SAVED TARIR BOY, FROM ‘idle NCY. Hope Hd Almost: Depart From thie Post, Thorold, Ont. Mr. James Dabauld and the town of Thoro! passed many yea: thi ‘though but tem years of age, has ex- ‘perienced much affliction, and Parents expended many a dollar in the search for his renewed health— all in vain, however, until Dr. Wil- liars" Pink Pills were brought into ‘use. A Post reporter hearing of the eure called at Mr. Dabauld’s cosy home and received full particulars from Mrs. Dabauld. “I am pleased, said Mrs. Dabauld, “to have the’ pub- lic made aware of the facts of myi ‘boy's case if it ts likely/ to help some other sufferer. alae is now ten years of age. \In infanoy he was a delicate child, but ten four to seven, four years of age he began to com- ‘morning haggard and unrefreshed. ‘During his illness he was treated by ‘gwo doctors. /Both differed in the \diagnosis of his case, One said it was catarrh of thi st and well, and could attend school, and play and frolic as other healthy boys di very symptom would soon thrive and grow fat un- eq giving renewed strength to brain, paid at 80c. a box or addressing Medicine Co., 0} 3 Brockville, Ont. WOMEN IN MALE ATTIRE. Women are permitted to wear men’s attire in France, but for this privi- lege they are required to pay a tax of 50 francs a year. cee il "ya being such that were the: gern oeerter ca d differently peated dis ‘ooted in fem would relie ae Hi Ww vhat Ww ie vould. aggravate whe ster: 1 however pita si in Quinine W ine, “when ov val aad “judicious use, frailest as are led into convalescence and st mgt, by the indluenes wit ch Qui- nine son Nature's own restoratives. Tirelieves the drooping = with Whom a chronic state of morbid ‘des- pondency and lack of interest in life isa fsease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, slee| aetivity a necessary — result, strengthening the frame, and giving’ life to the digestive ‘organs, which naturally demand increased substance—result, im= HE HAD BEEN WEAK AND AILING As Me Grew Older His Trouble Scemed to In ls Parents Thought oh see to an Inyalid’s Life--Dr, Wil. Pink Pills Cured Hin ‘week rted. two of the best rem residents of have a little son, who, al- the | i itMax, O’Rell in New York Jou; PAIR OF IMITATIONS. A CLEVER FRENCHMAN DISCUSSES FLIRTS AND COQUETTES. He Explains the Differenca Between Praises American Women, ‘There is a great differenge between the | firt and the eoquette. The flirt eenoes even invites, your sueptions wikiont ‘i uette is 2 | with a firm intention of dishonoring fae | stenatare, Just as the prude often says tue is in sate keeping, Wr sie, ag peithad heart nor passion. In the comedy of te the coguette is the villain of the pla: The coquette uses man as she does ‘her dresses—she likes to be seen with a new ‘one every day. She kills for the sake of killing. She hunts, but does not eat the ‘game she brings she man’s vanity to ment she has received a man's homage h ir good money she has nothing but ponte eb irt, on the contrary, is cheerful, folly, often full of fun, and if you can seriously; she is honest, inocent Che coquette tries to lead Fou as ead She. penne yonees e does not lea ish to go. that walle fires have often been known Srives, coquettes have Invariably Drove detestable o Wi oleate were when Be tua wttioet won nerey 2 5 5 o i 5 Ss ee e show herself in the most advantageous light. ‘The French language jespreages, the ly and has very winning manners, Whereas “Cert une coquetts” means {She fs a coquette'=that is to say, “She ties to “asclnate for the mere sake | fascinating.” The Ceanene plays on a man’s vanity and mayes a fool of him. The flirt dis- plays her accomplishments and personal charms either to make you have a pleas- ant time with her or, when more serious, Beiter phstaniead person, hand, the ae ae Roe te harmless, the ost © monly coupled vith the yor sonnet Is not “harailess * but rtles: rdf Wiencht “earete from flower ightly but, althongh the word is of French ori- if coun’ mien well and is aware he would expose herself t ted with him. in ir does fire. Ei balshmen are re! old. ‘The customs of the country gr: liberty to the en and they scent it is wortl ce ‘The worst 10 flirted ‘vith wful flirt,” pity and con- empt. An English gil ‘who has had a Sige: can tion! mot hen aad he if that mother w rly po eae: she niche answer, aR & Tt e American woman to be ane 1 had almost said too eee tual, to enjoy that childish pastime. at e imitations. If I eannot get the real article, I do in Apple sauce is much improved by this wine approaghes nearest perfection of inthe market. All druggists sell it aoe the your mind to accept her for | hair s! »}annum and 250,000 policies, QUEER THINGS IN°CHINA. Wine drunk hot. Old men fly. kites. Boats drawn by men. Soldiers in petticcats. Family name comes first, Babies that seldom cry. White worn as mourning. Carriages moved by sails. Seat of honor to the left. Visiting cards four feet long. side. Fireworks are always set off in day tim Seiool children sit with their backs to the teacher. Great Things from Little Causes Grow. —Ivtakes very little to derange the stom ach. ‘The catise may be slight, a cold, Something eaten or drunk, anxiety, worry or some other simple enuse. But if pre- cautions be not taken, this simple eause may have most. serious consequences Many a chronically debilitated constitu: tion to-day owes its destruction to simple s alt with in time. K table Pills pratapen “than any other for the NICE WASH FOR DRY HAIR. For hair that is dry an oily wash should be used about once a week or oftener. » It should be rubbed into the scalp with a piece of flannel, a superfluity of oil being avoided” and only sufficient used to moisten, not igi the roots of the hair. The application: of the oil must be accom- panied by friction with the flannel. Tt isa mistake to suppose that dry hair will be really benefited by oil being poured on to it and brushed through it merely. To do permanent good, it is necessary that the fatty preparation Should be rubbed into the skin of the head; a very’ small quantity will suffice to be of bene- ti pe or jasmine oil is nice. Dry ald be washed with an egg julep Teese apes dtcoverch 7. poles “4 we hue tibbon SOL Ce ee It leas C VVO~w wee WeSe re oO weTw™ Good Paint Shines. It gives the House a newness of appear- ance which is pleasing... . AMSAY’S PAINTS : not only shine but wear, ¢ You will like the way they go on, and the way they stay on. They are reasonable in price. Ask your dealer. SH, INDIA IS NOT PROGRESSIVE. Madras is the only city in India where electricity is used as the power for street service. The tramways of Bombay are run by horse power and the streets are lighted by gas. Elec- tricity is used only in a limited way, India would seem to afford an excel- lent opportunity for trade in elec- trieal machinery and appliances. An American com; ng to get Newalois is Rheumatism of the face. cause is the same as in all Rheumatism— disordered Kidneys. The cure is like- the privilege of converting the Bom- bay tramways into anelectrically op- erated system. Hinard’s Liniment Cures Diphtheria. MOST MAGNIFICENT TOMB. he most magnificent tomb in the world is deemed to the Palace- ‘Temple of Karnak, occupying an area of nine aeres, or twice that of St. Peter’s at Rome. The temple space is a poet’s dream of gigantic columns. beautiful courts and wondrous aven-~ ues of sphinxes. Taree ‘Tested by Time his justly cele brated Pills Dr. Peiilstee ie given to the world one of the most unique medicines Dodd’s Kidney : Pills SALVATION ARMY INSURANCE. The Salvation Army (England) ne- ports show that it has a life assurance premium income of nearly £70,000 per MINARD’S ee T, EV. WM. BROWN. was cured ae a bad case of ear- see by ess LINIMENT. RS, S. a CK tive lungs by a MINA} RDS MAS: ake: ‘and’ that would purge without pain, it bas met all Fequirements in that direction, aud it. ts general use not only because of these two qualities but beeanse itis known to alterative and curative powers Which place it in the front vank of medi cines. Bee HER SUGGESTION. Miss Thirtysmith—Powder doesn't seem to do my complexion any good. Sally Gay—Iry dynamite, dear. Hiinard’s Liniment Cures Distemper. CHINES: S INVENTORS. The Chinese sone themselves our even at the present day they empl by preference what commonly known as India ink. “eee Soa Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they ernnot reach the diseased portion of the ear There isonly on eure deatness, and that is by coms seta Honal remedior, “Deafuces a condition of she mucous lining of the When this tube is in flamed you nave ‘a rumblin fect hearing, aud deatness is the result @ inflam. ken