f SS aera The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1900. This war with China is a Wong , Ting. te The Great Powers have.said to each other Taku Forts. ate There is likely soon to be a smash- ing of China John Bull is in the shop. ate China is said to be a decaying nation and the Jackal powers are after the carrion. * *% If we cannot comprehend the whole Chinese situation we can at least have a Pekin. *% Hon. Hugh John Macdonald’s pro- hibition measure-may pass the legisla- ture and receive the sanction of the Lieutenant Governor but. the high- est opinion declares that it will never become operative owing to privileges held by the Hudson Bay Company, in their charter from the Imperial government which permits them the night of tratficing in spirituous liquors. THE PARTITIONMENT OF CHINA. Lord Charles Beresford, who was in 98 sent to China by the Associated Chambers of Commerce of Britain, to inquire into the state of British trade and commerce, its future developement and what security existed throughout | “ the Chinese Empire for such trade and commerce, returned last year and pub- lished his report, which is an elaborate tralise on the international, racial and political complications of that country. Though he depreciates the “Spheres of Influence” policy and upholds the Open Door.” He is opposed to the Partitionment of China. His vigorous Protest which we here give may be in- teresting at the present time in view ofthe circumstances which he antici- pated but hoped might be avoided : Investigations on the spot haye eonvinced me that the maintenance of las the interests of the Anglo-Saxon race, and I ‘hope that when the British and American alt ate acquainted with the facts whole, they will be similiarly oan ine. ed...... Hitherto our policy hus, been tp befriend weaker nations. b can e said that this policy has lately been followed inthe Far East. We have seine’ ‘rantags of the impo tence and e nin aad paonle.6e Chitetb advance ou! ae eset ay, and consequently China -| vaded their country, they ean straightforward~ recognition of the principles of freedom, fair’ deal: ing and cual of opportunity which have made'o prio! carrying these “Beiaaiplen out, will-not | 1 only. pri the, integrity. of the | 1s © Chinese 2 Eowive, but will conduce more largely to ourinterests thap. the pre- sent plan of taking what does ny m WPAN icaitatll antlthe whole ‘civiliend world ier be compelled: to share in the conftic yarts —, ieago po aneil 1. Chi ri ‘Mong the horrors of war just notice wl suand Weng Tung He, Ha ‘Pei, Pien-Tsin and Becht Yang-tse and Biff-bang- Wanted a (Kn)oxftorse, leville Intelligencer. Th ‘lowing “ad” is ol lipped trom 7 cae — A horse ; pained, A ee Warning. . nm News. It’s barely ostble that those bones p| have taken or destroy smon and never woke up. the occurence Leakey 4 a ae iy sciousness of that fact ‘compels him to ww by year, aides day re day e saw the city rous grow, children, large and small tnd. patiently she taught them all he season's awittly flew, Pieper taesy aught their Silies oo Through weary months of busy days, raise ! get to e schoolma’am hoped he did all that a Misia could ; ong, smiling promises of aid, hile out ot all the tangled maze, get to The schoolma’am hoped t, it seemed the way was clear ; Nek tos uarea ties speared. Bat still the board could nov deci experience? So, still they pete nd delayed, they weed ‘ont a girl or two Who didn’t have enough to ‘These, surely, were the aleve days | get to The schoolma’am hoped ‘The long, sree asses seu Hor Combate i vive elie hoe gone. higher, know hersoul must still w f get When every schoolma’am. Some goad ancedotes about Sir Wil- Yain Van Ho Rea form of ‘enetieal joke, which he used to play on the Mont cigar Nine times in ten the third ‘putt at the vile weed wow rive the news- gatherer on of the office, and Sir Wil- liam would get out of being inter- viewed with ut