Milverton Sun, 2 Aug 1900, p. 4

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LOST MAN'S LANE: A Second Episode in the Romantic Life Butterworth, BY ANNA KATHARINE GREEN. for th seemed mom: 80 Rat ural that I forgot that than one! of eyes might be wa’ fafa e@ upper windews bay ‘wonder ata memiowat fatten the foolish understandings Youne might have te Ick tation. But, pshaw 1a meiog eat T were 20 instead of—iet the fy record say. I aA Sichong nee that it was! aieesknen ter keep certain secrets to hi ia is believe. in sloop. that, jens sort possible And I judg! from what you sey that yours was no I ‘wanted te tell him. I felt that ins me under | yot 1 did not speak. What I could tel | mand so puerile in i @unshine that enveloped I merely; ‘ked that eR Was net i! to ravages of ‘that lightness and versatility which} der certain exigence | F introduced a topio we could discuss without any embarrassment to himself seo Mother Jane there?’ 1 pin Urued gate lk wah her Te. a, Bhe seoms like a harmless becile. “4, yes harmless,”’ said he; ‘her on ‘is greed; that is insatiable. “4 “4 not strong enough to take @ ad zou) ipazspede eis » 1 think. believes, er daughter Lizzie is qn nee a ill‘ me back to tl it some day. Sh ldn’t be awa then for all the bank holds. I know, for Thave tom when you think that the girl’s dead ond has a pee a ey 40 years.” Why dove sks hatp ea acebest eta 2 eo her mutter certain ones caine fe ins a mystery none of us has id hy pe ibly she has no the wit Well, hy glad that ¥ ine been carefully trained in my youth to pay the greatest attention te my meming tollete Any womaa oan foarte at night and many w fm the fush of a bright baler seal ta the woman who looks well in the morn- Piisent than otherwise. Then he u ‘@ short sigh and li If only I was net debarred ied; with = short gesture Rod bedtp askin self if he had seen Inot of ease ih had prodvood 23 nics, wwe so ingabrious an impression. Before 3 oonld make e trom eight and the highway fell again = shadow—why, I ey kmew, for the wan certainly had been shining s fe minutes pong ‘ OHAPTER XXL MOTHER JANE. “Well, well, what did Trohm want here this morning?’ oried a harsh voice i u i I turned upon the Jeok that should have cancers. him. 1 hfs fa eye, which bad something in it bo- ides enger ard suspicion, something that was quizzical if not impertinent, I chang seid L “Seeing me looking 2 the road at Mother Jane, he stopped to tell me as of the idiosyncrasies of that old an. A vi , Mr. Enollys.” “Very,” he echoed, not with touch of sarcasm. ‘I only hope ie PA all,” & ee te ch a sidelong look 101 es: basn’ta pails of sealed ia tint frien ip, or, rather, 6] lieves sayin mever me anywhere dir a particular in- with Aner pest yd of terror =imhenr wh you ere?” he Ont ays not think,” T ga Fy angrily than the oocasion ited, ‘‘that the word are, apulioe ‘ai Me Trohm. But if it did, what is there to gain from a pause at the 2 and a word to such 4 new acquaintance as I am?” ee himself to te interested in?” both at this blundering commit of himself and at the certain anxious confidence he showed in sitated for a moment, but only picions were tru others, must not know that my pete feared cacity was more to be than Mr. Trohm’s was. “It Mr. caer a aie in this ouse,”” said eroio defiance 1, wi of ridicule which. ti feat Mr. Gryce has oe 8 period | aly Spey ‘and a ig hé called to eae how 1 had spent the pipraey st haunt this house and o and ancanny apparitions which only three nights ago made the entrance to this you any astonishment. It does not me, T assure you.” He langhed. I pent he should, and, ty his air of doubt loging it instan' ind fps, a toward the gate from which I had hs moved away, muttering: Well it’s a small matter to me any- wa It's only the girls that are afeaid ‘Troh: ma, Iam not afraid of any- ing Saracen, who has pined a him now; just hear hin. And I could hear the low and unkap- ot & yun¢ most tempted to tell him to unloose the dog, » ese i ae) Detter of it. said he, “speaking Monee 3 henley Macys fhe giels te her.” You wil exouse me = the poor sy encalen by his aes more than Tever have Mscons shness and inconsiderat Bp es) looked at him inquiringly as he lett ‘ae gate and di d my ground treat stand my ground, an errand to this wo- man seeming to mea matter of some