: _ Blots, ecronmn i 1900, ‘Tt was an icy reception that Mark Soe “Hanna met with at Chicago. « ate ae. Did you ever notice the difference in ecordiality of a candidate for office before and after getting it? ate The Democat, who threw the block - of ice among a galaxy of Republican speakers at Chicago the other evening, no doubt cateudeny to Mark Hanna. _ Ex-President Baal Kruger has al- “ready experienced the difference be- tween bossing his own country and be- ~ ing a guest depending on the courtesy | of another state. The goverpor of Lorenzo Maranei:aliowed him to use _ bis Garriage aud while driving Kruger ~ met some of his countrysnen and made ‘them a speech, whereupon the gover- nor refused him the use of his carriage and forbid him to wear the green sash, the insignia of his office. 4 ate The electors of Great Britain are laying aside for the time being. party feelings and supporting the govern- ment of Lord Sulisbury, thereby eo dorsing his policy, with regard to South Afries, nearly all the mem- bers in the last parliament who op- posed the war are among the defeat- ed, the result is that the government] ¢¢) will BO. back. much strengthened and the e “people are standing together. Boer war is the cause of the elections going in fayor of the government for outside of its foreign policy it has not accomplished much good for the eae: 4 oe Mr. Lawrence A. Wilson, a liquor dealer of Montreal, read an address at ~ asmeeting of the licensed victuellers agSociation held there last. week, in, which he attacked Hugh ae Mac- donald for introducing prohibition in “Manitoba and insisted that the mem bers of the association should vote for business in preference to part ty. This ‘ Position is ease to the one taken by A Cool Topie, (Ottawa Journal.) Seriously speaking this cold storage scheme is not likely to pears Tey warm issue in the eampai he Trotting Record. corsa Plain Dealer.) {bas taken fifteen years to eut the mile ete recor m_ five and one-half but ote was very tough cuttin; Keep Your Eye on Him (Winnipeg Telegram.) i n organ refers to Hugh John Macdonald as “the Brandon Bronecho.” That is-not so ad. Just watch dim buck Clifford Sifton out of the se: rents and Boy: ~~~ (Hamilton ‘Times ny going hellwards for ibaa? that supervision and discipline y in their neglected. off- ‘That’s Another Story, (Toronto Star.) The Hamilton Spectator announces His Father’s Image. House and Three Acres For Sale, That valuable property consisting of three acres with four lots bordering upstairs and four do le 18x 26, Inthe gar further tieulars apply to Cy ae % ohn Roese, Milverton P. O. pacha From Mr. Richard Hamilton's, on Wednesday, Sept. 26th, a tw old red heifer, dehorned. n Milverton: ont sie WANTED ‘One; pnechas tied experience ii house ae a nd can wash and iror. Good wages to a good girl. Addres: giving re erences, ¢ to Mrs. O’BEIRNE, Care Beacon Office. Stratford will (with your help) make .S - The unusual warm weather for ee ine ene fein ea sales fae not quite been up : the prices so low that yo $1.50, and $1.75. $1.00, $1.25 and $1.75. and 35¢. DRESS GOODS DIVISION Camel Hair dress goods at 75¢., Black Crepon at 75¢., Home Spuns at “$rand $1.25. A nice line of heavy dress goods, suitable for skirts and coats at 25¢. In checks we have lovely things from 12%c up to 75¢. all new ; goods FLANNELETTE DIVISION $1.25, A nice line we are selling, 20 yards for $1, a better line 14 yards for $1, a nice: dark line 12 yards for $1, something nice and heavy in nice pink stripes 8 and 11 yards for $1. ey Department a u know we were unfortunate to loose our Milliner last week, but were very. ree to get Miss Slack, of Clark, Pennoch & €o.’s wholesale millinery house, Lon- don, to help us out, we invite one and all to visit our Millinery Department whether you buy or not, come in and ge Ail the leading styles in ready-to-wear nats. ¢ 2equainted with Miss Slack, it costs you nothing. 1 Fine Elec Seal Coat, size 36, chan, a dandy, at $30. guaranteed. Come in and get a ou the usual discount. No people is our motto. Ladies’ Jackets and Furs Ladies’ Jackets we, imported from Germany and you know what that means, quality right and fit pay. You know we don’t do what some merchants do, put the price away up and-if you can be caught well and good, but if you should w can buy the same coat for less than half of former price, with us its- different, we put one price on our coats and if you are a cash customer we will allow Underclothing Division ~ We carry.a complete range, in men’s we have 25 dozen to choose from, so do not pass us if you need anything in that line, in boy's we have a very nice line at 25¢ to 45¢ according to size. In ladies’ we bought unusually heavy, it will pay you to see our leader at 25c. Children’s we ex- pect in a few days. $45; 1 Fine ey try on, no. fit no ait a while you Groceries Try our 25e Japan Tea, bought before the ad- vance in price. Nothing but best Sugars kept. humbugging the yourself with whom you the counter