Milverton Sun, 26 Jul 1900, p. 3

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The APilverton Sun’ “THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1900. Parliament has prorogued and the jawsmiths are taking a rest. ae To the political opponents of Dr Borden the emergency rations are plum pudding. 4 #e General Hutton has had: his innings but just wait until Col. Sam Hughes gets back to his ink bottle, a The pen was mightier than the sword in the way of bringing about Sam Hughés’ retirement. ¥ Pal When the troops now being forwar-d od by the diffierent Powers arrive in * China pig-tails will be at a discount. ate No man was ever elected president of the United States who made a lec- turing tour daring the campaign, ; the honor came to him who stayed at ome. ate Silence is golden is an adage wel exemplified in ‘the career of James “Dunsmuir, premier of British Colum- bia, who attained that position with- out ever uaving made a speech in his life, : ane One of the causes which led to th® ‘uprising of thé? Boxer movement in ‘China was the presence of missionaries and their work. A prime minister of Great Britain once said that the mis sionaries caused his country, mor wars and foreign complications than any ae cause. All men of civilize countries yiew with admiration and ‘respect, those who give up the com- forts and the pleasure of living at home and go. among the heathen to spread the gospel. Still we must not Jose sight of the fact that many, of the: ionaries are over zealous,in | ¢ their work and through error of judg: Ment sometimes cause difficulties, China is'a very oid country and the @hinese are very conservative and be- lieve that their civilization. ig superior to that of Ub they view with alarm-the innovations est of the world; and and doctrines introduced by the mis: sionaries. A worthy maxim. is, “Do unte others as you, wogld. haye ‘others do unto you,” Mindful of this, ‘how would we toloyate Chinese m ies backed by the influence of their gov- ernment preaching tous the iddlatri- ous doctrines. of Cunfugins: 0 gall tnb but he can only kee ep one B ii W "The retirement by Lord Roberts of ol, Sam Hughes of his command in South Africa appears to have been |- brought about by influence of enemies of the Col., not by any dirlect of duty} Counry or Pr: or want. of military ability.» ‘The| | Notice is hereby give promptness with which that news was Vorrrs’ List, sons mentioned in ceiver of the news given, gut to the ae public, it would seem that the news [livered of the lis was exceptionally welcome to the sender, namely, General Hutton and | thesaid } ipal the receiver, Lord Minto, Col, |Yote inthe sai Hughes’ military record in South Af-| Assembl rea is easily more brilliant and of y Lord Minto in the North-West Re: | for inspection. ‘cate bellion. Lord Minto is here in Can-|the said list and his duties are principally to draw |srideune en his salary and make himself sociable} Dated this th day of with the people and not to take any. ¢ pantin politics or in quarrels between | — men in a public capacity. Col, Hughes may not have all the qualities Mee that people admire but he at least has p,1 wheat. per bush. courage, manliness and considerable) Spring wheat, pet bush. a - ‘i Earley per bah ability and he is a Canadian and the/ pit! Canadian people will make allowances |Peas + for him that they would not for his enemies. who, are not Canadians and who owe their, positions to aristocratic influence aud not to ability, Turkeys tee pound . Eidin'ver ponnd, A Man Without a Country, (filwaukee. a ) 7; next time Mr. Astor tries to into high saehy he will bave & competent chaperon. Mast Act Reveréntly. Bees ‘Russel Banner:) § Afarmer in the Carberry’ district was asked how his wheat was coming on. He replied, “Oh, it’s good, ved ’ Grasshoppers can get it if they kneel | Apples, por bag Botatoos, per bag. ‘A Temperance Question, i re pan (Manitoba Free Press.) OF THE Vinton O¥ MILVERTON, ransmitted or delivered to the per- transunitted' to Canada and by the re- Hees i ree of “The. Voters’ List a more consequence than the part played | day of July, 1900. an and if any omission ada as a representative