Milverton Sun, 19 Jul 1900, p. 3

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The Milverton Sun THORSDAY, JULY 19, 1900. must be working overtime. * is satisfied with either. ae son Bay Company has the deciding whether the residents of Manitoba ** yr The great diffeernce of opinion be- _ a at my office, at Milverton, on the 7t! tween the people of the United States degen Sly » 100, pM goon is gold or silver, the average Canadian | toy. inspect A Sg cop Bo 48 cova: OF PER’ Notice transmitte sai the Senate this session, the members ifs last. revi ie NOTICE! 1900. —Munrorpanrry me ViknAe Loe MILVERTON, hereby pa! that I have | acc d or delivere: ed to the pe Act,” the copies required by sai section be so transmitted or de- Considering the bills thrown out by Hier cf eps pee mee a Bt a mains there pee ‘called ag to examine sb the teers list, and if any omission or POR Str are Tt appears at present that the Hud-| ‘med Rin ee Dated this 7th Raa Oh July, found aiterein. totake 6 ording to law. Clerk of Milverton. i pci ar i* old man, but 2 a See 3 SAVING BARGAINS shall go dry or have liquid refresh- ments. y ote tobe divided by party, is in the sessional idemnity, ate Time works many changes, a few short weeks ago war appeared likely between Russia and Japan, now Rus- the pacifying of China. Pi This is election year in the United ancestors’ short comings. foreigners out of China and the question is will he lose his official head. Watford Guide. Haying conqured Tsin, the mission- aries in Shi hina are now at liberty to, A.Bonighted Chatamite, Watford Guide. der path is over-grown Ww and has fallen into diet all Government. eon- ue a provision to ge ‘Mert (oronto Telegram.) Talkabout,deeds of “dering do,” but that Caxi itis not surprising that a, Canadian te caliven tie til of tone Polite Way of feo % ioe Mary’s Argu rir Cunged, (Toronto Telegram.) The Sweet Singer of West W: nosh thus celebrates ouddy’s attack on H. A. P “Dan held the banner t From trailing fe in the hark Powell, M. P. a ounsed ant 6 Cn ad assed. tation Premiership. The Premier of China| the ro: has been endeavoring to drive the |#0d Englan ‘The Stratford-Mitchgll bipyele cine pnere ‘The Whole Show The one question on! which the! the Giche’s esteemed co members of the House of Commons, |Sir Mackenzie Bowell, is, just now act- Liberal and Conservative, appear not}ing at Ottawa upon the theory that it an increase |is the whole works. Women's Rights (Toronto Telegram) ‘he Empress Dowager of China is one answer to ¢] ‘S| woman cannot have influeuce because |§ de sia has solicited Japan to take part in| she has no vote. The The Queen is of the strain, Sh e argument that Queen 1s an Irishman zish Tourist) old Irish royal e is not only a Guelph and States, one result is that it affords the | Stuart, ate royal politicians an opportunity to call’ op- At ans ae Trish Roden of the whole islan: ponents all the bud names in the al-|Osconnor His sens wens ek 1 d | His daughter married Hugo de Lacey. Phabet and show up all their own and | His daugh et uence nacre, mt cotland. zh Joe Martin was in favor of driving| Robert, Bree, the Princess Margery, | fe out the Chinese out of British Colum-| Scotland. hrough her the . thro bia, and he was driven out of the| Stuarts claimed the Scottish crown. Peet per bag. ineludin, i French, German, Italian ond Syriac is said he read the New Testament in the first three of these at least hundred times. At his jubilee it was stated that he had t miles, abledly on Dorseback, preached 66,750 serm n part in 6,430 other services, and made 11,520 family sits, married 238 cou eo funerals, and baptized 2 ad Y It w together pe ahora