for $10. Co's. goods made to order. Boy’s school coats at close prices. Ready-Made Clothing Department We do not care what other merchants advertise, or do you but know its not the hen that cackles the most that lays the largest egg, you just let them cackle but see for We can be best suited. handle nothing but Union Clothing One of the nicest lines of Overcoats that was ever put om Grain bags, 200 doz. up, See our flannels at.14 and 25c., can’t be beat. Ww. K. LOTH. Bups for Sale Two thoroughbred ei] Seatah collie pups, rom pedigreed stock oe W. 8. TURNBULL. Milverton P. O. WANTED. Immediately, a young man wit! some ex| y | mfactory. Apply w temperance people. A strict adherence to both these positions is a mistake for after all the right to sell or the ppression of the sale of liquor is only ‘of minor consequence in comparison with the many great questions affeat- ng the welfare and: progress of the. watry with which the goyernment st deal aud voters should vote with “consideration to larger issues rather than to smaller ones., ‘ he The Stratford Herald in its issue of turday bad an article commenting ‘apon the remarks made by. us last eek with regard to the Mormon guage aed poueeay ‘the Herald doubts and is nln “upon reputable witnesses who were resent to write that journal and er confirm: or deny the allegation. | ¢ » the Herald that we le F rS0D8 who were present” and no | Apples sion could. induce ve that they bad not heard Brigham Young, that prince of — Dizamists, lauded to the skies for his noble lite and character, that he might |§ > ah amount | of per E STRATFORD CLOTHING Cc WHOLESOME BREA. Why not buy the best; i costs youl no more tha poor stuff and saves you < doctor's bill for treatin; _ dyspepsia, Our bread i the best bread; everybody likes.it. Do not be afraic to try it. V. WEITZEL, The Baker. COMMERCIAL. Muuvuserox October 4, 1906 $ 63 Fall wheat per bush. Spring wheat, per bush ‘sh per Spee pee toned Begs per doz arly pee: Pound He Sheaice per ead i be emulated by all- striving towards Peis sigh endeavor. Neither could. they Wo uaded to believe that pulygamy ; Shales “J do nothesitate to say Tia ‘there are men in this congregation to- day who are not satisfied with one woman.” than this is not necessary to convince the most skeptical that these people Surely more direct language 0: ea Fall Wheat Sprig: Whe! Barley 3, per bag - patos Ua r bag. pe Deoedd hold as one polygamy of the tenets of shgir, unhallowed doctrine. j Diss Teck pee wt Sta | 3 years and never tooksecond Because I make the best. 6} " 88 my competitors realize it. 33 we ted Ask the First Prize Baker EXECUTORS otice to Creditors In the estate of Shaw Stewart, late ied on a befo! ai DAY OF oe Eee es to J. signed iho len veased a statement in writing of their ; listribnted to any person rg claim Mies | shall ee have nates ee we time of such ribation Dated at Listowel his tenth day of October, cs H ipo, $8 ‘H STEWART. "thi rete : Bolieitor. BREAD. I have been in business four prize for bread. HY? | The’public knows this now ‘To Cali at your house. sG. GUENTHER IF YOU WANT Something Better Than the general run of Foot-. wear visit * The LATEST” Shoe Store And ask to see Our Men’s “SOUVERIGN ” Shoes for | Men, and “ Empress Shoes” for Women, prices $2.50, $3; and $3.50. They are the kind that satisfy. ae J. G. Grosch & Son Complete stock of Trunks & Valises. All kinds of Farm Produce taken, “Why Wait? Don’t you know that time has a way of flying? Before you know it the cold Fall Weather will be here, and at that time you will want A FALL SUIT_=.. OVERCOAT Now is the time to order it and be prepared for the - weather. We have just received a new line of Suitings, Overcoatings,, Trouserings, Ete. Call early and get them cheap. Hi. Knechtel as ee aa ee. Milverton, - Fall WE DESIRE — To thank our many customers for their liberal patronage that kas‘enabled us ‘to accomplish a | / | | | TTT errr most successful business year. successful one by selling nothing but FIRST-CLASS GOODS AT CLOSE PRICES___ Our stock for Falland Winter is very complete, in all departments:you-will find our goods: ancl In conclusion we bespeak for your trade, Yours ot We shall endeavor to make: the: coming year a: more prices right, and invite you to call and have a look through, very truly, E. H. DIERLA min The Milverton Sun Brantford’s population is 16,314. mp. chimaeys | ° THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 1900. GENERAL NEWS GULLED FROM AL ALL SOURCES. Berlin’s population is now 9,696. iciesae Day will be on Oct. 18th this year. "The crops in Manitoba have suffered much this year from rain. jaw is prevalent among some herds of cattle in Caradoc. Some animals had to be killed. Latest estimates place the loss of life by the storm in Galveston and Southern Texas at 7000. Mr. James Tolton, of Brant, has mon to ae Edward Tsland i act judge of sheep and swine at the} ,, Provineial Exhibition there. tev. B. F. Austin and others have been granted a