Y HARVEST. W. D. Weir's Sale Register. mn Tnesday, Oct. 16th, the farm aah aan implements ‘of John Doher- ty, lot 2, con. 12 (western section wplene: Biers soumeute art TROsTOcK — masons. have started the _ foundation of Mr, John Schrenk’s new house. = ite a number of our leading Con- | -seryatives attended the political rally at Stratford last. smith, re iorae Rnaliar h here on-‘his way £0 os Mrraitondon Garnier: Mcintgeininier bom-onr Barlet ttended the funeral “of Mrs. Peter | Stocks, Saturday number of our sports are Mr ood use of the open game » season, one report game sca Gon, Dahmer, of Phillipsburg, passed th ere on hig way to his throng! : tae Wille of Wart Cause of The Strike The gages eae region of Penn- + sylvania is a antig sweatshop op- Esrated By tte ae railroads that tra- Tse This Rtenent tells the whole soe and explains why more than miners are now out 0) strike for a betterment of their cir- ou ances. master hand at d fat-frying has been e result is robbery on t ican continent, | ‘real t And He railroads get fa ‘The |in weight from 1400 to 1760 Ibs miners barely earn énough to main- p . tain themselves, At any rate, so far ate eee poarts staf 4 epee! ey the News has found none who have| Great Britain has sustained the deci- ‘any property ahead, although in-|sion that a circulating librar be stances are not rare of imen who have | held pecibiate ‘esponsible for libelous worked in the hard eoal mines. for] statements contained in any of the forty years. Even the independent ‘owners of mines are not prosperous as] Volumes high i erclates, of as thine owne Cae “They are| , The dicectors of the coc “o facade ‘hey must{ Agricultural Society met in tl UN ‘Sper thois mines cording to the | office on Monday evening and Gg of the railroad or not at alto. | Gaal arrangements for the Toldiog of aoe oo ner tne eee tly | thegfair on Thursday and Friday, inexhaustable. Coal minesare cheap.| ‘The track on the fair ground has y ar ra for the past week driving out thai Loca Labor and tel eas to] it ark will baal closed from lock p. m. on Friday. last year in a dying century. XMr. Charles Kertcher attended the Atwood fair and disposed of nearly a ton of grapes. You are cordially invited to atten E. H Dierlamm’s salllinery openings on Thursday and Friday. -The forests of North America in value and variety exceed. shore of any other continent stemate for awe Milverton Sun ada journal that talks about rneiog else than politics. . Marchand, premier of Quebec, died ie the home of his Ly ‘in| ang in Quebee city on Tuesday ni Germany. will China’ and wil! be sep ne in action by France and declare war against her George Brown, of be face! of Mornington an has a sow vee arrowed 60 vex inside of twelve Sir William Vernon Harcourt, the libéral financial critic in the British House of Commons says that the Boer war will not cost less than 1» | $50,000,000. Messrs. Easson, Forbes and Mc- ees of Stratford, shipped a car- ond of heavy draft horses to Mon- treal the other day. They averaged en put in excellent shape and fast time is expected to be made i D every evel UN Sf Editor Kerr of the Brussels Post, paid our sanctum a visit on Saturday Jast. He form the cortege that accompanied i late Mrs. Brtlend 4 to the Milverton Methodist cemetery, iniles , Uxhibitions Watches, Clocks, Rings, Chains, Cuff Links And the very latest in SILVERWARE at rock bottom prices P. H. BASTENDORFF P.S.— Wav. nee in nan h Repairing a Nuxr Door to Posrorricr, _ The Ladies’ Aid of the Elma Metho other tempting dishes vhat tickle the palate of the epicurean. the supper addresses will be delivered: by the following reverend gentlemen -— J. Thompson, of Monkton, and Grenze- bach, Anderso1 verton. Music will be furnished by the Monkton choir, Ten served from 6 to 8. p. m. A terrible accident occurred on station sens at that place. company with Wm. Gilchrist, section 8, were cS iniee from the Con- servative meeting in Stratford on N aha are just 95 days Jeft to the ni ©) spent Sunday at Mr. JL. Tucker's NO NEED TO WORRY. She handed the cheque to the paying ler. She was calm and collected, as it were an everyday matter. Madam,” said the teller, cent sere w the sauve machine colleatons very di day the farmers ‘The blocked with cragons jothing— cheap, Ybut Now the farmer, from his harvest, kilts, ai? green berries, Steel grey stock on ye1'ow stilts. Now the racehorse trainer gravel Walle the bobstailed” plug aro And each day the trusty jockey ides him swiftly o’er the ground. Both the trainer and the jockey Work him early, work him late ; i ether limb they around, ing owner Greamlocaly oars sie haan Now the weeds upon the racetrack Fast before the sickle fall ; oud the hammers of the workmen i hall. ship fair time’s drawing pear { Township fair | Bvent auspiciciug Heralded both far and n laced expositions, temples kiss the sky. earer far the signs that tell u: Township fair time's drawing nigh. FALL FAIRS. MILVERTON, m, Oct. 9and 1 - ise Phigancone Norwich, Oot, 12 t6 ogee a at Oey ee a Conte Wel orth Norwicel PERSONAL. Kalbfleisch, of TaMtbock, spent Sunt oth h Dr.