Milverton Sun, 19 Jul 1900, p. 2

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LOST MAN'S LANE, A sora Rplode ts in the Romantic Life| ™Y Amelia Butterworth, BY ANNA KATDARINE GREEN. ‘The atmosphere of gloom which set- tled down over the household’ after the evening meal, seemed like the warning|| 4) eid about. Winning their fove the night was over I not only aay saorauilion od Foleteah At encom! ed'in sufficiently impressing them with! thecontentment which ey own petty em. ployments afforded me (I am never idle Seaiih otter, perioi’ houses) or themi to-spare mo the harassmenit of their al-! and forced visits which in theis! t mood andzmino ‘promised little, in hed way my eae wie at EB 2 $ — 2 3 + ae A the possible difficulties of Had 1 been like most women I would hage sounded three promonitory noted pou my whistlo before blowing out my rat fe, but while I, am "not iach, 1 of thé finer alts which link’ me to Aa ey have but f its wealmosses and in their eyes, as I knew , ea my meagan wie Me Gryce, mo thing seugestive of a timid and iapetenced ad yay me @ delicious Feehook the wi night’s watch in a state of stern com- @ which I vane believe inal jaw Mr. Gryce’s admiration consonant with the preprie- tor him teks ae ite ee diseed ie very seriou: guoh that I apd ‘ahh pee! trembled if T would, ey herve and fatal belts straint its utm malre most of ath sound Aahich might Ales in tho now silent and discreetly dark- died honse. + The Legit which Itook the night ‘before of be mpalagen come I felt itive for Haw aah in lea bein ane had’ remarked the night bygaeail 't let any queer sounds you may eas disturb you, Miss Butterworth. ere’s nothing to hurt you in this nanied nothing at all.” An ee Iam sure that her young m eal afterall that had passed red ws this day, ube not have allowed her te utter 12 toy, ‘had bean made acqnaint- e@ with her eatin But thongh in a.state of high expeo- tation and listening, as I supposed, with every faculty alert, tho sounds I appre- Keutled delayed so long that I began aft- F on hour or two un: od ite i from the st fn which I found oie when I ly woke. I was sitting there still, ear Stanly ‘odlm frame was in a vi- tremble and I fonnd it difficalt to nai wonld have asserted itself, but before this could happen—Hannah having con- fegsed to me afterward that sho had put afew -ains orphine into my toa—the stealthy step drew near emdl heard the qnict, ord eee sei akey after all, and this ‘was the as reserved for. et antokly pp phd feet, I shouted ont the Loreen, Lucetta and William, rare Mh when I went to to relight the eandle I had left standing oa a table Bear by could I by any means succeed in light: ing ee one Pa is found poder shut up of commen! milancty with the werld Yotatde and with up light ts zendex, the situation tolerable. This was haying the gean they had not heeded my cry of i ‘ ak to perform their.duty. be invent some way ont of my difficulties. So, dropping on knees e chair in which I had been tition, I picts a quiet search for 1 petty object ic Rito fi dbabises ing ‘bang not my perhaps, butall chan: mcoess ia) - under which % was ekeyenb t growing more serious. I did not find it it, but I did find where it had gone. In the floor near th hand encountered after awhile a hole which had been covered up by been rng, which I distinctly bered having pushed aside with my feet when But that whe moe thy!| 1 t2ok myiseat there. It was not role I had Ess myself to play at this cri-' end Lremembéred what Mr. Gryce had raat of ‘ noticed in my short but perl ful life that chance, or rather let me idence, for there can be ni such thing as chance, frequently seems to lend itself to the canse we are fight- arb the midnight, though every fiber in ps body told me that the event 1 bad feared—the event of which I hardly Jaro mention thé character even to my- seli~had taken place, and that I, wh¢ was sent there to techie it, was not only a prisoner room, but a pris oner tpg any own folly and my in ines love of tea, The anger vith which I contemplated this and the remorse I felt at the