interes Iwas glad I did, for after some five yates’ absence, during whieh he had followed her inte the house, I saw him come back in a state of sullen dis- leasure, which dit 6 came “Ah, Miss Bi th, you can do mea favor. The isin her stubborn fits today and won't of give mea hearing. She may not be so road to you; she isn’t apt to be to wo- il then and you oro: beri to her? I will go with you. You needn’t be afraid. ‘The way he said this, the confidence to inspire, had almost » shtly effect upon me na he know or suspect that the only thing I feared in this lane was he? Bridenty as for he ote interior to which I was thus intro- Rineiee pea oa that Mother Jane was poor, I it Garialce’ fd posetiy Ae, Shas Factor tered a or one in poores aa ae were which Sey aie rostlibg, but the tose tones questioning so unbeco: i Bis age to ono of mine. ButasI met neatly brah in See was less, a the firepl: ick, was as deft- BUTT = TURKISH DAIRYING ss = THREE METHODS OF MAKING? | the Perce: pee of ‘butter r tat i ia ER —STRANGE DAI- RY IMPLEMENTS. which a counterpane was drawn made up of 1,000. pieces at least af colored cal But I’m nothing if not persi Feeling tor hor hands, which were hid: den away somewhere under her se I touched them with the cein and cri more for » small piece of Sweat | vonigh Come, you are strong; it.’ “What kind of work ist?” T asked peared , of Mr. Kucliya who was saan a my bacl fe frowned, all the ae ae is ta his ee coming into his to attract the attention of the o! Tema oe perfectly cal- yas to my allurem our thought you lined money I said. iat Lizzie, you know, as libtie auvty9e diean back and made my way toward the ne Sho'a im a Bidens od froma Wins erday Ww! snatched a quarter from me at eg Gn intimation it was kere. I don’t think. you cam get her to do any en at disfigured his none tures was @ fitting pre- “aif we had ‘whenever we want any help.” i Wratiog on his heel, he led the way , whither I would have inoueatly followed if I had not stop- er look at the eee: whlch soo me, even upo! 0 of the ret ot ordered a =a shy pee Rempel of ‘dried ele ber veces which i. ms Serene ve rery beam of th a and cabieabel rod ‘aoe the dish- were few an soaree thay ‘were bright and Maes) prea te the pas Atig! which they were ranged a ce of ornament ewe enough to keo} eep her house in ler,” thought I, and actually found it hard leave, itive in my es are absolute meatness and ord: Mother Jane an walk up to the house. not there. surprised when he eles ee sound like that of mails being driven Sk ak, CHAPTER XXIL ‘THE THIRD NIGHT. ‘The afternoon ¢ mot altogeth- er unprofitably. Having seen many things in the housekeeping which would ed. here seen no change in sitribating to = oat But Iknow ough not to have been far- I might not have thrown away so mi [0 Bz ConTiNuED.] johnny’s Choice. a Lape Hsia be a goed bey PR ph an vee nd some day you be prime ministe: 4 Seka yl don “son t want to be prime min- Provd Father—What do you want te 4 8 3 8 E & 8 zentimeters di ful of jut she only poy in ae and | mixed. lower gutterals, ‘‘Ican count for a few nd, disgusted = fue failure befor ee , being ene who acco and served whole milk. made of bak until it as in the 2 e churns in Sept. of her ly aati eae one Seah expect from the Sohapy want to be a mounted police men.—Tit-Bits. is teaming by it. it is the best cht 7 hours. down the cream is tal with stores mus AS hen as the cow! milked they put the milk in a large pot] 1 ed earth. ‘They add to this the milkiags ae a few successive days r are baits principal systems of Turkey—the barrel ‘and the it patiently. 4 is used more extensinaly other two. le (d) This increases the keep- ihe quality of butter. life being as much as mazoon or a little less. two and a half oar c get the churning done with this Another kind ei talked aint (b) is seen on the Animals milked for dairy purposes in n the tropic: of this country, such as Mesopotamia and Arabia, camels also are milked for ‘ole milk in a shallow pan, 40 to 50 sss diameter and about four jeep. ‘Then a tab) either homemade starch TURKISH DAIRY IMPLEMENTS. wheat flour is put in it om pebipatbe \ It is let stand o1 When it is pare ken off the ia sugar or honey on ies ec a delicious dish. made ie Turkey in three it is made o} enough is deemed churning. It pea by itself