ho do not pNP their ranulncly wil please oouty Gey omen PPS Applyat this offlee for advertising rates: THE MILVERTON: SUN. ‘PHURSDAY, JUNE 21 1900 * | PROTECTION OF TRADE SECRETS. ld is greatly of translating hi YEARS OF AGONY. Resulting From Sciatica in an Aggravated Form. Many Nights the Sufferer Could Not ‘Lie in Bed, ank His Leg Was Fre- quently Swollen to Twice Its No- tural Size. From the Journal, St. Catharines, . John T. Benson, stationary en- gineer fe the Ridley College, St. Cath- arines, own by most of the resi dents of ‘the city. For years Mr. Ben- and notwithstanding numerous forms of treatment found little os ao relief until he began the use of Dr. Wil- i ‘These pills speedi- ly restored his health as they ha of gratitude to Dr. y ‘s,for they have released me from a m of torture that had afflicted me een continuously for twenty years. ‘The pain began first in my back, then en goin; to Buffalo for treatment by a special- ist there, but in no case did I ever re- ceive more than temporaray relief. may easily be imagined that the pain I endured told upon me in other way ease from the pain I endured. The muscles s looked as though they had twisted and tied in)’ kn ots, The trouble went on in this ‘way unti! finally nothing but opiates ‘ould dead mare in a simi! return of the trouble, so that I feel safe in saying that the cure has been permanent. “I may also add thatImy§wife has d renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving disense from the system. If \ ly Shattere: “Chumleigh ors ba Aen Naas Wek his he says love’s young dream was shattered the first time she took him Jap.” “That seems funny.” 204 Paisley,’ and in a short tine” very ritten that al! ean understand, and comprehend the mtests. Your correspondent was mitted to @ portion of the Gospel of St. h ts new orm, and is able to quote the Fea tudes as they will aoteat’ ae the Sco tish Bible, he fifth chapter of St. Matthew opens ‘thus: ‘‘And, seein’ the thrang 0" folk, He gaed up intil a mountain; and whan He was sutten-doon, His ciples gathe: oot, nD C' pen’t His mooth, and instructit, them; ned ‘ Hi yy the spirits that are Leh en canntes fay kingdom 0! Heev is Waitin’ for ‘appy er tine are sie sae maen, for they sal fin’ comfor: peace. f. Happy. Oh lowly an’ meek 0’ the yirth, for the yirth sal be their ain vhase hunger an’ r athoi lakes: ee they , for they sal win for their 30d. “Happy ie makkers‘up 0’ strife, for they sal be coontit for bairns 0” God. paanheyt the ill-treatit anes for the "gude, for they’se hae the God . ores les ie Ye, and ill-treat ye, and sa, iil ieee aia el weeneany tee My “T'd hat tist bills,’’ friend on a other day. leave and h Klondike. Two r upper teeth had been replaced by pieces of bur- nished metal, a oni teeth also had a 22-¢ be Mericombeltion stad constant at's another case of the old ad- retmarked the business mai ien “One of the dental novelties rai gold teeth poss: to any one a mall ‘cost and without even sacri. ages a healthy incisor to make room for the metal. For a excuse to smile you can present a re- gular gold mine to the astonished public. Actresses firs! ected the gold sen? ay then the ‘Nanlee man got aH hort an rire rmty ik gold pia v1 me out witl shells snd sold them like No on it. the dentist has a against the imitation sors tooth, and asa ler it is hard to beat. The 7) woman's teeth may be has real stuff. bat T elfeve 5 when he w nts “5 and get them platéd when they tarnished,” at Manure. from hogs ought always to be poutine and mixed with other excrement to ferment. Fhe excre- ment from pigs does not heat readi ly, and When drawn on the ed under ciently manure. Si ers make a hog rd back of their stables, allowing the hogs to root over the ed with it—American Cultivator. Mother—Dida't T tell ae tonch the preserves without my on—Yes, mot Beh why ‘didn't you come to me a ak m They Are Sacred Property in Gere be spread thinly before being plow-| tr f f lines sepmceet tine the different hou! given place. ‘To interest Canadian THE BRITISH in order of merit, baad photograph, will intending to send will reac! mation, fetsie send act aed the Care of Children in Health an Series a at, GOLD DOLLARS FREE BABIES The Handsomest Baby Gets The pred somesy Prize. ALL JUDGED ors PHOTOGRAPHS 0} lan