of her Majesty other errors are found therein, totake ce ings to have the COMMERCIAL. rmurox July, 19, 1900 1900,—MunrorpaLrry eid that I have the third and or ie upon to examine ageording to law, of _ uly. rok of Mily erton. | | tford, Jaly The Liquor Act provides that a vet- “ che earth GT eallenbe ce brandy or whi a And the €, P_R, Brea (Ottawa, Journal.) powers a new imperium in. im-|tor our reputatio The Despatch oF ab 000. British 0 China. via madian Pa- cifie Railway would add Inster to the|« imperial splendor. The v: = as the ju did——Correct. a & ASmall Deal. (oronto Telegram.) a ‘¢ fact that General Hutton, amid his Suecess in ~ South — Africa; thougue it worth while to pursue Competant judges at the Stratford ‘County Fair awarded us Ist Prize for CG We do not depend upon the gents to South Africa revealed to the | intelligence of an show. judge ene of peopl shu en h ave,the best judges, a d a ¥. WEITZEL, The Baker. + * # ca * # said | 3 # y | 3 # * =| * * * + x ca # cal 3 Ea # a # OD aay 65/3 1 B 0 | ms | 3 cal aes # # x 81a 7k 70| # a & 13 # ea 3 ra 3 NOTICE ! ©] SEES SE Se Si ae Ye a ei ae eh ae i ay a 7. MONEY — SAVING BARGAINS FOR JULY ite AR. : E. H. DIERLAMM’S. —————— SHIRT WAISTS Your choice of our stock for 75c and sec. A SNAP PRINTS--A few pieces at 8c., € your choice at 10c per yd. © < Pequies reduced, regular « vgs for 15¢,, 15e for 10c.,, tee 2e for Se. See Our Special 5c. COTTON. IN GROCERIES. 3 boxes of Yeast for roc., 3 cans of Peas for 25¢., 3 cans of omatoes for 25¢, 3 cans of corn for. 25¢., cans ‘‘ Low Inlet” salmon for 25c., 12 lbs coffee io BS i to Ibs corn meal for 25c, 3 Ibs Currants for 25¢., 3 Ibs Raisens for_25c., 3 lbs Prunes for 25c., half gal: jar Pickles worth 5oc going at 35c., Richards pure Soap 7 bars for'25c.,.Clothes Pins rca doz., 12 Ib Sulpher for’ 25 Cr: 356 ens for 25¢., see our Big Bar Soap worth 10c Bee 3.for 25¢. TIE ISIETEIS TSE IE IRAE ASIC IE IR AS AB HE FARA AeA Bargains in;All Departments call and be convinced. nineneee E. H. DIERLAMM. e EAD % Butter usc., Eggs 11¢. a Rik IK TRISTE TS TRAE ICI TERETE AS ISIE IS TEM HAE other a give, the ver. t St Colonel Sam Hughes, proves that he wel rid o! him. The same statement Ihave been in Origin of the Chicago (latch. prize for bréad. Watfora atte ) The “Chicago Clute ‘ c anda This) ie grip by which chit in & rigid posit r oe r left- The appointment of the General in command. of; the Canadian Militia is che of the very foyw appointment made | by the Twrerial Parliament of Giene| Britain. | Whether ip is a position difficult to Bl by reason of, few anil try men of prominence desiting the position, the fact remains that they have been, of more than one occasion, singularly, onfortunate in the choice. Most of those appointed in the past have bad an overbearing aud pompous air no doubt ena through dealing.| colonial possessions of semi.civilized | people, but very distastful to and strictly outiof place with us, Cana dians will remewiber the high handed manner in whietr! General Middleton Be confiscated the latge amount of far: a French half. to his (Middleton’. Ss) own benefit cipally and now oar attention is again euled to General Hutton, late com- ee by his potty enmity. to Col. Sian’ Hughes and the Canadian soldiers iu South Africa. Canndinus rekponded | nobly to the call to assist the Mother Country in her difficulties in South Africa and it is atleast Ubeir due vhat t they should not be subjected to} the snubs aud contemptible spite of a bk of the calibre of General Hutton. es he reti rned tired, dusty and d's- { enquired the doctor. ty T be eluteh me Sagne Ww! enh the ae er tired din a c) 01 | mown Itwa rodue sey a0) aco | ip , who slid aoa a fi The public kn as igieent ier r drapery. ipotn eatehing jon tthe Tedder Ask the First ToCall at y Adlai E, Stevenson, democratic! A Prohibition Story, is essentially a small Sine and that in "I yr spite of his inilitary virtues Canada is F IRST PRIZE A BREAD. if years and never took second WHY ? alia keep ities Because I make the bes pe from my competitors realize our house. business four, ows this now atford Fair Jetast’ style. of foot: eavoring 2 “J. G. Groseh