Milverton Sun, 2 Aug 1900, p. 3

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The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, AUG 2, 1900. The Toronto Telegram and the Ot- tawa Citizen are criticizing Col. Sam Hughes’ dismissal editorially. * ae With apologies to the Stratford Her- a the Goetz of his political career ajar or ald will Alex. McLaren, esq., M. = 5 closed on the evening of the next gen. éral election day. * Pe How short is fame. We never hear anything of Billy Ponton, hero of the Napanee Bank robbery who is with the second Canadian contingent in Suath Africa. ate When Li Hung Chang was in Tor- qnto, four stalwart policemen were delegated to carry him around in his chair of State. qf he were there now the city apthorities would scarcely al- Jow him, she privilege of riding on one of the, scavenger, arte. The Chinese Snes have been endeavoring to spread the. report. that the ambassadors and their families are safe or have left Pekin in the hope|, “that sack news will divide the powers and render joint action impossibie. te A reason assigned why the Boers do not surrender now when there can be no hope for them, is that they iv- tend to keep up a guerilla warfare un- til after the presidental election in the United States when if Bryan is elec- ted they expect intervention in their behalf. ee The valor of the Irish regiments on rervice in South Africa bas inspired | the British with the feeling that there | ! is nothing too good for the Irish. Genoral O’Grady Haley, the new com- mander of the Canadian militia, was received with a band and a guard of hpnor, a reception which was not ac. corded to any of his predecessois.. res i Li Hung’Chang, while in the Unit- ed States on his tour of the world, re reason of the United States and,, Can- ada restricting the immigration ofgthe Chinese into their countries when. they allowed the Irish free,access.; he thought, of the two, Ghingse were preferable. If war arises out, of the Present difficulties in China and Great | No Britain and the United - States, send some of their,, Ipish regiments there,,| cas, Ti Hung Chang will haxo, reason to | fea change his mind. * "a : It is reported that it is the, intent- ion of Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper to run as the Conservative candidate in aha tia fo Kleen DpH pelo nig the aes bell sounded, bringing ont the whole Brandon against, the Hon. Clifford Sif-| 8" ton, Sir Hibbert b iat pe Interior of which Hon. Mr, Sifton is minister’ He has made Mr,, Sifton's| , path anything but-rosey and .ngw to beard him in his own riding is certain ly carrying the warinto Africa. Both are great campaign fighters of the , ag]; gressive style. Even if the contest takes place in the winter the electors ~ will be able to kéep warn without. extra clothing. ¥ 4 ae ‘The assassination of King Humbert of Italy, recalls to our minds the at- tginpt to kill the Prince of Wales and the murder of the Empress of Austria last year, We can conceive reason for attempts on the life of the Czar where ~ the people are ground down under merciless tyranny, bat there can be no reason for assassination eee the ¢ d monarch, The ee a iaiiee of the people in such a country are io the hands of their representatives elected by themselves, and the. death of the ~ Monarch will in no way, benefit tiem prevalent ani ere does not appear te ‘oethud ww pa race age iga report of a local ease in court, oh Bihtonin streets oh Alezandtia, Egypt, a pinnacle and beater to death. rusal | was stoned ror dea Thaddeus, was enueioes, A. D, 72. Beldrake, _| ness winter in its history and Presi. dent Shau ghnessy, of the C.PR., has been threatening to divert the ocean traffic from St. John’s, New Bruns. wick to Boston, because the Hon. Mr. Blair will not agree to his demands in arranging the freight hauls. over the Tntercolonial to his liking. It is the basest kind of ingratitude.on, the part ute .of our railroads to build up. American, ti cities at the expense of Ganadian, CS y these roads, and whereas the Unit States contributed nothing, or the next