mothers in a -paration pat the world “CHEMISTS COMPANY English Ipte Se ARE GOING TO GIVE, WITHOUT COST IN ANY } way, A TWENTY ee ae PL Canada. A TI merit, to eac! the next 10 ie Aepene babies. A ONE DOLLAR COLD PIECE of the next 40 prettiest babies, while also be hes FREE our id Disease, on receipt of ten wana CARE send us cents to cover cost of nti FULLY! every bait it once eae when the pl 14th. ot be cor % they wil dered. with age name o! ite child ey fall name and post office lest syle wil vaca re as mucl arded by & committee of seven. disintere consideration as the largest sted ladies, and distributed by Hone engravings in Bean wi Pegs correspondence, ‘ing when picture will be ‘ eplesee pepe tiearig he omc fe, Address, BRITISH CHEMISTS COMPANY, bept. 108 Victoria Street, TORONTO, CANADA. nds Upon t elig: Ned =e, I don’t see ¢ Belle as Th L used ti Nell—You don’t say! Why, I heard you were enga as i—That's rst it. It’s always dark e parlor ve ae call now.—Catholic Sander and Tim re never was, and never will be, a universal andcen ie ‘one remedy, for all ills to which fles! r and diderently. seated ie the eM Ear a the reli tanad dicarateat ik Sight By its gradual nad judicious use, state, a remedy for many bs are led int 0 and strength, by the influence which Qu: nine exerts on Nati disposes to sound and refreshing sleep out the vei srengtiehtng the healthy animal Formats _cystem thereby making activity ecessary result, strengthening the frame, ‘and giving life to the digestive orgur: demand increased Substances ue Northiro} Ly en to the publie their e Wine atthe usual rate, ts, in of any Inthe market. Alldrag oa Clock Is a Wonder. OVERALLS / AND AND THOUGHT. The Argument Was Good, bie the Pie Was Not Fortheomin, is was parenig of every bite. It was evidently very good pie. Finally the an spoke. was ” he beg: “That never makes ‘any ce places on your eS we laughed the man in overalls sod naturedly, but the mp paid no heed to the interruption. SHAM enaeiog? Me eat op, varhas a eondettals country. dhs ts) oF peaek o¥es, and it'll be heap sight wonder- fuller when we get through expanding it,” suggested the workingma: 000,- eas nee ee ee fig- ure only as yet in our ieee, cane youngest ‘nation of any Peak on the glo ob ait was the strongest thing gman auld say, but he said it “Yes,” continued the tramp, “and thin Joseph Jenson, a clockmaker, of Ricutola, Utah, has just sania jeted an interesting clock, which, besides striking the hours, halves and quar- the 0 a oe represent- ing 12 o’clock noon, and as the globe revolves this line is always di ere are other * urs, and in this way it is a very simple matter to get the exact time at any fg ooughs; colds, beowenitie: and. all at Sesanied I wanted some.”—Life. Tections of the throat. Tange and chest “Not at all. He was face downward at ie time.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Pair Unnecessary. Tommy—I see w now why you wear only one eyegias His Big Sister's Beau—Why? 1 Tommy—Brother © Jack ter doesn’t care anything about you, Hinard’s Liniment Cures Distemper, Cheek on Tardy Employes. ; A London inyentor has perfected an loye on his arrival and departure. Miller's hos Powders for sallow skin, old or you : patter be: for Ain a that for those $75, there coul Gani eige! to our people 1,500,000,000,- aven’t, so help me Dick Robinson!” ok, e like it every da; tad be wee ack to worl leaving the tramp on the end of the stic ters, he didn’t know that I ee phd fractions. Mental ind physical vigor follow. the use of Miller's Compound Iron Pill movate Straw Hats. Se sparingly a with borax and white soap. Sponge off as much of the soap as pean Tells ait A Clear, Healthy uptions of the skin and the bloee hee which’ blomish beauty are the of impure blood caused by a shea ‘action of the Liver and Kidne; correcting this un- Realthy action and restoring the organs eir normal condition, Parmelee’s Veguiable Pills will at the same time cleanse the blood, and the blotches and eruptions will disappear without leaving any trace. y's Bare. A well known specialist on ear dis- eases has made the announcement that res tice of boxing the ears of children. Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, Ete, An electric railway is now running between the north and south extremi- ties of Berlin. Health for the children—Miller’s Worm Powders. Narrow strips of ticking tied to piece of broomhandle is the best whip to beat upholstered furniture. of | timber still Sta Not Just Aeron She, Meant, ”* he said, “to do as eee aa that will make men ’Ah,” she exclaimed, with great en- thusiasm, “that si be why you keep so secluded.” age Times-Herald. When, through debili- organs, poison finds its way into the tiods the prime consider- ation is to get t eS rapidly and as thoi sible, Delay "disaster. -Parmeleets Vege- table Bie will be found a most valuable anc e medicine to assail the in- trader with, ‘They never fail. ‘They go atonce to the seat of the trouble and vork a permanent cur w ta Clean Glass Globes. When ee globes belonging to chan- deliers haye become very dirty with Then add a few drops of ammonia, and wash the globes well with a soaped flannel, rinse in clean water and dry with a soft linen cloth. Min er's Worm Powders for restlessness ani peevishness. Here Is a Peculiar Case. A young French peasant, seeing his within eight days. After a time the hair began to grow again, but it was white. Coiled and other fence wire at re- duced prices. ae PS The Gem Fence Machine for only $5.00. Agents wanted. Write McGregor, Banweill & Co.,Windsor,Ont. Hotel Balmoral Xo°8'stts up we. grec: POR OVER FIFTY YEARS INSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been cu ating, pai, caren ind Said fy He ces gious theron ail, drusgists thre ‘and ask for‘ Mrs. Wins o¥ Bn ‘Syn rap.” wiorent FREE. Permanent. ed. DR. S OREAT IT Sis FoltTiascee Peanegas No TN. DB: 276 Religions Pictures. S| Chnreh 6: ments, Educational 1 CATHOLIC PRAYER Bodice, Scapular ee, i dd orde « yecaie prompt attention, D.& J. sudlie: er. FURS. FURS. Importer and exporter of % eo Raw urs and Skins, Con- Hinari’s Linknent Cures Diththeria LEGATIONS BURNED. |: The German Minister to Pekin Said ‘o Have Been Killed. THE REPORT UNCONFIRMED, Chinese Treops Join the Boxe the Finest Buildings in Tien Been Burned Wedues- day an Anxious Night for Foreigners iu that city. Seme of Teint ondon, June 18.—A special snatch on Saturday from E Pe Mich., June 18, mar- control Tien Tsin, and the native city officials. have been ke. A great panic prevails anione NEWS FROM PEKIN TO FRIDAY. Sextous Anti-Fereign Outbreak Thoradas Night—An Anxious Tim: London, June 18.—The Pekin cor- respondent of The Times, in a de- spateh doeted June 14, \vis Tien Tsin, oe 15, says: rious anti-foreign outbreak aoe place last night, when some of servants employed by foreigners were massacred within two miles of the Imperjal palace. “It was an anxious night for for- eigners, who were collected under the protection of the foreign guards. "The Boxers burned the Roman Cath- eign ese of the maritime cus- exe oy sdoos} oujEt,, the beta imvbrae fall to arrive Vo day further riots are expecte: is believed that no person was in- A Dutch Warship With Troops. ernment [of the Dutch ast Indies, Herr W Roosehioom, to’ desp patch Sets with troops to Oe * onsing Bela. — A Cabinet Said on Sacra ne oe | presidency of Lord Salis wai ned almost wholly with the sit- uation in Chin } 10,000 Chinese Troops Joined the Boxers. | pe advancing tha , Save Dita aah anil teased i6-— now brewing near West fiver, Riots on thelr way to mest the re els. Tertibie Salle“for z ong. Kong, June 16.—The Brit- ish first-class cruiser ‘Terrible, with troops, sailed for Tien Tsin this ig two Cruisers Sail From Manila. Manila, Jun je gunboa atkeoide lth marine wooard, = has | sailed ner sealed, ofders, si osed- ly for Chi British cruiser Bice Vectors sailed fie Hong Kong, with troops losis ores; for es and Tien Tsin. eit Ordered From Manila. une 18.—(10 a.m.)—Th 9th eiient has been ordered to ‘Manila, whence it will proceed to China. wfal Slaughter of Christaina. Moscow, . — According to @ despatch from Port. Arthur, the Boxers ere ere a8 Ae the present 1,764 pe i New York, ‘yi ne 18. Fe Anglo- American ‘Te! h Company hi issued the fallow ing not We are again ady by the. | Great Northern ip accept messa- ges for tl without re- striction.” Bapau ts Taki ge ete June 18.