having to refuse to talk. Th Ta ATA ca ath a Hier only alittle ile, tay The porters com) Nae notes, and, a aw satisfied that the abivag Wakcate had een guying them, each promise never to nture into the presence again without a freshly-lighted cigar in his mou organ of Boxers, There are ved sides to the si e ‘Boxers’ in Chin y the despatches that note ‘re railroad riots in the Shan jneee thatthe Belgian and railway engineers ha ve been assaulted and ar si that wor! tain portions of construction. I lays alluded to this matter before, and, while no one can justify assassination or approve the cowardly methods which the ‘Boxers’ have adopted. to revenge poise upon the ‘foreign devils’ that have plead extraordinary pro termans and the Belgians ay oengte rutting railroads inthe Shan- tung Pro e have treated: the nat- ives in a inostabomina ble man n his operations w: er, ant compensation for the ee ty se lived in hope of t brighter pay, ‘jot ie ablest ait how: those funds should be applied. Brctey per bus! Butter ver Pont Side Shoulder per pound B Lard Short Stories Retold, Butter SMR. PH. BASTENDOREF "Philadelphia is comforting to ae that a058 ee: mito Tel lag w! hoisted above the conquered metropolis of Michigan. No More Cheating. Windsor Record. have to at- tent ‘strict! ly to. opines jae ‘tel committee of the House has de. that dnle dozen of her eggs must weigh @ pound and a hi COMMERCIAL. fa Mey ne 2 wl vheat per b wheat, per Aisa eaten per beg Hay per Bags pa doz Turkeys pound Ham per "pond Ai ‘And, lingering, lovg for Gabri days—| Fall. Wheat raiye !|Spring Wheat Barley A Apples, per bag . Pota stoes, por bag. Dressed Beef, per ewt FIRST PRIZE BREAD Competant judges at the Stratford We do not have to deisel upon the intelligence‘of a sanity show judge tor our reputation dict as the sk ab Stratford Pair did Corr V. WEITZEL, The Baker. | FIRST PRIZE BREAD. have been in business four years and never tccksecond prize for bread. WHY 2? Becaus¢.! make.the best: Ask the First Prize Saker To Cali at your house. 1G. GUENTHER!= Mr. Jehn Burton Having gone to New York for the benefit ot his health, his _ tailoring business will be conducted ~by In His Absence. our goods aad see if we are Decuie any fa ment. No advance on any line. For the next 30 days we are offering special bargains: injall lines of Summer Goods. Don't fail to call early and get a good choice before the stock gets picked over. ° 1st—When we say Special Bar- gains we mean it. 2nd—Wnen we advertise Special Bargains we mean it. et 3epd—When we advertise‘an ar- ticle at10e. we never twist. around and try to get 15e. for it. What we say we carry out. Now we say and advertise special bargains in Summer Goods, Almost every: merchant tells you. that sro have advanced in price, and charge you accordingly. We have advanced nothing. Please make us rices are as cheap as ever ere. have chang r regular in all summer wear—not higher on account of advance, ee Tonce on accouut of our special sale YOUR CHOICE OF ALL OUR PRINTS FOR 106 Our regular 25¢. Muslii id egula 7 Ls ? gular 250. Muslins and Oc Our regular 81.7 p Ladies $1. 10 louses fo Our regular 20. Masling and Our regular £1.50 Ladi pghama for | LOCO Mager stor teat! B1.OO: Our ee 150. Mstins andy Digs] Our regular 81 adios ingams 12 Blouses for 80ce Our ee abe Musing and {Oc Raden and Children’s Ms Lag 1m} i ertainly offered at a snay 5/66 Men’s Ready: to-Wear Suits, all sizes, half dozen different colors. A snap. m0 Men’s Straw and Felt Hats and Summer Caps at a reduced price. Space vill not permit me to Aa a great puede a articles, but we: extend to me a cordial invitaci t sk our prices, compare "D chit forget our previous state- 3 ia | Gounty Fair awarded us Ist Prin for D ad . Dread, H. HL 1eriamm oe o “ BUTTER and EGGS wanted. The vast number of people why eat 3! By our bread in preference to any other 4 9 are the best judges, and give the ver- ] i L $ o Are