Milverton Sun, 18 Oct 1900, p. 3

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2 pe tetigee” The unusual warm weather for the last week has i ‘Aetecod h and sales haye not quite been up to the mark for October and samen . ane will (with your help) make the prices so low that you cannot aford to miss the chance, ions who have | sistent] pee 2 ts succeeded in bringing petite tea to @higher” perias thas ever attained befor mi es its origin to a black uard, w is eyerytine he violated th ae of pi a) paereney, aes bed it i >| DRESS GOODS DIVISION vis e m God, and to talk of The Ailverton Sun THORSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1900; z 2 é LANNELETTE DIVISION The Salisbury government is secure for another seven year regime if the Queen continues to live for that length Camel Hair dress goods at 75c., $1.25, - 50, rt $7 5 F Black Crepon at 75<0., noes ei E 1.00, $1.25 and $1.75. Home Spuns at vs pag eral that our report was il/founded and in.| 21 and $1.25. A nice line of heavy dress + |flicted an injustice upon Eider Evans. goods, suitable for skirts and coats at 25¢. ate ti to. it inion: sano wil and 3s5c. .In checks we have lovely things from 12%4c up to 75¢. all new goods A nice line we are selling, 20 yards -for g cing, contintiet6 assert $1, a better line 14 yards for $1, a nice In almost every branch of industry it is found that i it is no longer necessary to go away to find the best. Let Us Show You ae Goods dark line 12 yards for $1, something nice and ee in nice pink. stripes 8, and 11 yards for § The London Times, in a leading |™ article the other day, expresses a re doubt of McKinley cartying the presi-| oe bene end sanetion. his. faith dential electionjin the tabea Sune « aes ae hae ae, rate ee ’ Millinery Department The Times is generally pretty well in. ao Mi me: You know we were unfortunate to loose our Milliner last week, but were ver bes Sozen, who were pre BBA: Re fortunate to get Miss Slack, of Clark, Pennoch & Co.’s wholesale millinery house, Lon- ean ae on ee es don, to Pep us out, we invite one and all to visit our Millinery Department whether to the satisfaction of his ‘opponents From this the public may judge what All fot, come in and get acquainted with Miss-Slack, it costs you nothing, fReke nae te ee vigwaton walgpeuiy the tee styles in ready- to-wear hats. ‘ anakeete ‘ie pails oF Rattle very ate den with the asses ce cenite re epnper Jackets and Furs Cable rep y the intellig the church men. Elec. Seal Coat, size 86, that the Emperor of Russia, in ad. aie mil vemos Lay we spoke a an, adandy, at $30 dressing bis troops has warned them | %ord more ie to be ready to meet a new foe which is supposed to be Germany. A. con Biot with Germany would be flerce, |tho taney sa i erceos jclirs but the Bear with all his hosts, would earlier in the mune ending later probably be beaten back with terriffic| PCanade ‘too long followed the Joss ‘as German armies wil] be hewed prpigerte pes and observed to pieces before they retreat one step November pate even before the advance of an agyressive | Wheat-gro: Such a conflict would be ai nerignal cost ei aotene ou S| iscount. No Let Us Give You Our Prices WHY NOT Purchase the best goods. YOU WILL Soon be making further purchases i in our lines. OUR STORE iS NOW CROWDED with WINTER GOODS In Our Underwear Department Our Mens’ fee Undertlothing Division We have them, - a pet range, in men’s we have n toe! In Astrachan pis we fave once? n $12.00 up. Caper runent from $8.00 up. Ladiea tecketarewt imported from Germany » line av 4 yougknow what that means, quality right and tit we Eade onendeligs heavy, it will pay guaranteed. Come in and get a try on, no fit. no © our aod ler ut 250, Children’s we ex- You know we don’t do what’ some merchants at in a few days. Change for the Better. Our Dress Goods Department Is as usual filled with a good assortment of up-to-date Goods. Our Ladies’ Mantles and Furs Are, we are glad to say, what the people expect Groceries Try our 25¢ Japan Tea, bought before the ad- vauce in price. Nothing but best Sugars kept. We have almost everything. humbugging the + their value and protects the men who wear them. Sce ours before you buy. people is our