LOST MAN'S LANE.|é : A Second Perr in the Romantic Life of Amelia Butterworth. BY ANNA KATHARINE GREEN, i baie acta XVL a week, KES had paid, she mish have tg able, had he been willing or in a position to had to Poh him a more satisfactory answ ty BAA eackt TAP abe earns Feet eee ing her sister so sndden! had sacrificed her life’s happiness to any childish iden of decorum I did not think probable even. Tho spirit she had shown, her immovable attitude under 9 temptation which had not only romance to recommand it, eal sreeriiiog else which could se: Saag Ne tidy fievicg istence of some phe dct se duty of se erative a nature that greatest one to me in support of this theory, making me feel that I need- ed no more confirmation to be quite Hn fain that a crisis was approaching in this house which would x my powers a they portbranta ear rae ie ce I have not fag im pati into definite porte wuspici ich I w: Vanier vd is ae ae apparent eh ie Up to Gis sune'is iad yaa | whioh had tulen piece in this lane. fe ‘now the very definite assurances I hi deen’ constantly receiving trom the ae ment I had set foot in tila bene, on something extraordi ta my mind, and I no longer affected to deny to myself that eoeriink I had ‘thus far seen and he toward es- tablishing the fact that ie young wo- some ily Rufus, Sule sy, an had vanish among the good ae of this soeming- a guileless com: Once settled in hr idea, I applied self to a consideration of the means atmy targa for determinin| ‘The simp! searched, 50 had been decei ppearanoe—ns ‘was possible even to a woman of my ex- Angieoape ry denbatelsiaenc lagi st of the world + Is-was im consideration of this very rae perhaps, that I had been placed some regular police spy. tion of any sons so excellent as to bear their own exoneration with them, and should I, a ‘woman, with full ag much heart if n rain (at least in the es- tamation of people in gcse by any seaiuatare! sappeess of m: i mantle OF diane even dis family ream are too weak an ever rise anee again? would I trust a Loe \d of the cord I was even now fin- poring. Lmestta had not asked me how I came Codes ck pm a she had unexpected pes “ fer Ijvent bak PaIMLey gree her former plans out of her abstracted na over shag and Wil- an just curious to know if it is vis- wanking ible to those who live in the lane. It awake at that moment and to have seen the afternoon was spent inverymuch this spectral appearan the en ws 8 the “evening before, She shuddered. 2 pe not mistaken Neither sister remained spread with os believing I saw this sign of emotion, me so the other entered my company, for Iwas looking ry her very closely, movement was unmistakable. ry “T am not at all tarall; ce It was while Loreen was bap me “et I wed ge BS ill matured.or if Ihad os Imade the suggestion which had thought it hp fe? ord her too closely, hovering on my lips ever since the I mghs ba have ea * on why ras pt. a sopale? Why “I think this,” snidIin one of the tremble so oly > on Whom I have pauses of our more than fitful conversa. never before seen parbed?”” tion, ‘‘one of the most interesting houses But =y “zeta Minonces together it has ever been my good fortune to en- Sa inetinos ihe caution, restrained . Would youmindmyroamingabout me, and I aes arked. it a bit just to enjoy the old time flavor ere you ou (feast Miss Knollys @f its great empty rooms? I know they —doubly so as a denizen of this house, possibly ich Mra. Carter was obliging enough , but to a connoisseur cs par to Mee ts to me was considered by fy colon’ ‘ial architeoture vanted. ”” rather add to their interest ‘iia detract the eae ‘gape te in ne is ips augured no g ‘Tmpossible,”” she was going to say, Minow I only Es, “nem I ropa erself back in timeand dryly. ‘‘I kan really like to meet a ghost, say, in your great asain room, to enter. “You are not forbidden,’ she uttered ily. ‘You may explore it now if you will excuse me from accompanying rou, but you will meet mo ghosts The her sudden amenity, is