perhaps approxi- mate the number id 8] esha: which the te present head. of ade in the course of se political care COMMERCIAL, his long an Muwvertox July i, 190 ‘all wheat per bush. $ pring ose per bi Barley per ba i Tallow Vook. ides ese | nacks Fall Whe Spree: Witali: 65 95 Falla 35 rere les, per bag. . Dressed “hovs Beef, per owt Buffalo Don’t Want Them; Do We? ma.) lo pugs. From a 5 A Chatham man refused to Peay point this is all right, but it seems d | are the, best judges, and give, ibe very. latest stylesef foot covering ? Gopd Moye Binawge News. doled wie he Le that, ian trooper who is said | strong hold on the sympathy and im- pat Shel Conatlon eaten the Euiergency |agination of ‘the people (Toronto Telegra: ; Buffalo fight promoters are talking wees act of pulling off their battles at Fort Brie now that the new inst yw she is & be ant selected as the battle ground for Buf- lo to the Red Cross fund, wu im-| strange that Canada the good shoul e the Mecca of a crowd whose own rosslon that it was a peal in, Old Fda Cass a el ail pla te low their natnral bent. ing an Tenn fighting hav. ious time maintain- ‘Where are Mitchell's Cows ? ing their respectability when handled (St. Marys Jogrnal.) by ‘men of ing al Buffalo is Canada con- ee ena The I Twelfth, nove. pre So, (Gaturday Night.) The enthusiasm with which th eward. Twelfth of July has once.more been Hore in ely, get. the Victoria | Toronto, the ‘Twelfth. is; always a Grea Re ites IN a eat day, but we have so. many of such days that Wwe perhaps. do. no! realize fully what it 'meaps i. many Trish on Top ‘This of the smailer towns and fi (Poronto Telegram.) whore if Je the biggest holiday and the Boyne battle jellifeation of the Year. "On parely cal grounds, it might not, ‘oe ans the te: which p People cling to fact remains, nts ie Bien age ene Ontar: cial. apd political force which ae ptadagts of our Hac inet development can afford SES ERIN Hot Shot for Astor overshadow ular interest i Or clear the Boer ar, in Pater the Irish helped | §, anit ie the English to thump the Dut oe ‘Wester ‘The Chicken Recalled, Yates (foronto Telegram.) If Frederick W. Monk is right in his suspicions about the emergency food London, ene he axer-| oti sae ‘edd ig is ural sri ‘of high ‘rank and distin- July 15.—The Saturday should have ‘appropriated @ chicken! review: of which Lord Hardwicke io|i editor, and with which several other prominent le |scathingly denounces Mr. ‘ tregtment of Captain Milne, and re-|/ s violation of}! i are connected, Bros ling :-— “Milne is a h Majesty’ so far forgot his dignity as to accept a second hand invitation to the roud Dan MoGilt whose dollars could not save him from His dosire is likely to: be Poweil, area in fusure ret his ae; prize for bread. e BEE Bet eee TC Tas AGE GS ren * 65] 34 Cans corn for 25¢3 LOWE INLET salmon, regular $8 si for 25¢., 3 Ib of.prunes for 25¢. 6 B re ae by the barrel. FIRST PRIZE/2 BREAD 2 Competant judges at the Stent IEA IS IEA BIER IA AAA RAAT BABIES allel tid % + Sir Charl les Tay per: is @ wonderful | 3, =M San FOR J ULY E, H. DIERLAMMTS. SHIRT WAISTS Shirt Waists, regular $1.25, $1.50, $1.35 and $1.25 your choice for $1. vid Waists, regular $1.10 and $1, your choice for 75 © * PR igi hid all this year’s, regular 12 1-2¢ our choice for 10c per yd. Men’s tino lig Dang 12 1-2c. . 8 pair for 25e. Flannelettes worth 7 and 8c, special at sca yd 1000 yards of COTTON worthé 1-2 and 7e going at 5c a yd. IN GROCERIES. 