x Many we be sorry to hear that Re. ee haowe's onkton ert churehes to { finisl 7 College ae Geuaont ok Logan, Sunday nie Featherstone, who hi been visiting her father and sister a Monkton for the last few weeks, left on Saturday last for her place of duty i ronto, Wm. Nassett i child, of uw 0 | my. and cousin, Miss of Strattord, Stnday- 2 isses Akins on tof | word libert y. was going south ‘with a load of plows. Au enberg, 6th. con., iaeas visited fens on the 16th con, Elma on Sun bey. uy Jacops—At Mor eee on Monday, Au art ug. 97th, the of Samuel Jacobs of a son. ROE—At Milverton, on Saturday Aug-| ]u: ust 2ath, Gordon Samuel, the in- ¢ Mr. and Mrs, Avoid Bisease BY EATING ‘GOOD MEAT Nothing tends to injure the system ‘more than the tse of meat that is not ‘of first class quality. I endeavor to by the best beef and find that the people are beginning to realize the fact through my extended : patronage. Ask me to call for your order. Orders filled any time at the house. P. Hefiman, MILVERTON Limitless Uxhibitions Of new and tempt- ing bargains in Watches, Clocks, Rings, Chains, Cuff Links And the very latest in SILVERWARE at-rock bottom prices P. Hi. rete Ae aio | 8. tch Rep: Specialty. a fi visited ie and Mrs, Nicholas Farr op i ol Card of of haa hereby ae to. dig a the cage. = myself an such arias anes, yours sincerely, Tuos. P. Rox. Milverton, Ang. 28th, 1900. Short S Sane Retold. kin, who wrotd éo many fain ey said that the first | Tessons The learned w: “One s yet i ented to ea he tea-urn, which was boiling mor rily. I st of liberty T got, nd the last which some ae we Bally night for a Goultee of -sonrse," guped the poet; beating a hasty re- slaughte One Denis Tighe, 0 et Franeise faetber, an’ it u moight “ave besa last ake! “Wasi “Sure, father, hwat do ,_ Shinokes e swears that bad Patrick wad trim! ble should see Moike a real the fu urniture an Hos an" “Six ‘Hail Mere every day for a-week, and three et Bridget,” said’ the father. phwatdo you mai He, factiner? Sure, never confessed a “Y nanee, Bridg ex-justice of the -peace tells the following story: During'the time he Young man was brongh up before hn on the chai trate for a few inoments? conversation. ‘“Phe case is over,” he “and the fine has heen paid, and it’s settled began, Next Door to Postorricr. Head fee fern ep 1839. i fet UNG ae ash Pr liso i Ma oreat Resets in force Jenuary dat, 1900, 546,836, Mee Innes, ex-M.P,, Cur. &: af ev, Ese sident. ve President pols near eta 7 darewsn w ee Fallaito On, W what ase like h th them if the ent si the e “Why in tha pas née was not that evid- ence eptonght out at the trial?” MONETON at Monk- this week; What the people without a ug that it gorse at ae t and Sundays to that E, | ¢t give the co sees derable } oper tl ; that ot the boy ity lately for Mr. James Graham, of Logan, has en Mr. Jonnty ee ouncillor Joseph Jackson, Village Hae i. Sunday calling oe "Gouncilloe C. ish troops, = Ps e| horse fleshfrom= the vicinity of Ot- lav- # tical Master of Stratford Collegiate T Tas | stitute at a salary of $1,050. | anpeared - | stitution corresponded with his ta: of the baie stories of Father | "eas S| any reason that that the board shall ankle “okie tn are an ‘| the salarieg.of provincial judges Sel ee for apis ont Chinese imiigrants, 2 vad bean hes ard on te Wookst ‘ock av in n- | 5 | asked perniissio; h ne L 'remier Macdonald leaves aS r a the east on September The sky is cheerful when it is the bluest but it is different with a man. Aman who will give ear to goss about his wife is either a fool or a cringinal. any barns were “destroyed by