All kinds of Farm Produce take “Are Your Feet Right ? Ave they . dressed in. the Tf not eall and see ours lish footwear at popular prices, Our sleck of Ladies’ Oxford Ties is complete, Call and & Son Complete. stock of Trunks & Valises. Prize Baker G. GUE canditate for — Vice-Presiden’s. Prohibition States a bacl-handed sep] WONDERFUL ! by. the at the saa bees given to ‘|How a Man State no sine is jabout ‘a. man sins st prohibition town in the State = treanently, et i, Maine, bringing with him an abidivg!, Sty bes | thirst. There being no saloon, he} tried a drug 6 ‘There he was told] he could get nieey cnly oeaTaiee scription. He consulted a| cian, 2 Dut got no relief and des-| ed: am T going: fo at about it?” Th no losion said t gaeee nny rans thBa! ae 5 er ould manage to get bit Cy asnake he would eras Hates iskey asian antidote and the doctor sranidmbthee uld “inake ou: © prescription. erhige he man with the thirst started off to], hon ve e snake cave, An hour and a half ‘conse olate, vill. be titled Well, did youdo as I told your| Will, be entitl teP! lied the man with the thirst, “I called on the | smal isco) that every one +f tiem had their bites engaged for six months ahead.” can become his own Grandfather. aT. marsieas ee Slee who had a, daugh- | | ter. My RTON'S, The Tailor. ' Next door, to Post Office, Milverton. WONDERFUL ! isited owr. house | - love and ‘mar ni on-in-] en and | nother, be ty my grandchild, | ne daughter. | ‘and! nothe: r be-| and aus tthe eaine its ai | The Qualit; ¥. St le NTHER and. Me Range OF our-Spring Suitings and Pantings is up, to the. highest standard of excellence, while the workmanship, style and fit of our clothing, is. unequalled... Good clothing is what every man. is.looking for.« He wants the best-he can gat for the money. This be- ing the case, it is. well. for him to remember that poor quality is the dearest clothing he can buy. There is nothing inferior in our ‘stock, - and out prices are no- higher than you will have to-pay for inferigr-goods at other places. , Our stock comprises.the: following : mothers moti. Seoteh and Canadiar Tweed, dca wag berionrs 4 English Worsted in. plain & fancy 0 one suit is his grandfather, le | English and Canadian: tpousering’ t_ you. becowle your grand: | toate Your grandmotives, Yo you Newest things in Overccatings: E. Knechtel Mercuant Tairor,, Milverton. The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, JULY 25 1900. GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. res CIVIC HOLIDAY. Dr. McLean, ee seradeos) @ prominent st spreciaim EID AN THE 10TH cian is dea Se ea ie See) "| BILL HEADS, yy and eanest tthe Peipaeon ton to Observe the same WM. APPEL, Ontario ‘will ee over $200,000 Miva this year from succession PROPERTY FOR SALE. Now is the asonable, For par- to order your ° wae. HARTMIER, Milverton, NOTE HEADS, ORGAN LeOR SALE. Time) 00d brick-veneer house for sale in nicely situated, good. lot, 2 ES me i rd Proclamation Soe ame itso wil ticulars appiy ize, piano cased, Kari Beaatifal tone. ike si S Bi ei nance betes coe STATEMENTS The record of divorce suits in Chi-| Milverton, July 19, 1900. Reeve. ine pees ae af North-West and will sell ’ eago since January 1, shows 1,9 Bs Charles Colby, of Howick town-| Brave Words of Lieut. Borden. ship is dead, aged 100 years and 5 months: aglt,bag been learned from an offic Mega Uni hat leut. Bon rr who wae) Killed se South Africa, Mr. Houghton Lennox, barrister, of ace Barrie, received the Conservative ree panelled eeeke nomination for South Sivicoe. os ith aa duty. Wher ni Jerry O'Oonnur, of Hamilton, who] the s hud started on a trip to Ireland was {2@ne drowned in Montreal on Saturday. Lhe Ontario Government is sending sibilit Siete to campers in North. but, then, you know my father Ontario how to prevent bash think it well becomes his son to set It is estimated that 100,000 settlers Pa to the young in haye gone into Manitoba and the North-West. Territories within past four years. : Lord and Lady Minto were weleom | DEATH BLOW TO PRETENCE. ed'at Rat Portage und were the ob- jects of an enthusiastic demonstration at Winnipeg. In Paris during the sae twelve months 