el Human Nature. He weeps. Tis a sad sight in To see deed, the tears roll down his cheek, As he sways like a oti tosse A man can often improve his man- ners by dropping some of them McLaren’s «ORGANIZATION —_ MEETINGS Ata Republican meeting held in Chicago the other evening, Mark ra canal boat To and fro in awful agony he rocks, His mind and body rack— Because some idiot put Red pepper in the place of blac Mornington Township Council. ‘he council met Ses Donaeey 's hall, ac cording to pened er all members being present. Th utes of last meeting were read and signed, clerk laid before the council a petition signed by |Danielt Zel d_sixteei thers, praying for a union school + section between Mornington and Wel- lesley. ‘The s authorized to issue the following orders;—T. Scott 0.00, A. Kirges 69.00, R. ‘Pucker $1.50, y SI. 00, 0; Natziger 0, J. Cassel $1 * Fy : Hen- 200, ie Diana "30040, H 31.00," W. Martin $11, 10, VW. | it ont Chal 3440, Mrs. Kropf $i4.b, J. h guciaster $2.40, N. Lithy $33.10, J. deniried Uitnodon Hellataciat tie deep-|. me “Have really’ ‘been murdered. as a, T, Langford $30.09 $17.- rm of baptism and was ex-| Suspected ‘Their bodies were recov- 22.40 $2.00, M. L. Whitney $119.18, | perimenting with the household cat| ered in an old well which had been &. Lintick 88.00, J. Kress $10.20, A. {and a bucket of w the animal | partially filled in, Quering $13.00, H. Freeborn $8.00. C. | evidently did not beleive in immer- Yost $1.00, Hh, Petters 8 8.00. sion, for she resisted, bit and scrateh- me ogee 2 Gi ed until finally the little boy, with his nes uate eae hands covered with scratches and (Detroit Tribune.) with tears in his eyes, gave up the| py | aot aaut tho soreraton ot the| The, sot barons bare desde to the petition of Daniel Zehr and sixteen | cat. Dog-gone you I" she eried, 5 E pgyeea/ iit wowatel, to tort ming @ union |" go and, be. ‘an ‘Episeopal cat if you| °S® slightly higher wage. S. 8. with Wellesley to attend the| want to first meeting of the council at 2 p. m, ey cee ae ari The tend the next two meetings in the ¢ afternoon. ‘The council adjourned to meet again on the first Monday collectors were requested to at- OHN WATSON, k, "THREE PAPERS IN ONE. Eight pages of summarized and classified n Bight pages of practical agri ultural and live arti cles. ight pages of interesting fetion and magazine °WHEKLY HAIL AND EMPIRE 8 Sections. 24 Pages, $1 A YEAR. Balance of 1900 free with subscription | g for 1901, Hanna was made the target for a ten- pound chunk of ice which dropped thrpea’ an aperature in the tent over the speakers’ stand. Nort bh rth Liberal: Comer faite Advalatian: will be held follows: LISTOWEL—Friday, oe 12. ELMA—Atwood, Tuesday, Oct. 16th. MILVERTON—Wednesday, Oct. 24th MORNINGTC -Newton, Thursday, C 8th. ELLICE—Rostock, Friday, Oct. 19th. LOGAN—Bornholm, Oct, 15th, marked that “the ice tru: dence in a new role.” ist was in evi- a caretaker of the ee piggery, Toronto, was killed ina bar room brawl at Toronto on Tuesday by a man named Taverner. The row started over politics. X Probably Warner, Monday, , The o'clock, ase vis? will Sues at 8 pang other the oldest resident ° pace i be ipusecns! - i ; ponte at Mies Mol eset tere Pee North Easthope, died at the home of inv Mr. Caspar Berdeaux, Nithbarg, on Tuesday last, in the person of James Short Stories Retold, see ‘The deceased tae d the advanced age of 9 @ Townsend Brady tells Ohisrles J: Daw and a “Smith, MEME co a ag B. C., Miner. g wile ® Lewis Smith sold a carload of lambs rieve for shipment to Buffalo, inate | ‘Anywhere between (:30 and 3 a. m. rank Kraemer rented the store ip finding water at 88 tee The friends of Tho: Beulknar will bepleased ta teae that | he is mi ter and will soon be| around again, Mr. and Hawthorne, of Millbank, were the guests of W. ntony Hope sueceed in getting into the British Hou: {of Commons, they will do more than two greater novel- its ‘Thackeray vand ‘Trollope—tried do but couldn ee Armstrong for a few days. The Ereezy Western fb xSamuel Burnett sold a team of ance Ran: horses for $205, e has Richardson of Lisgar su ee Tribute to Mackenzie (Goldwin Smith.) of William ike a ebal- ToAiteet tele loyalty Mien sone st, public pid little man, whose would man with a wooden leg would make, Bai se to the a Macken: lik iene un pes eV Lord Russell Two Notable Irishmen : ad Parnel Limitless Uxhibitions Of new and tempt- ing bargains in Watches, Clocks, Rings, Chains, Cuff Links And the very latest in SILVERWARE at rock bottom prices P. H. BASTENDORFF P. S.