3 cans tomatoes for 25c., 3 cans peas for 25¢., 3 tenet An RENrehoak Tease oi I5c a can, 2 for 25c.; 3 lb currants for 25¢., 3 1b raisens & Tea worth 25¢., 5 Ibs *€ for $1, SUGAR as low as the lowest, call and get price €: es Remember these pies ne good for | Se THI LY. : S MONTH, © E.H. DIERLAMM. = %- *. Butter 15c., Eggs 11¢. County Fair awarded us Ist Prize f ead, tor our.repytation,, The. vaste num beg of papa ane Aten, ft dict as the _Indgee. at Stratford Faig idence V. WEITZEL, The Baker. FIRST PRIZE BREAD. I have been in business. four years and never took second WHY et sticamsrectrctrnts| Ape Your Feet Right ? Are they dressed in the Tf*not eall and sop our sty- lish footwear at popular prices, Our stock of Ladies’ Oxford : Ties is complete. Call and: seo them. snl? ld. G. Grosch & Son omplete: stock of Trunks & Valises. yan A Cc | The public knows this now | ai kinds of Farm Produce takén, my competitors realize it. : Mr John Burton Having gone to New York fer the benefit of his health, Kis tailoring business will be conducted by In, Ais Absence Payer “*he Ca at your nonce” | LE Quality, Style G. GUENTHER|224 R AN ZC ae OF our-Spging Suitings and Pantings is up» to the highest standard of excellence, while the-workmanship, style and fit of our clothing . is, unequalled, what every man is looking for. the best-he can getfor the money. This be- ing the case, it is: well for him to remember - that poor quality is the dearest clothing he can , buy. There is nothing inferior in our stoc and our prices are-no higher than you will have to pay for inferior goods at other places. ur stock comprises the..following : Scotch and Canadian: Tweed, English Worsted in:plain & fancy. English an@Canadiamtrousering: Newest things in Overcoatings: tIMMR. PH BASTENDOREF Ei. Knechtel Mercuang Tauor, Milverton. TOR The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, SULY 19 1900. ORGAN MOR SALE. NOTICE Lage cased, Ki aS Banter Se Just like nev. pg $115 afew month; is ago. Owner mov- tor 80 to ae ies West and -will se] = E. H. DIERLAMM, GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. of LOCK BOX 1, Milverto. An uprising of the o Biante Indians jot, SETTANE SANT of Weir & : ge i vg ante Ril ees guiltless of alt reepona-| and tile manufact rere, con ‘iinbanie ¢ 4 bility for what is happenin, in Chi hina, have tits day dissolved partnership, w McGown ec Denbigh Town’ | except ay Bhs nei The business will be carried on in the his sins as killed by Ightning. i A reciprocal trade arrangement has + been male babe ween Germany and the United 8 coos i jr., has been coloneley of Baniient) nc to ot future by the Hawthorne Bros, All her bolle b Px iprps a4 urther guistanding accounts, ‘due the sald Iti itain’s felt, that the firm, ito J. B. Weir, on or AP Datore t the ie of August. lens wet thee yuna Millbank, this: Ist day of, . . ‘SJ. B. Wen "signed (Hawrnonae Bros, Onr sheds are private and for cus: tomers only. apply at Notice DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP n. Notice is hereby given that had the: im N OTE H EAD S, Hiynne regiment. Tiie slogan cry of the Republican party on the other side is “Four years more of the full dinner-pail.” Private Graham, of St. Mary's, re-| BUS ager hi turned last week from South Africa time ‘hich ee ripened her oe and was given + big reception, rf, Notice is 1 that Ih ae ice is hereb; bei at Ihave The Senate the other day threw out] nets, 8 sorely gutted (e720 | transmitted of delivered to. the per. Mr. Mulock’s bill which was intended | Chinese. Russia pina ai eae nee | ep mieneoped in sheaehe Goad to reduce the postage on newspapers. an lor | Sections of “The Voters’ rie owager | the co) ired by said seotion ‘to A sailor named Cowell, hailing from | G assador sided with | be 80 transmitted or delivered & ae Michigan, was drowned at Wiarton | Bust thes ist, made pui