Milverton Sun, 11 Oct 1900, p. 2

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eed this morning and appeared | food to - woman was only partly clothed. She’ and Viljeon With 1, 500 Men Now|, in the Zoutspanberg District. maeey? Viljoen, t Protoria “bays piste! as is temporarily the head of the from ‘Definite pees on ceived here to the effect that when “he Tett elon him held a meeting at | Botha’ Hectorspruit, and resolved to take | ers recognize that the struggle is us all the best mounted and go north less,but they are obstinately she with the ais guns. ae intention; mined not/to abandon it until they around Pietersburg continue the! yutspanbe: es pee 3 Portuguese border, "s foree of about 1,500 | ee ma attack "ob Gcat as poke Rete A Toy § ) AWFUL DELD ae carbolic acid must always re- in a mystery. The mother got the| revolver and fired three shots. The cheet of Bs little girl was literally torn to pieces. Tt was about this time that Bthel the eldest daughter 1e- turned from school. She too, tasted the carbolic acid and rejected it. A despatch from New York, says;—| Again the pistol came into play. The Mrs. Lillian Smith, of Inwood, borough | Mother shot twice at Hthel, but only of Manhattan, a, insane to-day | one shot took effect. A few minutes shot and killed ther tw dren, Ma- | later the little boy returned from bel, aged 3, and Andre: ei aged 8 years. |school, entering the kitchen through Another daughter, Behel 12 rep the back door. The mother met him Hes in Fordham hospital bad; at the door, and shot him, killing him jured. She then committed nate instantly. She then killed herself. by. eotes: LAE at efor ootiing the children; . atrs,|. EDWARDS SURRENDERS. f a the cunning of a maniac, vied to force them to drinki carbolic ia aasag Who ho Co Bet a “acid. Long brooding over the prospect joer Foree Made Priso’ of death is said to as poe cause} A oe from ppheee ‘Smith waa ie ih of Walter . Smith, Croft Edwards, an Englishman com- on the banks of the Hud-|manding a Boer force, who became just below Spuyten Duyvel. | prominent after the Jameson raid on has been married for 13! account of a rabid anti-British speech years. Up to ‘three weeks ago she had he made, has surrendered at Krugers- husband and children | dorp with a few men. ion of the city, but | A colonial force -has gone south to t Klip Riversberg hills. ma we rendezvous 2B Nic the Shy She drove her husband to the officials are selling and distributing a desire on their part to peieat out the stores before they give wd stories about the im- ‘morning, after her Terk from the | tervention of the powers. drive and bought the pistol. La Colonel Henry, who wears the de- ‘and when she bought arbolic oration of the Star of India, who is ‘With eels pistol is-zeorganizing the police depart ment here, has introduced the sys- “of these were missing from the box, ee of identification by finger-marks, din this way intends to register v n will be of e distributi regulation of labor Gene SAYS 180 VERE KILLED. “HOW SHE KILLED THEM. ase nthe afternoon M | TerPible ar Upon United SAS se eae says:—Agon- cillo, Aguinaldo’s representative here, has communicated to a correspondent the following despatch which he has Just received — "Moores returned shortly before _ o'clock in the afternoon. and they wer met by Mrs. Smith at the door. "The oS “did not seem to be agitated. cee jon’t come in yet.” she said, with uel w aie was ilewaine a bayonet attack, a emile ‘take a long ride; there is and who Tetace ying. oried a ai plenty of time in the afternoon.” The contented. e my Pe Dis ewenn ween awa Dat gid une else for the tse rot the. Philip: stay'long. They returned at 480, and Pee icy neem discovered the tragedy that had been Marinduqu : can