the victims of the wi nd ie conflict in the Phillipine : e total number is now 9, an increase of 2,010; 40,643 < original Gas werd granted last 699 names were restored ‘It Always Is, (Watford Guide.) — The glad hafid of the candidate for office will be one of the most interest- ing exhibits at the fall fairs this season. The Senate is a Malad, ree Star.) head surmounted the iy, ped, including 35,800 by death, 909! year by remarriages of pensioners, and 6,616 | Bs tom other causes. AEA Sa Special Club Offers The attention of our readers is spe: ¢| stitution of this new confederation.” Sports thie remarkably liberal offer The Star ew subseri- bera copy of the picture of Queen Victoria and the Prince of Wales. This sag out plate is 18 inches. b 24 inches, printed. in eight colors, hograph ever the "Toronto Daily Star has made published in ance for our Avoid Disease BY EATING GOOD MEAT a & f day Nothing tends to injure the system ° more than the use of meat that is not vof first class quality. ‘ endeavor to by the best beef and find that the people are beginning to realize the fact through my extended patronage. Ask me to call for your order. Orders filled any time at the house, G. P. Hoffman, MILVERTON Oliver Mowat’s QWoodstock Sentinel Review.) It is said that Sir Oliver Mowat is ed in writing his political snem- one. If this is the case.a most inter- isle papietinn aogier teers: The publ given away by | ot! ,and sells for D the newspaper, Taka negotiations pre- seeding Confederation, ‘and has ith the piece constitution anter’s cartoons, special tele-| the are ci enjoyment; by old party friend and foe alike, “If the work, is completed we believe it will she most valuable that has yet been contributed to later anadian v historical material. Read the 7 raroat World. The Toronto World's daily finan- paper. Bryan, The Orator Doubt as to. whether William Jen- nings Bryan is a great man cann possibly survive his speech in accept- g the magery Limitless Exhibitions Of new and ee ing bargains in Watches, Clocks, Rings, Chains, Cuff Links And the very latest in SILVERWARE at rock bottom prices PH, BASTENDORF P.S.— Watch Repairing a Specialty. i Nexr Door 10 Postorricr. win the Presidency. as statesmen go these days, but sober beauty of his language Mornington Township Council ‘The couneil met on August Oth, ac- i Fred. Mattel in regard to statute labor. The Reeve was authorized to issue the ee ou So prt $5, & $9.25, I. Scott cot $92 $105, H. Sage 50c., ei Schmidt $3, J. Mar 0, F. Lines 7e., a cones $40.82, oF, Baird $1 50, S. a The council opened the adjourned MeCloy— alee me ste Head Office, Esrasuisue Waterloo, On 1839. Tho year 1899 was the Hest the Dominion ever bad, It Gained inthe Yezr Iu Amonnt Assured .. ete Ipreaiclied ‘toes AlWlities und the 14th co: 5 ir Pslennins, out of I4th drain in Ehn —Shearer—That the clerk be authorized to change by-law No, 287 according to the changes made at the court of Rey ishibarane'VHEt tho’ sourt of revisien on the I4th drain be finally as read a third thie ie finally passad anid maiibered 2 neil opened for general rita when a by-law was introduc- d for levying eer bylaw was. read w third time. earer—That by-law No. as now Pde a third time be finally passed. C Sheare! © Griffin—That the clerk be Women. Amount $$3.646,838. Jas. Innes, ex-M.P, is ret in force Jauuary Ist, 1200, Car. kumer, Esq. at. Vier: ee ut sa JF. M aging, Dieetbes. Sap. oF Agedcied authorized to e debentures for | the cleaniug out fot ath drain anal get them printed. McCioy—Nhearei or this coun- at do now adjourn to gs on the 2nd onday in September. Cd. Joan Warn, Clerk, in the e Bible as William col America may haye greater statesmen i we _ Ehenitivania: J. e Reeve took the chair when the 1 A telegraphic cable ib being qe direct between © Germany and we York. The people of Orillia are proposing to establish a moseum for reser- vation of Indian relics. Mr. Creelman, superintendent of Farmers’ Institutes, is arranging for no less than 700:pablic HAS, dur- ing the coming winter. Mr. John Stuart,’ Pretoria corres- London Peet sends a despatch to his: paper stating that Kroger ik about to contribute $3,000,- 000 to eae election fund of the Cnt Marea a vale scheme in Nor- The spider spun his filmy across an open door, through which a merchant found his way into and out of S say, “because before you get it done, *owill _ be swept away “T guess I know at Tm about,” replied the spider sees “T-know the man who runs this store ; he doesn’t advertise.” Tn Woodstock it is proposed to for- bid milkmen to use tickets, making: it card remains in the one, honse until its value is pone out and is ther Cee awa ‘Wenger, the Acton grist- ine Ais ordered 200 Pusha of Ls wheat from Kansas for seedin, will sell 1¢ at $1.25 per Teteh: grown this year, it has given good sat- isfaction. It is a beardiess wheat and the head is mot large but the flour from this wheat is much superior t | that from the fall wheat at present rown here. Honors at Paris Exposition. (Ingersoll Chronicle.) We are pleased. lage to be able to cae that ‘the ave been: aworaedt up ‘or "| bivat the world's great fair in Paris, prix ranee, the gran GROSCH & PPEFFER'S MILVERTON’S LARGEST STORE BARGAINS IN MILLINERY 1 Box Flowers (assorted) these flowers never selling less than from 25¢ to 75¢ each clear the lot at 20c. each. 1 Box Flowers, assorted, never selling less than from 15 to 30c each, clear the lot at roc each. Ladies’ these are exceptional values, first choice. call early and get ‘Bargains in Nay Blue Serge 's | Suspected of carrying disease, but the 60 yards Navy Blue serge, just the thing tor Boy's Suits, 27 in. wide, always selling at 50c per yd., clear the piece at 30c per yd. 24 White Bedspreads, very large, always selling these at $1.25 each clear the lot at $I each. obtainable) ‘and gold medal ave great reason to feel proud of our and her industries so prominently be- fore the world. We Gime say that the Noxon Co's. xhibit there comprises representa- achines from ine of seeding, hay-making and arvesting implement Short Stories jes Retold. Only once did Mark Twain appear Hawthorne | tical Cook made a har speech night, introduciaz wo ed meeting General Hawley, of Connecti- remarks Hw of * Genera es re a personal warmest whose the regard for him ; as » neighbor, o| vegetable garden adjoins mine, why— watch him. As the author’ of Beautiful Snow, he has added a new fe is w square, true than in onest politics, and 1 must say he occupies a mightly lonesome posi So broad, so bountiful is his man in polities is like a bottle of per- fumery in glue factory—it may moderate the stench but it doesn’t de- Tinaven’t said any nore of him than I would of myself 3 Only, Beautiful Hanging :|Lamps, which were always sell- iting at $6 each, clear the lot at | $4.50 each. : Better come at once and get one of our $1 Sailors for 25c, only a few left. Clothing at Greatly Reduced Prices. GRAIN BAGS el At old prices, better buy your wants now. Come inand look around the store, whether you buy or not. The store is yours. We have tried our best to make it as convenient for you as pos- sible. "| We pay 16 and 17c. for ae and 12c. tor Eggs. Grosch & Pfeffer. Ladies and gentlemen, this is General Hawley.”