during degree ‘The third way is to boil the tieeh milk former case, then put it in @ishes of suitable size while boiling hot. When it is cooled down to blood a fe is neu of is put in it one-third full and, aceording to the climate, has cold water added to andl People Sane that urn ever made. strainer and the hand. Butter continned uninterruptedly in milk till iod of years, her milk Mai in the last wi it the daily ee weight of ta “al sane lespeon- | or tallow from the steer or I S are one nobody id left is churned. it it, they it hot or takes one the er is salt- over nine reek Her live weight when after being on grass feed for the last es moans es her life, 45 tims her average production during that poy riod was 5,403 siderably over 600 gallons, per anaum.’* fat or maa of cents a pound, pats hn ae which plcteria make the fine flavor fot whigh et ae add t fulness of tases that hi = indi In nine last calving fe gave something like r own weight in milk, and yf milk, or con- pes and the same purpose. Of e animals 1 abt which they ages pat bose 1} the first gives the most abundant but- bers eT) ered whether © ever counted 7 oats are esteemed fer them. The next moment I was at her | their sweet milk, but the cow gives the] OL-EOMARGARINE ROBBERY. cl ‘ best and choicest butter in this coun-| g, the Side of ese grenty,”" burst from her Lips ss try, as she does all over the world, | ©"<"°'™7 Hencre Bator ' papape bah pair yea and showed | Generally m is not separated! There js no comparison between gem Nava te ay Lace ap phaminn pra Bs al aa manufacture of nine butter and csecParhisine ose ah “ ” ea f cream | claims to the contrary are easily dis- Yours, =a 1, = ier the di- cle ‘scaimnk by putting the bolling| proved, a; sage Seereters wilson. 8 Et & & & FS & & E 3 & the ox or the sheep for 4, Ae ts a peund, while that of the dai, in its best condition at Greet over 30 never the manipus is cones te un lation of a cow’s milk der cleanly conditions dnd at a proper eas a Mivoring eae enters it sin of microzcopie are Bacto a. e pay 80 cents a pound ‘0 the digestibility and heali»4 lee iat hear of low, suc! be eliminated by peepee DI or su the butter, amd and tl piece of bread and tallow, welghing that, and eat the first one day and th¢ secon ference quickly. e next, and he’ll find the dif le Purpose © Some eve ae ee nee cannot be a general purpose o: urposd breed of cattle, says zi eeeriuest of ‘The Prairie Farmer. Now, ent’ thought will conyince us that to a eer in ex ery cow is a double pur f the needs of her young and is tore a dairy cow. On the grass rages it may be most profitable to select 4 exhibited @ breed has made high records at the pail, that breed a ae profitable for| Ww mot change back’ changes by our regular method or it in spite of fluctuations ms Ww general farming preferable to speci farming apply to the selection of 8 rd of Riki cae Sees in of; returns from ree! Seria of ne are ef ae farm. ain and The rule with cows ps ae ae be to continue feeding grain so long the giving of grain as a part of bi rate of tion is a waste even if it does not prove to be an injury.—American Cultivator GOOD AND BAD BOOKS BURN UP UNCLEAN LITERATURE, w The Only Way to Overcome the Evil] a on What to Read. of men. has filled with pollution and shame? Shai ein impurity present: and everlasting welfare lust make’an intelligent and Chris. cian cholee. ng, as we do, chin deep in aetiions literature, the question ‘that of Impure Reading Is by Seattering| [1° Abroad That Which Is Ennobling and Purifylag. Beseater, Tul; ike some rules FS E = E 5 z g % ass pe & B LJ i 3 & 5 8 appetite for ae 0 gu is mal aan t th waste. Among the more} world Pp $ was the fact that | the citizens brought out _ books gnd in 29.