charter of incorporation as a company to publish in Toronto a spiritualistic paper called, “The Ser- mon.” One of the big trusses which are being used in the coustruction of th new opera house at Stratford fell on Wednesday last and did considerable damage to the the building. Fortun ately no one was hurt. A letter has been received in tawa from the auntioritiee of the Pari} *" rst pri ¢ Domin the ane en jury of the exhibition for an exhil of oduce CE ote bi dred ears of It is quite pombe that = good ie Ponbli eden the price. H. McMillan, of Winnipeg, is Manitoba's new Lieutenant-Governor. Premier Laurier will open his On- tario tour in Toronto on Tuesday, Oct. 16. A farmer in East Luther township made $427.50 from 20 acres of clover seed re Grain returns show that 2 past six months. Eight Italians coming from a co! liery at Latimer, Pa., were Seo and pursued by 25 women, Expenses of the government of the Yukon from July, 1897 to. December, 1899, were $3}215,165; revenue $3, 869,930. be St. Marys fall fair was mo: ttendance being much larger than eee Lord Roberts reports that several an ople settled in Canada in Ae he est number of Canadians who have lost their lives in South Africa to date 9. The Reeds Church of Canada raised during the past year for mission purposes, $276,489.05, Dr. Warden says that the Presby- terians of Canada are preaching the Gospel in sixteen different languages. Two battalions of. Germans defeated the latter losing 400 men and the for- mer only five, ‘Typhoid fever is prevalent in Wood- stock. There are eighteen cases in the hospital and eighteen cases have been refused admission. Judge Finkle, of Woodstock, in tak- ing evidence on a Nissouri ditch case, visited the scene, examined the ground ia then held court in the regular way on a lumber pile. Wm. Sloan, formerly a, schoo teacher at Brussels, Ont., has been Boer commandants surrendered re- cently, and that es ver prisoners now number 16,01 an named William hae be mie 3 lived with his father| w! near Pinkerton station, was instantly killed by a tree falling on him. Several persons who were implicat- sted at Brussels on a charge of Sep against Prince Albert of ops comes from Milwaukee that a sap Girl” has snuggled some- aoe like $400,000 of diamonds: into nited States at the Canadian a chiefty with tha aid of her pet/ dog. The canine got them in pieces |" fat. tch from Bloemfontein says Boer prisoners in hy be| soon, be declare | le} Cape Town and tlsonhore will j issue al di ‘public protest. cut ed with Sipido in the attempt to as-! Argu: sinate the Prince of Wales have been | Jast to Miss Davis, of Mitchell. The u heady encamp- law, Geo Pos est- nominated as an Independent Liberal candidate for Nanaimo, .B.C., in the coming Domiuion elections. The ae Satie of the Princess Sada, the young Japanese noblewoman who is betrothed to the young Crown Prince of Japsh is to cost the astonish- ng sum of $500,0 Harry Davey, of the St. Mary's us, Was, married on ceremony was performed by the stats Fitliin Roe. Davey, of Waterford » Minister of Agricuiture--has cae arrangements for the fumi_ Aeradnen Os apenas Crake AG save'time ee Jane Brotherson, widow, a iB with her son-in- wis, nt 52 Argyle road, walked ahrouigh the Canadian Pacifi¢ Weduewap * jae colar of Ottawa is over ICANADAS’ SONS Just on KOPJE and VELDT Published South African War. by Very Rev. Principal Grant, at the front. trated, only $1.50. pectus. Mention this paper. The Bradley- An authentic account of the Canadian Contingents in the By 7. G. Marqis, BrAy Introduction L.L.D. Based’on the official despatches of Lieut.-Col. Otter and other commanding officers Complete in One Volume, 500 pages, richly illu” Agents coining money. Get free’ Pros Carretson Co.jtimite BRANTFORD, ONT, Fiivana lind 257 cases of yellow fever during September, and over 60 deaths. Ivisenid that the allies may de mand from China an indenmity o $200,000,000. Hugh Jobn Macdonald, in fluence to have the duty taken off agri- cultural machinery. es Grand Forks, N. D., despatch Wit five 8 ae fertile veldts of Dakota and North- eastern Montana. asserted that s so great-has been Tt the increase in the pork packing es tablishments in Canada that the num- ver of hogs being esret | is not sufi Farmers ir own hands. Private Fred Hess, of Battery 0, . Ist Artillery, formerly of Listowel, 5. was drowned in the Galveston flood. Canadian trade this year is the largest in the history of the country and exceeds last year by $50,000,000. Typhoid fever has become Since valent in Windsor. There are aid 6 be nearly 100 cases in the Sts - .|and new ones are developing di Word comes odes niet a an: other murder r the scene of the double ready at Boissevain. The body of a woman has been found in a: + ell. . Pus : Winfield Townsend, a negro, was burned at the wary) in me little towa of Eclecti in ww ey hile which send’s body to ashes, te by bloodhounds and found in e The voted “4. te ids of disposing of him and i burning Ne the red bye