4,000 thieves were arrested, and among then: were a fedosss duchess and a countes ged few. Rush orders have come for Fonualiss ike General Hutt Seventh United States battery uf} Lord Mint heavy artillery ut Fort Riley to a) affairs they wi ceed with all haste two the Orient, The Boers, under eral DeWitt ® they were steadied have cut off Lord Roberts communi eution by railrond and telegraph and |jeng went hav tured one hundred High. | were s ast utterances aiden profound military isdom, and sequel has proved that Gen. Hutto The Chinese must be in possession | and Lor into were mere ‘Drabelice office, at Borie on the 4th ine of ait ke ary Knowle edge, monte ant 'y, 1900, and remains there for in- on. of a lot of interpreted me: Bes feos the entrapped Ministe: Pekin, | pared to Col. George 'T. D " ryuuld naturally wire their Goy- who He Races “His Business 2 mission nyterians 209, letter from South Africa, rd of Commis- a ions 110 we are nw There are 17,072 foleiguers in eee without ie, all the facts. China, of al 5,562 are British, | Lord Roberts aaa me 1135: Gera, 1,183 Ftuaston © to. str 1 Rosny 440 Japan. | win ese tnd 1,423 Porruges gelay, aa : if ill b he easier wh; known that thera? a ere Miia NaputinCne ies von, Wan | manakang. tive slo™ly Waldoit As or, las just saved his hard] and not endangered hia own replita wou position in Buglish society by a P of the Prince of Wu bak sige The Carnard liner hapa ran ate ear down and sank the Liverpool. barque Enbletoo in te British Channel on ven of the barque’s Altea etre ica ea 0.? e “suind rations? No. ‘Qne-gnarter ratio “Punch” Mason, the leader of the gang who epee t awindl le on J. D Moo in April os has tie oe se in Bos - ton. Th vernment will not haye| Railways More peat Than Wer: him edauined unless Mr. Moore foots te Phen we startin three hours.”” “Aad they did. the expense, Those whi, rere in th = T The Canadian flag Ang Upo : Thursday on the Outawa City honor of the 12th 6f July aroused several prominent although ‘ mnesieans . se the Sociuces and oF “the British neinain in the interests of peace. in the latier Whiskey. and jenlousy caused a cide th iets warder in the streets vf Kuuloops, | the British War Ollite oa fun B.C., on Sunday. A. young Indian, |lnst, were as follow ss St. Pani, on Mes back, shot at wife while me rod iled in action capes: ‘Phd shut was fe been lodued in 4 Hy tragedy was near the spot where Phil pale was murdered by ao Indian a yeur,ag To f 8,274 Wirienre eo ia ae s| @ We can save you money in the purchase of a high-grade sewing machine srin pete by, tell and the casy term at lent we can offer, either direct from Tots Sigs es, exclus’ A pe atch to the Daily Mail from! ang woamle St. Petersburg says, despite the offic aenial, it is n tha 2 t| the Spanish. Blagovestcheesk, | captial zIst ey Oeiber. ist, 181 08, Amoordistriet, Siberia, was cpt: red | and held by the Chinese until July 2+ | whea Gul. Gribosky drove the enemy out ofter eight hours” lighting, He — 4 captured 8 gus and 200-pricie | otal 07 2,608 but sustained fearful losses hiwself| ‘This is ara 4 eh fS.oitout| 870 Heyssiaos: haying been: kitiel 4 {oto tota of on Sear ase storming tie town, Eee AO Seg ‘ B. Solomon Sips of | casnalties uh the Gold Const, West Africa, was in Your ending Jane 30th, 1809, were as e total Tossen from ‘all cansés in ‘war frou Aprif| % St reg younded .....: | Died of disease. Torouto on Monday. 1 “Peeveeee? Dake 719318 44, gentleman esbyterian {Persons Guinea feet in beanie work, which covers seven African] Total easualties willie consists p oeaepeale i the} _Unfor unately the Interstate Con ier ceen ioe je bar | Merce Coumnission has ‘no {meas barons ech oun! ie Fae ice every sent hia in the fam-| injuries, ily to the fetishes, Aj v wars, tees his attention and tile manufacturers, of A head of the Militia Departinent, and I outstanding accounts, due the a the order of Melebizede They knew | be 80 transmitted or delivered adian soldiers could not fight | list, made pursuant to said Act, soci- | Rersons appearing by the last revided the aud at Moniei A Kingston officer, in the course of {said erro Sure stod a tad inig ise stag aved.a nunber