con: guented which Had! tefallen the Iano pent made me very wide awake and after an ugg ha effort to aa psenian rb "vich events like any other weak and defense lang might es hie a it with ess and in a way to win my owt soioral at least ‘The dupe of Willis 8, I would not pat og oan Han or even of my grets. consequence was renewed aaa. nimity and a gentle Vat ‘ing ove one event ae the day regret in Trohm an {t had Jea to were topics conld rest with great soothing effeo. tifoage the weary hours stretchin; tween m ol would permit, since shame, Sronble at een cutee aicesclaie tna gn my now vividly aroused thoughts eH ry Whether the slmost deathly quiet ae shies ia ie had now fallen 0 re of my medita fens held eae to the topic I haa *ehoven acted Tee At feeling sure Ua you will ex to hear I kept myself aw: thet fine Seedeats eri paula Staircases whose ieee ended it g branches of great trees, nea so inte quiet and a dpe uchinaii that were only broken into by a rap at my door and 4 oeepighe o'clock, mia’am. The young ladies are waiting. ie pounded, itrally) pounded, fr Rifai tees Wake 2 phen “What dia itameant wi a tte attitude, and fore hai ed that I had been upon the watch all night, yot titabeatuein ths this woman before, to argue that my imagination ed me false ae that no horron rb my rést or rendet ng. Stretching out my Pisa toward the door, I yas about to open it, when I be thought m: “Turn the key in the look,” said L “Somebody was careful enough of my mae to fasten mo in last night.”” of astonishment came om erecn the di my no key here, ma’am. The wen is not ¢ looked. Shall I open it cs in?” we oa about to say yes in my anxiety to talk to the woman, but remembering that nothing was to be gained as yet 8 letting them know to w: tomato stead and then cried: indigna: tion nad appeal, but I gould) get cam is 6 to be gone nor he the pinches Weds were plentifel enough in the safe refused one iy ‘There, ma'am, Whatdid I td Locked—this door! Why, the sey been lost for lo: *“T eann aon. but witt ee i any apatite eA pope anne gh” said X you sxid_ jas non at the young ladies were expecting to (asp ¥ ay and why not?” Her lock wa siaolansty guileless. ‘Miss some' Jaug! tee Aish the smallest hesitancy ulled aside a apror you ‘caula shialT woul: oats. mye A are ma’am, this is nothing to matali days, I mean, when we did have guests I have ‘known them to scream themselve and vow they caw white figures ereap ing up and down the halls—all non ma’am, but believed im by som REC, folks. You don’t look fy you bubievec in ghosts, “And i on’ ca I said, eh) a whit It would fn ee me. roy is Mn ‘iMiam thi well and feeding the dogs mata Wie made you on ak at “Politeness, Hann: cea ’s the only mar ouse. Why shouldn’s I think a Fe ie to Singerod her apron a minnte ans en as, ai ad liked him. He’s rough, it isn’ ied who under- ds bim,’” “Must was beginning to think I might have dreamed about that, key. “I don’t know,” she enid, “I bar Pula at undenstand Bite Locetta, bat ike her through and anne pala, as I like this! 1 le inger.”* holding up this Hey abet ee ied ‘inte ine the 1d the roo itoher, which she ohne to fll y ed it water. eh followed her rons with my bcs en ahe came ww her oy ‘on the break f e whe footing, which be baa. not noticed in entering, she exclaimed, “what Me her honest face coloring as rug baok over the small ‘iach Fal “Yam sure, ma’am,” she cried, “you must think very poor of us. Bat I sure you, ma’am, it’s honest E poverty, nothing but honest poverty, as makes em £0 neglectful,” and with an air as mystery as her frank, Enchood, she slid from the room as 't hurry, Bnollye? feral rai ie shan, a ae im’t as quick as M: oF adil thea ih “supposing I had called in the But by the Hen Rake had setumed with the hie a doubis had awaken- again. 