The Milverton ee THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1900, hen T lie When I know And I get up They’re apt That earns mo: Than I can in “This year will _ ditions, together I don’t go much for RAIN There is nothing ‘that sounds better in bed at night Then to hear the rain a-pelting the farm is. right ; Than to hear the Iuke-warm splashes That would fairly sprout a stone, in the morning Just to see how things Hi Kron: “sis the! ‘Seta Guarded in iterance. (Hamilton Post.) joer envoys say: they are still hopeta of the result. But they don’t say what ri Circumstances Alter Cases iis Journal.) me of us howl that we should ake the Chinese ai and all of us hare Bee eee some of the Chinese. at. to lodge the grain. + ‘My taste is for the steady, Pouring, downright, al row Lown Like to idle -When I do it for a shower re in a second an hour For it’s, good to sit and listen ‘To the seeds a-pushing through. And besides, there’s always choring For‘the hired man to do, BR THE WESTERN FAIR. LONDON, SEPTEMBER Grit'To. Lm, 1900, witness er with such increased, f effect is at the same time | Ay r skill and daring and the with which they accomplish < the most Perilouni feats. Short Stories Retold. ist in aecompanving wim in his | tramp. Lo » afternoon the “nayvy” lady and iss; could you tellme where Captain len-Po well so 1 eneforth B.-P. took his exercise un- cel isa oe. of t Presiden it of Gen “his_pre petal men w: said : * pe pard is to be ti want to tell hin t Kruger, disap neral Cronje' Is ane affine inability to do | ™ decessor eres agi nt of Nassaa and forty: thow- an eagle im it Bile have answered eke ae af many farther ad- added conveni- Mrs. J ap Philipsburg, were visiting at Mr. V. st che artistic sreally enhanced, e from a On the fourth approached common knowledge pottited sacks dual ing, ROE artied earea snore OF ped ee Till they nudge and say, “roll over” | 2° ‘And bulge out of the row. by hap- don, bi 60!” ated present visiting under the parental ‘| last week and all Wednesday, Thursday it t1 id ‘bie ona e ee acold time. e uni ‘| foum. of a field-marshall of the Taiperial 1) he has lately, according to letters from ed | most effective platform SiMauley eaania July 2nd, Xplosion (Batavia News.) Eddie Mallon is a sixteen- bg ly, school- HOT: in Broome county. other day George Galge, his phe eacher, spanked him. Eddie had few torpe in his pistol teacher’s Led was so badly aplured it will have to be amputated to save ROSTOCK. “ Mr. Solomon Mehn has greatly im- Proved his residence by giving it a coat of pai holding meetings in Wingefelter’s hall in order to purchase @ scale h village and-surrounding country. n. Heldmann, of Ph cin village on business. s Clara Killer, of Stratford, and Pepatiat Smith, of Gadshill,’ were the Cas of Mrs. V. W. Wettiaufer. Maud Kreater, of Milverton, is ipsburg, The Public School exams. were held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of were successful one. This speaks well for our teacher, Mr. Jake Maurer was in Milverton and Friday of @ entranes exam. We wish him success. ohn Hoffman, of W. Wettlauter’s Quite a number of our local sports ishing oe Saturday an having a hot time but ‘The Mitverton Sun is. distributing to its.readers a magni ey portrait, of Lord Roberts, and as fine a piece. of work as the lithogr: ies art can pro- duce. It is printed on extra heavy coated calendered paper, in fiftee: colors, and any The famous general is the scarlet and gold army, wearing on his breast the medals al I ipling says, long been the idol of ant British army, South Africa, became the idol of our well The picture usually 50 centss the Sun gives it for a coupon and 10 Address, The Sux, Milverton. pee eS @ Sixteenth Annual Moorefield Campmeeting will open on .Saturda evening, June 23rd, aid continye un- til Monday evening, July 2nd, Rev W. F. Wilson, of Hamilton, onecof the speakers = Cadadiag Mathodiith, and ‘wtioes mons and lectures so greatly alighted the people last year, will preach on. Sunday June 24th, and faeces op Monday, June 25th, subject, “Down @ Farmers’ Stock Company: are | ressed hogs Bek per ewt B Best Cooke: Strongest Heaters. Last Eongest, Use Least Fuel, Made only The RREow, SrawaRr & harper ae COMMERCIAL. ees sale 