—The follow- ing m. Was received to-day at the Sate Legation here from as ate to Tien Tsin, in order China. lowing statement from John B. Long of the U: Navy “The navy will co-o) the State Department in tion of Am You understand that t adjunct of the State 3 eee orders. crit ing local frictions, they amicably.’ PEKIN IN APA interrupted. ra of hither by refugees, says Pouring, {nto Shangha! 000 Russians, with 12 ‘Tien Tsin to ‘The Shangha: ee admiral and that the foreign for ed the Taku been caused by under sealed orders ae under orde diate star to prepare No News From Coon open June eae, ee F is “No additio Coomassie, ine delaying the Mayauratore which is likely Romb Outrage in Ba the night of June 1 Dukes fs ne 18. — onvirg to the att ‘itodel, pices mee moment. the ee MEN Fae get Hears situa’ is the hands o} fhe arenes Mi suitieoniees aries the other represent- atives of the principal powers. 1 Protect U.-. Interests. New York, June 18.—The Tribune yesterday. ebroing Printed the fol- retary, nerican intersets in China. e navy operate with the prevent disaster, but barring trifl- Kingston, Jamaica, June boml,, supposed to have hee: with guncotton, was thi in the principal street of Bridzetown, Barb: ‘The gs in the immediate neighbor- of er is acting in nited one perate with the protee- Department. The navy are working NIC. as communication with Pekin Was Pantie, Pek’ 7 Information from Pekin, rought that the ee men and children pny Tien 'Tsin are news to hase is that 7,- machine guns and 12 field guns are marching from ekin. i corr trespondent of The Daily ee, in a despatch dated “A Chinese report Seymour is fighting with the Chinese ri ok a ces have In the Taltst tg ‘th ese rumors an ex- traordianry prio Cet excitement has sudden despatch, M.S. Un- unted, Without awaiting her full supply of stores. The Rosario is also for an.imme- —Th ally press has received the folowing cs ie ue relief cor the Gambia River, by Mandingoes. rbadors. ome during does a number of injure ne out. A panic perpetrator of the out- rage was not discovered Reernit Cut His Threat. Last evening a R.C:A., e 5 ae yeors ol Lhd wn. ae T., cut his throat with leath is TA here from the front. here is a gen- eral rush natives towards the coast from Obuassa and the orth of the Prah Biv River.”” Native Rising Jn Gambia. | Bathurst, pple Colony, West frica, Jw occurred in ihe British bers Sannkann: THE MARKETS. ‘The Rise in Wheat at Chicage Acted Var- erably o@ Liverpool on Saturda: - Quetations, Live-pool, June 18.—Wheat ures on Saturday responded to. ri. Ghicago ‘market, end- advanced cental. bag to 144 pe Ljverpool, S) e 18,—Saturday's lose—Spot wheat firm; No. d- ri 8 9a to 6s; Northern spring, 6s; fut- LAWRENCE MARKET 8 to 6s * fife: 68% gas os au 40% 50 59 38 00 to $12 00 ROO 3.5 0 900 ow 5 15 to $0 39 12% 01 =) 50. sane choice to extra, $5 to good to choice, $4.75 to $5. Che ble MAREE Shelburne, Ont., June 18—Satur- day four factories boarded 600 boxes colored; 400 sold at 10; balance he eld. Ogdensburg, N.Y, June 18-—hir- ee aan boxes—offeret Sat- no sales, tha on Sie an ah at 10%. Belleville, Ont., June cereal 50 boxes were sold at 10%; bal- ance unsold. THE B.C. CABINET. the fol ing is the probable composition of y the ‘Dunsmuir Ministry: smuir, ‘President of Council. Mr. Wells, Provincial Secretary. Mr. ere (Lillooet), Minister of sien pace eah cag of Pub- he Np and Lanc¢ those seotnintod Holben the i means anothei tion, but Liberal Eemes rs here think that Martin has yet to be preci with. Here it is considered that Duns- muir’s elevation relieves the situa- ation so far as Lieut-Gov. McInnes is concerned. Cassiar Goes AntieMartin. oria, June 1! elected two str Capt, John Teving ce Teehad they see how the cat jumps to-night. OTTAWA'S FIRE RELIEF. d Will Likely Exceed the $900,- 000 Mark. Ottawa, June 18.