ance, ani while going to his vessel in a sailing peu att of diplomats at Pekin imagined | Persons a] skiff. Epes Bowager, and the "Roseian NOTICE t jpn atae Oe and List, 1900,—Munrerpanrr he applauded for thetrascendaney int the one of t a tee ie and germany the ' said eed Russia, France and Germany on pint of the Legis est brig into the rapids and was not seen appalling 8 tragedy at Pekar ‘isthe ae 6 fia as ‘rst Don again ult of the asco erman’ attemrt hottie, pots ns, on the 4th day et Sealey tone ha sal 4900, and remains. there for MONKTON By making 37 knots over'a measured | What the people Raby eres gs Mice beet aaa mile the turbine torpedo. boat, Viper, | ¥® had a fine rain.on Monday, that G. built as hes British navy, has broken | ¥8° all re tN Wk SON, Clerk of Mornington, | Or aaah that you “giants inn Now is the Tim to order your BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, NOTES, RECEIPTS, rinting Lin e) We'k eep a large stock of paper on hand and'{ have, got at great expense in securing,. the finest job type postilte to procure, Leave your order at THH SUN MILVERTON.. was rather lonely, that J. took the ati the rains the crops in South- right turn Pandey eae Laat a ern Manitoba are much improved in| and A: louke f appearance, and al wheat will aver- Short Stories Retold. :WANTE A Traveling: age ten bushels p right road this time, io the stolen Sle of Scotland « on a hot day vanson, of the Downie and | ee creaun was good but ke was | fo arin rah staat i ‘ ony amoants man mre hah esoyen kye A Sarnia man was aw $50 damages for a cat Jia by a fellow townsman. Judge McWatt has re- duced the Gttahe ‘ne damages to $10. They had snow eight feet deep in ae! Mr. A. Erskine is having a cement ibe platform and walk placed in front of full amount. . This i is sw i be called to this fa Siduer, No New South les, Inst ech the ion pe ost dines tl eek, | thrifty woman that 0 con- while we in Canada were broiling h, of Atwood, is the | Stilt the “‘meenister” onthe subject the sun, iting stientioa’ should work aad thoroughly understands | He tried to comfort her by saying that his . V, McInnes, Canadian Gov- pei will ernment aeeuy sent 40 9 plendid set-/ church, M bee pe ate A pu tlers and three carloads. of steak and| tlie following Sunda; effects from Michign Canada on Wednesday. tod drinking and betting, maybe, and lay as the sae is | other worldly pleasures” Sailors have been famous trom very GENERAL ACENT and addfess, i 4 4 to town and appoint agents:. No canvassing. Salary and: An experienced canvasser,. or a. man’ with good character~* with the necessany ability to travel from town + expenses: paid:. Position permanent: and promotion aecord- - Mention this paper. nai’ ‘Dg to merit, The Bradley-farrstoor CO. sinitea BRANTFORD, ONT... old days fer taking advantage of P. hey ‘oe kindly given the me at ee chur: on the native city of Tien ‘Tsin, China, Sach tees the pithy harwngies fo on Friday last and were repulsed with Dix, va Kingston, is.vis- | Sips was blown up in an tely- goss of over 100 killed, |The Chinese | iigg ty ‘ud Mrs. Abrey at the | Geen tection, and the spirite of his showed good markmanship. Motose this w ah Pate ilies) helt Sir Louis Davies, H Blair] Master Jimmie Wilso pea} peti ele” speech. Well” sy on. P immie Wilson retusn P sand and Hon. Mr. Fielding intend taking | home from Mitchell on Saturday where wae kha {now “let as see whee figure blown en spending: his holidays | a Span ee direction, si had] An English rector was sent: for. one James Swick an aged farmer re been visting friends in. ere) since pel to visit a sick parishioner, a. near Canfired, ten miles from Cayvga ok! me wife