they dressed in the atest style of foot’ covering? Tf not call and soe our sty- lish footwear at popular priegs, of Ladies’ Oxford Call and. nyconpetonraee ld. G Grosch & Son Complete: stock. of Trunks & Valises. All kinds of Farm Produce taken, The Quality, Style and Range = OF our Spring Suitings and Pantings is up» to the: highest standard of excellence, while the workmanship, style and fit of our clothing is unequalled. Good clothing is. what every man. is looking for. He wants the best he can get for the money. This be- ing the case, it is. well’ for him to remember~ that poor quality is the dearest clothing he can buy. There is nothing inferior in our stock; and our prices are no higher than you will: have to pay for inferior goods at other places... Our stock comprises the following : Scotch and Canadian Tweed, English Worsted in plain & faney” English and Canadian trousering” Newest things: in Overcoatings. Hi. Knechtel Mexchant Taro, Milverton. The THURSDAY, JUNE 21, GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. Prospects for a large yield of apples this har are good rs. < “Giadsone died at Haveden on ‘Thursday last When the Boxers capiure'a Chinese eity they burn the officials av the stake, It is too bad that butchers kill cows which are just about to become immor- tal. ‘Lhe attendance of the Stratford Collegiate Institute is said to the-increase. Tt is said that Me 000 of General uller’s army wi immediately despatched to Chinn It is rumored that General Roberts conteurplates seizing the Delegoa Bay Bailroad at a strong stravagie point. Messrs. Ww Livingston and John Livingston of Listowel last week took a driving ae s country to Niag- ara. Mrs. (Major) Cook, of Stratford, entertained the 28th regiment at luach eek return frout London on General Manager Hays of the G. T. a deal whereby cad veh bo the dv of January, the Chicago, and GD, B. line. “T Peter Witzell, blacksmith at Gads- hill, was, on Sunday evening, thrown frony his rig aud badly injured about the head aud shoulders, He will pull round again, A New Hamburg hotel keeper and ‘one of the servants is supposed to have skipped off together. He leaves be- hind him his wife and a number of small children ieee oe ex-teller of oe Mer- aunt Tr with i Pecice eommitted and sentenced to seven eet at Kingston penitentiary, in W. Munro, liberal, was pe a in ONE th Ri enfrew on Tuesday By acclamation to fill the vacancy in|t by the] Sa the local legislative, cause death of Mr. A. T. White, conserva- tive Surely disappointmert must rankle|* f th deeply in the breast of the St ractord Herald’s young man me far as to start. a crusade ihe he amorous couples that Tsude ale yea at the dewy bour of e’en. That odious sect, the Latter ike b growing though one wonders how men can attach themselves to such a lep roi Feliat® It now transpires that Morr’ the murderer of the ee ae family | on Monday, Ju year old girl whom he spared death, The Atwood Bee man bas the novel nae of ine subscription list b: for a year as a reds There is nothing like starting a young |" couple out on the right path. Hon, Joseph Martin, no doubt shrinking from the.task of carrying on the government without a majority in a legislature where there are seven parties, resigned. tiecess James "Dunem pier, M. P. P. for South | 2 Nanimo, the coal baron. Detective Rogers, of Toronto, and ent | reference to The Re What the people are saying: that statute*Jabor is the latest order ; that e night§sare rather cool to hang around the garden gute ; that C. has got a smart driver and that G. says he is living in Monkton strawberries ; that the school holidays | are drawing’ neat; that picnics and strawberry ‘festi ivals are in ee . te we will soon be ated to in lonkton ; that See is to ‘have a ladies! baseball te: Monkton ie y "skipped from At- wood on Tuesd “ys over « hundred ened at a good pi M «. Falleston te Ziemann have got the lla ox bs their