ct a andl is (ube restored normal aonditivn, heating will be, de- Steoyed. fe rover: nine ‘asos ut of ten WAS CURED OF HER FAITH. A credulous woman suffering from rhumatism, went to a faith-cure doc- tor. He exacted ten dollars in advance, promising a certain relief from her ail- | ment, and thon cured of her faith. ged. She was! —. Ceylon and In growing in fae Gr ‘api or ith Javon tee drinkers, Sone though. it is. similar | es in iaste to t! it is infinitely, r more health- iced by in thats | ickets cn jus ala as Aa oe: all aie Binck tea alii snienes TO CURE A COLD IN OXE DAY J Browio Quinine Tablets. All a { butter. jdition of a tablespoonful of | tat’ sig if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's ach box. 256. mri ed. Dollars for seed ty cat Fen) that og fall’s Catarrh Cure. Send & 00., Toledo, 0. for circulars Sold by Druggiste, Hall's Fami y Pill: —-— THE POINT OF VIEW. Ah!” sighed the old bachelor, “this world is but a gloomy prison. “Undoubtedly,” responded his pret- ty sister-in-law, “to those in solitary confinement.” the best. WHEN CHAINS GET UNRULY. Sometimes a chain climbs the sproc- ket teeth and runs off the sprocket with no apparent cause. In such cases a permanent cure can be effected by filmg down each of the sprocket teeth a little so as to allow the chain block to lie deeper than before. Six Oils. most sive. testi- jony, Sotacleale Tala before the publie in ‘the golumns of the daily prens, proves that r. Thomas’ Helectrie. Oil—an absolutely pure combinat ion ° remedial oils theumatic pain, eradicates affections of the throut and lungs, ‘and. cures piles, ds, sores, Jameness, tumors, burns, and injuries of horses and DAIRYING IN GREAT BRITAIN. British farmers and dairyme ae milking over 4000, we cows, nH cing annually in their dairies $160, 000, 000 worth of mill, bkter ia ese, Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, Ete, ONLY ONE BIG ome IN DENe MA ‘The only fortress of consequence in Denmark is the capital Copenhagen. if med iaotag propert sporty by those who have’ used it as being the pest medicine sold for coughs, colds, in- flammation of the lungs and all affections of the throat and chest. 'Its agreeableness tothe taste makes it a favourite with ladies and children. pees ‘A pet chameleon died _ because it ate afly taken from fly paper. Hotel Balmoral HeAe ses .,Pee Bae 1OR BALE—CHOICE FARMS, ni F Gat "Write for purctlaras Some Re SUE, 1e, Ont, eligi pra PRAYER cts, Sea Ma ail o mptattention, Dea FEATHER DYEING Cleaning and Curling and Kid Gloves cleaned Thess ‘ean be sent by post, le per oz, the best place is BRITISH AME AMERICAN DYEING C0. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS STOPPED FRE iTS: | Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget in cows CHINESE DEFICIENCTES, “thére'is no word inthe Chinese lan. | guage that convey: what we term public spirit, nor there a synonym for patsiotieen: an ae Migr Laide fake No LIST MAN'S LANE. A Second Eplode f in ake Romantic Life | of Amelia B BY ANNA KATHARINE GREEN. “When you think Iwi be so charm. end Peon to boot. y, man, if a as Hy Ae I mat be sition today for you te honor oe e with his proposal. Tam n esisy to suit, so I advise yon to turn your Seed Ratio ae Gach or man, you would ask no one to share your fortunes Aue any cloud rests upon your hon My Honor “Mada, be careful. I From eae yonder see ed may not be far Mother Jane is a like- by soure. Sir aek amysterv. ‘She Fees & little enough to have no proper ica of the value of a human life. “Madam,” said Deacon Spe: ues have not that much ipeet = ee ane on over there.” sapped e rs, “If mon cay ha Jcilled mn madam, and you wil On a point T have exponded much thon Twas irate; Iwan also dmmfounded rs after awhi h some pompous ex- pression of bert iy p see me again after his honor was cleared upin my particular eyes. It was the second proposal 1 had re- ae “that day, but the first—well, I did not accept thi declination was a little kinder one Ithonght best to inflict upon Dea 23 Spear. A day of unparalleled anxiety broken by such episodes as these! OHAPTER XXXIV. UNDER A CRIMEON SKY. As 5 o'clock the diggers began to g0 fhome. Nothing had been found, Cand the excitement of aac ean had animat- ed them early in the day had give place to a dull resentment mainly di- s, if one could ‘with ee oe passed