not pyopitious. Lmeetts by a geatlomen she isonly teo _ Taken al by her much attached to—I hope not [hesitated expect me to talk on the subject—make Worth while for me it quite impossible for me eonsider she was willing to have any such under! taking today. Tomorrow. and yet any knowl Imey ee a cape ‘hand if not, be as- in to this house ber it sured y< ery nook and cor- ee ae . Gryoe, ner 5) ‘i ity ee 50 ciate before you leave Sarto bse brace her offer, but Ph 1 the bh | fant hes wits pus of rbigres thal ant Meni ‘a Lines doabe gi “world id you prefer,” said L ‘‘that I will remember sbould steal down these nel acim ‘oor 6 and dare ite dusky raceates at 9 isda ite is aearion delight = time when specter walk aa lee oe fitted through im be Gaidaenbaca by ont ows at.a banksy apololite Wie Ingrevan aly ted with your w “Slorday. She made tho greavest were sitting im my room, 1 effort to sustain the jest, but her con- uae refused to be cooped up in een and droad were manifest. ‘I think th side Lenin tro she not having Ebad better give you the keys now than spot more cheerful) subject you to the drafts and chilling forts of this old place at card franced for an hour. Iheard oneof them | might.’ rose with ‘a ser blance of eager an- ssl ke more potas than usual Ne bac ein ‘will talre you at your word,” said aa ge aaa quite shar) “The keys, my dear. Iam going to ‘‘Mys. Carter,’’ on, ‘‘endeay- abi vunted room for the first time ered to amuse me by Slab the story fam 7 ite of Lucetta’s namesake—she who rod ink she was deceived by Peep ids “ ote after a Biaanies wie who a sya hae oa Perhaps it was had w lover’s heart away much out of keeping with my ordi« it isa well known think Mrs, Oarter might ees left us a air Ferg! of re Ge BS to you. Did she relate anything | ‘‘Hixcuse me,” mid it abe, “tif I precede rou. I will ase you ie the head of the wet other tradition of this place,” cae wi as keys mid L Iwas in hopes he wine be long “T am glad she tad £0 vealeiaesn | ber in obtaining them to allow me But why it you wi me—did along the front hall to the open- sho happen to light eh nthat? We have be into the farther oe which I not heard those incidents spoken nur) ha special inte: galas spryness yeans.”” | Tshowed arses eorrespond- “Not sines the phantom earriage flew upon her, me cielakiart tae through this road tho last jee Tven-\ down the passa; 01 ducing a subject Which ocala aot be al- | together grat to he cetta’s abhor- “The inate carriage! Have you! resice, spiders, bot for’ these I aball heard of reset ra hea been Lucetta who had provide comforts for the few rooms utilize cann in order the ay on _fissea apart- so much greater for an injudicious ai | ments of a former play of foeling « on ie port mn “hate dirt and chaiee spiders, but able con mine. Tem eae to braye both,’’ I assured But it was erates who never forgot her, ‘‘for the plea: herself, self love e the antique.” At which she sets abe persnasion that her voice was bended me the keys, i ae pelea was not without its element of ek twill ‘be here én your return,” abe look out of my one fe sa dismal he int ured, leaning over the banisters quently risen to my lips in answer to you ate repaid for your troub should have gone Sige |. eetabonl ber aistipeoeeded os ay” . Then you way, somewhat dombifal whether by we would not need to ask if Thad heard of doing I was making or not the phantom carriage. ” ie Gtany oie robe bad reached her at tat | CHAPTER XVIL She looked quite startl Britta bs ‘The lower hall did not correspond ex- with the one above. It was front door presente Sor- | ter T—that is, to the superficial obsery- the on ral sheer “A Philadelphia wo has been esday night. “Tuesday aoe Her composure | ined, but not so entirely |. wade $22,000 for the alienation of her Lakh you ourha ie Rernat: it | “They'll promptly set that verdict omen. ee: I was in no. ant hey 8 | Why no? au np Snes saree Smet Philadel erefore abvi- phia man w' te affection could be