Drafts issued at alt po ninbe in-Canada and the / fe i ee Deots “It Shines For Al.” Vol IX—No 35 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1900 The Milverton Sun Is the best Local Newspaper in the County of is the Best Advertising Med s reasonabl ription $1 x, strictly in advay $1.50%f Poles pal. —M. MacBern, *Prnu ASHER. ADVERTISING RATES, SPACE. 3 mo. | Year. |6 mo 10 00) $16 00] $6 00 16 00)" 9 00; 450 16 0 9.00) 6.00) 350 600} 300} 200 8.00) 5.0) 200} 1 00 Transient Advertisements are chix changed at the rate of 8c. per line, sonpetil, jor the . first, insert aes and 3c. per for each suc- ion, Ganking, A.general banking business transacted. Joney to loanon notes and “Notes discounted snd notes oe lecved. Denosite receive current rates of interest. allowed R. RANNEY & C0, Milverton. teat z uM. D. ae M., grad- ons hy nd Surgeo piel gradi stndent of Bngland. "Ofice nate of Calleg of au ear Telephone connection with Toe Brunner, Gauthieran Church and Rostock egal Barristor, Solicitor,. Ete. Wm. Burton’s A.M. P. TON, Office open every Thursday Block, Main St. DR. R. LEVERMA: of Dental Surgery and” College of Dental Surge and Bridge is is Honor toro! a of Stratford, aidwate of ‘Trinity Universi Gra Graduate of the | Roval Dental Surgeons, ‘Toronto, will vis jail Milvers ton the first and third ‘uuradeg of exery tmonthi from. th Cra Cont nl Hotel. Airc Orie and local Am used for pain- Manse tecth. nand bridge ity. All work guaranteed. Ly Milve dnt. Dit rio y ‘eterinury College, Tor- cats all Aree »s of domestic animals vols promptly attended seu ht. 9, by te oe and Sainte Dison a specialty. (BABE. VETERINAR) ‘on formerly it Newion Gea Gi ‘on nate satOeiano Veterinary Toronto.) treats all diseases of domest animals. Calls by telephone or ‘terwise promptly attend ed to. Livel onnection. al. times. Fire! ae hares eh Ge Baggage trai psfer, Com! read y month. 99, Milverton, meets ever of at yer Sebneuker wd last Bo'clock, in their hall o Rothaermel’s siete siting Ue at sways welcome. W. ‘Gienmserranis, O- Rey Barth, Recording Secretary. F., ‘Silver, Star Milverton, night at Fr ehote hnll> post office bitdig, ists eas welcome. Chas. N.G.: W, K. Loth asinexs Cards TW. D. 2D, WeIR, Auctione W. I, 0. 0 Lorige,” p. rail isitin Spencer, tthe Coun: Pert ‘aterloo, eer, Wills and Mortgages dra ‘aid Affidavits pile: ailif’ feb Division Court. Village Clerks“ Offee, over Grosch's Shoe Store, Main atroet, Milvert PORLAND'S BUS LINE, Milverton, trains, All citizens aud Arosellers calle promptly attended to, Wm. —Dorlund, Maple St., Proprietos igare. . corn sd Mill eects a Bemus: Ponder Rotets er. Ont. ‘Best liquors and cigars at r. First-class accommoda- ign aod inde stabling. ee Figuors_ and Henry Rose, prop. | wall naps and all schoo J on; | Harty, Principal, Listowel, Ont, Onr clothing is curreet in style and Dierlamm. — | ™' nd premiuin. songs which the audience thoronghly 4 par G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains aes to leave Piers or E. H. Dierlamm. an worthy of it can get This sh never fails. Try our 25c tea. Any m credit. Buy your winter E. rid Deriahiis and save mone: A lawyer is the only man who ever comes out ulead in opposing a woman’s will. ler Mz. Joseph Kertcher has purchased the Sa farm she consideration be- ing $ iit a woman has a secret-— Alvhongh she may not show it, She's just as angry as can be If no one wants to know it. The regular semi-annual meeting of the Ruridecanal Chapter, of Pertif will take piace church, Mil- verton, on Thatday) Oct. 4th, at 2.30 100 ladies jackets at all prices at E. H, Dierlama’s. resigned the Donegal school, where he has successfully taught for some time and has entered aean a course at the University. you want a stylish dress go to B. If H Dierlamm’s, Patriotic exercise books, scribbling books, school text books and: all sup. plies for the school room, eee te | apparatus, — as To rance, Milverton. Among those who attended the fair B. Goetz, the Douiareseloe anit tabaral teat ineaee both of whom worked the glad han oveftime ie books of the pee of the Mornington Agricultu iety have been made up and Gries TOBE anon il be issued on and 9th when the time for entering ats shall have expired. On Sunday next, Oct. 7th, Rew. P. Moore, of Listowel, will coriduct ody Harvest Thsdkogivting services in Christ Church, Milverton. ‘The Ae will be decorated for the ser- vices. Morning service with siuly Comipunion’at eleven dglock. | Byer ing service at 7 0 \The new England supper and enter- tainment at the Elma chureh on ea evenin oe ar of the evening amounted to about $60. The Township of Mornington 8, § Convention will be held on Friday, a 12th Be fae? Methodist rae e afternoon, «ud in Nou th Mc eee Breshi tosawohtinals in the evening. An excellent. pro: nm has been prepared. Musie. witl be ioruiee by the united chvirs of Car a Tae willbe A cordial juvitation is ex- paded coal Sunday School workers. istowel Businese Colleze and Shorthand Institute tins opene j|fall term with goo ricoess, havin, four ex pupils of the Central Business College, Stratford, who have selected this College for the purpose of per | re Try vs— The concert given in Grosch's on Friday evening was an unqualified success. The place was can Deke to the |i, doors and- standing Mr. Fax jad’ a ibe appreciated. cee Mt McCallum Miscellancon more than ot ability and os well received. ue GROPP, dealer in Posts, pee Shingles, Pee ete, underwear from | Roe y- + Mr. John McFarlane, of Eleva, has < Methodist |‘ meth S| turned last week sr Ba hall} Dierlam: ™ |4“Mr. Albert Langford has bee! of S. S, No. 9, Or Eloe, gaged as teacher for 1901. fant son who died on Saturday Our thanks are cabbage and the prize onions. There is some probability that M $ ne eon of Stratford, may succeed B. B. Osler in the firm ene Osler, Hoskin and Creelmen. g at Topping for the past two three years has salary. The President of the Agricultural Society has calicd Tuesday, evening, Oct. 9th, to w the business of the fall fair. a general of water. Many say that water in th wells was never so low as during th present season, A very qu ed last week when Mr, David ford was married to Miss Mary Dram- mond, of Mornington. We wish th happy couple every success in thei new venture, For an up-to-date jacket try E. H Dierlamni's. Tuesday, Oct. 9th, dealt with by the hoard of dicectors. of Listowel, as salesman in his. store. nee in the business and entering to the wants of the public. pretty event took place at th se of Mr. W Indies of the community, was of Stratford, with a load of hogs and he forward ae the ho wheels of the wagon ‘Passing over him He was painfully injure California, The tri tnade him as well acquainted with the the time, get its finest products. Hous display ope a estate be surpassed ii which necessitates pense in the sinking of wells White = at ue Biss in the bed of acco need| to say that For cartel millinery go to E. H. } Mr. and Mrs Fred Zimmerman, of Kobryville, mourn the loss of their in- Mr.. Robert who presented us with the prize of Me- x Mr. Geo. Ford, who has been teach- 3 been’ re-engaged for next year at an increase of $25 in kat aes 1 meeting of the Board of Directors for up | se t wedding was celehrat- Lang- All persons having accounts against the Mornington Aerieultural Society are reqnested to have them in. the hands of the Secretary on or before . that they may be X Mr. B. H, Dierlamm has. seonred the services of Mr. Philip Chsieins Reinert H. Coulton, Mie. united in marringe to Mr. Wesley McKenna, M Toseph Gibson of North Easthope, |, when coming into market the other was pi itched js both Daniel A of Elma, re- six weeks visit to friends in Sacramento Valley, ip he claims was mode nf farining as was possible in + | Thon {CARRIAGE HORSE: E; m excellence in Ontario, The only. ve back to the country is its dry season much labor and ex Nobody but a foolish girl a she can bleapll heetites and baa dark, r Friday last was a great day in Mil- verton. It marked an epoch in the: history of the fair in that it burst rom an ordinary country fair into an admitted and dangerous rival of the big county shows. 