motto. Ready-Made Clothing Department for reaching consequences for evil and setting apart an the demoralization of trade. Thanksgiving, a By appointment of the Governor-| °f Thanksgiving Gereral, Thursday (to day) will he ob. Princely ‘Prerogative, gervorl throughout Canada asa day of] Ay chill, the yong Grown Prince national sgiving to. Almighty of Germany, whose God for blessings which as a nation we enh ee Bil, buch pomp. baal dur ng the al recogni offering up thanks for the many Gone fits and blessings that we have been | pei peal ce the fie ricipients of ~ Never in she his end Ending Fritz in tears, demanded Sory, of Qanada have;we had more reason.) “He wouldn’t obey me,’ replied his | heir, “and sot panished hin, because or showing our gratitude than in the | Belt, rown closing days of this ceatury. hardly known in any corner of the Dominion. We are enjoying ar era of | Stretched him across his knee and ad. peace and have no thought or fear of | Quai de ae ee — ae being molested by a forvign foo. Our Tegeived- a institutions apd laws are the freest in hecau the world, and if any spot on the earth ‘or. *| is specially favored iv is the land in which we live. ter Mormon Denia. WHOLESOME mina Elder Evans, in a letter by hiniself ca the Stratford Herald and in another poor stuff and saves you a doctor's. bill for wasting dyspepsia, - Our-bread the best bread, er yal? ‘likes it. Do.not be afraid Mormon. faith, charges made by us in recent issues of the Sux wherein we stated that his re- marks, at, the “church” opening a few weeks ago implied that he favored polygamy. ‘The elder, in his own let- ter, affects, a mock humility while burning with ill-concealed rage that his utterances and villifications of other churches have erept into pubhe print and are acting as a boomerang. He COMMERCIAL. winds up his letter with a vague threat. : to have us answer for our “vile slander MILverton October 18, 1900) of an innocent man.” To that all we | Fall wheat per bus! 8 65 have to say is that we will not retract : rley per bus! one word:thab we.have published, re-| Oats 5 garding Elder Evans. or the twaddle| Apples pet bag he preaches. We can suppor by a| Potatocs mountain of testimony,every statement we have made and the honorable| 2 people of Rostock. will substantiate us| yy, ce Pound in all that we haye said. Elder Evans | Sid is now pinned up against the hard and jagged well of publie opinion and no umount of denial or quibbling will ex: honerate him from the charges made. Since making our exposure of Mor- mon doctrine in its most hideous form |. Wheat. we have received communications from Spring Wheat. 65 clergymen of various denominations | Bitley f eas 23 3s to try it. V. WEITZEL, The Baker. Ducks . who have come in contact with Ps won preachers and they are all one in Ferner : -. stating that a characteristic of those| Butter ... seen. breachers is that they will fatly deny | Fase - a ‘ag repudiate any statement made by Beef, per ewt ae Gee Th eng ae HSS TS Oats Apples, per bag. ous 9! ae ~ j tag Why, not buy the best; it costs you no more than|s 65 AN: Per J. y TERu 5 Slyears and never tooksecond prize for bread. We do not care what other, merchants advertise, or do you but know its not the hen that cackles the most that lays the largest egg, you just Jet them cackle but see for yourself with whom yon can be best suited. We handle nothing but. Union Clothing Co's. goods made to order. One of the nicest lines ‘of Overcoats that was ever put on the counter for $10. Boy’s school coats at close prices. Grain bags, 200 doz. up,- See our flannels at 14 ani 25c, can’t be béat. W. K. LOTH Y:|House and Three Acres For Sale, Phat, valuable “property co. of three acre; on Main Str good frame 18, woodshed 1 aleniecand fine dows atuice cellar. "Stable 18x 26, In For farther par- | Heulars apply to John Roese, Milverton P. 0. EXECUTORS 2s Notice to Grediters in the estate of Shaw Stewart, late the ‘Township of Morn i the County of Perth, Far Notice is hereby ¢ e Statute in that “behalf that, a ic security then and that after the said last men- Rip: re nizaniine STEWART their Solicitor. FIRST PRIZE BREAD. I have been in business four Way ? Because | make the best. The