8:51 900 geet." F EQUALITY ats * 25 95 : See tant aen Is far more important than sf 40 49 7 et 500 5 40 price. pater pe yiney # u Turkeys per pound, MB ae is Hain per pound. a Lt Shoalder per po ‘ : DURING OUR 80 DAYS bon iat beg 6 6 Fall Wheat. ee ie Nill i ER i Ni Lh Spring Wheat 65 Pou 58 ute ae 26 We are offering extra values in sum-. a toes, pe: 75 %)mer goods. ‘S 1e you want a bargain Brea FIRST Competant judges at the Stratford ae Fair awarded us 1st Prize for ‘We do not have to depend upon the intelligence of a country show judge tor our reputation. The vast number of people why eat our bread in preference to any other are tha,best judges, and give the ver- dict as. the indaees at Stratford Pair ‘V. WEITZEL, The Baker. eall at once. HE. H. Dierlamm BUTTER and EGGS wanted, Are Your Feet Right? Are they dressed in the pen latest style. of foot covering ? Tf not call and see our sty- cal, FIRST PRIZE BREA I have been in business four years and neve r tooksecond | | ptize for bre WHY ? Because | mene the best: ead. The pubic knows this now my competitors realize it, sends Ask the First Prize, Baker at your house. G. GUENTHER lish footwear at. popular: prices, Our stock of Ladies’ Oxford: Ties is complete, Gall and: see them, J. G. Grosch & Son Complete stock of Trunks & Valises. All kinds of Farm Produce taken, The Quality, Style rr in Dixie. “A. night in the’, Holy: Land,’ or scenes in Palestine,” assisted’ by eighteen persons in Oriental costumes. |Rev. A. I. Snyder, of Conboro, On- tario, who was with us in the past will also preach and lecture ,and will be chairman of the Camp for the convention ; SUCs “ainst wo! a @ camp, assisted by Mrs. uke Clarke, of Oakville ; musi Miss A. Snyed of Canboro. has Mooretield camp :/ program and the petting o iB hoe. For MR. P. rr rrr part Basti aae tally aad pr: ae or write the secretary, Mr, | colmson, Motes field, In. ot his his business will be conducted. by H. BASTENDORFF John Burton Having to New York for the benefit health, tailoring is Absence. gone and. Range -— OF our Spring Suitings and Pantings is up» to thie highest standard of excellence, while the workmanship, style and fit of our: clothing is unequalled, Good clothing is what every man. is looking for. He wants the best he can getfor the money. This be- ing the case, it is: well for him to remember that poor quality is the dearest clothing he can buy. There is nothing;inferior in our stock, and our prices.are no Higher than you will have to pay for inferior goods at other places. ur stock comprises the following : Scotch and Canadian Tweed, English Worsted in piain & fancy English and Canadian:trousering” hfe things in Overcoatings iH. Knechtel Mercuant Tamor, Milverton... A Business - RRB SOTO ELEM ist-We have what you want. 2nd-When you want it. 3rd--And generally at the prices you want to pay. The Milverton Sun : Moraington Council Bae ‘ks i NOTICE ! FIRST-C] scout nen roars! KL ROT-CLASS B THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1900. Vorers’ List, 1900 —Musrerpanrry ont pads Aas Sghdat i: : z OF THE TowNSHIP oF MoRNING- use out 14th eoncesion drain a > GENERAL NEWS Ton, CounTy oF PERT: ry eee and opened the sese ‘h Not eis hereby siven, that I have court with Mr, Grimin in the chair, Ww ms > Ewch tye b t. ransmitted or delive: to er- en he following changes were ‘CULLED FROM ALLSOURCES. son mentioned inthe tied and fourth made, J. Casson assessed for 35 asres evans just purchased a fine bunch of? ; ections of “Phe Voters’ Lists Act,” |J. Switzer assessed 20 acres: 8. Kuep: i copie raed Sod i io |r used 10 waar Gorield fat cattle and will supply the public with the: q Bernas : e 80 transmitted or delivered of the | assessed 16 acres; Mrs, Gatche assessed i | tha Atvent bec. "0ek i the oftce of iis, ‘made purcuant to said Actzor all |50 acres: P. Sippel eseand oeaeee| best of meat at the lowest prices. the Atwood Bee. persons appearing by the last revised | J. lepper assessed 100 acres; C. Mr. D. K. Erb, MP. for Bouti Assessment Bou, ie said Munici- tate) Ps sacristy 100 ac: - Bry- \ rt. D. K. Erb, M P. Pality to be entitled to vote in the | done was reduce 20 acres ; Yohn Bry- : Perth, has been ill at Ottawa, said Municipality -at ctions for | done