“It Shines Far AIL? Vol 1X—No 21 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1900 MALCOLM Ma Editor and parts The Milverton Sun is ue mene Local i aralapers in ie County Iv ae: wu est AL i cat sy stot i sree a ‘. Ae Y pase ds 2 00 1 00 ‘Transient Advertisements are charged at the rate of 8c. per line, nonpariel, for the first insertion, and oper line for each sue ssessive insert Banking, R. RANNEY & CO.,Bankers transacted. 1 points in Canada and the United States, - Money to loan on notes and Notes discounted and notes and Deposits neon fey seurre! rest allowed current rates ANNE &.CO., Milverton. “Medicat W, DGBERT, M. 1 B,2 om , ian of Ont ce Ho post graduate. student of Toutes hogpital, Lenton, Eng gland. in_ rear Post lice, Milvert on, Ot “Telephone connection with Poole, Brunner, Lutheran Churoh and Rostock. Lega M. PANTONs Barristor, Solicitor, Ete. day, Wm. Burton’s N, erie Lice! nase of Roy R. R. J. ROBL of Str: rd, Honor for ‘Graduate of Trinity eo cord br Toronto, will visit ul red ot ony nd lov n Tess patrctin denesths € work aspecialty Ail Gite Fag i tT calls promptly atten pe eiieraees tight, Se by Nelephons wy Hist ie Discuses Dentistry and ” BARR. ee es SUR reterinary College, Toronto.) wi nb arate animals, ewvieo. promptly in connections First class ane and rigs at all mes. Baggage tranfer Commercial driving a special & ‘Societies Cc F 19, Mil secont and lust Tuesda Sorclock, in their hall over ing tions for the Coun- Va ncer, sei sen tgazes drawn and ade. Bailiff fh Division Court. Ming ‘hen Offi i's Shoe treet, Mil erton BUS LINE, Milverton. trains, All citizens and 3 calls promptly aiteided to. Wi Dorlant 3 ple St., Bs BL, Branner. Ont, re liquors and cigars at the at-Stnee accommoda- tion and large tetining, TRAL HOTEL, Milverton, Juss, accommodation ‘travelers gor) others, rooms, Good. stabling. Tiquors and cigars. anil Mill streets. fe, Propeietan VS HOTEL, Milverton. Ont, The accommodation Miscellaneous JOHN GROPP, deater in Cedar Posts, umber, Lathe," Shingles, Pumps, ete G. T. R. Time Table Trains Oke to leave Milverton. ‘ORTH, Mixed. ity. | tribute groceries to No paper next week. Holiday | Week. r, G. F, Maitland had a busy day last Friday taking photographs, Cat priees in all lines at Dierlamm’s summer sa Mr. Geo. Goodhand has sold the first of the June make of cheese for ten and an eighth cents. Straw hey au faded Prices at Dierlam The aie Evangelical church, services in English evening. a H. alsasataak of the will hold the next Sunday Driving horses for sale, apply to T P. Roe, Deering agent, Milyerton. Mr. David Seiler, of the 14th con., ct for the ick house with all the latest i tiene ents. dels Sirah anighaincd sha purila} of ler room and the other members of Ne five slo e Hae qin ule aaibe enjoyed ire Insurance Agent wanted to represent a strong Enish Company 1n the village of Milvertor ba! elling and three yearly baat pecialty. Apply to. H. Hall, 98 “Adwical Road, Toronto, Ont, The Mornington Agricultural ort a section of the county the other day in connection with that institution we were pleased to hear it well spoken of by everyone. It has really come to be the best agricultural show in the county. All summer goods at cut prices at Dierlamm We can bee endorse ue pin ing frem an exc in a newspaper costs Something sfar ne wadindual ld be paid for. If the grocer was uate to con- one abundantly able to pay for them, he would refuse. The proprietor of the newspaper must hang a pay for the free advertising if the be eficiary does not, and it is one of ae hardest things to be learned by many that a newspaper has space in its he ums torent, Togive away for a certainly as fatal-as for a landlord to furnish rent free ¥ lo The siege party held on Mr. Good. hand’s riday evening under | » -| the ite of the Ladies’ Aid of the extra refreshients might be had at paeie Mike furnished by the Wel. lesley orchestra who aly gris themselv Th varied and pleased the gathering in menseiy. total proceeds of tl vening amounted to over $66. Men shirts worth $1.00 for 85 cents at Dierlamm’s, “|e A number of men working in, Ruth. erford’s gravel pit at Millbank on Thursday last, narrowly escaped death or serious injury by a cave-in. had undermined a portion of a hea bank and the rvins of the night pte ‘ore rendered the soil mobile with the result that when it was disturbed the hext day it came down in a iass oa everything before it. ‘The first of and pebbles. oes int wade a break for the oj ey ae rescbed in the Rie ve time. wheels by the ponderous weight. cotton special for summer ein Slate ous yard at Dier- the booths where the | amiable ladies of | 5, th men of stones | Lo! Don’t miss Dierlamm’s summer sale. Saturday will be pay day at the Milverton cheese factory. We quote the lowest: Eee on Port land cement, Finkbeiner Bros, «Mr. David Seiler, Hing last werk Placed beam piano in his Just received—carload of Portland cement. Ask for prices. Finkbeiner Bros. A” Harriston the Millbank man charg- ed with counterfeiting has been given two years and a half in Kingston penitentiary. Owing to the dryness‘of the weather ‘trawberries will be at their best next week, call and get your supply, Red Flag "Store, C.8. Kertcher’s. J. Aikens, of Tavistock, had his hand badly laceraved in Kalbftesh’s factory at Tavistock fast-week. » Chas. Mohr of the same place also had_ his hand mangled. Portland cement is the best and cheapest at Finkbeiner Bros. Strawherries! Strawberries! Stcaw- berries! at C. 8. Kerteher’s Red Fla store, price, 12, 14, 16 and 18 boxes ‘or 81, cal! early as they will be done in a few days. The Farmers’ Institute excursion to the Guelph experimental farm on Sat- Meee Jane 23rd, will, in all probabil ity, be the'last run there by the insti- tute for some time and should be taken advantage of by everyone inter. ested in agriculture, horticulture, stock raising or dairying, whether ae have been there before or not. will be served free at the farm. Don’t fail to leave your order for strawberries at Kertcher’s this week. * On Friday morning of ‘oe week the four year-old sono} Gustave Krajaefski, while Peet ‘about. the missed his footing and fell, his stitched by Dr. Egbert and is getting along well. The people of Milverton will this week have the opportanity aS meeting Prof. D. enz Ws Na A the eminent i will fot a comparatively small fee delineate every trait in your character ; tell your faut how to correct. them ; point. out Spa talents and suggest bow to im- prove them. ‘The rofessor comes well having, in testimonals and recomninendations from rm dia ny" | mei thing Jess than living rates would be|; aK ities of your children and the “aie or profession they are adapted for con- sult Professor Mackenzie~ AX Mr. Joseph Coulter occupied the pulpit of Burns chureh last Sabbath has been quarantined through the pre- un Qu successful afforv in the resentation o} | the Gospel The Mitverron Sux is Aienbieng to its readers a magnifivent portrait of Lord Roberts, and as fine a piece of work as the lithographer’s art can pro- tis printed on extra heavy conted calendered oe and pictured in the scarlet and gold uni- form of a field-marshall of the Imperial army, wearing on bis breast the medals 00 bast Lesaes! Tong been abe idol SERENA army, he has lately pha to Jetters South Africa, b the Sun gives it fora coupon and 10 cents, Address, The Sux, Milverton. 0 3 Rain would be welcomed. cts. a yard at Dierlamm’s, Elma Gardin party on Friday even- ing. we illinery ! sailors worth $2.00, 1.75, $1.50, $1.00 at 75 ets, at Dier- # mm’s, There will be a meeting of the Directors and _Tnsteuctors of the tern Duirymen’s Avacation, at ihe Wlestrausan Scuool an July 6th, Sat Rouk Gal by gorlie austere Millbank, the real estate and house- hold effects of the Inte Peter Livergood. Sale commences at one o'clock. E. H, Dierlamm’s sammer sale, Money Loavep. — When mortgage is due, or if you your want ed. You with us et Le strictly private, Sia Torra Ne , As ia well known, it is usual among a year, and we have d to take ours next week, not having had one in four y Business in the job work line will Ke attended to as usual at the office. We sincerely hope that our ubseribers will nob caterjally wiss the Son during the week it ceases to shine. 