wort! exempt. But you—did yon see it? , that much. Cleveland Plata Dealer. meovemsary. for the girla were even more Reet kr ick ehh, a Prohibits 1 baa mn Minister of War, camp. Gen. de Gall Fre will have to poet wine, beer immense consumption pbiiergdes anny vert hour, “aperitifs’’ are ie of those m to excess. Nose France ea We Year. Number nd form of in: olique is ces as fr ars ago, od u Ak a4 popularity to do Paris, when he thra: ists, on the dueling i The Poworful Refl Paris Exp een Vi the sun. The Tick ang ctiee, large like kind. Germ: of that country. aerate e cafes habit, declaring that b chiot ‘aicohoiler eonsietiann & rapidly making Ju whe habitually drink any pate Seer a acope ever constructed. @ THE ABSINTHE VICE. Gen. Galliffer, Fre am ts Sale Io Minister of War, Army Camps ekm. Gen. Marquis aa: Galliffet, again prove liffet does not propose to fill the lunatic asylums with his the themselves with and Gen. de dati bravery ciate re n particularly by soldiers, of bra the so-called forma ifs,” such as ix and seven p.m., is an institution in pirenia! especially in are filled with 2am sipping, the opalescent: sbsinthe muna! “Dictionary of BS hag alld ins sto the, Sout a 100,000, Per Inhabitants Drink, P. C. 3) the dietionary adds: sanity known as folie alco- uent now as it and the mder restraint on he wormwood and tee rts = atin is Win be to forbid the rite ks at drin] He risks his d to men who “But le Galliffet xico, at shed the commun- field. a silver plate over his own Te cavers at te ehtful would have killed most m A GREAT INSTRUMENT. ting Cong ig atthe osition On May 28 the eclipse rol tl cid aactranes pig telescope is cor THE GREAT TELESCOPE AT PARIB. ies on Brinciples different. from the Yerkes, ‘The Paris telescope is a reflector, while the Yerkes and Lick glasses are refractors. latter the heavenly object is looked ‘Thro’ at, directly. ch the former ite image is seen refiected in a huge mir Is Stuttering Contagious? See is, considered contaates re are in 4 000 stuttering children in the oe aS and the steadily increasing. aes that ‘Theoretical- French “Aperitif contait Caused by number lan, in TH Min- pseela oxip the over 80,- number is Vaistia Book Free Dr. Hammond-Kall’s Great Book “MOTHERHOOD” Handsome edition, library Gly subjects which every woman, and those contenpiang ge should ka OF ITS TOPICS—Physiology of tions of Mother. and nitd, Woman's Critica 3 Ne ged Clothing Latte, fo limited number ot this Be aa iling book, FREE 0: receipt of 1 to cover mailing. Send ascraan ire one, Address BRITISH CHEMISTS COMPARY. 88-88 TORONTO, CANADA. MODEST LITTLE WISH. Young Wife—I wish I were a moth. Young Husband—Why Foune Wife-So I could: get inte some new clothes. w life ae a quarter. Miller’s Com- Baty Iron Pills. FELL FLAT. ‘Was the oe a aeons Mike? No, begorry, as ni scrimmage jurin’ oe Nile oy ie Your friend, Mrs. ——, » much improved in health. he is & different woman. We per satel her to try Miller’s anna Tron Pills, with the result you ob: Lumbago is RPE FE of the back. e cause is Urie Aci in the blood. Wie the kid- AT LAST. metery near Portland there are five o tablets all’ alike, except’ the inscriptions, which read Anne, first wife of John Brown. Cla: John Brown. At rest at last, it lang healer is found in ca — old as ae ae a hoa pain or soreness in the. eh tronobit ete. Te has cuted many when tebe far advanced in consump- keer “Trou Hast Kept Back the Good Wine Until Now,’* ‘A FEAST OF HOLY MERRIMENT. ‘pr. Talmage Clearly Presents the Joyous Features of the Christian Relizion Christ supplies All Things in Aband, ance If Chaistiuns Will Only Ask For Them, Washington, July 1.