reduced’45 acres; R. re- fe ff members of the Legislative Assembly | duced 15 acres; J, Wilson rolled 24 Best roast or to 8 cents Gresham Chance, of Woodstock, |and at Municipal Elections ; and ares ; Tanner reduced 12} acres; Chis 6s 3 t 66 f Stratford, w: 0 badly | jist was first cine up at m as, Edwards reduced 20 acres; J. N- B ] 5 rene Gt Sirsyorss was #0 Sealy tee Bins, on the st de day vot | Edwards reduced 50 acres, ous 0 ded ai agpinto a vat Si aiicedas that he died next day, An ii has been going the rounds of the P tet this morning for, Dei she Eieee Bich wine. Ottaway Hunter, a young man 19 years of age, shot Gertie Nixon a girl in cakte that he was infatuated with, but who| ; t Hay & Co's factory by fall- boiling water last item regarding curious names roit, where le with her uncle, Mr, Where Thousands of Papers are Read | thew in referey erica where Suly,'1900, and remains ‘there “f - | Mr. ae Seconded by. Mr. Shearer speetion, * that this Court of Revision on the lath Electors are called sate to examine | Con. By- Dae on ea ed to the first he said list, and if any rie mmission -or Monday in Augu: rrors corrected sopording to law. | following papers ;—eom. from the vot Dated this ‘th eo of July, 1900, ing machine co, no action; account AITRON. from Hart iddell, nt froi ork of Mornington. meeps v Carthew for the Mth Con, y" Q -Law, com. from } all the news- Shes mene: $10.50, oH Donegan 84 79, e exchange o. Wie +t $1.2: 5.00, 8 To tt 4 did not reciprocate his attentions, and barean of TI adies’ Home Journ ce Yost t $e 00, Me vee $21. then committed suicide, Miss Nixon ee ac peperin this country #5, a "Hieminer $10. 00, 'T. “Sanderson may recover, oS little. Sopa Gacheld | Tete aioeae tied eek Yeithtn | chveartzentruber $24 te ls out os ioe ee ed t/a day after it is received, so a large 7 Shearer, Momo corres rangeville on Dominion Da; of trained readers em- i : ployed constantly. By this plan it is Bate gona, iz oe eae She were confirmed possible for the ge to kee] Fleming he Struther: lose touch wit reading ibe Hereford $30.00, se Walker 0, ea aeenrately i ihfermeasan Loney $10.00 Urquhart’ $81.40, ception upo ois ae ‘ ted in 4 and British se formed a proces- Raed Goebel * sion about two miles out leading into paces \ the village. thi A meeting of the directors of the|™ Insurance | Ima Farmers’ Mutual Fire ©o. was held at Atwood on Tue: the 5th inst. by fire. Also a claim from Jame: Lindsay for binder burned in J; Lindsay’s barn, administered the sacrament. ishop was given a ae warm re A number Ted sashes d by fire, and from John J. insurance were read and accepted for $61,900. Toadey the 3rd of July. Meeting adjourned till Diphtheria ina mild form has at tacked Thornton, son of Rev. and Mes Fear, and as a consequence the fam bave been quarantined by the Mediog i Health Offi nother case has - orokenp eee tahoe Pag ofS 8th con. Ela. In the cas» of Mr. Fear’s boy, the Dr. is of the opinion that the 4 primary cause is the cellar of the parsonage, which is wet most of the time, as are most of the rainage and cellars have been made to the coun a, but no action taken as yet. ‘The ques wet tion is serious and should be attended to at once, a the gravest consequences ood Bee. sae ensue, Atwi st aie at Hoboken, N.J., on afternoon, when over 200. peo their lives by fire and drowning, The teamshipCo. ‘Three large Atlantic Liners, The Kaiser Wilhelw, The Main, and Bue mes a three docks @ Senge were bottled snd the vessels the decks being in flame. They made their presence known b and shonts through the port holes but they must inevitably lave“ perishe Sixteen coal passers, Spat rescued from the Mai well as can be after ae terrible heat they suffered. Ontario’s Forest Reserve. Mr. Thomas ipa thworth. has. jus returned from tour < yj gs 28 ra ane been two very slight Aiea in that time, slathscing only four or five a rowing on them Mr. Southworth denen oe ae pine has grow, feet it | cellars on east | | may serve as articles, Meron vs ent, Dress. goods ot aeuse prices at Dier- Acclaim was | lamm presented by Mrs, Hannah Henderson, €lma, for house and contents destroped Be [thus § upplied that could in no othe: Just received—carload of Portland cement, ros, Moxey Loaxzp. — When your mortgage is due, or if you borrow money on first class. mortgage, come to the undersigned. ae tate AN =e notice in inthe e Bele feneine pes Ne CO.s ho have bend sean aa 0 £0, J. Atk T. Atti erie e id, ‘ucke $2. 