HOW PALACE Chinese Asked for-an Armistice and Then Attacked Legations. ‘A despatch to the London Morning Post from Pekin, via Chefoo, says that the Tsung-li-Yamen on August 12 ‘requested a conference with the Ministers, with the view to bringing see peace, the request was refused. obody on either side ag was authorized to treat. That night there was the longest fusillade of the siege, thé tiring lasting twelve hours. On August 13 the Tsun-li-Ya- men begged to be exoused from hold- ing a conference, saying the members were too busy. Later the board wrote that they had forbidden further firing courts. The American flag is flying on the Imperial granary. The Imper- ial Bank has been looted. GEN. GASELEE’S REPORT. Gaseleo, the co tish forces at Pekin, has ttogranbod to the War Office as follow: “At a conference, Au; tae 12, it was agreed that the allies should con- centrate within five miles of Pekin, August 14, and the assault should be- gin August 15. The attack, however, commenced early in the morning of ‘August 14, and our troops had to make a forced march of 15 miles from Tung- chow in great heat. were on the extreme left, and attacked the south-east gate of the Chinese city. There was practically no - |immediately showed me around the po_ |, WAS TAKEN. at that it. “The Indian troops broke down and 1 cavalry and guns. I then sent other the ceed ae pushed on towards the Legatio: TAL § o'clock we got on the canal opposite the water gate amd were sig- nalled from the wall/held by the Le- gationers. “I, with aportion of the staff and on THE WORLD| Toronto, Aug. 28—At the Western Cattle yards to-day there was a total of 47 loads, including 200 cattle, 700 hogs, and 250 sheep and lambs. The market was dull, and prices re- mained unchanged. The majority of | the offerings were left over. Some choice lots of export cattle were offered, bub there was very little trading. Prices) remained steaily at $4.80 to 25.12 12 per owt. In butchers’ cattle the supply was equal to the demand. Choice selections were quoted at $4.85 to $4.50 per ewt, Inferior grades were practically an saleable. In shape and lambs the offerings were moderate, and the demand slow. seventy Indians, rushed across the most dry moat and entered through | the water gate without loss. We found | all well in the Legations. Macdonald | sitions with the view of further ac- nM. “In the meantime our field eee had been brought up to bombard the central gate of the Tartar city; but a sortie by the Americans and of the garrison alon pated the bombardment, and the gate! | fell into our hands. “pw field guns were then brought into the Legation, and the rest were | sent back to the femple of Heaven, Ab about five in the afternoon the Am- he Legation, and then we moved on towards the eon gate of the Tar- tar city for the ni men in the Legation.” Here apparently some words are missing. of Heaven we were engaged, and, af- ter inflicting heavy losses, we occupie opposition, as\we were not expected YUNG LU’s OATH. Swore To Murdes 4 All The eee | hn Aid of Boxe! from General Yung-Lu, commander- in-chief of the Northern armies, to General Tung-Fu-Sian, comma! nding the Kan-Su troops, saying: “It is not convenient to accomplish nd guns, have dared to exert all their pe torob and insult us, but their populations are small and entirely de- pendent on ey ate productions. China now cannon and rifles and plenty of tells Cfulined Fooge! L) don’t fear the foreigners. In the case! of San-Mun, I refused Italy, with os ance as oe Boxers, who are supplied ints agen u-Sian, in his reply, ons was also obtained, says he is the same opinion, and places the Kan-Su troops at General Yung-Lv’s disposal. © geet ae ALL ODE WET'S WACCONS. Together wie Tinos Gun Trains A despatch ats Pretane says General De Web has been prevented from joing his forees with those of General B-tha. General Baden-Powell has headed aff and captured all his waggons. ‘The Boars are reported to be in con- siderable numbers and forming com- mandoes at Lichtenburg and the Western districts, but they are said to be'short of arms and ammunition. Generals ‘Paget and Baden-Powel attacked the forces of General De Wet 100 fore! and took three CMe Ges wth. ‘The British garrison at Banks sta- tion was confronted by a Boer force, who commas them to surrender. ‘The garrison declined, and the failed to attack. The demand is se lieved to have