Subscribers who donot receive thetr paper Yeguiarly will please notify us at ones, Applyat this office for advertising rates, THE MILVERTON SUN. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1900, fi ad: fed, unhealthily crowded and refused Ti BR PAID. 71h i ¢ ago a wealthy gentleman’ ulttiaiaiies (he whois stinginess droye up hurriedly in his carriage to t of a celebrated ‘doctor Sheffield. He was in a state of acute discomfort end fear, as ing somewhere in the region of his throat, 4 The doctor speedi’y removed the ob- “I estacle and the gentleman breathed freety. nk you, doctor, he exclaimed, much relieved. I'll never eat salmon ation, was it not? How much—a—what is your fee? Half, a guinea, replied Dr. Half a guinea! exclaimed the gen- tleman. “for ‘half a minute's work! Impossible | But, consider, said the doctor; a bo: salmon bone! 4° What has that got to do with it? Oh, a great deal, replied Dr. B. Had it been’ halibut or fresh haddock, I a sat py soedfu bone I might even’ have ims ly sir, one has to pay for these lux- uries. And his patient paid. | |; ‘There nev: many and grevious ills, By its gradual and judicious ‘use, the hoi rst es they Pe? ‘a privates that it is a practice of the War Of Rese: if not reconstituted, qdneren mid Heyer will bey, a sal Dauaces, In one reniedy, or Tall ills to whieh flesh is beir--the very nature 1 credit to Lord Wolseley for the num- ers of mi d quantities of - ial which have been forthcoming for. South Africa, and a rd- ed a (partial) justification of the ex- isting system, which has surprised no ore than those wi best But, after all, we are indebted for i ‘relieves the Hae spirits of those ‘ith whom a chronic state of morbid des- pondenoy and lack of interest in life is a Gisease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, isposes ta sotind and refreshing. sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being stimulated, courses through: out the veins, strengthening the eet animal Ge a of the this wine’ ‘appr roaches heater “perfection "ot COULDN'T FIND THEM. untryman—and Brean calls the Mabe behavior of city folks on the f; “Why,” aid he, “a student from the the whole patch, he said, and couldn’t find anything but blossoms. There wasn’t @ single potato on the vines.” “T really thought he woud faint when I. took the hoe and began dig- ging them out of the ground.” ‘Organs, slesplessuiess comes to add to. the distress. If only the subject could sleep there would be obliv while aud porary. telist. Parmeles's Vegetal ping will not only induee slecp, ae seilt act, so beneficially that the subject will ‘wake refreshed and restored to happiness THE OLD SYSTEM AND THE NEW. But, dad, what did you know about psychology, and physics, and SoBe And what do you know, my dea boy, about eiereohy endarilhine: tic, and epellin If your child is pale, peevish, and doos our victories to Lord Roberts Lord weltaNerier iether’ ah Hors a friend either of the War Office, of Lord Wolseley. And now, it Hs out, the War Office cannot keep oi decent) terms evel with the Commend- er-in-Chief. Discipline has not been our difficul-| voman y in this war. It. has been satisfac- | tained “500,000 ge tory in all branches of the services; | ing diphtheria, it is not likely that the Cana- be pets dians have been found aide The feeding’) of ur) woldiery,; at al events is well know: ine adequate—even for the ee trom n overstocked labor market. Sir Ralph. Kno: te likely ‘to be appreciated a apes —— inopportune. Harold D. Parsons in Daily Mail Alter @ ate ae ee foment in South Africa one may hear a curious drumming realy hilltop to hilltop in the regions inhabited by blacks. That | ©: C- RICHARDS & ©O. SANG er, s s the ‘‘war extra”’ is unknown. “T did not know the bishop of Chi to only distinction m2 ° ilk of aatoN and therefore the Carlist heir the st opus in the THE: WOUNDED CANADIANS, Harold D. Parsons, wu Dele+ = t nelifie, 1n- umably, returned from the are urlovgh. Te goems a curious return to make ign conaicatis