its broken down gate af id the Mats man had filed by, leay- Bacceds free for the work which len wide Tous setae sa 8 Lelien that means encou: wiSuddeniy Peeaetia chvck sche oor Rising hastily, I opened it. Loreen stood with parted lips and terror aad bse tisk ne” he cried. “/Comie: as ee vn th eye! ore in Loo! ve ready half, ae Sea we ai nih hastened to follow her, and in ents found myself on the threo of of the room I knew to be Lu- ett “'Ghe made me promise,”” eried Lo- ane to look back at me, “tbat to be read till she bad been gone six hours. “Serious!”” ae iasrgrs “But Mr. silk dress, put only to forget them the| his ps Loreen beck, seeing which the man beside ns next moment | “I will go anywhere,” said ‘‘But ; Where, where has —— ae Is it ' to Deacon Spear’ But Loreen was alre: ase (00 far bh vesce of me to answer. She was young, e was lithe and was down as far as kitchen eo oR be passed th flower parlor. n we had sped clear of the ae t ve eS that my prog- ress bade fair to be as rapid as hers, for her agitation wasa Tianpaes to her, excitement always brings ont my ey ers a eightend both my wits and y judgn On tap ag say past the ables | front piles 1 expected every minute or three S doer jae. But William, = had been discreetly sent out of the rly in the afternoon by the two had taken Saracen with him, ssibly the rest, so our passing by Gisturbed nothing, not ie one The next moment.we were is eld of prickers, through which we Sboth strog- gled till we came into a sort of swamp. This w: symmetrical har “Loreen,” I cried, ‘*Loreen, those are Mr. Trohm’s grounds! Must we pass through them?” ““Tt’s the shortest way,” she shouted back, for among the hummocks of the swamp she had got the start of me again. ‘And, papleseant aa tele thin inerasion to be, I hastened on, overtaking hor “ft do not believe t his has been open. ed for years, but it must be opened now.” oe tisowing) a vont aieeaa against it, she burst it through with an ae vines, and ‘iaing shi now saw clearly Gefined on the edge of the us. “Qh.” exclaimed Loreen, stomping moment to catch her breath, ‘*I do steps will bring us. I only know that I Io must hunt for Toa till I find her. where she is, a must lenly from some one of the shadows near the hedgero “Silence!” he vhipee, patting his finger on his lips. 6 looking abe Miss Knollys xs a sited: palsies th pause aghast, ‘she is om the lawn Liles talking to Mr. Tr eee if you come here, you can see she is in no kind of danger, wie aletvet ad? yes Kin tha Hera, of foes the a call fro Teapea tla ik Sone paeie Wilatls iC wan wl: coud aug. saaak- UGt tay id, which ha a instinctively blscol to it, fell again im extraordinary ‘as I took im the situation he ea ‘nies at and realized tl 2 it was on obs BRS stood and eee it was toward Mr "Trobm himself Loreen’s looks of agers fear and dread Were turned. “Loreen,” 1 whispered, ‘‘it is here you Took for & solution of ‘hak ewtul my! “Miss Bu caret, 2, sae answered, “it is here you should look for it.”’ “Here? I?’ Never ive T Ba such c- eumbed to it. “What do you mean?” I ell me, tell =e go hapeter % ae gasped, “that that is the man who has pursued us with hie er into their graves. Obadiah Pet is pig to you in this unbappy lene.’* me worse and still Ocala” we beckoned, : happily $20 uses id ms. beled nothing to be found i is his house, at who owe oe that the ope may be; around her iontly to dare it she chat to offer erect asa mur that we might know’ ys Lwhispered: controling my roused against my will by this tals of torr: i pope of natures. oN danger can jase her there, not where they two om assassip the man who us. “Pistols make Gi ot anticipating also that it te in th heart of this man to kill Lucetta?”’ pointed to softly: “There is haga room between that and the fence for If you and this Saty walt erect ook niet. pressly said befor “We will ws quiet,” I assured him, the hedge. ing, had ni yellow of the pe: ‘any dimness in their glory, which w: @ par with the setting sun. But ‘ongh al e Pan Vee veiey onl tet impossibility f its being explains d out f an o! midst of tur! thoughts and ane me forget even ae om ase! for shame and humiliation, if ow Rot so Loren: who worm! along till ake Heo ma onpoutia to pointing to the-hedge which pre teed up carefully taken up and potted in ight close it nearly doom I signaled to crept along stealth so great that, listening upon me, the su) something which I could uot se0, which I felt, hind soized me for the firs ime and mado that ruddy sly and the th trouble and hush and a mystery ao great il it would have daunted most spirits for Scieas all their lives. According to the aera crop ‘The mess of the scene made na re the average condition of the its horror. Never haveI had such sen- |apple crop on June 1 was exception: sations, never have I felt so the pow sim favorable, the whol Oe of the 14 bev the unseen, yet that anything would | states, having 8,000, happen here, anything which would ex- | pie trees in lain the total disappearance of several | reporting a c Heong eateite ‘here visions take the oes of realities | reports 12 , Pennsylvania 11, ani rwhelm the Maine 10, Virginia and Michigan 13, Ih issed_ too loes against the | North Carolina 23, Illinois 9, Missouri ad pre 80 ae as * struggled with these feel- | Ohio and Indiana 5, Kentucky and ings, and the sow , sox Beate poring te She sree oe thelr respective ten year aver rustling, too, and, while Ln- ‘Ofte rows cetin might have realizing this we movin, gave our whole Pies pengeae ley “a ing. Mr. Trohm August Trimming. hardly believe it was his voice, it rt ‘There is a time in August or early in ‘ tone, nor could I see in | September oe fruit trees need trim- his features, distorted as they now were | ming, especi: by every evil and dignified sosieais isk had 80 | yelop fruit buds. oe them back after lately impose saying, ‘ has come to see eae for the following spring. If come to taunt me with the loss of fi | too early, new wood will grow; lover, whom she says I have Baa her wai a Bae later it will not start. If of almost before her eyes! [rob her! | you have cut too early, cut low can eee ley seit trees will sometimes keep with a voice aa arm of his own stron- growing for years without. fratt ger than m! August—not pate his body in vapor? "Yeb isithere fir ws i or on my lawn? bas s and Hie ee respond ae following all about here fools! Itisin your ea ipe. lao 16 Hush!’ she cried, her slight figure gumimer rising till we forgot Lucetta we were gazing a accusations directed against a Ie pee doen ira you who must Broan: your evil practices mc m0 MEE ae row you will have the pie They did but play with A Good Collection of 7d 1 t the first summer exhibition of the shock saa) a dw ® spirit’in me that yee! but your G Lomas, both white, the latter with own destruction can sati ere is | q yellow he, Mr. Trohm? ery Seiomaa the rest who bave vere dark crimson, to the above list, a goo 's house fe htde ho home i org Spas 0 ber i se would be we told Mr. Gryce fm hiding, and gould him for a momeat into sight with his finger Nike that of his man on road? They asked mi one in Lost he's lass cae are that ercoon Le ay. lied ‘perseoutor of MY) MoFigger—You hee sag talking Gother, of ourselves, whom I here 46- | about the foo! killer I don't believe ounce in face of these where | there is such God and this earth where man ‘hingumbob—Naturally, for, of course lives to harry and se yu never met Pha Phliadetpita Press tt Trohm should suspect eos ze. e lawn, around which we were skirt- of Jost the mellow beiliancy while 1h span le, nar ter of d hued knees jis hese against the neat bia otis: for a spot wher: small opsning, T pat my “eh & Paice inmodtaely drew baok. They are moving nearer tl es aie Ih Meat ua cated uotew et ie fheinselves while getting ont of the Knollys in that midnight hour when I | Woods. Wher saw a body carried ont for burial amid en art med sh tag the eye | year averages. The condition in New rk, “Lucetta, my Tittle : Lmoetta,” he was It will develop fruit buds and fruit mo! aes in i ie Police and set them work- of the exhibition, the familiar old v ‘Man’s lane? Wasit not I""— eyes, that they might not suspect Captain Christy, Fisher Holmes, Gen you and pehape on they might sus eral Jacquesninot, Mme. Gabriel Lui- w eather Ate bs Kol pattie Have § greatly predominated, though about cos long — g, but reached a trembled and drew hedge and whispered son to pass sideways earer A NATIVE FERN. you might take that you The roabe: lay meme For Decorative Purposes she came into this oats heehee the Pemiens. Native as ms do not as a class adapt yes to indoor culture, but for my face, which I ads ie thus off: ered in plea