been aruse to cover Commandant De Wet’S return to the Orange, River Colony. BLACK FLAGS MARCH NORTH a able ety Villages on Their Way order in South Continues. —Outrages im the southern provinces loontinfye. ‘The Christian station at | )Yungtak was destroyed on Aug. 21, and the native Christians were made | Marigibed and tortured. The mob do- | W ande: bh} prisoner. Several English-speaking na~ tives who were prisoners were behead- ed because the ransom was not forth- coming ‘he Black Flags are marching on ‘Pekin, and are devastating the dis- tricts on their way LIEUT. CORDUA SHOT. Lord Roberts Confirmed Death Pen alty and He Was Executed. A despatch from Pretoria, says:— Lieut. Cordua, who was found guilty of complicity in the plot to murder | British officers and abduct Lord Ro- berts, was sentenced to death, Lord Roberts concurring in the finding. A despatch from London, says;— despatch to the Central News from Pretoria says that Lieut. Cordua was shot Thursday. LENCE APPROVED IN LONDON. A despatch from London, says:—The press generally approves the execution of Cordua. The Daily Chronicle alone deplores the imposition of the death penalty, which it considers is so un- like General Roberts that it suspects it was dictated by orders from Eng- land. STEP NEARER: ST, HELENA. Paul in Ss Proclamation Counter That of Robert: ro counter to the latest pro- clamation issued by Lord Roberts, The Transvaal President says:— “It will help you nothing to lay down your arms or to leave the com- mandoes. Every step Bomaveard means a step nearer St. Helena.” ag WILL REMAIN IN PEKIN. Foreign Ministers Not to Leave the Capital. ‘A despatch from London, says:—It is semi-officially stated that the Mini- ters will remain in Pekin. The Chin- ese Ambassador is constantly _visit- ing the Foreign Wee and vainly en- ce the oe the wali antici. 5 baie Stat “By nightfall we had four hundred the south gate of the Chinese city.” | ie A|dairy, Ib prints, 18 to 19c; creamery, ibs. to|structions, he will doubtless be advised Choice export sheep were aaoted at $3.75 to $4.25 per ewt. The hog market was steady, the bulk Cattle: Shippers, per ewt. . .$450 $5121-2 Butcher, choice do. 400» 450 utcher, mediy to good. $25 $90 Butcher, inferior. . , 280 815 tock per cwt. . 200 275 Shae and Lambs. Sheep, per cwb. a 425 Spring Tama, each, . 200 875 Bucks, wh, - 250 300 Milkers and Calves, Cows, each. . . . . 2500 5000 @alves, each, « . . “200 800 “Choice hogs, per Ligh hogs, Per 6 ewt: Bey eee Ga pt THE STREET MARKET. Two hundred bushels of fall wheat, an ad and white, were sold on the eet to-day at 70 to To per bushel; 625 5 12 1-25 871-2 300 800 large hay market prevailed to-day, twenty loads being sold at from $12 to $13.50 per ton. payee phe eo What! ae . hea i jeef, ree te ef, fore Beef, carease. Mutton. amb, spring, per Ib. DAIRY MARKETS. Butter—There is a better move- ment, and yalues are steady. Dealers were selling to retailers to-day as fol- lo tubs and boxes, 20 to 21 a e Cheese—Dealers here quoting new at c. THE CHEESE MARKETS. Brockville. Ont., Aug. 28.—At the Cheese Board to-day 2,402 boxes were boarded, of which 1,320 were colour- , balance white. Business was not ine brisk; 101-20 being the best of- er. At this price McGregor bought 390 coloured and 90 white; Derby- shire, 340 coloured and 250 white; Webster, 185. Kingston, Aug. 28.—Special—At the Cheese Board 399 boxes of white and hi Ss Bissell and Crawford. Mr. Alexander bought 210 boxes of cheese at 10 5-8¢ a lb. The bidding started at 10c; many salesmen refused 10 1-2c DRESSED HOGS AND PROVISIONS. Market firm on all provisions, dres- sed hogs unchanged. Lard very firm. eaueee read Ce At farmers’ waggons choice will bring |j t $7.50 to $8, according to quality, for butchers’ use. PRODUCE. Quotations for provisions areas fol- lows ‘—Dry salted shoulders, 7 to 7 A -20; long clear bacon, car lots, 8 1-20; ‘on lots, 81-20; ease lots, 83-4c to 9 shot cuti pork, $18.50; heavy: mess, noel meats—Hams, heavy, 11 1-2c; medium, 18¢; light, 13 1-2c; breakfast bacon, 12 ine roll bacon, 10 1-26; smoked backs, ‘All meats out of pickle 1c less thea prices quéted for smoked meats. 4, 81-4 to 81-26; tubs, o accept Li-Hung-Ch: mediation. ie declares that all the pra tonnes statesmen have been murdered except a Bea from Hong Kong says: Li-Hung-Chang. 