again. + Mr. Geo, Golightly. has, during ti suicided by shooting himself with aliass week, enlarged is in Hlement | 8 Week daysand en st 6 shot gun on Feiday Sfteraoon of last | building considerable > make | Songregati The viegy en ae eek. rootn for his fast increasing business | soe Smith: should have His ns friends wish him increased | transferred her allegianoe-at the elev- succes e ae; ani ker y Mr. m. Berwick.and granddangh- a pA NEWDEPARTURE A Radical Change in Marketing Methods Heyl Applied fo Sawing: Machines, hich you can obtai Isat ile pie Machine than ———_—=<_=== Write for our elégant H-T catalogueand detailed particulars. How we can save you money in the purchase of a high-grade sewing machine "eas: tamed ent we-can offer, either, direct from ¥ iption ‘unnecessary. If you:hayg an old machi: to exchange we can otteea most liberalterms, Write to-day. Mdicash in fall, © cae ements WHITE ‘SEWING MACBINE: COMPANY, (Dep't A.)° Cleveland, Ohio. ¢ Mr OF, tempt was followed by a fight, in the| ter, Viole May, Goforforth, have gone i i ‘h "y wir ie to eI places before returning: Seaforth _ Brat Veruas Bigbotd Robert C. Forest, an old man about and W Te a Linon 70 rote euployed asa farm hand by war 4th le acoidentally killed ion Suet” a auanded she 1am ealceokans in. Lis. | Hi as drawing in hay and| (0%! They report a.wery large gat. fell off the Toad, striking his head, | °Tig.and spent an enjoyable time. sie from this vicinity man; us ad expense. Death resulted’ almost immediatly The congregation of Knox Choech | 22oUt, W! , Patent taken. ont trough us receive shecial notice, without charge, in rest was a resident of “A, was owelled somewhat on Sunday ev |torms, Phere eae ten you lit | Tam Pa vfnstated sod Sly ceed prom oaks gine by @ numbér from St. Paul’s,|erary fellows ¢ call it? ithe lucid interval | by Manufacturersand Investors, reported from the’ Philippines heen: between them. Some ofthe me: chat. Send forsamplecopy FREE. Address, ° ee Americans have captured some fed him about this, andhe repli 4 insurgents, who assert: that they wit. Me. Wil Archer had the misfortune | ‘Well, how can you expect i ther _VICTOR J. EVANS’ & co., nessed the burial alive of a-number of thrown off his wlreel coming | Wise? be fi pares ines matter of (Patent Attorneys,) Pokey of Lieut, JC. Gritwour ofthe] from Mitchell on Monday morning aud | TSH, poitic, 1 tallonand the boots) Evans Building, . aa WASHINCTON, D. Cc. red there by by 9 ad cobbler of 20.0 1 : fur a few be. | The Gee on Mr. John Berlot’s ‘new blacksmith Hopi he cumpleted this week. It wil @ great im provement to that Br ot the street. The Grand Trunk record’ run tween ae and Torentoy « dis- tance of 333 miles, was madé'laat week by the a express in 6ébure and’ 35 minutes, including stops; or 5 hours: and 4 minutes actual running time; wéthin @ fraction of a mile: a- minute: | The numerous requests that the Tia. niga epartment at Toronto,-has tite, i ntario farmers in search| Mr Wm Marshall, painter, of At- range of Script f hired men shows t scarcity - of wood, is busy this week paperi ing and The aiilect sm laborers throughout oe Provinos, | painting Knox Seo Monkton. He| Judas rehen pres and id and There isa little pathos as well grim bs a te story, Ont tt ick can Le obtained they ie see tke ee will commence work on their hardware store. 1 $25 — month for! i« 8 good han inderstands his | He was 0’ or three pearl and) trade ; sr ee cnshagers will be parted wie four. months. (sare ot welldone. abruptly e pane peter cneeeeect of-the a 6 Farmers’ * coil Workin New ized in New on Farmers) Iu Tete rhe. were” ».

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