public knows this now my competitors realize it. mate fol First Prize Baker all at your house. ic. GUENTHER) IF YOU WANT Something Better Than the general run “of Foot- wear Visit e The LATEST” Shee Stcre And ask tossee Our Men’s “SOUVERIGN” Shoes for Men, and ‘“‘ Empress Shoes” for Women, prices $2.50, $3 ‘|and $3.50. They are the kind that satisfy. sd. 6 Grosch & Son Complete stock of Trunks & Valises. ne All kinds of Farm Produce taken, a as Wait? Don’t you know that time has a way of flying? Before you know it the cold Fall Weather wel ‘be here, and at tliat time you will want ‘A FALL SUIT_% me__ OVERCOAT. Now is the time to order it and be prepared for the weather. We have just received a new line of Suitings, Overcoatings, Trouserings, Ete. Call early and get them cheap. ‘KE. Knechtel Fall Mercuant Tatzor, Milverton, to find with us, Stylish and Cheap. = In Groceries We still stand in the front rank, protecting our -customers from advance in prices. In Ready-Made Clothing We have also a complete stock which defies competition. ee cae ter Te = BUTTER, EGGS aid FOWL taken as Cash. ~E, . DIERLAMMLE aT TANT Fe TTT THT TTT lined at 4oc. are double breasted, which adds to aa The Milverton ely THURSDAY, OCT CLOBER 18 1900. GENERAL NEWS CGULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. Ta the Maratime Provinces almost every returning officer is sher Incoming trans-Atlantic vessels re port very heavy weather and bigh Seas. Hon. Wm. Mulock, postmaster general, will. address a meeting, at Stratford at an early date. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has denied the H. H. Cook was ever irectly or indirectly for $10,000-tor a senatorship. Had it not been for H, H. Cook’. letter politics iu Ontario would have been comparatively quiet. It is in the West and Hast. where party feeling is running bigh. The wemboraip of the Wert Huron ers 31 t is being ae ie ae the 500 meee this year. Frank McGuire, a crippled. ciga sealer ei & Thomas, the otlier das shot twice at his sweetheart hitting her in the arm making an ugly flesi wound He then committed: suicide. The British elections are over witi the exception of a few seats and the government has been returned witt about the same majority as they har at their back when dissolution took place. dl Ars. (Dr) Glaister, of Wellesley, or a who has been ill considerable length of time with that dread disease consumption, passed away at her home on Thursday last at the early age of 28 years. Mrs Glaisver was a daugb- ter of the Inte Dr. Mortin and was} very much esteemed by all who knew | n her. Some time ago she visited the Pacific coast in hope of regaining. her hattered health ‘but it was of no avail. She leaves behind to mourn a er loss « husband and one child. The railway wileage at the jag ing of last year was 186,800 wiles. aoe is now ramored that Lord Rob- will not return home before Olicisuhal The population of Stratford during the tee has increased 336 and is now 10, de Mr. foe Bray, of Elma, has ree his farm and, will“move to Listow where he will live retires PJ. panied ihiied 21 bushels vf whei faroy in oe eenikip id vented about 700 bus! els. ‘obn Wiseman, a Nissouri farmer, was killed in 4 runaway while ease home from St. Marys one day week, Politics are red hot in the west, in fact, no campaign has ever been con- ducted where westerners took so much interest as they are taking now. Dr. Barnardo announces that oon as peace is secured in South Afcica, he will send the weakly boys there, as they cannot stand .the rigors of Canadian winters, 5 A number of Scottish grouse have yeen imported by the Canadian Gov- -rument from the Highlands of Scot- ‘nd for the purpose of stocking. the] » si orovincial parks. $ The snecession duties which the On- collect ubis wer’ $200,000. An exchange say: deed » happy, ae ela trans- they ars all ‘helps’ ; are all governors ; prison, he mere! ae ves the correction wer unable t angry, he is only excited ; nobody is is cross, he is only nervous ; lastly, no- body is dronk—the very utmost’ you se assert is that he bas tal The weather has been so fine that May flowers are beginning to come - The wife of Rev. Juhn Learoyd, o en formerly of St. “Marys, sich t her