8 1-2 to ‘soict pails, 88-4 to 9c. Eggs—Offering free, and market without much\change. Some real choise eags are bringing 130, but 3 ere are buying choice eggs at Ile delivered. Potatoes—An easy market, and lower prices looked for. At farmers’ waggons dealers here are buying at So, and sell out of store at about 40 to 450 per b Beans—Cho'ee. hand- viekea beans are worth from $1.70 to $1.1 | Honey—Firm. Dealers are paying 4 to 7c, outside Dealers quote from 8 to 9c per Ib, for 5, 10, or 60-Ib. tins. Cemb honey sells here,at $1.50 to $1.75 per dozen sections. Baled hay—Very uttle being brought here. No. 1 timothy ‘will bring $8.75 to he outside. led Straw—Car lots are quoted at 5, to $550, on track. Hops—Sell at about 12 to 18 for Canada, 99's. “BeP.” AGAIN SCORES. Rescues se British oes and ures 26 Boe! A oe from London ie eae news from So frica consists of ants of reconnaissances. Credit is given to General Baden-Powell and General Paget for preventing Gener- al De Wet he other Boer generals. ported toyhaye crossed the Megali berg without waggons, using bridle path. The Boers in heid district are active. They are NorthernsNatal, and have mounted a gun.on the ‘Transvaal side of the Buffalo river near Dannhauser, which commands the railway. The following epee has been re- ceived at the War Office from Lord oberts fromm eee “Baden-Pow- ell_rescued one hundred British pris+ ners at Warm Baths August 22, and captured 25 Boers and a German a tillery officer. “Buller’s casualties August 21 were seven men killed, and Capt.-Ellershaw and en wounded, wa five missing. “Kitchener, August 22, had eight casualties. “While reconnoitring, in the Komatij valley, Rundle found 140,000 rounds of} es. lonel Mackinnon covered $e miles in. 14 days.” A despateh to the Standard from Pretoria, says‘—“General Baden- Powell headed off General De wet, preventing his Sole with the main bod Wet aband- hills, his commando dispersing, som: trekking south. Lord Kitchener fer returned to Pretoria.” SS a 8 WILL REATIEST THEM. Militia Department 2 instructions to 1. Otis A desi wae He eays:—The period of service of the first contin- gent will rerminate in October, andin reply to Col. Otter’s request for in- men for further short term in the tiela should they be required. {n official circles it is not considered an. k for their dis- titled to it. ity that the regiment will be ordered home before Océber. Lieut. Ecclestone, in charge of the Canadian postal corps in South Africa, writing to Dr. Coulter, Deputy Post- master-General, states that Sergt. R. rs, | Netley after a severe attack of enteric fever. Murray, of the London » divi- sion, has been detailed for duty with the Canadian-Mounted Rifles, and has rendered such good service that he has pioneer contingent from the colonies and their good work is warmly com- eg eee 30 PLOTTERS BEHEADED. They Were Armed With Old Muzzle Loaders and Policeman's Whistle. A despateh from Londoa, sa It is reported in Shanghai that roy Chang-Chi-Tung has executed thirty reformers who were plotting to burn the city of Hankow. Thy each had an old muzzie-loading gun and three hundred policemen’s whist- A few thousand placards which they had prepared were seized. 1, ‘lA TRAGEDY NEAR QUEBEC. oman meanest # ¢ of I stad Kilies A dionis from Monte bello, Que. say: man named Stanis Lacroia this afternoon shot and killed his wife and an elderly man named Hypolits Thomas. Lacroix and his wife have not lived together for some little time, the lat- ter residing in Hull. This morning she came here » fates and in the af- ternoon Laer: ocured a revolver ts went to the botise where his wife woman ran out, whem he shot her dead on the street. She was holding her small child in her arms at the time, but the child was not injured. He then shot Thomas who had call- ed at the house a few minutes before, Thomas walked a few hundred feet after being shot, and then fell dead. The murderer took refuge in a house close by and refused to give himself r in the evening, however ae was secured. DE WET BURIES HIS GUNS. Gets Back In Orange River Colony With 300 Men. e S A despatch from London, says:— The War Office has received from Lord Roberts the following:— “Paget reports from Hammanskraal Bat Baden-Powell engaged Grobler’s ar guard all day yesterday. Groblex was driven back vas' the fight Baden-Powell’s force and that of the enemy galloped into each other, the Rhodesians losing Colonel Sprekley and four men