4. From early morning every highway mad by Way leamide eowaras Mele was thronged with vehicles of all dis- criptions pursuing their way to the when hotel jate There ge complaint oe chureh slieds and private barns throughout the surrounding district wit reaa' to the scarcity were crowded to their utmost capacity, ‘The hotels were so conjested that it e} was with difficulty they were able to e | cope with the crowd at all. » At the grounds matters for a time ere even worse; the space in front pb tiie acker oMiaswer a jammed that it was difficuln to get to the wicker and just. as difficult to. get away. | Within the grounds it seemed /oue moving mass of humanity, fully 2600 peuple being present. << fruit. vendors, wtinerant jewelery merchants and whip salesmen all ery- ing to the multitude to purchase their wares. The show proper excelled. that of former yeurs both in-quantity and quality of exhibits, the number of en. tries in horses, swine, poultry, iil ladies’ fancy work being especially heavy. ‘The success of the day might] g, treatment always extended to exhibit tors and visitors by the officers of the |association and by their endeavor to se best talent available for e|iudges. Another factor was the ideal etch which graced the occasion, i AV eH neaBa eaeanRe week, when his | Had the directors the making of the AecaneP Mabel, one of the most{4#y they could not have’ improved popular and highly esteemed young | UPOo ivas iv was perfect. pels of the ae Bs 90% aes, Diost sep Aivere Deatage ene ‘The speeding convesis. were very S/ keen and ee frets pleasure to a large number of those present. The Wel ellesley eo israel the music euiog ink ‘aoe LO eine: rete, that when a Re i see the best show in the county they mies coue to Milverton. Look out for us he gate most enjoyable and Pelt web the}, The list of succeesful prize winnets time and expens ng the time| follows: that he was there his brother took him around throug! atete’-and BOR EAVY DR: Span—P H tae aes Bros, | © Hahn Bros Brood , mare—Chas Famnie, Hahn Bros. 2 yr-old F or G—P H Petrie, 1 and 2 8 yr-old F or @—P H Petrie, 1 and 2 1 yr-old ¥ or @a—Chas Famme, Hahn Bros Foal—Chas Famme, Die¢kson Bros AGRICULTURAL Span-John Hill, | Sane Te) Erood t mare—A K Freeborn, N Roth pares For @—Jacob Kreg, John Robt” Fleming, 3 yrold % For 6—Tacop Krug, John @idepaon PRs PERE AR IH, Bros, John le Foal—N Roth, John McLellan. —16 HANDS AND OVER CC. Brothers, Jas Wilson, Rat? |? 55 re) & a Hefaehhaer are—Jas Dickson, Glaister 2 yr-old F or @—Henry Zin: 3 pots ¥ or @—Thos icrander, Ww 1 ae cold F or @—Henry, Zinn, ‘Thos Atego ge, jr Foal oe ve Henry Zinn ADSTER HORSES ates: E Ratz, John Watson, sant Petch ‘gee rood. mare—John Goodale, Henry inn 2 BIGGEST SHOW IN PERTH A Record Breaker For Milverton— Between 2500 and 3000 People on the Grounds. Excellent and Entries much in Excess of Former Years, The Fair an Entire Success. ‘old For é—Henry jinn, Obas |” _ Exhibits Foal—Glaister Bros, A. E. Rat Saddle horse koh peepee E Gibson, Alex ‘ BUGGY HORSE; apie (angle. Moto f 0 ley Holman, M J Goet: Reouaster horse, es speed only consid-— ered—M I “Gentlemen a eardcnt et Carpet etz. SPEEDING CONTESTS BR. Hutchison’s Jimmy Green running race, ie Alex Miller Wagne wards. -dr Saddle horse, dash—Aiex Milter ander walking amie Heller, J ex an yele race, mile, best two in three 3) Ratherf ford, R MeBfane Bs Bieycle_race, “half mi’ ile, ae ae in” three—J 2 Rutherford, R MeM: one DU! Bull, 2 yrs Be ape — Adan’ Fleming Bull, i yr-old—A McGillawee, John’ Hill, John Goodale i eine — Jas MeDonald, John — i cow—John Hill 1and 2 John ‘4 2 Sera heifer—John Brydone, Robs tr 1yr-old heifer—Adam Fleming, John” oodale. Oorciter ealf—John Cook, 1 and 2. JERSEY x mate cow—O R Honderich, Augusi y garcold heifer 8 Grosch = Pee pens Milk cow, Hie apes Barth, W Burgman Milk cow, beef type—D Pugh, John Hamilton 4 Heifer, 2 yr-old—James Hamilton, John Hamilton eifer, 1 yrold—Adam Fleming, 1 diter calf — John Cook jr, WS Freeborn & : _2 9 2 r-old—Wm Living: familton 2 Steer, 1 yr Se Ad Fleming, W § Freeborn & Sons ; Ox or steer—Wm ees Hatilton ow—Jas Hamilton, Wm Living ston eeley under 3 yr- ae Haw SHEEP LEICESTER tan Aged Ram—Hasting Bros, W John: — ‘on. Pilea Hastings Bros 1 an = Hastiige: Bisa, Fohu. ehoariige ewes—Jobn Cowan, Haxt- ings Bros Ewe lambs—Hastings Bros, Walter Johnston Ram lamb—John Cowan, Hastings ros : OXFORDS AND SHROPSHIRE DOWNS 4 ed ram—Chas Hartleib, Jas Trin, Rheline, ram—Jas Trim ewes —Chas Hartleib, Jas mins Shearling ewes—Jas Tri Ewe lambs—Jes Trin, Ohiag Hartleib Ram Jamb—Jas Tri as Har’ War shee mates oe Sout Cowan BSE. SL abe i ; * Boar pig, 190—Dani De coun Rog pis, 1900—Danl De Coursey, H- ee ‘ Boar—Geo aa Cowan Brood : son Johi Goran x acre Geo Hyde Sow pig, 1909— Geo Hyde, Foe Cow: wan. ‘ORKSHIRE © Boar—Geo Hyde, gohu Cowan “Broo d sow—Johin eee z Cole 2 ig, 1900—yohn_