8 not changed, though I have no doubt she had told what I had bes aoe ig te Dee for I mmem- dered th 2 wbanght 1 mr at way of toring ter th up in her se! ency. Just es she was Hata A me for the id time I called What is a pach wil x praage, I ask ye i) le them light last Sith he HE thede ate old motabes!” said showing me the box hat dozen oF burned Tacha saa [ro Be contiNvEp.] el Next July the Scottish border s0- cieties will celdvrate the bi-centenary of the birth of Jam: LADY RANDOLPH CHURCHILL. year: Lady Randolph has been in sok “Africa with the hospital ship Maine, and caring for another son who was wounded while under fire. tentions to her. fe will fortune of $75,000 a year on tl of his father. The father owns nop less than 10,000 acres of valuable English land. TWELVE GOOD RULES. Found in the wa be King Charles the 8 ae Bs observed, says has Fier Lady, that os he has,a great tenderness for ants’ hall at Windsor Castle, and is headed: “twelve good tules! found in th say of Charles I., of blessed mem- ebotane no divine ordinances.” rs.” rels. <ill-opinions.”* “Encourage no vice sfc tno grievances.” veal no secrets.’ Make no comparisons.” “Keep no bad company. “Make no aaa eet? “Lay no wa; ge Tebieyed fyi caste ‘Thy peace and everlasting gain.” An Old Man’ A rare ance Was mentioned at an ing! Lambeth, England, recently. A ), 9 night watchman, y a locomotive at eon’s road, Battersea, and though 27 of his ribs were broken and his right, foot) crush his icked distance along the , and descended 16 steps of a lad- der and walked 25 yards to his hut. ip waa fag ae Ye policeman, atill alive, four hours late Since: ‘coil Rhodes, Miss Edith hots, laine of the re~ nowned Cecil, is man of great character and cls impressive appearance. She never feared for her rother’s safet; uring the long Boge of imberioy (6x 65) se vCory goes, she has learned by means of palmistey and ene cards that his life will last for at least four years Pere) Miss Rhodes is rather stout and of medium height. Her hair is wage with’ gray,’ and, as will be MISS EDITH RHODES. seen, her features are) strong, cone r he wi with living human- which pe rata Papers have ae ‘Thomson, the author of ey Britannia” and of "Whe Seasons. lished eag: CHINESE NAMES. Aui Neate Gives Some Rules Which Gov An acknowledged euthority on on os pronunciation ‘iterated into Bee fs lue and should be given that value in pronunciation. 3. for consonants, they are pro- peed exactly as written. rules wil For ex: example, under the first rule, y tab-koo, for Taku, not yoiKas) Ole may frequently’ hear the word pronounced. Lee-hoong-chahng “for Li Hung g| Chang, not liehung-chan; Peb-king, for Pekin, not eae Shahng-hah-ce, for Shanghai not sbnag-high. ‘Tsoong-lee-yahmen for Tstng Li Zi in, not tsung lie yaymen, ‘ea a the second rule Tien Tsin pronounced teeyen tsinn, accenting the yen syllabic; not ti in. G ‘Nich’s name is Nee-yeh. he inese coin tael is not tale, fu is yoon-nahf-foo, not yu... . manner all words are pro- nounced with syllabic distinctness Pha, rl; ooakn, coe the choo yery lightly; Ngan- hel inggahnghoowayes, dropping | Saeiatr weae Tage ancl mentee} eae leeahoo-tong, and the, Geeks Possession is Keeahoo Chahoo. Arithmetic Befor if aa indictive com: the jespera pein in arithmetic as ennoy him | the recent | in archaeological | f that time had a thorough | elements of ari Miowiedge of the metic. } us examples show that their | fractions were made by means of ad-! ition and multiplication. Subtrac- | tion and division were not wn in their present farm, but correct t re) sults were obtained, nevertheless 3 @ Papyrus also contains calcula- tions of area, culation of the area of a squ ing the dice and finally calculations of the c1 Measurements of py: Tan mids, Royal Proposals. The circumstances under which the Queen and Prince Albert many eee who ess first Proposal of ctniSaller Exinee ‘The London Outlook revives a true story of the provost of -kealdy, who is evidently not a purist in the use of language. He had laugh: Str William Harcourt,, a¢co’ fed by Mr. L. aa got eras coring the burg! his p , resence snd the provost had to discuss ‘with his guests the lamentable unsanitary state of tie place you know, sir,’ ‘did he dwell on Mr. wes “About. thi vost. Are they a ‘ailneads Maen MISSION OF DORCAS.