eevee voluntarily eal . But a: ie a f the Wal partie eniaht, pon them other- put up with T ha Be it on undisputed authori Mee Wat uaresa nt illing to give all ges ficial tone, ay in GOLD DOLLARS” FREE BABIES The geetepen Baby Gets The Handsamiens Prize. L JUDGED FROM es adoavigs ONLY. far THE BRITISH “GHEMISTS COMPANY English Teething Syrup ARE GOING TO GIVE, WITHOUT COST IN ANY Way, A TWENTY ee COLD PIECE te ade, A TEN ‘ Photos m with address of the eal ‘The smallest ras he awarded by & committee of seven disinterest card, stating Greg plotare will be sent. aaies, BRITISH CHEMISTS COMPANY, bept. 108 Victoria Street, TORONTO, CANADA. } the be rettiest babies, vel also be ae FREE our ulUstaATED BOOK, a“ MoTieavooD ” on lealth and ne Diseases cents vel of mailing. the child and eal ae athe ar Eaea Dost office 7m elke ai yeas USUALLY A CHANGE. The Bachelor—I don’t man’s name ever changes when -he gets married. The Benedict—Oh, yes, it does. Be- fore we were married my wife called me “ Deares ni “Here, you!” wonder if he is going to school or go- has jam spread over his geography he cork projecting from a rhubarb pie he Dg Don’t you find a restful dittatence in other apartments? en | apartments ; id out The London | that there’s really no dffference in landlords. in | @ quarter. ov Drums Thre! Dye Watnetdixibne lence prnater eg ie ss @ = 5 3 » iS Es weeds the in a land where Martin, Que., May 14, 1895, tlemet with the Boers or the | tuck anail in mation so severe th F take him to Monreal and have the limb @ speed with which such pce news travels to remote parts of country innocent of telegraphs, - | LINIM : aie i iiblanredelads feel go grateful Nive S38 this testi: | gagement D's did, and within all right, and 1 mi Deuba és others, LOUIS GAGNIER. * Men and Apex that Dr. Stubbs, er, Was as witty pin, A Duke's Practieal Son. Jayme, the only son of the while we women are in- variably ary and h vthoulda't meh *t any wives to bother acting air St) 1) 115) | ests be? You i is ready with the rejoinder, “Don't | you. you think perhaps that there is also this distinction, that the wee “gals i when to hold his tone an >| Minard’s Linimeat Ga Cares Danirul E. "Ge deere tt 78) G oot -Duli’s Dia Siegats Health for the children—Miller’s Worm Powders. received onlv £800 a vear ek We Mrs. Naggid—Cheer up! Don't be so‘ ¢ as he is learned, but Bowen declares rt: ane So strange you men will | tram SE eh footiaty pergon aia hb ‘Tt comes is of O not thrive, a dose of Miller's Wor me Soe: ders occasionally will cure. CIENT WISDOM. There can be no eek aey before death, said the sa; Right! cried thet frivolous youn, Greek. I'll never be happy till that rich old uncle of mine is dead. HMinard’s Liniment Cures Burns, Etc, shit BOTTLED ARTICLE. step tn here and drink to my suc. Penk gto serew your courage up to Be ony iitag point, are you No; I’m going to try to ti it up ‘The best physicians speak well of Kil er’s Compound Iron Pil oorest classes being large consumers “of the very choicest Teas grown in India and Ceylon. teas mostly in favor in Ireland are rich, strong, liquoring kind, similar to Canadian ly remove cord. graph. nice as No worm medicine acts so nicely as Mil- ler’s Worm Powders; no. physi WHAT OF THE OTHERS? Temperance Lecturer—Who was the gentleman just here? Resident—Ah, that was Dr. Skidds, He is one of our most liberal contri- butors to the cause. Temperance Lecturer—He only gave Devise see trend isn't going to that . knows me perfectly well—knows all me. He said that that was just the rea- why. Resident—I know it. to wliney Pills Sua Pilger tered little Johnny ate his. “mam: ma So you quarreled with George, said bad got throngh with him, ‘‘then I ‘ash it. one young woman. soa answered the other with much child lee ‘inflam ised ti as hee at brokent aH no. E told 0 see his face she and he said that te would leave me forever. didn’t go so far as to break our ea- ier One Hundred. Dollars reward for rh, ‘TheHorse—noblest_ of Hien—when suffering trom a