he, during Spader night's storm in Western Ontario. Robert Henry, of Brantford, the Conservative ae for Commons in South Mr. D. K. Erb, M. P., was unanim- ously re-nominated by the liberals of South Perth at Mitchell on eth is he The Sultan is said be agai trying to evade re: os at for the recent Armenian massacres by Turk- Tt is estimated that the British gov- ernment has invested $120,000 in tawa this year. Dawson miners have given Lord and Lady Minto a warm reception, present- ing the latter with a gold box of choice nuggets, Robertson, B. Seaforth, has been appointed Mather John McGnire and .Geo, Stafford, who say thev came from London, Ont., were arrested in the act of burglarizing Smart’s hardware store at Broc' ville. A hale old man from New Hambnrg thé Honge of Refuge, Stratford, the other day in search of a help meet. None, however, in that in- sta of the ideal woman and he left to seek ite gebers A school hoard in one of its bylaws says :—"All children hatweer five nd the following reason shall be Foner reasonable, viz: | deem reasonable GROSCH & PRERFER'S WIL VERO LARGEST STORE m= asta. Deep Cut ’ In all kinds of Summer Goods ies a EEE -Grosch & Pfeffer’s All our Silks, Gingams, Muslins, Ducks, that usually sold at from 12 1-2¢ to i8¢ per yd., now 10c. A ‘lot of Ladies’ Parasols, Black, Nice Handles, always sell- ing at $1.25, now 75e, The Buffalo moth or earpet beetle is now becoming quite a nuisance in is country and is doing considerable The British Colamhia Legislature on Monday. passed resolutions urging the Dominion government to make those of the eastern _provin: ahs to Se! a Canadian te pas Mrs. Halbert, 42 years of age, was arrested at St. Thomas on Saturday night by Sergt. Armstrong on a charge of throwing w pailful of hot water on THIS IS THE HIT OF THE SEASON. The balance of our Shirt Waists.. You know what they sold at! All the way from $1 to $1.75, will sell the balance at 50c each. em HEAVY COTTON BLANKETS __-. 12 only, we always sold these at $1.25 each and werea bargain at that price. Sell the balance at 65c. each. Glen Tyler, severely scalding him. ‘Th young man is in an outbuilding on the Halbert property. ‘Tyler presented , face, arms, Men’s White and Colored Vests, all sizes, clear the lot at 75ce each scalded terribly, the physician has doubts of his recovery, At last week’s meeting of the cheese board at Woodstock, Mr. R. M. Ballan- tyne, of Stratford, ad ressed the meet- ing, stating that frequent complaints nd coloring. ne The whole 0 Hes cheese from: was too highly a a hale of coloring 1a 100 porns a All our “Crums” Prints re- duced to 10¢c per yd. 6 only, Ladies’ Underskirts left, always selling at $1.25 each, clear the lot ai 50c each. of milk, whereas one ounce was quite ficient. If some attention wns pair o this feature of the manufactare of at that the boxes also might be upon. il net on Sataré MEN’S SUITS Men’s $6 suits reduced to $4.50. Men's $8 suits reduced to $6.50. A lot of Boys’ two-piece suits, clearing them at $r.50 per 146 Ibs. St. Lawrence Sugar for $1 lbs yellow for $i. of on mee ar ust received a shipment of New P was accepted and ordered & rs. 8. G: Grosh and J. Go ff the council for) iting C . ong cert in of the! exe) Japan Tea which we ing tosell at 25c. are go- Te pel asked for a leave of| absence tor ‘two, months, stating th Je pay 16 and 18c. for Butter and 13¢. for =ggs. Pe ip to Mani-| of Spencer and Her eas granted :him for lourned to meet Martin, wn Kaa ate dpocdiax sx Weubrueni the igiepiaee: aariee? etky call "the clerk. Munir Drea? . D. Wain, Clerk, Grosch & Pfeffer. JF. puple