new tine ware stot ssrs W. and J. God uaaiiiala nuanced Wednesday to ae the Bigg wall, SSS, and J. Hill and 8, Bush- eel panne the cement wall for Mr. Robert Smith’s stable on Tuesday. Mr, Somth wil: now have a fine stable, e is also making peel improve- wents around his fac Ory. The was record at Monkton fac- tory was 20 o1 Mr, and Mix Alf Hageinn spent Sunday with friends in Listow Mr, and Mrs. Andy Campbell and little son, Harry, drove to Stratford and Downey and spent Sunday with Mrs. Campbell’s parents and friends. e< Last Thursday. afternoon as’ Mr, Valentine Schade was assisting at Mr. James Holman’s raising, he had the misfortune to get his left leg broken very bad fracture. He was removed to his brother's in the village and Dr. A. P. McKenzie reduced the fracture and now he is getting along as well as could be expected under the circum. stance. Much sympathy is felt for him and his family. Miss Mary Aduir is spending a few days in the village with friends. ‘yfield went to Stratford siness in connection . Jobnston Hey Scott have workinen repairing the roof of their brick kiln a recently fell in. Brick and tile beginning to move oy from the Monkton They ar demand this summer and peat tan are kept ald bus} lay, It was very largely ed as he was widely known and ‘highly esteemed and his removal is a heavy. afi community. i ‘Voss, of Brunner, soedl Sunday iit ieiende sa thes Me or Mrs. Jiohn Berlet and fam- die anaddy with Mr, and Mrs. ler, Mrs. Berlev’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. R MePherson, of Bluevale, after spending a few days with friends in Sicntford, returned to Monkton on Se They will re- turn bome on Tuesday. meres Council. The council met st at Donnelly’s Hall e 4th. according to ad- pe a es De minutes law was read a f ionally passed. phe revve lad before t nincil a letter from Win, Or on Ulind line the following 50 ets, tick, $5.00, Roe. $1. dpper, $ the necessars Madaration and opened ;_ | the Court of f Revision with Mr. earl Sees coalagen Lime the tramp nuis- vill be Perry, a young: Indy liv-| ing h, learns after 26 years that she jus a mother, grandfather, brother and sister in the oki country. She was always under the. impression uhat she was an orphan. Miss. Perry and her brother Charles, lived for sev- eral years in Norwich nd vioinity. A gentleman who knew Miss Perry, went to England’ this spring andbeseh elie yer who was looking for-an Emily Perry. He has fallen heir, he said, to some wi n investigation re- eye vealed the ne that Miss Emily es by the Norwich young lady, was the as looking for. Miss Parry i years, that she has a | ri mother, a ea ea a and a brother and sister og in ‘England, and e a thing of the Ss efofe Wilson, assessed as tenant for part of 18, con. 14: J. Coulter Pednged 3100.00; F;E F; a Hyer entered as E Hare cianged emt, con, Tio lot 10 Carthage; 8. Langley, e, M. F; W. Blant, ME; if Onto. ule in ised ot E. knows iv;| and above the ankle. It is aj ¢ Walluce on Saturday and | 12 Mil.| knows that The Liberal ‘Asoaciati ‘tion of North Perth held tkeir annual meeting in Grosch's Hall, a 7 The. election of officers resulted as follow Pre, J Dickson, Donegal. Sree ven- Badan attlver Ba M. Panton, Strat- ford. L Vick-PRESIDENTS. mice ee Armstrong, Warvbar; Milverton Geo Goodhand, Milver- Mornington —A. Urquhart, “New- Time Ged“ Lachesd, A gad Dinwwel oR G¥> Hash atwel Wallace—H. Hemsworth, Wallace. Stratford—Dr, Devlin, Stratford. bay) Mitchell. ction of a candidate, The concen- sus of opinion, however, seemed to be that it would be wise to call a conven- tion for the selection of a candidate ay ‘vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Hacking, the retiring president, for the services he had rendered the as Pe etion. Mr. MacPherson, of Stratford, ad- the meeting. on the necessity of organization, Resolutivns of condolence and sym- pathy were passed = and tendered the families of the