cut, abrasion, rm re no eggs with the ham for En soothin Are breakfast this Ge asked the Ob- | neck, servant Board: Iv No, replied fe. Gites are Boarder this isa ham and egg ifness of nDgs, fave reuioved by ie ward's Linimeat for sale everywhere TOO COMMON. rs. Ban; ao wae every day at dinner. s. Suddenrich—Do you d si Bs when the berries rie ie ae present plebeian price. tired, languid feeling, and indis- joss to effort of any 20rt pound Iron Pil NOT THAT KIND OF RECORD, Mrs. Wunder—Here’s an item about a girl whe can sing any song on 1 Mr. Wunder—She must be a phono. es the geri feel pare fete! Pleasant to os RESCUE OF SEY NOUR, he Relief Column Commanded by a ha British Officer. DOUBT OF LEGATIONS’ SAFETY. SES EMUSS Vie) Defeusive Fight for Fifteen Da Casualties in the British Contin= Palace in Pekin. London, June 29. 9. (4 a.m.) —— ‘The casualties of the international a W he jorce attacking Tien Tsin were ig American killed 8, wounded 2; ded i Bri tish killed 2, een led 1; Germans killed 15, wounded 27; Russians kill- ‘The gun fire of the British and regulars under Gei spatch from Shanghal, attacked Tien ‘sin fiercely and bombarded the for- eli Seymour. America pated in the ach’ Iniral was found entrenched and sur- retreat ‘There was nothing to do but en ese. He vainly at tempted Heliographic communica tior Others said that is Mini been ena: cane thousand Russians lelt Fou 01 Tien Tsin four days after Admiral Seymour, but they hever got in toue Railway Soret betwee ‘Tsin ha ing towards Pekin ightis progress on Wedneeday in the ity of Tse Chulii he tate of the membere of the Ie gations 1s 4 ill a mystery. If they and unharmed at Pekin, is portant decree, published in r at Pekin was burned on Tune 16, and that the attack on=a@ palace was Tine ky Bev ‘olting Chinese troops. antinltios at Tien Tsln, ions June 29.—Admiral Erie, re ‘command of the British forces ‘Taku, reports to the Admiralty the following casual ties: a4 Pe dairies Viceroys of Yangtsekiang Valley have resolved to tnaintain order, provided the powers do not intervene, so lo rder prevails. e pre i i added, unanimously accepted the proposal ed a declaration to that SEYMOUR SUCCORED. Failed to Reach Pekin and Heturned te Tei S His Force Bi fered Severely. Che Foo, June 28, via Shanghai, fral Seymour’s expedi« tion has been relieved, having failed to connect with Pekin. There is no news from Pekin Russian Col. Schtelle, commanding the combined forces of 10,000 men, i: grep onee to ¥ iral noon.—Admiral § 8 . 8 3 R Seymour's expedition is returning to, Tien sin. His force has s grea. ms ate swarming there. Sat thw Relievers <uffered. “Petersburg, June 29—Th fietiister Ch War’ Tid Pocelyod 4a0 fore lowing despatch from Admiral Alex- ciel “Port Arthur, June 27.—During det: the night of June 25, a of four companies of Russians, Schivinsky commanding, me number of fo! of his wounded to Tien Tsin.” ie speee With Seymour, ington, June 29—Minister Wu called atithe’ State Department yes- terddy afternoon, and exhibited the dmiral's Force Made a Brilliant he phere was late bese ah to the extent of nearly t josing es at important wheat centres yester- day: Makes a Heap of Trouble for Russia These 1 hin¢ northwest, and could erste auvente ught geveral Chie correspondent: “4 a aeeertee the fanatical t admits ‘that sige is no news from al, June . 24, one seanian mded. | At Tien Tsin, up to the forenoon of June 28, four seamen wt ee Lieuts. Sterling, Powell Commander Beatty and nd seamen wounded, Orde prote spe ere is not even a pretence of CHEERING MANITOBA NEWS. sed as despatch ee "4 Cae ord suitable. (Sed,) Kem all parte of tie provines piled Ps in eatly. It is estimated that from 40,000 to 60,000 Chinese troops are now ae Pekin. Boxers from all sect- iN “number of women have resigned r P pis Zs can be aquatic plant: eee a eigners, Palas Admiral Seymour, and brought 200 are minute quen ot more than one-twenty- dvethovwende Spee ie and oil aacyehare e. fro} mess, but Sat oat checks shower from