home last: week. Woodstock’s population has de- creased 75. the past year, and there is no the assessment Dr. Russell who was squeezed out Halifax’s was nominated in a Don McTavish, one. Pe, mt Rawk Ensuhops, | ek he ist bee concession 1, on Saturday orning. Rev. Haryey Grant, late of the se Mission at Honan, China, son ol ev. . Grant, of Sv. Marys, has beén appointed to work in India. The seduction case of Ogran v Wray was disposed of at Berlin on Tuesday. the defendant, who did not appear, 48 | wus assessud $200 damages. Major Maud, of the British Gold: stream Guards, bas been appointed to succeed Major military secretary to the Eark of Minto, Governor-General of Canada. The total expenses in connection, of the Government of $34 Henry Zinn, of " allace, who rize money nts to 8205 which: will pay ep ieee tac bis vesetle. ondeoae: The. grent developement of 'Prade going on in the Dominion dent by the expansion ou the loai banks, The total loans on merchan- tile paper fs Bole loans on stocks shad bonds Jas jonth was. 3344, 696,- | year ago of $65,000, posits Imve increased from $183,103,- 000. ‘The bak note circulation now of the Liberal nowination for one of | bas the The parties come from Wellesley and | Ho total was $234, 92,000. Public de-! A spinster can't learn to EY the violin unless she has-a bea The British Government ni spent $880,000 buying supplies in for its army in South Africa, If you would know how Mr, J. Frank Palmer, of Port Elgin, formerly of Strattord, has bought. the practice of she the late H. P, O'Con-. « of Walker The entire province of New Bran a. girl} wi thinks she looks, read the deseription and 1 of the heroine in her favorite povel. Mr. Bitzer, a barrister of Berlin, been nomin pose Mr. f at to op Joseph Seagram in North Waterloo. 1 Cooke says that he $10, ,000 Seagal ‘ot hin ‘An act of parliament ue changed the aahe ‘of a bushel of flax seed from 50 to 56 pounds, onions 50 pounds and lime 80 pounds to the bushel. Outside of Brandon, the most ex- citing battle will be in the city of St. John, where Hon, Geo. E. Foster and A. G. Blair are meeting bilt to hile. i, Mrs, Catharine Barclay, a woman of unsound mind committed suicide av Hyde Park, near London, last Friday by drowning herself in. a livele pool of water in the woods Assibishog Gass jer has notified | be rob-diocese of King- St me A ig that Catholics sre to refrain from round 4 ich Mr. A. Knipe; of Logan, was re- torning pare from Atwood one day id ith a load: of frames bed building Sa adoor on which Le was sitting slipped off the load onto. the horses heels precipitating: him, be- neath the wagon; the wheels passed over his body and the bind wheels would have gone over ie head but for the a arrival of Mr. W. T. Forrst. wspaper: may not bea able benef acti, says: the Kinston. ‘Yy feel thianktal for ae eae . The e tor’s mail is one half made up in shese days of requests for te ition: 6 panes kindness, _ Importunity of this August, !sort. has become a at tah owing to a with.> he success it ‘has met w been done. d many of the railway lines train e service was cancelled owing to washouts, some 150 feet long and 25 feet deep. The» conditions are the worst in years and ; thousands of dollars uf damage has ae STEINACKER YS, ORT The case of Steinacker vs. Ort was for the plaintiff, and RM, Ball, oodstock, for defendant. plaintiff, Miss Mary. Steinacker, of: Eales brings action against the r. Johia Ort, of anaes cringe to plaintiff in the fall o when she was working for her cee in Ae Plaintiff says that ta ied in the spring if a suitable farm could be got. Miss Steinacker sr cutsteak JOE laotia' Ti? ollardh s| and considerable correspondence pass: ed between the two- lovers, extracis , from which were read aloud in court. In these defendant is alteged to bnve stated that a farm cou In the spring of the next 1iff went back to Lense love had grown cold an me engaged to another young jady whom be married last. Janunsy. For this alleged breach of promise of ‘to marry the girl, but the jury sept i-|ed her story, and responded to Mr. stay proceedings, but was refuseil, and judgment yeag-entered for $1,200. and. Costs, eae Es

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