—A remark- able illustration of the ubiquity of English speaking people, is furnished b; the hi ee as a festivity and invites all rid come as guests and cin, in its boly mertimant; text; John ii, 5 au hast kept the 001 4 in common. life, two plain people having pledged each other, hand and he their friends avrg notte v shard, ter the parents ee heared her, for 18 years, that in a few short months her affections hone have by ey we are to-day Galilee. Jesus an sae have been invited. there are more people there Eithe e of it and see for wood in it, no t rate’ wine. w be diverted to the write the best ine false na. Li scripts were jeri to petition, but the poet won the prize Pee sua hls. ope ie parca slve oF the miracle: ‘he conseions water saw its God and: bloated We learn from this miracle, in place, that Christ has peel es honaeksepe might have raait nats Jeeves srqhle have said “T ‘cannot Dathered with th household deficiency of wine. r eaven a: caterer er things than “ t so ke avery Is it hard work tines decently ore i sit Don't go out and iret, te eo him Pee soe foe pees ee SD a Barlor. feel that God is going t starve?”” ‘The lad looked up in the woman's face and said, “Do you AE AL wet tits ataesirhigt trust him and then do the best I canys “Enough theology, for ‘olter a per and entertain Christ does things in abundance. 1 think a small supply of wine oul have made up t e Bae a3 70 gallons ai 0 gallons of the Tt is just like him everything on the taper generous scale. r, £0 aoe to oe je. makes m by the aie forest full; notched like the fern or silvered 1 aspen or broad like the palm; “thlgets si the ropies, Oregon fore: e go t Meu ata waska Rowereey el Wheto plenty of them; they flame from the hedge; they hang from the tl grapevine in blossoms, they roll in f er full, a lake full, an orcas full; pour- fog it ub antdt all the D- a rin w viich ae wash. Does Jesus provide redemption? It is not a little salvation {for this one, le for the vAthose and Sue with an Promise eoitaae ene Sor e night, but el mae in the morn- ar “remark, further, Jesus hat wedding an so much trouble, so much poverty, so much persecution, and the’ cro! is coming. T shall not abe: Ate ie loom. of my! tee andl ot my. sar ws ast all this oth Se sala not Jesus, He sa to himself: are two persons starting out in married life, Let {t be a joyful occasion. ide my own griefs. I will kindle their joy.” ‘There are many not so wise as that. ho’ where there are trouble?’? And s make every- thing consistently otra and send their | soi and daughters to ruin may nie Mitor they throw around sm, = & of ly dear friends, do yor le without any, wine. We d t that any of the other provisions fell ort. “When Christ ‘ma vine, ling. ie have done that which “gees chief of the banqueters. spina, aura ony a sili a ber so, I take it, he will not deny us the ges iat aee Positively testa ink the ch: of God have 8s ai tat home economi Jearn al 30 from this ieee that peopre, ana to cl loudly. ‘There is nae hem ae is given to A mation from the throne of Go cipation for all the Aten: 1 man accepts. the terms 0 that ob aa amation on becomes. free has he not a Fight be merry? pose a fath sion and larg will he give t these grounds? — Will he 5: M children, you must not walk throu these paths or sit down under these juck thi iders and not for his own children. It is stark atheism. for ban to indulge fn and-no house too splendid for him to live in. He righteous, and again T say ralotce Agog ae e hour of our extremity. until it was all gone, and no My stained’ over yore sins. You could not find the way out. + down and said: ‘God will not — be merciful. a4 Bi in that, the darkest hour of your and Jesus si Howe: Buhavs eee all ane noscoyer In this, the hour of thy extremity, offer thee pardon and everlasting yu were almost lif Trouble came. i You You oni me. “In the fourth liveranco, to bis disetples. £ wonder if it will be so in ow very last extremity. We shall fall suddenly sick, and doctors will a sus will come to us, nd y, “Tord Jesus, I ani afraid of that water; I cannot wade rough to the other side,” he will yi old of m; ‘And we will take hold of his arm, and en he will put his foot in th suit ffthie save, deking: uy on down deeper, deeper, deeper soul: and will ery, “‘All thy ‘waves aia ule have