garrison, enacted in their absence. compris ifty-two. men, bas sur ~The little child was killed first in the See to. ina Filipinos.” At’ Pasig : ‘ and Paranaque, a few miles from ae Sea gn aahe cedond Soot BOW. et iaital fighting is progressing wit! he mother induced a d-year-old baby renewed ardo Prices of cattle, ch Snseee ce) &e Pheed ee THE STREET MARKET. Tor , Oct. 9—On the street to- at 700 bush white wheat sold at 69c; 0 bush red wheat at 69c, 1,000 bush jose wheat at 69c; a load of spring/| prise at 70c; 5,500 bush barley | at 43 to 481-2c, 400 bush oats at 28 Dressed hogs were 8.25. Vheat, wht., straight-§-000 | Wheat, red, . | a ring. aoe eat, goose. . eel, forequarters., eof, on maton. 600 Lamb, spring, ber ‘b 908 Veal, caroa ap DRESSED HOGS AND CRAMEI a Dressed $e, continue scarce and and last year’s pack is being gradu- ally cleaned up. 10 1-20; short cut pork, $19.50 to $20; heavy mess, $17.50 to $18. Smoked meats—Hams, heavy, 1 medium, 180; light, 13 1-20; prenkisat bacon, 12 1-2 to 13 1-20; picnic hams, 100; roll bacon, 110; smoked backs, 13c. All meats out of pickle Je less than prices quoted for smoked meats. Lard—Tierces, 9 3-4 to 10c; (ubs, 10 to 10 1-40, pails 10 1-4 to 101-2c. DAIRY MARKETS. dropped another 1c to-day, selling as ese—Full creamery, July an August makes, sells at 11 1-2 to 120. “THE CHEESE MARKETS. Brockville, Ont ,Oct, 9.—At the Cheese Board to-day 3,069 boxes were boarded, of which 2,077 were coloured; balance white; 10 1-2 was freely bid by the buyers for their cheese of white and coloured, but the salesmen oar adjourned without. any busi- ness being done, PRODUCE. Eggs—Scaree and firm. ably more could be sold coming in. Single cases sold to rae as follows;—Hresh, 18¢; held, rade as follows 18¢; hold ie and culls, Poultry—No dressed poultry is com- ing to hand as yet. Live: birds, in at 50c per pair. Potatoes. Market steady Car lot on track, sold at 28 to 30c per aes Sales out of store, were made at 35 0 400. "Field produce, ete.—Turnips, out of lo. per 1b; Sie Bae Dried /truits--Apples plentiful and easy. Dried sell at 3 1-2c, and evaporated at 4 1-2 to 5e. = ‘Beans—Quiet. New beans bring $1.20 to $1.25. Choice hand-picked beans are quoted at $1.55 to $1.60 for old sotek. quote from 9to 100 29 ENGAGEMENTS--29 DAYS. Hart’s Good Work ‘Brotht to a Successful Con- - clusion--Buller’s Captures Near Lydenburg. penn | Ss A despatch from London saysi—T Hart has returned to Se War Office has received the tounmine ving engaged the enemy on despatch trom Lord “Robert /ty-nine occasions in as many ae ‘ Buller returned to a es-|His casualties were three killed and terday, efter a sat a march reo eee were killed ‘Spitzkop. He reached Pilgrims’ Rest Sep at. 27, th anes ‘The Boers ito action on Oct. taking per 1b. for 5 or 60-Ib. tins. Comb ieee sells $2.50 per dozen sectio: “Bale hay—About steady. Arrivals on rack moderate. No,1 timothy, car ion on track here, $9.25 to $10, two- ton lots, delivered, sell ut $10. Baled straw—Car lots of eins oat straw, are quoted on track; and ton lots, delivered, a $6 to $6.50. Hops—Offerings dese and prices easy. New 1900 crop is now quoted at 11 to 180, and eatin at 8to 9c. LI e Toronto, Oct. 9.—Only 35 carloads of |iive stock were received this morning yestern cattle yards, including gs, 270 cattle, and about $00 sheep ‘land lambs. There was no maiket, only a few off utter, — Easier. Creamery. boxes] © A despatch from London; says;— |Lord Roberts reports to the War Of- fice, that a force under General Cle- ments had surprised a Boer sa mear Rustenburg, capturing 29 waj gons, some rifles, and 10,000 con of ammunition. Dhe Sy British cas ualty was one wounded. Lord Roberts adds that the casual- m October 1 ported, only seven having been wound- ed. cured Included Much Ammunition, - REFUGEES RETURN. A despatch from London says;—The Foreign Office has received the fol- erie despatch from the British Commissioner in South Africa ay ane Milner;— efugees will begin to return to fee Transvaal October 16, at the one thousand weekly. at least three months to repatriate those who are waiting in South Africa. 