late Mr. Dickson of Elme and Mr. Fisher of Amulree. ee aie The matter of s a candidate for the coming Telorat election was considered and it was decided: that a candidate be pus in the field at as cringe as possible ad ie this se a convention will be held at Silver ton on Thursday, June pret Resolutions were carried, expressing confidence in the Laucier and Ross for North D, ee send at the con- vention aud dulivered an address on the progress of the present govern- ment during their tenure of office. ‘The meeting closed with cheers for the liberal leaders and the Queen. SP eS INE ie Sy And Wouldn't Have Becn in It. Toronto Telegram ave gone to of Hessians gu: en, Hutton have had their way. ks to Ant (Philadelpia ae > “A wouan in politiey”” says the Manayunk Philos et “alwe minds me of a hen in a’ duck pond? A Dry Speli in Manitoba nipeg, June 19.—(Special)—A calvention “ot about. ‘two hotelkeepe indirectly i question waited on the Law Awend- ments erties to-day rohibition billrand if ie aiandinge compensa- r Macdonald heard their was authorized to issue | deal: sof measure, but as tirm, 4 i aad will stand el ersten ractulpenaceied tandreds of men who have been all the grain men n agree that outlook is very alarming... tthe ted rain did not fall yorterday in ip the Winlpes diste Fertility of China One of the wonders of the world is ake most thickly populau orld yet the fertility. of its soil is Ti dink Beane oe dow. visits the Victor Hugo, in doy re Sait odie ery year through ays, by par of cowparison Science, after long, experience, now ‘4 fertilizing and the most bal ae of manures is that e Chinese, we must say 16 N at the two ends of his- bawboo, buckets full of whav, we ea , ty to the, ‘ar- | U ara is te most powerful of ster- id plain oad be a sure success, _WANTE We have just purchased a fine bunch of " fat cattle and will supply the public with the :| best of meat at the lowest prices. Best roast for 7 to 8 cents . Boils Steak Sausage “. Farmers should not use salt pork when fresh beef can be had at such prices. Come and give usa call at the old stand. Miller & Kelterborn, e| MILVERTON. An Important Occasion _—»!N MILLINERY At this store all goods must +e sla in their season. In fact we insist on closing out many lines long before the season. is ended, which is very true of our MIL-LINERY. That's why we inauguratea clearing sale of our Untrimm- ed and Ready-to-Wear HATS, which we are going to let go at great reduction. Every Hat is. perfect and of the latest New York styles. Dress Goods" A cha clearing sale in dress goods. See our table of 25c. goods, usual price goc., 35¢., 40c. 45c., all one price no 25¢, Ready Mades<@=—— Tf you have not bought your Spring Suit. you will save money by calling on us, Ten per cent. off. all ready mades for two weeks... Ladies Underskirts____-camth Usual prices:were $1.40; $1.75 and $2.25, for the next two weeks, $1. 25, $1.45 and $1.85. Do not miss this. chance: Groceries 10 Ibs nice coffee for $1, 3 lbs village mixed bis-- cuits, (Lemon and Vanilla flavors) for 25c., 6 Ibs- of nice clean tea for $1, Currents and Raisens are the very nicest. Get oneof our 28lb boxes and fill it with butter, We still have some of these 34 inch prints at 1 ‘p yds for $1 W. K. LOTH A Traveling GENERAL AGENT An experienced canvasser, or a man with good character lana address, with the: necessary ability to travel from town to town and appcint’ agents. No canvassing. Salary and expenses paid. Position’ permanent and: promotion accord- ing to merit... The Bradley-Garretson Go. ,rinjtos BRANTFORD, ONT. Mention this paper. “ANEW DEPARTURE ‘A Radical Change in Marketing Methods ase Applied to Sewing ee iginal plan under w ae you can obtain oon anand e te ae Machine than pa Write for our age H-T catalogue and detailed particulars: ‘How we can Save you money ia the purchase of a high-grade Pe es f at Orth and he terms Tf ‘gat on, sue ees ‘hand, our