su 3 a sats behind e firm teenie of the aopiaiite tribe rende hers of the family espe: this purpose. A*well Ravalipas plant excafal doorposts shown here Ja te blossoms, filled al ed FINE NATIVE FERN, touched our faces, | Co me to Took (through: bgpitirs at leaat, often Increasing in beauty and always in delica For all around. purposes Aspldiuw srisnonent rae intermedium (Gray), I think,-the best of all, for fine quality beauty of design and rich col ®® |or are eminently characteristic, says a exiont /Gardenine at mee oe paces, but with a x aie wae ie after all, as e as rolling ae ae nuns ne nOloing than the | miscuously loaded basket in front ‘ot a basket is essential the pies padala fakgaye be turned one ve Apple Year Bx ipward ap- pentldg at the lact cenaus; ‘ongition aboye—and most t times without ® | of them considerably above—thelr ten that of nightmare, | points above the average. Kansas also heard, ber Seer Htorles, with all thelr diversity of si could | and climate, all but s ft doz Sun rerctiiee cs stigca thoes average Cro] m was speaking. I ooul ssion, the once quiet | making so m' sie wood they do not de- d he second flow of sap is partly spent. Am Ia wizard to dissi- Hoad Aes in severely in all the fruiting woo was the fesble “No more yoy like it or make a fruit tree fruit toCharles Black, meet them now. ae New Jers S, hier formed the but tieties, such as Anna de feabacti zet, Magna Charta and Paul Neyron, the limit has all the varieties noted American 0 my lover, you Margaret Dickson and Gloir Where is silly Ru- foundati ns Bee an amateur kee ads 1 New Yorkep RAISING THe CHICKS Methoa&s of Prominent Breeders For! re pire! ae Youngsters, ave plenty of range, ae a ae Smee water in cléan oats and baked corn bread and bien t of grit. Have good dry brood coops and never crowd chicks in coops Henry T. Reed. F'fed wuole oats for morning meal; whole corn at the evening mea a was thrown in Litter. They to scratch for all oo oe Dor on feed they had rye, fresh water all the ‘ies well as this year and never H. apnea I say feed a little of almost every- thing, bet not all at one feed, Make s possible, especially ‘or the young and growing chicks. ¥ nae, with rolled oats and plenty ot grit and all the water they want. After ec then sin corn, soft compot of clover ass niaae meal, a and bran and shorts. When s and omit the other meals. Remember musty feed or chaff will not make winners or any laying pullets.—Joe Farmer. First give ares ity of good fresh air. Don’t allow to crowd. Keep coops clean mail tees caus corned plenty of good fresh water to drink feed dry Roll up Shad sleeves and eet ‘to work and kee| ree in pie Poultry Journal. ire Bred Poult: 1 think if farmers would once keet some kind of pure bred poultry and once feel the satisfaction their posses- Yes; they make as good a show on ti ble, too, -as four times their Bee of most chicken bird r gave me yeh oe as the White Holand og have bred them miles around, “Go till you see a lot of pure white turkeys.” to be as large as the bronze, but mature early and bring more per poun' na in the market than the coarser meated ae Best of a they are “keep- ers at home.” My first yenture was a ae gobbler ue ee ze hens. Pe retty turkey tential speckled fee 5 nage bors lal 1 other Navid pair of ‘Tou- louse geet for pets than any plida L ground, their great wings beating sy air—they are too heayy to fly—the noise is like a train of cars in motion.—Mrs, B. J. McClure. Use Skimmilix. Skimmilk is a food which contains een skim small aig tg value as a food, the cream co! g considerably of fat, which in cat if the least nutri- eons part of the ea except cn re mth. ‘The cheesy matter t in ip lll is its most ger fee: for food and tends to produce a vigorous, chickens were fed more seiatie it aH ae coals be to their lasting ae efit, but it would also eventually sult in financial benefit to the aes aE. ACT pes Cut to Suc 0 attempts poultry ane where he can feel that he the situation. Happy go lucky methods may serve their purpose for a time, bt, these cannot ai Learn the business.—Maine Good Advice From Exp: The hen is a perpetual parce Ct in- Ust of ag auxiliaries, says Pacifle ome: The ene Review says: You courting disaster unless you give oe asing attention to the details of the apt to make money than by followlug, your own inclinations.