| Lede Rev. E, Fear, of Atwood, was in the village on Monday. Miss MeCallyin and Jas. Grosch's Hall on fair night. Fax at orge Dhbson spent Sunday rd. Mr. with fonds in Stratfo) Mrs. Ambrose Moore Mr Miss Eva Baird, of Stratford, is °| visiting her friend, Miss Pearl Tucker. George and Mrs. Finkbeiner are visiting thein family in Milverton: Mr. Geo. Langford leaves on Sat- pone to attend {he Hamilton Normal College. Miss Koehler, of Wellesle; spending a few days with Miss Lizzie Smith. Mesers, W -and H. Parsons, of Lon: don, spent Sunday at the Grand Cen- val. is Mr. and Mrs, Jackson, of Brussels, spent Wednesday of last, week at Mr John Dobson's. Miss Mary Hauna left on Tuesday ie ole cut to pieces, his arms, legs, bowels, and other members” being Doin oninion J if Assurance (fo, | Heed Gfiee, Walciieo, dn Esrapuishep 1889, ‘The year 1899 was the hest, the Dominio inthe Yea ever had, It Gained Tn Amount Axogred To Uash Pre'm Ticome cerest Hi se Tts interest ree ali @satli loss strewn along the Sak oe was - years uf age and leavi fecal bina anion danger, Gunn, of Inn His remains were interred in Galt — + MILLBANK ently ased a| rm ‘acres in the townshi Zurich, Huron County, and intends to move'in-a few weeks, hos. Farrell, of Detroit, visiting her sister, Man unday wil be Children’s Day npr terfan eh pe Holi hms his case oak rent ee Stratford on| the leaders of | their party discuss aho questions of het the day fr Separate heanehee fi ie ‘ome ' #$3,646,836. ~ ‘Jas. ENNEs, ex- EM: aoe in force Jorvary~ Ist, 1900 coon Rourr, Esq Vice-Preside. nos Hinasano, SPM inagia, i Diet Say of Aa been Meth ser. s| anita iid dagauct of the Ladies’ «don Monday evening was highly .ecessful. Pp and Wellesley appointments next Sab- S| bath. <r. H. A. Tortance, who has, for some time, been employed with Mr 1G apporters of the Con-| home i Miss ‘Witliams, of Guelph, who hag Bent a few days at R. ing revival services in the Haring Setarday, fo Saginnw, Michigan, for a His v hal in ean with morning to officiate as judge at the v We bone M. Tucker leaves totake a course in moral Tales: aati Miss T. Baxter has returned to her home in Stratford, after spending a week with her friend, Miss Gerda -M. Tucker. Mr. Danl. Lippert, of Tavistock, spent Sunday with his uncle, Mr. C. Lippert, Milverton. Christoer, o! it to. ber Bet, this week. ne sk id Mes, Peter {a short v iW jodechohl Reyerends Snowdon and Anderson will exchange pulpits at their Elma er as baker, left for his in Listowel on Saturday. 3eo. Gnenthe: Alte. Jas, Wilson, of Milverton, and son, Chas. Wilson, of Bervie, _ J. Hiscox’s week. — Teeswater the - paso Mr. Henry Schneuker leaves on ee: ix mother, who hy bgt KorPING_ GROSCH «& PRERFER'S Wise providers for the house do not wait till the pinching of the frost makes everybody want evervthing—all at once. Morning and evening hints of cooler weather are suffi= cient to prompt them to make early and easy choice from our immense assortment. Here are some intems of Store news that will amply reward first of the season shoppers. 3:2 =. @ eo Our Fall Millinery Opening THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 27, 28 and 29 Cur-MISS PFEFFER Extends to you all a hearty welcome and especially outsiders visiting our Fair. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT This Department is most up-to-date, cairying nothing but the richest goods money can buy. 30 Pair Chenile Curtains (all-colors) cleared the manufacturer's lot at our own price. These curtains never sold less than from $5 to $8 a sass Will clear the lot for Fair week only at 4.25 per pair Here is another chance for you to buy $1 CORSETS FOR 68e. 75 pair G. & P. “Speeial” Corsets, all sizes from 18 to 30. Had to clear the lotto get them at such a low figure. Now these Corsets always sold $1 per pair, and this a Genuine Corset, will clear the lot at 69e. per Pair 200 yds. of Print to be Sold at 5c. per yd. Now we only have 200 yards of our 8 and toc. prints left. Must come at once to secure what you want, will clear the line at 5c. per yd. He is another chance for you to buy a NICE PLAID SILK WAIST at HALF PRICE 100 yards of 24 inch Taffeta Plaid Silk and Sehew knows that these sil ks.usuallv sell for $1-per yd. We are going to clear the lot at He half price whichis 5o0c. per yd. These are some of the so-called plums that we picked up while in Montreal. 2 We also have in stock at present the finest range of CARPETS Ever shown in town, consisting of Brussels, Veivets, bh rosa Aas Wools, Unions, ti A look at these will do your heart good. We also have now in stock an extraordinary fine range of FURS The very choicest that money can buy. guarantee all our Furs. all it certainly will surprise you. You know we and examine our stock Our Stock of LADIES’ MANTLES Is now complete. We-carry nothing but the up-to-date lines, - We have a very large stock to pick from. OUR CLOTHING STOCK. Is also most complete. ment in town, We carry the largest and best assort- Guarantee to fit you or money refunded. rese ing her son Clitles, there ‘Grosch & Pfeffer. SY