thing te it, and farther, they fm ‘charge what, they practically please for eight andy passengers. here, but the rates are regulated on, the other. side, Iv is time.we had a board of, railroad commissigners or some other authority to Jook after our, rights and pu railroad companies in their place, Matton the Chaser (Galt Reporter.) Hutton, iv seems, is in the. Prane- Apne spaebag chase Canadians as, well as vaal to Boers out-of that. country. Haman Natuxe (Hamilton Post.) The reports say,.there is a. gine Sho de 1 id. rush.on the part of the Bocks a er pe oi Kruger’ It ienoi raat tne: Where the President i there will the Treasur, Good Use (Toronto sia) upper many, moons ago, when §\ Mneeles eh ps wife were Iway. . The presuinption i" g the other natonieiny was never knit because the Baronet used up all the yarns for his subsequent speeches, - Stories AROE Cats liberately jumped in the creek and committed 'suicide. Tt walked to the water's ni water and disappeared. In the same issue of the paper there i Armstrong. His Honor, however, re- dueed the damages frou $90 to Prat y It is to be hoped that the cat that marked that he could not see the] sni di Fate of the Ay ‘Apostles, atihew is supposed to hayg.suffer- artyrdom, ad was slain ina, city 0. dragged throug the e i ee hagtulnged to’ an oliy: 2 in Greve, Saal ohn Was put in a boiling canld, a nes, the Great, was ienais ank, erty in the y year 44. James, the Tee, was thrown from a Philip was beheaded in the ye: Bartholomew’ was skinned a! Andrew was crucified, and pounded wae dyin is homas “was run through with a Raion was crucified inthe year 74. bok lt was stoned to death at Je- Barnabas was stoned to death about the year 73 “Paul was beheaded at Rome by or- der of Nero Judas hanged himself on a tree. The wpe is limb broke, and he burst asun “Stephen, afteran admirable defense, out of the city and Bh Polen otter tilde Month impris- 6 Jat bis own request. with his head downwai * Are You Watahectad | ino LOW PRICES IF SO WE are offering SPECIAL inducements In a departments this month, in. order to make. room BRERA AA n. Electors are called san to examine Ladies. Sailors: worth 75¢. $1 and $1.50 gaing at 5oc. Laces worth 1:0 and> 12 !-2¢ goitg at 5 yds for 25¢. it the Jorsets, summer corsets worth 50,and 35¢. going at 25¢ AAA ATA ARAM ARIA Jhildren’s Cotton Hose worth 13c. at 5c. a dar. RIA Daa www. ptr oan peal prices neote SSSSQeese : SESosaSsreeas 2S F va Scotia woman is the proud | sm porsessor of @ stocking nit. by ady Burley re aS BRRERIG: Space will:notallow our prices, call a» a take a look: through our stock. 3E. H DIERLAMM: at * i * HK RAS ARIS INAS FS AS aia al ahaa FIRST » PRIZE BREAD Vas | Franca RAR AA RA ee petant judges at ve Stratford ray uw We do not have to depend upon the Pee ce of a counkty show judge tior am “ptoanber of rope why eat f dict as the dies at Stratford Fai id not take the rash step on| did a V. WEITZEL, FIRST PRIZE — I have been in business four «|years and never took second REDUCED THE PRICES _AT and BELOW COST. J. G. Grosech & Son Complete: stock of Trunks & Walises: All kinds of Farm Produce taken, "|The: Quality, Style and’Range = Fou eat ag Suitings and Pantings is up, ~ highest standard. of excellence, © vonkman ship, style and fit of our Call early and get first . | Because | make the est: The public Knows this now si Mien First Prize besechiiny y G. GUENTHER Dales toa persgn of royal fuaily bas just been issued by Judge Fiske of Sweden. The woman, Print Josephine Charlotte, ten years ago married Ewil H, Halvorson, a youn, nuit of good family, though. her “social inferior. The mate How a Man can become elf: for him to remember that speek avaliey is abe dearest clothing he can. secure'a divoree;' and han lived, here incognito over a year, The present| Hunter and ( sildress of Halvorson is unknown and | iin upon the remaining Boer he was not rep Our stock comprises or following : -|Seotch and Canadian. Tweed, English Worsted in:plain & faney : “| English and Canadian; pousering u|Newest things in Overcoatings revolver shots ir