— Watch Repairing Specialty. a # Nuxe Door vo Postorrice. Ten Ay Hace The year 1899 wa: she exer bad. ¥ Gatbod inthe Year sTaterest Ri “Ly Assets. Lis interest User hy aie lsloases term thictegiinits: Separate brauvhes for Aas rake ines! $33,646,836, wJas, Invis, ox-M.P., Cun. Kray, Eso retheas. Vee psitent mon, HaizaLp Mpinging Visesior in force Javuary Ist, 1900, ‘ss of ele af The death of Tora bag ya be Kill- made hin rather a nuis in quiet x the times, but Bein Sad situation se oa brought forcib his billet. His insureetion, as i aracteristi one of the. best- ae direeted, not against the Inn- een inthe: Biteleh aaaae. governinent, bat against the| But to how ma ‘onder, has the Honinakion of a party in , |eonteimplation oi he ere tle an BIE be: Caled” are Lord. Chief Jus suggested | the eivil eee rather than obvious remark failed as an to its leade military command. proen non FE oy in the {| meno he &§ Liberalism in| Pol re Lord Porbain absolute and whose famous report rati-| Charles ee cl con ote: Gf thet fied Mashenz the |ssreed in this: that, although they envoy of the Bi °| were the forsitiog:, Irishmen of theis tied the Reforin Bill. neither of them had even the of whe Colonial faints ves Trishman of _ Charles jetr uggle-st: offi Se Russell, from Hugh Wright and moved into it Sy tas eae Vac Fie. wo’ thal new designs ad oolare, suit: less than 90 5 and 8. Hewitt have two| (Medical Record.) able for any room at per price %o..05 er cil ‘eh deo 8 going and are doing| _ Craving for whiskey is overcome by yard 75 good work. ropping a few drops of tincture of One of Sion Hewitts horses fell in elnchona far backs oft the tongue: the eistem on Sunday but was extri le ave i < nit Gat lanes BREA RIELORE aie oon a ee AP és We now have in stock 30 pair extra large of its col 1b sa ao vin. Crooimie of Millbank, drilled a (Hamilton Herald. ) CHENNILE U R A I Well for Lewis Smith and sueceeded| If Gilbert Parker, Conan Doyle and Cc TAINS Serene sstrevonsiusequiiiesonsivesniasviveuseaeseuesveneianeseesey¥e SHEN SE MSY St a et Se SY a a Se SY SY a ae a i ee GROSCH & PRERFER’S — Milverton’s Largest Store New Carpets and Chennille Curtains Choosing carpets and curtains for the new home, or to improve some room, is a joy and yet a task. There is the eye to please and the pocket to con- sider. In such cases the trustworthy knowledge of someone who understands thoroughly the different makes and their points of supremacy is invaluable. Our experience is at your service, our goods are here waiting to be spread out before you and you will find both reliable and satisfying, IRR % Best Velvet Car- pets at $1.25 We now carry a fine range of these beautiful Carpets, nice Patterns, being the product e be nglish designs Best English Brussels at $1-25 e are now in ® position to make a fine s Be; English Bra are the newest: si n the finest color effe ta all 5 Sine at per yd $1.25, they at en Pee Best Tapestry Carpets at 75e range of pattern ality, close Best 2-ply all Wool Carpet at 75e. inly 6 Dacgaln, ti pets never sellin ae | al! traveller: mples and ranging in price from $4 to $8 a pair, special price $4.25 per pair. Our stock of FURS is most complete, carrying nothing but the best goods. AUAAATHAERNEASRRETERR ER RAALERERORERE EEE R ARERR IEE FARIA AR A i Baie nd 100}inebes eWeep, All guaran- teed. _ These coats ranging in ces from $25 to $40. We Lal € « € x * we: hii f, guarantee everyone we sell. RE the Reform Bill, cane? ge n aspect, He sy, to the old ‘ea. ut) or i the conventional i= with — Lor¢ ee et the janes Om iy ic y inttalled t ae %e ve ¥% 22 Bont In the October Ladies’ Home Tour.| equal t nal Edward Bok takes ap the cudgel | Hons eS tmethoda | Moved his ii t the no eg | Until the | gr et ee RA F These Caperines ranging from $7 to $25 each 1ins in clothing. We are bound to reduce {will sell clothing for the next week re- bai our stock, anc gardless of Anew.and fashionable stock of Gent's Ties came to hand this week. UNDERCLOTHING in great variety, call and see our great leader in underwear, ‘ cE underwear, cotton fleeced and good stock Qoc. a suit. at ted | Ht he, the Lord © ange ee id, was not Theil de Was uct even a Mas art Pishwan throu ls and ae i birth, Irish in bel in politics, and Irish in t} rel a) ussell was Panes as ivdy Were elin the result desired,” WM ee We also have a good stock of Wool an Blankets, at yery, close prices. GROSCH & PFEFTER EICRIERERERIAAR EAR IE ERIE IS IACI