Milverton Sun, 19 Jul 1900, p. 4

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Subseribers who donot receive their paper oy ° ro Applyat this office for advertising rates, THE MILVERTON SUN. When Almegiving Is ture,’ writes Ian Maclaren of ‘The Genteel ‘Tramps in Our Churches’’ in the Ladies’ Home Journal. ‘Ther are men who lose money by their fool- ; there are men who At op Mathilde Bonaparte has just for a at the Masonic temple in Chicago Miss Priscilla hee b fa ae in Chi- as premier of geod. The aches Miss Hlizabeth Smith, a society girl of | hn here | has a died cy un Ssgtnd, in Hal Sa, ¢ PAINTERS AND WRITERS. Bugene Lambert, the painter, ud one ft 7 y which Rohert Louis Steyenson leary esata are searching for ell declares, that. she w novel ‘a mas-| round. but during the winter season, and she thinks “any author | trom April to October, the dampness writ ie . ‘asterpiece at all is a very fda ond accepted, ies cua these seven wel a4 hoy place it in op o' baked fishes oul wh ‘The economteat #reneh housewife,uses the fat for seyeral Sea pris Re d arrange ves, ‘Toast the crackintaad the choi: A somewhat unique tikique’ Brooeh consists of ff a Among’ pretty, jake eee say if dain wed ey dents sie -hoops, marquise can bind ey ost’ effective ‘Of the stono are toys is tasting ta mounting Jew. i nec laces ‘and braeelets are oe lightly aiid de ‘est tinfettered upon the a aa super ring stoues ae similarly ser it on st vices—Prodigals ; re 08 78 5 lay it out in well-doing—they are the Wise Men. When I say well-doing I ‘am not thinking of that unreasoning and indiscriminate charity which, whether it take the form of alms to a lazy vagabond or a large taustaeelan for the creation of paupers, is a © and not a blessing, a sin and ie duty. We are not to read ina chanical fashion the advice of our Lord to the young ruler to sell his possessions and give to the poor, for, though that might have Lee the only pledge of sincerity he could give in man ing the present whit! of eazeties in Tone fa small town and pays fair wages dées times moré good than he who would use his wealth to found analm- ‘house. ’” One of the most danger- ons eee Feptlsive forms of ar) for which Dodd's Kidney Pia a! stood ‘on the car platform. The civil | QUEBEC'S — GREETING, | ss* & 0 Tecef’ The ee men troke ranks and joined = ENGAGED ALL DAY SATURDAY Members of Strathcona’s Horse Ancient. City Gives First Draft a during the early nineties poe Pilker- yea! English Teething Syrup Comforts Crying Children. POSITIVELY bead CHOLERA coh. 28 HEROES BACK IN “CANADA, y Musketry Fire Directed Against “Chicago, July iter Wend Tear ye ETS NVR 1, Gives Her Experience for the Benefit of Similar Sufferers—Dr. Face of a Severe Fire Atracked ¢ Theusands of People Turued’Out to do Shoot Steyn—Capt. Driscoll’s Nerve. Chicago... New York Milwaukee Louk BRITISH CHEMISTS COMPANY. aa wai ak t igs Pa es iasaiaee ip dik Into the deep mates ne tae | (eis she ae is gue “Tkant toll:you Vinat te best breed iz, bat the Shanghigh 2. 0 : ti elling If.we love the honor which comes e shelling with the tet posted i could be mallise as well as witty on oc- j 5: from God eu we will not miss the ti bo you. might az yerett ondarake to fat a The draft 4s made up of the follow. “Oh, Mr. Smith, T ren bring. this fection, There ain’t no prof ft in iecpng hen ae vibes Should say to the devil— Toronto, J ck mservatory. iy: Whesewpon a tools her by the hand don! Poot eae the throat seni there cain cinta sey Le rejoices in brings th ed. of ae D and. ianbs ear Kant toll eine, how to pik out a the season “Duteher or Ei The Gelloe and red Spanien fing tn | Jos: "hat 9 ye love one pane as the olde.t of any used by the European i he red English ensign, with the om Hatem ost years if they are Minard's Liniment Relieves Nenralgia, Iwas ae of a severe attack éf Rheu- ghia a MINARD’S LINIMENT. vo live nriserable lives because duepepeia dlls the faculties and praaon lows ex: = was Socred ofa So aos sprained leg by 30H RAE, Rocky agate ie ran ment re in oftetal _cireles that Lord Roberts’ e Hogs, “te Kk fats nibnses and. tickets of the Tendon county council tramways rong ia Where Stoves Are Valuable. No chimneys or fireplace at a cost of $14,000 having for its wb dation gabines “ce *sniy clevea year old boy had She foot bade injured by elng rau over for any emergeney.. and five sheep for dinner, and for su oS Co-operative Scotch Bakeries. into pots ready for use’ as short- | Sixteen co-operative bakeries Scot f Gheese balls canbe made of almost any | business of over $3,000,000 0 Year ———_—_— oll Jand hive a capital of $350,000 and fave Choice of Deat Utah gives its’ convict aerate: MICHADE 3, mae oa Fe sold at 9c, as at 9 7. Brantford, day Few houses in Urugnay are provid-| .