er, will be entitled aS ss suit of St. Jude, who was commonly called E. Knechtel MeErcyant. Tattor, Milverton, GENERAL NEWS -CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. Di The population of the Russion Em- ire, by the recent census, is shown to ft 129,200,000. Twice a year the Chinese carry food to their dead. They will take. quite a load next trip. M Sir Alphonse Pelltier is recovering > rapidly from his illness, and will be able to leave his room in'a few days, llow fover: outbreak among the United States troops at Pinor del bain Rio, Cuba, has assumed serious pro- | ever in 5 Cay dispatch of July 30th says that General Prinsloo with 5000 men has General Hun ter unconditionally. A liueman at the Winnipeg Exhib-| ition grounds was electrocuted in mid- i He was stone Mr, A bad head-on collison oceurred be- Jow Madoc Junction. on Thursday. Two trainmen were killed and. several Passengers injured ev. Dr. T. De Witt Talmage: last Friday morning at the Peterhof|; Palace, St. Petersberg. Alexander, a soi of Atox. Putter- son, of Harrison, was fatally shot |new hou is ne Biiilc trying ta cefsiente vag aren’ ois a6 & few ayer will. he ready for the were quur:cling in a California. town, | cuepenters ‘The, Japanese Government has taken on king, Steps to restrict Canada. ten persous per month froin each Breese, “at ligitbae are forty- plete and L. H. Scot. of Hamilton, who| Aug. 5th, ae the life of a Miss Verscoyle, of | 11 4. m aod 7, ugles a year or so ago, has been | Auley, of Mitchel otitied that that lady Jeft him $7,000 | opening services at her death, whicli occurred recently. | @ concert held fi LN eburch on Mon- i ay evening, Au amount of outside Cae has pea cured for the occasion slot with Be local talent galt yood time. be prepared in se menntime, will be a number of new k The Department of, Fisheries re-|cal instruments that have not been in Booth Monkton before. ichita (Kansas) man writes Peta Cape Nome: “Here lies the rolling sea; towering above tbat are te ice-green mountains, and tow- ering above the mountains is the price grub,” ports that the Boot pany has been fined @ 35 of maskinonge and sinall trout. “Av Deseronto | 24 we tiued $20,far a similar offence plied towards oles ing off the expense of the repair Replying to a question in the House € Lords, Lord Sulisbury said that the Riveriquatictas apprehension re |. 410% Ont garding a rumored invasion (presum ably by France) to take place in No» M pubes and that the defences of Eng- | land were adequate. fered to surrender on See that Hee his A be permitted to r ob ha: Ee ccditiotal surrender, Mr. James M. Wilson’s team of fi hprses were struck deaf yy the light-|. We quo ning the other day nent Harriston, | Jd cement. ‘hen’ the ‘barn wad riddled th CGIIG lightning. They were a: valuable "To'Starve out the Boers ‘ean aud the mishap will detract, somewhat from their worth. InN. Ford | cables from London to A special wo the Chiengo Resord she Tribune ell Grand. Forks, N.D., says that from a British je first divoree Nga in North this city two n cousin of King Osear of] has been bert has been assassinated “He was | Britis! shot here last evening by.a.1an nam- Angelo Bressi, of Prate,,, He died | divert Gen. ma few minutes erowd, when he was struck P seeing reg position ond eonnpeled the red in 4 What or ; ; the the | THURSDAY, AUG. 2. 1900. weekly wgeak are ring ae y rum the village on Sunday ee some | Dated at Hesson, wind to contend with; ¢ PROPERTY TY FOR SALE. SALE. "NOTE HEADS, ee BILL HEADS, angel cal treat for all those that attend the in | Logan, will pelt Fenmpnatil, oer ‘par- therefore came out best; that the N happy school-days will =e comm a nnn ass OF PARTNERSHIP) Bertisns. i taal a pee ike tate o. Notice is hereby igiven that the firm back Monday morning, Sag sterm ju a suiting the occasion ; the house ready padi sae Geos ou os the bind i) Or novthing that you require in: Gacitce ws son ee to Downie on st of Augm: pee at i iba this: Ist~ day. of. Saturday evening. ‘ey, We keep.a large stock of paper on hand and! have, got at great expense in