0, nite i ie © Carthew 83.00, Hast & Riddell $1.28 ~ Quering $2 50, H. Peffers $2.50, in a Le _H. Kerr $48. 8,0 Cassel 8 G. ‘Riddell hh $4010, 0. Jones 50 ets? A'by-law was introduced ~|and passed authorizing the ‘Treasure: cas & Macbet is it ‘as invaluable i rmation e obtained b ustees are ane to have the heir fete es in with clerk before the Bree of August. N WATSON, | Ask for prices, Finkbeiner y want to The cya of interest-charged, You ines: -|xith us will Le strictly esptiey Post TorRAn Tn Sout a Africa Lord Roberts HAMILTON, ONT. ster hs drawing in the net though i A New ONE CENT. DAILY Independent in. Polities “| Wilt: print All the News for the Peopte. Will be out. about June 1, 1900, 26 2 Sent fo any address for: 4 months for $1 gee One year for $3 IE MORNING POST, Hamilton, Al : RIGH TS. Laman 4 chee For a on rie to xperionse in the, se. Comin ca ‘fae lons strictly lentl ‘A Handbook of formation concerning Pateney ane “roo. gaa oft lowed LORD ROBERTS PICTURE COUPON. - Name. HERE'S SOMETHING MAGNIFICENT ALL SUBSCRIBERS. —OF THE— The Milverton San cam secure a handsome Colored? orphy & Car- |An Important Occasion the Morphy & Carthew $27.00, M. Do obeon Steak UR ee Sausage “ 10 « Farmers should not use salt pork whens fresh beef can be had at such prices, Come: ene ke reste bane fence e reeve was authonzed|aNd give usa call at the old stand. issue the following order :—J, Veit- here is, perhaps ut aging Place} enheimer: $8.50, Cook $10.00, Miller & Kelterborn,., MILVERTON, _~» IN MILLINERY oe At this store all goods must be sold in their season, In. fact we insist on closing out many lines long before the season: is ended,. which is. very true: of our MIL-LINERY. . That's why we inaugurate a clearing sale ofour Untrimm.. ~ ed and Ready-to-Wear HATS, which we are going tow let go at great reduction, Every Hat is perfect and of the s latest New York styles. Dress Gadde A great clearing sale in dress goods. See our - table of 25c. goods, usual. price 3oc., 35c, 49c. 45c., all one price no. 25¢. Ready Mades=q=—— If you have not bought your Spring Suit you will: save money by calling on us. T’en per. cent. offi | all ready mades fortwo weeks, Ladies Underskirts___ «ah Usual prices were $1.40, $1.75 and be. 25, for fae neat two-weeks, $1.25, $4.45 and’ $1.85, Do: noi miss this.chance. Groceries =a 10 Ibs nice coffee for $1,. 3-Ibs village’ mixed bis— cuits, (emon and Vanilla flavors) for, 25c., 6 Ibs: of nice clean tea for $1, Currents and Raisens are>. the very nicest, Get oneof our 28Ib. boxes andi) fill it with butter; eeSRIR SEGUE A eS Tn We still have some of these 34 inch prints at 11 yds for $1 ANTED® ‘= A Traveling An experienced’canvasser, or a man with good character’ GENERAL AGENT” and address;,with the necessary ability to travel from town: to town and! appoint agents. No canvassing. Salary and expenses paid. Position: permanent; and promotion accord: - ing tovmerit. . The Bradley-Garretson 60.,:injta BRANTFORD, ONT. & Mention this paper. Picsure, 18 x 24, of: ” LORD ROBERTS In Fifteen Colors by sending or bringing This Coupon. and TEN CENTS To The Sun Office.. P, 0. Address. £@ Only a limited number of these beautiful Pictures have been secured, nnd as they are worth a great deal more than any picture ever presented by any newspaper, there will be a big demand. Order AT ONCE if you want to be sure of getting one. E@If yon are not already a subscriber:you.can get one] Jot it pictures by subscribing at once. can save in the purchase of a high-grade sewing machine and the easy terms of met. =o can Se) either direct from factory oug! is isan ROPE: tunity you pees afford to ate You toe Pee white 4 its m: Ss. Therefore, Tiption, a pace cessary. Hives tateren ciacueeabinas eachange can ohh Write to-days Address in ‘full.” fe ? —— ANEW DEPARTUBE ? ” A Radical Change in> Marketing Methods as Applied io eens Machines. mu can An original plan obtain pa is and Better value in ie a of @* ee Write fe our elegant z= ‘T catalogue and detailed particulars, How y