‘‘ Ye& bub you forget he playea on d with stoves for Seba pela to pay the mivertnng agent only 20 On whieh * o12 wore aid ¥ 9-16¢, ein Liniment Cores eke Be. are ed, as a rule; one house fost bl s “Ottan An output of 18,500,000 tons of James Swick Kills His a and Then} cheese were n output of 18,500,000 gross tons : iron ore is to be credited to the Lake Superior region for the year 1899, Ofi- cial returns from dock managers at all ee shipping ports show a, total move- 190) tevideo sells heating stoves. Oilstoves nghe society poll find some favor, as coal sells at from st. wewhen it is truthful,” Alpes ten to fifteen dollars per ton. HOORAY FOR THE InIS HL egos A solicitor ina Goons ‘conrt is re- e fr. vitae. ot Canfield and ten miles from Barbers. In India the native barber will shave last year ‘will be understood when it is pate while rns area waking you, oted that ‘the ore panihaveR alune is of 1 Ts He fie eer a conversation between ok ni eusitig cance cnectline wtnauibs: of their race, at which there had been a eprest profusion of flowers. ‘The nurse ur ‘Thom is coloration vandsifelling was removed, and play of the Societe des Artists at the | £9 ine dave Te oaltesotaester alwayskeop@ bottle in the house fe) When I ae ah t rey flower e outa i 1898 was a ‘litte over 1,- coed—Yes, it) ths ‘wi Li ber anes grits 8 my piaimalin oe Ail gets es P aor la juice dribble down through weighing 160 pounds will require a ate fat steer for breakfast, a eat aaa liege for sale rey nd S| districts per ae ‘pullocks, eight sheepand far Ra Ticts of tie Cacats re ins, ae d just’ before seliins aesrly| a and eiten, four batrels Of fresh fish ketry panel eae Prize of the prince a Wales favorable we, gn “the last 15 eats, “ang vetieré > nents. Hor the. : ~ the unfinished compe A h for land, Hamilton, Winds er, Smithvi. id St. Mary’s, ‘0 for 10,000 of Thee Wars st the pleads The latest one chose to be 5! sur Dia ceof how they will arian g ‘and Forks, BC ee Ve Windsor, Ont., pethias bbs de eG @ man was fo! t the taining a eulogy of their virtues. | pac oa Cures tu g for Vancouver. d T. P, general mi . ¥ ee rantee Co! any, closed yesterday with Mayor Manlay ‘befor leaving for V Gand William Cannon, an aged rest 5 er ft AK, ast st. several baa Beale at the’ bes the skull A cS , Was struck by a T. way x “3 Aaaenikworms in Tealy anil taney to Pari On v1 ths Wilitia #ill go-on the ¢ Pe Further Decline in Wheat—Cables Less THE Gana STOMACH TROUBLE ak Than Expected—Ti — Wheat fu- d sharply, but People Miserable, clo: sed mest thd of previous final a. closed near the J bat tata BEADING WHEAT MaIcKETS, ollowing were the closing ‘prices Willams’ Pink” Fills Cured Hor at important eae centres yester- After Other Medicines Failed. lay: ) $0 79) ° ae a loz nd 25 calves: ‘The | Passed: I was tle was hs § ior | ing of food set in, with sudden changes esi Ty cig in weight to 115 pounds. Twe ars ago I began using Dr. Williams’ saying that my cure is perman: 3 wAnmErs, would Gerald advise others Pied Bagienl a, July 14.—Yester-| from stomach trou! De rhe oy ay 41 beara Tepre- Williams’ Pink Pills a fair tial, bit going to the root of the disease. 78| Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cure by le 14. —Yester- They ers otic) of renew and build up the blood and 1,765 at 9 it -16e, pe oe disease from the system. Avoid imi- 07 ‘ins ery his ale Le: ane a 2,168 Persian easel hae vegibde 1455 te colored. ‘All but about 300 wore | 408 the fall trade mark, Dr, Williams’ Pink Pille for Pale People. If your 1,895] dealer does not ee them they will be ‘ here} sent postpaid at The prices paid} boxes for $2.50, fy aatregsi ae De by ami’ Medioine Oo., Brockville, Greatest Bisley Teim Match Wen By A Smart Reorniting Officer, ons of the Grees in} Daring the height a at excitement | if site ie ea on Ladysm! aA ‘writes A a match rifle, event he Major” in To- Day I the Natjonal eaiteg sergeant, with "A We lors, eld, and was confined to} pi, i i Sentiand Bis Tre. | Bis hand for silence, and then, in sten- on score of 1,547, | #fian tones, shouted : ‘‘What’s the use h a gland obi! 528, and seputnd of cheering the Quoen: who'll come and fight for her?” He was subse- in & good day’s hat. wily, uon-commlesioned bloc Tam told that candidates offered them- Golo! of the Dorasts’ yeaven. | selves y won the tie of vesterday with don recruiting depots, and that reports for | from the provinoial depots are equally ble. gery now shows that hest possible with a "Gale live without @ forehead aswell as at BO yao! without stomach; it will hardly be rheata! says the St. Louis Post- Hi Dispatch, for it Gd show j live without brai eaneam Sunshine in Haytt. © The ized in completing the waterworks| the rainy season the rain seldom falle liom reced- | and electric light systems, jn ‘enti lat 'ternoon, the fire departinent, aj waded cian a n Hon. J. his Birat: r THE. JOHN | LABATT,, Lonton, al age. ‘was en route from Kingston to visit san en 4 oe » inp » is daughter, Mrs. James Be, (| bot bad oe #6 of | Skandal op igcins ret aie Thee Makes the Lives of Thousands of Mra. John Holland, of Tarantum, P. E, so Sept. | From the Watchman, Charlottetown, ‘worse, vomit- cattle were | Of heat and cold in my feet, I was 60 Pin Pills. Before this { had tried

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