the cow irt and fijth. most important sources milk vessels and dairymen should direct of bacteria are the ww, the eping pow: Water Hole f an inch of cement, de Col. Ba xper here | gecetiy alee for the Orange aieoration on Jul iy es 12. DAIRY PROBLEMS. Conn, " Gonneetient, on Bace feria and the 41k: ane, fre- in diame- erent many kings ‘wich enn Gresent sins great & & anes feetly. drawn, pera~ their growth Tt mi necessary, however, to empha- he immediate cooling. ilk from a ‘healthy, bane contains ime it has containing from a few thousand t germs to cubic To are pbs a ated ilker “aad iis, clothing, ioe mile is clothes are Milk pails not tain a ‘ge ° with incredible numbers of bacteria, methods, body, mixed grea! due o- Bria which get into the mill: when nd oe us, inaprove its qualt-| will be by pee ae Tare power, a ers. In fact, i cleanliness directed fe the cow $8 the e ic] mis: ns t has of eahicing the number of bacteria in the A REALLY SICK HAN, ge iat ‘rennin AGONY DUE LS ore LIVER Pre Medicines Ap} at the Solicitation of a Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills From the Mail, Granby, Que Mr. Albert Fisher, accountant at Payne's eh factory, Granby, Que. is known to almost every resident of the town, oe is held in the highest; esteen by all who low him. In con- versation with the editor ofthe Mail yenatiy: something was said con- ern! Williams’ Pink Pills, when Fisher remarked that he re 03 handing to the Lae the following letter for aPC Granby are 28 aged q ik what they have done for mo, to ad my testimonial to the many which If have seen in print. For some months I suffered most severely from paing wp and down my back. It was thought these’ were due to livér and kidney trouble, but whatever the cause, they kept me in terrible agony, The pains were aot confined to the back, but would shift to other parts ic] I tried many different remedies, without effect, and which disgust. me with medicine. A Williams Pink Pills. I wes not the use of mediciane, as nothing had i fin- he! ally concluded to give them a cia purchased one box, as tonished to find that before’ it waa entirely used, I was quite a bit re- lieved, and afler using six more, was fully restored to my former good fth. I tal recommending this valuable remedy, that others may profit by my ex- perience, and not suffer the tortures that I did. Yours sincerely, ALBERT FISHER. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the. disease, hey renew and buijd up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driy- ing disease from the system. If your a Dr. Williams’ Medicfne Co, Brock ville, Ont. ONLY IF NECESSARY. the engagement, had just been an- nounced, and the girl in blue wus qued. , I wouldn’t marry for money, she ‘The girl in pink merely shrugged her shoulders, Neither would I~if I could get {t any other way she answer ‘The Flagging Wnersies Revived. —Con- stant application to business isa tax up- seat iBergies, andit thors be nob, tolaxe ‘ation, Jassitude and depression are sure to intervene, These come from stomachic Moubles,” The want of exercise brings on nervous irregularities, and the stomach assimilate food property. JB fis condition Parmelee’s Vegetable Pil ging energ' ONCE MORE. What do you think? Charlle White and Mabel Perkasie are engaged agals after their: engagement had been quare hole | broken off a hint had become noth- bringing. the coat- perhaps they’ve been dlready.—Philadelphia | Recommended by Physicians, For sale every where ing to each’ ot Charlie eR ieried again, did he? Yes. i sort ef re-capitalation, ent | j UMBER FOUR. Excited lady, at the telephone=# want my husband, please, at once. are from the exchange, Number, Rrcitea lady, snappishly. bef the Apitniics you impudent thing THI ive e cement to clin r, me pool for a ‘‘water rarden’’ mai for the piso es of 4 and ran fers a cM Whit a ghee ; nee ve JOHN LABATT, London, pe quarrels with | Are undoubtedly THE BEST. ‘estimonials fr jemists, 10 aioe The most wholesome of beverages.