gone over me.” ‘The wedding seene is gone now ‘The wedding ring has been lost, the tankards have been broken, the house ia dori, But a Siete NBD | gra wedding, You kn the Bible ‘says bat Gob curls Ad jth the table will be spread, and it Teach across the sides, and “ihe inighty oes bf Reaver will cote. in, garlanded with il JUDGE HOKE’S COURT thumped hs ibs He hed ty ‘olan up ai in’ a word as he HOW THE LAW IS DEALT OUT AT | the White Wolf, and some folks thought i Fem shew ‘Wan eaction (cere over e * ‘y Speedily abaserte Any Diseus- | pauls me Dae by. the Lawyers or Any Evi- | bed and wanted jestice. It was my dence From the Witnesses: {Copy 1900, by C. B. Lewis.] * court ‘icin opened,” said Iudge | ticklers. das he looked} “Qfebbe “it won't take Pete McGuire is a Dog saloon. I'm Jookin right at Pete | sure ‘nuff squeal eGuire, but Ipw demands that in “ he’s present in this courtroor T’m here,” replied Pete as Be rose up. “And hey you got a lawyer?” T hey.” “And has’ the constable got. the de- | the bulwarks fendant on Yjand ?” “We has,” said the office 1 “Hh ped in the bud right here ‘Th thin to delay the Per- | national game of poker will soon follow formance. is a case I don’t! the national game of croquet into Ww fr fo ‘em and knows their ways. Pete McGuire uts on a smile which c: pu eenisiloce Mies has had something to been ont to |7izht eye's extra power. with the Another Opinion of C ate, ‘The cho RG, Heriot by. hes Guest Wes Tittle parent 50) by DS ley on Politic: Urry, In 1872, pnts shield ‘an Indian, a was a well known resident of Paola, He other, Pete's smile kept stalltn, aN si im’s | was an enthusiastic carace of Horace STE bauatamoce rors Gnu reeley for the presidency, and he wrot aths and more funerals, Bimeby thar | to that gentleman proposing a speaking was $1 on the table, then it became ur of Kansas which shot be made 200. “hen sinilin Peto laid down his | novel and attractive by a band of [n+ two guus, his watch and his last $10, | dians, organized by Shields and taken makin $50 in all, and thought to raise | along. In due time Shields received a Jim out of the game. His smile was like Fooly 18 Me Giatiey's mt illegible han ere it is, says ari and gentle, but he was mistaken in his | Paola (Kan) Republican, a8 best de man. Jim Taylor is a man with a sorrer- | ciphered by those who took a look at it: ful countenance, but he can’t be riz out ot Yous axtworn, 10 game of so He’s thar till the July %, 1872, My Dest Stet sank Joule heartily for your offer yet idge ‘hot waste their :! i Bechure's eech. Tt t might ev bin | is the best political address I ever read. Youre, ten minits before aii hauled out $50 and ‘Horace Gnesuer, Great Cures Brought About By the Use of the Famous Prescription of the Venere able Dr. A. W. Chase, z g = a : . : z Es PS : EB 3 wel e 3 : : 5 i “This is to certify that I was sick Here are fis ohne three st of the time for three i yc cases which Dr. Chase’s family ertialien in bed the nx proved a. blessing pf incalculable) years with ki e se recij medicines, is the consulting, physician | under treatment |b different im the majority of homes in Canada| doctors during the time and not able and the United Stat was J begun to take Dr. Chase's . ‘idney-Liver Pills, and since IE sl DYSPEPaIA time have been working every day Mr. Joseph Gerouz, 22 Metoalf St.| although a man nearly 70 years, of Ottavra, Ont. age. Dr. Chase's Tidaey- Liver Pills wr pons, had Hesdach Men WeAatRE I te relorcd aa fight, wa could ind siicuh wd tabs: months, I can MAE pai Tuak T toad like a new man. “My appetite is good |, Lrest and ‘ement has ee it the plerh pats st of family ointe Dr A. W. Chase's portrait — bon nature are om every box of his used, 21 cause I want to give fait credit pert it is due.’ more right to reer than any other the flush of this wedding triumph! KIDNEY BISEASE. Mr. James cordate Newcomb Morthamberla: Mills, | ine Sold creer a aunty, Ont., writes: mansot, Bates & Oo., Toronta