4A quiet wedding took place at home of Mr, a Mrs. L itchell, when Mary Reibl, sec ond daughter at the late Mr, Jacob Reibl o riage ust ee a well- ee farmer of Milverton. was performed: by, Weinbach. ces ta looked ite ing as she entered in the presence of the aan guests white leaning on be arm of her brother: i Louis Kries, who gave her away. PERSONAL. holed Wal Me ‘Thos, Ae of Saginaw, is home ona visit Mir. H. Curtis, of Toronto, is. spend- in the absence of Mr. Anderson, who| to re. | day o ce a few days at his home, Mr. Henry Sehiel spent Sunday in Waterloo. Lorne Fear, of Atwood, spent Sun- day with Edgie Torrance. rand Mrs. Batsler, of Dashwood, asap Sunday alg estou Besaaa Miss visiting her cousin, Clara MeLean, of Lucknow, is Mrs. A. Schaefer, Mr. Alexander Munro, of Wroxeter, spout Sunday with friends in Milver Rev. W. V. McMillen left on Tues- ¥ ae ie ane the synud meeting at ga A. Haas and Geo. Miesner, af Berlin, spent Sunday with friends in Milverton. Mrs. Ballard, of Listowel, spent a ortwo with her daughver, Miss Ballard, last week. Mrs, Robert Coulter, of Portage Lu Prairie are fvendiocis thet re with friends in Milverto Hamilton, of McGill Calle, A geg is spending a few days with his aunt Mrs, McFarlane, of Donegal. BORN Af RannEY—. re Milverton, ie Thuraday |" f June 14th, bat sags ney, ofa ion PoLiock—At ee on Monday, June 18th, ‘ths wite of William Pol- lock, of a so: ssf ing i ornington, on urday, pane es he wife of Jas, Hawilton, Zunr—At pained on June 10th, rn the wife of John Zehr of a dau; ght er. ;| RITTER—At Elma, on June 6th, the wife of Charles Ritter, ofa aight: Denstapt—In Ellice, on the 19th inst., the ue of Win. Denstadt, of a daughte: Covnrer—In mor ington, on the 19th pete the wife of 2 iter, tichard Coult * Cai Print! ali this year’s prints going at Luncheon will be served free at the ay W. D. Wier will on Monday, |" Ladies’ blouses at a big reduction at seal to} will also hold a musical country weeklies to take a holiday once | ® The Hemi pte. teak | and sang speakers, Sunday, and Monday as souy, ad, A soloist, aise of the service of i it will ‘have song, alti ee a, sae the camp, assisted J, larke, of Oakville; rade} Never interesting. further particulars see bills an grames, or write the secretary, A. Malcolmson, Moorefield, Milverton Ties Listowel. ‘The most exciting and keenly con tested game of football that has poet layed 01 e Mr, ah ay hee Sunday at his|7) é Mise Buta Roe left for Manitoba on| Tuesaay. ae ised: e visitors, who haye been Sralipiog: everything’ they came contact with, Following is the standing of the play Listowsn, ‘son sien } Dowell) Mor’ . Anh goal Aner al 8 Tyeltrel H backs S. Smith {S, Smith RW Smith centre Dr. Lederman Cook). . Lo’ McCrae 5 US. Grosch eferee—A. Little, Score—Listowel 1, Milverton 1, CORNERS. Sam Smith is not a very heavy boty, epee but he knows how to hold nen cop _paderstands “getting down ” to the Marlboro’s ra as much chance going up against Ab. Barth as fireflies aguinst « Chinese wall’ Doe, Lederman, your a peach in full loom. Pearson, the tasayel goal-keepet seems to be everywhe Jim Moorehead stil plays a stiff game. Doe. Cuulter and J. 0. Gr duty in the absence of fog horas pie Loth couldn't be kep: off the did "Daddy Grosch was as enthusi as though it were a game of basc aL The school master was busy vith Wilson. Tiny bunted the ball ont pretty When the ball came near Wei meant work for the forwards, Though Billy Smith wore « cabs us souvenirs of the last ga: was still swift enough tw svore » ell. Lit few sins. Charlie Trim may bea Kuile ¢ ured but be is still in the rin. ie When Tedder kicked he siway. a good space between himorli as bat. All Listowel eoulda’e Simon when he got the bail. put the ovartake » The Chief did well at dhe gates Lhe