1-2 oa : — cattle here we had ademand at un- changed prices, but the bulk of the stuff was unsold, Stockers, feeders, and export bulls ed. For stockers we had Sheep are unchanged and steady, | with alight demand. lots of choice lambs sold up to 4eper aie a choice lambs sold up to 4c per pou: ie are unchanged and steady. Prime hogs are selling at 61-20 per b, Sows are worth 81-2¢ per Ib, and | stags 20 per For fat and light hogs the ontside price was 51-2 per Ib. Hogs to fetch the top price must be of prime quality, and scale not below 160 nor above 200 Tb: Buffalo, Oct. 9.—Spring wheat—No. 1, spot, carloads, 89 1-4c; No, 1 North- ern, epot, 86 840. Winter se Re '2 red, 78; No. 1 white, 76c ;. mixed, es. Corn—Firm ; No. 2 yellow, 40 3-46; 2 corn, 460 i Onta-St rong ; No. No. 4 white, 25 1-4; No. 2 mixed, - a to 24 420; No. 3 mixed, 23 3-4 t arley—Ohio on track, Sve; Weetera 50 to Gao ask Rye—No. 2, nominally 56 1-2 to Bie. Flour—Steady. Detroit, October 9.—Wheat closed— No. 1 white, cash, 7 1-40; No. 2 red, 19 cee October, 79 1-2¢; De- Minneapolis, Oct. 9.—Wheat—Octo- ber, 79¢; December, 79 to 79 1-8 ; May, 81 1-20; to arrive, 82 1-8¢ ; No. 1 North- ern, 80 1-2; No. 2Northern, 77 1-2 to 79 1-8c. Plour—se higher; first pat- ents, $435 to $4.45; second patents, $4.15 to $4.25; firet cea $3.15 to $3.25; econd clears, Bran—In balk, ie to $1225. Duluth, Oct. 9.—Wheat closed :—No. hard, cash, - 5 a to arrive, 82 3-4e; October, 82 ; December, 85 5-8; No. anor chore: cash, 80 5 December, Sic; May, 83 3-8¢; No. 2, to arrive, 80 8-40; October, 80 5-8c; Northern, 7 5-8. Corn—4lc. Oats—23 3-4 to 28 1-20. Milwaukee, Oot. 9—W! oe oa No. 1 Northern, 81 1-4 t 2 do, 79 to 80 1-2c. es tead: . 1, 55 to 59 1-2c. Barley—No, 2, 58 to 59 ; sample, 45 to 5 SLAUGHTERED EACH OTHER Cossacks Mistoox “the French for | Boxers and Fired Upon Them. rom s ‘Taku despatch to the Tribune says he ussians. mistook the French for Box- the attack on Shanhai-Kwan, ed the fire. Six Russian soldiers and seven Frenchmen were kille and fired on them. The French retarn- qu HOLD 16,000. PRISONERS. Burghers surrendering Daily, Rob- ts Report despatch from Londo The War Office has received the ; following | despatch from Lord Roberts, under | dacs of Oct. 6;— | “Methuen arrived at Rustenburg | Yesterday. He had two engagements | with Commandant’ Lemmer’s foret perl 25. - His casualties were one severely and two slightly wounded. Seven Boers were killed and 24 made nts is sending 24 prisoners from mtapaticesery. The total num-— ber of Boer prisoners is now 16,000. The burghers are surrendering daily. “Kelly-Kenny reports that he had an engagement lasting three hours at five officers wounded and one officer missing. The Boers lost heavily. “A detachment 0 ‘fthe Lo endeavoured to surprise Boers near Bultfontein, October 4, but had to retire after three hours’ fight- ing, with six men wounded.’ “Commandant Miller has surrender- < to Clery, and Commandant Dirksen nd others are on their way to Pre evi $6 sutrender > CHINESE REPULSE RUSSIANS *| Foree Col. Artamonoff to Retire fen. From Attaek on 14,000 A despatch from Moscow, says: . | Artamoaoff, on a reconnoitring exp: — | tion, discovered ng pi }]south of Shswang-Chung-Pu a body of 14,000 rebels with 30 guns. sians advanced under a strong fire, bat tad to retire. bodies of rebels along the THunchue road, and towns. ‘The Chinese squadron is rapidly be- has occupied three smali ling placed ona war footing. Twenty vessels, including 13 battleships, are at Fu-Chow, and 22 torpedo gunboats and 14 supply boats and coast defenders are ay. ; at Canton, The Chinese Legation confirms the report’ of Prince Tuan’s disgrace, and announces that he will shortly be tried. THEIR WORK IS DONE British Bu Beadquarters in U.S e Closed. FY ae oo Chicago; says:— special to the Record from New AS leans says ‘The British army headquarters in ‘this city are to be closed soon. Since the English officers were sent here in August, 189, to purchase supplies, 15,- 000 hors shipped th Cape antities is the pay 000,000 in English gol a Fierce Battle A despatch from St. Petersburg , says;—The Russian general staff has ceived a despatch dealing with the | operations north of Old Niu-Ohwang, which says that General Fleischer’s engaged the Chinese on a yast plain covered with high grass. The Rus- sians lost two officers killed and 15 the same advices Col. “ with two squadrons of caval aly, ete bie such with fow disci ¥ diyision of 6,000 men, with artillery, RUSSIANS LOSE HEAVILY 2 Officers Killed and 18 Wounded in With Chinese. Indian_troops s. The British Germans eaaligus sending There are renewed preparations for an expedifion E force against Pao- Ting-Fu. The troops will probably leave ina fortnight, and columns from Pekin will co-operate wi fee ithe Boxers are there ee - Pronounced | Tnourable. | HEN A SERVANTIS A eae E ioe a Stuart Phelps dedica! TRE heed or ae Ra FORAN Which are in the Octo Journal, in these words: change of fortune, devot — fidelity to monotonous duty, and af- Following Inflammat! 8 See fection warmly tendered and returned ere Cough xet in wr ecior Aald these. the mistress of, a ho vsebold Her Case Was MopelestDr. Wittiams' counts jealously among the treasures | Pink Pils Mave Restored Mer Wealth. OF is. Po. ao sacred and sa subtle from the Recorder, Halifax, N.S is the power of a human home that} at those who have ever formed one family . can never be or become to one another like strangers without the gates tells a wonderful story of her ¢om- the unwritten names of the capable, plete restoration to health, after a honorable and loveable women who protracted and distressing period of bave given me ha Hae in giving me service I inscribe this s Mrs. Agnes Foran, who resides £1 Agricola street, Halifax, N. S., extreme illness, and she attributes her present happy condition, unde } Providence, to the marvellous quali 'Syrup will not ill not give i representative of the rder, who stated his mi oe RE cordially welcomed bim to her pleas- | phi. iv ecnelt paie e ant home, where in the presenca < Giiauee to hea mother and sister, she freely told ness and recoy- y years ago I Ditrared meyers ACiaek af tufem tion of the lungs, and was etinaed Rana iy: onle of the ‘be Chicagoan, in London,—Well, city = poliak ansntekobat eh ‘should remark! Why, the tops of & complete wreck, so that I could | tem are covered with snow the year not do any work, suffering’ all the ,#7ound! time from palpitation of. the h | —+-— row _prdstrelion( eed rianlog s | Mil lars ‘Entiat Cures Diphtheria Rea a my head. eeceentite ressing cough and for ESTIMATE. never knew what it was wouldn't marry good night’s rest. For two years. the best man on earth! y life wae a perfect misery to me, He, calmly—Yes, I know;, but how pS eter aes PREITY TALL. Englishman—You have some pretty high buildings in Chicago, haven't Bt SSA IRS iL te. no pur. [atesgete desivable qualifications, are pur- lant to and at the sam y despaired: of by |fecttal, ni eto be found all my friends who were assured by |“ £ the doctor that my case was beyond ai conte Rt le aa ited by the clergy of my church