of io a Cotes Roberts that before : is 2 insulted fried commencing his "wareh to asl would i. - Pe tei i b : qn he or secnre Para a it of d ee of the ye Anglo- } Caen | geth 34 et The British casualities in the pve ies of you "re oe ing yt pee “Well, | eae now. For particulars apply at oe LOOK BOX 1, ENVELOPES, DISSOLUTION OF PART! N OTES, - RECEIPTS, Notice is ‘hereby given that the firm |- ing | of Ws eir & Hawthorne Bros, aie Millban! ; Avnheiiieceagaty, OF anything that you require in | Aa | fu he Hawthorne Bros. A the Printing Line. tan to be paid tJ: B. Weir, on it Dated at dillbank, tis Ist day of| We keepa large stock of paper on hand. and have, got at great expense in securing, the finest job type possible to procure, Leave your order at THE SUN MILVERTON. £3. B. ree ican dee Bros; a | Ist, 1900.—MuUnierPaLrry WNSHIP OF MORNING- , Courny or Sol ht signed it Ro ah ae y title a Munieipatity Se | members of the I A Traveling ; GENERAL ACENT d list ection, “ekeetorsiaro called apo ae examine the said list, andif ang ommissioi other errors are found therei immediate Proceedings: to An experienced canvasser, or a man with good character Be tand ad droeee as Dated this th doy of July, 000, and ‘address, with: the necessary ability to travel from town HN nenaen N WATSON, "lek tr Mornington to town. and appoint agenis, No canvassing, Salary and expenses paid. Position permanent and promotion accord- ing to. merit. Jap Harvesters, It is reported that a mov ement ison foot in immigration eircles duce 1,00) panese farm Ua eee veut The Bradley-Carr etson CO. tinted ie BRANTFORD, ONT, rs Mention this paper. Pettingiabs tid dete vate ce is ae If the scheme i: 3 | tring Ontario wo: ie dl che Monga) pe and is still’ausing so ‘Ah discontent bens rouble in labor Dis fee returned if we fail: r y one sending ab and description of es in the Pacific ve bo opinion free concerning the patent- ee hE sent, upea request, Patents ial notice, without charge, in ‘HE CORD, an. Liga and widely aeviiea journal, consulted lan was, one fh bab rontied on Inve: Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., see Attorneys,) Short Stories Retold. duced et ie pe eon z the bott )| Evans Building, bidonptamieat cdi D.C. is, pass ine up that ‘decanter i for T tauatireterh to 814 cannot double the C ape.” The spirit of love and } indliness to| all wbich prevaded ‘every word and eed of Philli coon ap pre ae n-of i obbors! horted r his own. j ¢ : ‘ ich you can obtain 2 tee WAltie bs the purchase of 3 rice “White” Sewing Machine than ¢ faite metre offered. rite for our elegant H-T catalogue and detailed particulars. How I n wasting am hour o} EBibogs tin most previous time by gs. Why, h fh t, ys | of. .course,”” a 2 ey ; and factory:or ti ‘ougit. our "regular —Tinerised agents. This is an ee or 4 you | then like a fias! cane» for thi tunity you cannot afford to pass. You know te “White,” | quickly-spo nifocturers. th fe ivsian ad machine to exchang Write today, Address in full, vide g BIE shui Ra CGIRPANY, opt A. Cievelaad, oni, WO T late Dwight I. a Ce, aaa sec a me io f , Milnor, Governah nt Tris expected that Mes J. 5 nearly clase }Q C. MP. Pill wecepe the Con. tive HUET AUD To contest Ceu: re we coming Federub elec ys prophi | of the Buer-war: Is oof ies are | ting a myste i Ag which they thin = another} With adey spring partrége four uetgert dase. AChuman "eka and a ished, avd there ik now litte fear “hate mr of shoes have been found'imareu jile Ontariv Gonernm ng tank owned by one of the pack litte Senson entirely closeel thi take) ee house firms at the yards. Several | Lact year these is sadered bya ask you| men recently in the employ jonkee bad spring, and were se-sonece that the « ;| pany have disappeared, und the police | Game Bars ie felt hat ir onlay 1 * a wee are gaan for them to see if any | be necessary t Pee day.” “Then, | light can on ae pera keep the sporusmen “fi ot you’ "ra bigger fool Ha Ta nd. Tt is a theory of 6 pe that}chem. They are now said wo be quiters : and you'll kill yourself first. the vicum was poshed i ae the tank. | plentiful, fool hig x ee Be. |

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