|2 Lessons Drawn From the Story) (onan 1 w of Her Life. ool brow of her who charm ed it * the story of history Mthat on that day Jopna there 8 g 5 a ourning— An Acknowiedcoa Ad CHINESE 4 Whi An ackn i Were a great pro Suuneiation’ BF and women of pomp and | trans there were ten thousand of the poor | papers if the speal Sash . NAMES. ity G auigewsen! pledged authority on the }la Chinese names as lterated: Into English assures us + there ni no. serious difficul in *sounding the many Chinese es y appearing in the news- ker Will’ remember ein FL Though the, pally of military au ss glaring iaes inarked States} aabniar Germany, | Austria, ve , Denmark, Boethty Swe- Gwitzerlan fexico, ALLEVIATING HUMAN DISTRESS.|# of France who followed her coflin, |that the vowels in these names are Weeping, and wailing, until the, att} unit thi the Italian or cai i, Portugal, a ck SE rang again, because when they. lost | centinental alphabet, namely: e counties | which aed as ‘Words Fer These Engaged tv Josephine they lost their last earthly | 4! A is always about ag aa clement of their’ flage eptatal (Werks er ee as end h, who, would dot irather:|6 o always approximately ase in they |Britain, | United, States, Works of Benevelence—A Rich Ke- © Hhave such obsequies than all the tears France, Hol land, Ecuador, aaa . were ever poured in the lachr: i, Venezuela and Cuba. ard seeered Te a EL hee Geto eae aad emneelt seen nee countries have bladk as. one When the Vietory Is Won. 3 ncient citie may be no of the elements o: lags ; ti Rs Tal-| and gr 4 mass for the dead; there may be no |e Belgium aa Ching Kut Gee! Veal tid a seeking for dod and being at peace | costly sarcophagus; there may be ino tue “and should be given hat value is the only one of the three maze, who is still traveling in 1 Rorth- with him. Gabotata ‘auauealad the| in prontnciation. hat has black and white together. ern Europe, has forwarded the fol-) Further, we see Dorcas the bene-| damp cellars of Oat clap Rea: toeooun lise xe 10 riconsonants, they are pro-{ There are six countries )which have 0) sermon in which History has told the story |the lonely huts of the mountain glen |nounosd exactly as written. een aS & r: Ireland, Brazil, the he utters helpful words to all who there .will be mourning, mourning,| These three rules will secire as es lag of which is rose fly; Mexico, >» engaged in alleviating human mourning, because. Dore dead-|rect. a pronunciation of Egypt, Italy and. Per’ 5 pie uch work “Blessed are the d ames as tan be secured without ‘oral| Nine. countrie, have fags in which Acasa pay soe Nathithe, last). text, | clover eo 1 a rust Ik | Lord; they fi ipeisasnlan: the color is. partly yellow. © ‘These aa ve SF widows the corn, “he as sung. How praises of|and their works do, follow them. For nga under the first rule, {countries are Anstria, Italy, Switzer- i showing |the Plow. tell you the praise: ny one would say tab-koo, for Talk, n t land, Turkey, cae ret Mexico, which | Of the needle. Fro: ay frequently pee ae, Denmark, Portuga a wrist: prepared in the gard Ede nd Chi ast stitch taken on Mnelgsnpent TA Hung | There ie or the needle has wrought cpap | sta sit Ay oF paaeni 8 of kindness, generosity and r Pekin, not peck-in. has a whi en benefaction.” It adorned ‘the girdle jaspute that town when the apostle| Shahng-hah-cé, for Shanghai, | not| The flag of Ecuador is,nearer white cedar | er the high. priest, it fashioned the |b nt her’ out among her old simagr igh, than any other country, being made furtains in the ancient stat pernacle, i tres “Hlow the tears of joy snust |" Teoong-leevahmen for, Tsung of two parallel white columns, be- \ aha Saga ea ione sls of King. Solo- | have Pa Mann Wout @ Haepise. of Yamen, not tsung lie yaymen, ne tA lpetween which is a column of blue, a it provided the robes of Gen hand the ere. anust nae eon! What | on. upon which are Tahive etacn, hers MASS") Mizaheth, n high places ahd in ha 1. Sound it} Under the second rule Tien Tsin is Las GR RL ow places, by ie fire of the pion- ut it ts siaiiy accenting Paid Dear For His “Fua, 's back-log and under the flash o: ; ae en The following ineident. Mlustrates chande everywhere, it has | me e prol it has. preached! You and I have seen the él is ae ‘tale, : M home and sees his little boy well! i : 7 clad and says, ‘Whe elothes come fro: ‘And they tell! p im, ‘“Doreas has been here."