and Sisters of Charit kind and eympathetie and 1o on me as one whose earthly about run. I exper'uiented with sorts of remedies for my cough, but | without avail. My druggis Tas¢ |i advised me to try Dr, Pills. Being fairly dit ; JEPEAS IN THE mm a PAR EAs dren like i poate APPEAL. Oustomer—But I can’t eat Wa u what you can do till “you try! y bad bumor if were inhumanly al treatment vere denied them, and iA many cases a8 they were buried alive. d trie r, and by the taken seven or well as laughingly admit that I don’ ar Sirs,—This is to certify that 1 daghter’s long oye bave been troubled with @ lame back gust seems like @ dream to us all that ‘°F ela th boi tes of you We On0e déapaited of her lite, when’ MINARD'S LINIME om eon me now see her the pink of health.” iy cured a peer: pea Nog Meche , Woran said that when on a | Jt gives mit Bits Bat liberty to use visit to England about a year ago this in any way to Sis contfactadsa: heavy’ Gold ad wae: gone: volustle medioine OR OREES Re AURIS BEN E Two Rivers, ROBERT ROSS eough, but she s the bas and by i time she N she was as well cit ~ ORGANISE- WITH A RECORD. An organist, who died in Sweden had held the position. of choirmaster ted 4 number wish oe had advis- chronic Williams* She mentioned particularly and dia ancestors bd * of hers ivi: iat emia seb. tie eamse cay ch fon 200 years | : tondition of-health, but was now al hy young woman oe owed the the reporter was ee ve signatare is on overy box of the zenuine Mrs. Foran, said; “Iam very is to "Laxative k Bromo “Quinine 2 isp day Williams’ Pink Pills have done “for me and you can say that I shall NO WONDER. and I bless the good Lord that they a congregation as 1 did this morning my way at a time Eve Piuk Pills and Pie with the best atthe was run down and in a wretched fact to the use of the pills W When 6G ULE have the opportunity to testify wha’ Dr. never cease to sound their praises, | Rector—I never in my life touched hope that I could live.” and organist in one church for 72 ars without missing a service. He é’or- When you took joves remained on SOME CHINESE PROVERBS. “WISDOM FOR WOMEN. | gods honor her who thinketh er Ii ro tae sbe will sacrifice all for her pride. Give leed to the voice of an old wom- an; sorrow has given ber wisdom. A haughty woman stumbles for she cannot see what may be in her way, deeauinn without abled hes edt yet the most previous of her jewels. woman desirous of being seen by trnstworthy: fear her glance. . Like sheep that be leaderless are many women who bave come Rene for much talk. Woman is the ease for that Pat pains the father; she is balm for his troubles, Respect always-a silent woman; great the wisdom of the woman that hold- etb her tongue. Give heed to her to whom children have come; she walks in the sacred ways and lacks not love. ‘Trast not the woman that thinketh more of herself than another; mei will not dwell n knows noi ber beautiful, A mother not spoken we children is an enemy of the state; she should not live within the kingdom's wall. VRS CUBRVVAABHS BOSD Paint your hoase with good elean fresh made paint and you will have reason to be proud of its appearance--not only “for a, short while, but for a good long ; AMS SAY’S | PAINTS © % _ will give ra seasons A woman who mistakes her place ee a h has been covered up from her ey sk woman that respects herself is more beautiful than a single star; more beautiful than many stars at night. A) woman that i t loved isa kite from which the string has been taken; she dr h with the wind and cometh to a long fali. nay 3 mga itt Wor Wi your ott aorta of the Queen, Sake AS every peton ‘i art a would like anh acu every Aine I THO: nove, THEY WERE IN you gather ation of old and cadaiedeen ve d sermon” to ihe was the latter's reply. PEAS y to read the testi i mies See ON ACCOUNT OF THE FAMILY. ty qieant by a “tnmily fail- > pat’ “| never heard of a family my son; it is ths head of the a thal fails, BRE Brasistt BELLS OF PEKING. a bells of Peking, seven in num- ber, ich 009 pounds. mi MED BEDS ARE POPULAR. be made to seem stuffed with roses or violets. 