securing, the finest job type possible to: procure. . Leave your order at Mrs. Marray. putting he roof on Mr. J : ‘ new blacksmith shop oT in a short The czar and czarina received the} time it will be f eek getting Mr. Ben Sehade's house ready ‘or the brick-layet The brick wore of Mr. Chas. Wolf's Proclamation proclaim Lees 4 We: 10TH to order ‘your STATEMENTS, = ENVELOPES, NOTES, : RECEIPTS, rinting Line. THH SUN MILVERTON... been Sidra repairs, = WANTE A Traveling 4 J GENERAL ACENT” An experienced canvasser, or a‘man with’ good character*~* and Bpire State the Bh es Alene address, with the necessary ability to travel from town: .. or to town and appcint agents No canvassing, Salery and2*! threatening atter fen ays to fine the| expenses paid. Position permanent. and. promotion accord. a~ : ing to merit. Mention this paper. Holmes out again after his The Bradiey-arretson Co.,:; a Birattord. and ee pees aunt, Mrs. cCue, of Tor and Mrs. Alex Stewurt of the bouniey west and other friends in Monkton A dispatch from @ape Town on Sat-| and vicinity for ashort tim ab ae urday says General De Witt has Mr. Adam bd of North Enst- Our fee returned if we fail: Any one sending. sketch and descr’ ption pray re | any invention will promptly receive our opiniow free con meerning tii: patent- | ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent”’sent upon request, Patents ~ secured through-us advertised for sale at renga ray ee taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in. re one isa cbt | eight aoe thei De unmolested. ord Mr. and k He Rok refused anything except | Logan, visited d Mr, and M t Reco} by Manuactrers and Investor are copy FREE. Add Evans | Building, bd WASHINGTON, D. Gee... CORD, an amas and widely circulated journal, consulted ? VICTOR dl: svete co.,. wai started 1 life with an income of $55, OER ee ANEWDEPAETI Roberts has continied his fen. Lo to ? ; Balmoral, where lished hig We His favorite vehicle in London is a hansom eab, yet hiastables cost, $76,- | mandos-before, them on each flank of e railway. ly set another objective. poll before He ig 6 feet 6 inches tall and weighs nnd sf eS ———==. Write for ourielegant H-T catalogue and detailed particula:: we can Save you mi in the purchase of a high-grade sewi: 255 rathorized sh ie sets the fasnion in glothes for] @ tunity youcen cennotaford topass. You know the nee the while indecisi: BRE Be 1s, aT jon is unnecessary. If you-lave an an hearse to we caa offer most liboragitorms. Write to-day, -Address in f» one eerennanaecnnenme , eee SEWING c MAGHINE CO coer One A) Cheveia any other man in the world, buts nost- trenched ral nted at the triak hear Bethlehem, and that w ate Owtithe ddepest amine: if Eng- T A:Radicat Change: in Marketin mou eal pee éwing Macl ; Ait © Sing ash + obtain valuerin the pu: f — ae wierd cn tbe ever betoro oftéred, atlanta? letail ‘the maci' ES © &O3 2Ode ieee ATED. of: the Sissex Teegiment the: nd Monza, Italy, July 80.—King. Hum-) tage, on the w tie was ae ft Christian to dine 3 De. Wet. ‘evidently hed hoped to Cenada Leacs at Farle. fons by breaking throug! Ai the cor- ing oe been attendinga dis- don, but Col tribntion of pri vi i +. J. G, Jardine, Ortiwrio:C [saner to the Paris Exposition, tes still heading Te a a le Pigroed the hee fear ot his Majesty | iBattere stay and “General Rundle’ ne of fell back and expired, in win a ree assassin was immediate ly ae, rasted and was with Rise difficulty gre movingand attacking the Boers ed from the fury of is populace. wi with great ak gave his name as Anes = bing himself of Prato in Po Be pale division are onl: Sees ‘he ‘he exhibit of fi bas Seneunee has~also | 48 it may, the sight ane ral Education will retlniumerer re ptly took their names, wards. 7 I red : iss O’Rouke #5 e CHUL berhonofed a wil alo ce stove e and gateway.” Can't Hug in Pubic 't costs pul to make | ee to one’s ee Had the street in M at Comaniie repeived | have been noticed as ; the ubfedling pelicomaus. aoact. be) ‘will likewise | Fecorder Mr. White vm ied G0 a8

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