# In an-|a other place a woman is trimming a ai another place a family Been at “table for many tea a gathered eG for Dorcas has ae bre: there i is a, sudden, pause in that s hey say: Where is Borie Ww hy, fav haven’ seen her for many a . . Where is Dor ”* And one of thesé poor peo- ple goes up and knocks at the door ing’s | 6 disease is more anxiously waited for | pes the news from this benefactress. a f railing! That ieee which ha: ful sore is! tere! paca that nao which has mai) light into the eas dy clhend by ‘the ‘blinds iste, that go up from the riv i forsaken place in town, wherever there is a sick there no comfo! looks and streaming eyes a ii ions as they cry, ‘Dorcas js dead! ‘They send for the apostle Pet: who happens to be in the suburbs ot =e cs B 8 = 2S 3 = 5 a 4 8 9 about him! some of the poor people, who show he garments ‘which this poor Wo- man had made for them. ‘Their grict cannot be appeased. ‘The:apos- Ue Peter want to (or) @ mir- af le will not do i i the Oh, it is serious ent, sais ow, when you are alone, With lifeless body! | ‘The apostle pie v" prays, and tains of Mite; hee Rate flats Pe ‘thrill; See he aig We eo fn this elect Be «the dizciple, Dorcas Dorcas the lamented, Doreas tye re eurrected. k flu: tushes; the it. the» mansion of Doreas and her’ immortal health bounding e did these| pulses. What alcontrast bet’ pr ra wie aes of t pe Be al of the cl fi subject ee rity. There many 10. are ve \Ghureh architecture who never in their [uiterhelped to puild a chur: ‘ot en who can give you fore pot Buddhism and Mot si evangelization. There fering ef the the courage, like Dorcas, t jet at their dep: this at the death of ed hearse, nuisance abated. It is, | ie ns to eek Be; a It I had, not, seen that sword, dit: ed vagreney constructed. id the greatest triumphs in all ges and lands, I set do the con-| th, of ¢t dle. admit its} I admit its cruelties. It has | nore martyrs than ‘the fire; punctured the eye; it has Biot 2 pie k weakness int “* 2 mess 7 has filled the potter a ttvhae pitened apie erates ot ime and “wretehe But now th infnistties the poor, I shall speak nly of the re igm who never sent a farthing ho talk beautifully about ‘the’ suf- rid, who never _ ha’ was not more turmoil ar opturning ini she. Meniterrancts | Se, again at that’ seaport, than ther were pei h: S ot gnlet beca ere are of life and are imnmisted. @ may be 9. very large here may great m: rriages and a plum- oF her’ ing eulosiums, the bell ma: metery gate, there may easing to fi faite ee is Ponty; 01 of the sleeping Denefac ss Na hosts of many su hat I ai harity al ae conned, rime e it | woman tbls Tor the upbuildidg of a chureh igh | many 6 [ers_and tears, and then she dies ince | she tent away. | Urahoo. the prosperity | good that seemed come up again. ed! ill have come in Worn out from your last round of lo not know. where you. will sl © | put there will be a | guarding it, and through ali the long aust. Sleep-on, pleasant atiadows, pose! Sleep on erate years of a: i dies?we are apt ough te ates "eelt-doni {of God descends upon pte ds of souls stand faith of oe ae ter awhile all r maki ae: ep, nor What your epitaph will be, ing at hat tomb, and an angel of Cod night no rude foot will disturb | the leep on! ‘Soft Liinuateciees Asleep:in Je sus! Blessed From which none ever, hosed to weep! pre ntia ‘seme dust, and she aa iba aicrounded by andde hom she Pech tite the street wi ie hake Abe surrounded by the svounded’sot Is _ to erro she bad admuaigtened. Daucht- over in their ler of God, so strangely) sunrounded, hat means this? mean: re. ammedan.