3 | pete gs es THE GENTLEMANLY BURGLAR. | Are you suffering front nervous weakness ey, liver: oF iomach © com] plaints, rbeum: . kid: the Judge—The evidence shows that ism, Tame back, ‘pains o: ‘aches in’ any part| not troubled bi ? Do you feel yourself growing hon you entered houses you never HST Told too scout Ifyou are a man wi ARE YOU WEAK? s Comp: fede id ieeant ee wm 7 sels by its rpose a Keeping: flies away is Rodina ant Ibis a Liver Pill.—Many of the ailments that man Pet fo contend with have their “entered the rooms secupied by wo- of nature, Team guarante Bie ree, Pnine eae THREE MONTHS’ TRIAL. ‘oner 7 me silly to see wimmen with thei nett Ietters from my, gt sealed, free. ¢ you acurein three months ‘with my wonderful Electrie Beit sordered liver, which is a delicat ‘pecuilarly susceptible to the disturbances Phat come from irregu- lar babi jack of care in eating and dink ng. This neesunty for great ators now paseo m the GE Wisse there’ 3s oe, 3 jon and aso es ae pa al |e, Beer A little story comes-from » seaside | village in Normandy, where a well- known man of letters is staying company with a young writer of trifles at a somewhat eats hotel. s. vmer address would He is not a rich man.” andlord,, delighted with the presence 1 his house of the man of > int hi it Do ues S$ frontend to baw for the purse of his Bat a few days afterward ° he fi K a wees mous author came to him, saying: ger than that of my young friend. It would humiliate him; & like that “By the way, don’t let my bill be big are so extremely Hinard’s Liniment Cures Garget in cows NO gusr TO IT. Miss Summit—He is too enormous ly rich for you, dear. de—What do you mean? mit—Why, with a man like that, there Tpeuldstis Ho foal ta beet exiavagant. $100 ened $109. of, aper will be pleased to * Teast fis e dreaded disease as 9 cure in. sik nd staces a I's Cata Carole the oly. pos ww known ro tire medical Polio os Stasrh being n cous: tutlonal dix eet nal rea eis e macting aire upon fhe boot and ees 0 the system, therel ny minAsiOn. of =the dee ae “iB olny ‘he pri) es f faith Fr we sehen ty efter nn Hun- to cure, Sold by a Ti Halt F Cat eran ee PROFICIENT. * ap is ‘a Ohinsse “proverb ae A t but o7 tranch.” ‘There ie. solting, faites 5 Chinaman ay lying mn diftere once. ain Soe ae £0, ‘Theamatism, nipples, or infinmned breas! ——_—_ ENCOURAGEMENT. MITTATR HIM. @ He—Would you object seriously to must resist on , then, I’m not | ,, Give Ai PAINTER OF THE INDIAN. Charles H ens, whose painting jecorates the cover of the October Lad‘es' Home Journal, is a ose artisi. student. of be Indian and Indian life, and is regarded asa very high author-— ity:on all that pertains to the pictur- esque side of the Red Man. He was formerly an instrucior in the Philadel- r Barber Btepbeas are the of all lovers of black and d white art, 4 mn eauses. Danial estion. Birmclewe Vee ale Pills, prepare ithe So e011 Rpounaed ‘ roner action, a te ip eer tes. - 4 COWS HIDE, The hide ofa cow yields about 88 pounds of leather. anny Soult Sey ‘per day. flotel Balmoral enersits OR BALE—CHOICE FARM! ‘Ont. Write for particulars, ine, Ont. ras men, da prompr attention. D. & 3 FOR OVER FIFTY. YE W'S, SOOTHING Synue 1, 0. 0. F. Buildiag, Toronto. — course f inaividaad ipatraction mal susinoss fn Gi Ser ject, Shorinand, Typewriting, Ete . i te rienced teachers, es pe es se

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