killed and seven wounded. Many of the Boers were killed or wounded. They were at Cyferkuil morning. Plumer and Hickman were closely pursuing them. “Tt seems certain that De Wet, finding it hopeless to make his way eastward, has recrossed the Magalies- lowing cannot “It is stated that ae with a snfill bodyguard has trossed Pie- naar’s river on his way to join Kra- ger at Machadodorp.” SASS es BOERS ARE MOBILIZING. Botha, With 8,000 Burghers, is at Mach; : A despatch from Twyfelaar, says;— Through secret intelligence agents thi British authorities learn that Gen erally understood to be the headquar. ters of President Kruger, on the Pre whole Boer artillery, including. the heavy pieces formerly at Pretoria. _ —— WILL POUR IN TROOPS. Capture of Pekin Makes No Differ ence to Russia, A despatch from Odessa says:—The capture of Pekin will not make the slightest difference in the regular de- and city barracks are filled with ivi tion of military traffic on the Siber- tan railway. ee THE FORBIDDEN CITY Its Fate Left to the Decision of the Gover! A despatch from London, says:— despatch to the Daily Telegraph from Taku, dated August 24, says that a conference of Ministers and sengiale on that day decided to refer the ques. oak Neseing on = Geetals SEC tie Forbidden City to their respective Gov- ernmenis. The 0 re pon ents, it is added. are returning. Everything ie quiet. A WOMAN'S PACH) PLAINLY borcarestusconpitox a. Pago on “Is a Ladi HER HEALT! Beauty Disappears When the Dyes sultow, and the Wrinkles gin to Appear—How One Woman gained Menith and Comeliness. Almost évery woman at ‘of abome meéts daily with innumer- | houses to pl head | able little worries in her household @ffairs. They may be too sma notice an hour ansererosele be noticed _ ve “cae cad Beaches, fickle appetite, a feeling of | tice t. ia Be tiaken ate heck constant Weariness, pains in the back | under Sn es eae ‘the bread. fs sodden and the meat uneatable, to giv and ihe coming of wrinkies, every woman who desires comeliness @reads. To'those thus afflicted Dr.| edy and certain cure; a restoration of | olor to the cheeks, brightness t eye, a healthy spectre and a of freedom fromm weariness. ll to it is 0 the | ms ‘Among the thousands of Canadian women who have found new health and new strength through the Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills is Mrs. cis Poirier, of Valleyfield, Que., Mrs. Poirier wasa sufferer for upw seven years; she had * from several doctors, and had use of Fran- rds of taken treatment used a number of advertised medicines, but with no good results. Mrs. Poirier says:—“Only women who suffe did can understand the misery ras 1 T en despaired of ever regaining health. There were very few days tha t Idid not sufferer from violent headaches, heart palpitate violently, My ach seemed disordered, and I least exertion would make my stom. almost toms were much like mine through the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. to try them, and at other month had passed I had en- shows that the blood and nerves" needed attention, and for this purpose Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are woman's best friend. They are these pills the blood is enrich nerves made glow of health brought back and sallow cheeks. There wo less suffering if women wou Co. Brockville, Ont. ousehold Suggestions. Unbleached canton flannel good dish cloth: dealers or sent abt iat? at 5J cents OX OF r $2 b; BU by dressing the Ds. aaiines Medicine ed, the strong, and the rch to pale uid be ld give ad- makes It is well to keep lamps about two- eae full of oil. are not so detrimental to iain wie pa very hot iron should never be used for flannels or woole: The great sandorlty of small fresh seed fruits are laxat Calicoes, aka “and chintzes should be ironed on the wrong possible, with a moderately hot iron. Aluminum Theater Curtal Aluminum has just been employed e one-twelfth of an inch thick, ‘and weighs 4,000 pounds. jeady to Wait in That Case. “My daughter i8 entirely too young to marry;” snorted old Goldrick. “Well,”’ replied the dejected eae A Woman’s True Sts work of a e not to make ; her true business in life is = ife and mother,” writes An e Best For Oui That with regard to nine out of ti tiie pretty girls who are tiptoeing ; alu sow |in caps and gowns and cherishing Ss stupid cooks to guide, children once in a wo! ny amin wadlciee