—The fire relief fund is steadily growing and is like- iy to exc ,000 mark, ‘The Bank of a acknowledges receipts at af To this. must be added large grants yet to be re- ceived, including a balance of $90, 000 eee the City of Ottawa, ean ore ite Oe Government) and the Quebse a atioose Geant eeiien a ieee 000. lectation of their predecessors in of- THE “QUEEN’S PIPE.” A Queer Old OF Whieh Yields Twenty 2 ‘Thousand Dollars Fer Your to the British Goverement. se If it were a favorite pastime with Uric Acid in the Bear ki ide ing there. If the aitoeye ek &s they should they would strain the Uric id out the system and rheu first sensation would fism wouldn't occur. Rhe 3f 4 ers ling of regret at matism is a Kidney Dis- be two, oie Dodd's Kidney Pills have made a great part of ting, pains and stiff, ching joints. There is but one Dodd’s Kidney Pills The Bank of France has an ingeni- ous arrangement by which suspicious visitors can be photographed without their knowledge. Behind the desk cashier is a hidd to} of the suspected customer is instantly tak e camera is also et a | detecting frauds, an erasure check, which may not be ble, te clearly har in a photogr Bing in Love and Witchoratt, ‘The ring has figured out not only im domestic concerns—in affairs of love ‘a.|and witchcraft—but in chur state. The Greeks of ancient days ot ouaer thes pant her ‘‘pipe’’ would beahiovesy the. ring from a mere Lp eeonergy it bd of (0 tentimental distinction, and ever ier Majesty's ‘ac irers ma; of i Searcher hee ere may Dd of | since that time the ring has assamed » yet by the curious. see It, however, an 0 mote around it, few even her he aan pipa is a mysterious n Becca building in Billingsgate, on the She ealumas of d used a pare combinatto medial oils “in fh ure tobacco that unscrupu-| Tetmnatic pain, eradicates affections of vad tek @ | the throat ‘and lungs, and onree piles the kingdom without the formality of | wounds, sores, lameness, tumo! which was | and injuries of horses and cattle, Origin of Olive OL Nearly all of the “‘pure fa tari usas the pure product of the Moditerrancan olive. ce. at remedy for ea aye io me ‘There used to be some absurd old ere prea Iron Pills. 50 doses jormality that had to be gone | gente through with when the tob: YSN No feminine visitors are allowed to | eyes from his work, and in one min- ute one man’s work for @ fortnight have thelr jocal babitations, ’ einbng (4h lost to his Smploysen ‘al Botanical an Neither the luna | py blood is produced by Miller’s ich, red tics ae the bugs aie cigars — these | gompound Iron Pills. They po ses the are ape at oon auction aod aie great vitalizing principle upon w a ing best of the Send health and strength. Enea smo! king vem is served i Mines out to the inma aye! great ae pa British institutions eek ‘The Instructor in Musio—His life , practically ae holt of it, I shall have! SCEh bien tru lan His Friend—Well, you ie to id is brought by the lowest | baye ig wn you would get wo common sailors, who try to out, Soc th EO. sc his ass run’ the tobacco, either for their Macpirondt eg Lu ara tase se gift to | sah, yeu, I know! I know! But t is almost bp of Goes that justify his Kicking me sellor’s me- down the steps in rag time? its th x the tte cco A eg AS tly original and crafty, but the te Tint ‘ Custom rummavers as they wre cal Minand's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows ed en oe themselves even Oo astute, bringing the carefully eceitad Clearing Vessels of Rats. stores oe Dna wil much ease FR. a Constantineple that etty smugglers is sctentisy says ships, and wareho aad Ft yp fat discouraged. Of ie ae, The Preferentind ¥ —It is the ob- is Standpoint. “What are eg going to have for din- ner?’ asked the new arrival at a coun- otel con ell” 2 wered. the landlord, who oe had been helping his wife, “it didn’t look like we was goin to have much of anything at first, but from the present looks of things we’re goin to have aha drummers, three bicycle tees an book agent.”—Washington ean course, every one of the detected men i is “brought up” 9nd fined, and, while bonic eaid a8, ten years ago the yearly bag of seafaring men with unrighteous pro- suffocate clivitie used to be nearly 4,500, it New life for a quarter. Miller's Com Tron Pills. matter Hed ae ate she sails, it every ee must pay for hie ‘who is ab oa Aeros for own liquor. smuggled foe and a ‘ler's Worm Powders make the eulcren healthy. im Was on ‘the Crew. | x iy went to geri we never set on a ee better’ wooden eral waged 4) 6 Qual id r ‘Bectror, “but | ard areard. thet Rivers—That' pig Noaiiest cigar sav e him pretty = oe ever 6—Yes. ik am using it on that Phicaeee eisthe-seliagian, tie answer Hag bei you gave me. I thought back that it enabled them to git along gistance might possibly lend enchant * ye Hote it’s all right.”—Cleve- | oot to the flavor, but it doemn’s,