiful blues,’ | : useful hints for the summer's reading. heen aie. ” ia eytecaed At the h ee Yelock in thi + + { Mel Sogasine for Ju ix ay WAl Toms SesseoN sink |omnoon’ "Ki copra’ mse we ae] eXtra heavy gilting moving ¢ | , hand and contains the usual array of Enda deat Meet : ‘ sale price $: ‘50. i ; vinteresting matter for women’ as is ° ae acueduecte Callies open (enka i | thown by the table of contents which The Mornin a gpestion in the oles ofthe Clerk dur. : follows: The very latest gossip . 3 | ing office hours. . ad fancies, W. D. WEIR, Clerk. FAs cai dutcse | (uaredton) Post . Datgd et Milverton, thin 9h day of $8 Dinner Setts 91 pieces, nice : the small belongings of dress, fashion~ able gowns for warm weather, (illus- gan ine moving sale price $6.25 HAMILTON, ONT. A New e » season's parasols, ae dete novelties} ONE CENT DAILY - Bee callie rs asauimver ailiioee ie) se ourt of Revision very livtle people, sigueetiohd for dress fi indse; tsaeds Stele Cc LOT ODD SAUCERS GOING AT 15 CENTS A DOZEN ornamentation, artistic photographs j i tbe first sitting of the ‘Court of ~of children, (illustrated,) having your Will print All the News for All Revision on the assessment roll, for iG gape taken, that clever Mrs. Ar- i the People heli Bonstay etn, ae bet 3 Only, fancy, Ae large Bouquet f Will be out about ONDAY, JUNE 4TH, 1900, i 1 li bous aio ostocr All parties in- amps, always sellin at to $6 trea BO ta take fod. ane how June 1, 1900 % Fe Seibel Treauired to take notlee. P De $5 $ A ‘the Boers go\a’ wooing queer. stories, Joun Watson, clerk, each, moving sale price $3. uses of glycerine, fear a cause of dis- Sent to any address for bike eae rs 2 ; ; ease, to make pot pourri, to keep ay 12-8. ( moths from clothing, why we need| 4 months for $1 { 0 ears, correspondence, premium 4 piece White Chamber Sett always selling at $2 mov- ing sale price $1.25. —OR— oe . » pages and fashion pages. ) Fares ton tit ck tach oninion | ite cgctern fe far he on m One year for $3) J" Lit jHection. Published at 5 cents a —50 cents a yea ‘The MeCail]| THE ©, 138 146 Uetreitts ‘St, New MORNING ROSk A ssuranee {}o, City. milton, Lot of odd plates 6, 7 and 8 inch al- ways selling at 75, 85 and $1 moving sale price 50 VILLAGE COUNCIL. Notice to Creditors !\Head Otiee, - Waterloo, Ont, The Municipal Council of Milverton bi EsrasBiisHep 1889, met as a Court of Ri . rT ,| INTHE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHRISTIAN BUEHLER, LATE 0: eanerey 1899 on the best the Eaeinion It Gai F ik TOWNSHIP OF ELLICH, IN t had. ined i nthe Yea cents per doz. neccessary THE County oe PERTH, GENTLE- HS Aon pon er s administered by the clerk MAN, DECEASE HARIRI IIA IA IIIA IA IR IR IAA IAAI ATA Bole A se apie che Toler Gee aes at See EE EE PEE IE ER SE ie IE EE SH after which Reeve Appel. was elect OTTOW lahetetiy etre purstient 3 cans Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, i ti = to the Revised Statutes of On- = t : tario, 1897, chap. 120, thatall creditors | Tue interest receipts have more than paid this week only, for 25c. i rs pat > i and others having-elaims against the} aji seattle (y's the ¢ beginving. 1 Pius apptied to to be a assessed a tenant estate of the said Christian Buehler, Separate branches for -Absiainers and | © aley’s survey, allowed ;| who died on or about the 12th day o} ! Ee RGeuien cieaiced to be Glasae on |May. 100, are Yeanined on, of bofaes (ee % 10 CENT BOX OF BORAX FOR 5 CTS «€ i is ecouien ctatbe euiaee Cink 1900, i i. roll as tenant of part lot 22 6 BL THE FIRST DAY OF JULY, 1900, |¢5 646,836. Rie + | He « t 18) Koiteher Bari se tena ot lot} to send by post Dropaid or deliver, to| Jas. Inxs, ex-M.P., Cun. Rosry, Eso. | 2 y i ie. Weir, or to John Rothaermel of "“Draident. VieePresiseot| se 1WO Boxes Kiddy’s Telegraph Matehes for 25 Cents : m eeoenen of Villian | the village of Mi Ware eres oh pe q bd ' nea struck off roll having removed | the estate of the said deceased, their| THE, Hnitann, | J. . Mantix, | ay € ‘ unicipallty. Join Boeek- | bristian and surnames, addresies and| . Mavsing Director, Sov of Agencies | by eed ete sch, Porieind Beane ee | Sonn “| descriptions. the full particulars — as tenant of lot 25, Will | 4st elaiuns, the Matement of thetr # 2 ee 3 i % accounts, and the nature of the se- ae ‘and Livingston ap-| Sacitios if any, held by them. ae Or 25 xe tg coos ee error’ | a het, take notice, that after ea Me is such last mentio: eaid the executors wil prowned to” distribute # A lot of Tin Cereal Cans, 3€ | he assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regan 2% pieces, just the thing for * only to the ¢laims of which they on 3 * neh have notiee, and. that the x steaming Rice, etc. *€ executors will not’ be liable for the a whe ior Zuniierman see id.assets or any part thereof to. an (2 always selling at oa struck off the Wes for this year and |hotiee shall not have been received by { i Aone ae tntute the assessor be /in-|them at the time of distribution ze 50c moving sale %€ Matructed to assess ail parties Liable for Ditedat Milvarton.t ey ae np Ting ws er Hh esas at. |g ge Wb, Wa price 10c. * oe jorla sud and W William Burton ‘i JouN ROTHAERMEL, a ~ appeale aes he engineers assess- Executors. 2 HF % ment on their Iandsclaimingthat they| | MePherson & David bs 4 _ er hot benctied ty the ewer ara | ronticotecator om shores WP. H. BASLE UORFF | 3 5 LOUND OF OUR 25 CENT TEA FOR ONE DOLLAR He t We. a ° Age aaa yas ‘The Onty Jeweller i ry 2 Ne Ww, eet from $4.00 to $2.00 on An Old Saw that is Senseiess. in Tow: 4 ae Has Just received a Iarge stock of | 4 BOXES CORN STARCH FOR 256 eo samnent of Peter pasak lowe In olden times when a person died it ad Cs . faleed f frow F110 to $i-b0, Henry | was customary to toll the church: bell | Jawelory, the latest. Styles also a 3 « ‘ Be on thee jnige) spuck. of? ‘Stiverware {{ae 9 boxes ot BLUEBERRIES. for 26c: Fewlence as per motics of council at | Fo “ ator Gay which he will sell very low for the zs iv < s z i Next Thirty Days. ro 2 Bottles “John Bull” Piekles for 26¢. : If you want a fine watch, either | oie GROS P et Gold or Silver enll on Bastendorif f| a CH ee axa Fs & PFEFFER* | “@ wan,” Butter 12c, Eggs ric. i is evo. of both sense and g Next Door to Postorricr. * ‘ oa Ladf.' tome Journal. i FARAH HATTA IAAI AT IAIICE {