intelligently to the baby. in ber rms, the colle , be iz : nememibored itable wor! e Servant Dif ic a man thinks he can ue ‘the sery- ant problem. Here are the niles “aid down by a man for the guidance of mis- tresses in their-relations with their teev. ants: ‘our household on business prin- ciples; servant should have regular hours of service daily. ‘Complete freedom after work is dont Do not be to reer, with only oh maid of all w Gee Praia naa evening out of each we Clean, wholesome bedroom, substantial food. Social pone within reasonable dis- cretion, ave a young, good loo! ing, aah servant, ahe Drotably ‘wants a busband some day. t drive her into the street i get court rence mie religious Do not perma uae from ote baker’ ie uroste sn nd butcher’s boys. pectful treatment to your serv- ant and ie rien the exam, duty, Do not let slipshod, careless work go peneter: A good mistre&s is always crit- ical, firm and exacti she always appReiatea -conscientious effort 7 Customs With Bi In Boca the infant’s vga ue cre with a pine bough to bring it good lucl Garlic, salt, bread and steak are put into the cradle of a new born baby in Holland. ‘The Grecian mci iad putting he the waning moon is always precocious. Housekeepers’ a5 a housel Leap! caa near Champaign, Ills, that is nothing if not t Euieomes are by no means content to this domestic Shodthiaee a of these clubwonien the ease seem! all the more commendal Paper Pattern: you are what is d ribed a “stock” figure, which means that your bodice measurements those used by ma nace ready made goods, it is quite worth your while to get a cut to measure bodice a9 at- ve3 if you do much of your own dre: making. From the plain fitted lining A, any particular mouse or boulice hat ‘aie your fancy you can make it your measurements «with i oe Eluce- gravy, and who Ss no little seold- ple. personal supervision while off a * | Dear Sir only tial use of my arm, caused by a ve Do yon often think of me when I ihe have a stuffy note a in tia house? ; |grandfather were alive he would "be old.” Pathetic. ‘ A lady who had spent a great deal of time in trying to teach her servant girl to make a good drawn-butter 1: ing hecessary to lish it, called Bridget in to ti dinner table oneWay and said s “Bri ridge. ‘ae arawn- butter gravy is actually bit “Ts that so, ma om? asked Bridget, Now, how do you do’ know, ma’m; but I do be thinkin’, ma’m ‘that I ae a tear inti) it!” Rout is Uric Acid in the blood. Unhealthy kidneys are the cause of the~ncid there. Irene kidneys act ould the; ier id and rheu: tism wouldn't oceur. Rhew- Kidney ease. Dodd's Kidney Pills have a great p: their reputation — curin; jeumatism, et at the cause of those fearful shooting pains and stiff, one sure way— Dodd's Kidney Pills 'o Restore Faded ee Fruit stains.may be usually remov- ed by pouring ating water through the stai tinate, use’ oxalic acid, cane three ounces. of the crystals in a pint of water. Wet the it by holding over es ee of eaiye water or han: stan ee sin alapese sinse well 2 asf F 2 r ¥ prevent injury to the linen. water is recommended for taking the stains from white goods. ©. 0. RICHARDS & CO. —For some years I have had sudden strain. 1 have used every remedy without effect until 1 of MINARD’S LINL ean is egies restored, s, Ont. BR. W. HARRISON. She Remembered Him. Husband (off for # long jonsner)— | gone pat a mre os week to get the smell of smoke out of the House. You need not cougit all night and dis- turb your friends thers is no oceasion for tou cunning the risk of contracting flammation of the lungs ov consumption, while Bickle's | Auti-Con from wisi ph Ms apis on There. you always Not Saocleht to G First Boarder. Second Boarder—Not when we ar in the dining room. Mitard’s Liniment Cares ba in cows Nothing to Bo: old. “Pshaw,’’ said another ‘if 150 years 0) Worms derang. ethe, whole em Maver Graves! Worm ranges Ww ans, anil gives rest to thesulter er. It only costs 2 cents to try it and be convineed. A steadfast faith begets a constant eace. ant muniment chest uf this mosque. e id fg ronatadernat ty Hisdtsths ‘T beg your pardon.” And with a ile a5 a Sinan of his hat, Harry EK sdmond handed toan old man, against whom he had accideutally stumbled, a old man, “Boys will be boys, and its the best they should be. Yon did not harm soe? I'm glad to hear it.’ And lifting his hat again Harry turned to join the playmates with whom he had been old fellow for??? asked h: Charley Grey. Ho is ily. ‘old Giles, a shabby or hawks vegetable through the scone instead of sitting in a counting h Which was right? How’s This! e offer Oue Hundred Dollars bavdad 8 oe ay. a se "ot aan SURE cannot be by "Hal's © Catal Host the under cheney for the i Tne erfectiy honorable. in traedtiot nd vananelay” able to. curry ou y, obliga their firm, WEST & Au erate pa nBETatS, Toledo, 0. Wa yoestie” ep ruegists aren Core IB, taken ie iy upon the blood mue Sitfages of the system. ‘Testimonials. sent free, Price 7e per bottle, $9!d Ly ® rll drug: gist Seeking Original "Testament. to ee the a} 5 Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper Living in this Life. Hereafter can have little practical Dr. Stalker says: ligion shouldbe . not an in- surance for the next world, ‘hat a pro- of aaatiingte ce the life that is to come. Short Road to fealch ‘eis Open d te chranis, coughs: Meatarrh, 1umbago, 8. or inflamed plaints, by the introduction of the inex pensive and effective remedy, Dr. Mhiomus’ Relectric Oil, Artistic Revenge. Sympathizing Friend—When sho married the other man did you turn her picture to the wal Artist—Not much; - aioe a Task tier girl's head on the canyas an it to her as a bridal gift. cll tea eis Ouly those who have had experience can 1 tell the torture corns cause. Pain your boots ot, pain with them off-pain day’; but reliet is sure to those y’s Corn Cur of Her Brothe “At jenst,™ he said. thonehtfally, “sho is the girl who believes in th “T once proposed marriage to her.’ Hinari’s Liniment Cures Coldss. Ete, Cut From ape Head. genuine lock of THE ——_—n emPorter” JOHN LABATT, London, Are undoubtedly THE BEST. ‘Testimonials from 4 cl bso ‘The most wholesome of beverages. trouble if-you have the fitting linen to work on. g in 4n/4 specific for indigestion and di the digestive organs, have no equal a eror | 1,000, 000 spindles and emp 000 skilled operatives, ous 0 | Religions Pictures, Statuar resting. It See decided that Mr. Wright must administer a stern lecture to his four- ee sla daughter Florence. The little girl had been naughty, but she did not m2 | seem to senting the fact, Wright reluctantly undertook to give her a ‘’scolding. He hated to make the tender little heart ache and to see t cry, but hho stored ttanel@%6 spe judiciously and severely. ed her misdeeds whys and wherefores of the stern re- buke, Mrs. Wright sat by, looking duly impressed. Finally Mr. Wright paused for breath and also to-hear the ae culprit ao- Baristas her error. The scolding iaane “Isn't papa interesting?” ers) Hinard’S Liniment Cores Diphtheria. ced Water Is the Best. Ice-cold water is not so good as iced water—that is, water co stomach, and is diuretic, eenere t will, rhea Tpeitleaal Willianously and taste worse, have the will to deal himsel pis ailment, wisdom will direct chs attention fo Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills, order as ders of Cotton Mills in Japan, fapan has cotton mills with nearly ying 85,- ENGLISH TEETHING SYRUP Largest Sale IN THE WORLD. ni Collene Aven wy | AVENUE “HOUSE i Hotel saves wt ss Hotel Balmoral Hooerals es tosaries, Crack: CATHOLIC PRAYER ie? id Chureh honts, Educational Wor ks. Mail orders recriye promptattention. D.& 5,5: i£OR OVER PIETY Mins, WINSLOW'S. SOOTHING EPROP has been tha or Ba athe eat tensed rth ti a bottle ie, and inthe best i ie aes fall, druanats mtirgugheuthe,wond, ‘Bomar od atk for in ster va STOPPED FREE. Permanent. y_ Cure 's GXEAT iz RES e.cure [or all Nery os, Fits, “Dis tas pas Vitus’ Dance. No BReee Nervounness after Arse. day's use, reatise and $2 trial bottle sont through to Fir patients they paying express ranges uly when recelved Nee Pre SS) ATER et, Pilladelphina . UY 287 THE NIMMO and HARRISON BUSINESS and shortnanp COLLEGE 1. 0. 0. F. Buildiag, Toronto. Gives a most thorongh ccurse of individual instruction in all Business and Bul Service Subjants, Shorthand, Typewriting, 5 ed teachers, advantages unsurpasted, ‘Open ‘entire year. Circulars Free. An the first Napoleon’ 's hair, cut from his ae on hi bed at St. Helena, just chan; a hands at Paris, the purchaser paying $1,250 for it. i ee nerves Sleeplessness. wretchedness, the mind is filled it a chemists, 10 medals, 12 | tem rary commended by Physicians, For sale every- e When the enu- strung and the emnole body piven’ mp to