Milverton Sun, 2 Aug 1900, p. 5

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ast recs the |-¥ Mr. Peter Helm, who had the minted ae, pode fortune to be burnt out a week see made | has ores into the house lately occupi- : : : it ~ John Xavier erriman, formerjed by Jos. McLennan. Mr. Helm in in Southern costume and gran ey j Sate Treas einer Ne ake tends to rebuild as soon as possible. ppay | stars Pant railway fe 2 Lays ae at ae aio * Mr. and Mrs, Adam McKee, and ; ; pressed the readiness of the Govern: Mrs Jobn McKee, of Ciel ale STO ae Se er |i at Mes Wa aa miveron coma. | MILVERTON’S LARGEST STORE ; said that the time had not ar- “ bes was no service dn Grace Milverton oak met Monday ev- The House cheered the Govern- Chore on Santee age es ~ lening. Reeve in the see Council- ent’ decision. order to enable’ pastor and people to| nt + se and rer attend Mr. McMillan’s farewell ser-|7imborou, Mosst®: Hern, Rao an os vices at Milverton. Mi Minutes of former meeting read and - ‘ Sian mates OMe x Mr. Simon Maley, of Stratford, |CoGrmed. ‘was home on Sund: A communication was read (Toronto Star.) t } General H. 35 ; th moui i a hia 1 Box Flowers (assorted) these flowers never selling less nor Tane. MILVERTON, than from 25¢ to 75c each clear the lot at 20. each. P af Habito, Torche, i ile and 1 Box Flowers, assorted, never selling less than from 5 var Ps ee London, Sept. 6 to 15) tO 3oc each, clear the lot at roc each. Owen Bound, Sept, 1 i intranie he Ph leet aus and) North "asthope, fon fe King street_and building Ladies’ these are exceptional values, call early and get Gentrel Canada, Ottawa, Sept. 14 to culverts, $40.00 5. Peter Wiederhold, pees se is rawing 125 yards of gravel av 65 ets, | rst choice. Southern, Brantford, Sept. 15 ee yard, $81.25; Godfried Guenther, West Middlesex Union, ‘Strathroy, om | Sept. 17 to : Northern, Walkerton, Sept, 19to 19. North Brant, Paris Se] pt Aiocmease enone ese” Bapgains in Navy Blue Serge me Mico a aid, er n, Fergus, Oct, 11;| Moved by Councillor Zimmerman to ellin, No pen Ris i ‘* Ne sh, Oct. 12 te | sec. by Councillor Herr that Mrs Si hi No orwich, Norwich, Oc! pel ‘led with $1. til p- 60 yards Navy Blue serge, just | fais t ing by er bireoulana rae be ay x scores to settle with this country. Make No Prisoners. Messrs. J. @. , for Boy's Suits, 27 in. wide, always ‘selling at eu iene aimperoe Wiliam of Germany, when i in| SOC per yd., clear the piece at 30c per yd. Avoid Disease ee te you isa great one. ba i : i BY EATING , Thal people like t ‘the Chinese should | Yo" 1* 4 * cast ‘GOOD MEAT , at with | ¥o ° 8001 i ‘an ambassado ear ae ee oo pela 24 White Bedspreads, Nothing tends to injure the system| manner so horrible, is unprecedented i Se ha > more than the use of meat that is not|in the history of the world. Every i d very large always : ivilization nab founded on Christian- > » of first class quality. ity is sure to be brought to ht, | el be placed along the outside of the endeavor to bythe best beef and] So I send you out. May you all Tidewalk from gahpetier a Hansa selling these at $1. 25 iia Want Hid poopie mest eetan cue 25 ur German efficiency, devo-|mel’s store to the Queens Hotel cor. er" a an feats the fadt through my extended | {f thd iphold “the. honor her. foaarpieg. ae each clear the lot at Reamentes: e disci donne. |b: foals Herr that s8- Ask-me tocallfor yourorder. jan exam le of disc Sieeipline, ipetaomine | a Zi : $I each ° Orders filled any time at the ‘house. on Maple street to connect with the west i ‘ ni Ly 0 prisons side of Main street and that the road- G.F. Hoftman, - Pousti no. ghac for a ss “thousand way be filled sufficient to prevent. the MILVERTON | Ty0k salen, nee at any Rearnian ° en | water from flowing acruss the street. re phe far fy ge lr 3 Only, Beautiful Hanging council then sepaened to meet Wanted—An Idea gaz. sie agin esate Lamps, which were always sell- our A ay bring y. W.D. Wer, ration reitega SESE EDS erecta rie Limitless pe ec . ing at $6 each, clear the lot at ae pococseassacxboscsosssssog, $4.50 each. Exhibitions . .2 SOME FEATURES ON ne Sala on eran an Better come at once and get one ing havea ‘in Cn ete Fe Heron's Page fo News, of our $1 Sailors for 25ce, adge Merton’s ‘e for Women | Watches, Clocks, Rings, only a few left. vee veces eet & LOFONLO to Daily Star 3 2 in SILVERWARE at rock bottom prices@| % Publishes the best of everything, It leads Clothi ng at Greatly ree in the excellence of its special departments, ° P. H. BASTENDORFF while its news columns are bright and Reduced Prices. PS. Watch Repairing a readable. — ® Specialty. HERE IS A BARGAIN FOR THE BALANCE OF THE YEAR. The Toronto Daily Star will be Mailed to any Address GR AIN A N To January ist,.1901, for : : At old prices, better buy your wants now. 50 Cents Comeinand look around the store, Next Door to Postorricr. — Di ie A sonrance {jo The whether you buy or not. The store oe =e ot pees | f ioe } 7 Bi is yours. We have tried our best to i: Heed Oflee, - Watulce, nt Oe make it as convenient for you as pos- ing the best afternoon paper in Y% PICTURE OF THE QUEEN GIVEN FREE. sible. ~The y taeda is anh : amenae To subscriber will be mailed a ' Seg aivig ame ate ; beautiful "plate of Her t Majesty Queen Victoria Ju Tntecest Reweipts pes per cent, and the Prince of Wal Tn Assets 2... x ricture of the nlerest reveipts i royal ee traiis of tie at Ls 4 pas i eth foehes freon thes 4 youuser than the eyele of years wha left hor, and yet ali Oval A hs is a3 the. eS that ber peo ve her ‘and | will re ber her, a thes Separate branches ke Abacainors and I< fe Wi oui EstasuisHep 4889 We pay 16c for good Butter and ric for Eggs. 1 e futul ire the Prince ands behind et the chale of it in force January Ist, 1900, | his royal iuother. “The Mane sin oR, 2 inches, im 15 shades or colors, and, suitably aid be an ornament on ES, as M. P,, Cur. an MPF, Esq. It He a special a paincng, nis ey, for The Toronto Star, resident. Vice-President and is a work - Puos: ae Marri. >} “Managing Director. sept of Agencies

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