|Ward has come, that the vietory is for| won, that the crown is ready, thoy en|the banaue: is spread. | Shont, 0 také the ere per- but there arture like ‘There dashing ee jets eclaim- ajit through all the “ying be through all the Sunnie earth. a cas is cen ected! n 1855, when some of the boise called Cri rected for the tw ment and the royal family to sit in.’ ere Was a great audience. to witness the distribution of edals. Jonel who had’ lost both feet. in the battle of Inkermann was pulled in on a wheel chair; others came in “liny ing on their crutch ‘Then « tl ‘een of England arose before them in the name of her government and : o saat: battlefields--Almia, Balaklava, mann and Sebastopol. he z the wounded id ople, an st ing eyes, in the s And then they shouted, “Huza, huz- ae Op it was a proud day for sageprst But prlgnter, better and gladder- day will Christ shall enter those the a time; not a ae body 1e-| put tah-ale pronotineed! quickly. ¥ fu is yoon-nahn-foo, not Kiau ni Chau aa Malate the Arithmetic Ey in. excellent these Repeat pale period about 1 du eu Sia ich bhe vill make the nee of ‘ond roves Beyptian of thst last ery: of inowwledse the m pI ong the recent Doreas is resurrect isroverics i Before M. There is vint ndictive com- went away 15. year: 4 fort for the eRe iy schoolboy in the is Keeahoo|Knowing that e bean sal a Ta like manner all. words. are hey nounced with syllabic distinctness | ich, the, help’ pt Sere dod pedals d with uniform vowel sound. have for three years prevented their jer the third rule the province,one hotel keeper getting’ @ name Szechuan is sounded, not ze-|license to sell liquor, kuan, but nearly zehchooahn,| The county W.C.T.U. sony entign touching the choo very lightly; Ngan-|was held there recently, and the om / Brants cares ving no regard for the ia Be \esceteay Hyer ra Nici ei yy them to return they learned that wy, ue Set peepee the driver, was in the bottom of the problems in arithmetic as ennoy him eves ee te ne dies returned iby Gaah and arra. ae BG te isa made for the return of peypt. papyrus contition Gatins wiht ahowt ten days the proprie- i ‘THIS tor of that hotel was arrested for sell- ‘a doubt that the orough elements of arith- time had a th tic Numerous examples show that ae ean Unton Binal,’ principal operations with units fractions were dition and multi tion grain of b: even measures of barley. How much | wit The papyrus also cot tions of ares, the calculation of area of a cirele, ing the circle, and finally calculations | ily reside, measurements of the cubic mids. jos , attempts to squal mntains. caleula-!for ‘proposing’ f the} and salons of the Grand Palace of St. ing on ee Ujuor without» deonge. ‘a fine and costs of ptsiy four bad lars. | 'The Lvokaipua Ke by the of- Veh Sip ot ly the W. C.T. he man, nae since sold out and vee ibe town. 1a A. Wheel- as ee A at made by means of ad-| Reval Pro ion. , Subtrac- iapees fa “| The circumstances inden which the Queen pee Prince Albert became en- mn been described. ae eae Princess first received the sal of et ailor Prince. riumphs of Dr to these great never be es! have , recom’ , ite valu Over the Most Obs Torture Human Kiid — Remedies That. Bring Health and Happiness to Gana- dian Homes. prescriptions. The! worth to a ste and suffering oi PILES FOR 23 YEARS. ar? I se is too Se-.| Gounty, Ont., writes Jong standing to hei granddaughter, nine years old, whomrd| on every box nded ,aro, hI anzioes to hive ay Gatferee know | A34, of il ate Diseases Tc) PALE AND WEAK, Mrs, Stephen Dempsey, very pale and weal, and bad no ‘ape ati) tite. She had a [eee ered wen deliostecand sickly. much. weight ma ime ‘real pra Gua tioditok snner,' Wiarton, Ont by | wri Aca Staoa't tike to have my name oer phssiians, ani every | put in public print, but [feel it aduty remedy I could hear of, vba could get | fo my, fellow men to recommen Ty Tet. A t ot Wee Bolding ot | four years | was troubled with chroai Toronto,” reconemonded Dr. Chase's | constipation and leness of t Omtment, which Lat ones purchas-neys. My condition we, soriour whe fi dealer and obtained re-| I. be se ie third application, Dr. }Li ver Pa Bats, toa I Peet Bellare itators are pat, ronrady 1, Fda <

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