—Dr. hem. % see the sop with their arms literature and mes. full tossing’ it are a plea want to raed them yourselves, and Viet somebod, Hono, ui shall Hea thee a mong cioma or @ lhospital. Cursed be the books tha sta aa by sayin of novelistic pens to-day poe try to make an Here: are, $7, 00 mighty’ work for, God aka Hisntaqien| Gms isy ite at ness. noble! Do, 30 cr soc see RS: I say, books like these, read |swarm pare te right Himes and read in right pro-|/doss, Ba eS ‘tion ith oks, ‘cannot | young ly else read [etn but: be padobhing ine purifying; | author 0 j but, alas, for the loathsome and im-|ers. gt Lee them pete literature that has come in the | who ne) lear the flames crackle and tus embalmed than i it }of Walter Scott. Cooper’s novels are healthtully redolent with the breath the air of the Charles Kingsley mor bidity of the ‘has eile the to in health, i = Teriate: the po e aleray did a edtiiatronies avureine nd fresh air. Thack- | ¥ r et novels, like a freshet over- flo: all the banks of decency a Gomnen Wace They are from some ing houses. They are with recommendation of some of our eaet oe religious newspapers. They lie on es va iat sen oe fais Nene your centre table to curse your chil- books and newspapers. We have en- | jue" CE fagh fuel to a blaze 200 feet é High Many of the publishing houses ee \alen | ee ica ees abet would lo i Re ti eae be # false, hist prise fatto and to Htakab ie Ch in ine?) ss. G vet i ey’ ia ” The aang press is the mightiest ta a aio Baga by oa flash fire. The breath is quick and, Pack to his humble home the remark ney on : ra : ae YS My eet tate iss ya (BY: last, account and help you to lis- brs lar. ap 9 ipa ares | thi colon hese coat aie woke seri ding in a pulpit, has a. respon. |e outs Th Manda, erenols PANSUER Io oo ae sible position, but Ido not thine ic! Ay Toate aera ate) niardian spirit were trying t fo is as responsible the ets of Stan f from all books that give | shake ie deadly book out of the yr Mosquito Bites. an editor or a publisher, At what false plese of life. Life is neither | grasp rs fall Hi laughs | Mi taites ‘are ofter distant point of time, at what far- % tragedy a farce C i edd ut cyele of eternity, will cease the all either knaves or h influence of a Henry J. Hepend, or are neither angels S. riven ticeciay! pe le Gor. Yet if yon depended on much of the don Bennett, or stus Brooks, Take the overwhelming Something eames Something pract & Watson Webb, or literattire of eae pile them up in the idea tha ES a Again, I charge you to’ stand a scourged with a Or | but afterward the tannery of G undlss lesert, beating it with ruin und w pursue y, ther divine vengeance, ground at las whether tt would really blow up of % ee Eger Lana RUSSIAN DISLIKE OF TUNNELS. by an American or. from all those books Which corrupt slew aneetag the iuaiginntion and talaie ths pes; re are rally a number ions. I do no! r now to that|sweeping curves through the Urals, ind of book which the villain has|but all tunnelling has been avoi under his coat it for tha| The writer di see a single tun- school to get out, and then, looking nel in th isa re-|o, oth ways to see that there is no|Markable fact that during the trans Siberian Bail ‘ay inspection the writ- er did not been the first tunnel, This was near Tyfa, t cal across this, te iret. are noted, af- ter 6,0 of overland railway inspection. A Russian railway engineer would sooner blow up a small mountain contagious disorders _unsccountal ken Ce originate in same The Telophonograph. ‘ar 8 ner, at Leipsic, made a report to the State’/De partment in regard te the “‘telephon- gtaph,”’ an invention which com- bines th tay of the tele failed on account of the CF fea d as transferring the message o1 ad of a wax cylinder eae: sen used a flexible steel band than make a tumnel, leaving a yawn- nh Phonograph, which is much sian ing. chasm between the recks, with il domes than eo “Ddlson wo “streaks ist’ at the bottom | phonograph. Messages are much rom those -books| thereof as as ir of his activity.|more easily removed from the # It is}Or, if he finds that,-after going to|band than from the wax cylinder. It the mountain, t! mountain is notlis wound two spools, movi likely to yield to him, his instruc-| quickly from one to the oth Mions are to circumvent it by a long|coming in contact » y small de “gnc Anything to Long tunnel-| electro magnet, switched into the cir- Le ta ee ary Bvermton. to fap Louie, 'wehted the steel band in acts in Russia wa: record on it a: eg SM world tt, te trate to the whip of pane) It is only necessary to the it across a ee (otraanity through lattice of royal seraglio, but|was working . his ‘wa, -|as writhing in tha agcalea of a, cits y will be chaine he rock, and you| °lf jAb, T. see. That makes IL hav i vultures of despair | Rare: uu could do better alone.’’ eee pour ese thosa| The shabby little figure was erect in whom you cues destroyed will come loment, and the denial was around to torment you, and to pour|Prompt and somewhat indignant. atthe (ae jury upon your head,|‘“N0; I couldn't. Jim’s somebody to nd rejoice eternally in the outcry of 80 home t lots of help. your pain, the howl of your|What, would be the good of having damnation. shall wound luck if nobody was glad or of gettin the hairy scalp of him that goeth on in thing his trespasses." which shall sweep t x Rereitlon all ye I barefe sae shabbily "asbased but beige eyed news rward, id every direction in a way that s! nd him. concerning his and his earnings. there was a younger brother to be ne} Supported, it appeared, immy was lan 01 his- mh if there was nobody to divide a. corresponding Vibration’ oF the ‘sted! band der to remove a es Steel band a magnet is passed over surface on which the message was recorded Kilts Too Much for the Canarien An offic usual. sight of ‘man petticoat” ised a flut mong the ladies. “Girls turned their héads away on seei pass,” says El rafo of Las Pal “and d as i ha’ themselves curiosity as to his Scotch stneideene After describing the Highlander as ga nt which ‘from the waist downward was a kind of loin cloth that exposed half his. to appear in such il. Cure for the Morphine Habit, own in ‘ increasing use of , morphte among a considerable section of se ciety has been lately exciting anh attention, and medical men uave edy. It is claime km. ieh’s discovery that it has proved in- fallible in t asses i DI which it een statistics of the circulation of the C2! isa itful d fantastic and | tained specter of the ni s in e ane ‘ and weekly newspapers and ¢*tfavagant thing. How poorly pre-|a madhousi e will mistake nes [Eoort ig bein feet f ealigne ee pis crioncn are then ae “abe ar up Bete ats thal young man o- [ringlets for carling serpents and’ the exposed parts with fe Wiis Gri tbe utiaaiay Daag ange tee and how low far out 0 [thrust her white hand through the ; g Peach the infonces of the American Spent last night wandering “through [burs of the” prison and smite, hor eneyOast Of OU of saselraa with ave extending from Shr to eis ‘ocks, Seintine fe inure roy descriptive of mag- a ia it back as though to Gr four hours a slight rubbing mist for the use of the morphia Ha ala SPE eee es Wk <2 nificent knavery an fcness! ‘The | push the scalp from the skull, shriek fy ease : Mae BE SED BETTS hoe Coes chia ‘herolie il the’ ome, ny ta forge, eee peed alte smosgultos ‘and spiders, | If England rules the seas more than wo! rescue and evangeliza-, in the factory, in the counting room, | © Tee's “unless the latter be of an unusually | eve" Neptune did, it is because tion, and I think that the gréat last 24 he will not find her, he will n iM virulent type, can be antidoted by “has been found éf Fone is aopth battle the world will Bebe disstateied i gives | which you may vovewe, all sal set? lan immediate application of paste |! spirit.” who had, seven- fought with sword and gu ut himself up to the iidugietnstaute eosiird Oaricll HEAR impure pictorial liter-|fnd baking sods rater, Peaie | teenth century, the idea of drawing Bt ee nd presses, a purified iNg of novels will be nerveless ture is most tremendous for ruin.|Wint answer in mi ses, and lis. {UP the navigation act. It dominates and gospel literature ‘triumphing ®"@ and a There pne who can like good'torine ig good. Should the bitten |*# Policy of the civilized werld te. over, trampling down and crushing PCither f Dietutes better than do Guick-! part seem angry and swollen diluted |%2¥- Europe is forced to rest in the out forever that which is depraved, "0M the field ves Jest. and most condensed way. of im rarbolie axid rill antinete eta month of April, 1900, silent, with ‘The onl way ° ‘overcome unclean herself up to the fadieer tiie read- ice’ Waae blic mind is by pic-l on’ scientists have also proved that | arms folded. before the movements in literature catering abroad INE Of novels will be unfit for the |ture. What tho Pabiter does bY bls’ cengorous’ disorders like yellow tever| 2° weal, because Oliver Crom- hath alti ta pe eet May ‘God gan aa ne bee ney ‘ bru: ces few ees, 6 00 a eens aby ing Ne oe it to a | Well dipped his pen in ink on Oct sch ere she is, hair disheveled ae 08 or the mil c = speed the cylinders of an honest, in- vies acy lee sepompishs ese Persom and it is supposed that |, 10°1-—Bordeaux, La Petite Gi voller ageréssive, Christian print- cove obae ing pr he treugh wi © tell you that the great- o t blessing that e1 Which the wickedness ac hands trembling, r the fate af ng into mate | bras ss a uence is insignificant.” tell you that the scratch of a pi metimes lockjaw ee if through curiesity, as many Ey) B evil Pook, your as dangerous ‘as that of whe would take a ohh to see the man into a gunpowder mill merely ep inermas b oe roars of ie of death holds a bai ing importa: to you and He unrol families. ew hy ers shall wi see I group! attempt peers together. A esha is ony a ce betha ® beok in a and i get more “burs than blackberries. You | able shape, and ite pate’ wales hich! tcannot afford to read a bad book, fill apply + ay You say, | night, ‘olls it Boao and th the artist st t every, hese Periodicals are tha, gues invitation to her Ove a SEs SUMMER FOOL. The fool, who just fur fun Points a weapon at your throat, Has now a riva! ‘ool— The fool who rocks the boat, preryboayst o keep some on han re WEAK AND NERVOUS. x several years 1) a radually running down in| 01 ‘At iy seers Ay EA: and “Goat waa Yory siervous’ sud ‘wokk, and worried greatly over my future. away i gctd kic me dey, 100 Jane street,| do not o ainting osts you may buy for a 8 nations 48/that bf |10 cents. Fine pales iy Beton to ature, the ‘ 7 aristocracy of vings| ced era Wipe Ean aie shea tae chien nilie Anes Ha nisice The es 26 tis damoubety tee: You j last has its victims in all occupa. CatPet that was plain ae willbe |do well’ to gather good pictures in tions and d 5 alps Plainer wandered |Your homes. sala ed te" A tases ehane siti help- through a romance alt Fright stove th |. But what shall 1 say of the prostid tentiaries“end, aimahouaey cnn Penk tessollated halls of castles, And our |tution.of art Trusted and Admired by Tens of Thousands of ‘i ~ industrious companion will be more | These death warrants of MORE The Pe ene iaattencHive” Ahan: vever, owe. that (gt every streak eornde Grateful Cured Ones is Dr. W. A. Chase. , Staves Wee ae is cca ee Ve ve walked in the romance |the vision of the young —— pan tossed over into a lost ete: through parks with plumed ay pollution. Man, irst, by his famous Recips Book, ene of Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food avalanche of horro: cesses or lounged in the parlor with |i" @ copy hi and later by his great family remedies, the wonderful epee ‘it has ac- ‘The London plague was nothing to ‘the Polished desperado. ge a hase proved his wonderful skill Som plied in ot! ined a ae it, 7 That leit S oy | Again, abstain From ail those books {Poison in bs as a, conqueror of disease. A grateful |a an usin; aut iT be _ thousands, but tila while they ve som one soul, and that soul may world now rises to call him blessed gan We improve immediately, a: already shoveled it, we also an admixture of|te™, and ten fifty, and fi and to tell of the incalculable benefits restored to full aith Bar| cient’. How aye ‘evi ie have readspocls that hao and the hundreds thousands,} derived from the use of his great pre- The: longest rad two elements in them—the g nd sad pe riine (put s scriptions. i las Nene Food is an ex. * the bad. Which stuck to you? The|% ¢ternity ei; cellent remedy, and,I can recommend Se tatze Cae Bot Jone enough | ay the heart of most people. is [depth and. gha h ROTEMA ON THE HEAD. it to all who aré weak, nervous, or run or large enough r 7 sieve, which lets the small |the great undoing. Mrs. Joseph Querin, thel, Huron} down in health.” jiness and the putrefaction i particles “ol cold) ofall the oagt death that the w Co., Ont., writes: was ‘troubled elie’ eke ave been gathered up i Oks t A a whole book the ba with eczema on the head and face for o and newspapers in the last 20 ad iy oe ee cteelyt ape aay eae If si Sg eae ei abaparab ag Naed pati “ icere; |awhile there is a mind like a load-|40 on a half si ‘Ottawa, Oat TL was troouled thkt ir oat adbssaoet or ovarmnster- stone which, e pivnae amid steel and with kidney nudges aaa ookache tad tter in every w: etteshing Sleep, and made my tion good.” pitas of%Dr. Chase's Re: maon, Rates

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